Welcome! diversity and affirming the dignity and worth of ... · 7/7/2019  · One: Let us find...

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Transcript of Welcome! diversity and affirming the dignity and worth of ... · 7/7/2019  · One: Let us find...

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 1

Welcome! United Christian Church of Austin is an Open and Affirming congregation, embracing diversity and affirming the dignity and worth of every person created in God’s image. We welcome into full membership and participation in the Body of Christ persons of every race, ethnic background, age, gender, gender expression/identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, social-economic background, marital status and faith background. We welcome all to share in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities and blessings of participation in Christ’s Church.

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 2

July 7, 2019 Summer Worship in the Season of Pentecost 10 AM

Prelude Julie Stiles

Hymn Sing Rev. Anna Kreisle Humble

Learning: “Trees of the Field” See page 12.


Welcome and Announcements Rev. Nikki Stahl

One: God is Spirit and Truth Many: Let us Worship in Spirit and in Truth

*Call to Worship Karen Cotton, liturgist

One: God, take our lives, our small lives, and illumine them: Many: that everything we say and do may reflect the light of your glory. One: God, take our lives, our small lives, and imprint them: Many: that everything we say and do may reveal the image of your love. One: God, take our lives, our small lives, and inspire them: Many: that everything we say and do may resonate with the power of your Spirit. One: God, take our lives, our small lives, and indwell them: Many: that everything we say and do in our worship and praise may radiate your Life, your glorious Life.

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 3

*Opening Song, the song leaders will sing the song once, and then you are invited to repeat it:

*Prayer of Confession Even in these summer days, O God, we struggle to slow down. Our tasks are so many. Our responsibilities are so great. Allow us this time shake the dust from our feet and sit like Mary at your feet. Forgive us for all of the ways that we’ve thought we needed to be God, and let us open our lives to you so that we can be changed.

Please share in silent meditation and personal confession.

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 4

*Assurance of Grace One: Let us find rest and renewal in remembering that our only task is to love the Lord your God with all our hearts, and with all our souls, and with all our strength, and with all our minds; and your neighbor as ourselves. This is the good news. Many: Thanks be to God. Amen.

*Passing of the Peace Peace be with you. And also with you.

Children are invited to come forward during the passing of the peace to share in the Children’s Offering and Message.

Children’s Offering & Message Emily Jamison Guerrero

Children’s Blessing “Love is Little” Shaker Trad. (Adapted) After the Children’s Message, childcare will be offered in Room 3 (red) for preschool and Room 4 (yellow) for nursery, and Worship and Wonder will be offered for elementary-aged children in Room 1 (green).

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 5


Centering Words Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church

by Emily Dickinson Some keep the Sabbath going to Church – I keep it, staying at Home – With a Bobolink for a Chorister – And an Orchard, for a Dome –

Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice – I, just wear my Wings – And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church, Our little Sexton – sings.

God preaches, a noted Clergyman – And the sermon is never long, So instead of getting to Heaven, at last – I’m going, all along.

Centering Song See page 3.

The song leaders will sing the song once again, and then you are invited to repeat it: Still waters restore my soul.

Green pastures revive my spirit. Still waters restore my soul.

My cup overflows.

Seeking the Word in Scripture Psalm 23 (Pew Bible p. 491)

Meditation “Seriously… It’ Naptime!” Rev. Dr. Laura Barnes A moment of silence follows the meditation for reflection.

Hymn “Come Away from Rush and Hurry” See page 11.

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 6


Joys and Concerns of the People Including Michelle Rice, Kathleen Schwartz, Jewell Eyler, Barbara Mann, Dixie Van Eynde, Carrolito Vallejo, Jesse Ojeday, the family of Harland Ellis, the family of Jan Trimmer, the family of Don Sanders, the family of Noah McFall, and the family of Margaret Overbaugh. Please send updates to Pastor Carl Schwartz-King, carl@uccaustin.org.

Silent Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer, using these or whichever words are closest to your heart:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.


All are welcome at Christ’s table. Members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not, all who desire to know and share the love of God. At the table, you may take communion by intinction, taking a bit of bread and dipping it in the cup. Please notify an usher if you prefer to be served where you are seated.

Note: All bread is gluten-free. Both red wine and white grape juice are offered.

Sharing Our Gift

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 7

Table Song, the deacons come to the table as we sing:

We Give God Thanks & Praise Steve Molis, deacon

Special Music Cindy and Sandra Metcalf with Julie Stiles

Sharing the Sacrament and Gifts One: … let all God’s people say: All: Thanks be to God! Amen.


*Hymn “Trees of the Field” See page 12.

Benediction and Sending

One: …Now our worship has ended. All: Let our service begin. Amen.

Postlude Music License: OneLicense.net License #A722068 The Call to Worship is adapted from one by Ruth Burgess in Bare Feet and Buttercups: Resources for Ordinary Time (Wild Goose Publications, 2008). The other prayers in this morning’s worship are by Elsa Cook, member of UCC Austin.

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 8

TODAY’S WORSHIP LEADERS Acolyte: Mikaela Fuller; After Church Clean-Up: Carol Barrett; Call to Offering: None; Deacons: Steve Molis, Rebecca Molis, Stacy Hackenberg; Elder: None; Greeters: None; Liturgist: Karen Cotton; Sound Room: None; Tellers: Rebecca Molis, Jen Barrera

MAKE YOUR OFFERING VIA TEXT MESSAGE or ONLINE! Initially, just text 512.842.6662 with the amount you’d like to contribute, making sure to include the dollar sign before the amount, for example: $25. You’ll receive a text back with a link to register. Once registered, you’ll receive a receipt via email. For future giving, simply send a text with the amount you wish to give, and it will process automatically. You can also give online by going to https://www.uccaustin.org/support-the-work.html.


July Sabbath During July we will be embracing Sabbath so there will be limited office hours and as few committee meetings as possible. Our staff remains available via email and phone. We look forward to relaxing and rejuvenating worship each Sunday at 10AM with our church family. Summer Worship Schedule through August 18th.

July Children’s Offering School Supplies so we can hand out in August!

Social Justice July Bring Item The Social Justice Committee is hosting an in-kind donation drive through Sunday, July 28th. Look for donation bin in the Fellowship Hall. A complete list of wish items can be found here: http://www.casamarianella.org/adult-house-wish-list/. Contact: Leslie Guerrero Collins, justice@uccaustin.org.

Lights for Liberty Vigil The Social Justice Committee invites you to participate in this vigil on Friday, July 12 at the T. Don Hutto Detention Center in Taylor starting at 8 pm. Contact: Leslie Guerrero Collins, justice@uccaustin.org.

Beat the Heat Fellowship On July 21st after the service there will be a Beat the Heat Fellowship. There will be food and music. Contact: Maddie Hackenberg, fellowship@uccuastin.org.

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 9

Austin Pride Events Mark your calendars now for Saturday, August 10. Our Social Justice group has several plans being developed including book at the Pride Festival, marching with Out Youth in the Pride Parade and rallying a team for Mom/Dad hugs also during the parade. Contact: Leslie Guerrero Collins, justice@uccaustin.org.

Mid-Year Fundraiser

We are off to a good start! Thank you for those who have been able to contribute so far. We are well on our way to our goal of raising $25,000 by August to begin the process of replacing our aging HVAC system.

All donations should be sent directly to the church with a note that they are a contribution to Beat the Heat Fundraiser. We take checks, cash, text to give or donations online at https://www.uccaustin.org/support-the-work.html

No contribution too small (or too large)! All are welcome!

Contact: Mark Simoneau, finance@uccaustin.org

Youth Confirmation:

Questions? Yeah, we’ve got those!

If you are a youth in middle or high school, you are invited to participate in confirmation, a process of thinking about our faith and our world. We don’t have all the answers, but together perhaps we can think through some of the questions. Join us! Starting September 2019

Contact: Meghan Trout, youth@uccaustin.org


Go to www.carecalendar.org Edith Gunnerson Calendar ID: 272680 Security Code: 2738 Jesse Ojeda Calendar ID: 282230 Security Code: 7252

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 10


(Not Meeting in July. See Church Calendar for August dates)


A member congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) & the United Church of Christ

CLERGY & STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION United Christian Church of Austin 3500 W. Parmer Ln., Austin, TX 78727 tel 512.218.8110 / fax 512.218.8190 weekday office hours: please call first www.uccaustin.org church@uccaustin.org www.facebook.com/UnitedChristian

Rev. Dr. Laura Barnes, interim senior pastor laura@uccaustin.org Rev. Nikki Williams Stahl, executive minister nikki@uccaustin.org Pastor Carl Schwartz-King, licensed minister carl@uccaustin.org Rev. Anna Kreisle Humble, minister of music music@uccaustin.org Emily Jamison Guerrero, children’s ministries coordinator emily@uccaustin.org Meghan Trout, youth ministry coordinator youth@uccaustin.org Bob Fuller, clerical support specialist clericalsupport@uccaustin.org Ann Vanderschaaf, worship and choral accompanist Julie Stiles, 9am worship accompanist

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 11

Come Away from Rush and Hurry

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 12

Trees of the Field