Welcome to Australia. Aboriginal Map of Australia.

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Welcome to Australia. Aboriginal Map of Australia.

Welcome to Australia


Aboriginal Map of Australia

Who Were the First Australians?

• Australian Aborigines have the longest continuous cultural history in the world.

• It is believed that the first people arrived between 50,000 and 70,000 years ago.

Who are the Aborigines?

• Traditionally hunters and gathers

• In semi arid regions they were forced to move over vast tracts of land to find food and water.

•There was no formal government or authority, but social control was determined by their religion called the Dreamtime.

The Arrival of Europeans

• Australia was founded in the 16th century by the Portuguese.

•In 1770, Captain James Cook sailed the entire length of the eastern coast, and claimed the continent for the British.

Now What?

• In 1779, Britain decided that it could solve its overcrowding problems by transporting convicts to the new land.

• New South Wales was a harsh and horrible place for the prisoners and the threat of starvation hung over the colony for 16 years.

Gaining Popularity

• 1850 – the discovery of gold changed the view of Australia.

• Huge increase of immigrants and the discovery of gold boosted the economy and changed the social structure.

• Aborigines were ruthlessly pushed off their land as new settlers took up the land for farming and mining.

Becoming a Nation

• Australia became a nation on January 1, 1901.

•Australia and Britain still remained closely tied.

•Post WWII Australia began to shift their allegiance towards the USA.

What is Happening Today?• Post WWII flood of immigration

• Immigrants from around the world have made a tremendous contribution to the country, enlivening its culture and bringing a vision.

• Today, Australia is thriving with a diverse culture much like that of the United States.

Welcome to Ms. Dorr’s Gallery of Pictures.

View of Heron Island, a small island in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef

The Protector

The Great Barrier Reef is the biggest coral reef in the world. It stretches for about 1,250 miles and includes 400 different kinds of coral.

Men got to make digeridoos while . . .

the girls made grass skirts.

Dino, Country and Raymond entertain

through their traditional music and dance.

Aboriginal dancing always tells a story.

Liz (the hunter), is being stalked by Raymond

(a crocodile).

Celebration after a long night of dancing.

For special occasions and celebrations, Aboriginals cook their food underground.

Australia is most famous for its native animals including kangaroos, koalas, wallabies, and wombats.

Wild turkey cruising the streets in the bush . . .

I’ll be back some day!