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Transcript of WEEK2-V2

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2


  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2



    3 Week 2 Overview

    4 Week 2 Goal Sheet

    5 Day 8

    8 Day 9

    11 Day 10

    14 Day 11

    17 Day 12

    19 Day 13

    21 Day 14

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2


    Remember, every exercise and circuit in the booty challenge has a video for you to watch and perfect.

    If you are unsure at anyme, just give them a look.

    Ensure you sck to each of these points throughout the second week for maximum results.

    Stepping It Up

      1. As you can see, the main way to step up your intensity is to add weight while sll maintaining form

    (posture, control, feel, range of movement).  2. So for each exercise and session in week 2, think about adding weight to an exercise you aren’t using it

    on (even 2.5kg addion is beer than none), or slightly increasing your weight

      3. Remember adding weight DOES NOT come at the expense of holding good form. So if you noce you

    can’t hold form anymore or just drop the weight a lile for the rest of the sets/circuit etc.


      4. Re watch the Core Acvaon and Form Videos

      5. Have you been concentrang on these each session? It is so easy to forget these crical components

      6. Have you been doing your 60min FBW each day? Remember you can do this before or aer your mainworkout OR at the opposite me of day eg. morning if you work out in the evening or in the evening if

    you work out in the morning!

    Clean Eating Non Negotiables

      7. Limit rened sugars

      8. 3L of water per day

      9. Limit starchy carbs aer breakfast

      10. Small poron of protein with every meal or snack

    Exercise Non Negotiables

      11. 1 x 60min FBW (Fat Burning Walk)

      12. 1 x BW (Booty Workout) – OR if you are too sore SWITCH IT UP! You have 4 opons:

    a. An upper body sub day

      b. A FBW double up (IE 2 x fat burning walks)

      c. A Booty challenge bender session (to release your red muscles)

      d. Have a rest day and focus on your nutrion. Being extra clean and mindful of

    ensuring your energy intake needs to be less than when you are exercising.


     WE E K   2 O VE R  V IE  W

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2


    My motto for the week:__________________________________________________________ 


    Positive afrmations for the Week:________________________________________________ 



    Training Goals:

    Number of sessions I WILL attend:________________________________________________ 

    Training goals/focus for the week:_________________________________________________ 




    Nutrition Goals:

    Max number of ‘sometimes’/treat/cheat meals/foods/drinks, I plan to consume:

    Nutrition goals/focus for the week:


     ____________________________________________________________________________  ____________________________________________________________________________ 

    Mindset Goals:

    Mindset/emotional/spiritual/relationship goals and focus for the week:




    This week I am grateful for: ____________________________________________________________________________ 


    This week I am letting go of:



    This week I am taking charge of:



    My commitment rating to make things happen this week is: ____/ 10

    Date: to Week 2

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2



    • Limit rened sugars

    • 3L of water

    • Limit starchy carbs aer breakfast

    • Small poron of protein with every meal or snack


    1. 1 x 60min FBW (Fat Burning Walk):

    You can do this either before your session, aer

    your session or at opposite ends of the day IE

    FBW in morning or evening

    2. 1 x BW (Booty Workout)

    DAY 8: Booty BuilderGYM / HOME GYM


    Personalise or Step It Up

     Ashy’s Dynamic Warm Up

    Your goal today is 'keep liing' when you hit your 'rep goal'...if you can sll li!

    For example, let’s say you choose to do a 50kg smith squat and your 'rep goal' is 12.

    If you do your rst set and you can li more than 12, keep going just to see what you are capable of!

    If you hit 20 (while holding form), then next set, please increase the weight to a number you

     think you will only 'just get 12 reps out with good form'.

    Smith Squat 

    Rep Goal: 10

    Sets 3

    Rest: 45 seconds between each leg

    Beginners ROM Goal: 75˚ - 90˚

    Experienced ROM Goal: As deep as

    you can while maintaining neutral


    A’s: Refuel IMMEDIATELY aer training

    within 20mins you need protein and

    some carbs.

    B’s: Let’s keep your 'rep goal' to 15 and

    in the endurance phase.

    Let’s move your rest period from 45

    seconds down to 30!

    FBW before or aer your 'builder'


    Smith Split Squat and Kick Back

    (front foot elevated 10 to 20cm)

    Rep Goal: 10

    Sets: 3

    Rest: 45 seconds between each leg

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2


  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2


    DAY 8: Booty Builder cont.HOME / PARK

    Equipment Required

    Same as Day 8 Gym Program with the following adjustments:

    Smith Squat, Smith Split Squat, Deadli, Super Set Finisher:

    Replace the smith machine with a barbell, or kele bell or dumbbell if that is all you have.

    At worst a back pack lled as heavy as is comfortable for you to li, or anything heavy that is comfortable to li could be

    used as a replacement dumbbell.

    Leg Press:

    Swap to start learning the SL Deadli, Complete Turkish Get Up, Kele Bell Deadli and Kele Bell Swing (as a non gym

    exerciser, these are your number 1 exercises to maximise funconal strength and shape your booty!).

    Watch the Videos before trying them and start with 5kg weight for both. Unlike the modied Turkish get up where your

    focus is speed, in these exercises your focus is control and posture here.

    Reps: 12

    Sets: 2-3

    Opon 1:

    See the home/park secon above and try to use any object at home that you can li safely and comfortably that will add

    weight to your training. Back packs, suit cases with handles, get a bag and ll with sand.

    Resistance is the absolute key in the 'Booty Builder', so I would recommend you invesng in some weights soon.

    Opon 2:

    Substute a 'Booty Basher' session or Cardio Sub Class instead.


    No Equipment Required


    No equipment required


    If you are too sore today, lets make your Cardio Sub another FBW, 1 hour minimum at a good pace but lets give our legs a

    good loosen up while sll maxing our fat burning potenal!

    This will equal 2 x FBW’s today which is awesome!

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2



    • Limit rened sugars

    • 3L of water

    • Limit starchy carbs aer breakfast

    • Small poron of protein with every meal or snack


    1. 1 x 60min FBW (Fat Burning Walk):

    You can do this either before your session, aer

    your session or at opposite ends of the day IE

    FBW in morning or evening

    2. 1 x BW (Booty Workout)

    DAY 9: Booty BurnerGYM / HOME GYM


    Personalise or Step It Up

     Ashy’s Dynamic Warm Up

    High Heel Hell

    1) High Heel Squat: 30 seconds

    Hold in a 90 degree squat while raising

    your calves up and down.

    Always hold for a minimum 3 seconds

    in high heel posion and 1 second only

    with low heels

    2) High Heel Balance: 30 seconds

    Stand up on your toes with straight

    legs and balance

    3) Down Dog Recovery: 30 seconds

    Walk the dog to release calves

    Repeat x 8 rotaons

    Always make sure your transions

    are as quick as possible. Fight hard to

    resist the temptaon to stay in down

    dog longer than you are supposed to!


    Instead of 8 x 30 second rotaons, do

    4 x 1 minute rotaons.

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2



    Personalise or Step It Up

    The Power of 20

    Donkey Kick Super 20’s combo:

    (start right leg)

    Bent knee, straight leg, circles, pulse,

    pistol (see video)

     Diamond Bu: 20 reps

    Lying Abductors:

    Straight, circles, clams, foot to sky

    (see video)

    Bu Raise (20 second combos)

    Double leg iso, single leg iso,

    single leg pulse

    Repeat on le side

    This is also a great exercise to do at

    home, on holidays or watching TV!

    No Boosters

    Yogi Control Challenge

    1. Down Dog: 30 seconds

    2. Crescent Lunge Hold

    (L Leg forward)

    3. Down Dog

    4. Crescent Lunge Hold (R Leg)

    5. Down Dog

    6. Wide Lunge Hold (L Leg)

    7. Down Dog

    8. Wide Lunge Hold (R Leg)

    9. Down Dog

    10. Warrior 2 Hold (L leg)

    11. Down Dog

    12. Warrior 2 Hold (R Leg)

    Each down dog is 30 seconds

    (15 seconds each leg).

    Each Lunge hold variaon is held for

    1 minute (with the goal of 90 seconds

    for each eventually).

    No Boosters

    DAY 9: Booty Burner cont.GYM OR HOME GYM

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2


    DAY 9: Booty Burner cont.HOME / PARK

    Same as Day 9 Gym Program



    If you are too sore for the Burner today you have 4 opons

    1. An upper body sub day

    2. A FBW double up (IE 2 x fat burning walks)

    3. A Booty challenge Bender session (to release your red muscles)

    4. Have a rest day and focus on your nutrion. Being extra clean and mindful of ensuring your energy intake needs

    to be less than when you are exercising.

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2



    • Limit rened sugars

    • 3L of water

    • Limit starchy carbs aer breakfast

    • Small poron of protein with every meal or snack


    1. 1 x 60min FBW (Fat Burning Walk):

    You can do this either before your session, aer

    your session or at opposite ends of the day IE

    FBW in morning or evening

    2. 1 x BW (Booty Workout)

    DAY 10: Booty BasherGYM / HOME GYM


    Personalise or Step It Up

     Ashy’s Dynamic Warm Up

    Bu Raise Acvator 

    10 Bu Raises with a 3 second hold atthe top x 2 sets

    To pre-re our hammy’s in preparaon

    for our KB swings today


    Perform all Cardio secons at below70% intensity.

    Focus on Control and intensity in each

    li. Get the most out of each rep

    Refuel IMMEDIATELY aer training

    within 20mins you need protein and

    some carbs.

    KB Swing Pracce

    Watch the video of the Kele Bell

    Deadli and then the swing.

    Start on a light weight and focus on

    using you arms as lile as possible.

    Kb Swing

    Just like the Kb Deadli except you

    stand up with more power and let

    your hips drive forward quickly using

    your glutes and hammys.

    Do not try to swing the kb by using the

    strength of your arms.

    **At any point if you start feeling the

    Kb Swing in your lower back. Stop,

    reset you posioning and try again.

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2


  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2


  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2



    • Limit Rened Sugars

    • 3L of water

    • Limit starchy carbs aer breakfast

    • Small poron of protein with every meal or snack


    1. 1 x 60min FBW (Fat Burning Walk):

    You can do this either before your session, aer

    your session or at opposite ends of the day IE

    FBW in morning or evening

    2. 1 x BW (Booty Workout)

    DAY 11: Booty BuilderGYM / HOME GYM


    Personalise or Step It Up

     Ashy’s Dynamic Warm Up

    Your goal today is ‘keep liing’ when you hit your 'rep goal' if you can sll li!

    Lets say you choose to do a 50 Kg Smith Squat and your 'rep goal' is 12.If you do your rst set and you can li more than 12, keep going just to see what you are capable of!

    If you hit 20 (while holding form), then next set, please increase the weight to a number you think you will only reach 12 of.

    Smith Squat 

    Sets: 3

    Rep Goal: 10

    Rest: 45 seconds between each set

    ROM Goal Beginners: 75˚ to 90˚


    ROM Goal Experienced: as deep as you

    can maintain neutral spine


    Don’t do drop set Demolion

    (Last Exercise)

    Refuel IMMEDIATELY aer training

    within 20 mins you need protein and

    some carbs.


    Ensure your rep range is at 15’s or no

    less than 12. Concentrate on full range

    of movement.

    Lets move your rest period from 45

    seconds down to 30!

    C’s: no change

    Smith Split Squat

    (front foot elevated 10 to 20cm)

    Sets: 3

    Rep Goal: 10

    Rest: 45 seconds between each leg

    Deadli: Barbell or Kb

    Sets: 3

    Rep Goal: 10

    Rest: 45 seconds

    ROM Goal: Down to wherever you can

    maintain neutral spine and the feeling of

    strength in your hammys and bu. If your

    lower back starts to hurt, reset, reducerange, squeeze your bu and ensure you

    aren’t rounding as you lower.

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2



    Personalise or Step It Up

    Leg Press Ecc and Power 

    5 seconds slow lower on the way down

    (eccentric phase)

    1 second fast push up

    (concentric phase)

    Sets: 3

    Rep Goal: 10

    Rest: 30 Seconds between sets

    Remember your liing ps! No Boosters

    Cable SL Leg Extension

    Sets: 3

    Rep Goal: 15

    No Boosters

    Dumbbell Calf Raises

    Sets: 3

    Rep Goal: 15

    No Boosters

    Drop Set Demolion -Swinger 

    1. Kb Swing (15kg) x 10

    2. Bu Raises (see vid) x 10

    3. Hussles x 30 seconds


    Repeat 3 more mes (4 sets total),

    dropping the Kb weight slightly each


    No rest in between sets.

     A’s do not complete this secon

    DAY 11: Booty Builder cont.GYM OR HOME GYM

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2


    DAY 11: Booty Builder cont.HOME / PARK

    Equipment Required

    Smith Squat, Smith Split Squat, Deadli, Super Set Finisher:

    Replace the smith machine with a barbell, or kele bell or dumbbell if that is all you have.

    At worst a back pack lled as heavy as is comfortable for you to li, or anything heavy that is comfortable to li could be

    used as a replacement Dumbbell.

    Leg Press:

    Swap to start learning the SL Deadli, Complete Turkish Get Up, Kele Bell Deadli and Kele Bell Swing (as a non gym

    exerciser, these are your number 1 exercises to maximise funconal strength and shape your booty!).

    Watch the videos before trying them and start with 5kg weight for both. Unlike the modied Turkish get up where your focus

    is speed, in these exercises your focus is control and posture here.

    Reps: 10

    Sets: 4-5


    No Equipment Required

    Opon 1:

    See the home/park secon above and try to use any object at home that you can li safely and comfortably that will add

    weight to your training. Back packs, suit cases with handles, get a bag and ll with sand.

    Resistance is the absolute key in the ‘booty builder’, so I would recommend you invesng in some weights soon, or read your

    exercise manual for other opons or ways to make your own cheaply.

    Opon 2:

    Substute a ‘Booty Basher’ session or Cardio Sub Class instead.


    FBW - 1 Hour Fat Burning Walk at moderate intensity

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2



    • Limit rened sugars

    • 3L of water

    • Limit starchy carbs aer breakfast

    • Small poron of protein with every meal or snack


    1. 1 x 60min FBW (Fat Burning Walk):

    You can do this either before your session, aer

    your session or at opposite ends of the day IE

    FBW in morning or evening

    2. 1 x BW (Booty Workout)

    DAY 12: Booty BenderGYM / HOME GYM

    Equipment Required


    Personalise or Step It Up

     Ashy’s Dynamic Warm Up

     Ashy’s Total Body Yoga Release

    1 - Warm up

    ½ Salute to sun x 20


    Down Dog/ Walking Dog

    2 - Kneeling hip series

    Down dog

    transion through 3 legged dog

    Swan (right leg)

    transion Down dog

    Swan Le legtransion into dragon series


    Warrior Dragon



    Down dog

    transion through 3 legged dog

    Repeat Dragon series on the other leg

    Down dog (walking dog)

    Walk toes to feet, roll up to stand

    Watch video to learn the ow.

    Connecng with your breath while in

    each pose. Relaxing your muscles and

    clearing your mind.

    Holding each pose for at least 30

    seconds, or unl you can get seled,

    start focusing on your breath and feel

    a release.

    Bs and C’s - Do a 20 min FBW, or

    moderate jog/ride/row before your

    bender session to maximise your


  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2



    3 - Standing Series

    • Standing half Moon

    • Standing Separate knee

    • Triangle

    • Down dog, walk hands to feet and

    kneel in hero pose

    4 - Kneeling Series

    • Hero

    • Childs Pose or Tortoise

    • Rabbit

    • Walk hands forward to tabletop

    • Thread the needle pose

    • Camel pose

    (big hip exor openers)

    • Fixed Firm Pose 

    (big hip exor openers)

    • Back into down dog 

    (really push your sit bones to the

    sky and heels to the earth)

    5 – Seated and lying series

    • Reclining eye of the needle

    • Reclining spinal twist

    • Repeat on other side

    Grab your pilates band

    (or just a towel) for next series:

    • Reclining big toe (band)• Big toe lateral leg Variaon (band)

    • Straight leg spinal twist (band)

    • Repeat on other side

    • Wind Removing pose

    • Happy baby

    • Oponal move to plow pose (feet

    touching oor behind head) or

     just hold happy baby

    • Roll forward gently into buery

    • Seated head to knee

    • Seated separate leg

    • Savasana

    If you are feeling fresh, strong aer

    this session and want to hit up a cardio

    session instead/as well then check the

    cardio sub secon to the right.


    The Cardio Triad (30 mins)

    • 4 mins on treadmill (incline), then

    5 mins on bike, 5 mins on rower

    [at 50% max]

    • 3 mins: treadmill, bike, rower

    [at 60-70% max]

    • 2 mins: Treadmill, bike, rower

    [at 80-90% max]

    • 1 min: Treadmill, bike, rower 

    [at 100%]

    • Then walk for 5 minute cool down

    and stretch glutes, hammys,



    Swap the above gym version:

    • Treadmill = shules

    • Bike = Skipping

    • Rower = Mini Combo: 

    (10 crunches and 10 bu raises),

    repeat unl me

    DAY 12: Booty Bender cont.GYM OR HOME GYM

    Equipment Required

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2



    • Limit Rened Sugars

    • 3L of water

    • Limit starchy carbs aer breakfast

    • Small poron of protein with every meal or snack


    1. 1 x 60min FBW (Fat Burning Walk):

    You can do this either before your session, aer

    your session or at opposite ends of the day IE

    FBW in morning or evening

    2. 1 x BW (Booty Workout)

    DAY 13: Booty BasherGYM / HOME GYM

    Equipment Required


    Personalise or Step It Up

     Ashy’s Dynamic Warm Up

    Hello Lunge Day! 

    Bubble Bu ( 10min circuit)

    • Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg

    (weighted = advanced)

    • 30 second Bu Raise hold

    • Ulmate Lunge x 10 each leg

    (weighted = advanced)

    • 30 second Bu Raise pulses

    • 30 seconds of Can Cans

    • Repeat for 10 minutes


    Swap the reverse lunge for a split lunge

     jump. (but don’t sacrice your ROM.

    Sll ensure your back knee caresses

    the ground so each lunge is as deep as



    Refuel IMMEDIATELY aer training

    within 20 minutes, you need protein

    and some carbs.

     Adductor Adulaon

    • 3 step, Lateral Shues

    x 30 seconds

    • 3 Direconal Lunge: 5 each side

    • 3 step Lateral Shues x 20 seconds

    • Ulmate Lunges: 5 each side

    • 3 Step Lateral Shues 

    x 20 seconds

    • Curtsy Squat x 10

    • Repeat for 10 minutes

    A’s: Don’t do the lateral shues, add

    maximum weight to the lunges and

    squats. Have 30 seconds break at the

    end of each rotaon before starng the

    next lot of 3 direconal lunges.

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2



    Personalise or Step It Up

    Pulse It 

    • 10 x Rotaonal lunge walks

    • 10 x Wide Leg Pulsing Squats

    • 10 x Front Foot Lunge Bounces

    (each side)

    • 10 x Double Pulse Squat Jumps

    Next Round the Rotaon Lunge Walks

    and Front Foot Lunge Bounces go down

    to 8 reps, then 6, then 4, then 2, then

    back up to nish at 10.

    A’s: Add as much weight as you can

    5 Min Iso Fun

    Time yourself holding a bu raise for 5

    minutes in total.

    If you can do a 5 minute straight

    hold, you are done in 5 minutes. If

    you hold for 30 seconds then need a

    break, you would stop the clock at 30

    seconds and not start it again unl

    yourestart your hold.

    IE you only count the seconds you are

    in the hold for.

    No Boosters

    DAY 13: Booty Basher cont.GYM OR HOME GYM

    Equipment Required


    No Equipment Required

    Same as Day 13 Gym Program


    No equipment required

    No Subs!! Do this program

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2


  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2



    Personalise or Step It Up

    2. Half Range Controlled Smith Squat

    or Barbell Squat 

    Set 1: Choose the bar only squat down

    to 90˚. Hold for 3 seconds, then stand.

    Do 6 reps with the same 3 second hold.

    Set 2: Add 10 kgs and aim for 6 reps

    with the hold (ensure you keep your

    spine in neutral)

    Set 3: Add 10kgs

    Set 4: Add 10kgs

    Keep adding 10kg unl the weight

    becomes too heavy for you to hold

    for 3 seconds at 90˚ while maintaining

    your form.

    No Boosters

    3. Dumbbell Canyon Squats

    Set 1: Choose a 5kg Dumbell

    Do a Rep Range of as deep as you can

    go for 8 reps.

    If you made the full 8 reps go up to the

    next weighted dumbbell (will be either

    7.5kg or 7kg at most gyms) and repeat.

    Connue going up in dumbbell size

    unl you cannot make the 8 reps.

    Rest: should be at least 45 seconds be-

    tween each set.

    No Boosters

    4. Body Weight Wide Leg Squats

    To a count of 4 seconds down and 2

    seconds up, you are to do as many

    Wide Leg Body Weight Squats (with

    as big of a range of moon as you can)

    unl you cannot do any more or unl

    you cannot hold your form.

    Grab a foam Roller and spend at

    least 10 minutes rolling out your

    Glutees, ITB, hammys, hipexors,adductors and calves.

    No Boosters

    DAY 14: Booty Builder cont.GYM OR HOME GYM

    Equipment Required

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2


    DAY 14: Booty Builder cont.HOME / PARK

    Equipment Required

    Smith Squat, Smith Split Squat, Deadli, Super Set Finisher:

    Replace the smith machine with a barbell, kele bell or dumbbell if that is all you have.

    At worst a back pack lled as heavy as is comfortable for you to li, or anything heavy that is comfortable to li could be

    used as a replacement Dumbbell.

    Leg Press:

    Swap to start learning the Single Leg Deadli, Complete Turkish Get Up, Kele Bell Deadli and Kele Bell Swing (as a non


    exerciser, these are your number 1 exercises to maximise funconal strength and shape your booty!).

    Watch the Videos before trying them and start with 5kg weight for both. Unlike the Modied Turkish Get Up where your

    focus is speed, in these exercises your focus is control and posture here.

    Reps: 10

    Sets: 4-5


    FBW - Just hit up a FBW, ride or swim if you are too sore to complete todays session.

  • 8/18/2019 WEEK2-V2
