Welcome to Avon Grove Intermediate Physical Education Program 2009-2010

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Welcome to Avon Grove Intermediate Physical Education Program 2009-2010. Meet Your Health and Physical Education Teachers. Mr. Benson Mr. Conzentino Mr. Jones Ms. Mengel Ms. Mitch Mrs. Travis Mrs. Weaver Mr. Whitmer. Fire Emergency. Put equipment down. Find your PE teacher. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Welcome to Avon Grove Intermediate Physical Education Program 2009-2010

Welcome to Avon Grove Intermediate

Physical Education Program2009-2010

Meet Your Health and Physical Education Teachers

Mr. BensonMr. ConzentinoMr. JonesMs. MengelMs. MitchMrs. TravisMrs. WeaverMr. Whitmer

Fire Emergency

Put equipment down.Find your PE teacher.Walk to safety in

single file line.Listen for directions.Remain silent.

Tornado Emergency

Put equipment down. Find and follow your

PE teacher. Duck and cover. Listen for directions. Remain silent.

Intruder Drill

Put equipment down.Find and follow your

PE teacher. Remain silent.

What is PE ?

PE stands for Physical Education.

Physical Education means learning how your body moves.

Please call this class Physical Education, Phys. Ed, or PE, but not “Gym class”

The gym is WHERE we have PE !

When will I have PE ?

You will have PE every day for the next 36 days of school ! This might be new to some of you, so please be prepared for PE every day.

What should I wear on my feet for PE class ?

Socks are a good start Wear sneakers or other shoes that are

closed all around and won’t come off your foot.

Wear shoes that are comfortable.

What should I NOT wear on my feet for PE class ?

Sandals / flip flopsClogsDress shoesCowboy boots/UggsHeelysShoes with high or

extra thick heelsShoes that come off


What clothes are OK for PE ?

Comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely

Clothes that meet the school dress code

Pants, shorts, skorts

What clothes are NOT OK for PE ?

Clothes that keep you from moving freely

Clothes that do not meet the school dress code

Pants that drag on the ground

Skirts, mini skirts, or dresses

What should I do BEFORE I come to PE class ?

Use the bathroom.Get a drink.Make sure your

sneakers are tied.Bring a jacket or

sweatshirt if you think you might need it.

Be sure that your name is on your sweatshirt or jacket.

What should I do when I get to the gym for PE class ?

Wait for a PE teacher to give you permission to quietly enter the gym.

Go to your assigned quadrant.

Double check to make sure your shoes are tied.

Begin your warm-up circuit when instructed.

Do not touch ANY equipment.

How should I behave during PE class ?

There are 3 levels of behavior :1. Unacceptable2. Acceptable3. Outstanding

Behavior Levels

1. Unacceptable Not following directions Not participating Arguing Being out of control Poor attitude Not using equipment


Behavior Levels

2. Acceptable Following directions Participating Taking care of

equipment or materials

Being in control

Behavior Levels

3. OutstandingBeing responsible for

what you say and doCooperating with

others at all timesReturning equipment

or materialsHelping othersActing as a role

model at all times

What happens if my behavior is unacceptable ?

1. Warning

2. Time out

3.Red Card

What is a RED CARD ?

A red card is a red piece of paper that you have to take home.

A red card tells the adults in your house that your behavior was unacceptable.

If you get a red card, you must get it signed by an adult and bring it back the next school day.

Other PE rules

Enter and leave quietly.Raise hand for permission to speak.Follow directions the first time. Ask for permission to use the restroom

or get a drink. Use equipment only as instructed. Do not have gum or candy in the gym.Be kind in what you do and say.

What should I do if I cannot participate in PE ?

Bring in a note from home or from a doctor.

Take the note to the NURSE FIRST !

Bring a copy of the note to your PE teacher.

What are some reasons you may not be able to participate?

What should I do if someone is bothering me ?

1. Ignore him/her.2. Ask him/ her to

please stop.3. Tell a PE teacher.

What should I do if there is a disagreement ?

Discuss, negotiate, ask for other people’s help, take turns, use game solutions:– Paper, Rock, Scissors– Odd, even


Try to use the bathroom before or after PE class.

In case of emergency:– Ask YOUR teacher for

permission before leaving.– Sign out.– Return as soon as possible.– Tell YOUR teacher when you

come back in.


During the class: Ask for permission first.

After the class: – Line up in a single line.– Use a quiet voice if you need to speak.– Keep your hands and feet to yourself.– Line up where your teacher asks you to

line up.


If you get hurt during PE, inform YOUR PE teacher immediately.

Do NOT wait until your next special or your next class to report an injury.

Report every case of bleeding or any other accidents.

How will I be graded in PE ?

You will be graded in 4 areas:1. Preparation…clothes and shoes2. Warm up3. 12 minute run for Grades 5 and 6

6 minute run for Grades 3 and 44. Behavior


Preparation 5 points

Warm up 5 points

6 or 12 minute run

5 points

Behavior 5 points

Total 20 points


Grade Points

E 19 –20

M* 15-18*

SP 11-14

P 8-10

C 0-7

Thank You !

Thank you for your kind attention and have a great school year !!!