Welcome to Retail Training

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Welcome to Retail Training. Class 8. What we will learn today. Communication skills. What is communication? Why is it important for an RSA Communication in different situations Basic English skills. What is communication?. Communication is:. What you say (words, language) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Welcome to Retail Training


Welcome to Retail Training

Class 8


What we will learn today

Communication skills

• What is communication?

• Why is it important for an RSA

• Communication in different situations

• Basic English skills


What is communication?

Communication is:

• What you say (words, language)

• How you say it (tone, fluency, speed of speech, accent)


• Non-verbal signs (Your body language, etiquette, grooming)


What is communication?

Communication is how others ‘get’ what you’re saying

• What they understand (what you say)

• How they feel about it (satisfied or unsatisfied)


• How they see you ( as smart ,or not smart)


What is communication?Communication is a process

YOUWhat you sayHow you say itNon verbal

What they understandHow they feel about itHow they see you



What is communication?Communication is a process

YOU OTHER PERSONWhat you understandHow you feel about itHow you see the other person

What they sayHow they say itNon verbal


What is communication?

Communication is not only language

• To communicate well you do not need to speak top class English

• It is important to speak clearly in any language so the other person understands what you mean

Swati Bengali
we could introduce an exercise here: ask a couple of student volunteers to welcome a person with words and then without words. Ask which was understood. ( answer should be both)


Communication is not only language


• Video Clip from Bingo chips balcony?


Why communication is important for an RSA

Communication skills help you to:

• Build a connection with customers

• Have a good relationship with co-workers and bosses

• Be more effective


Why communication is important for an RSA

1. Build a connection with customers

• Helps you understand them and offer the correct solutions

• Selling becomes easier

• Makes it an easier and better experience for the customer

• Creates a good image of you and the store


Why communication is important for an RSA

Sure Sir. Would you like it black or with milk?

Can I have a cup of coffee?

I would like a strong black coffee with milk.

I would recommend a shot of espresso with milk. It is

strong and you will like it sir.

Yes, I would like that. Thank you.


Why communication is important for an RSA

2. Helps build a good relationship with co-workers

• Helps avoid misunderstandings

• Helps express yourself clearly

• Can get help and co-operation

• Work well in teams


Why communication is important for an RSA

3. Be more effective

• Better co-ordination with the team

• Make yourself understood clearly

• Finish your work faster

• Be a valuable employee!


What is communication and why it’s important

Summary• Communication is;

• What you say (language)• How you say it (tone, accent)• Non-verbal signals (body language, grooming)

• Communication is also how the other person understands you and what they think of you and what you’re saying

• Communication is a continuous process• Communication is important because it helps you to;

• Build a connection with customers• Form good relationships with co-workers• Be effective at work

• Types of communication in your workplace could include face-to-face, phone, written


Communication : role of an RSA

People you will communicate with



Head office departments


Non-staff- maintenance, delivery

people etc.


Communication with customers : face to face

Tips for an RSA

• Smile and make eye contact while talking

• Offer help

• Suggest new, popular or suitable products

• Use conversation to build a connection – offer a compliment


Communication with customers : Offer Help

Ma’am, can I help you to find what you’re looking


Sir, may I get you a shopping bag to carry those



Communication with customers : face to face

Suggest new, popular or suitable products

“Ma’am, enjoy your coffee, would you like some chocolate biscuits too?

Sir this is HP’s best selling laptop because it is very light and long



Communication with customers : on phone


• Complaints

• Enquiries

• Home delivery order


Communication with customers : on phone

Tips for an RSA

• Always answer a ringing phone immediately

• Talk slowly and clearly on the phone

• Be to the point

• Always summarise what was discussed, to avoid misunderstandings


Communication with customers on phone

1. Identify yourself and the store when answering the phone

Good Morning, this is Croma, Bandra. Rakesh speaking ,

how can I help you?Hello, who is speaking?


Communication with customers on phone

3.. Respond clearly and to the point

Can you tell me what are the store timings?

Sure Ma’am. We are open from 11 am to 9 pm, 7 days a week.


Communication with customers on phone

4. Always end the call properly, say thank you and goodbye.

See you at the store today Sir. Goodbye.

Thank you for calling Ma’am. Have a nice day. Goodbye.


Communication with customers

Summary• An RSA usually communicates with customers face to face, or on

the phone

• In face to face communication, you need to• Smile and make eye contact• Offer help• Give useful suggestions• Build a connection eg. By offering a compliment


Communication with customers

Summary• In phone communication, you need to

• Answer all phones immediately• Always start by identifying yourself and the store• Be brief and to the point• Speak clearly and slowly• Repeat the main points of discussion• Close the call by saying thank you and goodbye


Communication with customers

Act out these situations with the correct communication

• You are at Dominos and a customer has called for home delivery

• You are at Lifestyle and a customer has called to know if there is parking

• You are at Vijay sales and a customer has called with a complaint about a fridge he bought yesterday


Communication with co-workers

Types of communication

Phone(Head Office)

Face to face(boss)

Face to face (other RSAs)



Communication with other RSAs : face to face

Tips for an RSA

• Always maintain eye contact with other RSAs on the floor

• You must work as a team to serve customers

• Good relationships lead to better communication

• Always be respectful


Good communication leads to great teamwork!

• Clip of Sehwag and Tendulkar running between wickets. Focus on the signals used by batsmen, how they call each other and the way they understand each other’s signals

• Could also be clip from Chak De India (Bindiya and Gunjan scoring a World Cup goal)


Communication with other RSAs : face to face

Examples of communication

• “Please can you help me with folding all these towels?”

• “Please can you take care of this customer, because I have another customer? Thank you”

• “Thank you for helping me find the right jeans for my customer”


Communication with boss : face to face


• Daily meetings

• Reporting about a situation (out of stock, customer complaint etc.)

• Personal reasons (leave, illness, work-related problems)


Communication with boss : face to face

Tips for an RSA

• Do not be afraid of your boss but always show respect

• Take an appointment

• Never interrupt or talk at the same time

• Speak frankly and honestly

• If you go with a problem also suggest solutions, show you are smart


Communication with boss : face to face


• ‘Sir, customers are not showing interest in the new combo offer. Should we put a display at the counter?”

• “Ma’am, the customer has complained that we are not stocking enough chocolate desserts. Should we increase our stock?”

• “Sir , I would like to take leave from 1st to 5th December for my sister’s wedding. Is that OK?”


Communication with head office : on phone


• Ordering stock

• Collecting merchandising material

• Reporting customer complaints for action

• Reporting non-working equipment


Communication with head office : on phone

Tips for an RSA

• Decide what you have to say before calling

• Don’t be rude

• Build relationships : get to know the person you are talking to

• Always ask for a date “By when will it be done?”


Communication with head office : on phone

Hi Rajesh. This is Sanjeev from CCD, Carter Road store.

How are you?

Rakesh, Hi! I am fine, hope you are


Thanks, I am fine. Rajesh, I am calling because the fresh

stock of filter coffee has not reached yet.

By when will it come?


Communication with head office : on phone

Thanks Rajesh! I will try my best to

send it by this afternoon.


Communication with non-staff

Situations and people

• Driver and workers delivering stock

• Housekeeping staff

• Maintenance staff (Engineer, plumber etc.) who have come for repairs


Communication with non-staff

Tips for an RSA

• Be respectful to all

• Do not lose your temper or be aggressive

• Explain work clearly

• Say by when the work should be done

• Follow up regularly


Communication with co-workers


• At work, you need to communicate with;• Other RSAs (Face to face)• Bosses (Face to face)• Head office departments (phone)• Non-staff (face to face)

• With other RSAs, maintain eye contact on the floor, and work as a team to serve the customer

• When communicating with your boss• Don’t be afraid to speak frankly• Take an appointment• Suggest solutions to problems

• When talking on the phone to head office departments• Take care to build a relationship• Prepare what you are going to say• Take a time/ date when work will be completed

• When talking to non-staff, always be respectful. Explain work clearly and follow up to make sure it’s done


Golden Rules of good communication

Tips for an RSA

• Address customers and senior colleagues as Sir or Madam

• Be to the point

• Be honest

• Be clear

• Build relationships

• Put a smile in your voice and on your face

• Always use the golden words” PLEASE” and “THANK YOU” with everyone