Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History Mr. Hughes. Current Events (Set 27) 1. “ Flags of our Fathers:...

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Transcript of Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History Mr. Hughes. Current Events (Set 27) 1. “ Flags of our Fathers:...

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  • Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History Mr. Hughes
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  • Current Events (Set 27) 1. Flags of our Fathers: U.S. Veterans Return to Iwo Jima, Japan for 70 th Anniversary of the Pacific Battle. Raising of U.S. flag by Marines on Mount Suribachi symbolizes 1945 victory over Japan in World War II. U.S. Marines = 7,000 killed & 20,000 wounded Medal of Honors awarded Japanese = 216 POWs, 19,000 killed, 3,000 missing 27
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  • Current Event #2 2. Islamic Ring Found in 9 th Century Viking Grave Provides Rare Evidence of Contact Between Cultures. Engraved with Allah in Arabic, ring shows trade between Scandinavia & Constantinople (Istanbul). From 800-1100s AD, Vikings roamed the Arab world probably trading honey for silver
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  • Current Event #3 3. 14 Year-Old Convicted and Found Guilty of Felony Arson in Starting Destructive CoCos Fire in San Diego. Teen ignited a branch in backyard causing embers to start a wildfire destroying 36 homes and $10 million in damage. Embers travelled nearly half a mile burning 2,000 acres; sentencing hearing and restitution $ next month
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  • Current Event #4 4. Misbehavior Before the Enemy: Army Charges Sergeant Bergdahl with Desertion in Afghanistan. He left his post voluntarily, was held captive for 5 years, then exchanged for 5 GITMO Taliban militants. Charge carries a potential life sentence; but it is likely he will plead out to a lighter punishment
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  • Current Event #5 5. Deliberate: French Prosecutor Says Co-Pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525 Crashed Plane on Purpose. No accident: Captain was locked out of cabin during descent; all 150 people on board killed; motive unknown. Airliner crashed into French Alps while flying from Spain to Germany (Co-pilot was Andreas Lubitz)
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  • Chapter 11 The Industrial Revolution in America (Standard 8.6) Samuel Slater Innovation: machine production of cotton thread in mills Eli Whitney Innovation: idea of Interchangeable parts Effects Spread of textile mills; many in New England Increased productivity of American textiles Effects Easy to assemble and replace parts Mass production Richard Arkwright Innovation: water frameg machine) Effects Lowered costs & increased speed Led to textile mills Francis Cabot Lowell Innovation: Water powered textile mills. Lowell System. Effects Young, single women workers living on site Workers organize, trade unions, strikes Richard Arkwright Innovation: water frame (spinning machine), Effects Lowered costs & increased speed Led to textile mills Eli Whitney Innovation: idea of Interchangeable parts Effects Easy to assemble and replace parts mass production Samuel Slater Innovation: machine production of cotton thread in mills. Rhode Island System = families Effects Spread of textile mills; many in New England Increased productivity of American textiles Francis Cabot Lowell Innovation: Water powered textile mills. Lowell System Lowell System = females Effects Young, single women workers living on site Workers organize, trade unions, strikes
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  • Chapter 11: The Industrial Revolution, The Transportation & Technological Revolution (Standard 8.6) Industrial Revolution: Mass production Interchangeable parts The Lowell & Rhode Island systems Water and Steam Power Railroad & Steamboat Factories telegraph New farm machinery Growing cities Transportation Revolution Industrial Revolution: Mass production Interchangeable parts (Eli Whitney) The Lowell & Rhode Island systems Transportation Revolution Water / coal and Steam Power Railroad & Steamboat Factories & mills telegraph New farm machinery Growing cities
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  • Chapter 11 The Transportation & Technological Revolution (Standard 8.6) TelegraphSteam PowerFarm & Home Effects Communication Information Long distances Samuel F. B. Morse Steamboat Steam locomotive Coal for fuel Railroads Urbanization / cities Fulton & Cooper Steel Plow Mechanical reaper Sewing machine John Deere, Cyrus McCormick, Singer Faster comms. Follows railroads Longer distances Steamboat Steam locomotive Coal for fuel Faster/cheaper Urbanization / cities Steel Plow Mechanical reaper Sewing machine
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  • Current Event #6 6. Researchers Find Evidence of Worlds Largest Asteroid Impact Zone on Earth Found in Australia. Two huge meteorite scars span 250 miles and dwarf Mexicos Yucatan Peninsula; they wiped out many species. The two pieces of asteroid each was over 6 miles wide and left scarring deep in the Earths crust
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  • Morse Code History Standard: 8.6
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  • Exit Slip Pick one: Same page as your Conflict-Growth-Change (next to word search) What innovator or invention do you think did the most to change or transform society? Which had the greatest impact? Why? Richard Arkwright: Water frame Eli Whitney: Interchangeable parts / mass production Samuel Slater: Rhode Island System Francis Cabot Lowell: Lowell System Sarah Bagley: Trade Unions Robert Fulton: Steamboat Peter Cooper: Steam locomotive Samuel F.B. Morse: Telegraph John Deere: Steel plow Cyrus McCormick: Mechanical reaper Isaac Singer: Sewing machine / credit