Wedding in England

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Wedding in England

The Wedding in the England

Uswatun Hasanah(09431002)

Slamet Chomari(09431025)

Over half the weddings in the England take place in local register offices and the rest are religious ceremonies of one kind or another. A few years ago changes in the law allowed couples to get married in all sorts of places (known as a civil Wedding Ceremony).Most weddings take place on Saturday afternoons; this is very much the peak period in any week for getting married.

The weddings

Before the Wedding takes place

Brides have Hen nights and bridegrooms have Stag parties (similar to bachelor/bachelorette parties). For couples getting married in a church, banns announcing the proposed wedding are read aloud in the church three Sundays before the wedding. The groom chooses a Best Man who will look after the couple rings during the wedding ceremony.

The Wedding Day

It is unlucky for the groom to see the bride on the wedding day before the service. Traditionally the bride wears a white dress and the groom wears a suit.

The bride may be attended by bridesmaids and pageboys.

The groom and the bride say their vows.

They give each other rings

• The wedding ring is the last present a couple will give one another before their wedding. The very first present a couple gives each other is often times a sort of promise ring - which most think of a pre-engagement ring. Later on as a duet gets more involved, they then give engagement rings to each other.

They sign a wedding register.

After the wedding ceremony

• After the wedding ceremony guests are invited to attend a meal and further celebrations. This is known as the Wedding Reception.

Guests leave presents for

the bride and groom on a table in the room where

the reception takes place.

It is traditional for the Best Man, Brides

Father and the Groom to give a speech at the

wedding reception.

Wedding Cake

• It is traditional at weddings to have a special wedding cake at the reception, often with two or more tiers - each tier may be made of a different type of cake to satisfy the tastes of all your wedding guests. It's also customary for the top tier of a three or four tier cake to be kept aside for the christening of the couple’s first child.

The Honeymoon

• It is traditional for the bride and groom to go away on a holiday, called a Honeymoon, after the wedding has taken place.

Interesting Fact

• Centuries ago it was customary for the Bride and Bridegroom to drink honey for a month after the wedding. A month was known as a moon, hence honeymoon.

Wedding Superstitions

• ~Bride and groom must not meet on the day of the wedding except at the altar.

• ~The bride should never wear her complete wedding clothes before the day.

• ~For good luck the bride should wear “something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new”.

• ~The husband should carry his new wife over the threshold of their home.