Welcome to Phys 130! - Siena Collegemmccolgan/GP130F12/lectures/PHYS130Intro.… · • Online –...

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Transcript of Welcome to Phys 130! - Siena Collegemmccolgan/GP130F12/lectures/PHYS130Intro.… · • Online –...

General Physics 1

Welcome to Phys 130!

•  https://sites.google.com/site/sienaphys130fall2012/

Blackboard blackboard.siena.edu


•  Professor Michele McColgan •  Class PHYS 130 - 04 •  RB 152 •  Office hours

•  M 11:15 am – 12:30 pm •  W 10:30 am – 11:30 pm •  and by appointment

•  Professor John Moustakas •  Class PHYS 130 - 10 •  RB 225 •  Office hours

•  M 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm •  W 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm •  and by appointment

Getting Help

•  Wednesday Review Sessions •  RB 136 •  11:30 am – 12:30 pm •  1:30 pm – 12:30 pm

•  Tutoring •  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 7 – 9 pm •  By physics majors •  In RB 150 – physics lounge

•  Office hours

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Text book •  Physics for Scientist and Engineers

•  3rd edition •  by Randall Knight


•  You are expected to come to class having read the assigned chapter.

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Course Design & Grading

•  Tests 45% •  Uniform exams for all sections of

General Physics •  Exam 1 15% •  Exam 2 15% •  Exam 3 15%

•  Laboratory 15% •  You must pass lab to pass class! •  You must complete every lab to

pass lab!

•  Other 20% •  Weekly Homework •  Pre- and In-class

assignments •  Participation

•  Final Exam 20% •  cumulative

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Attendance Policy

•  Students are expected to attend all classes and are responsible for all material covered in class, even when absent.

•  Students should understand that some material discussed in class is not covered in the textbook.

•  In-class problems and activities can not be made up.

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Attendance Policy

•  Attendance is required. •  We realize that some absences are

unavoidable, and you should inform your instructor prior to missing any classes.

•  Missing more than 3 classes will decrease your overall grade by a letter grade.

•  You will be advised to withdraw from the course if you miss more than 5 classes.

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Preparing for Class

•  Assigned Reading •  One chapter or part of a chapter each class

•  Go through exercises in each chapter •  Answers are provided at the end of the chapter

•  MasteringPhysics Assignment due before class to ensure you’ve done the reading •  Pre-class Assignment for Thursday •  Introduction to MasteringPhysics •  Chapter 1 questions in MasteringPhysics

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Schedule and Class Slides

•  Powerpoint slides will be posted at: •  https://sites.google.com/site/sienaphys130fall2012/schedule/

•  Review website

•  The schedule evolves. Check often to keep up with assignments and changes.

•  You need paper, a writing utensil, and a calculator!

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Class Time

•  2 minute problems •  Group problems •  Lab-style activities •  SHORT lectures •  Classes will be ACTIVE! They will

require you to participate and engage in the problems and activities.


•  MasteringPhysics - online homework system

•  Pre-class assignments – due before EVERY class

•  Weekly Homework due Thursday at 11 pm

•  Pre-class assignment AND HW due this Thursday

•  Assignments are listed in Mastering


•  3 types of Homework •  Online – MasteringPhysics - Weekly •  Online – MasteringPhysics – pre-class assignments •  Written – homework set

•  Written HW – we’ll let you know about these •  Selected problems from online assignment •  Written HW is due by 11 pm on Thursday in instructor’s drop


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Guidelines for working homework problems

•  Given:

•  Find:

•  •Draw a picture! •  •Write in pencil •  •Clearly label units •  •Cancel units when appropriate •  •WRITE NEATLY •  •Keep work in one column •  •Box answers


•  Lab sections are •  Monday afternoon 2:40 – 5:40 pm, J. Moustakas •  Tuesday afternoon 2:30 – 5:30 pm, G. Vernizzi

•  Must attend, complete, and turn in all labs •  Fail class if fail lab

•  George Hassel is the lab manager •  Contact him to make up a lab •  Best to do this ASAP as lab equipment will still be out

•  First lab •  Buggy Lab

MATLAB •  MATLAB is widely used in engineering, science and mathematics

•  Knowledge of MATLAB is a marketable skill

•  Physics Department has adopted MATLAB as its official language •  You will see it in higher level courses

•  PHYS 130 sections will be using a web-based MATLAB classroom

•  We will use it this semester for •  Data analysis and plotting •  Vector analysis •  Improve understanding of abstract concepts (e.g., vector fields)

•  First Matlab Activity - most labs will include Matlab

Extra Credit

•  Opportunities announced throughout the semester

•  Examples •  Projects •  Fermi problems •  Brown bag lunches •  Seminars

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Logging into computers

•  Use your Siena account •  If that does not work, let your instructor

know •  Temporary solution until your account

works •  Username: physuser •  Password: phys2user3

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•  Kimematics – motion •  Forces •  Momentum •  Energy •  Rotational Motion and Energy

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Why General Physics?

•  Model of our world •  Understand when model doesn’t work •  Relativity •  Quantum Mechanics •  Understand new models


•  30 minutes •  Log in to Blackboard •  Go to Assignment and you’ll see the Pre-Class

Assessment •  Blackboard.siena.edu

This Thursday

•  Pre-class assignment

•  2 assignments – intro and Ch 1

•  Due before class

•  Homework due by 11 pm

•  Both are MasteringPhysics Assignments due online