Welcome. Highlands & Islands learning project Who we are: Scottish Union Learning was established in...

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Transcript of Welcome. Highlands & Islands learning project Who we are: Scottish Union Learning was established in...


Highlands & Islands learning project

Who we are:

Scottish Union Learning was established in 2008, and brought together the work of the STUC Skills & Lifelong Learning Team and TUC Education (Scotland).

Scottish Union Learning has a small team of staff, based in Glasgow and Inverness, with knowledge and experience of trade union learning and development.

Highlands & Islands learning project

What we do:

Scottish Union Learning supports trade unions in accessing skills and lifelong learning opportunities that contribute to collective prosperity, fairness and equality, for workers across Scotland. We work in partnership with unions to deliver learning, upgrade skills, promote apprenticeships and engage employers in the learning agenda.

Highlands & Islands learning project

Our aims

Key priority for Scottish Union Learning in the Highlands & Islands is to support trade unions and Union Learning Reps (ULRs) in the region with the aim of encouraging and helping workers in the area to develop their learning and skills.

Highlands & Islands learning project

Provide this support to trade unions and ULRs through ESF and Scottish Government funding:

Development Fund: enables trade unions to develop and establish learning infrastructures in the workplace

Learning Fund: supports the collective provision of learning that is responsive to workers’ needs

Highlands & Islands learning project

• Final year of four-year ESF project (recently extended by 11 months to February 2015)

• To date has supported 1500 learning opportunities for workers across the Highlands & Islands

• Focus on workforce development and employability

• Developing a learning infrastructure through organised networks of ULRs and engaging with employers

Highlands & Islands learning project

Current Development Fund projects 2014-2015:UNISON: Bringing learning opportunities to women, young workers and migrant workers who live and work in rural/remote areas, with a focus on improving training in the care sector.

RMT: Providing accredited learning to improve employability and career progression, and supporting skilled careers and qualifications through developing Modern Apprenticeships.

NUJ: Supporting workers in the media sector by training them to meet the challenges of the fast-changing digital environment and working with partners to develop future journalistic talent.

Highlands & Islands learning project

Courses supported by the Learning Fund since 2011 include:

IT 44

Modern languages 24

Employability/development 18

Sector-specific 16

Management 11

Maths and accounting 10

Everyday skills 7

Highlands & Islands learning project

Course Delivery Method

Highlands & Islands learning project

Accredited courses supported by the Learning Fund include:

British Sign Language and Deaf Awareness

Core Maths, Intermediate 2 and NC levels 4 and 5

Basic IT, PC Passport and ECDL Essentials to level 5

Sage Line 50 Accounts

Understanding & supporting individuals with dyslexia

Cambridge Business English

CMI Introduction to Management

Highlands & Islands learning project

Certificate of Higher Education Open:

Targeted at workers out of education since school

Two year part-time study programme for workers to gain an HNC-level (SCQF level 7) qualification

15 workers located from Orkney to Helensburgh

Retention stands at 73%

Pass rate to date 86%

Completion date end of October 2014

Highlands & Islands learning project

Non-accredited courses supported by the Learning Fund include:

Basic French and Spanish

Filming and editing for the web using i-Devices

Ready Study Go!

Customer care

Presentation skills

Introduction to Locksmithing

Highlands & Islands learning project

Supporting and celebrating the work of ULRs:

H&I ULR Conference 13 June 2014

H&I ULR Survey July 2014

Cross-union ULR Learning Forums ULR forums: Inverness, Caithness, Orkney, Western Isles

Pan-Highlands ULR Forum – 25 November 2014

‘eNews’, ‘Live & Learn’, online resources

Highlands and Islands Facebook group

thank you