Welcome to A Session on Diamond in You. This Session is ……… on Self - discovery. Powerful...

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Transcript of Welcome to A Session on Diamond in You. This Session is ……… on Self - discovery. Powerful...

Welcome to A

Session on




This Session is ………


Self - discovery.

Powerful Principles of Success

Diamond is a metaphor for Human Beings

What gives value to a Diamond ?

&What gives value to an individual ?


Performance Perseverance

Color Clarity Personality Carat Perspective People Skills Passion Principles Positive Energy Patriotism





PASSION• Density of a diamond is measured by it’s

Carats & depth of an individual lies in his / her


• Passion is an essential ingredient for SUCCESS

& HAPPYNESS in life .

• Without passion, we are nothing….!

Passion is the most important ingradiemnt

PASSION There is nothing more powerful than


Human soul on fire.

Follow your passion & every thing will follow.


There was a biology teacher

in an ordinary school……

He loved playing football

so much


he left everything


became sports coach in the university.

FOOTBALL was considered as a

thankless & an ordinary job…..

He researched & found that reduction of

one ounce weight in shoes helps athlete to

reduce 200 pounds of aggregate efforts.

but for his research there was no taker…….…..

He did not stopped …..

He invented a waffle sole which was far

lighter and has better grip than the existing

soles used by manufacturers………

still no taker….

But his passion made him




shoe manufacturer


with the little savings that he had…..

& he was none other

than Bill Bowerman,

Co - founder of

NIKENothing, absolutely nothing, can be achieved without

an unending strong passion.

Do you know who

martin Luther king jr . was …..

He said - if you are a street sweeper, so be

it. Clean your street so well that others are

forced to acknowledge your existence


feel that …….

“here lived a street sweeper

who did his job well”

Anything worth doing is worth doing passionately…..


You will not be happy,

You will not sparkle and

You will not earn money……

A WORD About Passion…..

• Nothing in life is more than how passionately we go about doing what we believe in.

• Passion can make anything happen.

• Follow your passion & every thing will follow.

POSITIVE ENERGY• The higher positive energy, the more

our chances of achieving success.

• Positive energy, is the force behind our


• Success occurs twice in life….

once in our mind & once in reality…!

• Positive Energy has two sources.

• One is the external motivation. Some one else motivates us & fills us with Positive Energy.

But if …….. there is no source of external motivation ?

Then we look within …..

‘If nobody responds to your call, then walk it alone….’ - Rabindra Nath Tagore

That’s the spirit of self motivated men.

Guess who wrote following……..

“ By 1980, I will be the best known Oriental

Movie Star in the USA & will have secured

$ 10 million. And in return, I will give the very

best acting I could possibly give to every

single shot when I am in front of camera.

And I will live in peace & harmony…..”

The letter is dated 9th January 1970 &

available at Planet Hollywood – NY City.

He died in 1973 …….

( just after 3 years of this letter )

after having surpassed all that

he had decided for himself.



Bruce Lee

Success occurs twice in life….

once in our mind & once in reality…!

You can never



If you don’t have the positive energy

within you to believe that you can.

Performance …..

If you keep doing what you’ve always done,

you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.

If you want things around you to change, you need to be that change agent.

You have got do something more than what you’ve always doing.

You need to act-now!

Your Performance is

the true test of

the cut of

the Diamond



You can ‘ t…………

Cross the river merely by standing & staring

at the river water……..

You need to be ready to go the extra mile….. - Rabindranath Tagore

There is no short cut to success.


Nothing compares to the power of sincere &

dedicated Hard Work.

Route 2 success – a four stage plan…..

1.Vividly 2.Ardently Imagine Desire

3.Genuinely believe in your dreams &

4.Act wholeheartedly

There will be no one to STOP YOU.


are very good with imagining,

Passionately desiring,


Truly believing in our dreams……..


unfortunately forget “ ACT ” part of the

success plan…!

Need some examples…….?

He charmed the world with his

performance in the Superman……

He got number of academy awards….

In 1996, he received his award under a thunderous applause from the audience……….he

came in his wheelchair.

( accident had left him paralyzed from the NECK DOWN )

Reeve Christopher

Truly a Superman


He works, even today, 16 – 18 hours

every day.



• Mozart produced his greatest compositions

only after he had composed music

for more than 20 years.

• If

you need to succeeds,

start early,

very early


the life.

• Bill Gates wrote his first piece of software at 13.

• Warren Buffet, the financial wizard, bought his first

share at 11.

And he ….. At 15 ,

Scored 100 – not out – in his

debut first class match between

Bombay & Gujarat.

He has score 30,000+ runs in international

cricket ………… Amitabh Bachchan called him

“ The Nation’s Heartbeat ”

He is …………………

Sachin Tendulkar

Nation’s Heartbeat

--- Amitabh Bachchan

What is the difference between talented & successful?


The differentiator is


dynamism of consistent Hard Work.

He …..…..

•Started his career from a TV serial.

•Is full of energy..

•Is Enigma personified ( mysteriously different)

•Electrifies stage

•Way back , the movie actors must be tall and have booming voice…. And he must have SOLID CONNECTIONS IN BOLLYWOOD to survive,

•But he defied all those rules and sculpted his own success story – HIS WAY…..





He never failed to perform…

He held his esteem high…. Always.

He is the figure of admiration.

He is a proof of well cut diamond…..


“The only people who never fail are those who never try!”

Every winner is a winner because he has dared to fail.

Do you know who was this ….?

During world war II, he was call for in a

interview for the engineer post.

He was turned down


Toyota Motor Corporation.

But he did not lose hope

He went on to start a new automobile firm.

The company is……..




“A man may fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to

blame somebody else” – by J. Paul Getty.

She was flatly rejected by 20th century fox


They thought she was unattractive….

She became quintessential Hollywood Diva …..

Stop complaining & take adversity in your stride.


His music teacher told him that

as a composer, he was hopeless.

HIS perseverance MADE HIM

A Musician

Whose Music Lives On

Even Now!



Beethoven’s music lives on even now!

Do you know that …. In 1970, a firm was started in her garage in B’lore. It is a business of making Enzymes for industrial uses.

No one understood the Enzymes & no one wanted to bet on business headed by a woman.

Bank refused to give loan without a male guarantor

No one was ready to work with her – even a secretary.

But, she did not give up. She did not cry foul. She did not blame others.

She believed in her self and stuck on to this till she found the bank that was willing to take a chance.

In 2004, the her firm went public and at the end of the day, company got a mkt value of US Dollar 1.1 Billion.

She is the wealthiest woman in India.

Any guess who is she…..

Kiran Majumdar Shaw

Guess ……

Who is this gentleman ?

He is the co – founder of Apple Computers

At 21, With his friend, Steve Wozniak, he made their first computer in Job’s garage in 1976.

At 25, he was worth USD 200 million

His iPod ( launched 2003 and digital jukebox iTunes changed the music industry of the world.

What about ar rahman ?

Mani Ratnam , in 1992, released Roja

movie was hit but its music ROCKED

His father passed away when he was 9.He has to take care of his mother & sisters.

For years , he faces lot of hardships, but his grueling hard work showed result & after

Roja he became a household name.

How many oscarS he won ?

Who is this lady ?

She ..…..

Was born in a poor family.

Was molested by male relatives & became pregnant at 14.


She carried on….News anchor job was also not much successful.

became a co – host on local talk show and has her first success.

Finally created history and became #1 celebrity when she started her own talk show.

She never……….

Blamed others or complained about the destiny.

Be prepared to fail, but have the perseverance to try again & again. Success will not be far behind.


Personality and faith determines the color Of

the Human Diamond.

Add Magnetic personality in your hard work & perseverance and you will reach the different heights in the life.

Your charismatic & pleasant personality makes you an unique leader. For the successful leader, personality is more important than technical expertise.

You have to create an aura, positive energy and cheerful ambiance . Groom your self . Become a great communicator. Your personality creates dynamism .

Good look is not in your hand….It getS decided by genes.


Looking good is in your hand.

“ Looks ” is about your first impression you create to others. It grossly depends on how you present your self.

Have you noticed, Leaders of 100+ nations , all with different physical looks – come across as looking so good in UN Summit.

How is it possible ??????


Regardless of the colors of the skin and physical appearances, they all stand in UN Summit wearing a white shirt, a fitting black suit, a red tie, well polished shoes, and hair neatly done , they make perfect impression.

Often, in interview, from the time you walk into the room and take your seat, the interviewer has already decided to take or not to take you.

REMEMBER : You never get second chance for your first impression.

The way you walk….

The way you use your hands while speaking…..

The way you take chair to sit………

The way you have eye contact while speaking…..

What you have inside you reflects by your looks & then by your actions.

Remember this gentleman ????

People love to watch him on TV


Dr. Prannoy Roy has polished looks, His amazing body language,

His articulate and intelligent words ……..

In one word, he has well groomed outstanding personality.

When the fate of the star tv was dwindling,

Which personality was roped in ?

Whose Immaculate personality mesmerized the viewer of TV channel ?

all thESE examples have one thing in common….

They believed in themselves.

Winners dare to fail.Success teaches us very little – it is failure that makes you think and work harder. Be prepared to failure, but have the perseverance to try again and again.

Irrespective of what world says, you must have the perseverance to just keep doing what you think you can. And surely you will do.

It not the strength or the knowledge , It the lack of perseverance that differentiate successful people from others.

PEOPLE ……………

Arindam Chaudhari - IIPM fame, was asked how he is managing institute, a media house, a film production company & a consulting firm all together…?

He said – “ I have got great people ”who run my businesses, & I just give interviews…!

Get a team of extremely passionate people. You should believe your people.

The graveyards is full of people who thought they were indispensable & could do it all by themselves…!

If you want to go fast, GO alone…. But If you want to go far…… go together….!

It is easy to get good players… but getting them to play together is the hard part.

He was a son of railroad conductor suffering from stuttering problem.

He said –

Great people, NOT GREAT STRATEGIES, are what made it all work at GE.

Thomas Edison was asked why he had a team of 21 assistants….?

He said - If I could solve all the problems myself, I would…!

For any successful climbing mission, team work is essential.

The strong bond of friendship & trust was responsible for the success of Hillary & Tenzing.

Can you imagine a better example for the power of teamwork…. Other than Infosys ?

It was their hard work and commitment that they could build one of the India’s greatest IT company from the scratch.

When you add Personality & People Skills, it gives a synergy effect and 1 + 1 becomes 11.

If you want to multiply your success score, you have to focus on the colour of the Human Diamond.


What is

the clarity of

The Diamond within you ?

It is the first P that helps us to be a spotless and crystal clear diamond.

Perspective requires personal as well as a broader Vision.

Ray Kroc was a salesman who sold multi – mixers ( to make milkshakes)for more than 15 years….

His clear perspective and Vision helped India to get independence.

He knew the importance of Satyagraha and non – violent movement.

Do you know who is Mark Zuckerberg……

Sitting in his room in Harvard, he saw immense potential of “ Social Graph ”

Instead of using Internet to make more and new friends, he thought that it would be more fun to keep in touch with old friends and acquaintances.

And he launched Facebook…..

She saw great potential for technology in changing lives &give equal opportunity to new entrepreneur to compete with large corporations.

Sergey Brin gave the world the largest search engine .

A clear perspective gives us the power & courage to face any problem. It becomes the source os greatest motivation during rough time.

A clear perspective shows us the direction to follow when life brings you to a cross road.


Principles makes us spot less clear diamond it makes you stall tall in the long run

You don’t have to sacrifice Principles in life to move ahead fast.

He personified the struggles. He spent nearly three decades of his life behind bars, endured hardships, yet he NEVER ever compromised with his principles.

Individuals and Corporations need to live by a set of Values. A Brand becomes famous and loved only when the leader behind it shows Integrity .

Starbucks is so big because, Howard Schulz ensured every cup of coffee made in his outlet was the Best Quality ( because cutting corners lead only to short – term success)

To succeed, U need to be unethical. is a myth.

He never bribed politicians or use black market to increase revenues.

Today, TATA group India’s most respected business house.

Contrast this to the Satyam, Enron or Bernard Madoff scams – all their top men are behind the bars.

This only proves – in long run, it pays to be ETHICAL.


It is the final symbol of clarity of the Human Diamond.

You might be a high carat diamond which has been cut meticulously & has a great colour, but it’s the love for your country and for the human being anywhere in the world that makes a Human Diamond perfect.

He is the man behind SONY.

He rejected a huge huge order of a hundred thousand units for his transistor radios at a time when he was struggling to find any takers for his products, because the buyers said he could not brand his radio. For Akio, his country came first.

Five years later, while walking on the New York’s Fifth Avenue , Akio realised that many nations except Japan had their flags on display on the top of the Avenue’s stores.

He made it his Mission to fly the first Japanese Flag there.

The Chinese today have turned their backs on all the things Western – from designer wear to cars.

The no. 1 selling car in China is Chery,The no. 1 selling cola in rural China is the Chinese company Wa Ha Ha’s Future Cola.

Be it these two or China mobile, Gree Electronics, Heier or Lenovo – behind all these success stories is a story of patriotism.

If you want to find that dazzling & clear diamond within you, never forget to LOVE your country & people of the world at a large, especially the underprivileged & exploited.

Life becomes worth living when patriotism is what drives your passions.









Big Thank You


Prof. VS Chauhan Prof.vsc@gmail.com