Week 4 - March 22-28, 2015

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JA1 Edmonton NewsweekWeek 4: March 22-28, 2015

Transcript of Week 4 - March 22-28, 2015

JA1 Edmonton Church Weekly Newsletter Week 4: March 22-28, 2015

Worship Service

Time: 2pm to 4pm Preacher: Rev Pio Cabasisi Opening Prayer: Sis Jhen Simon Testimony: Sis LJ Daquis Closing Prayer: Sis Joy Acbo Pulpit Ministry: Ushering Ministry Psalms 84:10 Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

From Believing To Expecting

March 22, 2015 - Sunday

“In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action is dead. But someone will say “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.” – James 2:17-18 (NIV)

As you know that God will provide everything that you need, everything you desire, you have to believe with expectancy. The reason it is so important for you to set and achieve your expectancy is that God is a powerful God. Nothing is impossible to Him. Trust in Him to help you set your expectations. There are four attributes of believing to expecting – (1) Much of Life is spent waiting. (2) We have to wait with expectancy. (3) We must put actions behind our expectancy and (4) Stay hopeful and positive and make preparations to succeed.

Our Prayer:

God I know you’re in control, I’m not going to be moved by what I don’t see. I know You are bigger than our obstacles. And God I believe at the right time, You will change things in our favor.



Sunday Children School March 22, 2015

Kids Lesson: Jesus tells the story of the good Samaritan

Teacher Jhen was assigned to the kids this Sunday. They had a good discussion about a story of a good Samaritan and shared the story in Luke 10:25-37. The kids were very cooperative during the class. Teacher Jhen was able to make the children know more about Jesus and how they may learn to love everyone as how Jesus love us. After sharing the story to the children, they had a painting activity, which all kids enjoyed. The conclusion of the lesson is that we are valuable in God’s eyes and Jesus is teaching us to love everyone like the Good Samaritan does,

even if they seemed different from us.

Mr and Mrs Kevin Bleakney dedicated their daughter Danyelle Merilyn Bleakney to the Lord. Baby Danylle was born on February 22, 2015 in Edmonton Alberta. The Officiating Ministry headed by Rev Pio Cabasisis started the Dedication rights after the service. Composed of twelve Godmothers and twelve Godfather, Baby Danyelle was certainly blessed with all the declaration of her godparents – each gave their commitment to Danyelle and her parents to be a good godparent, to be always there for Danyelle in time of needs and of course to always include Baby Danyelle in every prayer that Danylle will grow with fear of the Lord, smart, always on top and never in the bottom, always in good health and a loving daughter to her parents.

TOPIC : Prayer In the Name of Jesus

Mark 11:24 – states to BELIEVE and John 14:14 states anything IN MY NAME. When we use “In Jesus name” it is not in vain repetition, we must emphasize the name of Jesus. We have to transform our way of prayer. When you ask in prayer, your heart must be prepared and condition. We must pray with His authority which He also given us. Let Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit to guide you to pray and He will guide you through His words.

Baby Dedication March 22, 2015

March 23,2015 Monday 5:30am to 7:30am Zoom Cloud Meeting



March 23rd – Monday: Cell Group House of New Creation

It is a blessing that the cell group at the House of New

Creation is growing. We do believe that God is using this

home mightily to spread His love. Facilitated by Bro Arvin

Suarez they shared about Winning the World for Jesus. Sis

Irene and Sis Mylene joined the sharing and they were very

blessed with the topic they have discussed. The facilitator

shared some facts about Believing and Expecting, their

experiences in life that they have entrusted God to work for

it and he shared about salvation.

March 24th – Tuesday: Cell Group House of Righteousness

The cell group started with Praise and Worship with

Bro Arvin Suarez as a lead singer and guitarist. After

the praise and worship Rev Pio shared the word of

God in 1 Peter 5:10 “And the God of all grace, who

called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have

suffered a little while, will himself restore you and

make you strong, firm and steadfast. “ – We suffered a

little while but God will restore you; God is in control,

this will come to pass; Pray without ceasing because

any circumstances is temporary and for every test God

will blessed you. After sharing of word, they proceed

to their grouping where they share about Believing and

Expecting – Women’s group facilitated by Sis Belle

Halabi and Men’s group facilitated by Bro Arvin


March 25th – Wednesday Prayer Meeting

TOPIC: In the Name of Jesus Acts 3:1-10 and Acts 3:16 God answered our prayer even if it is simple for any way we say our prayer – God will answer it, He will understand it because we are His children. Like a toddler that just starting to say a word – a parent would understand because he/she is her child. Like our God, at any words we say our prayer as long it is comes from our heart He will answer it. As we grow, we should have a breakthrough in praying. Go to the next level in giving respect in mentioning the name of Jesus. The Holy Spirit will help us to pray. (Romans 8:26)



The cell group in House of Prayer started with a Praise and

worship after which they was a sharing of the word of God headed

by Pastor Teddy. After sharing the word, they proceeded to their

group sharing, facilitated by Sis Zeny Ambrocio they talked about

the last Sunday topic – Believing to Expecting. They had a good

sharing of their expectancy on God’s favor in their life. Everyone

has shared a good testimony of their lives about how God answer

their prayers and why they’re other prayers has not been answered

yet. Not because God doesn’t hear them but God is preparing you

for that great blessing He has in store for you.

March 26th – Thursday: Cell Group House of Grace

Rev Pio started the cell group with the word of God and

he shared the word in 1 Timothy 6:12 – “Fight the good

fight. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were

called when you made your good confession in the

presence of many witnesses.” – Believing with

expectancy. God is our great provider and nothing is

impossible to Him for those who believe.

After the sharing of the word of God, they started their

grouping and sharing. The Women’s group was

facilitated by Sis Cherry Anne Atienza and the Men’s

group was facilitated by Bro Ryan Atienza. Both group

have shared the blessings they received from God,

answered prayers and their expected blessings that they

all believe God will provide in its right time.

March 27th – Friday: Cell Group House of Prayer



March 28th – Saturday Renewal of Vow

Henrie Joseph Mopera and Lea Mopera have come together after 3 years of their

marriage on this joyous day of March 28, 2015 to renew and reaffirm their wedding vow

and commitment to each other. Today, March 28, 2015 with a ceremony and

commencing their renewal of marriage vows in the ordinance of God in the house of the

Lord at Jesus the Anointed Once Church of Edmonton for time and for all eternity.

Officiating Officer – Rev Porferio Cabasisi.

6 "But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.' 7 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, 8 and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one. 9 Therefore what God has joined together,

let man not separate." (Mark 10:6-9)

North Satellite Network Saturday Service – March 28, 2015

7pm to 9pm


Time: 7pm to 9pm

Preacher: Pastor Teddy Ambrocio

Opening Prayer: Bro Don Lepnica

Testimony: Sis Belle Halabi

Tithes and Offering: Sis Liza Prendol

Closing Prayer: Rev Pio Cabasisi

TOPIC : FAITH and DEEDS Pastor Teddy shared the word of God in Genesis 12:2-4 – “I will make into a great nation and I will bless you. I will

make your name great and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you;

all the people on earth will be blessed through you.”