Weekend School Admission and Curriculum Overviewicomd.org/School/archives/School_curriculum.pdf ·...

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Transcript of Weekend School Admission and Curriculum Overviewicomd.org/School/archives/School_curriculum.pdf ·...

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful


Gaithersburg, MD 20879 www.icomd.org

Weekend School Admission and Curriculum

Overview (V1.0, August 6, 2007)

ICM Weekend School Curriculum - 2007/08

1. Objectives

The primary academic objective of the ICM weekend school is to introduce and instill the main teachings of Islam into our students by the time they are ready to enter high school. We use a very structured approach to teach Islam as a religion, and not as a set of cultural practices. A student who has attended 6 or more years of this weekend school is expected to have learned the following subjects and topics.

a) Recitation of Quran: The objective of the school is to facilitate students in the reading of the Quran (not learning Arabic language). This however requires very active follow-up by parents at home. Children in 4th grade and higher are expected to be able to read Quran independently.

b) Memorization: I. Surahs - Memorize 20 Surahs (Al Fatiha, At-Tin to An-Nas)

II. Dua’s: Memorize dua’s related to Salaat and everyday affairs.

c) Qura’nic Studies: Basic Qura’nic Teachings - Study about Quran (Uloom-ul Quran), Commentary on selected Surahs from the Qura’n at higher levels (6th Grade and above).

d) Aqeedah I. Articles of Islam and Imaan

II. Oneness of Allah (SWT) III. Worship and obedience of Allah (SWT). IV. Obedience to Prophet SWA. V. Life according to Qura’n and Sunnah

VI. Life after death VII. Day of judgment

e) Worship I. Salaat: Goal is to make sure children know how to perform the Salaat before they

get to an age when it becomes mandatory. Children in 3rd grade and higher are expected to know how to perform Salaat.

II. Fasting III. Zakah IV. Hajj

f) Akhlaq

g) Seerah Students will be taught about life/Seerah and Shamaiil of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) - taught at various levels.

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h) Stories of Prophets

ICM Weekend School Curriculum - 2007/08

I. Stories of Prophets of Allah

i) Companions of the Prophet (SWA) – Lives of Sahaba I. Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, Umar bin-AlKhatab, Uthman-bin-Affan, Ali-bin Abi talib, Abu

Ubaidah bin Al Jarrah, Amr bin Al Aas, Khalid Bin Walid, Abdullah bin Umar, Abu Dhar Ghifari, Bilal bin Rabah and Salman Al-Farsi.

j) Introduction to Hadith: I. Introduction to the science of Hadith

II. Known ahdith book authors III. And some important Ahadiths.

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k) Introductory Fiqh & Shariah Introduction to sciences of Fiqh and Shariah

ICM Weekend School Curriculum - 2007/08

2. Approach

1. The program is designed to be covered over 8 years of weekend/part-time schooling. The basic objective is to impart the required basic Islamic knowledge and expertise that is required of every individual Muslim men and women.

2. The whole program is designed for continual and gradual progress in the academic levels.

3. The program addresses the issue of different learning levels and requirements, i.e.

o KG to 2nd Grade – Introduce basic Quran Reading, Memorize few Surah’s, Basic Aqeedah, Ibada’h, Seerah and Akhlaq topics. Focus is to introduce basic concepts without going into details.

o 3rd to 5th Grade – Focus on perfecting Qura’n Recitation, Memorization, Tajweed rules along with more details into Aqeedah, Ibadah, Seerah and Akhlaq topics. Basically getting trained to be young Muslim kid and engraving the Muslim identity.

o 6th to 8th Grade – Focus on Qura’n as guidance, more in-depth study of Quran, Aqeedah and Akhlaq, Ibada’h and Seerah, Sciences of Hadith, Fiqh, Seerah as examples, building Muslim personality, and getting ready to take up the responsibility in the society as a Muslim. Basically getting trained to lead a life of a good Muslim.

4. It also addresses the issue of remedial measures for help in catching up the grade level objectives and requirements. This can happen for both existing and new students.

o For lower grades (KG to 2nd), more focus will be made to see that all students in 2nd grade attains the required level at the end of the year. Students who need help will continue in the class until he/she satisfies the requirements.

o For middle level classes (3rd to 5th), Students must meet the requirements for 3rd grade.

o If not, they will take up a bridge course (Special Grade) to attain the level. This includes both Quran and Islamic Studies.

o Same goes for higher level grades (6th to 8th), i.e Students must meet the requirements for 6th grade.

o If not, they will take up a bridge course (Special Grade) to attain the level. This includes both Quran and Islamic Studies.

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ICM Weekend School Curriculum - 2007/08

3. Admission process

3.1 Registration All students should get registered for the current academic year. Below given are the different registration opportunities ICM provides for the community.

a. By Mail – For existing students, usually done in July/August time frame. b. Open House – For new and existing students, usually conducted before the

academic year starts. c. At start of the School year – For new and existing students, usually goes for first

3 weeks of School starts.

3.2 Placements The placement process for the different grades shall follow the process described below. The below given diagram illustrates the different grades and levels that school has.

A. There will be 3 (three) entry levels based on the age and level of knowledge the student


a. KG level – For the new students, age 5 years & above, just started schooling

(Public or Home schooling) in this current academic year.

ELEMENTARY LEVEL(Age - 6 to 7 yrs)

1st Grade 2nd Grade

MIDDLE LEVEL (Age - 8 to 10 yrs)

3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade

Is student qualified?

HIGHER LEVEL (Age - 11 to 15 yrs)

6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade

Is student qualified?

SPECIAL GRADE Bridge Course for new students





Entry Level for New students Age7 & Up

Entry level for New students

Ages - 6 to 7 yrs

Entry Level for New Students


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Age - 5 yrs

ICM Weekend School Curriculum - 2007/08

b. Elementary level - For the new students, ages 6 and 7 years and are in 1st or 2nd

grade in public/home school in this current academic year.

c. Special Grade - For the new students ages, 8 years and above.

i. All the new students shall be evaluated.

ii. Based on the evaluation, students either get retained in the special class

or get placed in the starting grade of the middle (3rd Grade) or higher level

(6th Grade).

iii. Students in the special grade shall continue in the same grade until they

reached the level to be placed in middle or higher level.

iv. Promotions to Middle level shall be based on the student’s knowledge

and his / her age. The age group for middle level is 8 to years.

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v. Promotions to Higher level shall be based on the student’s knowledge

and his / her age. The age group for higher level is 11 to 14 Years.

ICM Weekend School Curriculum - 2007/08

4. Curriculum Specifics

4.1 Kindergarten

Quran Text Book (S) Topics Reading Handouts Alphabets, fatah, Dammah. Kasra, Writing Handouts Alphabets, fatah, Dammah. Kasra, Memorization One Page Handouts Tasmia, Tuadh, Shahada, Fatihah (1), Ikhlas

(112), Al-Nas (114)

Qura’nic Studies

Handouts Quran is Book of Allah

Islamic Studies Text Book (S) Topics Aqeedah Handouts We are Muslims, Islam is our Religion

Allah is one, Mohammed (SWA) is his last messenger Allah Created everything, Allah’s blessings, Allah is Merciful Angels, Jinn, Iblees

Ibada’h Handouts Intro to Wudu, Azan and Salaat, Ramadan, Eid, Hajj, Names of 5 daily Salahs How to pray 2 Rakat Salah – Actions Only Memorize/Review Surah Fatiha, 2 Surahs

Seerah Handouts Introduction to prophet (SWA), Wives, Children, Companions Story of Prophet Adam (AS)

Akhlaq Handouts Saying Salaam, Eating manners, Cleanliness, obeying Parents and teachers. Importance of Masjid, Salah,

Dua’s Handouts Before doing anything, also specifically before eating (Bismillaah), Greetings, Thanking somebody, SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam and Insha Allah.

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4.2 Grade 1

Quran Text Book (S) Topics Reading Qura’n Made Easy –

Shabbir Behlam Review – Alphabets Lesson 31 to 75 – Vowels, and Sukun, Connecting letters with Vowels & Sukun

Writing Handouts Alphabets, Vowels, and Sukun, Connecting letters, simple words

Memorization Handouts Revision – Fatihah (1), Ikhlas (112), Al-Nas(114) New – Al- Falaq (113), Al-Masad (111), Al-Nasr(110)

Qura’nic Studies Introduction to Qura’n – • Book of Allah • Revealed to Prophet (SWA) • 30 Parts of Qura’n

Meanings of Surah being memorized Islamic Studies Text Book (S) Topics Aqeedah I love Islam – Grade1 Pillars of Islam and Imaan, Allah alone to be

worshipped, obedience to Allah, Allah’s blessing and Allah the All knowing, Allah is the creator of all things Adam (AS) the first prophet, Mohammed (SWA) the last prophet.

Ibada’h I love Islam – Grade1 Review Names of 5 Daily Salahs. Review Surah Fatiha, 2 Surahs, Memorize Adhan & Iqama Training on how to make Wudu Training on how to pray 2 Rakat Salah – Actions plus Takbeers and Tasbeehs for Ruku & Sujoods

Seerah I love Islam – Grade1 Prophet’s Life in Makkah, His Birth, family, His companions Prophet Ibrahim

Akhlaq Importance of good manners, kindness, caring Cleanliness, Visiting Friends & relatives, respecting parents & elders, making good company.

Dua’s Review of Dua’s for KG, Subhaan Allah Al-Hamdulillaah, Allahu Akbar, Going to sleep Upon waking up, Before Eating (Short one) and

After eating

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4.3 Grade 2 Quran Text Book (S) Topics / Lessons Reading Qura’n Made Easy –

Shabbir Behlam Review – Alphabets, Vowels and Sukun. Lesson 61 to 109 - Vowels, Sukun, Tanwin and Sukun, Maddah, Hamzah, Mim & Nun, Lesson 117 to 120 - Shadda Should be able to connect and read words correctly.

Writing Handouts Selected pages from Lesson 61 to 120 Memorization Handouts Revision – Fatihah (1), Ikhlas (112), Al-

Nas(114), Al- Falaq (113), Al-Masad (111), Al-Nasr(110) New – Al-Kafirun (109), Al-Kauthar (108), Al-Maauun(107), and Qureish(106).

Qura’nic Studies

Handouts Introduction to Qura’n, Importance of Qura’n, Importance of reading and memorization, Intro to Qura’n – How it is broken up? (Juz. Surah, Ayah) How to look up verses in Qura’n

Islamic Studies Text Book (S) Topics / Lessons Aqeedah I Love Islam – Grade 2 Review Pillars of Islam, Imaan, Oneness of Allah,

Obeying Allah, Trust in Allah, Turning to Allah, Taqwa

Ibada’h I Love Islam – Grade 2 Review Names of 5 Daily Salahs. Review Wudu, Adhan and Iqama Review of Surah Fatiha, 2 Surahs, Ruku and Sujood Takbeers, Tasbeehs Memorize Thana and Dua in last Jalsa Training on How to pray 2 Rakat Salah – Actions, Recitation & Takbeers

Seerah I Love Islam – Grade 2 Year of Elephant, As Sadiq-ul-Amin, Zaid bin Harith, prophet loves children Story of Adam and Iblees, Sons of Adam, Prophet Nauh and Prophet Younus

Akhlaq I Love Islam – Grade 2 Saying Bismillah, good example, My hero, I am a Muslim, I am a honest, loving the family, Respecting parents, elders and teachers, Masjid Manners, cleanliness, Dress manners

Dua’s Handouts Review of Dua’s for 1st Grade, Entering the bathroom, Leaving the bathroom, Before Wudu, After Wudu, On Sneezing, To the one who sneezes, Leaving home, Entering home, When angry

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4.4 Grade 3

Entry Requirements Qura’n Should be able to connect and read the words correctly. Islamic Studies Should know basics of Imaan – One Allah, Last Prophet (SWA).

Quran Text Book (S) Topics /Lessons Reading Qura’n Made Easy –

Shabbir Behlam Juzz Amma

Reading Practice – Lessons 102 to 134 Would start learning to reading Qura’n slowly and correctly

Memorization Juzz Amma Revision – Fatihah (1), Ikhlas (112), Al-Nas(114), Al- Falaq (113), Al-Masad (111), Al-Nasr(110), Al-Kafirun (109), Al-Kauthar(108), Al-Maauun(107), and Qureish(106). New – Al-Feel (105), Al-Humuzah (104), Al-Asr (103), and Al-Thukasur (102).

Qura’nic Studies

Short Surahs – IQRA (Lessons 1 to 7)

Review - Intro to Qura’n – How it is broken up? (Juz. Surah, Ayah), how to look up verses in Qura’n

Virtue of Quran Meanings and brief Explanation of Surah Al Fatiha, An-Nas, Al-Falaq, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Masad, An-Nasr and Al-Kafirun

Islamic Studies

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Text Book (S) Topics / Lessons Aqeedah Teachings of the Quran –

Vol 1, IQRA Intro, Imaan, Belief in Allah, Shirk, Kufr, Messengers, Books, Angels, Akhira, Shahadah, Salah, Siyam, Zakah, Hajj

Ibada’h Handouts Review of names of 5 Daily Salahs, Review Wudu, Review of Thana, Surah Fatiha, 2 Surahs, Ruku and Sujood Takbeers, Tasbeehs, Tashahud, Dua in last Jalsa Memorize Tashahud, Salat-E-Ibrahim and Dhikr after Salat Complete training for praying 2, 3 and 4 Rakat Salah

Seerah Tell me about Muhammed SAW – Goodword Books

Complete Seerah of Prophet SAW

Akhlaq Tell me about Muhammed SAW – Goodword Books

Akhlaq lessons from the Seerah given in the book - The best Example, good family ties, Dhikr after Salaat, Knowledge, Speaking Truth, laws of Islam, Importance of Salah, Self Sacrifice, Truth and paradise, Kinds of Charity,

Dua’s Handouts Review of 2nd Grade Dua’s During Adhan, After Adhan, Entering the Masjid Leaving the Masjid, Breaking fast Du’aa al-Qunoot, After salah (Astaghfarullah + Allahhumma Antas salaam...), Dua for the journey

ICM Weekend School Curriculum - 2007/08

4.5 Grade 4 Quran Text Book (S) Topics / Lessons Reading Mushaf / Quran Reading Practice with basic tajweed rules

Would start learning to reading Qura’n fluently Memorization Juzz Amma Revision – Fatihah (1), Ikhlas (112), Al-Nas(114),

Al- Falaq (113), Al-Masad (111), Al-Nasr(110), Al-Kafirun (109), Al-Kauthar(108), Al-Maauun(107), Qureish(106), Al-Feel(105), Al-Humuzah(104), Al-Asr(103), and Al-Thukasur (102). NEW – Al-Qariyah(101), Al-Aadiyat (100), Al-Zalzalah (99) and Al-Al- Bayinnah (98).

Qura’nic Studies Short Surahs –IQRA (Lessons 8-14)

Lessons 8 to 14. Meanings and brief Explanation of of Surah Al-Kauthar, Al Maauun, Qureish, Al-Fil, Al-Humuzah, Al-Asr, and Al-Thukasur

Islamic Studies Text Book (S) Topics / Lessons Aqeedah Knowing Allah – Al-


Review of Pillars of Islam, Imaan Knowing Allah – Belief in Allah, his creations, names and attributes, worshipping Allah.

Ibada’h Handouts Review Wudu, Adhan and Iqama Review the complete Salah – Actions, surahs, takbeers, tasbeehs, tashahud, salat Ibrahim, Duas and dhikr after Salaat Review of Training for Witr Salat The Story of Salat., No. of Rakats in each prayer - Fard, Sunnah and Nafl Prayers.

Seerah History of Khulafa-Rashidun - IQRA

Seerah of 4 Khalifs - Abu-Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali (RAs)

Akhlaq Islamic Tahdib and Akhlaq - IQRA

Lessons 1 to 20 Obedience to Parents, Cleanliness, Respect for elders, teachers, authorities, Greetings & Salutations, Mealtime Manners, Punctuality & Promptness, good company, Helping the needy, kindness to animals, Modesty & Humility, Dress and humility, knowledge, brotherhood, good relationship, Masjid manners, Bathroom manners, gratitude, patience and endurance

Dua’s Handouts Review of 3rd Grade Dua’s Ayah tul Kursi, Before undressing, While dressing, After unpleasant dream, Looking in the mirror, Prostrating due to Quranic recitation, When in pain

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4.6 Grade 5 Quran Text Book (S) Topics / Lessons Reading Qura’n / Mushaf

Reading Practice with Tajweed rules Continued from Grade 4, would start reading Quran independently and correctly.

Memorization Juzz Amma

Review of Surahs Al-Nas to Al-Bayinnah, New – Al-Qadr and AT-Tin Ayatul-Kursi

Qura’nic Studies Handouts

Meanings and Explanation of: Surah Fatiha, Ayatul Kursi, Ikhlas, Al-Asr Kafirun, Al-Qadr and At-Tin

Islamic Studies Text Book (S) Topics / Lessons Aqeedah Knowing Angels – Al-

Jibalee Knowing Angels – Belief in Angels, their appearance & character, their duties, Famous angels.

Ibada’h Handouts for fasting Handouts for Salaat

Importance of fasting, different types of fastings, Do’s and don’ts and virtues of fasting Review for Wudu, Adhan, Iqama and Salat (2, 3 and 4 Rakats), Review for 5 Salahs – Names, Timings, No of Rakats Discussion on Praying Taraweeh, Eid Salaats Correcting the mistakes in Salah, Joining the Salah in 2nd, 3rd and 4th Rakats. Discussion on Tahara – High Level and in General

Seerah Stories of the Prophets of Allah – Ali Hasan Nadawi

Prophet Nuh, Hud, Salih, Ibrahim, Yusuf, Musa, Sh'yab, Da'ud, Sulayman and Isa (AS).

Akhlaq Islamic Tahdib and Akhlaq – IQRA

Lesson 21 to 39. Forgiveness and reconciliation, jealousy, controlling anger, justice & fairness, backbiting & cursing, Suspicion & Spying, Pride and Mockery, Earning a living, Moderation in living, gambling, bribery and corruption, stealing, cheating, alcohol, drugs, smoking and chastity.

Dua’s Handouts Review of 4th Grade Dua’s Adhkaar after salaah, Receiving displeasing news Receiving pleasant news, Prayer of the guest for the host, When afflicted by a calamity.

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ICM Weekend School Curriculum - 2007/08

4.7 Grade 6

Entry level Requirements Qura’n Should be able to Read/Recite the Qura’n correctly and fluently Islamic Studies Should have the basic knowledge of pillars of Islam and Imaan, how to

perform Wudu, Ghusl & Salaat and Prophet’s Seerah Quran Text Book (S) Topics / Lessons

Reading Qura’n / Mushaf Reading Verses from the Surah under study with

meanings. Memorization Juzz Amma Review of Surahs:

Fatihah (1), An-Nas to At-Tin. Quranic Sciences Uloom-Ul-Quran -

Ahmad Von Denffer (Selected Chapters) Handouts to Students

Intro to Uloom-ul Qura’n - Meaning of revelation, history and transmission of the text of the Holy Qur'an, asbab al-nuzul (occasion of revelation), commentaries,

Qura’nic Studies Handouts Plus Towards Understanding Quran – Abridged version - Maududi

Al –Burooj, Hujarat, Ar-Rahman, Ya-sin, Maryam and Luqmaan.

Islamic Studies

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Text Book (S) Topics / Lessons Aqeedah Allah’s Books & Qura’n

by Al Jibalee. Allah’s prophets and Messengers by Al Jibalee

Allah's Books - knowing books, what is in the books, the last book Prophets - Defining prophets & messengers, mission, qualities and duty towards prophets.

Ibada’h Zakaat / Charity Handouts

Significance, Virtues and its importance Review of Tahara – Wudu, Ghusl Review of Salaat – Fard, Sunnah, Witr, Juma’h Review of Joining the Salah in 2nd, 3rd and 4th Rakats Review of correction for mistakes in Salats Discussion on Salaat during Travel/Journey

Seerah Muhammad: the Last Prophet: A Model for all Time - By Ali Nadawi

Complete Seerah of Prophet Mohammed (SWA).

Dua’s Handouts Review of 5th Grade Dua’s Upon seeing someone in trial or tribulation Du’a for the morning and evening, Ridding oneself of whispers of shaytan, Adhkaar for istighfaar, Visiting the sick

ICM Weekend School Curriculum - 2007/08

4.8 Grade 7

Quran Text Book (S) Topics Qura’nic Studies

Qura’n / Mushaf, Handouts Towards Understanding Quran – Abridged version - Maududi

Study of Sura’hs with Tafseer/Commentary: Yousuf, Al-Khaf, Hood, Al-Noor, As-Safaat, Tauba, Munafiqun

Hadith Study of Hadiths - IQRA Brief Intro to sciences of Hadith, famous Hadith book writers, some famous Hadiths.

Islamic Studies Text Book (S) Topics / Lessons Aqeedah Believing in Qadr of

Allah – Al-Jibalee The last day – Al-Jibalee

Believing in Allah's Qadr - belief, & its component, human will, fruits of belief in qadr. Last Day - Resurrection & Assembly, intercession & judgment, paradise, Hell, preparation for the last day.

Ibada’h Handouts - Saum Handouts - Salat

Importance, virtues and its Fiqh, Complete Review of Tahara, Wudu and Salat Discussion on Fiqh of Tahara, Wudu and Salat – Dos’ & Don’ts Discussion on Salat-ul-Taihut-ul-Masjid, Shuruq, Duha Training for Salat-ul-Janazah

Seerah Shamaiil of Rasulullah SAW – IQRA

His mission, physical appearance, among the people, daily schedule, eating & drinking habit, dressing habit, travel habits, humor, his inheritance.

Akhlaq Shamaiil of Rasulullah SAW – IQRA

Covered in Seerah – Shamaiil of Rasulullah.

Dua’s Handouts Review of 6th Grade Dua’s Du’aa for salaatul-istikhaarah, Du’aas for the last jalsah Adhkaar after salaah, Opening dhikr for a speech After a sitting/speech

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4.9 Grade 8 Quran Text Book (S) Lessons / Topics Qura’nic Studies

Qura’n / Mushaf Guidance from the Qura’n – Abul Hasan Nadawi

Quranic Teachings, Dawa’h, Faith, Devotional Worship, Social Life, Commandments, Obligations, Materialistic Thoughts and ideologies, divine laws, lessons from the Quran

Sciences of Fiqh / Shariah

PowerPoint Presentation Intro to Fiqh / Shariah, famous fuqaha,

Islamic Studies Text Book (S) Lessons / Topics Aqeedah Handouts Review of Tawheed topics from Grade 7

Tawheed – Shirk, Highness Review of Usool Al-Hadith, Usool Al-Fiqh

Ibada’h Handouts – Hajj & Umrah Handouts - Salat

Importance, virtues and its Fiqh, Complete Review of Fiqh of Tahara, Wudu and Salat Discussion on how to lead the Salaah, Discussion on Salat-ul-Istiqara, Qusuf.

Seerah Shining Stars - Vol 1 & 2

Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, Umar bin-AlKhatab, Uthman-bin-Affan, Ali-bin Abi talib, Abu Ubaidah bin Al Jarrah, Amr bin Al Aas, Khalid Bin Walid, Abdullah bin Umar, Abu Dhar Ghifari, Bilal bin Rabah and Salman Al-Farsi.

Akhlaq Muslim Character – AL-Ghazali

Pillars of Islam, Weak Morals & faith, Ideal personality, Punishment for moral crimes, Human society, truthfulness, trust, fulfilling promises, sincerity, etiquette of conversation, keeping heart free from malice, tolerance and forgiveness, generosity, benevolence, patience, thrift and moderation, Cleanliness, good appearance and health, Modesty, Brotherhood, Unity, Mercy, Knowledge

Dua’s Handouts Review of Dua’s from earlier grades

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4.10 Special Grade Quran Text Book (S) Topics / Lessons Qura’nic Studies

Qura’n Made Easy – Shabbir Behlam

Alphabets, Vowels, Tanwin, Sukun, Shaddah, long vowels, Mim, Nun, Joining alphabets, Pausing, Reading practice for simple words, long words, difficult words and start reading Qura’n

Memorization Handouts Surah Al-Fatiha (1), An-Nas (114), Al-Falaq (113), Ikhlas (112), Al-Kauthar, Al-Asr.

Islamic Studies Text Book (S) Topics / Lessons Aqeedah Islam for Younger

People – Ghulam Sarwar

Allah is one, Allah is our creator, 5 Pillars of Islam, Imaan and its pillars,

Ibada’h Handouts Islam for Younger People – Ghulam Sarwar

Wudu, how to pray 2 & 4 rakat Salat, discussion on Ramadan & Fasting, Eid, Hajj and Zakaat

Seerah Islam for Younger People – Ghulam Sarwar

Brief study of Seerah of Prophet Muhammed SAW

Akhlaq Handouts Respecting Parents, Elders and Teachers, Eating Manners, Masjid Manners,

Dua’s Handouts Greetings, Eating, Sleeping, Entering & Leaving Masjid, Leaving the house, Saying Bismillah, Insha Allah, Masha Allah, Asthagfirullah, Subhan Allah, Al-Hamdulillaah, Allahu Akbar

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5. Dua List by Grades

5.1 Kindergarten 1. Before doing anything, also specifically before eating (Bismillaah) 2. Greetings 3. Thanking somebody 4. SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam 5. Saying Insha Allah

5.2 Grade 1 1. Review of Dua’s for KG 2. Subhaan Allah 3. Al-Hamdulillaah 4. Allahu Akbar 5. Going to sleep 6. Upon waking up 7. Before Eating (Short one) 8. After eating

5.3 Grade 2 1. Review of Dua’s for 1st Grade 2. Entering the bathroom 3. Leaving the bathroom 4. Before Wudu 5. After Wudu 6. On Sneezing 7. To the one who sneezes 8. Leaving home 9. Entering home 10. When angry

5.4 Grade 3 1. Review of 2nd Grade Dua’s 2. During Adhan 3. After Adhan 1. Entering the masjid 4. Leaving the masjid 5. Breaking fast 6. Du’aa al-Qunoot 7. After salah (Astaghfarullah + Allahhumma Antas salaam...) 8. Dua for the journey

5.5 Grade 4 1. Review of 3rd Grade Dua’s 2. Ayah tul Kursi 3. Before undressing 4. While dressing 5. After unpleasant dream 6. Looking in the mirror 7. Prostrating due to Quranic recitation

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8. When in pain

ICM Weekend School Curriculum - 2007/08

5.6 Grade 5 1. Review of 4th Grade Dua’s 2. Adhkaar after salaah 3. Receiving displeasing news 4. Receiving pleasant news 5. Prayer of the guest for the host 6. When afflicted by a calamity

5.7 Grade 6 1. Review of 5th Grade Dua’s 2. Upon seeing someone in trial or tribulation 3. Du’aa for the morning and evening 1. Ridding oneself of whispers of shaytan 2. Adhkaar for istighfaar 3. Visiting the sick

5.8 Grade 7 1. Review of 6th Grade Dua’s 2. Du’aa for salaatul-istikhaarah 3. Du’aas for the last jalsah 4. Adhkaar after salaah 5. Opening dhikr for a speech 6. After a sitting/speech

5.9 Grade 8

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1. Review of Dua’s from eralier grade

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6. Salah topics list by grades

6.1 Kindergarten 1. Names of 5 daily Salahs 2. How to pray 2 Rakat Salah – Actions Only 3. Memorize Surah Fatiha, 2 Surahs

6.2 Grade 1 1. Review Names of 5 Daily Salahs. 2. Review Surah Fatiha, 2 Surahs, 3. Memorize Adhan & Iqama 4. Training on how to make Wudu 5. Training on how to pray 2 Rakat Salah – Actions plus Takbeers and Tasbeehs for Ruku &


6.3 Grade 2 1. Review Names of 5 Daily Salahs. 2. Review Wudu – Adhan, Duas 3. Review of Adhan and Iqama 4. Review of Surah Fatiha, 2 Surahs, Ruku and Sujood Takbeers, Tasbeehs 5. Memorize Thana and Dua in last Jalsa 6. Training on How to pray 2 Rakat Salah – Actions, Recitation & Takbeers

6.4 Grade 3 1. Review of names of 5 Daily Salahs, 2. Review Wudu, 3. Complete Review how to pray 2 Rakat Salah – Actions 4. Review of Thana, Surah Fatiha, 2 Surahs, Ruku and Sujood Takbeers, Tasbeehs,

Tashahud, Dua in last Jalsa 5. Memorize Tashahud, Salat-E-Ibrahim and Dhikr after Salat 6. Complete training for praying 2, 3 and 4 Rakat Salah

6.5 Grade 4 1. Review Wudu, Adhan and Iqama 2. Review the complete Salah – Actions, surahs, takbeers, tasbeehs, tashahud, salat

Ibrahim and Duas. 3. Review of dhikr after Salaat 4. Training for Witr Salat 5. No. of Rakats in each prayer - Fard, Sunnah and Nafl Prayers 6. The Story of Salat.

6.6 Grade 5 1. Review for Wudu, Adhan, Iqama and Salat (2, 3 and 4 Rakats) 2. Review for 5 Salahs – Names, Timings, No of Rakats 3. Discussion on Praying Taraweeh, Eid Salaats 4. Correcting the mistakes in Salah, 5. Joining the Salah in 2nd, 3rd and 4th Rakats. 6. Discussion on Tahara – High Level and General

6.7 Grade 6 1. Review of Tahara – Wudu, Ghusl

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2. Review of Salaat – Fard, Sunnah, Witr, Juma’h

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3. Review of Joining the Salah in 2nd, 3rd and 4th Rakats 4. Review of correction for mistakes in Salats 5. Discussion on Salaat during Travel/Journey

6.8 Grade 7 1. Complete Review of Tahara, Wudu and Salat 2. Discussion on Fiqh for tahara, Wudu and Salat – Dos’ & Don’ts 3. Discussion on Salat-ul-Taihut-ul-Masjid, Shuruq, Duha 4. Training for Salat-ul-Janazah

6.9 Grade 8 1. Complete Review of Fiqh of Tahara, Wudu and Salat 2. Discussion on how to lead Lead the Salaah,

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3. Discussion on Salat-ul-Istiqara, Qusuf

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LEVEL Subject Fall Semester Spring Semester Quran Handouts

Handouts KG

Islamiyat Handouts


Quran Qura’n Made Easy Same

1st Grade

Islamiyat I Love Islam – Grade 1 Same

Quran Qura’n Made Easy Same

2nd Grade

Islamiyat I Love Islam – Grade 2 Same

Quran Qura’n Made Easy Short Surahs - Iqra

Juzz Amma (Big Fonts – Arabic Only) Same

3rd Grade

Islamiyat Teachings of the Quran – Vol 1, IQRA

Tell me about Muhammed SAW – Goodword Books

Quran Qura’n / Mushaf Short Surahs - Iqra

Same 4th Grade

Islamiyat Knowing Allah – Al Jibali Islamic Tahdib and Akhlaq - IQRA

History of Khulafa-Rashidun - IQRA

Quran Qura’n / Mushaf Juzz Amma

Same 5th Grade

Islamiyat Knowing Angels – Al-Jibalee Islamic Tahdib and Akhlaq - IQRA

Stories of the Prophets of Allah – Ali Hasan Nadawi Islamic Tahdib and Akhlaq - IQRA

Quran Towards Understanding Quran – Abridged version – Maududi (Smaller Size)

Same 6th Grade

Islamiyat Allah’s Books & Qura’n by Al Jibalee. Allah’s prophets and Messengers by Al Jiablee

Muhammad: the Last Prophet: A Model for all Time - By Ali Nadawi

Quran Towards Understanding Quran – Abridged version – Maududi (Smaller Size)

Same 7th Grade

Islamiyat Believing in Qadr of Allah – Al-Jibalee Study of Hadiths - IQRA

The last day – Al-Jibalee Shamaiil of Rasulullah - IQRA

ICM Weekend School Curriculum - 2007/08

Quran Guidance from the Qura’n

– Abul Hasan Nadawi

Same 8th Grade

Islamiyat Muslim Character – Shaik Mohamed Al-Ghazali Shining Stars - Vol 1

Same Shining Stars - Vol 2

Quran Quran Made Easy

Same Special Grade

Islamiyat Islam for Younger People – Ghulam Sarwar



1. Uloom-Ul-Quran - Ahmad Von Denffer 2. Thematic Commentary of the Qura’n – Shaik Mohamed Ghazali 3. Tafheem – Ul – Qura’n – Maulana Maududi 4. Raheeq-ul-Maqtoom – Mubarakpuri 5. Husn-ul-Muslimeen – Dua Book 6. . 7. . 8. . 9. .

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