WEEK 9, TERM 3 , 2011 14th September, 2011 · 2019. 10. 18. · Duri Public School - Tolerance,...

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Transcript of WEEK 9, TERM 3 , 2011 14th September, 2011 · 2019. 10. 18. · Duri Public School - Tolerance,...

Duri Public School - Tolerance, Self Discipline, Independence

WEEK 9, TERM 3 , 2011

14th September, 2011

Wednesday, 14th September - P & C Meeting - 7.00 pm

Thursday, 15th September - Music Concert - 12.30 pm

Wednesday, 21st September - Night of the Notables

Thursday, 22nd September - Debate against Spring Ridge - 11.00 am

Friday, 23rd September - Last day of school for Term 3

Monday, 10th October - Start of Term 4 for students and staff

Thank you A big thank you to Keith Harvey from the Duri General Store for making a couple of special trips to the school to fix our pump. We really appreciate your help. Touch Football We are now in the finals in Sydney on Friday 14th October. Please find a permission note included with the newsletter for those students involved. Senior Excursion to Sydney - Years 4/5/6 - 24th-27th October Cost is $490 - $190 (P & C donation = $100 and P & C Zone Athletics Catering = $90)

= $300 for each child attending. If you still need some further financial assistance, please contact the school as we have some Student Assistance money available. Transport has been finalised and we will be travelling by train leaving Tamworth on Monday morning. Accommodation is at the Woolbrokers Hotel at Darling Harbour. All meals and attractions are included in the cost. Consent and Medical forms should be returned to school as soon as possible. A full itinerary will be sent home next week Junior Overnight Excursion to Dubbo - Years K/1/2/3 Ms Johnston has commenced organising the overnight junior excursion to Dubbo which will take place the same time as the senior excursion, on the Monday, 24th and Tuesday, 25th October. More details to follow. P & C Meeting The next meeting of the Duri P & C will be held tonight, Wednesday, 14th September commencing at 7.00 pm. Please find a copy of the minutes from the previous meeting included with the newsletter. School Director Visit Mrs Kaye Lewis, relieving School Director for Ms Dufty, will be visiting our school on Thursday, 22nd September between 12.30 - 2.00 pm.

Duri Public School - Tolerance, Self Discipline, Independence

NAPLAN Results Well done to the Year 3 & 5 students. Our school results were fantastic! Good Luck to Harriet Scales Harriet plays hockey with the Timbumburi team in the semi finals of the State Knock Out at Lithgow tomorrow. Good luck, Harriet! Debating Our next debating round will be against Spring Ridge on Thursday, 22nd September. The debate will be held at Duri School and the topic for debate is “That homework should be banned”. The Duri team will be Lucy Cantrill, Harriet Scales, Deana Scharffetter and Claire Brown. Parents and friends are welcome to attend. Chalk and Parent Direct Fundraisers - ORDERS SHOULD BE IN BY THIS FRIDAY Catalogues were included in your newsletter a few weeks ago from which you could order gifts and toys in preparation for Christmas. Orders should be returned to school by this Friday, 16th September. Remember the school will be able to purchase resources for the school depending on how much is ordered. We will receive a voucher for 20% of the total value of all orders, which we can then use to purchase educational materials. Night of the Notables Only one week to go. The Night of the Notables will take place on Wednesday, 21st September commencing at 6.30 pm. All parents and friends are welcome to attend. Hillvue Basketball I drove the bus for Hillvue girls basketball team on Sunday and Monday. They were beaten in the final 30-24. Thank you to Mrs Smith and Miss Drayton for teaching the senior class. Senior Cooking Class Last Wednesday the senior class made pizzas from scratch, making the dough and every-thing. This cooking was part of a Healthy Foods Unit of work, where the student had to use all healthy ingredients to make their meal. They made a healthy pizza with spinach, capsi-cum, mushrooms, ham, cheese and pepperoni. This was followed up by a delicious smooth-ie made from watermelon, strawberries, yoghurt and ice cream.

Merit Awards - Week 8, Term 3, 2011 Michael Hume – the wonderful job he did as waiter at our Bookweek Restaurant

Lucy Cantrill - great help in the frog pond Deanna Scharffetter - for always having beautiful manners

Clancy Walters - fabulous effort during dance practice John Thompson - working hard during long multiplication

Emma Ison - such a fabulous effort with the clean up after making lunch on Wednesday

Josie Riley - hard work during maths Isaiah Morgan-Blair - great work during preparation for the night of the Notables

Blake Christie - super effort in class Charlotte Kesby - being such a great help

BANNER Bridie Akeroyd

Duri Public School - Tolerance, Self Discipline, Independence


Senior Class Senior Class Senior Class Senior Class ---- Cooking PizzasCooking PizzasCooking PizzasCooking Pizzas

Duri Public School - Tolerance, Self Discipline, Independence


Lucy Cantrill Lucy Cantrill Lucy Cantrill Lucy Cantrill ---- Wednesday, 14th SeptemberWednesday, 14th SeptemberWednesday, 14th SeptemberWednesday, 14th September Woolies Earn & Learn Points - Program extended to 18th October This year Duri School is taking part in the Woolworths Earn & Learn community program. The program has been extended to 18th October, so that gives us another month to save our shopping dockets. The more points we earn, the more resources we can order! We have 2543 points so far. We are doing well. Book Club Clearance Sale Last week everyone would have received a Book Club Clearance order form included in their newsletter. All orders and money should be returned to school by Monday, 19th September.

Farewell to Miss DraytonFarewell to Miss DraytonFarewell to Miss DraytonFarewell to Miss Drayton

It is Miss Drayton’s last day this Friday

It has been a pleasure having her here

and we will all miss her!


Thursday, 15th September at

12.30 pm Piano and violin students will perform for the whole

school All parents and friends are welcome to attend


at School at School at School at School

commencing at 6.30 pmcommencing at 6.30 pmcommencing at 6.30 pmcommencing at 6.30 pm

Wednesday, 21st SeptemberWednesday, 21st SeptemberWednesday, 21st SeptemberWednesday, 21st September

All parents and fiends are welcome to attendAll parents and fiends are welcome to attendAll parents and fiends are welcome to attendAll parents and fiends are welcome to attend

----See you ThereSee you ThereSee you ThereSee you There----