welcome to elm! - Frontend Masters · welcome to elm! please follow these ... let-expressions....

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Transcript of welcome to elm! - Frontend Masters · welcome to elm! please follow these ... let-expressions....


welcome to elm!

please follow these instructions to get set up:


1. Rendering a Page

elmcompiles to



no parentheses




JS: quantity === 1 ? singular : plural

call pluralize passing 3 arguments

call text passing 1 argument

import the Html module

why bother?

comments about comments

-- this is a comment

-- this is a comment

{- this is ablock comment -}


Virtual DOM

<ul class="highway"> <li>danger</li> <li>zone</li></ul>

<ul class="highway"> <li>danger</li> <li>zone</li></ul>


li li

text text“danger” “zone”

<ul class="highway"> <li>danger</li> <li>zone</li></ul>


li li

text text“danger” “zone”

ul [ class "highway" ] [ li [] [ text "danger" ], li [] [ text "zone" ] ]

<ul class="highway"> <li>danger</li> <li>zone</li></ul>


li li

text text“danger” “zone”

ul [ class "highway" ] [ li [] [ text "danger" ] , li [] [ text "zone" ] ]

Exercise: resolve the TODOs in part1/Main.elm

<ul class="highway"> <li>danger</li> <li>zone</li></ul>

ul [ class "highway" ] [ li [] [ text "danger" ] , li [] [ text "zone" ] ]

2. Basic Data Structures


"foo" ++ "bar" == "foobar"

"foo" ++ "bar" == "foobar"

"foo" + "bar" === "foobar" // JS

toString 5 == "5"


pluralize singular plural quantity = if quantity == 1 then singular else plural

pluralize singular plural quantity = if quantity == 1 then toString quantity ++ " " ++ singular else toString quantity ++ " " ++ plural

pluralize singular plural quantity = if quantity == 1 then toString quantity ++ " " ++ singular else toString quantity ++ " " ++ plural

code duplication

pluralize singular plural quantity = let quantityStr = toString quantity

prefix = quantityStr ++ " " in if quantity == 1 then prefix ++ singular else prefix ++ plural

pluralize singular plural quantity = let quantityStr = toString quantity

prefix = quantityStr ++ " " in if quantity == 1 then prefix ++ singular else prefix ++ plural


pluralize singular plural quantity = let quantityStr = toString quantity

prefix = quantityStr ++ " " in if quantity == 1 then prefix ++ singular else prefix ++ plural

inaccessible inoutside scope

pluralize singular plural quantity = let quantityStr = toString quantity

prefix = quantityStr ++ " " in if quantity == 1 then prefix ++ singular else prefix ++ plural

entire expressionevaluates to this


Records, Tuples, and Lists

record = { name = "thing", x = 1, y = 3 }

record = { name = "thing", x = 1, y = 3 }

record.name == "thing"record.x == 1record.y == 3

record = { name = "thing", x = 1, y = 3 }

tuple = ( "thing", 1, 3 )

a tuple is shorthand for a record

record = { name = "thing", x = 1, y = 3 }

tuple = ( "thing", 1, 3 )

( name, x, y ) = ( "thing", 1, 3 )

tuple destructuring

record = { name = "thing", x = 1, y = 3 }

tuple = ( "thing", 1, 3 )

( name, x, y ) = ( "thing", 1, 3 )

name == "thing"x == 1

[ 1, 2, 3 ]

[ 1, 2, 3 ]

[ [ "foo", "bar" ], [ "baz" ] ]

[ 1, 2, 3 ]

[ [ "foo", "bar" ], [ "baz" ] ]

[ "foo", 66 ]

what does this rule get us?

Records Tuples Lists

Records Tuples Lists


fixed length

variable length

Records Tuples Lists





fixed length

variable length

Exercise: resolve the TODOs in part2/Main.elm

record = { x = 4, y = 2 }

record.x == 4record.y == 2

toString 99 == "99"

negate (5 + 9) == -14 toString 99 ++ " balloons" == "99 balloons"

3. Adding Interaction






x == y



x == y

not (x == y)



x == y

not (x == y)

x /= y

partial application

function pluralizeLeaves(quantity) { return pluralize("leaf", "leaves", quantity);}

function pluralizeLeaves(quantity) { return pluralize("leaf", "leaves", quantity);}

pluralizeLeaves quantity = pluralize "leaf" "leaves" quantity

function pluralizeLeaves(quantity) { return pluralize("leaf", "leaves", quantity);}

pluralizeLeaves quantity = pluralize "leaf" "leaves" quantity

pluralizeLeaves = pluralize "leaf" "leaves"

function pluralizeLeaf(plural, quantity) { return pluralize("leaf", plural, quantity);}

pluralizeLeaf plural quantity = pluralize "leaf" plural quantity

pluralizeLeaf = pluralize "leaf"


isKeepable num = num >= 2

List.filter isKeepable [ 1, 2, 3 ]

== [ 2, 3 ]

Elm: (\foo -> foo + 1)

JS: (function(foo) { return foo + 1 })

List.filter (\num -> num >= 2) [ 1, 2, 3 ]

== [ 2, 3 ]

isKeepable num = num >= 2

List.filter isKeepable [ 1, 2, 3 ]

== [ 2, 3 ]


double num = num * 2

double num = num * 2

List.map double [ 1, 2, 3 ]

double num = num * 2

List.map double [ 1, 2, 3 ]

== [ 2, 4, 6 ]

List.map negate [ 1, 2, -3 ]

== [ -1, -2, 3 ]

List.map (pluralize "leaf" "leaves") [ 1, 2, 3 ]

== [ "1 leaf", "2 leaves", "3 leaves" ]

The Elm Architecture

model view update

view model =

div [ class "content" ] []



Elm Runtime


Htmlh1 [] [ text "ElmHub" ]

Elm Runtime


Htmlh1 [] [ text "ElmHub" ]

Elm Runtime


Htmlh1 [] [ text "ElmHub" ]

{ query = "tutorial"

, results = []


Elm Runtime

viewupdate Model

Htmlh1 [] [ text "ElmHub" ]

{ query = "tutorial"

, results = []


Elm Runtime

maxResults and Show More

potential feature:

{ operation = "SHOW_MORE", data = 10}

{ operation = "SHOW_MORE", data = 10}

update msg model = if msg.operation == "SHOW_MORE" then { maxResults = model.maxResults + msg.data } else model

update msg model = if msg.operation == "SHOW_MORE" then { maxResults = model.maxResults + msg.data } else model

{ operation = "SHOW_MORE", data = 10}

what if there are other fields in the model?

update msg model = if msg.operation == "SHOW_MORE" then { maxResults = model.maxResults + msg.data } else model

update msg model = if msg.operation == "SHOW_MORE" then { model | maxResults = model.maxResults + msg.data } else model

Elm Runtime

viewupdate Model

Msg Html


{ operation = "SHOW_MORE", data = 10 }

onClick { operation = "SHOW_MORE", data = 10 }

button [ onClick { operation = "SHOW_MORE", data = 10 } ] [ text "Show More" ]

viewupdate Model

Msg Htmlh1 [] [ text "ElmHub" ]

{ query = "tutorial"

, results = []


Elm Runtime


viewupdate Model

Msg Htmlh1 [] [ text "ElmHub" ]

{ query = "tutorial"

, results = []


{ operation = "DELETE_BY_ID"

, data = 2


Elm Runtime

Elm Runtime

viewupdate Model

Msg Html

Exercise: resolve the TODOs in part3/Main.elmElm: (\foo -> foo + 1)

JS: (function(foo) { return foo + 1 })

{ animals | cats = animals.cats + 1 }

List.filter (\num -> num >= 2) [ 1, 2, 3 ]

== [ 2, 3 ]

4. Annotations

-- query is a string

query = "tutorial"

query : String

query = "tutorial"

stars : Int

stars = 123

searchResult : { name : String, stars : Int }

searchResult = { name = "blah", stars = 415 }

list : List String

list = [ "foo", "bar", "baz" ]

list : List Float

list = [ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 ]

list : List Int

list = [ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 ]


model :

{ query : String

, results :


{ id : Int

, name : String

, stars : Int



type alias SearchResult =

{ id : Int

, name : String

, stars : Int


type alias Model =

{ query : String

, results : List SearchResult


type alias SearchResult =

{ id : Int

, name : String

, stars : Int


type alias Msg =

{ operation : String

, data : Int


type alias Msg =

{ operation : String

, data : Int


view : Model -> Html Msg

view model =

type alias Msg =

{ operation : String

, data : Int


view : Model -> Html Msg

view model =

type alias Msg =

{ operation : String

, data : Int


view : Model -> Html Msg

view model =

button [ onClick { operation = "RESET", data = "all" } ]

[ text "Reset All" ]

view : Model -> Html String

view model =

button [ onClick "RESET" ]

[ text "Reset All" ]

view : Model -> Html Float

view model =

button [ onClick 12.34 ]

[ text "Reset All" ]

view : Model -> Html Msg

view model =

button [ onClick { operation = "RESET", data = "all" } ]

[ text "Reset All" ]

type alias Msg =

{ operation : String

, data : Int


update : Msg -> Model -> Model

update msg model =

type alias Msg =

{ operation : String

, data : Int


update : Msg -> Model -> Model

update msg model =

pluralize : String -> String -> Int -> String


Exercise: resolve the TODOs in part4/Main.elm

pluralize : String -> String -> Int -> String

5. Union Types


if msg.operation == "DELETE_BY_ID" then -- remove from modelelse if msg.operation == "LOAD_RESULTS" then -- load more resultselse -- default branch

case msg.operation of "DELETE_BY_ID" -> -- remove from model

"LOAD_RESULTS" -> -- load more results

_ -> -- default branch

union types

type Sorting = Ascending | Descending | Randomized

type Sorting = Ascending | Descending | Randomized

type Bool = True | False

type Bool = True | False



case currentSorting of Ascending -> -- sort ascending here

Descending -> -- sort descending here

Randomized -> -- sort randomized here

type Sorting = Ascending String | Descending String | Randomized

type Sorting = Ascending String | Descending String | Randomized



type Sorting = Ascending String | Descending String | Randomized




type Sorting = Ascending String | Descending String | Randomized




String -> Sorting

case currentSorting of Ascending colName -> -- sort ascending here

Descending colName -> -- sort descending here

Randomized -> -- sort randomized here

type alias Msg = { operation : String , data : Int }

type alias Msg = { operation : String , data : Int }

{ operation = "DELETE_BY_ID" , data = 3 }

type alias Msg = { operation : String , data : Int }

{ operation = "DELETE_BY_ID" , data = 3 }

{ operation = "SET_QUERY" , data = "tutorial" }

type Msg = SetQuery String | DeleteById Int

type alias Msg = { operation : String , data : Int }

case msg of SetQuery query -> -- set query in the model here

DeleteById id -> -- delete the result with this id here

type Msg = SetQuery String | DeleteById Int

function (String -> Sorting)

Exercise: resolve the TODOs in part5/Main.elm

type Sorting = Ascending String | Descending String | Randomized


constantfunction (String -> Sorting)

6. Decoding JSON


in JavaScript


parseInt("42") == 42

parseInt("42") == 42parseInt("halibut")

parseInt("42") == 42parseInt("halibut") == NaN



String.toInt "42"

String.toInt "42" == Ok 42

String.toInt "42" == Ok 42

type Result = Ok somethingGood Err somethingBad

String.toInt "42" == Ok 42String.toInt "halibut"

type Result = Ok somethingGood Err somethingBad

String.toInt "42" == Ok 42String.toInt "halibut" == Err "umm halibut is not an int"

type Result = Ok somethingGood Err somethingBad


type Result = Ok somethingGood Err somethingBad

type Result = Ok somethingGood Err somethingBad

type Maybe = Just someValue Nothing

type Maybe = Just someValue Nothing

List.head [ 5, 10, 15 ] == Just 5

type Maybe = Just someValue Nothing

List.head [ 5, 10, 15 ] == Just 5

List.head [] == Nothing


List.filter (\num -> num < 5) [ 2, 4, 6, 8 ]

List.filter (\num -> num < 5) [ 2, 4, 6, 8 ]

List.reverse (List.filter (\num -> num < 5) [ 2, 4, 6, 8 ])

[ 2, 4, 6, 8 ] |> List.filter (\num -> num < 5) |> List.reverse

List.reverse (List.filter (\num -> num < 5) [ 2, 4, 6, 8 ])

[ 2, 4, 6, 8 ] |> List.filter (\num -> num < 5) |> List.reverse |> List.map negate

List.reverse (List.filter (\num -> num < 5) [ 2, 4, 6, 8 ])

[ 2, 4, 6, 8 ] |> List.filter (\num -> num < 5) |> List.reverse |> List.map negate |> List.head

List.reverse (List.filter (\num -> num < 5) [ 2, 4, 6, 8 ])


decodeString float "123.45"

decodeString float "123.45"

== Ok 123.45

decodeString float "123.45"

== Ok 123.45

decodeString float "blah"

decodeString float "123.45"

== Ok 123.45

decodeString float "blah"

== Err "blah is not a float!"

decodeString (list int) "[1, 2, 3]"

decodeString (list int) "[1, 2, 3]"

== Ok [ 1, 2, 3 ]

decodeString (list int) "[1, 2, 3]"

== Ok [ 1, 2, 3 ]

"[1, 2, 3]" |> decodeString (list int)

== Ok [ 1, 2, 3 ]

decoding objects into records

makeGameState score playing = { score = score, playing = playing }

makeGameState score playing = { score = score, playing = playing }

decoder = ???

makeGameState score playing = { score = score, playing = playing }

decoder = ???

decodeString decoder """{"score": 5.5, "playing": true}"""

== Ok { score = 5.5, playing = True }

makeGameState score playing = { score = score, playing = playing }

decoder = decode makeGameState |> required "score" float |> required "playing" bool

decodeString decoder """{"score": 5.5, "playing": true}"""

== Ok { score = 5.5, playing = True }

makeGameState score playing = { score = score, playing = playing }

decoder = decode makeGameState |> required "score" float |> required "playing" bool

decodeString decoder """{"score": 5.5, "playing": true}"""

== Ok { score = 5.5, playing = True }

makeGameState score playing = { score = score, playing = playing }

decoder = decode makeGameState |> required "score" float |> required "playing" bool

decodeString decoder """{"score": 5.5, "playing": true}"""

== Ok { score = 5.5, playing = True }

type alias GameState = { score : Float, playing : Bool }

makeGameState : Float -> Bool -> GameStatemakeGameState score playing = { score = score, playing = playing }

type alias GameState = { score : Float, playing : Bool }

GameState : Float -> Bool -> GameState

makeGameState : Float -> Bool -> GameStatemakeGameState score playing = { score = score, playing = playing }

type alias GameState = { score : Float, playing : Bool }

GameState : Float -> Bool -> GameState

makeGameState : Float -> Bool -> GameStatemakeGameState score playing = { score = score, playing = playing }

makeGameState 2.3 True == GameState 2.3 True

type alias GameState = { score : Float, playing : Bool }

decoder = decode GameState |> required "score" float |> required "playing" bool

decodeString decoder """{"score": 5.5, "playing": true}"""

== Ok { score = 5.5, playing = True }

type alias GameState = { score : Float, playing : Bool }

decoder = decode GameState |> required "score" float |> required "playing" bool

decodeString decoder """{"score": 5.5, "playing": true}"""

== Ok { score = 5.5, playing = True }

type alias GameState = { score : Float, playing : Bool }

decoder = decode GameState |> required "score" float |> required "playing" bool

Exercise: resolve the TODOs in part6/Main.elm

7. Client-Server Communication

function guarantees

same arguments?

same return value





pickGreeting : List String -> String


pickGreeting : List String -> String


pickGreeting : List String -> Cmd Msg

pickGreeting : List String -> String

viewupdate Model


h1 [] [ text "ElmHub" ]

{ query = "tutorial"

, results = []


{ operation = "DELETE_BY_ID"

, data = 2


Elm Runtime


viewupdate Model


h1 [] [ text "ElmHub" ]

{ query = "tutorial"

, results = []


DeleteById 2

Elm Runtime

Html Msg

viewupdate Model


Elm Runtime

Html Msg

viewupdate Model


Elm Runtime

how the Elm Runtime talks to update Html Msg

viewupdate Model

Msg Html Msg

Elm Runtime

Cmd Msg

viewupdate Model

Msg Html Msg

Elm Runtime

Cmd MsgSetGreeting 5

pickGreeting : List String -> Cmd Msg


update : Msg -> Model -> Model


update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )

viewupdate Model

Msg Html Msg

Elm Runtime

Cmd MsgSetGreeting 5

pickGreeting : List String -> Cmd Msg


Msg Html Msg

Elm Runtime

Cmd MsgSetGreeting 5

pickGreeting : List String -> Cmd Msg

( model, pickGreeting greetings )



Msg Html Msg

Elm Runtime

Cmd Msg

( model, Cmd.none )


another function guarantee

no side effects

no modifying external state

fire-and-forget HTTP POST

fire-and-forget HTTP POST

✓ same arguments, same result

fire-and-forget HTTP POST

✗ does not modify external state

✓ same arguments, same result

side effects

side effects

managed effects



getString : String -> Cmd String

what if it looked like this?

getString : String -> Cmd String

what if it looked like this?

it always produces a string?

getString : String -> Task Http.Error String

getString : String -> Task Http.Error String

result if it fails

getString : String -> Task Http.Error String

result if it succeeds


Task Cmd


Task Cmdtranslate failure into a Msg


Task Cmdtranslate failure into a Msg

translate success into a Msg

Task.perform (\err -> ShowError err) (\json -> SetJson json) (Http.getString "https://api.github.com?q=blah")

Task Cmdtranslate failure into a Msg

translate success into a Msg

Task.perform ShowError SetJson (Http.getString "https://api.github.com?q=blah")

Task Cmdtranslate failure into a Msg

translate success into a Msg

Http.getString "https://api.github.com?q=blah" |> Task.perform ShowError SetJson

Task Cmdtranslate failure into a Msg

translate success into a Msg

cmd : Cmd Msgcmd = Http.getString "https://api.github.com?q=blah" |> Task.perform ShowError SetJson

Task Cmdtranslate failure into a Msg

translate success into a Msg

-- success gives you a StringHttp.getString url

-- success gives you a StringHttp.getString url

-- success gives you a SearchResultHttp.get searchResultDecoder url

Exercise: resolve the TODOs in part7/Main.elm

cmd : Cmd Msgcmd = Http.getString "https://api.github.com?q=blah" |> Task.perform ShowError SetJson

-- success gives you a SearchResultHttp.get searchResultDecoder url

day 1 wrap

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Helpful Resources

Weekly News: elmweekly.nl

Google Group: elm-discuss


Sept 15, 2016

Keynote: Evan CzaplickiLocation: St. Louis, MO

Tickets: $100