Welcome to Country Style Cookers Ltd

Post on 11-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Welcome to Country Style Cookers Ltd

Welcome to Country Style Cookers Ltd

Country Style Cookers Ltd. were established in 1998 and supply reconditioned Aga and Rayburn range cookers within a 150-mile radius

of our site in Hereford, UK. Our staff members have over five decades of combined experience in working with renovated Aga and Rayburn range

cookers. These appliances are ever popular because they operate by storing heat continuously until it’s needed for cooking.

Our Service Range

AGA Range

Deluxe AGA Range

Traditional AGA Range

Rayburn Range

Royal Solid Fuel

Royal Oil & Electric

Supreme Range

Deluxe AGA Range

It was introduced in 1960 and we provide availability of solid fuel, oil or gas fired range.

Deluxe are made of British cast iron and comes in two or four oven model choices with the availability of 13 amp electric powered from recent development.

Traditional AGA Range

Due to craftsmanship and durability features, it is preferred by many customers.

The reconditioning can be done and used for cooking and powering hot water system purposes.

Royal Solid Fuel

Initially introduced to cook only and hot water models and consists of continuous hot plates.

Its one half being on fire is the hot plate and the other half is used for simmering purpose.

Royal Oil & Electric

Being versatile in nature, they are going to use for generations.

Aside from cooking purpose, electric model can be used to fulfil central heating needs in case three to five radiators are present.

The Electrical Conversion Model does not require a chimney while operating.

Supreme Range

This model is a multi–fuel model and was introduced in 1980.

Using wood in it and burn make it an environment friendly option of cooking.

Contact Us

Country Style Cookers Ltd

Address Unit 8, Oakleys Yard, Gatehouse Road, Rotherwas Industrial Estate,Hereford, Herefordshire,HR2 6RQ

01432 342 351



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