Webcasting in Education

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Webcasting in Education

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Webcasting is a new instructional technology used to deliver audio and video presentations via the Internet, enabling learners to participate in a live class via a personal computer. This presentation explores how Webcasts can be a beneficial technology and provide a interactive medium for teachers and students to use in education. This presentation addresses how integrating Webcasting technology into the educational system has advantages and disadvantages.

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Reinventing the Lecture: Webcasting Made InteractiveThe lecture has long been a dominant method for transmission of information from instructor to students but in an era of increased use of technology based distributed education this type of teaching can limit learning by restraining communication and interaction between students and teachers. Structuring lectures through webcasting can be an effective tool for creating a knowledge base and enhancing education by enabling, facilitating, and most of all encouraging learning through interactivity between all shared parties.Baecker, Ron , Gale Moore, and Anita Zijdemans. Reinventing the Lecture: Webcasting Made Interactive. Toronto: Knowledge Media Design Institute, 2008. University of Toronto. 10 Aug. 2009 .

Benefits of WebcastingThe technology of webcasting gives us the opportunity to reinvent the lecture. Webcasting is the Internet broadcasting of streaming audio possibly accompanied by streaming video so that it can be viewed via a Web browser on a personal computer. Webcasting use grows as Internet broadband communications becomes more available and more affordable, as people seek to avoid travel, and as teachers and learners see demonstrations of its effective use. Webcasting in education allows visual and audio communications that is interactive, engaging, flexible, scalable, and robust. Accessible in real-time and via archives making it useful for communications, information sharing, knowledge building, and learning.

I think this article is good at looking at the many advantages of using webcasting for educational purposes and trying to implement the system in the most effective ways, although it is short in showing the disadvantages.An interesting quote in the article is:

Of great importance is supporting and enhancing the experience of presence through interactivity among all participants. We do this by enabling various kinds of interactivity.

Webcast Technology in Teaching: Its Implementation from the
Perspective of InstructorsWebcasting can be defined as technology used for delivering video via web streaming. This article showed that webcasting lectures could be done successfully in a systematic manner. The lecturer should begin his lecture with imparting the learning objectives, move around the room, use visual aids, make eye contact, pay attention to body language, summarize the lesson and encourage student interaction. The interaction factor is the most important factor to ensure effective learning. Interaction includes those between the instructor and students, students and students as well as student and learning material/notes.

Yunis, Aida S., Suhaimi Napis, Zakaria Kasa, Azizan Asmuni et al.. "Webcast Technology in Teaching: Its Implementation from the." European Journal of Social Sciences 7.4 (2009). 8 Aug. 2009 .

Webcasting as a Possibility

The article was effective in exploring the different possibilities of using Webcasting technology in the classroom including how it could be a benefit and how it could cause some problems . It also made it clear that the its still a relevantly new technology that needs more understanding.

Web Casting - The Future of Online EducationEdwards, Jim . "Web Casting - The Future of Online Education." Teachnology. 2009. 8 Aug. 2009 . Webcasting technology is simple and easy and nowadays is becoming more and more accessible to everyone. As a result of this communicating and interacting with others is becoming much more easy and efficient to do making webcasting an acceptable technology tool to be used in education when it properly used and integrated fully.

What Webcasting Can BeThe future of Webcasting Technology in the classroom depends on if we are able to correctly and appropriately balance this technology with traditional learning to create a knowledge base and learning environment that is connecting, simple, and interactive for both students and teachers

Interaction is KEY FactorAs Webcasting technology in education continues to spread, it is important to realize that technology is not the key to knowledge, but a way of accessing and sharing knowledge in a faster and more effective way. It is important to understand that technology is of increasing interactivity which is extremely important factor in education. Webcasting is another tool we use to increase interaction and improve learning. This presentation shows that Interaction is probably the single most important factor when it come to learning and education and using different tools to increase interaction is just as important and not only webcasting, although it can be used effectively for this purpose.