Website re design

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Website re design

The Steps of the Website Redesign Process

When an organization takes on a website redesign, it generates hype and excitement, creating a sense of empowerment for the project owners. However, only

by empowering the end-users of the site can the project owners achieve and sustain their long-term

goals. While this is no small task, it is one that can be managed, systematically executed, and driven by

reliable data.

The Typical Website Redesign Process:

1: Hire a vendor that excels in technical prowess and skill, that is, the team of .NET mavericks.

2: Conduct internal stakeholder meetings.

3: Define an information architecture based on the organization’s internal structure.

4: Develop high-fidelity wireframes.

5: Create pixel-perfect design comps that represent each page.

6: Implement the website according to the recommendations of the vendor.

7: Enter (or dynamically migrate) existing content; create some new content.

8: Go through a level of QA.9: Launch the website.10: Bask in the glory of the completed project.

11: Field requests for changes because the “website no longer meets our needs.”

12: Get the leadership team together to ask, “Is it time to redesign the website?”
