Weebly Orientation

Post on 14-May-2015

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an overview of digital portfolio creation for students and parents using weebly.

Transcript of Weebly Orientation

Building a Digital Portfolio

Using Weebly to share your best work!

1. Log in at: students.weebly.com

If you forget your login, you can ask your pod teacher, Ms. V, or Mr. Riles.

Always work on your portfolio with an adult in the room.

2. Choose “Create a Site”

You can name your site with this model:

(First name, last initial, portfolio)


Click “edit site” to begin!

(add your middle initial if the name is taken)

3. Familiarize yourself with the editing tools

The top menu controls site-wide changes

The left side menu contains elements you can drag and drop to add on each page.

Click around to see what each option does!

adds a title text box

adds a body text box

adds a block that includes an image and text

adds an image

adds a photo gallery

adds a photo slideshow

adds a map

adds a horizontal


adds multiple columns to add


embeds a document

embeds a youtube video

embeds widgets from

any site

The tools you will use most frequently are described in yellow text.

Try all of them out, even if you’re not sure if you will need them.

Practice adding photos, text boxes, and arranging everything to look neat and organized.

4. Click “PAGES” to build sections

Here you can label and choose the basic layout of each page.

Add these pages:● About (rename “home”)● Math & Science● Language Arts● Visual & Performing Arts

5. Click “DESIGN” to change the style

Here you can change the theme, fonts, and color scheme of your site.

Consider:Does my text have enough contrast to be read easily?

Does this style reflect who I am as a student?

Is the focus on the design, or my content (writing, artwork, etc)?

6. Begin adding content!

You can use our sample site as a guide!

go to:kingsleyportfolio.weebly.com

Each page is a model for the type of information you should add to your site.

Before adding content, ask yourself: “Is this my best work?”

Ask a teacher, classmate, or parent if you need help editing your work!

7. Extra Option: Design a Logo

Successful logos are clear and unique.

● Your logo can be as simple as your handwritten signature.

● You can create a symbol by combining the initials in your name.

● Use your interests to inspire symbols that can be integrated into your logo!

Scan your logo and save a jpg for use on your site.

8. Safety and Privacy

Part of being safe on the internet is choosing what information to share, and what to keep private.

Never add these pieces of information to your portfolio:

● a photo of yourself● your home address● your home phone number● your daily schedule● any personal information you would not want a stranger

to have

9. Check in with a teacher

Before publishing your site to make it public, consult with a teacher to:

● determine if the content is polished and edited completely

● decide if the information provided is clear and concise● assure that all content reflects positively on you as a

student● check that all information follows our safety guidelines

10. For Parents:

Consider trying weebly yourself:http://www.weebly.com/

You can create a family site and add your children as contributors so each family member can have their own page.

As a web presence becomes more important in education and the job market, it’s crucial that students know how to present themselves in a professional and polished way!

This is great practice that empowers students to express themselves positively with technology!