Website Dental Pictures. Normal dental radiographic appearance of premolar teeth.

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Website Dental Pictures. Normal dental radiographic appearance of premolar teeth.

Website Dental Pictures

Normal dental radiographic appearance of premolar teeth

Tooth root abscess

Tooth Resorption in a cat

Tooth resorption in a dog

Severe feline gingivostomatitis

Before and after composite restoration of a canine tooth.

Applied orthodontic acrylic device to correct malocclusion of the mandibular canine teeth

Before and after canine tooth restoration.

Severe periodontal disease…this is what we want to avoid!

Persistent deciduous tooth. These teeth must be extracted as soon as they are evident or risk significant periodontal problems.

These radiographs were from different patients and all three had normal appearing gingiva

and crowns.

Radiographic evidence of pathology showing severe bone loss, tooth infection (abscess), and the below dental radiograph shows a non-vital pulp (dead tooth).

Endodontic Procedure (root canal) – Using Light Speed System by Discus Dental

Pathological fracture of the mandible

Maxillary screw expansion device applied to correct incisor alignment.

Discolored tooth no. 404 secondary to pulp trauma


Bilateral impaction of mandibular canines. Tooth no. 304 has a dentigerous cyst developing around it. Both caine teeth were extracted and Consil® was applied to the sockets and the tissues sutured. Note the absence of premolars overlying 304.


Crown reduction (an endodontic procedure) in a feline to lessen the affects of biting.

Cleft Palate in 3 mo. old puppy

Post surgical repair of cleft palate

Metal crown to protect remaining canine tooth secondary to a tooth crown fracture and root canal in a police dog.