Webmaster Tools Preview And Understandings

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Webmaster Tools Preview And Understandings

Google Webmaster Tools

Contains Introduction: Google Webmaster Tools Verification Site Dashboard Site Settings Search Appearance Search Traffic Google Index Crawl Additional Tools

Intro : Google Webmaster Tool

Google's Webmaster Tools are essential for any strong SEO effort. It helps you see your website as Google sees it. The toolset gives you insights into what pages have been indexed on your site,

what links are pointing to it, your most popular keywords, and much more. A site that's active in Webmaster Tools has a better shot at being fully indexed

and ranking well.

How You Can Verify? Before you can access any data on your site, you have to prove that you're

an authorized representative of the site. This is done through a process of verification.

There are five main methods of verification currently in place for GWT.


Now that you're verified, you can log in and start to examine the data for your site.The first screen you'll see is the dashboard. This gives you a quick view into some of the more pertinent information for your site, along with any new messages from Google.

Dashboard Appears After Login

Here you can tell Google some things about your site if you're not able to tell them in other ways.You can also set your preferred domain – whether you want the site to show up in the search results with the www or without the www.The crawl rate option allows you to slow down the rate of Google's spider's crawl.

Site Settings

Clicking on the ? icon to the right of this menu option delivers a nice breakdown of the various elements of a search engine results page (SERP).

Search Appearance

Here you can see information about all structured data elements that Google's located on your site, whether they're from schema.org or older micro formats.

Structured Data

The data highlighter allows you to help Google identify some types of structured data on the pages without the need for the code to actually be implemented.To use the tool, you need to login to Webmaster Tools, choose your site and then click “Optimization”, then “Data Highlighter”. It gives you the option to tag a single page or multiple pages, verify the tags, and then “publish” it to Google.

Data Highlighter

Here is where GWT will inform you of issues with your title and description tags. As titles and descriptions should be unique for each page and should be within certain character length ranges.Clicking through on any of these errors will give you a more descriptive overview of the error and will also give you a list of pages where the error was detected.

HTML Improvements

Search Queries : Here you can get an overview of the top keywords that returned a page from your site in the search results. Data shown here is collected in a slightly different way from your analytics platform, including GA, so don't expect the number to exactly.

Search Traffic

The Search Queries section is broken down into five main indicators:Query: Query gives you details on what keywords your site is currently ranked for. It's important to remember that "rank for" means showing up in the SERPs – not necessarily actively attracting trafficImpressions: If you've ever wondered how many people are seeing your website for a specific keyword search, this will tell you.Clicks: Of the people who are seeing your site, how many are clicking? This information lets you know how many searchers seeing your site are taking action and clicking on your search result.CTR: Your CTR, or click-through rate, is the percentage of people that are clicking on your site in the search results. Average Position: This metric tells you where your site typically ranks for each keyword.

Search Queries

This section identifies the domains that link to you the most, along with your most linked to content. While you most likely won't see every link that Google's found for your site.

Links to Your Site

Here you can see the top pages on your site sorted by the number of internal links to those pages.Any pages that show 0 internal links have been orphaned and should either be linked to from somewhere on your site, or redirected to an appropriate page.

Internal Links

The Index Status allows you to track the status of your site within the Google index. How many pages are they showing as being indexed? Are there any worrying trends? Have you accidentally blocked large sections of your site from Googlebot? This is a great place to get the answers to those questions and more.

Google Index Status

This section displays the most common keywords found by the Google crawler as it navigated your site. One thing to keep an eye on here is if you see unexpected, unrelated keywords showing up, that's usually an indication that your site may have been hacked and hidden keywords have been injected into your pages.

Content Keywords

If you want to remove a page from your website, The first step is to either remove the page itself or 301 it elsewhere so that it can't be crawled and indexed. Enter the URL that you want to remove, click continue, then select whether you want it removed from the search results and the cache, just from the cache or if you want an entire directory removed. Clicking Submit Request adds it to the removal queue. Typically this request will be processed in 2-12 hours.

Remove URLs

Crawl Errors - Here's where you find out about the errors that Google has detected when crawling your site over the past 90 days. GWT shows you the number of errors, lists the pages and shows a graph of your count over time for that particular error so you can see whether it's been a gradual change or a more sudden occurrence.


Here is where you can basically view your pages as Google sees them. They'll return the HTTP response, the date and time, and the HTML code.This is a great way of verifying that the Google crawler sees the page as you expect it to and that there are no externally injected hidden links on the page. You are allowed 500 fetches / submissions a week, and 10 linked page submissions per week (submitting a page and all pages linked from it at the same time).

Fetch as Google

This section is the place to test out your current robots.txt against any pages on your site to verify whether they can be crawled or not. You can also test out modifications to your robots.txt to see whether they'd work as you anticipate against various pages on your site.

Robots Tester

What it does is that it allows you to specify URL query string parameters that shouldn't be considered when examining URLs on the site to determine unique URLs.For example, if you had a tracking parameter that you use for a particular campaign, then the page is obviously the exact same page as when it's reached without the tracking parameter. Entering the tracking parameter in here tells Google that they should ignore the tracking parameter when looking at the URL.

URL Parameters

This section contains links to tools that are outside of GWT, but are of interest to webmasters, such as the Structured Data Testing tool, which enables webmasters to test their schema implementations, the Structured Data Markup Helper, and others.

Additional Tools

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