Week 10Week 10 Hello everyone. Just to remind you that you do not need to print these pages. You can...

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Transcript of Week 10Week 10 Hello everyone. Just to remind you that you do not need to print these pages. You can...

Week 10

Hello everyone.

Just to remind you that you do not need to print these pages. You can draw the activities on paper or

just write the answers on paper.

Don’t forget you can upload messages, work, photos or videos to Tapestry or to your class email address

Miss Watts rsr@boxgrove.greenwich.sch.uk

Mrs Montanari rmb@boxgrove.greenwich.sch.uk

Don’t forget to check out the new story posted to our website. This week is ‘Monkey Puzzle’ read by Mr



Try and play this simple game at home, let your child have a go too! All you need is some

cups, mugs or plastic beakers, a small ball or scrunched up piece of paper and a smooth


Put the ball or paper under one of the cups and let the child see what cup you have put it

under. Slid the cups around the table without lifting them so the ball or paper cannot be


Once you have mixed all the cups allow the child to guess what cup it is under. Reveal…did

they win?!

For children to be able to write sentences that eventually develop in to stories children need to be able

say what it is they want to write. The best writing will include detail and the correct grammar. Speech

plays a very important role in this and so does adult modelling.

Please look at the pictures below and ask your child what they can see in it. If they say ‘a girl’ for example,

you should model using a full sentence describing what you see. For example, “The girl has a bucket and


You can repeat this exercise with any pictures from books, magazines or TV.

You can write your own sentences for your child to add the full stops. When you are

reading with them point out the full stops and what the reading would sound like if the full

stop wasn’t there! You could even write sentences from the pictures above.

Remember the capital letter activity from last week? This week your child will use capital

letters, finger spaces and a full stop to write a short sentence about the picture below (also

use a sound mat given to you in week 1). Remember encourage your child to SAY what they

want to write first.

1. 2.

3. 4.

Visit www.learningreources.co.uk scroll down on the main home page and

there are lots of activities you can do including interactive reading books.

More counting on continuing from last week.

Use some real coins to work out how much these ice creams cost.

Why not make your own shop using empty packets and real coins at home.