Welcome To Fid Pro

Post on 09-Feb-2015

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Presentation for submitting applications on the FidPro system.

Transcript of Welcome To Fid Pro

Welcome to FidPro

Your one stop Debt Counselling solution

Step 1 – Login ScreenOnce your agency and agent logins have been activated you can then proceed to login on the FidPro main login screen using those agent details.

Step 2 – FidPro SystemOnce logged in you will be presented with a screen looking similar to this image. From here you can perform the following tasks:

• Create a new application• View existing applications• Print a custom from 16• Modify account settings

We will proceed with adding our first application.

Step 3 – New ApplicationOn the “Add New Application” screen you will see the following input boxes required for starting a new application on the FidPro system.

Dates can be manually filled in or you can click the buttons to bring up a calendar. Be sure to also select either the “Single” or “Joint” application setting for your application.

Once all the information has been entered you can click the “Save” button and it will automatically proceed to the next section.

Step 4 – Personal InfoHere you can capture all of the client(s) details. Much of the FidPro system is automated, for example the client’s age and date of birth are all automatically calculated from his/her ID document number.

If incorrect values are supplied, FidPro will inform you of this with the red bar seen on the left.

Step 5 – Employer Next we capture the client’s employer details so that they may be contacted if necessary.

Step 6 – Income Income is captured on this screen, all the basic types have been listed for you so all that is required is to fill in the associated amount.

If the type is not listed, there are 3 “other” fields where you can specify your own type.

Please note that if you require more than the initial 3, simply save the first set and then return to this screen and capture the next 3. Repeat this process until you have captured all the necessary fields.

Step 7 – Deductions Here we have the deductions screen, like the previous screen, basic types have been filled out for you so all that is required is to fill in the amounts.

You may have also noticed that totals are also calculated for you on the fly, this will help in double checking your figures and ensuring the application is correct before its submitted.

Step 8 – ExpensesAlthough this form may look daunting, it follows the same procedure as the previous two. Once you have filled in the values and checked your totals hit the “Next” button to continue.

Step 9 – DebtHere we have the debt screen, this form is a bit different from the ones before it but the FidPro system was developed with user friendliness in mind.Simply select which applicant the dept belongs to, followed by the type of dept from the list boxes. Once that is complete start typing out the name of the creditor. As you do so you will notice that a box drops down with all the creditors stored on the database, simply select the correct one by clicking its name.

Once a creditor has been selected you can fill out the rest of the form.

Note: if your creditor is not listed click the “Add New Credit Provider” button.

Step 10 – Credit ProvidersIf your credit provider was not found on the system, you have the option of adding it in yourself.

Seen here is the “Add New Credit Provider” form. All the fields marked with an “*” are required and will stop the form from submitting your credit provider until they have been provided.

Once the required fields have been filled in, click the “Add Credit Provider” button to proceed. Your new credit provider should not appear once you start typing in the “Name of Creditor” field.

Step 11 – AssetsThe assets screen is very similar to the debt screen, simply select the type from the drop list and fill in the amount and the outstanding amount and hit save.

These steps can be repeated as many times as necessary before proceeding onto the next screen.

Step 12 – DocumentsThere are many documents that are required by the FidPro system to ensure that your application proceeds smoothly along the submission process, here we see the documents screen in action.

To upload a document to the system you must first ensure that it is in the correct format i.e. Portable Document Format (PDF) The system requires this file type as much of the backend processes can only work on such files.

Once you have scanned or printed your document into PDF format, simply tick the relevant boxes which apply to the contents of the file and click the “Browse & Upload” button. Select your file from the new window and click “open” to upload.

Step 13 – BankThis is the final data capture screen of the application, here we enter in the clients bank details by selecting the values from drop lists and entering in the required information just as you did before.

Once completed, click the “Save” button to proceed to the summary screen where we can see an overview of our applications progress.

Step 14 – Summary The summary screen is there to provide you with an overall summary of what is still required from your client before the application can be submitted.

Note that there is also an “Estimated Amount Required With An 8% Annual Escalation” value which you can use to give your client(s) a rough indication of what they will be required to pay after the proposals have been calculated.

There are also other functions on this screen such as “Print Client File” which will generate a new Form 16 filled in with all the information captured so far, and the “Generate invoices” button.

Step 14 – Summary...Clicking the “Generate Invoices” button will generate a PDF invoice for your client(s) with the amount selected when application creation.

This amount is mainly dependant on whether it is a joint or single application and includes all mandatory application fees.

Step 14 – Summary...You application sections/documents have various status icons to inform you of areas which may need your attention.

Yellow warning icons in the “Status” column mean that those required sections/documents are still missing from your application. Yellow icons with a green tick inform you of documents that are not required but are also missing and finally green ticks inform you of sections/documents which are completed and have been provided.

Step 15 – ReviewBefore submitting your application you should consider reviewing your captured information, you can do so by clicking on the “View Applications” button.

Once clicked you will be shown a list of your current applications and their respective statuses, click the “Edit” button to review an application and its contents.

All the screens mentioned earlier will now be opened up again but with more detailed information. You can use these screens to correct/modify existing information an ensure that your application is ready for submission.

Step 15 – Review... Each entry that we completed earlier will now have a “View/Edit” and “Delete” next to it. Clicking the “View/Edit” option will populate the fields with the original information you entered, allowing you to update/correct individual entries. Clicking the “Delete” option removes that entry from your application.

Once all warnings have been attended to and you are happy with the information in your application you can proceed to the “Summary” screen. From there you can click the “Submit Application” button to send it off for processing.

Once clicked you can view your applications progress from the “Clients” tab.

Other FunctionsNotes can also be added to applications for communicating certain information points to the back office.

This can be done from both the “Summary” and “Notes” tab, simply type in your message and hit the “Add Note” button to attach the note to the application.

Other FunctionsThe FidPro system has many other functions such as printing your own custom Form 16 from the “Print Application Form” button as well as modifying your login details via the “My Account” tab.

If you have any issues or questions simply click on the “Help” tab to view frequently asked questions as well as contact details for any enquires you may have.

Thank you for choosing FidPro for your Debt Counselling needs.