Week3activity(the passionate shepherd to his love)

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Week3activity(the passionate shepherd to his love)

3rdweek activity (The Passionate shepherd to His love)


Lesson: Imagery

Writers try to evoke an emotional response from their readers through the used of “words.” These words picture are known as imagery. Descriptions or use of sensory details help create effective image ry. These sensory details appeal to the senses.

Part 1


1. What does the shepherd want from his lady love?2. What are the promises made by the shepherd to his object of love?3. Is there any declaration of love in the shepherd’s song? Read the lines to prove your answer.4. How do you characterize the shepherd as he speaks with his love?5. Is the “passionate” shepherd’s love convincing enough to any woman by today’s standards?

Part 2.


a. Identify the imagery in the poem. List down the word pictures based on the following senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste.

b. As you finished reading the poem, what image was created in your mind? Describe this image and its effect on you.