Website Optimization -SEO - Step By Step

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Website Optimization -SEO - Step By Step

Transcript of Website Optimization -SEO - Step By Step


Website Optimization and Search Engine


Why SEO?

Most (approximately 80%) people searching online will click the ‘natural’ results before a paid placement or advertisement.

You want to be listed on the first page when they “Google” you.

You want them to end up on your website, find what they want quickly, leave happy and come back again.

You want them to tell others about you.This slideshow is about the various components that can lead

to a better ranking for search engines and a better experience for your website visitors.

Google’s Secret

“Google conducts a series of simultaneous calculations requiring only a fraction of a second, using more than 200 signals, including patented PageRank™ algorithm, which is determined by considering more than 500 million variables and 2 billion terms.”

The PageRank algorithm is patented. And it’s their secret.

There’s even more to it.

Why Isn’t This Easy?

Can’t be done overnight – it’s time consuming.The process never ends.You don’t have the time.It’s not a simple fix.Multitude of components and variables to determining how

you rank. But this is something you have to do. All items in this presentation can be used to incrementally

help improve the optimization of your site for search engine and your site users.

Establish a Baseline

To help with the challenge of better optimizing your website and track the success of this program, create an initial report establishing your baseline.

Google Analytics

Self Evaluation/reporting

Where are you compared to your competitors in the SERPs?

Page Rank

Do you know your PageRank? What about the PageRank of your customers?

There are many applications, widgets and third party tools to determine Google PageRank. You can also install a Google toolbar telling you the PageRank of any site.

View Source of ANY page

Descriptive Meta Data

Meta Tags<title> Important, but not magic solution.</title>

Free metatag generators:

Title tag<title> Website Optimization Workshop</title>

A page title for the page appears in the browser itself, at the very top. The title tag is located in the <head> section of each page. The format is:

<title> Website Optimization Workshop</title>

The page’s title tag tells users and search engines the topic for the web page. The title will usually appear in the first line of the search engine results.

Title tag

Title tag


Use tools to generate keywords and find out how they relate to searches performed

What keywords do your competitors use?View their source code to find out.

Include misspellings

The Long Tail

Heading Tags

Heading tags are used to define content of page and for proper document layout.

<H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5> <H6>

<H1> is the most important, <H6> the least

The default font style can be modified with CSS

You should use <H1> at the top of your page for the main headline

Image Tags

Image information should show up when moving the mouse over the image

Image Tags

Use brief descriptions in the <alt> tag

Use brief descriptions in the image <title> tag

Use supported web formats


Test your images by right clicking and going to properties or by mousing over an image

Link Tags

Links can have titles?

<P>You'll find a lot more in

<A href="chapter2.html" title="Go to chapter two">chapter two</A>.

Anchor Text

Anchor text is the clickable text that users see on your web page.

We hope you will find everything you are looking for and we invite you into one of our several locations serving<a href="/contact.html“ title =“Wichita location”>Wichita</a>


A small, 16x16 image that is shown inside the browser's location bar and the bookmark menu when your site is visited. It is a way to brand your site and increase it's prominence in your visitor's bookmark menu.


You can create your FavIcon with a graphics program such as Photoshop.

Free FavIcon generators:

Photoshop Tutorial to create a FavIcon:

Link Building

Internal linking structure

Link popularity – who links to you (the more relevant links the better SEO)Google using

Link to other sites

Give back to the community

Incorporate social media

Site Architecture

Site Navigation – menu structure

Organized File Structure


Search option

Directory searching (some users truncate URL to search)

Useful 404 page

HTML Sitemap

Do you have an organized map to easily locate and navigate content on your site?

Manually create or use sitemap generator tools.

Content Strategy

Compelling, useful and quality content could be one of the most important aspects of SEO.

Write easy-to-read and follow text.

Stay organized and on topic.

Use relevant language.

Keep content fresh.

Consider allowing user-generated content.

Using a CMS

Some Content Management Systems are not easily optimized for SEO.

If you use a CMS, check for CMS specific SEO plugins.

Configure the CMS to allow for friendly URLs.

CMS are becoming more popular, so there are many resources available.

URL Structure


File that tells search engines to access or not Search engine will first look for robots.txt file

What parts of site wouldn’t you want found?User-Agent: GooglebotDisallow: /private/privatefile.htmUser-Agent: *Disallow: /newsection/

More information


Placed inside of link tag:

<a href= rel=“nofollow”>Black Hat SEO</a>

Use it if you don’t want to pass on your reputation

You can also place this inside the <head> tag to ‘nofollow’ all links on a page.

404 Pages

Create custom error pages, don’t lose a user

Suggestions for creating clever and helpful “Page Not Found” errors:

Business Directories and Maps

Creating a Mapquest Search On Your Site

Google Webmaster Tools

Creating an XML Sitemap


Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) - home page

Guidelines and resources from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

WaSP Assessibility Task Force


Do You Validate?

The W3C Markup Validation Service

User Testing

Please don’t overlook the need for user testing.

You know what you think is best for you, but let your customers show you what they think.

Google Optimizer is a great way to test versions of your web page.

Next Steps

Promoting Your Site

Social Media Integration

Testing, Measuring, Optimizing

Start Over!


Presented by Mia Lee

@webbiegirl on Twitter

Teaching eMarketing workshops at Wichita Area Technical College