Weeping Fig Show

Post on 02-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Weeping Fig Show

Weeping Fig Ficus benjamina

Group: Foliage PlantsType of Plant: DicotLeaf Arrangement: AlternateIdentification: Large, often tree-like with grey bark and thin branchesLeaf is ovate with an exaggerated tip, glossy greenMilky sapTerminal and lateral buds look like green needlesBranches tend to be arched or weeping

Weeping Fig Ficus benjamina Water: Keep the soil moist, but not soggy

Light: Medium to High, Adjusts to most kinds of light, doesn’t like to be moved, must be carefully acclimatedPropagation: Air Layering or very small stem cuttings

Culture: Prefers to be rootbound, reacts to change by dropping leaves, 2-60 feet tall, great large houseplantor mall plant, sometimes grown braided trunk or bonsaiProblems: Scale insects, mealy bugs and spider mites