Welcome to Hungary - gov.hu · Hungary is a member of OECD, NATO, EU, the Schengen Convention and...

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Welcome to Hungary Higher Education in Hungary


DEAR STUDENT, Are you interested in studying abroad? Are you interested in studying in the heart of Europe, in Hungary? Hungary is a country rich in history with an increasing importance. In this brochure we aim to give you information about the country, the Hungarian higher education system, especially about foreign language courses, study and research opportunities offered to international students, as well as practical information about travel, accommodation, fees, etc.

We hope that you will find the information presented in this brochure useful. We also hope that you will come to study in Hungary and that you will enjoy the opportunities offered by our excellent universities and colleges and enjoy yourself in our country.

WHY IS IT GOOD TO STUDY ABROAD? In today’s global information society there is a strong trend for students to spend one or more semesters abroad at a foreign university or college in order to improve their knowledge and to get acquainted with different cultures, practise other languages, and gain new experiences. In the worldwide competition young people’s future prospects are enhanced by studying abroad, as the working environment is becoming increasingly international and companies demand intercultural skills and competences.

ABOUT HUNGARY A small country with a rich history of more than one thousand years, Hungary is located in the heart of Europe. The first Hungarian monarch, King (Saint) Stephen, established Christianity in Hungary in the 11th century, pledging allegiance to Rome. In the 15th century Hungary was one of the strongest European nations in terms of economic and military power, as well as cultural development. Since its foundation Hungary has always played a significant role in the history of the region, as well as the whole of Europe. Acknowledged for its citizens with exceptional talent, Hungary has greatly influenced the international political, scientific, and cultural scenes alike.

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days period. Rules relating to stays exceeding 90 days are laid down in the national legislation of the member states concerned.

Visas and residence permits issued by one of the Schengen States are valid for Hungary. Visas issued by Hungarian representations abroad and residence permits issued by Hungarian national authorities are also valid for the entire Schengen Area.

1.1. Persons with the Right of Free Movement and Residence 1.1.1. Right of entry and residence for a period not exceeding 90 days Citizens of the EEA (EU + Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein) and Switzerland may enter the territory of Hungary with a valid travel document or personal identification document and have the right of residence for a period not exceeding 90 days from the date of entry.

Family members of the above mentioned citizens who are not citizens of the EEA states but are citizens of third countries and family members of a Hungarian citizen or an EEA citizen may enter the territory of Hungary with a valid travel document and – unless otherwise prescribed by any directly applicable EU legislation or an international agreement – with a valid visa.

1.1.2. Right of residence for a period exceeding three months Students who are EEA citizens can reside in Hungary for more than three months if they are enrolled at an education institution offering accredited programmes. Within ninety-three days from the time of entry, such students have to register at the regional directorate of the Office of Immigration and Nationality. At the time of registration, students should be able to present a certificate of admission issued by the education institution or any other document verifying their student status. The registration certificate has no expiry date, and is valid together with a valid travel document or personal identification document.

The spouse and children of students who satisfy the above-mentioned requirements shall have the right of residence for a period exceeding three months.

Basic Information Official name: Hungary Area: 93,030 km2 Population: 9,906,000 Neighbouring countries: Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia Official language: Hungarian State form: Republic Capital and largest city: Budapest (population: 1,700,000) Other large cities: Debrecen, Szeged, Miskolc, Pécs, Gyor Currency: Forint (HUF) Time zone: CET (GMT +1) Major rivers: River Danube (417 km), River Tisza (597 km) Largest lakes: Lake Balaton, Lake Velence Highest point above sea level: Kékes (1014 m) in the Mátra Hills

Hungary is a member of OECD, NATO, EU, the Schengen Convention and the European Higher Education Area.

Administratively, Hungary is divided into 19 counties with the capital city of Budapest being independent of any county government.

Hungary is one of the 15 most popular tourist destinations in the world with a capital regarded as one of the most beautiful cities. Despite its relatively small size, the country is home to numerous World Heritage Sites, UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, the second largest thermal lake in the world (Lake Hévíz), the largest lake in Central Europe (Lake Balaton), and the largest natural grassland in Europe (Hortobágy).

1. Visas and residence permitsSince December 21, 2007, Hungary has been a member of the Schengen Area, and applies the Schengen legislation in full. At present, 26 states, 22 of the 28 member states of the European Union, as well as Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland, are part of the Schengen Area. On the other hand, several members of the European Union, that is Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania, and Croatia do not yet participate in the Schengen cooperation. The United Kingdom and Ireland opted out the Schengen Area.

The Schengen visa and entry regulations are only applicable for a stay not exceeding 90 days within a 180

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agreement concluded with a research organisation accredited in line with specific legislation.

2. Healthcare First aid is free for all. EU citizens are insured on the basis of the European Health Insurance Card when they are in another member state and are, from the point of view of social security, entitled to the same rights and have the same obligations as citizens of that given member state.

If you participate in an international student exchange programme or study at a state-run institute, you are entitled to free medical care. Based on the valid agreement between the host and the home universities, you are allowed to use the facilities of the Hungarian social security system. In possession of your residence permit and your attendance certificate, please contact the local Health Insurance Fund. If you study in Hungary independent of any placement, you can take out health insurance with the Health Insurance Fund at a cost of 30% of the local minimum wage.

3. Student ID If you have a student ID in your own country, all you need to do is obtain an international student ID prior to your visit to Hungary. This will entitle you to reductions on train and coach tickets, museum entrance fees, Youth Hostel accommodation, library memberships, and will offer various other discounts.

A Hungarian student ID will be supplied by the institute to which you are placed as a student (the application for such an ID costs HUF 1,400). This will be indicated in the conditions of your scholarship. Students planning to begin partial studies usually receive a Hungarian ID from the International Department or the Registrar’s Office of the institution at which they are studying; please contact your institution for further details. When you submit your application for a student ID, make sure you can present your attendance certificate, your letter of acceptance from the institution in question and (if this is a state scholarship) the letter confirming your state grant.

4. Higher Education in HungaryHungarian higher education has represented academic excellence for more than 600 years. The first university

1.2. Third Country Nationals 1.2.1. VisasThird country nationals are required to have a visa in order to enter Hungary and also for a stay of up to 90 days within a 180 days period if they come from a country that is under visa obligation according to the Schengen acquis. The visa application has to be submitted to the Hungarian Consulate in the country where the permanent or temporary residence of the applicant is located or in the country of the applicant’s nationality.

If third country nationals wish to stay longer than three months, they need to have a valid travel document, the necessary permits for return or continued travel and they should be able to verify the purpose of entry and stay, they should have both accommodation and enough financial resources to cover their costs plus a full healthcare insurance or sufficient financial resources necessary for taking out healthcare services.

1.2.2. Residence permitsA residence permit authorises third-country nationals to reside in Hungary for a period of minimum 90 days but not exceeding two years. The application for a residence permit should be submitted to the Hungarian Consulate in the country where the permanent or temporary residence of the applicant is located or in the country of the applicant’s nationality and will be judged by the competent Hungarian regional directorate. Those already residing in Hungary can submit their application directly to the competent regional directorate.

Students who are third-country nationals can obtain a residence permit if they have full-time legal student relationship with a registered Hungarian public educational institution working in line with the public education information system, or wish to stay in Hungary in order to carry on full-time studies organised by a state-recognized higher education institution, or to participate in a preparatory course for studies organised by a state-recognized higher education institution and can prove to meet the language skill requirements.

Researchers can get a residence permit when their purpose of stay is to carry out a research project under a hosting

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Any Bachelor’s and Master’s degree can be followed by specialised higher education training programmes (in Hungarian: szakirányú továbbképzés). Such training programmes do not lead to another degree but offer the option of specialisation in a particular field of study.

Programmes can be full-time, part-time or of a distance learning nature.

A three-year doctoral programme (in Hungarian: doktori képzés) is a postgraduate alternative to follow any Master’s or equivalent qualification. In order to be awarded a doctoral degree, each candidate needs to possess a type ‘C’ intermediate level foreign language certificate and has to take an entrance exam to be admitted to a doctoral programme, which includes the elaboration of a written dissertation plan and an interview. Institutions are entitled to request further entrance requirements. A doctoral

programme consists of two modules: the module of contact-hour courses is composed of diverse courses lasting for a period of 6 semesters (180 credit points) and a written dissertation supported by scientific publications. The applicants have to pass several doctoral exams and have to defend their dissertation. The prerequisite of launching the doctoral degree awarding process is intermediate level language proficiency in two foreign languages.

in Hungary was founded in 1367 in Pécs, located in the southern region of Hungary. Today there are 92 higher education institutions in Hungary including top research universities and colleges. These are financed either by the state, private organisation or a church.

Hungary joined the Bologna Process in 1999 by signing the Bologna Declaration with 28 other countries with a view to establishing the European Higher Education Area by 2010.The key objectives of the process are:

• to increase mobility by improving the comparability of higher education structures, qualifications, and degrees through developing proper tools for the recognition of periods of studies and degrees,

• to improve employability through the modernization of curricula and to strengthen links with the labour market,

• to enhance the quality of training by developing a scheme of quality assurance.

4.1. The Three-cycle System The Hungarian Act on Higher Education was inspired by the objectives of the Bologna Process. The new degree structure based on three cycles of higher education was adopted in December 2004. All main fields of study have been restructured in accordance with the new system. However, there are some exceptions: medicine, pharmacy, dental, and veterinary studies, architecture, law, and certain crafts, arts and design related study programmes, which retain a long single-cycle structure of 5–6 years of study. A new Act on National Higher Education was approved in 2011, which restructured teacher training into the long single-cycle.

The first cycle programmes last 6–8 semesters (3–4 years, 180–240 credit points) and lead to a Bachelor’s degree (in Hungarian: alapfokozat).

The second cycle, leading to a Master’s degree (in Hungarian: mesterfokozat), lasts 2–4 semesters (1–2 years, 60–120 credit points).

Short-cycle (2 years) higher vocational education and training do not provide higher education degree, but 30–120 ECTS credits can be recognised in Bachelor programmes of the same field of study postgraduate specialisation training (120 credit points).

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4.6. An average student’s annual timetable: Autumn semester

First half of September: registration and signing up for courses Second half of September to middle of December: term time Middle of December to beginning of February: exam period

Spring semesterFirst half of February: registration and signing up for courses Second half of February to the first half of May: term timeMiddle of May to the beginning of July: exam period

HolidaysAutumn break: end of October Winter break: end of December Spring break: Easter week

4.7. ScholarshipsHungary offers scholarships for international students and lecturers in higher education institutions as well as research fellows who intend to gain further professional experience in Hungarian higher education institutions, research or art institutes. In Hungary the programmes listed below are managed by Tempus Public Foundation.

4.7.1. Tempus Public FoundationTempus Public Foundation (TPF) is a non-profit organisation established in 1996 by the Hungarian Government, with the task of managing international cooperation programmes and special projects in the field of education, training, and EU-related issues. TPF aims at supporting initiatives aiming at the modernisation and quality improvement of education, training, and human resources development; encouraging international cooperation and mobility; strengthening the European dimension in these fields.

TPF’s activities include management of scholarship and cooperation programmes (promotion; assistance and consultancy services; active role in partnership building; financial management; monitoring; dissemination and valorisation), such as the Eötvös Scholarship of the

4.2. Credit System The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is the only existing credit system in Hungary. The ECTS was developed within the framework of European higher education cooperation and mobility programmes for recognising periods of studies. The ECTS was implemented in the academic year 2003–2004.

4.3. Diploma Hungarian diplomas have a high prestige throughout the world. The foreign language courses are of high standard with tuition fees quite favourable by international comparison. These, combined with reasonably low living costs, provide optimal conditions for students wishing to pursue studies in Hungary. From August 15, 2015 all diplomas will define the EQF (European Qualifications Framework) level of the qualification.

4.4. Diploma Supplement The Diploma Supplement (DS, in Hungarian: oklevélmelléklet) has been issued by higher education institutions since July 2003. Since 2006, all higher education institutions have provided the document automatically and free of charge both in Hungarian and English and/or in the language of an ethnic minority. The DS contains all information about the qualification and the degree programme and provides a short description of the subjects taught.

4.5. Admission According to the Higher Education Act, admission to Bachelor’s degree programmes and some long-term Master’s degree programmes are selective. The minium requirement for admission to these degree programmes is a secondary school leaving certificate or its non-Hungarian equivalent. There are a few programmes where practical examinations or tests are also required. Higher education studies are financed either by the state or by the students themselves. International students wishing to attend a full degree course in Hungary should contact the National Higher Education Admissions Office (www.felvi.hu) for more information.

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4.7.2. Partial studies There are several scholarship opportunities for partial studies in the framework of the following programmes: I. Hungarian State Scholarships II. Erasmus+ programmeIII. CEEPUSIV. EEA Grants Scholarship programme

I. Hungarian State ScholarshipsScholarships can be obtained in two different ways:

1) Work plans and bilateral agreements Hungary welcomes applications by citizens of countries (and territories) that have a valid/effective educational work plan with Hungary, or a bilateral agreement signed by the Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities and the relevant ministry of the given country (or territory). Dissemination of all information regarding the application procedure and deadlines as well as assessment and shortlisting of applications is conducted by the scholarship authority or the ministry responsible for education in the relevant home country. Applications forwarded by partner scholarship offices shall have a priority. However, applications submitted directly to Tempus Public Foundation shall also be accepted in the framework of the Pool system outlined below.

2) Scholarship Pool This system allows applications for all available scholarship types from the following countries:

Albania, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korean Republic, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway, Republic of the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America.

Available Scholarships A–semester/partial studies (3–10 months)Available for: undergraduate (BA/BSc) and graduate (MA/

Hungarian Government, which provides grants for Hungarian PhD students working on their dissertation and post-doctors who have just finished their doctoral studies, allowing them to pursue further studies and/or research activities abroad. Another major programme managed by TPF is the Pestalozzi Programme, whose target group are teachers working in public schools or teacher training. Teachers participating in the Pestalozzi Programme can organise and attend 7-day long seminars, which enables them to meet fellow teachers from other countries.

TPF manages the ACES – Academy of Central European Schools, the biggest school network in Central and Southern Europe. The network enables 12–17 year old students to spend some time in a partner school and meet fellow students.

TPF also functions as a knowledge centre (provides structured information on education and training policies; responsible for EU2020 related projects, organises thematic conferences and training courses, participates in joint actions with partner organisations) and a Europe for Citizens contact point, hosts the National Europass Centre, coordinates the National ECVET expert team, and in partnership with the Ministry of Human Capacities coordinates the project Continuing EHEA (European Higher Education Area) reforms in Hungary.

On the following pages you will find information about the scholarship opportunities which make it possible for international students to study in Hungary part-time or full-time. Should you be interested in any of these possibilities, feel free to contact the Tempus Public Foundation (www.tpf.hu).

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elsewhere in Europe and supporting staff teaching and training periods abroad.

Erasmus+ international credit mobility opens up these opportunities supporting also incoming mobility from other parts of the world to Programme Countries, such as to Hungary. Based on institutional bilateral agreements between higher education institutions:

• students and doctoral candidates are able to study in Hungary for a period of 3–12 months in each study cycle and may benefit from an Erasmus+ grant;

• staff can spend a teaching and/or training period abroad from 5 days to a maximum of 2 months (plus travel) and may also benefit from a grant.

Students and staff can participate in the programme through their home-country higher education institution. Students who are interested in Erasmus+ international credit mobility scholarships must contact their home-country higher education institution for further information about scholarships available to Hungary.Further information: http://ec.europa.eu/education/opportunities/higher-education/study-mobility_en.htm

III. CEEPUSCentral European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS) aims at promoting teacher and student mobility. Students can spend a study period abroad and teachers can undertake a teaching period at a partner university. These opportunities are designed to strengthen professional and personal relationships among Central European scholars.

Participating countries: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Kosovo.

The funding of the programme is provided by the CEEPUS partner countries. Students receive their CEEPUS grant from the host country; therefore, the amount is tailored to local living standards. In general, the financial support includes a monthly grant and in some CEEPUS countries accommodation and social security provision. In addition, CEEPUS students are exempt from tuition fees. Travel costs are not covered.

MSc) students (enrolled at foreign higher education institutions), especially those majoring in Hungarian Language and Literature and students participating in a single degree track university programme (such as General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Studies, Veterinary Studies, Architecture, Studies in Law, etc.). Before application, students are required to have completed minimum two semesters at their home institutions. For ‘Type A’ scholarship students may apply only on one occasion during their Bachelor’s studies, and once during their Master’s studies.

B – postgraduate studies, research (3–21 days or 1–10 months)Available for: applicants holding a Master’s degree or an equivalent university degree, including PhD students who intend to do research for their dissertation and wish to stay in Hungary for less than 10 months. (However, PhD students cannot earn credits during the scholarship period at the host university.)

C/1 – full PhD programme (36 months) – see in section “Full Degree Scholarships”

C/2 – partial PhD studies (10 months)Applicants must be enrolled in a PhD programme at an accredited higher education institution in their home country or in a foreign country (but not in Hungary).

D – postdoctoral studies, research (1–10 months)Applicants must hold a PhD or an equivalent degree.

E – research stay (3–21 days or 1–10 months)Available for applicants who hold minimum a PhD or an equivalent degree.

F – summer courses (2–4 weeks)Only courses published in the list of the summer course catalogue can be selected. You may select three different courses but your scholarship will allow you to participate only in one course.

Further information: http://www.scholarship.hu/

II. Erasmus+ programmeErasmus+ is the EU programme for education, training, youth, and sports for the period of 2014–2020. Europe has been funding the Erasmus programme for over 25 years, enabling over 3 million European students to spend part of their studies in another higher education institution

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of the Hungarian Government’s Global Opening policy. According to the bilateral contracts between the Hungarian Government and the partner countries, there are specific study fields and academic levels in which the applicants can make their choice from the offer of the Hungarian universities. Almost every Hungarian state university participates in the Programme by offering study programmes in English or other languages (French, German, etc.) – the list of the available courses for the applicants is updated annually on the website of the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme. Besides the full-time Bachelor (BA, BSc), Master (Ma, MSc), Doctoral (PhD, DLA) programmes, there are also special options of choosing one-cycle programmes (BA+MA or BSc+MSc, 5 years), part-time studies.

The citizens of the following partner countries can apply for the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme:

Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, China (Hudec scholarship also), Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Georgia, India, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kurdistan Regional Government/Iraq, Laos, Lebanon, Macedonia, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Palestine, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uruguay, Vietnam, and Yemen.

Applicants can also apply for study programmes in Hungarian language and for a one-year-long language preparatory course provided by the Balassi Institute and Hungarian universities.

For most of the programmes in English language the minimum level of language proficiency is B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or its equivalent (IELTS: 5.0–6.0, TOEFL ITP: 543, Cambridge CAE: 45–59).

The Stipendium Hungaricum Programme covers the costs of tuition fee, medical insurance, provides a monthly stipend (cca EUR 130 for undergraduate and graduate programmes and cca EUR 325 for doctoral programmes) and free dormitory places (or contribution to private accommodation cost EUR 100). Travel costs must be covered by the applicants.

The official website of the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme (www.stipendiumhungaricum.hu) provides general information about the application, Frequently

Basic conditions for CEEPUS grants:• applicants may not receive a grant to study in their home country

• the duration of the study period is between 3 and 10 months for undergraduates

• PhD students or students working on their theses may apply for a period of one or two months

• the study period may be extended once but may not exceed a total of 10 months

• all CEEPUS applications are to be submitted on-line.Further information: www.ceepus.info

IV. EEA Grants Scholarship programmeThe EEA Grants Scholarship programme operates within the framework of EEA Grants that was established in order to reduce economic and social disparities and strengthen bilateral cooperation between Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein (donor countries) and beneficiary countries, such as Hungary.

Scholarships are one of the several programme areas funded by donor countries giving the possibility to students, teachers, and staff to acquire new skills and gain international experience. It offers mobility scholarships in higher education: student mobility is possible up to 12 months based on institutional partnerships.

Students and staff from donor and beneficiary countries can participate in the programme through their home country higher education institutions. Students who are interested in EEA Grant Scholarships from donor countries must contact their higher education institution for further information about scholarships available to Hungary.Further information: http://www.norvegalap.hu/en/cimoldal

4.7.3. Full degree scholarshipsFull degree scholarships are available through the following frameworks: I. Stipendium Hungaricum Programme II. Hungarian State ScholarshipIII. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

I. Stipendium Hungaricum ProgrammeSince 2013 the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme has been providing scholarships for students from the partner countries

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Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America.Further information: http://www.scholarship.hu/

III. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) are delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions and, where relevant, other partners with specific expertise and interest in the areas covered by the programme. Students at Master’s level can apply for a scholarship provided by the European Union. Some EMJMDs are provided by consortia involving Hungarian higher education institutions.See the list of available courses:https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/library/scholar-ships-catalogue_en

4.8. Useful LinksFor more information about Hungarian higher education, please visit the following websites:

Study in Hungary: www.studyinhungary.huMinistry of Human Capacities: www.kormany.hu/en/ministry-of-human-resources National Higher Education Information Centre: www.felvi.hu/for_foreigners Campus Hungary: www.campushungary.hu Hungarian Equivalence and Information Centre: www.naric.huHungarian Accreditation Committee: www.mab.hu

5. Practical information5.1. Cost of Living The minimum wage in Hungary is HUF 105,000 (EUR 350), which allows for a very modest living. To be able to pay your rent, buy proper food and afford an occasional evening out, you need more money than this: a minimum of HUF 120,000 (EUR 400) is necessary.

Here is a list of essential items to give you an idea of prices in Hungary:

• one litre of milk: HUF 280 ~ EUR 0.9 • one small bottle of beer: HUF 130–200 ~ EUR 0.5–1 • one bottle of red table wine: HUF 600–1,500 ~ EUR 2–5

Asked Questions and also the official documents are available from this site.

Along with other scholarships, the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme also features in the official portal about studies in Hungary for foreign students (www.studyinhungary.hu).

II. Hungarian State ScholarshipBesides the partial studies, Hungary provides state scholarships for full-time PhD studies as well.

C/1 – full PhD programme (36 months)The scholarship is conditional upon successful entrance exam/admission to the respective Hungarian doctoral school.Scholarships can be obtained in two different ways:

1) Work plans and bilateral agreements Hungary welcomes applications by citizens of countries (and territories) that have a valid/effective educational work plan with Hungary, or a bilateral agreement signed by the Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities and the relevant ministry of the given country (or territory). Dissemination of all information regarding the application procedure and deadlines as well as assessment and shortlisting of applications is conducted by the scholarship authority or the ministry responsible for education in the relevant home country. Applications forwarded by partner scholarship offices shall have a priority. However, applications submitted directly to Tempus Public Foundation shall also be accepted in the framework of the Pool system outlined below.

2) Scholarship Pool This system allows applications for all scholarship types from the following countries::

Albania, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korean Republic, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway, Republic of the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Singapore,

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medicinal water and most of which are listed buildings. Nearly all industries are represented in the region.

With its world-class public and higher education institutions and renowned research institutes with a long tradition, the area plays a key role in education and research.

Eötvös Loránd UniversityThe number one university of Hungary is located in the very heart of the country. ELTE provides an excellent research environment and high-quality education, and offers the widest range of degree programmes, student exchange programmes and academic programmes organised jointly with foreign universities in Hungary.

ELTE is a recognised public university and has been operating continuously ever since it was established in 1635. Five of our Nobel Prize winners, as well as other prominent figures of the Hungarian technical community, public life and culture, graduated from ELTE. As a recognition of its central role in Hungarian education and research, the university has been awarded the title of “University of National Excellence”.For more information about the departments, please visit

the following website: www.elte.hu/en/degree_programs

Contact: www.elte.hu/en; www.facebook.com/elteinternational

Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)Established in 1782, BME is the largest higher education institution in Hungary and one of the largest in Central Europe in terms of engineering training. The university has given the world numerous excellent scientists and engineers.

BME offers English language BSc, MSc and PhD programmes to foreign students.

Bachelor’s degree (BSc) programmesCivil engineeringMechanical engineeringChemical engineeringElectrical engineeringInformation technology engineering

Master’s degree (MSc) programmesCivil engineeringMechanical engineeringArchitectureChemical engineeringElectrical engineering

• one litre of petrol: HUF 400–430 ~ EUR 1.5 • one litre of bottled water: HUF 100–150 ~ EUR 0.3–0.5 • one loaf of bread: HUF 200 ~ EUR 0.7 • accommodation: HUF 25,000–120,000 ~ EUR 80–400 / month

• a meal in the university canteen: HUF 600–1,100 ~ EUR 2–4

• a meal in a restaurant: HUF 1,200–4,000 ~ EUR 4–14 • a monthly public transportation pass for students: cca HUF 3,600 ~ EUR 12

• a single ticket (bus, tram): HUF 350 ~ EUR 1.2 • a cinema ticket: HUF 790–1,100 ~ EUR 2.6–3.6 • library card: cca HUF 2,000 ~ EUR 6.7 / academic year Generally speaking, the capital is more expensive than

other cities, especially as far as housing, restaurants, and transportation are concerned, but the amount you need to live comfortably depends heavily on your habits and life style.

5.2. Accommodation There are several kinds of accommodation options in Hungary but the cheapest one should be a dormitory belonging to the students’ homes section of the university you attend. One advantage is that it is cheap, it is an easy way of making friends and it provides you with the facility of regular partying.

On the other hand, renting an apartment is a more feasible option if you prefer privacy. You can rent a room at about HUF 25,000 a month, but renting a whole flat is also an option to follow. It is more expensive but a flat share will reduce your costs. We are talking about HUF 60,000–HUF 80,000 a month plus overhead. Renting a flat outside the capital is always cheaper, depending on the location of the university you attend.

Short introduction to the Central Hungarian Region

This region is the “heart of Hungary”, the hub of intellectual life, culture, business, recreational activities, and tourism. Budapest is a world-famous spa city with ten thermal baths, built over thermal springs producing unique

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Foreign language programmesIn English and in GermanMedicineDentistryPharmacy

In EnglishNursingNutritional sciencePhysiotherapyMidwiferyPublic health supervisionOptometry


National University of Public Service“Serving the country”

The National University of Public Service offers unique, comprehensive, and high-quality education to its students. The knowledge acquired here will allow students to take on leading positions in the fields of diplomacy, public administration, public order, and home defence as highly qualified professionals.

English language programmes“Academy of Diplomacy Budapest” programme with Security and defence policy and European studies specialisation.


Óbudai UniversityKnowledge and innovation in the service of the economy.

Degree programmes:Bachelor’s degree (BSc) programmesInformation technologyEnvironmental engineeringElectrical engineeringMechatronical engineering

Master’s degree (MSc) programmesApplied mathematicsInformation technology engineering

Mechatronical engineering

Postgraduate programmes (PhD)Applied information technology and applied mathematicsInformation security and security sciencesMaterials sciences and technologies

Master’s degree (MSc) programmesInformation technology engineeringTransportation engineering

Logistics engineeringVehicle engineeringApplied mathematicsMathematicsPhysics

General information: http://www.kth.bme.hu/en/oie/reg-ularstudents/academicprograms

Corvinus UniversityExcellent and successful students of today – market-ready employees of tomorrow.

Degree programmes in EnglishBachelor’s degree (BA) programmesBusiness administration and managementInternational business economicsApplied economicsSociologyInternational relationsCommunication and media science

Master’s degree (MA/MSc) programmesMBAMarketingInternational economy and businessPublic policy and management

International relationsHorticultural engineeringLandscape architectureFood science and technology

Joint master’s degree programmes (MA)Economics, state and society (international MA)Agricultural, food industry and environmental policy analysesComparative studies of local development programmes

PhD programmesSociologyInternational relations


Semmelweis University„Mutual respect and cooperation between teachers and students are among our core values. In addition to educating and teaching, our mission also includes high-level scientific research. In the course of our activities we are always prepared to take the greatest care of the lives we are responsible for and make sacrifices”.

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Hungarian University of Fine ArtsThe 143-year-old university offers traditional arts education combined with a unique approach. Creative, modern work relies on high-level graphics skills and a comprehensive knowledge of the history of art, covering all of its fields.

English language programmesInternshipPainterSculptor Graphic artistGraphic designer

Intermedia artistRestoration artistScenography artist Fine art theory

One-year special programme. If there is a need, group courses can be organised in all fields of art.www.mke.hu

Hungarian Dance AcademyThe Hungarian Dance Academy primarily aims to train versatile dancers, dance teachers, choreographers, and theoreticians who are well acquainted with Hungarian and international culture, with special regard to dance art.

Foreign language programmesDance artist (BA) – specialisations: classical ballet and modern dance


Moholy-Nagy University of Art and DesignMOME’s philosophy is based on the 130-year history of the institution. However, the university seeks to adapt continuously and remain open to the world. MOME is a creative workshop where research, education, and creation form an integrated whole. The university offers programmes in the fields of design, architecture, media art, and theory.

Master’s degree (MA) programmesAnimationArchitectureArt and design managementCeramic designDesign theory

Fashion and textile designGraphic designMedia designMetalwork designPhotographyProduct design


The Óbudai University also offers excellent scientific research programmes in its new Research and Innovation Centre, furnished with cutting-edge equipment.http://www.uni-obuda.hu/en

Szent István UniversityIn the service of knowledge and sustainability

BSc and MSc degree programmesEconomics and social sciencesAgricultural and environmental sciencesMechanical engineeringVeterinary science

Bachelor’s degree (BA) programmesAgricultural engineeringWildlife conservation and managementBusiness administration and managementMechanical engineering

Master’s degree (MA) programmesMechanical engineeringAgricultural engineeringAgricultural biotechnologyWildlife conservation and

managementCrop production engineeringAnimal nutrition and feed safetyRural development agricultural engineering Management and organisationBusiness administrationVeterinary sciences

PhD programmesAnimal husbandry scienceBiological sciencesPlant sciencesTechnical sciencesEnvironmental sciencesBusiness administration and managementRegional sciencesVeterinary sciences


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Budapest Business SchoolBBS aims to become a higher education institution that is considered attractive and excellent both in Hungary and abroad in the disciplines of economics and social sciences (including the associated fields). The School offers Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes, high-level vocational programmes, continuing vocational training, and adult education programmes.

Foreign language programmesBachelor’s degree (BA) programmesCommerce and marketing (in English and in German)Finance and accounting (in English)International business economics (double degree programme in English and in German)Tourism and hospitality (in English and in German)

Master’s degree (MA) programmes (in English)International business economics – in cooperation with Ruskin University (England)International studiesTourism and hospitality

PhD programmes (in English)International business economics – PhD programme in cooperation with Ruskin University (England)


University of Applied SciencesWe nurture creative thinking.

Foreign language programmesBachelor’s degree (BA) programmesCameraman (arts programme)AnimationBusiness administration and managementCommerce and marketingCommunication and media science

CraftsmanshipFilm and media studiesGraphic designInternational business economicsMedia designPhotographyTelevision production artsTourism and hospitality

University of Theatre and Film ArtsOne of the oldest and most important universities of Hungary, the institution is celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2015. It aims to train and educate talented and highly qualified artists and art experts who can meet the requirements of the performing arts and institutions (theatre, film art, television).

Foreign language programmesDocNomads – Documentary film director, Erasmus Mundus joint MA programme

More information: www.docnomads.euhttp://www.filmacademy.hu/en/

Liszt AcademyUnique traditions and long-lasting commitment – the Liszt Academy awaits talented students who want to become professional musicians.

English language programmesClassical instrumental musicKeyboard and chordal instruments: piano, accordion, harpsichord, organStringed instruments: violin, viola, cello, double bassWoodwind and brass instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, French horn, trumpet, trombone, tubaOther classical instruments: harp, cimbalom, percussion instruments

SingingClassical singing (BA), orchestral and choral singing (MA), opera singing (MA)

Other programmesMusic composition (BA, MA) – specialisations: classical, electronic and applied compositionOrchestral and choir conducting

English language programme with the participation of a minimum three foreign students.

Specialised degree programmeSoloist programme for pianistsShort courses are available in all the above fields, and students can choose from jazz, folk music, and early music specialisations.


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Foreign language programmesCommerce and marketing (BA)


Pázmány Péter Catholic UniversityOur priorities include a scientific approach that is based on intellectual curiosity, the ability to synthesise and respect for human personality as well as for Christian and European educational approaches, cooperation, the acceptance of others’ values, and the openness, international nature and autonomy of the various fields of science. We also seek to protect the freedom of the university within the given framework in terms of the rights of individuals and the community, also taking justice and the public good into consideration.

Foreign language programmesEnglish studies (MA) – in EnglishFrench language, literature and culture (MA) – in French, double degree Italian language, literature and culture (MA) – in ItalianImage processing and computer vision (MSc) – in English, triple degree


Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary“Take control of your future!”

The Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church combines the educational traditions of the Reformed Church with an open mind to renewal. The activities of the university are based especially on Christian philosophy, ethical awareness, and the willingness to support small communities.

Foreign language programmesEnglish studies MA (in English)Kodály culture in Hungary and worldwide specialist postgraduate programme (in English)EMLex: Europaischer Master für Lexikographie MA (in German)

Master’s degree (MA) programmesCinematographyCommunication and media science

Management and organisationTourism management

Contact: Zoltán Dobák, +36 20 583 22 79, zdobak@bkf.hu

International Business SchoolThe IBS is a state-accredited private university located in the heart of Europe. The institution offers comprehensive programmes at its campuses in Budapest and Vienna. All BSc and MSc degree programmes are implemented in English. The young people who graduate from the IBS receive a degree issued by The University of Buckingham, the strategic partner of IBS, which is recognised all around the world, which opens the door to a successful career in the business world.

IBS offers the following 3-year BSc degree programmes at its Budapest campus:ManagementArts managementFinancial managementManagement and

psychologyBusiness and diplomacyBusiness and tourism

IBS offers the following 3-year MSc degree programmes at its Vienna campus:International business economicsFinancial management

Marketing managementHuman resources management

One-year intensive English language programme to prepare students to pursue their higher education studies in English.

One-year Pre-med programme to prepare students for the entrance exam of medical universities.http://web.ibs-b.hu/

Wekerle Sándor Business SchoolEducation is a comprehensive service with the aim of providing proper training to the leaders of the future, and making them knowledge-hungry professionals who seek excellence, both as professionals and as human beings.

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English language programmesInformation technology engineering (BSc)Business information technology (BSc)Business administration and management (BA)


Central European University (CEU)The Budapest-based CEU offers Master’s and doctoral programmes in English that have been accredited both in the US and in Hungary. The students and teachers at the CEU represent about 100 countries. The network of professionals who graduated from the university covers the whole world.

ScholarshipsIn 2013–14 the CEU provided significant support to 82% of its Master’s degree students and 94% of its PhD students.More information: www.ceu.hu/financialaid

Fields of studyBusiness administrationCognitive studiesEconomicsEnvironmental sciences, policy and managementGender studiesHistoryInternational relations and European studiesLaw sciences

Mathematics and its applicationsMediaeval studiesNationalism studiesPhilosophyPolitical sciencePublic policySociology and social anthropology


Short introduction to the North Hungarian Region

The region is bordered by Slovakia to the north and Ukraine to the east. The region, 13% of which is nature reserve, is very important from an ecological point of view and is rich in medicinal, thermal, and mineral springs.

It incorporates the historical Tokaj wine region, which is a UNESCO world heritage site. Other highlights in the area

Theology (PhD) (in English and in German)European and international business law LLM (in English)


Dharma Gate Buddhist College“Our goal is to open the Dharma gate to all who are interested”.

Foreign language programmesBuddhist Studies (MA/PhD) programme offered by the Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University of Thailand in cooperation with the Dharma Gate Buddhist College.

www.tkbf.eu, www.ebtc.hu

Andrássy UniversityThe university is characterised by an international and innovative approach. It offers degree programmes in Budapest, one of the scientific hubs of the country, with the motto “We will prepare you for Europe!”

Master’s degree programmes (in German):Danube region studiesEuropean and international administrationInternational economy and businessInternational relations

Central European historyLLM programme (can be completed part-time as well)Central European studies with specialisation in cultural diplomacy

Interdisciplinary PhD programmes (in German) under the topic “The future of Central Europe in the European Union.”Contact: www.andrassyuni.eu, www.studienstart.eu

Gábor Dénes CollegeOur goal is to offer high-quality, practice-oriented education that meets the requirements of the labour market. The college seeks to provide students with reliable and practical knowledge that they will be able to utilise later in their professional careers. The college aims to train students so that they become professionals who are able to adapt to new technologies and, thanks to their knowledge of foreign languages, can engage in international communication and cooperation.

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Károly Róbert University College“With knowledge for the future”

In our four facilities, our students can acquire up-to-date theoretical and practical knowledge tailored to the requirements of the labour market.

Foreign language programmesBusiness administration and management (BA)Tourism and hospitality (BA)Viti-viniculture (BA)Environmental and

agricultural engineering (BSc)

Business development (BA)Management and organisation (MA)Tourism management (MA)


Short introduction to the North Great Plain Region

The region is the eastern gate of the European Union, bordered by Slovakia, Ukraine, and Romania.

The research and higher education hubs of the region are Debrecen, Nyíregyháza, and Szolnok.

It is worth visiting the Hortobágy, which is a world heritage site. The river Tisza and lake Tisza are favourite destinations among those who prefer eco, water, and active tourism. There are medical and thermal spas in the region.

University of Debrecen“University of Debrecen: more than just a degree.”

Foreign language programmesBachelor’s degree (BA/BSc) programmesBusiness administration and managementAgribusiness and rural development engineeringBusiness information technologyInformation technology

engineeringMechatronical engineeringChemical engineeringBiochemical engineeringElectrical engineeringMechanical engineeringCivil engineeringPhysiotherapyArts and music

include caves of the Aggtelek karst and the Slovak karst, fortresses and ruins (Diósgyor, Sárospatak, and Eger), and sites of historical significance.

University of Miskolc“Our university was established in 1735 as the first technical university in the world. We combine our centuries-old traditions with a modern approach to the fields of engineering, as well as to the natural and social sciences.”

Foreign language programmesBusiness administration and economicsBusiness administration and organisation sciencesBusiness administration and managementCentral European studiesGeneral and legal mediationMaterial engineering Metallurgical engineeringMaterial engineeringEarth sciences engineering (MSc)

Petroleum engineering (MSc)Petroleum engineering (MSc)Hydrogeology engineering (MSc)European geotechnical and environmental course (EGEC)European mineral engineering course (EMEC)Earth sciences (PhD)Information science and technologiesMechanical engineering

More information: http://www.uni-miskolc.hu

Eszterházy Károly University of Applied Sciences“The EKF is a good choice.”

The Eszterházy Károly University of Applied Sciences is developing its educational system to meet the social and economic requirements of the 21st century. The university offers a wide range of courses in its up-to-date facilities. The university provides students with high-quality services. In addition to a varied curriculum, foreign students have a range of extracurricular activities to choose from.

English language programmesEnglish studies (BA)Computer science (BA)American studies (BA)

International studies (BA)Master of business administration (MA)


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region can enjoy a number of cultural heritage sites, various highlights, and trekking routes.

With the Kiskunsági National Park and the Duna-Dráva National Park located here, Bács-Kiskun county is rich in natural treasures. The most significant and internationally acknowledged exhibition site is the Ópusztaszer National Heritage Park.

University of SzegedThe University of Szeged is one of the most successful universities in Hungary and is also internationally recognised. With its history going back to 1581, the university is proud to have had renowned researchers and teachers such as Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi.

The University of Szeged has a long tradition and offers high-quality, up-to-date education in nearly all disciplines.

Its domestic and international research activities are well recognised: In 2010 the university was awarded the “research university” title, and in 2013 it was certified as a “University of National Excellence.”

Foreign language programmes (BA/BSc, MA/MSc, PhD, postgraduate)Law and international studiesMedicineArts and humanitiesDentistryEconomics and business administration

PharmacyEducationAgricultureEngineeringMusicNatural sciences and information technology

More information about the degree programmes offered in foreign languages:www.u-szeged.hu/eduprogrammes

Eötvös József College

Foreign language programmes and international relationsCivil engineering (BSc)Environmental engineering (BSc)Business administration and economics (BA)Infant and early childhood education (BA)Primary school teaching (BA)

www.ejf.hu, www.international.ejf.hu

Bachelor’s (BA/BSc) and Master’s (MA/MSc) degree programmesEnglish studiesComputer program designAgricultural engineeringPublic health supervisionPerforming arts

Other programmesEuropean and international business law (LLM)Dentistry (DMD)Pharmacy (PharmD)Molecular biology (MSc)

American studies (MA)Agribusiness management (MSc)Master of business administration (MBA)International business administration and management (BA)Business development (MSc)Nature conservation engineering (MSc)Food safety and quality engineering (MSc)Animal husbandry engineering (MSc)


College of Nyíregyháza“Science – expertise – regional focus”

Foreign language programmesTransportation engineering (BSc) – specialisations: aviation and shipping (in English)


College of SzolnokA chance to learn, grow, and succeed.

Bachelor’s degree (BA) programmes in EnglishTourism and hospitalityInternational business administration


Short introduction to the South Great Plain Region

This is the largest region of Hungary. Due to its natural features, the region is an ideal destination for those who prefer water tourism, trekking, cycling, horse riding, hunting, fishing, and ecotourism. Tourists visiting the

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combination of education, research, and innovation. The degrees issued by the university represent real value, something upon which students can base their long-term career.

Foreign language programmesBachelor’s degree programmesAgricultureTourism and hospitalityEnglishComputer program designChemical engineering

Master’s degree programmesPlant protectionAgricultureEconomic analysisTourism managementEnglishApplied linguisticsTeaching of EnglishInternational studiesEnvironmental engineering

Environmental sciencesChemical engineering

PhD programmesAgricultural environmental sciencesAnimal husbandry sciencesChemical engineering and materials sciencesChemical and environmental sciencesPlant breeding and botanical sciencesInformation science and technologiesBusiness administration and organisation sciencesMolecular and nanotechnology


College of Dunaújváros“Your future, your choice!”

Foreign language programmesBachelor’s degree programmesMaterial engineeringBusiness administrationMechanical engineeringCommunication and media scienceInformation technology

engineeringTechnical management

Master’s degree programmesTeacher, teacher of engineering Mechanical engineering

,More information about subjects: http://www.duf.hu/english

Kecskemét College“The future starts with us.”

Kecskemét College is ideal for students who prefer learning in a relatively small institution with a warm atmosphere.

Foreign language programmesHistory of the European UnionLanguages in EuropeEducation policy of the EUReading strategies and

the development of reading comprehensionEuropean fairy-talesTeaching foreign languages in early childhoodEducational integration

More information: http://kefoportal.kefo.hu/study-in-kecskemet

Tomori Pál College

English language programmes (BA)Business administration and managementInternational business economicsInternational studies


Short introduction to the Central Transdanubian Region

As the region is within easy reach of several large Hungarian cities, it is an ideal place for those who do not want to live in a noisy city, but would not like to be too far from urban life either.

The region has diverse natural features: the plains, hills, and waters are accompanied by numerous historical and cultural places of interest. Highlights in the region include the world-famous Herendi porcelain, the Komárom fortress, the Sümeg fortress and fortress festival, and many other hundreds of years old sites of historical and archeological significance.

University of PannoniaThe University of Pannonia is a strong, stable, and continuously improving institution that relies on the

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University of West Hungary“We are building the future.”

Foreign language programmesHigher vocational training programmesBusiness administration and management (in German)Agricultural engineering (in English)Animal husbandry engineering (in English)Plant breeding engineering (in English)Food engineering (in English)Mechanical engineering in the agriculture and food industry (in English)

Degree programmesBusiness administration and management (BA) (in German)International business economics (BA) (the 5th and 6th semesters in English)Pre-school teaching (BA) (in German)English studies (BA) (in English)Timber industry engineering (MSc) (in English)Business management and organisation sciences (PhD) (in German)

www.nyme.hu, www.uniwest.hu

Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences“Always among the best.”

The university offers the following degree programmes:Tourism and hospitality (BA)Business administration and management (BA)International relations (BA)Performing arts (BA) (jazz, pop-rock and ethno)Media and communication (BA)Social work (BA)LL and cultural management (BA)History (BA)

Master’s degree programmesTourism management (MSc)

Business development (MSc)International relations (MA)Postgraduate programmesTourism enterprise management

Short programmesInternational foundation yearInternational preparatory courseInternational semesterSummer coursesStudy tours and internship programmes for students and professionals


Short introduction to the West Transdanubian Region

The region is bordered by four countries: Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, and Slovenia. The area is rich in natural treasures, including thermal and medicinal springs. It is ideal for bike tours and trekking along numerous designated routes through its forests.

It offers a colourful range of cultural programmes, including four highlights, the Sopron Festival Weeks, the Gyor Baroque Days, the Sárvár International Folk Days, and the Savaria Historical Carnival in Szombathely.

Széchenyi István UniversityThe future is made in Gyor.

Foreign language programmes (MSc)Marketing; Vehicle engineering; Infrastructure – civil engineering


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University of PécsHungary ‘s first university (1367)

Established in 1367, the University of Pécs was the first university in Hungary. It is also one of the biggest higher education institutions in the country with 22,000 students. In terms of international mobility, the University of Pécs is among the leading higher education institutions, offering nearly 50 degree programmes and preparatory courses in English and in German to foreign students. Currently 2,200 foreign students, representing 70 countries, attend our institution.

English language degree programmesUndivided 5-year master’s degree programmesgeneral practitioner, dentist, pharmacist

Bachelor’s degree (BA/BSc) programmesBiologyBusiness administrationChemistryCivil engineeringInformation technology engineeringComputer scienceEarth sciencesEnglish studies and American studiesGeographyMathematicsNursing and patient carePhysical education – trainingPhysicsPhysiotherapyPsychologySport management

Master’s degree (MA/MSc) programmesApplied managementArchitectureCeramic designStructural engineeringInformation technology engineeringEnglish studiesEuropean and international business lawHuman resource counsellingInternational relationsMedical biotechnologyMusic

PhD programmesArchitectureBiologyBusiness administrationChemistryEarth sciencesEnglish applied linguistics and teaching and learning English as a foreign languageHealth sciencePhysics

Short introduction to the South Transdanubian Region

The Duna-Dráva National Park, the largest continuous floodplain habitat in Europe, is located here. The hill region, with its unique and protected geological and botanical features, is very popular among hikers. The area is also famous for its old medicinal and thermal spas, notably Harkány, Nagyatád, and Dombóvár. Wine production here has hundreds of years of tradition.

The centre of the region is Pécs, a town famous for its cultural festivals and artists, which was the European Capital of Culture in 2010. The oldest architectural monuments of Pécs are the early Christian tombs, which have been on the world heritage list since 2000.


For more information about our German-language programmes and the preparatory, course please visit our website: www.international.pte.huFacebook: Study in Pécs, Hungary

Kaposvár UniversityOur service-oriented university runs high-level research programmes and offers degree programmes to foreign students as well. Our core values are tolerance and professionalism.

Foreign language programmesInternational studies (BSc)Regional and environmental economic studies (MSc)Animal nutrition and food safety engineering (MSc)Animal sciences (PhD)Management and organisation sciences (PhD)



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