Welcome Newport research Cluster - Marine Institute Ireland · Welcome Newport research Cluster ....

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Transcript of Welcome Newport research Cluster - Marine Institute Ireland · Welcome Newport research Cluster ....

. Welcome Newport research Cluster Call information day

Dr. Ciaran Kelly PIRS August 2nd 2016


• Who is launching the call and why? • Objectives • Aims • Outcomes • Expected impacts • Schedule for today

Who is launching the call & why

• MI Co-ordinate - undertake promote and assist. • Research performer & Research funder.

• Marine Institute Policy Innovation and Research Support services.

• Previous funding under NDP sea change strategy 2007-2013.

• Current R&I strategy yet to be launched.

MI Structure

Marine Environment & Food Safety Jeffry Fischer

Ocean Science & Info Services Mick Gillooly

Fisheries Science Paul Connolly

Corporate Services Caroline Hepburn

Irish Maritime Development Office

Liam Lacey

Shipping Industry Liaison Support Marketing & Development Education & Outreach International Development

Biotoxins Chemistry Quality Fish Health Aquaculture Experimental Rearing Bio-discovery

Seabed Surveys Research Vessel Oceanographic Services Climate Change Integrated Marine Exploration Advanced Tech

Demersal & Pelagic Fisheries Inshore Fisheries Shellfish Fisheries Migratory stocks – salmon & eel

Finance Human Resources Communications Facilities Library

CEO Peter Heffernan

Policy, Innovation & Research Support

John Evans

International Programmes Research Funding & Coordination Advanced Technologies Policy Support

AORA-CSA Project

Margaret Rea

Monitoring and Data Collection

Monitor Advise Develop Research






Marine Institute research roles

Research & Innovation

Research Performer & Partner

Catalyst for


Research Funder

Research Supporter

Research Policy


Internal Organisation Dr. Peter

Heffernan CEO

Dr. Ciaran Kelly Office of Research & Development Manager

Dr. Fiona Grant, International Programmes


Jenny O’Leary Policy & Foresight

Patricia Killian AORA-CSA Administrator

Pauline Ní Fhlatharta

Funding & Research Administrator

Martina Maloney,

Funding & Research Administrator

Veronica Cunningham,

Funding & Research Administrator

Dr. Edel O’Connor National Coord.

Adv. Marine Tech. Prog.

Dr. Margaret Rea, Director


John Evans, Director



High level Marine research policy documents

Size 0.9m km2

(90% of Ireland)

Value €1.4bn

(Gross Value Added)

0.8% GDP

Potential impact by 2020 Ocean Economy Turnover > €6.4bn Additional Growth of €2.7bn in wider economy Additional 29,300 jobs (16,000 marine sector + 13,200 wider economy)

DTF Recommendations

Create An Open, Enterprising and Action Orientated Culture

Integrated Marine Development Team (MDT)

Demonstrating Intent – An Initial Investment Programme

A Progressive and responsive regulatory environment

Continued Investment in Infrastructure

Regional Development

Environmental Awareness & A Drive for Sustainability

Research & Skills Development

Our Ocean Wealth – Key Action 21

“Continue to fund Strategic marine RTDI (industry, policy and discovery research) through cross-government/agency collaboration across a range of national and international funding mechanisms • Continue to implement Sea Change …. Taking account of the Report of the Research

Prioritisation Steering Group and the relevant action plans (under development, that address marine opportunities, e.g. sustainable food production and processing, food for health and marine renewable energy

• Develop and implement a new Strategic Marine Research Agenda and associated Action Plan, focused on industry, policy and discovery research through cross-agency collaboration on joint initiatives. Identify and develop funding instruments that facilitate

• Maximum participation in EU funding programmes… • Increased industry R&D activity and industry/academia collaborations… • Addressing barriers to marine innovation and the progression of research into

applied products and services (commercialising research) • Integrated targeted planning of R&I in key areas as part of a dedicated enterprise

plan; and • Existing and new clusters/networks in order to create critical mass…”

Five Parameters of the Strategy

4. Cross-government/agency collaboration => Not just an MI Strategy, take account of other agency actions 5. Research Prioritisation Steering Group => Have to take account of National Research Policy Landscape

1. Maximum participation => Need a focus on human capacity 2. Increased collaborations => Need a focus on networks and relationships 3. Innovation, progression of research into application => Need a focus on infrastructure (ability to climb TRL ladder)

Advanced Technologies (Marine Tech & ICT)

Bio- Resources

Food – Aquaculture, Fisheries and Processing

Marine Geophysics and subsea resources.

Renewable Energy

Safety Security and Surveillance



Physical Oceanography

Climate Change & Ocean Acidification


Food Webs & Ecosystems

Bio Diversity


Mapping and Remote Observation

GIS, Coastal & Marine Atlases


Public Policy

Education, Training & Ocean Literacy

Socio Economics

Newport Strategy

Marine Institute Newport

Research Facility" The Strategy based on

12 Interlinked Research Clusters "

I Salmonid/Eel/Rearing ClusterEcology, Assessment, Advice New - Sea Bass (INTERREG),

Data Limited Stoks - Pollock (EMFF Funds)ICES, NASCO, GLEON, NETLAKE

II Genetics PI ClusterPI - Anchor Tennant MI-UCC Partnership

Funds ERC, SFI , NERC Fitness, Escapees, Feeding to promote

Stronger Smolt Strains

III Cullen Fellowships Cluster 4 PhD's (2016 to 2019)

4 in Place ' NewportPhD Day in May 2016

Work Underway

IX Sensor Research Working with Edel O Connor (MI Advanced

Marine Tech. Prog.)Link to SmartBay, Seafest (Audiences)

Workshop in Nov. 2016 to be chaired by EdelExploring - Incentive Vouchers Concept

IV Catchment Research ClusterMI Research Funding Allocation

Call Advertised June 2016Open Day Newport July 2016

Review Process Underway Full Proposal for 2017 to 2020

X Aquaculture ClusterLink TAPAS-Cage Site at BB - Newport Tanks

Aquaculture Projects Smolts - Vaccine and Feeding trials

Progress made with DJ - Buy in Need Funding (This Meetig)

XI Outreach Cluster Much Local Newport Work with schools

Scope to Increase LearningTeaching - Field Courses - Third Level Links

Use the houses !

XII Open For Ideas Infrastructure Access Programmes

New Collaborations New Partnerships

New Research Project Ideas

VIII Telemetry ClusterNew NASCO Initiative

INTERREG Proposal - Joint FEAS-OSIS + Others Active Hunting of Projects

Await INTERREG funding reviewHear in Mid September 2016

VI Climate Change Cluster Meeting OSIS - FEAS Newport Nov. 2015

Climate Change Group Re-Established Update ireland's Ocean Status Report

FIRM Call Not SuccessfulMeetings Continue

V Newport Data EMFF DCF Data Manager (TL)

David Curry Recruited June 2016 Oversee MI Data Strategy

Work Closely with OSISEnsure Best Practice with Newport Data Sets

VII Oceanography Cluster Meeting OSIS - FEAS Newport Nov. 2015

Tidal Guages Clew Bay - FurnaceInstalled Part og PhD Work

Shelf Pilot Project - Summer 2016Progress is Slow - Glider Issues

Objectives of the call

• Build research capacity in the areas of the impacts climate and environmental change on aquaculture and fisheries.

• Build on existing long-term data sets and maximise their use by researchers.

• Increase the research profile at NRF through peer-reviewed publications and leveraging of further research funding.

• Add value to the total research output. • Provide post-graduate training for research

Masters and PhD students

Programme aims • Expand on existing research themes, and/or open

up new avenues of research in related fields. • Long term aim: Cluster grows in capacity and

maturity developing its own research. • Shorter term focus; address specific areas using

existing datasets. • E.g. build upon RESCALE report, salmon trout & eel

fish stock dynamics, networked science – sensors GLEON observatory data, carbon dynamics in peat, forestry water interactions GHG emissions, impacts of climate, fish genetics, fish telemetry, resident/migrant fish interactions & lakes interchange

Expected Outcomes

• 20 peer reviewed publications over 4 years, and significant output of other articles.

• A target of €4 million from competitive research grants.

• High level of interaction and inputs to conferences • International networks of collaboration developed

and/or established.

Expected impacts

• Strengthen the reputation of NRF internationally as centre of excellence in multidisciplinary research

• Strengthen reputation for high quality post graduate training for research students.

• Active engagement with EU strategic initiatives with stakeholders and policy makers.

• Supporting achievement of HOOW goals of a thriving maritime economy and the maintenance of healthy ecosystems.

Schedule for today

• 10:00 – Introduction • 10:40 – Coffee - Canteen • 11:00 – Tour of the upper catchment • 13:15 – Lunch – Canteen • 14:00 – Tour of the MI facilities at Lough Furnace • 15:00 – Coffee - Canteen • 15:20 – Q&A session with MI researchers in
