Week 6 - Energy Scavenging Research

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Week 6 - Energy Scavenging Research

Energy ScavengingResearch Method

Group 9MSc in Engineering Management

Research and development on various ESD mainly on Infrastructure, Playground, Building Infrastructure and Sport

Energy Scavenging Device (ESD) R&D

Infrastructure Playground Building & Sport

Road Pavement Children Playground

Children Playground

Building & Sport Home/Housing

Energy Source from Car, Motor

Energy Source from Human

Product: Speed Bump, Traffic Sign, Parking Area, Car attached ESD

Ladder, Mat, Walking Path

SeeSaw, Slide, Swing

Road ESD Research Method

• Literature Review

• Observation

• Prototype Design

• Survey

• Interview

Literature Review


Prototype Design


Indepth Interview

Road & Pavement ESD applicationInfrastructure Potential ESD Product

ES Road ES Pavement

ES Traffic Light

ES Traffic Sign

Car + ESD Motor + ESD

ES in Parking Area

ES Speed Bump

Energy Scavenging from Pavement

Project at a Glance- Energy Scavenging Harness wasted energy- Gain energy from pavement as public

facilities- Material : Piezoelectric- User : Human and Bicycle- Positivism Strategy

Data Collection Methods

Literature Review Observation

Questionnaire Interview


Ethics ?

Energy Scavengingin Playground

Literature review – Find related technology could be applied

Gather ideas from secondary data and interview. Find the general advantages and disadvantages of each idea.

Do quantitative survey among local residents. Show them the features of each idea and ask which idea they prefer.

Analyzing results of quantitative research and select the most profitable idea. Do more research in depth about this idea




Price UsageReliability

Chosen Technology

(Literature Review)

(Literature Review) (Literature Review) (Observation or questionnaire)

(Literature Review)


Energy harvesting gymResearch method Induction

Add retrofitted equipment to gym facilities

Technology solutions

Environmental aspectReception of potential customersFeasibility as a business plan

Feasibility of this plan

Figure 1 and 2 :http://www.humandynamo.net/

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4Figure 3 and 4: http://www.google.co.uk/


1. Clarify research topic• Generate research ideas• Turn them into research projects• Research proposal

2. Critically review literature• Time consuming but important

3. Choose research approach• Qualitative research/quantitative research• Induction/deduction

4. Plan data collection methods, collect and analyze data• Questionnaires• Case study

5. Write and submit report


access communication

SMART planObjective Tasks Resources/help needed Potential problem Evidence of success Completion

/review date

Complete the research part of final project successfully

1. Clarify research topic


•Unfocussed research idea/topic

A list of precise research ideas (research questions and objectives)


2. Literature review

•Library access •Computer•Internet access

•Unable to get access•Computer broken

A list of answers with supporting literature review


3. Reflection (research objectives)

•Literature review feedback

•Think in-box A list of new ideas Once per question has been researched

4. Plan research approaches

•Research approaches •Misunderstand the nature of research approaches

A clear plan of research approaches being used


5. Collect data •Questionnaires•Case study

•Less feedback Data needed have been collected


6. Analyze data •Feedbacks•calculation

•Incorrect calculation

A report of analysis results


7. Reflection •Research approaches•collected data

•Item is missing Sources has been checked


8. Write report •Literature reviews•Analysis results

•Stress A written reportIt has been checked
