€¦  · Web viewARMY. 18.2. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Proposal Submission...

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Transcript of €¦  · Web viewARMY. 18.2. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Proposal Submission...

ARMY18.2 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)

Proposal Submission Instructions


The US Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command (RDECOM) is responsible for execution of the Army SBIR Program. Information on the Army SBIR Program can be found at the following Website: https://www.armysbir.army.mil / .

Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), topic, and general questions regarding the SBIR Program should be addressed according to the DoD Program BAA. For technical questions about the topic during the pre-release period, contact the Topic Authors listed for each topic in the BAA. To obtain answers to technical questions during the formal BAA period, visit https://sbir.defensebusiness.org/. Specific questions pertaining to the Army SBIR Program should be submitted to:

Monroe HardenActing Program Manager, Army SBIR usarmy.apg.rdecom.mbx.sbir-program-managers-helpdesk@mail.mil US Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM)6200 Guardian GatewaySuite 145Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-1322TEL: (866) 570-7247FAX: (443) 360-4082

The Army participates in three DoD SBIR BAAs each year. Proposals not conforming to the terms of this BAA will not be considered. Only Government personnel will evaluate proposals with the exception of technical personnel from American Systems, Inc., Irving Burton Associates, and The Geneva Foundation who will provide Advisory and Assistance Services to the Army and technical analysis in the evaluation of proposals submitted against Army topic numbers:

A18-122 “Direct Blood Volume Analyzer for Improvement of Combat Casualty Care” A18-123 “Emergency “just in time” Delivery and Recovery of Whole Blood via Unmanned

Aerial Systems (UAS)”

The individuals from Irving Burton Associates will be authorized access to only those portions of the proposal data and discussions that are necessary to enable them to perform their respective duties. These institutions are expressly prohibited from competing for SBIR awards and from scoring or ranking of proposals or recommending the selection of a source. In accomplishing their duties related to the selection processes, the aforementioned institutions may require access to proprietary information contained in the offerors’ proposals. Therefore, pursuant to FAR 9.505-4, the institutions must execute an agreement that states that they will (1) protect the offerors’ information from unauthorized use or disclosure for as long as it remains proprietary and (2) refrain from using the information for any purpose other than that for which it was furnished. These agreements will remain on file with the Army SBIR program management office at the address above.

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SBIR Phase I proposals have four Volumes: Proposal Cover Sheet, Technical Volume, Cost Volume and Company Commercialization Report. Please note that the Army will not be accepting a Volume Five (Supporting Documents) as noted at the DoD SBIR website. The Technical Volume .pdf document has a 20-page limit including: table of contents, pages intentionally left blank, references, letters of support, appendices, technical portions of subcontract documents (e.g., statements of work and resumes) and any other attachments. Small businesses submitting a Phase I Proposal must use the DoD SBIR electronic proposal submission system (https://sbir.defensebusiness.org/). This site contains step-by-step instructions for the preparation and submission of the Proposal Cover Sheet, the Company Commercialization Report, the Cost Volume, and how to upload the Technical Volume. For general inquiries or problems with proposal electronic submission, contact the DoD SBIR Help Desk at 1-800-348-0787.

The small business will also need to register at the Army SBIR Small Business website: https://portal.armysbir.army.mil/Portal/SmallBusinessPortal/Default.aspx in order to receive information regarding proposal status/debriefings, summary reports, impact/transition stories, and Phase III plans. PLEASE NOTE: If this is your first time submitting an Army SBIR proposal, you will not be able to register your firm at the Army SBIR Small Business website until after all of the proposals have been downloaded and we have transferred your company information to the Army Small Business website. This can take up to one week after the end of the submission period.

Do not include blank pages, duplicate the electronically generated cover pages or put information normally associated with the Technical Volume such as descriptions of capability or intent in other sections of the proposal as these will count toward the 20-page limit.

Only the electronically generated Cover Sheets, Cost Volume and Company Commercialization Report (CCR) are excluded from the 20-page limit. The CCR is generated by the proposal submission website, based on information provided by you through the Company Commercialization Report tool. Army Phase I proposals submitted containing a Technical Volume .pdf document containing over 20 pages will be deemed NON-COMPLIANT and will not be evaluated. It is the responsibility of the Small Business to ensure that once the proposal is submitted and uploaded into the system that the technical volume .pdf document complies with the 20 page limit.

Phase I proposals must describe the "vision" or "end-state" of the research and the most likely strategy or path for transition of the SBIR project from research to an operational capability that satisfies one or more Army operational or technical requirements in a new or existing system, larger research program, or as a stand-alone product or service.

Phase I proposals will be reviewed for overall merit based upon the criteria in Section 6.0 of the DoD Program BAA.

18.2 Phase I Key DatesBAA closes, proposals due 20 Jun 2018, 8:00 pm ET Phase I Evaluations 22 Jun – 6 Sep 2018Phase I Selections 20 Sep 2018Phase I Award Goal 19 Nov 2018*Subject to the Congressional Budget process

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The Army implements the use of a Phase I Option that may be exercised to fund interim Phase I activities while a Phase II contract is being negotiated. Only Phase I efforts selected for Phase II awards through the Army’s competitive process will be eligible to have the Phase I Option exercised. The Phase I Option, which must be included as part of the Phase I proposal, should cover activities over a period of up to four months and describe appropriate initial Phase II activities that may lead to the successful demonstration of a product or technology. The Phase I Option must be included within the 20-page limit for the Phase I proposal. Do not include blank pages, duplicate the electronically generated cover pages or put information normally associated with the Technical Volume such as descriptions of capability or intent, in other sections of the proposal as these will count toward the 20-page limit.


A firm fixed price or cost plus fixed fee Phase I Cost Volume ($150,000 maximum) must be submitted in detail online. Proposers that participate in this BAA must complete a Phase I Cost Volume not to exceed a maximum dollar amount of $100,000 and six months and a Phase I Option Cost Volume not to exceed a maximum dollar amount of $50,000 and four months. The Phase I and Phase I Option costs must be shown separately but may be presented side-by-side in a single Cost Volume. The Cost Volume DOES NOT count toward the 20-page Phase I proposal limitation. When submitting the Cost Volume, complete the Cost Volume form on the DoD Submission site, versus submitting it within the body of the uploaded proposal.


Commencing with Phase II’s resulting from a 13.1 Phase I, invitations are no longer required. Small businesses submitting a Phase II Proposal must use the DoD SBIR electronic proposal submission system (https://sbir.defensebusiness.org/). This site contains step-by-step instructions for the preparation and submission of the Proposal Cover Sheet, the Company Commercialization Report, the Cost Volume, and how to upload the Technical Volume. For general inquiries or problems with proposal electronic submission, contact the DoD Help Desk at 1-800-348-0787.

Army SBIR has four cycles in each FY for Phase II submission. A single Phase II proposal can be submitted by a Phase I awardee within one, and only one, of four submission cycles and must be submitted between 4 to 17 months after the Phase I contract award date. Any proposals that are not submitted within these four submission cycles and before 4 months or after 17 months from the contract award date will not be evaluated. The submission window opens at 0001hrs (12:01 AM) eastern time on the first day and closes at 2359 hrs (11:59 PM) eastern time on the last day. Any subsequent Phase II proposal (i.e., a second Phase II subsequent to the initial Phase II effort) shall be initiated by the Government Technical Point of Contact for the initial Phase II effort and must be approved by Army SBIR PM in advance.

The four Phase II submission cycles following the announcement of selections for the 18.2 BAA are:

2018(d) 1 August 2018 to 31 August 20182019(a) 17 October 2018 to 16 November 20182019(b) 1 March 2019 to 1 April 20192019(c) 14 June 2019 to 15 July 2019

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For other submission cycle see the schedule below, and always check with the Army SBIR Program Managers office helpdesk for the exact dates.

SUBMISSION CYCLES TIMEFRAMECycle One 30 calendar days starting on or about 15 October*Cycle Two 30 calendar days starting on or about 1 March*Cycle Three 30 calendar days starting on or about 15 June*Cycle Four 30 calendar days starting on or about 1 August*

*Submission cycles will open on the date listed unless it falls on a weekend or a Federal Holiday. In those cases, it will open on the next available business day.

Army SBIR Phase II Proposals have four Volumes: Proposal Cover Sheet, Technical Volume, Cost Volume and Company Commercialization Report. The Technical Volume .pdf document has a 38-page limit including: table of contents, pages intentionally left blank, references, letters of support, appendices, technical portions of subcontract documents (e.g., statements of work and resumes), data assertions and any attachments. Do not include blank pages, duplicate the electronically generated cover pages or put information normally associated with the Technical Volume in other sections of the proposal as these will count toward the 38 page limit. As with Phase I proposals, it is the proposing firm’s responsibility to verify that the Technical Volume .pdf document does not exceed the page limit after upload to the DoD SBIR/STTR Submission site by clicking on the “Verify Technical Volume” icon.

Only the electronically generated Cover Sheet, Cost Volume and Company Commercialization Report (CCR) are excluded from the 38-page Technical Volume. The CCR is generated by the proposal submission website, based on information provided by you through the Company Commercialization Report tool.

Army Phase II Proposals submitted containing a Technical Volume .pdf document over 38 pages will be deemed NON-COMPLIANT and will not be evaluated.

Army Phase II Cost Volumes must contain a budget for the entire 24 month Phase II period not to exceed the maximum dollar amount of $1,000,000. During contract negotiation, the contracting officer may require a Cost Volume for a base year and an option year. These costs must be submitted using the Cost Volume format (accessible electronically on the DoD submission site), and may be presented side-by-side on a single Cost Volume Sheet. The total proposed amount should be indicated on the Proposal Cover Sheet as the Proposed Cost. Phase II projects will be evaluated after the base year prior to extending funding for the option year.

Small businesses submitting a proposal are required to develop and submit a technology transition and commercialization plan describing feasible approaches for transitioning and/or commercializing the developed technology in their Phase II proposal.

DoD is not obligated to make any awards under Phase I, II, or III.  For specifics regarding the evaluation and award of Phase I or II contracts, please read the DoD Program BAA very carefully. Phase II proposals will be reviewed for overall merit based upon the criteria in Section 8.0 of the BAA.


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Any proposal involving the use of Bio Hazard Materials must identify in the Technical Volume whether the contractor has been certified by the Government to perform Bio Level - I, II or III work.

Companies should plan carefully for research involving animal or human subjects, or requiring access to government resources of any kind. Animal or human research must be based on formal protocols that are reviewed and approved both locally and through the Army's committee process. Resources such as equipment, reagents, samples, data, facilities, troops or recruits, and so forth, must all be arranged carefully. The few months available for a Phase I effort may preclude plans including these elements, unless coordinated before a contract is awarded.


If the offeror proposes to use a foreign national(s) [any person who is NOT a citizen or national of the United States, a lawful permanent resident, or a protected individual as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1324b (a) (3) – refer to Section 3.5 of this BAA for definitions of “lawful permanent resident” and “protected individual”] as key personnel, they must be clearly identified. For foreign nationals, you must provide country of origin, the type of visa or work permit under which they are performing and an explanation of their anticipated level of involvement on this project. Please ensure no Privacy Act information is included in this submittal.


Class 1 Ozone Depleting Chemicals/Ozone Depleting Substances are prohibited and will not be allowed for use in this procurement without prior Government approval.


The Contractor Manpower Reporting Application (CMRA) is a Department of Defense Business Initiative Council (BIC) sponsored program to obtain better visibility of the contractor service workforce. This reporting requirement applies to all Army SBIR contracts.

Offerors are instructed to include an estimate for the cost of complying with CMRA as part of the Cost Volume for Phase I ($100,000 maximum), Phase I Option ($50,000 maximum), and Phase II ($1,000,000 maximum), under “CMRA Compliance” in Other Direct Costs. This is an estimated total cost (if any) that would be incurred to comply with the CMRA requirement. Only proposals that receive an award will be required to deliver CMRA reporting, i.e. if the proposal is selected and an award is made, the contract will include a deliverable for CMRA.

To date, there has been a wide range of estimated costs for CMRA. While most final negotiated costs have been minimal, there appears to be some higher cost estimates that can often be attributed to misunderstanding the requirement. The SBIR Program desires for the Government to pay a fair and reasonable price. This technical analysis is intended to help determine this fair and reasonable price for CMRA as it applies to SBIR contracts.

The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower & Reserve Affairs) operates and maintains the secure CMRA System. The CMRA Web site is located here: https://www.ecmra.mil/.

The CMRA requirement consists of the following items, which are located within the contract document, the contractor's existing cost accounting system (i.e. estimated direct labor hours,

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estimated direct labor dollars), or obtained from the contracting officer representative:

(1) Contract number, including task and delivery order number;(2) Contractor name, address, phone number, e-mail address, identity of contractor employee entering data;(3) Estimated direct labor hours (including sub-contractors);(4) Estimated direct labor dollars paid this reporting period (including sub-contractors);(5) Predominant Federal Service Code (FSC) reflecting services provided by contractor (and separate predominant FSC for each sub-contractor if different);(6) Organizational title associated with the Unit Identification Code (UIC) for the Army Requiring Activity (The Army Requiring Activity is responsible for providing the contractor with its UIC for the purposes of reporting this information);(7) Locations where contractor and sub-contractors perform the work (specified by zip code in the United States and nearest city, country, when in an overseas location, using standardized nomenclature provided on Web site);

The reporting period will be the period of performance not to exceed 12 months ending September 30 of each government fiscal year and must be reported by 31 October of each calendar year.

According to the required CMRA contract language, the contractor may use a direct XML data transfer to the Contractor Manpower Reporting System database server or fill in the fields on the Government Web site. The CMRA Web site also has a no-cost CMRA XML Converter Tool.

Given the small size of our SBIR contracts and companies, it is our opinion that the modification of contractor payroll systems for automatic XML data transfer is not in the best interest of the Government. CMRA is an annual reporting requirement that can be achieved through multiple means to include manual entry, MS Excel spreadsheet development, or use of the free Government XML converter tool. The annual reporting should take less than a few hours annually by an administrative level employee.

Depending on labor rates, we would expect the total annual cost for SBIR companies to not exceed $500.00 annually, or to be included in overhead rates.


In accordance with section 9(q) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 638(q)), the Army will provide technical assistance services to small businesses engaged in SBIR projects through a network of scientists and engineers engaged in a wide range of technologies. The objective of this effort is to increase Army SBIR technology transition and commercialization success thereby accelerating the fielding of capabilities to Soldiers and to benefit the nation through stimulated technological innovation, improved manufacturing capability, and increased competition, productivity, and economic growth.

The Army has stationed nine Technical Assistance Advocates (TAAs) across the Army to provide technical assistance to small businesses that have Phase I and Phase II projects with the participating organizations within their regions.

For more information go to: https://www.armysbir.army.mil, then click the “SBIR” tab, and thenclick on Transition Assistance/Technical Assistance.

As noted in Section 4.22 of this BAA, firms may request technical assistance from sources other than those provided by the Army. All such requests must be made in accordance with the instructions in Section 4.22. It should also be noted that if approved for discretionary technical assistance from an

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outside source, the firm will not be eligible for the Army’s Technical Assistance Advocate support. All details of the DTA agency and what services they will provide must be listed in the technical proposal under “consultants”. The request for DTA must include details on what qualifies the DTA firm to provide the services that you are requesting, the firm name, a point of contact for the firm, and a web site for the firm. List all services that the firm will provide and why they are uniquely qualified to provide these services. The award of DTA funds is not automatic and must be approved by the Army SBIR Program Manager.


The objective of the CRP effort is to increase Army SBIR technology transition and commercialization success and accelerate the fielding of capabilities to Soldiers. The CRP: 1) assesses and identifies SBIR projects and companies with high transition potential that meet high priority requirements; 2) matches SBIR companies to customers and facilitates collaboration; 3) facilitates detailed technology transition plans and agreements; 4) makes recommendations for additional funding for select SBIR projects that meet the criteria identified above; and 5) tracks metrics and measures results for the SBIR projects within the CRP.

Based on its assessment of the SBIR project’s potential for transition as described above, the Army utilizes a CRP investment fund of SBIR dollars targeted to enhance ongoing Phase II activities with expanded research, development, test and evaluation to accelerate transition and commercialization. The CRP investment fund must be expended according to all applicable SBIR policy on existing Phase II availability of matching funds, proposed transition strategies, and individual contracting arrangements.


All award winners must submit a non-proprietary summary report at the end of their Phase I project and any subsequent Phase II project. The summary report is unclassified, non-sensitive and non-proprietary and should include:

A summation of Phase I results A description of the technology being developed The anticipated DoD and/or non-DoD customer The plan to transition the SBIR developed technology to the customer The anticipated applications/benefits for government and/or private sector use An image depicting the developed technology

The non-proprietary summary report should not exceed 700 words, and is intended for public viewing on the Army SBIR/STTR Small Business area. This summary report is in addition to the required final technical report and should require minimal work because most of this information is required in the final technical report. The summary report shall be submitted in accordance with the format and instructions posted within the Army SBIR Small Business Portal at:https://portal.armysbir.army.mil/Portal/SmallBusinessPortal/Default.aspx and is due within 30 days of the contract end date.


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Participating Organizations PC Phone

Aviation and Missile RD&E Center(AMRDEC-A)

Linda Taylor 256-876-2883

Aviation and Missile RD&E Center(AMRDEC-M)

Lawrence Smith 256-842-3272

Armaments RDE&E Center (ARDEC) Sheila Speroni 973-724-6935Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center (CERDEC)

Argiro Kougianos 443-861-7687

Engineer Research & Development (ERDC)

Melonise Wills 703-428-6281

Medical Research and Materiel Command (MRMC)

James MyersAmanda Cecil


PEO Aviation (PEO AVN) Randy Robinson 256-313-4975PEO Ground Combat Systems (PEO GCS)

Lynne Krogsrud 586-215-9072

PEO Intelligence, Electronic Warfare & Sensors (PEO-IEW&S)

Caitlyn Byrne 410-991-0189

PEO Missiles & Space David Tritt 256-313-3431Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC)

Gary Mayes 256-955-4904


A final technical report is required for each project. Per DFARS clause 252.235-7011(http://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/dars/dfars/html/current/252235.htm#252.235-7011), each contractor shall (a) Submit two copies of the approved scientific or technical report delivered under the contract to the Defense Technical Information Center, Attn: DTIC-O, 8725 John J. Kingman Road, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6218; (b) Include a completed Standard Form 298, Report Documentation Page, with each copy of the report; and (c) For submission of reports in other than paper copy, contact the Defense Technical Information Center or follow the instructions at http://www.dtic.mil.


This is a Checklist of Army Requirements for your proposal. Please review the checklist to ensure that your proposal meets the Army SBIR requirements. You must also meet the general DoD requirements specified in the BAA. Failure to meet these requirements will result in your proposal not being evaluated or considered for award. Do not include this checklist with your proposal.

1. The proposal addresses a Phase I effort (up to $100,000 with up to a six-month duration) AND an optional effort (up to $50,000 for an up to four-month period to provide interim Phase II funding).

2. The proposal is limited to only ONE Army BAA topic.

3. The technical content of the proposal, including the Option, includes the items identified in Section 5.4 of the BAA.

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4. SBIR Phase I Proposals have four (4) sections: Proposal Cover Sheet, Technical Volume, Cost Volume and Company Commercialization Report. The Technical Volume .pdf document has a 20-page limit including, but not limited to: table of contents, pages intentionally left blank, references, letters of support, appendices, technical portions of subcontract documents [e.g., statements of work and resumes] and all attachments). However, offerors are instructed to NOT leave blank pages, duplicate the electronically generated cover pages or put information normally associated with the Technical Volume in other sections of the proposal submission as THESE WILL COUNT AGAINST THE 20-PAGE LIMIT. Any information that details work involved that should be in the technical volume but is inserted into other sections of the proposal will count against the page count. ONLY the electronically generated Cover Sheet, Cost Volume and Company Commercialization Report (CCR) are excluded from the Technical Volume .pdf 20-page limit. As instructed in Section 5.4.e of the DoD Program BAA, the CCR is generated by the submission website, based on information provided by you through the “Company Commercialization Report” tool. Army Phase I proposals submitted with a Technical Volume .pdf document of over 20-pages will be deemed NON-COMPLIANT and will not be evaluated.

5. The Cost Volume has been completed and submitted for both the Phase I and Phase I Option and the costs are shown separately. The Army prefers that small businesses complete the Cost Volume form on the DoD Submission site, versus submitting within the body of the uploaded proposal. The total cost should match the amount on the cover pages.

6. Requirement for Army Accounting for Contract Services, otherwise known as CMRA reporting is included in the Cost Volume (offerors are instructed to include an estimate for the cost of complying with CMRA).

7. If applicable, the Bio Hazard Material level has been identified in the Technical Volume.

8. If applicable, plan for research involving animal or human subjects, or requiring access to government resources of any kind.

9. The Phase I Proposal describes the "vision" or "end-state" of the research and the most likely strategy or path for transition of the SBIR project from research to an operational capability that satisfies one or more Army operational or technical requirements in a new or existing system, larger research program, or as a stand-alone product or service.

10. If applicable, Foreign Nationals are to be identified in the proposal.

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ARMY SBIR 18.2 Topic Index

A18-110 Unified Behavioral Descriptions for AADL Architectural ModelsA18-111 Robust Transport Service Aligned to the FACE Technical Standard 3.0A18-112 Thin Film Multi-source Energy Harvester for Unmanned Aerial VehiclesA18-113 Streaming Motion Imagery AlternativesA18-114 Radio Frequency Mobile Signature CapabilityA18-115 Optimized Matrices for Low-Cost Composites with Tailored InterphasesA18-116 Software Solutions for True Random Number GenerationA18-117 Chaotic Source for Spread-Spectrum Radar and CommunicationA18-118 Automated Fire Control System (AFCS)A18-119 MultiModal Soldier-Worn Threat Detection SystemA18-120 Proactive Radar Resource Management with Adaptive ArraysA18-121 Small Target 3D Position Tracking in Large Airborne SwarmsA18-122 Direct Blood Volume Analyzer for Improvement of Combat Casualty CareA18-123 Emergency “just-in-time” Delivery and Recovery of Whole Blood via Unmanned Aerial

Systems (UAS)A18-124 Open Systems Computing Hardware for Aerospace ApplicationA18-125 H.265 Video Encoding AnalysisA18-126 Novel, Localized Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for the vehicle control area network

(CAN) busA18-127 Biometric Enhancement of Army Standard Force Protection SensorsA18-128 Common Track Protocol (CTP) Adaptive Translator ModuleA18-129 Lightweight and Compact Beam Steering System for Tactical High Energy Lasers SystemsA18-130 Fine Tracking and Aimpoint Maintenance for Phased Array High Energy Lasers

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ARMY SBIR 18.2 Topic Descriptions

A18-110 TITLE: Unified Behavioral Descriptions for AADL Architectural Models


The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: Develop unified behavior formalisms and tools for virtual integration of architectural models and tools from segmented behavior specifications of embedded computing systems using multiple formalisms.

DESCRIPTION: Cost overruns are a persistent problem with complex cyber-physical systems such as modern aircraft, automobiles, and medical devices. Aviation systems, in particular, demonstrate significant complexity given complex patterns of real-time interaction between mission system software components interacting across complex hardware architectures with safety and cybersecurity critical operation. The development of these systems must support nominal interaction behavior and be resilient to errors with the ability to safely switch to fault tolerant recovery modes. Due to their complexity, these systems are required to be modular, with different subcomponents developed by teams or subcontractors working largely with minimal interaction. In avionics systems, this modular approach is being enhanced by open architectures and standards such as Joint Communications Architecture (JCA), Open Mission Systems (OMS), Hardware Open System Technologies (HOST), Vehicular Integration for C4ISR/EW Interoperability (VICTORY), and Future Airborne Capabilities Environment (FACE). To a large degree the software based standards and frameworks like FACE and JCA encourage reuse and portability across systems to reduce cost; however, with the reuse of the software across various systems the resulting component interactions and behavior must be known and analyzed else failures that have been seen in complex safety critical systems may result (e.g., THERAC-25, Ariane 5 rocket, Mars Polar Lander failure, V-22 Osprey [1]). These standards provide a framework for common operating environment for software components and define the channels of interaction, but do not currently address the behavior of these components. To address these issues, software component developers use high level functional requirements and design specifications to guide their work. These specifications use multiple formalisms, such as state machines, first order logic, and fault propagations to express multiple views of behavior. Specifications often contain subtle errors and unstated assumptions regarding the overall behavior, error handling, and interaction of subcomponents that are challenging to detect because of the multiple formalisms used to express behavior. Because of the difficulty detecting behavioral error, hidden in the specification, these errors are only detected at integration time, contributing significantly to cost overruns.

The Architecture-Centric Virtual Integration Process (ACVIP) using the Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) [5] provides a model based system engineering methodology to detect errors early in the development process and reduce the costs associated with late stage rework. In ACVIP, hardware and software components are specified as AADL models with semantics that include interfaces, connections, and real-time performance details. These subcomponent models can then be virtually integrated into a common architectural model for formal analysis. This methodology has been useful at detecting errors including system scheduling, real-time performance, and safety [2,3] at design time and is now being evaluated and matured for Army Aviation and potentially for Future Vertical Lift (FVL) for the results it can produce in cost efficiencies and safer, more secure cyber physical systems.

Despite these successes, virtual integration is still a developing technique, with significant gaps in analysis capabilities. One such analysis gap is in behavioral modeling and specification, which has proven challenging using AADL. As an architectural model, behavioral specifications are not part of the core AADL semantics, but are spread across the core and multiple non-overlapping AADL annexes, including the Error Modeling Annex (EMV2) [6] and the Behavior Annex (BA) [7]. Furthermore, the AADL core provides no mechanism for assertion of correctness. To include correctness assertions, additional third party AADL annexes have been written, including Assumed

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Guarantee Reasoning Environment (AGREE) [4, 8, 9, 10] and Behavior Language for Embedded Systems with (BLESS) [3, 11]. These third-party annexes have proven effective in formal verification of architectural models, but further complicate unified behavioral analysis by adding additional “silos” for behavior specification. Methods of expressing a unified view of behavior that supports correctness assertions would enable virtual integration techniques that incorporate behavioral reasoning with correctness checking.

Supporting this unified behavioral specification, there is a need for tools and methodologies that can extract and specify the behavior of a system expressed in AADL containing multiple subcomponents, each with behavior specifications spread across multiple AADL annexes, including the BA and the EMV2 and synthesize assertions of correctness based on the overall architecture. Methodologies should specify system level behavior at a level of detail sufficient to detect requirement and design errors early in the development process. Envisioned approaches should unify the state machine semantics of the BA, the error states of EMV2, the mode changes of core AADL, and assume/guarantee methods of AGREE and BLESS into a single unified framework that can be analyzed in a computationally tractable manner. Proposer should create user friendly tools that could assist in the analysis within the avionics domain yet are sufficiently general to apply to non-avionics domains such as automotive and medical devices.

PHASE I: Provide a reference architecture and a software component specification, including mode changes, behavior specifications, and error models, define a unified model for the behavior of the composite system, demonstrate with a prototype tool that the unified model can be extracted from the Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) specifications, and that the formal semantics are rich enough to discover design phase errors that would be undetected with existing methods. Proposers are expected to provide scenarios of interest including software component specifications and examples of errors that can only be detected using a unified behavior model. These scenarios are to be defined in AADL models with the modes, execution and error behavior. These models are to be provided to the government before the final delivery of the prototype tool(s). The models are to clearly represent the behavior that the analysis is intended to represent for the nominal and off nominal case(s). The government may provide models back to the prototype developer with errors that can demonstrate the prototype unified modeling tool can detect. The Phase I tool(s) will at minimum able to work with one component integrated in a reference architecture and interworking with the system architecture. The products of Phase I will include the prototype tool(s), the component model(s) clearly identifying the errored conditions, a report and briefing including a demonstration. At minimum a technical readiness level of 3 (TRL 3) should be the objective.

PHASE II: Extend the tool(s) developed on Phase I to create more formal verification artifacts. Demonstrate that techniques will scale to realistic problem sizes with the tool(s) having user feedback mechanisms to aid the users in understand the results of analysis. Tools should not require understanding of formal methods analyses for effective use (input and output) and should possess an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) with online help. The tool(s) should support a system integration analysis of at least 3-6 modular software components, with behavior descriptions of each software component to be integrated in a system. For this scaled up demonstration the AADL models of the modes, error and execution behavior should again be provided to the government. The models should clearly identify nominal and off-nominal behavior. Again, the government may present back models to verify the ability of the capability of the unified behavior analysis tool detect and clearly demonstrate errant behavior can be detected. The products of Phase II will include the prototype tool(s), the component model(s) clearly identifying the errored conditions, a report and briefing including a demonstration.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Apply techniques and tools developed in Phases I and II to a realistic scale System Architectures chosen in conjunction with program technical point of contact. This could include an aviation mission computing system or subsystem architectures of interest. Extend tooling to support multiple open system architectures, and refine formal artifacts and feedback mechanisms based on feedback from users. Potential architectural framework of interest for aviation includes the Joint Common Architecture (JCA) and Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE). A TRL of 7 is the objective.

REFERENCES:1. Ogheneovo, Edward E., “Why Does Software Fail”, published online April 2014 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/jcc

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2. A. Boydston, P. Feiler, S. Vestal, B. Lewis, "Joint Common Architecture (JCA) Demonstration Architecture Centric Virtual Integration Process (ACVIP) Shadow Effort", AHS 71st Annual Forum (2015).

3. B.R. Larson, Y. Zhang, S.C. Barrett, J. Hatcliff, P.L. Jones, "Enabling Safe Interoperation by Medical Device Virtual Integration", IEEE Design and Test 32(5):74-88, October 2015

4. M. Whalen, D. Cofer, A. Gacek. "Requirements and Architectures for Secure Vehicles", IEEE Software 33(4):22-25, June 2016.

5. AS-2 Embedded Computing Systems Committee SAE. Architecture Analysis & Design Language (AADL). SAE Standards no. AS5506C (2017)

6. AS-2 Embedded Computing Systems Committee SAE. Architecture Analysis & Design Language (AADL) Annex Document containing Error Model Annex. SAE Standards no. AS5506/1A (2015)

7. AS-2 Embedded Computing Systems Committee SAE. Architecture Analysis & Design Language (AADL) Behavior Annex. SAE Standards no. AS5506/2A (2017)

8. D. Cofer, J. Backes, “Compositional Analysis of Avionics Architectures in AADL”, DARPA TTO META, 16 April 2012

9. J. Backes, A. Gacek, D. Cofer: Rockwell Collins, M. Whalen: University of Minnesota, “AGREE: Compositional Reasoning for AADL Models”, S5 Symposium Briefing, 10 June 2014

10. K. Fisher, R. Richards, J. Launchbury, “The HACMS program: using formal methods to eliminate exploitable bugs”, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5597724/, 2017 Oct 13

11. B. Larson, P. Chalin, J. Hatcliff, “BLESS: Formal Specification and Verification of Behaviors for Embedded Systems with Software”, Springer, NFM 2013: NASA Formal Methods pp 276-290

KEYWORDS: Behavior, Modeling, Analysis, Formal Methods, AADL, Error, Safety, Security

A18-111 TITLE: Robust Transport Service Aligned to the FACE Technical Standard 3.0

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Information Systems

The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: Research and develop a first of its kind, innovative, configurable and robust transport service aligned to the FACE Technical Standard, Edition 3.0 for use in military and commercial applications

DESCRIPTION: U.S. Army Aviation, through policy, has selected the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Technical Standard as the preferred solution for the Common Operating Environment (COE) Real Time Safety Critical Embedded (RTSCE) Computing Environment (CE). Transport services contained in the FACE Transport Services Segment (TSS) being developed and demonstrated to date are simple or thin in nature; meaning they provide little to no capabilities beyond the minimum set of a Transport Service Capability, TSS Distribution Capability, and TSS Configuration Capability. Current and future aviation platforms have a need for a portable and

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more robust transport service aligned to the FACE Technical Standard Edition 3.0 to safely, securely, and reliably transport and manage data utilizing well-defined open interfaces. A FACE Conformant TSS solution does not currently exist in the FACE Repository. A robust or thick transport service could provide additional selectable and configurable capabilities such as Type Abstraction, Quality of Service (QoS) Management, Message Association, Data Transformation, Messaging Pattern Translation, Transport Protocol Module, Data Store Support, Component State Persistence, and Framework Support. With these capabilities available within an instantiated FACE TSS solution, 3rd party developed software contained in the Portable Components Segment (PCS) and Platform Specific Service Segment (PSSS) can utilize these transport capabilities rather than having to develop, test, and integrate them separately.

PHASE I: Prototype and demonstrate initial transport services aligned to the FACE Technical Standard (TS) 3.0 and a reusable verification component (RVC) on at least one Real Time Operating System (RTOS) or RTOS emulator (such as CENTOS) and develop a detailed plan to extend the transport capabilities while ensuring portability.Transport services aligned to the FACE TS 3.0 will include:• The three (3) required capabilitieso Transporto Distributiono Configuration• The Data Transformation and QoS Management capabilities from the nine (9) optional capabilitieso Data Transformationo Quality of Service (QoS) Managemento Type Abstractiono Message Associationo Messaging Pattern Translationo Transport Protocol Moduleo Data Store Supporto Component State Persistenceo Framework Support• RVC for testing capabilities in a consistent, comprehensive and repeatable manner• Plan to develop a portable transport service implementing all 12 capabilities

PHASE II: Develop and demonstrate a portable robust transport service aligned to the FACE TS 3.0 addressing all 12 capabilities and a portable RVC on at least three (3) FACE Operating Environments (OEs) in the AMRDEC SED Aviation Systems Integration Facility (ASIF) Lab.• The demonstration will occur in the AMRDEC SED ASIF Lab with these available OEso VxWorks 653 v2.3 running on Curtis Wright SVME-183 (x2)o VxWorks 653 v2.3 running on Curtis Wright VPX6-185o INTEGRITY-178 running on Curtis Wright VPX6-187o LynxOS-178 v2.3 running on KONTRON PENTXM2 (x2)• Provide FACE TS 3.0 Conformance Verification Matrix (CVM) for TSS to be evaluated by Army FACE VA for alignment to the FACE TS 3.0

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: In addition to current and future, manned and unmanned, DoD aviation platforms, there are commercial domains such as utilities control systems, automobile industry, manufacturing industry, remote control vehicles, and financial industries that need these capabilities. It is recommended that the software supplier pursue FACE Conformance and inclusion into the FACE Registry for promotion of these capabilities.

REFERENCES:1. FACE Landing Page: http://www.opengroup.org/face

2. Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular for Reusable Software Components FAA AC 20-148, December 7, 2004.

3. Use of a Reusable Verification Component to Ensure Compatibility of Portable Avionics Software for Multiple Operating Environments paper presented at the American Helicopter Society (AHS) Development, Affordability,

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and Qualification of Complex Systems Specialists’ Meeting, Huntsville, AL Feb 9-10, 2015

KEYWORDS: Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE), Transport Services Segment (TSS), Airworthiness Qualification, Reusable Verification Component (RVC), Open Systems Architecture (OSA), Avionics, Aviation, Mission Systems, Data Architecture, Data Model, Common Operating Environment (COE), Computing Environment (CE), Transport Service, Distribution, Configuration, Type Abstraction, Quality of Service (QoS) Management, Message Association, Data Transformation, Messaging Pattern Translation, Transport Protocol Module, Data Store Support, Component State Persistence, and Framework Support

A18-112 TITLE: Thin Film Multi-source Energy Harvester for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles


The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate a lightweight multi-source energy harvester in a single architecture in thin film form to achieve power densities on the order of 10 mW/cm2 to power applications on an aviation platform such as an unmanned aerial vehicle.

DESCRIPTION: Energy harvesting field has grown significantly over the past decade and currently there are many demonstrations available. Traditionally, energy harvesting structures have been designed to capture one source of energy at a given time. For example – vibration energy harvesters targeting mechanical energy source, solar cells targeting light, electromagnetic harvesters targeting magnetic fields, etc. This limits the total energy that can be captured from environment on aviation platforms and thereby creates uncertainty in powering desired applications. Integration of multiple different harvesting schemes using traditional approaches would lead to a bulky system that will be impractical for most platforms. Rather a new approach is required towards development of a multi-source energy harvester where a single architecture is able to couple with multiple inputs such as light, electromagnetic field, thermal gradient and vibrations. Such a multi-source harvester in thin film form would provide a reliable power source that meets weight and size requirements for unmanned aerial vehicles.

Recent demonstrations of composite structures based upon piezoelectric – magnetic metallic alloy materials have shown the ability to generate significant power density under applied mechanical and magnetic fields. , For example - self-biased magnetoelectric coefficients on the order of 3 V/cm·Oe has been obtained from the piezoelectric films deposited on nickel alloys. In parallel, there have been successful demonstrations of dye-sensitized solar cells fabricated on metallic alloys exhibiting high efficiencies at cell and module level. , Combination of piezoelectric film and nickel has also been shown to provide pyroelectric response indicating the possibility to capture thermal cycles. These demonstrations open the opportunity to conceive of a thin film layered architecture that is responsive to multiple inputs. The goal of this program is to design, model, fabricate and characterize ~25 mm x 25 mm multi-source energy harvester tile and demonstrate its scalability for target vehicles.

The goal of this program is to design, model, fabricate and characterize ~1 cm2 multi-source energy harvester.

PHASE I: Identify and model thin film composite structure that can provide electrical power output in response to mechanical, magnetic, thermal and light inputs; (b) Using numerical simulations and experiments, demonstrate the ability of this architecture to achieve power densities on the order of 10 mW/cm2 in response to multiple simultaneous inputs expected to be available on the unmanned aerial vehicle platform; (c) Develop complete component-level mathematical model that combines all the parameters representing materials, vibration modes, band alignment, thermal transport, and electrical output; (d) Demonstrate feasibility of the newly designed multi-

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source energy harvester concept on unmanned aerial vehicle platform.

PHASE II: (i) Fabricate and package the composite component modeled in Phase I using manufacturing methods that leads towards commercial development of harvesters. (ii) Characterize the electrical output in response to mechanical (frequency – 10 to 100Hz, acceleration – 0.05 to 0.2g), magnetic (fields ranging from 0.1 to 5 Oe), thermal (temperature gradients in the range of 10 to 40 degree Celsius), and light (intensity varying from 0.5 to 1 sun) inputs. (iii) Demonstrate self-powered sensor node operation on the unmanned aerial vehicle platform using the multi-source harvester tiles as power supply (iv) Conduct field tests to investigate the reliability of packaged multi-source harvester to external factors such as moisture, UV radiation, humidity, and temperature.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Develop potential transition partners including Army, other DoD agencies, and U.S. industrial sector for transitioning the developed power source. Fabricate production quantity of packaged multi-source energy harvesters and conduct testing on variety of aviation relevant platforms.

REFERENCES:1. L. Yan, M. Zhuo, Z. Wang, J. Yao, N. Haberkorn, “Magnetoelectric properties of flexible BiFeO3/Ni tapes”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, 012908-4 (2012).

2. H. Palneedi, H. G. Yeo, G.-T. Hwang, V. Annapureddy, J.-W. Kim, J.-Jin Choi, S. Trolier-McKinstry, and J. Ryu, “A flexible, high-performance magnetoelectric heterostructure of (001) oriented Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 film grown on Ni foil”, APL Materials, 5, 096111-6 (2017).

3. B. Wang and L. L. Kerr, “Dye sensitized solar cells on paper substrates”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95, 2531 – 2535 (2011).

4. H. Su, M. Zhang, Y.-H. Chang, P. Zhai, N. Y. Hau, Y.-T. Huang, C. Liu, A. K. Soh, and S.P. Feng, “Highly Conductive and Low Cost Ni-PET Flexible Substrate for Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6, 5577 – 5584 (2014).

5. W. Liu, J. Ko and W. Zhu, “Influences of thin Ni layer on the electrical and absorption properties of PZT thin film pyroelectric IR sensors”, Infrared Physics & Technology, 41, 169 – 173 (2000).

KEYWORDS: drones, aircraft, condition based maintenance

A18-113 TITLE: Streaming Motion Imagery Alternatives


The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: Investigate alternative methods to provide Reconnaissance and Surveillance information from an Unmanned Aircraft back to a Ground Control Station in a future fight without assuming a constant data link.

DESCRIPTION: The goal of this project is to consider alternative methods of disseminating Motion Imagery data from an Air Vehicle to a ground station and then to develop a prototype alternative solution. Current Unmanned systems rely on a constant stream of Motion Imagery (Full Motion Video) from the Air Vehicle back to the Ground Control Station. While this works within a Counter Insurgency (COIN) Environment where there are no airspace considerations, it will not be sufficient in the context of Major Combat Operations (MCO) or Anti-Access Area Denial (A2AD) areas. Future operations will require highly autonomous systems to operate in these conditions, and

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it is not possible to assume that a constant to a ground station will be available.

While this is a DoD problem it is related to similar problems outside DoD, and thus has potential for commercialization. In particular, as we continue to move towards an “Internet of Things” where everything from automobiles to household appliances are connected via some network, there are inherent bandwidth issues. In urban situations, there may be adequate bandwidth with network support, but rural areas may not necessarily have that network support bandwidth available. In many cases, just a few miles outside of city limits and adequate bandwidth is not available. Thus, methods and techniques produced in this study have the commercial potential to solve problems associated with a burgeoning “Internet of Things” in rural areas and other situations where there is inadequate networking infrastructure.

The NASA Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) has developed some materials for Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN). While this was developed with space applications in mind, it may be helpful in a tactical environment. This material may be helpful to review.

The use of open standards shall be required for overall system interoperability. Vendor-proprietary solutions are not permissible. References to the Motion Imagery Standards Board, NITF Technical Board, NATO Standardization Organization, and other applicable standards are included. If the project recommends an upgrade to a particular standard, that should be documented.

PHASE I: Phase 1 shall look at various methods to develop an initial concept design and model key elements for potential solution. A problem analysis should determine information, processing and transmission requirements. The effort should document assess and evaluate the advantages of different information types, processing algorithms, and intermittent transmission methods, especially in situational context of the requirements and operational feasibility. Suggested source imaging sensors include EO/IR, SAR, and GMTI. Standard data reduction methods could include the use of use of Watchboxes, Tripwires, and/or Video Moving Target Indicator. The quality level and or scene content of the data should also be a consideration. If assuming the use of multiple intelligence (Multi-INT) systems, it may be possible to send data only when correlations occur between Radar data and imagery data. The use of Multi-Int Tracks (STANAG 4676) may also be helpful in this context. High priority should be given to transmission of “information” rather than just a transmission of “data”. The final report shall include the requirements and methodology analyses, feasibility assessment, and the conceptual motion imaging processing and transmission model.

PHASE II: Develop a preliminary system design based on Phase 1 results. The initial design should be testing tested using representative or emulators. Consideration should be given to methods assuming a Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) with “bursty” or “store and forward” transmission capability. The end result of this phase should include a representative system (hardware, software, emulators) demonstrating the operational suitability of the recommended approaches for dissemination within an operational context, to a TRL of 4 (T) or 5 (O). This phase should include preliminary and critical design reviews in order to facilitate government feedback. The final report shall include the preliminary design, design review summaries, modeling and simulation results, and results of the laboratory system demonstration.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Implement the best methods selected during Phase 1 and 2. Develop an initial benchtop working prototype system that could be used to demonstrate specific concepts. A focus should be on best methods to present information via the Human Machine Interface (HMI). The end result of this phase should include the representative system designed earlier, with particular attention paid to dissemination over representative (or emulators) and presentation of the information via the HMI. The goal of this prototype solution would be to demonstrate a working alternative to the current methodologies described above, to a TRL of 6.

Army Aviation is committed to the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE). This phase should include efforts to look at integration into this framework. Any software products developed under this SBIR effort shall be FACE compliant. Any CDRL delivered software product developed during Phase I and II activities shall retain the standard SBIR Rights, but comply with the open system interfaces and protocols for FACE compliance.

A production and commercialization plan shall also be developed for applications to current and future military and commercial unmanned platforms. Potential transition candidates include, but not limited to, MQ-1C Gray Eagle,

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RQ-7 Shadow, Future Vertical Lift (FVL), Future Tactical UAS (FTUAS), and commercial and civil UAVs engaged in surveying, surveillance, and natural disaster support. The final report should include documentation of the final prototype design, testing, and demonstration, as well as the production and commercialization strategy.

REFERENCES:1. Motion Imagery Standards Board: http://www.gwg.nga.mil/misb/

2. Motion Imagery Standards Profile: http://www.gwg.nga.mil/misb/misp_pubs.html

3. NITF Technical Board: http://www.gwg.nga.mil/ntb/

4. NATO Standardization Office: http://nso.nato.int/nso/

5. STANAG 4676: http://nso.nato.int/nso/nsdd/listpromulg.html

6. STANAG 4607: http://nso.nato.int/nso/nsdd/listpromulg.html

7. STANAG 4545: http://nso.nato.int/nso/nsdd/listpromulg.html

8. Army Payload Product IOP: https://www.us.army.mil/suite/page/600332

9. NASA Consultative Committee for Space Data systems: https://public.ccsds.org/Publications/default.aspx

10. Delay Tolerant Networking Research Group: https://sites.google.com/site/dtnresgroup/

11. Future Airborne Capability Environment: http://www.theopengroup.org/face/

KEYWORDS: Sensors, Multiple Intelligence (Multi-INT), Video, Motion Imagery, Unmanned Aircraft, Anti-Access Area Denial (A2AD), Datalinks or data links, Human Machine Interface (HMI)

A18-114 TITLE: Radio Frequency Mobile Signature Capability


The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: Research, develop, and demonstrate a new prototype system or process for a mobile, rapidly deployable radar signature measurement collection system to collect advanced RF signatures of targets, backgrounds, and signature denial and deception systems.

DESCRIPTION: As today’s weapon systems’ sensors become increasingly more complex with higher resolutions, increasingly complex data, and higher data rates, they also become more sensitive to variations in both target and background signatures. It is critical that these systems are vetted against a variety of high fidelity backgrounds and environments. Acquiring high fidelity background Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery for potential threat environments is extremely difficult due to lack of mobile imaging systems. Large-scale Radar Cross Section (RCS) measurement facilities are typically fixed facility test sites, indoors and cost prohibitive. In addition, historical measurement campaigns provide only a portion of the data required to evaluate a developmental sensing system.

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This lack of a cost-effective source to acquire target in background Radio Frequency (RF) data poses a significant risk to the developers of weapon systems. A RF mobile signature collection capability would greatly enhance capability to conduct target and background measurement campaigns in representative environments without the constraints of a fixed test facility, or the costs and complexities of an airborne collection campaign. A mobile system could potentially reduce the time required to conduct an RF characterization of a target, and provide a higher fidelity collection envelope (geometries and backgrounds) as compared to airborne or fixed measurement systems. Recent improvements in the miniaturization of modern imaging radar systems has opened the door to alternative collection methods. The purpose of this SBIR topic is to investigate alternative means of collecting RCS data that leverages the advancements made in radar miniaturization to support mobile RCS collection without the burdens associated with fixed measurement facilities. It is desired that the measurement system be capable of collecting RCS signatures at X and Ka bands with potential growth to S, C, Ku and W bands.

The goals of this SBIR is to provide an innovative system and process to obtain the following capabilities or features:

(1) Obtain sensor to target/background collection geometries beyond the current state-of-the-art methods.

(2) Ability to collect SAR images of multiple targets-in-background at multiple azimuth/elevation without the requirement to re-position the targets, and without disturbing the clutter background.

(3) Ability to be mobile and deployable, allowing setup at various locations.

(4) RF measurements capability should be fully polarimetric (VV, VH, HV, HH)

(5) Establish a clear growth path to collecting RCS imagery up to W-Band

PHASE I: The Phase 1 effort will include a trade study resulting in a preliminary design consistent with the signature measurement features defined in the topic description. Baseline capability shall be consistent with the ability to generate valid target-in-background signature data. Preliminary design efforts should focus upon light weight sensor design, positioning hardware & software, system stabilization/control, image formation, data acquisition & calibration, specifications, and functionality.

PHASE II: Phase II effort will consist of prototype design, development, and fabrication of a partial or full prototype system based on the Phase I solution. A demonstration of the prototype system shall be conducted at the conclusion of the Phase II effort. The initial prototype system must be capable at a minimum of acquiring, calibrating and processing RCS imagery at X and Ka bands of military type ground systems.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: In Phase III, the prototype Phase II system shall be further matured to a robust mobile system that meets the unique requirements of the full topic description. Transition to a commercial customer will further specify bands and capabilities of the topic. The Phase III effort will fabricate and deliver a “turn-key” RF mobile measurement system to the supporting organization.

REFERENCES:1. Edwards, M., Madsen, D., Stringham, C., Margulis, A., Wicks, B., Long, D., (2008). “MICROASAR: A SMALL, ROBUST LFM-CW SAR FOR OPERATION ON UAVS AND SMALL AIRCRAFT”. IEEE, 978-1-4244-2808-3/08.

2. Zaugg, E., Edwards, M., Margulis. A., ARTEMIS, inc, (2010) “The Slim SAR: A Small, Multi-Frequency, Synthetic Aperture Radar for UAS Operation”, IEEE, 978-1-4244-5813-4/10

3. "Results of the Sub-Thirty-Pound, High-Resolution 'miniSAR' Demonstration", Dale Dubbert,April Sweet, George Sloan, Armin Doerry, Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, NM. SPIE, D&SS, Apr.2006 #6209-12.

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4. "FPGA's Role in the Development of Synthetic SARs", Dale Dubbert. George Sloan, ArminDoerry, Sandia National Labs, Wireless Design Magazine 03/04.

5. "Miniature Radar Developed for Lightweight Unmanned Aircraft", William Matthews, DefenseNews, 18 Mar 2008.

KEYWORDS: systems engineering, sensing, detection, Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception, CC&D, Denial and Deception, D&D, image processing, sensors, imager, Radar, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Xpatch, radar cross section, target models, scattering centers, Inverse Synthetic Radar (iSAR)

A18-115 TITLE: Optimized Matrices for Low-Cost Composites with Tailored Interphases

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Materials/Processes

The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate an epoxy resin system that minimizes production time and optimizes compression and tensile strength, and toughness of the resulting composites for rocket motor structures fabricated using filament winding, resin infusion/transfer, and pultrusion-winding operations. These outcomes will be accomplished along with an enhanced understanding of the effect of time, temperature and resin chemistry on the fiber-matrix interphase region.

DESCRIPTION: Army missile systems strive to improve performance while maintaining affordability. Lightweight, high temperature composite materials are required to continue system performance improvements. Advances in composite manufacturing have continued with a focus on reducing cost while maintaining performance. Although long cure cycles have proven adequate for production of composite tactical rocket motor cases, reducing cure cycle time can improve rate and lower cost. For this to be feasible, the resin system must have the right kinetics for completing faster cure but also the end performance of the part must not be sacrificed. Gelling at low temperature does not dissolve the sizing leaving an uncured interphase between the bulk matrix and fiber. The effect of cure cycle on properties becomes even more complex with some lower cost manufacturing processes (e.g. pultrusion). A key contributor to the performance of composites is the fiber-matrix interactions as a result of processing conditions. [1] The effects on the interphase become even more complicated as the matrix gel time and temperature are altered as a result of the process. The degree of sizing dissolution depends on the matrix chemistry, viscosity, compatibility, sizing level, temperature and time.

PHASE I: Develop an understanding of the matrix-sizing-fiber interaction as it relates to time, temperature and processing conditions. Commercially available fibers with standard sizings should be considered. Matrix solutions with glass transition temperatures above 400°F (and cure temperatures at or below 370°F) are desired. Resin solutions for this solicitation are limited to epoxy-based systems derived from domestic, commercially available components. Resin costs for the resin solution should not exceed that of commercially available 350°F glass transition temperature filament winding epoxy resin systems. A major desired outcome of this effort is an enhanced understanding of the effect of time, temperature and resin chemistry on the interphase region. Measured composite properties should include tensile and compressive strength, toughness and glass transition temperature.

PHASE II: Demonstrate the ability to fabricate an applicable composite missile structure at a processing cost of 25% less than baseline. The resin system should be tailored to optimize the composite tensile and compressive strength, toughness and glass transition temperature. The tailored properties should be demonstrated by testing. The fiber/matrix properties should be evaluated and documented. A major product of this topic is an enhanced

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understanding of the effect of time, temperature and resin chemistry on the interphase region.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Demonstrate a commercially viable resin system in a representative missile structure with tailored mechanical and physical properties. The tailored properties should be demonstrated by testing. The fiber/matrix properties should be evaluated and documented.

REFERENCES:1. Gao, S.L., et al., “Carbon fibers and composites with epoxy resins: Topography, fractography and interphases”, Carbon, 42 (2004) p. 515–529

2. "High Temperature Matrices for Filament Wound Composites," Rock Rushing, 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 10-13 July 2005, Tucson, AZ

3. "Structures Technology for Future Aerospace Systems," Ahmed K. Noor, Paul Zarchan, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Volume 188, Chapter 2: Affordable Composite Structures, pp. 27-91, October 2000.

4. Drzal, L.T. et al. “Fibre-Matrix Adhesion and its Relationship to Composite Mechanical Properties”, Journal of Materials Science, 28, (1993) p.569

KEYWORDS: Resin Chemistry, Fiber/matrix interaction, Interphase region, Surface Science

A18-116 TITLE: Software Solutions for True Random Number Generation


The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: A networked battlefield requires high-speed secure communications, which presents a continuous demand for random numbers to support modern encryption protocols [1]. For this purpose, the hidden pattern underlying a pseudo-random sequence is a potential vulnerability, and true physical random number generation is highly desirable [2]. However, proposed solutions require expensive and exotic hardware that would require redesign of existing systems, which would delay widespread implementation. Really, a software solution for true random number generation is desired, which could be fielded by repurposing commonly available electronic devices that are already widely deployed.

DESCRIPTION: Numerous specialized hardware devices for high-speed true random number generation have been proposed in recent years [2]. Some approaches tap quantum uncertainty, such as amplified spontaneous emission, while others use chaotic dynamics to exploit classical uncertainty, such as laser systems destabilized by optical feedback. Most of these approaches require specialized hardware, and fielding this technology will require miniaturization and ruggedization of new devices. By this path, providing tactical communication networks with next generation security will take a significant investment in terms of time and cost. n contrast, a solution that utilizes conventional hardware components, and especially reprogrammable hardware that is already widely deployed, is extremely appealing. Such a device will realize a true random source with sufficient entropy to satisfy high-speed requirements of modern and future data communications, i.e., 10 MHz to 1GHz and beyond. A viable generator also requires a strong theoretical understanding to justify that true entropy is extracted from the hardware [2,3]. A promising approach is to harness chaotic dynamics of unclocked and unstable logic circuits implemented in a field programmable gate array (FPGA) [4,5]. Other approaches may also meet these requirements. To capitalize on

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recent advances, a novel approach is sought to develop a practical physical random number generator outputs true random bits at MHz and GHz rates. Devices that require minimal post processing to remove bias and correlation are especially desirable, as are methods to address robustness to environmental changes and circuit drift. The intent of this solicitation is to develop a critical component that can enable development of next generation secure network communication technology for a large number of applications. As such, the solicitation is not limited to a particular application or performance specification.

PHASE I: Conduct a design study with detailed model development for realization of a true random number generator using existing and widely accessible hardware. Simulation and theoretical analysis will identify a preferred concept design. Consideration will be given to complexity and reliability, ease of integration with conventional systems, and a theoretical foundation to verify true random number generation.

PHASE II: Finalize a true random number design and demonstrate an implementation suitable for use in brass-board secure communication systems. Performance metrics will establish true entropy rate, post-processing requirements, reliability, and costs. Potential military and commercial applications will be identified and targeted for Phase III exploitation and commercialization.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The development of a low-cost, easily implemented, high-speed random number generator enables next-generation network security and encryption. These technologies offer potential benefits across a wide swath of communications and sensor networks for both military and civilian applications.

REFERENCES:1. A. J. Menezes. Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC, Boca Raton, FL (1993).

2. J. D. Hart, Y. Terashima, A. Uchida, G. B. Baumgartner, T. E. Murphy, R. Roy.Recommendations and illustrations for the evaluation of photonic random number generators, APL Photonics 2, 090901 (2017).

3. N. J. Corron, R. M. Cooper, J. N. Blakely. Entropy rates of low-significance bits sampled from chaotic physical systems, Physica D 332, 34 (2016).

4. D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, D. J. Gauthier. Ultrafast physical generation of random numbers using hybrid Boolean networks, Phys. Rev. E 87, 040902R (2013).

5. S. D. Cohen. Structured scale dependence in the Lyapunov exponent of a Boolean chaotic map, Phys. Rev. E 91, 042917 (2015).

KEYWORDS: true random number generation, entropy

A18-117 TITLE: Chaotic Source for Spread-Spectrum Radar and Communication


The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this project is to develop practical high-frequency analog electronic oscillators that efficiently generate solvable chaotic waveforms to provide a central component for next generation radar and

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communication systems for military and commercial applications.[1,2]

DESCRIPTION: The recent discovery of a matched filter for chaos finally enabled the much anticipated realization of both high-bandwidth data communications and ultra wideband radar exploiting broadband chaotic waveforms. Technology demonstration systems incorporating this discovery are currently being developed to target advanced radar applications, wireless communications, and random number generation. These systems exploit a new class of chaotic dynamics, for which an analytic solution can be written as a linear convolution of a fixed basis function and a symbolic dynamics [3,4,5]. To increase application of this new technology, analog radio frequency oscillators are required that naturally generate exactly solvable chaotic waveforms at lower cost, complexity, and footprint than existing digital solutions. The practical realization of such an analog electronic device at radio and microwave frequency is a significant challenge due to the hybrid (analog/digital) nature of these oscillators. However, the bandwidth of these systems increases with oscillator frequency, resulting in better performance metrics. For example, bandwidth defines the resolution of low-cost noise radar, and > 100 MHz is typically required to resolve individual targets of interest in many practical applications. For spread-spectrum communications, increased bandwidth offers higher data rates with large integration gain, and > 1GHz is desirable. A successful mixed-signal radio frequency design may require innovative approaches to fast switching on a much shorter time scale than the natural period of the chaotic oscillations, as well as solutions for managing component latencies and signal propagation delays. The primary intent of this solicitation is to develop a critical component required to support development of new communication and radar technologies for a variety of applications. As such, the solicitation is not limited to a specific application or performance specification.

PHASE I: Conduct a design study with detailed model development for a physical realization of a high-frequency solvable chaotic oscillator. Simulation and testing will identify a preferred design. Consideration will be given to cost and reliability in oscillator designs, as well as scalability to the radio and microwave frequency regimes.

PHASE II: Finalize a solvable chaotic oscillator design and fabricate a prototype device suitable for use in brass-board chaos communication and radar systems. Performance metrics will establish fidelity in comparison to a theoretical solution as well as the maximum frequencies attained. Consideration will also be given to radar and communication system requirements, including means for tuning and control. Potential military and commercial applications will be identified and targeted for Phase III exploitation and commercialization.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The development of a practical and versatile source for solvable chaotic waveforms enables next-generation communications and radar technologies. These technologies offer potential benefits across a wide swath of communications and sensor networks for both military and civilian applications.

REFERENCES:1. N. J. Corron, J, N. Blakely. Chaos in optimal communication waveforms, Proc. Royal Society A, 471, 20150222 (2015).

2. J. N. Blakely, N. J. Corron, M. T. Stahl. Concept for low cost chaos radar using

3. N. J. Corron, J. N. Blakely, M. T. Stahl. A matched filter for chaos, Chaos 20, 023123 (2010).

4. N. J. Corron, J. N. Blakely. Exact folded-band oscillator, Chaos 22, 023113 (2012).

5. N. J. Corron, R. M. Cooper, N. Blakely. Analytically solvable chaotic oscillator based on a first-order filter, Chaos 26, 023104 (2016).

6. N. J. Corron, M. T. Stahl, R. C. Harrison, J. N. Blakely. Acoustic ranging and detection using solvable chaos, Chaos 23, 023119 (2013).

KEYWORDS: chaos, nonlinear dynamics, oscillator, matched filter, noise radar, symbolic dynamics

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A18-118 TITLE: Automated Fire Control System (AFCS)

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Information Systems

OBJECTIVE: Artificial Intelligence (software/algorithm) that will process data from sensors provide fire control and situational awareness to weapons and other systems. In addition a basic computer lab model/simulation and demonstration.

DESCRIPTION: ARtificial Intelligence NETworked (ARINET) The Government is interested in technologies which implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create a self healing mesh network with sensor data passing capabilities. The AI should be able to make collective decisions about objects of interest from sensor data. Each AI node will collect information from their own connected sensors about an Object of Interest (OI). Then, each AI will share and correlate the data from its sensors and networked information feeds to calculate the appropriate action to take about the OI Observed/Detected (O/D). Before the individual AI takes any actions will share/receive data with other AI in the network (ARINET). Then, all AIs that also O/D the same OI, will recalculate the best action to take with the new data and concurred which is the best AI that has the best capabilities, location, and other factors to take action on the OI. The AI nodes should be able to elect a leader if a leader drops off from the Net

PHASE I: The Government expects to receive a detailed engineering design study that explains how an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system will operate the Automated Fire Control System (AFCS). The AFCS is a Fire Control decision making System and it will operate counter measure systems. The study shall explain the following tasks but not limited to:1) How the AI will be able to interface with multiple types of sensors (optical, radios, acoustics, radars, etc), countermeasures, weapons, communication network (e.g. radios), radio direction finder, mechanical devices (e.g. robotic-unmanned systems), vehicles, etc.2) How the AI will collect data from sensors and other systems (e.g. detection and tracking object of interest).3) How the AI will process and correlate the data collected from the sensor.4) Triangulate an object of interest5) How the AI will provide target resolutions and identifications.6) How the AI will prioritize actions based on: range, lethality, sector with priority to be protected, protecting special assets, utilization of specific countermeasure systems.7) programmable to prioritize protection of human, before protection of hardware when it is necessary8) How the AI will select and distribute multiple engagements in order to respond to each threat detected and identified.9) How the AI will interface and operate the countermeasure system and its platform10) How the AI will reassess each mission and whether to repeat the mission.11) How the AI will transmit data to a communication network12) How the AI can operate on the move weapons systems13) How an AI will interface with other AIs in order to share data and operate as a collective team.14) How the AI will display the data collected in a tactical digital map and display location and identification of the objects detected, assess (sensors, countermeasure systems, etc). Provide tracking on tactical digital map.15) How the AI software/algorithm architecture will calculate decision making (a detailed step by step design plan).16) Provide a plan for the hardware where the AI will reside and interface with other systems.17) How the AI will learn from the data collected.18) Provide a concept simulation of the Fire Control AI.19) The study must include an engineering plan to be become part of the ARDEC “Flexible Fire Control System” (F2CS) and leverage from it.20) Provide an engineering plan, budget, schedule and test plan to develop basic lab AI system prototype for Phase 2 (** Please refer to Phase 2 for system fabrication deliverables for more information**).

PHASE II: The Government expects to receive the following deliverables:1) The software/algorithm completed and updated source code for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) to operate the Automated Fire Control System (AFCS).

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2) Technical data package level 1 for the hardware3) A basic lab AI system prototype (hardware and software)4) A lab demonstration of the AI (hardware and software). The AI shall demonstrate the capabilities listed in Phase One. Part of the demonstration can be simulated with emulators. In addition, shall demonstrate the following events:a. The demonstration must include the ARDEC “Flexible Fire Control System” (F2CS)b. Collection of different types of threat detection at different locations, by different types of sensorsc. Correlation of threat sensors datad. Prioritization of threats to engage threats (e.g. based on range, lethality, sector, available countermeasure systems, etc, per Phase One)e. Engagement with multiple threatsf. Assessment of engagementg. Self-learning AIh. Network with other AFCS and demonstrate a collective of AI teaming to engage a threat or multiple threats5) Provide an engineering plan, budget, schedule and test plan to develop an AI system prototype for Phase 3.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Besides meeting military needs, the development of the IA can benefit the civilian world by providing a system that can receive information from other devices, in order to make decisions that can operate other systems. The AI can be utilized in homeland security, traffic control, operation of autonomous vehicles, robotic systems that operate in factories, operation in hazardous environments, etc.

The Government expects to receive the following deliverables:1) The software/algorithm completed and updated source code for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) to operate the Automated Fire Control System (AFCS).2) Technical data package level 2 for the hardware3) An AI system prototype (hardware and software)4) For Military Use: A demonstration of the AI (hardware and software). The AI shall demonstrate the capabilities listed in Phase One. Part of the demonstration can be simulated with emulators. In addition, shall demonstrate the following events:a. The demonstration must include the ARDEC “Flexible Fire Control System” (F2CS)b. Collection of different types of threat detection at different locations, by different types of sensorsc. Correlation of threat sensors datad. Prioritization of threats to engage threats (e.g. based on range, lethality, sector, available countermeasure systems, etc, per Phase One)e. Engagement with multiple threatsf. Assessment of engagementg. Self-learning AI (Machine learning)h. Network with other AFCS and demonstrate a collective of AI teaming to engage a threat or multiple threats5) For Commercial Use: A demonstration of how the AI (hardware and software) can collect data and learn in order to make decisions to operate commercial instruments and execute a task such as traffic control or any commercial operation.6) Provide an engineering plan, budget, schedule and test plan to develop a production AI system prototype.

REFERENCES:1. http://artint.info/html/ArtInt_183.html

2. Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Warfare https://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/files/chathamhouse/publications/research/2017-01-26-artificial-intelligence-future-warfare-cummings-final.pdf

3. https://futureoflife.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Heather-Roff.pdf?x57718

4. The British Navy Bought Artificial Intelligence to Make Its Sailors Better Shots https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/8qxexx/the-british-navy-bought-artificial-intelligence-to-make-its-sailors-better-shots

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5. https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/genetic-fuzzy-based-artificial-intelligence-for-unmanned-combat-aerialvehicle-control-in-simulated-air-combat-missions-2167-0374-1000144.php?aid=72227

6. https://newatlas.com/kalashnikov-ai-weapon-terminator-conundrum/50576/

KEYWORDS: Artificial Intelligence, Fire Control, autonomous vehicles, connected sensors

A18-119 TITLE: MultiModal Soldier-Worn Threat Detection System


OBJECTIVE: Develop and demonstrate an innovative, cost-effective, and low Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) soldier-wearable system that utilizes multi-modal sensing technologies to detect and localize shots from direct and indirect fire weapons in open-field, urban, and mountainous terrains.

DESCRIPTION: The dismounted soldier may encounter a variety of hostile fire from direct and indirect fire weapons during operations. In addition, dismounted operations are conducted in a variety of terrain, which includes urban, mountainous, and open-field. Current soldier-worn hostile fire detection systems are limited to detecting a small set of threats and those systems experience performance degradation in terrain other than open-field. Advancements in MEMS sensing technologies enable multiple sensing modalities to be integrated at the raw data level in one self-contained, small form factor soldier system to encompass detection of direct fire and indirect fire weapons and overcome performance challenges in environments such as urban, mountainous, and open-field terrains. The fusion of multiple sensing modalities offers hostile fire detection performance improvements over a single sensing modality by collecting more physical observations of a hostile fire event that can be processed at the raw data level to provide accurate threat localizations, which enhances dismounted force protection and survivability. The concept should permit the initial prototype to be self-contained and capable of being worn on the shoulder.

PHASE I: Design and prototype a low size, weight, and power MSTDS. The design shall be self-contained and capable of being worn on the shoulder

PHASE II: Build a prototype of the design from Phase I to evaluate the system performance in open-field, urban, and mountainous terrains against and direct and indirect fire weapons.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Finalize all aspects of the MSTDS and develop a commercialization plan to transition the system. Demonstrate and discuss system performance with MCoE, PM SSL, and PM SWAR.

REFERENCES:1. Cakiades, G., Desai, S., Deligeorges, S., Buckland, B., and George, J., David, Ellwood, Benjamin. “A Fusion Solution for Soldier Wearable Gunfire Detection Systems” Proc. SPIE, Volume 8388, 838801

2. Grasing, D., Ellwood, B., “Development of Acoustic Sniper Localization Methods and Models” Proc. SPIE 7693, 769301

3. S. Deligeorges, C. Lavey, “An Acoustic Sensor fusion Network Using Non-GPS Based Synchronization for Hostile Fire Detection” 2017 MSS National Symposium Battlespace Acoustic & Magnetic Sensors

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4. T. Untermeyer, “Radio Frequency (RF) Detection of Gunfire” 2017 MSS National Symposium Sensor & Data Fusion, 11 pages (uploaded in SITIS on 5/22/18.)

5. D. Swanson, “Indirect Fire Localization Ground Sensor Network 2017 MSS National Symposium Battlespace Acoustic & Magnetic Sensors

6. P. Trzaskawka, R. Dulski, M. Kastek, “Concept of electro-optical sensor module for sniper detection system, in: Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications VII”, Proc. of SPIE, vol. 7834.

KEYWORDS: Sensors, Detection, Hostile Fire, Force Protection

A18-120 TITLE: Proactive Radar Resource Management with Adaptive Arrays


The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: Design and develop a radar resource manager capable of leveraging adaptive arrays (i.e. digital beamforming) and proactively adjusting to changes in the environment, threats, and other external factors.

DESCRIPTION: The Army has many existing sensor systems designed for specific problems across a large mission space. Recent efforts have focused on fusion techniques and sharing of data to create a more complete operating picture from a command perspective, sharing and/or fusing multiple sensors. Even more gains could be made by implementing an advanced resource manager within Army radar systems, optimizing traditional single mission Army radars to optimize resources in a multi-mission context across missions such as Counterfire Target Acquisition (CTA) and Air Surveillance (AS). This System Resource Manager (SRM) would intelligently manage resources, allocating energy and time based on configurable multi-mission objectives. Additionally, enabling the resource manager to adjust the management of resources based on external factors such as threats and the environment would truly optimize the resources for a given placement and adapt to changes autonomously, and ensuring resources are optimally managed in all scenarios. The additional capability of adaptive and digital arrays adds a further layer of capability, allowing the resource manager to reconfigure the Hardware (HW) to accommodate multi-mission capabilities with improved simultaneity, significantly improving the time required for a radar to search and perform different functions.

PHASE I: Develop an architecture for radar resource manager capable emphasizing 3 core capabilities: (1) manage multiple missions including CTA and AS, (2) manage a digitally beam-formed array with multiple programmable channels, and (3) utilize both user provided data and collected information about the environment, targets, etc. to proactively adapt resource allocations. This phase should also include an assessment of algorithms to perform the three functions outlined above.

PHASE II: Phase II will take the resource manager designed in Phase I and implement it in software (SW). This implementation should be to demonstrate how the resource manager handled multiple mission priorities and adjust to changes in environmental factors, different target types, etc. as well as how digital beamforming improves the resource manager’s capabilities.

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PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Phase III will take the Phase II development and implement it on a prototype Army radar system. The Army Next Generation Fires program has multiple systems that are candidates to utilize as demonstration systems.

REFERENCES:1. M. T. Vine, "Fuzzy logic in radar resource management," IEE Multifunction Radar and Sonar Sensor Management Techniques (Ref. No. 2001/173), 2001, pp. 5/1-5/4.

2. L. Fan, J. Wang and B. Wang, "Radar resource management in multifunction radar," 2010 International Conference On Computer Design and Applications, Qinhuangdao, 2010, pp. V4-580-V4-583.

KEYWORDS: Adaptive Arrays, Radar Resource management, Counterfire Target Acquisition, Air Surveillance, Digital Beamforming, Proactive Radar

A18-121 TITLE: Small Target 3D Position Tracking in Large Airborne Swarms


OBJECTIVE: Develop and receive a ground-based sensor system that detects and tracks the 4-D (xyzt) trajectory of each small, fast-moving bird in large (1,000-50,000) flocks self-organized aloft in many different geometries.

DESCRIPTION: No readily-available technology exists for detecting, measuring, and tracking the 4-D (coordinate xyz + time t) trajectories of small objects in large aerial groups in open environments. Such a sensor system could provide the foundation for military and commercial airfields, and other installations, to guard against airborne threats to human safety (e.g., manned aircraft), animal welfare (e.g., at wind farms), and equipment/infrastructure. The exact number, position, and trajectory of airborne objects, aloft individually or as part of a group, are basic information for selecting among actions to mitigate these types of hazards. Vaux’s swift flocks are a real-world example that is challenging which can be used to develop and test an aerial detection and tracking technology. Vaux’s swifts are a small (approximately 10 cm), fast-moving (up to 25 m/s) bird that form large (1,000-50,000), dense flocks of changing geometries during twilight.

Past studies have measured 4-D bird trajectories in flocks using multi-camera images, which are used to reconstruct the coordinate xyz and time t positions of each bird in the flock. A three-camera setup can properly distinguish birds if they are separated by 7.5-10 cm at 100 m from the cameras. For birds properly distinguished from one another, image data can be used to compute bird-to-bird distances within an accuracy of about 1 cm. However, using camera technology into the future has its disadvantages. Cameras do not work well in low-to-no ambient light conditions and processing images presents an obstacle to realizing a future automated system that can work in real-time.

Therefore, the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) requires a prototype of a coupled sensor system and stand-alone software to detect, measure, and track the 4-D trajectory of each small, fast-moving Vaux’s swift in large, dense flocks that change their collective geometry, and do so at a range of 25 m or greater in open environments and can successfully achieve the objective in all ambient light (day, twilight, dark) conditions.

This topic falls in the RDT&E budget activity category of 5: System Development and Demonstration (SDD). This project involves a degree of technical risk rather than procurement.

PHASE I: For the first phase of the SBIR research, the contractor will determine the achievability of the objective by developing a detailed methodology that incorporates a sensor system and stand-alone software meeting all of the following requirements:

1)Detects, measures, and tracks the 4-D trajectory of each small, fast-moving Vaux’s swift in large, dense flocks that change their collective geometry.2)Works in all ambient light (day, twilight, dark) conditions.

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3)Does not use stimuli that adversely affects or might harm birds, bats, and humans. Sensor system should have the future potential to use stimuli not at all detectable by birds, bats, and humans, but it is not required that this potential be addressed in Phase I.4)A minimum volumetric Field-of-View (FOV) of 100 m3 with the sensor system placed in an open environment at a range of 25 m or greater from the general location of the flock. Sensor system should have the future potential to cover much larger FOVs, but it is not required that this potential be addressed in Phase I.5)Within the entire FOV, the sensor system must be able to detect and measure the 4-D trajectory of each 1,000+ birds even in dense formation under changing geometries. Sensor system should have the future potential to detect and measure the 4-D trajectories of each 50,000+ birds in dense formation under changing geometries, but it is not required that this potential be addressed in Phase I.6)3-D positions of all flocking birds should, in principle, be measured simultaneously, but a maximum delay of 10-3 sec is accepted, i.e., the FOV must be measured in its entirety in less than 10-3 sec. Relatedly, the time between consecutive FOV measurements must be fast enough to maintain the identity of each individual Vaux’s swift at flight speeds up to 25 m/s.7)Develop a complete solution to mitigate occlusions; that is, provide the 4-D (xyz + t) trajectory of each bird regardless of whether the bird is occluded from one or two sensors for a period of time. Occlusions are a major challenge. Multiple birds at any one time may lie within a single line of sight from a sensor and physically block one another from being detected by the sensor. Multiple sensors with different perspectives of the moving flock are permissible so long as all sensors abide by the requirements herein.8)Assign each bird a unique ID and this ID# must be maintained as birds disappear (become occluded) and reappear to a sensor, repeatedly, but it is not required to maintain the ID# of birds going in and out from the FOV.9)Able to distinguish between flocking birds that are separated by 8-10 cm or more.10)For birds (approximately 10 cm in size or larger) that have been distinguished from one another, provide relative bird-to-bird distances with an accuracy of approximately 1 cm.11)Able to detect, measure, and track the 4-D trajectory of birds 10 cm in size/length or larger.12)Eliminate false detections, such as leaves in the sky, and collect, store, and plot all trajectory data for a period of 20 contiguous minutes. Methodology should have the future potential to collect and store all trajectory data for a period of 1 hour, but it is not required that this potential be addressed in Phase I.13)Past research with 2-D stereo-camera systems achieve less than 4% loss of the reconstructed flight trajectories, and this research will adopt this standard. The loss rate is measured in two ways. The first is a static approach that simply calculates the missing number of birds between each frame of data to ensure that it is less than 4%. The second is a dynamic approach that discards flight trajectories with large gaps in the data, while it keeps the trajectories with a few small gaps. The total number of trajectories with large gaps needs to be less than 15% of the total number of flight trajectories. The stand-alone software developed must compute the loss rate of flight trajectories using both these static and dynamic methods as a form of data quality assurance.14)Indicate where the equipment will be acquired, the itemized cost of all equipment, and how long it will take to acquire and assemble all equipment and software for a full system ready for operational field testing.15)The coupled sensor system and stand-alone software should have the future potential to become fully automated and communicate 4-D trajectories in real-time, but it is not required that this potential be addressed in Phase I.

Phase I will begin with a face-to-face kickoff meeting, end with a face-to-face closing meeting, and will have teleconference meetings every two months between the contractors and the ERDC.

PHASE II: In Phase II, the contractor will extend the fundamental research conducted in Phase I to construct an operational prototype of the coupled sensor system and stand-alone software that will meet all the requirements listed in Phase I. To test the developed equipment and software, two data collection trips, both approximately six days in length, will be conducted in the western United States during September when the Vaux’s swifts migrate southward. The first data collection site may have flocks up to 10,000 Vaux’s swifts, while the second site may have larger flocks, possibly more than 30,000 birds.

Phase II will begin with a face-to-face kickoff meeting, end with a face-to-face closing meeting, and will have teleconference meetings every two months between the contractors and the ERDC. At the end of Phase II, the ERDC will acquire the developed coupled sensor system and stand-alone software.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: A coupled sensor system and stand-alone software that can achieve the future potentials described in Phase I and work in an automated real-time manner would be a unique capability of

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potential value to military and commercial airfields, and other installations, for guarding against or informing evasive actions against unwanted or undesired incoming airborne objects such as birds (e.g., individuals and/or flocks) or unmanned aircraft systems (e.g., one or more drones) that pose a threat to human safety (e.g., manned aircraft), animal welfare (e.g., at wind farms), and equipment/infrastructure. Phase III requires outside funding to support the contractors and final developments of the project.

REFERENCES:1. Three-dimensional tracking and behaviour monitoring of multiple fruit flies. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 10. Ardekani, R., A. Biyani, J. E. Dalton, J. B. Saltz, M. N. Arbeitman, J. Tower, S. Nuzhdin, and S. Tavaré. 2012. dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2012.0547

2. GReTA - A novel global and recursive tracking algorithm in three dimensions. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 37:2451-2463. Attanasi, A., A. Cavagna, L. Del Castello, I. Giardina, A. Jelic, S. Melillo, L. Parisi, F. Pellacini, E. Shen, E. Silvestri, and M. Viale. 2015. dx.doi.org/10.1109/TPAMI.2015.2414427

3. Error control in the set-up of stereo camera systems for 3d animal tracking. The European Physical Journal Special Topics 224:3211-3232. Cavagna, A., C. Creato, L. Del Castello, I. Giardina, S. Melillo, L. Parisi, and M. Viale. 2015a. http://arxiv.org/pdf/1510.01070

4. Towards a tracking algorithm based on the clustering of spatio-temporal clouds of points. arXiv. Cavagna, A., C. Creato, L. Del Castello, S. Melillo, L. Parisi, and M. Viale. 2015b. https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.01293

5. The STARFLAG handbook on collective animal behaviour: 2. Three-dimensional analysis. Animal Behaviour 76:237-248. Cavagna, A., I. Giardina, A. Orlandi, G. Parisi, and A. Procaccini. 2008a. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.02.003

6. The STARFLAG handbook on collective animal behaviour: 2. Three-dimensional analysis. Animal Behaviour 76:237-248. Cavagna, A., I. Giardina, A. Orlandi, G. Parisi, and A. Procaccini. 2008a. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.02.003

7. The STARFLAG handbook on collective animal behaviour: 1. Empirical methods. Animal Behaviour 76:217-236. Cavagna, A., I. Giardina, A. Orlandi, G. Parisi, A. Procaccini, M. Viale, and V. Zdravkovic. 2008b. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.02.002

8. 3D tracking of animals in the field using rotational stereo videography. Journal of Experimental Biology 218:2496-2504. de Margerie, E., M. Simonneau, J.-P. Caudal, C. Houdelier, and S. Lumineau. 2015. dx.doi.org/10.1242/jeb.118422

9. Automated image-based tracking and its application in ecology. Trends in ecology & evolution 29:417-428. Dell, A. I., J. A. Bender, K. Branson, I. D. Couzin, G. G. de Polavieja, L. P. J. J. Noldus, A. Pérez-Escudero, P. Perona, A. D. Straw, M. Wikelski, and U. Brose. 2014. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2014.05.004

10. Three-dimensional trajectories and network analyses of group behaviour within chimney swift flocks during approaches to the roost. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284. Evangelista, D. J., D. D. Ray, S. K. Raja, and T. L. Hedrick. 2017. dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2016.2602

11. Software techniques for two-and three-dimensional kinematic measurements of biological and biomimetic systems. Bioinspiration & biomimetics 3. Hedrick, T. L. 2008. dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-3182/3/3/034001

12. 3D for the people: multi-camera motion capture in the field with consumer-grade cameras and open source software. Biology open 5:1334-1342. Jackson, B. E., D. J. Evangelista, D. D. Ray, and T. L. Hedrick. 2016. dx.doi.org/10.1242/bio.018713

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13. An evaluation of dynamic object tracking with 3D LIDAR.in Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, Melbourne, Australia. Morton, P., B. Douillard, and J. Underwood. 2011. http://www.araa.asn.au/acra/acra2011/papers/pap137.pdf

14. Convergence and complexity analysis of recursive-RANSAC: a new multiple target tracking algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61:456-461. Niedfeldt, P. C., and R. W. Beard. 2016. dx.doi.org/10.1109/TAC.2015.2437518

15. Machine vision methods for analyzing social interactions. Journal of Experimental Biology 220:25-34. Robie, A. A., K. M. Seagraves, S. E. R. Egnor, and K. Branson. 2017. dx.doi.org/10.1242/jeb.142281

16. Multi-camera real-time three-dimensional tracking of multiple flying animals. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 8:395-409. Straw, A. D., K. Branson, T. R. Neumann, and M. H. Dickinson. 2010. dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2010.0230

17. Single-pixel three-dimensional imaging with time-based depth resolution. Nature Communications 7. Sun, M.-J., M. P. Edgar, G. M. Gibson, B. Sun, N. Radwell, R. Lamb, and M. J. Padgett. 2016. dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms12010

18. Error analysis and design considerations for stereo vision systems used to analyze animal behavior.in Proceedings of the Workshop on Visual Observation and Analysis of Animal and Insect Behavior (VAIB) and 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Tsukuba, Japan. Towne, G., D. H. Theriault, Z. Wu, N. Fuller, T. H. Kunz, and M. Betke. 2012. http://www.cs.bu.edu/fac/betke/papers/VAIB-Towne-etal-2012.pdf

19. Acquiring 3D motion trajectories of large numbers of swarming animals. Pages 593-600 in Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision. IEEE, Kyoto, Japan. Wu, H. S., Q. Zhao, D. Zou, and Y. Q. Chen. 2009a. dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICCVW.2009.5457649

20. Automated 3D trajectory measuring of large numbers of moving particles. Optics express 19:7646-7663. Wu, H. S., Q. Zhao, D. Zou, and Y. Q. Chen. 2011. dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.19.007646

21. BU-TIV (Thermal Infrared Video) Benchmark. Wu, Z. 2014. http://csr.bu.edu/BU-TIV/BUTIV.htmlGlobal optimization for coupled detection and data association in multiple object tracking. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 143:25-37. Wu, Z., and M. Betke. 2016. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cviu.2015.10.006

22. A thermal infrared video benchmark for visual analysis. Pages 201-208 in Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum (PBVS) and IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). IEEE, Columbus, Ohio. Wu, Z., N. Fuller, D. H. Theriault, and M. Betke. 2014. http://www.cv-foundation.org/open access/content_cvpr_workshops_2014/W04/html/Wu_A_Thermal_Infrared_2014_CVPR_paper.html

23. Tracking-reconstruction or reconstruction-tracking? Comparison of two multiple hypothesis tracking approaches to interpret 3D object motion from several camera views. Pages 1-8 in Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Motion and Video Computing, 2009. IEEE, Snowbird, Utah. Wu, Z., N. I. Hristov, T. H. Kunz, and M. Betke. 2009b. dx.doi.org/10.1109/WMVC.2009.5399245

24. Object tracking: A survey. Acm computing surveys (CSUR) 38. Yilmaz, A., O. Javed, and M. Shah. 2006. dx.doi.org/10.1145/1177352.1177355

KEYWORDS: multi-object detection, multi-object tracking, swarm, counter UAS, Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard, remote sensing.

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A18-122 TITLE: Direct Blood Volume Analyzer for Improvement of Combat Casualty Care


OBJECTIVE: The envisioned diagnostic is a minimally-invasive test that determines blood volume, including red cell and plasma volume, at an accuracy of 95% or better versus existing gold standard measurements.

DESCRIPTION: Hemorrhage is the primary cause of death in about 30% of the injured soldiers who die from wounds, and also accounts for over 80% of potentially survivable deaths [1]. As the died-of-wounds (DOW) rate in the current conflicts is low (<4.6%) [2], it becomes clear that the biggest impact on reducing the killed in action (KIA) rate comes in improving pre-hospital resuscitation. Additionally, a transition to prolonged field care (PFC) will result in more austere environments that make definitive clinical care not possible within the Golden Hour guideline. Because of this, deployable monitors to detect hydration and intravascular volume status has become a priority line of research that has the potential to save lives [3]. A deployable, minimally invasive monitor of blood volume holds the potential to drastically reduce the rate of pre-hospital deaths.

Current products that are commercially available for assessing the severity of hemorrhage, such as the compensatory reserve index, do not directly measure the actual blood volume. While these technologies will likely give valuable information to incorporate [4], an actual measurement of blood volume would determine the severity of traumatic hemorrhage. Measurement of blood volume has already proven to allow for precision medicine decisions in patients with congestive heart failure [5]. When incorporated with standard measurements, information on blood volume has been shown to alter prescribed fluids, cutting mortality rates by a third [6]. Early attempts at measuring blood volume relied on dyes that were readily cleared from the blood, but have evolved to utilize fluorescent dyes or radioisotopes [7, 8]. However, these techniques are costly; still take 30-90 minutes to perform; and require heavy equipment for processing, as well as substantial, hands-on technical requirements. These limitations make current measurements of blood volume difficult in austere environments.

The ideal prototype would be a ruggedized, portable version of a blood volume determination technology proven to be safe, accurate, and effective when used to guide the treatment of severe hemorrhagic trauma, burns and sepsis. The proposed technology must also incorporate proven accurate patient norms based on readily available patient data to quantify derangement from ideal in blood volume and percentage. MRMC seeks faster, simpler, more robust solutions to the problem of quantifying derangements in blood volume by looking to the next generation of technologies for an innovative solution that is robust with capability to function in austere environments, while requiring minimal training.

PHASE I: In Phase I the performer will develop and demonstrate a prototype blood volume analyzer which also incorporates traditional lab values such as hematocrit and red blood cell volume. After establishing detailed performance goals and measurements, a benchtop breadboard prototype is expected and constructed to demonstrate accuracy. Required Phase I deliverables will include a live demonstration of the prototype performance, the measurement of several diagnostic analytes, and a proposed algorithmic solution. The performer will provide a readout of the data showing a proof concept that blood volume can be accurately analyzed, and also identify a method for communicating data to a central location. The performer will identify clinical and technological issues that would require further caregiver intervention.

PHASE II: The performer will further develop the blood volume analyzer and produce prototype hardware based on Phase I work. Preferably this prototype will fit criteria for deployment (i.e., rugged, low footprint) but, at minimum, the performer should provide a plan for practical deployment of the proposed technology. The performer should also conceptualize approaches to automating implementation of the technology, to include training requirements. The performer will implement the best approaches from Phase I into hardware and software that optimizes and automates the measurement of blood volume. Additionally, he performer will perform tests and simulation studies and provide data preclinical data by demonstrating proof of concept accuracy in appropriate models of trauma (e.g., hemorrhage, burns, sepsis, etc.). Additionally, the performer will define validation and verification objective measurements for successful implementation at Role 2 medical treatment facilities which includes elements of damage control resuscitation and triaging patients before evacuation. The performer will need to prepare an FDA

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plan for commercialization.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The performer will validate and produce a working blood volume analyzer that will provide automated and accurate measurements rapidly. The performer will demonstrate, clinically, the ability to detect blood volume with 95% accuracy. The performer will also demonstrate the output benefits from incorporating blood volume measurements. The applicant can utilize either the military or civilian sectors to provide such validation data. The desired end product would be able to function at the point of injury in austere environments, meaning the capability should be provided at Role of Care 1. The blood volume analysis technology should also be able to be incorporated into existing diagnostic platforms (or platforms in development) [9-12] and not be an independent device that is required to be carried and maintained. Additionally, any data generated with the potential to be on information networks will be subject to Army review, and data transfer will likely be bound by the National Institute of Standards and Technology Risk Management Framework.

Work towards privatized commercialization for use in prehospital environments in the civilian sector should also be pursued. For example, such a system should be expected prevent unnecessary deaths related to uncontrolled hemorrhage or other trauma in situations such as prolonged field care or wilderness medicine with reasonable extrapolation from the validation data provided. Such a system will also enable lesser trained caregivers to provide adequate care of patients, and will enable caregivers to effectively take care of more patients simultaneously. Such a system should be of great commercial interest for all branches of the U.S. armed services and civilian trauma care professionals.

REFERENCES:1. Kelly JF, Ritenour AE, McLaughlin DF et al. Injury severity and causes of death from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom: 2003-2004 versus 2006. J Trauma 2008; 64: S21-26; discussion S26-27.

2. Eastridge BJ, Hardin M, Cantrell J et al. Died of wounds on the battlefield: causation and implications for improving combat casualty care. J Trauma 2011; 71: S4-8.

3. Rasmussen TE, Baer DG, Cap AP, Lein BC. Ahead of the curve: Sustained innovation for future combat casualty care. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2015; 79: S61-64.

4. Johnson MC, Alarhayem A, Convertino V et al. Comparison of compensatory reserve and arterial lactate as markers of shock and resuscitation. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2017; 83: 603-608.

5. Miller WL. Assessment and Management of Volume Overload and Congestion in Chronic Heart Failure: Can Measuring Blood Volume Provide New Insights? Kidney Dis (Basel) 2017; 2: 164-169.

6. Yu M, Pei K, Moran S et al. A prospective randomized trial using blood volume analysis in addition to pulmonary artery catheter, compared with pulmonary artery catheter alone, to guide shock resuscitation in critically ill surgical patients. Shock 2011; 35: 220-228.

7. Gomez Perales JL. Blood volume analysis by radioisotopic dilution techniques: state of the art. Appl Radiat Isot 2015; 96: 71-82.

8. Margouleff D. Blood volume determination, a nuclear medicine test in evolution. Clin Nucl Med 2013; 38: 534-537.

9. Antebi B, Benov A, Mann-Salinas EA et al. Analysis of injury patterns and roles of care in US and Israel militaries during recent conflicts: Two are better than one. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2016; 81: S87-S94.

10. Butler FK, Blackbourne LH, Gross K. The Combat Medic Aid Bag: 2025. CoTCCC Top 10 Recommended Battlefield Trauma Care Research, Development, and Evaluation Priorities for 2015. J Spec Oper Med 2015; 15: 7-19.

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11. Montgomery HR, Butler FK, Kerr W et al. TCCC Guidelines Comprehensive Review and Update: TCCC Guidelines Change 16-03. J Spec Oper Med 17: 21-38.

12. Stinger H, Rush R. The Army forward surgical team: update and lessons learned, 1997-2004. Mil Med 2006; 171: 269-272.

KEYWORDS: blood, hemorrhage, trauma, prolonged field care, plasma volume, tactical combat casualty care, intravascular volume

A18-123 TITLE: Emergency “just-in-time” Delivery and Recovery of Whole Blood via Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)


OBJECTIVE: Develop a prototype capability that will leverage emerging UAS technologies to provide secure emergency “just-in-time” delivery and recovery of whole blood products via Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to and from medical personnel at remote and austere locations in support of Prolonged Field Care (1).

DESCRIPTION: Battlefield experience and previous research (2, 3, 4, 5) have shown that whole blood is far superior to any other fluid resuscitation for hemorrhagic shock in Tactical Combat Casualty Care. However, providing each combat medic with a sufficient supply of whole blood prior to combat missions has generated concern within the military blood bank community that this practice results in high wastage rates of unused blood products whenever units supplied to medics go unused. In most current operations, this is the usual case. Accordingly, certain operational units are looking to use so-called “Type O Low Titer” soldier-to-soldier donor transfusions at the point of injury (POI) (6). An alternative to depending on battlefield donations of fellow soldiers is to provide whole blood to combat medics just prior to departing on each mission and then collecting unused blood at the end of the mission and returning it to the military blood bank for reuse.

One solution requested by some combat unit surgeons is to deliver units of whole blood via an unmanned aerial system (UAS) to the Forward Operational Base (FOB) and then redeploy the UAV to the FOB to recover unused units. Several existing smart parachute and UAS capabilities for delivery of whole blood have been evaluated and even deployed. USAMMDA plans to demonstrate such a capability in 2018. In a Multi-Domain Battle environment, air superiority is not assured and operational units may be greatly separated from support bases with enemy activity ongoing within the so-called “breach”. Additionally, whole blood supplies may be needed at the POI during periods of Prolonged Field Care (PFC) when immediate evacuation is not feasible. This requires deployment of a stealthy UAS that can take-off, navigate, avoid threats, and land autonomously. Moreover, recovery of whole blood to the military blood bank in time to reuse it is a difficult logistical challenge especially considering range requirements (600-1000 miles round trip) and the need to avoid both hostile physical and cyber threats in environments where air superiority is not assumed. Such a system would need to be able to deliver, recover, and track payloads far beyond line of sight (BLOS) missions and be able to operate with minimal to no additional infrastructure. Further operational goals requiring research include secure packaging for blood components sufficient to tolerate UAS delivery and man-pack during dismounted infantry missions and to enable blood to be returned to the military blood bank in reusable condition, autonomous vertical take-off and landing, autonomous navigation, secure Command, Control & Communications to support enroute mission changes directed from both origin and destination sites, and enabling small units to operate such a capability without additional support personnel. While solutions may exist for various components of this capability, an integrated capability solution does not.

This topic seeks an integrated prototype solution that will leverage relevant emerging technologies, preferably those already in military research & development, if they exist. Prior to prototyping new component capabilities companies are expected to undertake significant information gathering research and coordinate with appropriate military RDTE organizations to leverage existing or emerging capabilities if they meet the requirements described above. It may not be possible to address all of the requirements described within the limited scope and resources provided for SBIR topics; therefore proposals that focus on key aspects of the collective requirements will be

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considered but those that most completely address the stated requirements are most likely to be selected for funding. The focus of this topic is not intended to research and develop a new UAS platform but rather adapt emerging UAS capabilities to meet requirements; however if no such capability exists or will not be available during performance of this SBIR project, use of a demonstration surrogate that can simulate and/or demonstrate requirements is permitted.

PHASE I: Research innovative solutions, develop a feasibility study, and design a prototype system that addresses the technical challenges described above to provide secure emergency “just-in-time” delivery and recovery of whole blood products via Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to and from medical personnel at remote and austere locations in support of Prolonged Field Care. Innovative solutions to this problem will address component capabilities to 1) ensure safe operation in proximity to soldiers; 2) provide novel modes of delivery for maintaining optimal temperature for blood products and for packaging blood components sufficient to tolerate UAS delivery and man-pack during dismounted infantry missions sufficient to enable blood to be returned to the military blood bank in reusable condition; 3) enable autonomous vertical take-off and landing and autonomous navigation; 4) leverage secure military communications for command & control and tracking payloads during delivery & recovery for beyond line of sight (BLOS) missions and to support enroute mission changes directed from both origin and destination sites; 5) operate at ranges of 600-1000 miles round trip, 6) avoid both hostile physical and cyber threats, 7) enable operation of the UAS by small combat unit organic personnel with minimal additional infrastructure.

Develop an initial concept design and model key elements to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed solution. A key component of the conceptual design of the system is the identification of which types of radio networks will be used for command and control of the vehicles, and how the soldier in the field interfaces with the system to execute the mission. Conceptual designs that adequately address the likely tradeoffs between payload capacity, range (distance or flight time), logistics footprint, and operational cost are desired. Explore commercialization potential with civilian emergency medical service systems development and manufacturing companies. Seek partnerships within government and private industry for transition and commercialization of the production version of the product.

PHASE II: Prototype and demonstrate a functionally integrated system to provide secure emergency “just-in-time” delivery and recovery of whole blood products via Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to and from medical personnel at remote and austere locations in support of Prolonged Field Care. A suitable demonstration will be conducted in a field environment at or near the end of Phase II, at a venue such as the Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center’s (TATRC’s) annual field prototype evaluations normally held at the CERDEC Ground Activity (CGA) located at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey. These events consist of operational prototype integration with and operation on Army tactical networks, medic user training, and a subjective detailed evaluation of the prototype against the operational requirements described above. As the prototypes evaluated during this event are early research prototypes, this event does not constitute a formal Operational Test and Evaluation but is expected to provide a detailed review of the product along with a list of recommended technical and operational capability modifications. Other operational demonstrations may be held at industry conferences and symposiums. Continue development of the Initial Transition Plan / Commercialization Plan, finalizing the document for execution during Phase III.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: This phase continues to build upon Phase II, with expectation to address the new requirements and advance the operational prototype to a deployable and/or marketable product by refining and executing the commercialization plan included in the Phase II Proposal. Continue development and refinement of the prototype in Phase II to develop a production variant. Coordinate with the Army Blood Program office to validate the system blood handling components and ensure compliance with DOD, Army, and FDA requirements. The production variant may be evaluated in an operational field environment such as Marine Corps Limited Objective Experiment (LOE), Army Network Integration Exercise (NIE), etc. depending on operational commitments. Present the prototype project, as a candidate for fielding, to applicable Army, Navy/Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, Department of Defense, Program Managers for Combat Casualty Care systems along with government and civilian program managers for emergency, remote, and wilderness medicine within state and civilian health care organizations, and the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, Interior, and Veteran’s Administration. Execute further commercialization and manufacturing through collaborative relationships.


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1. “Prolonged Field Care Working Group Position Paper- Operational Context for Prolonged Field Care”, Journal of Special Operations Medicine Volume 15, Edition 3/Fall 2015.

2. “Fluid Resuscitation for Hemorrhagic Shock in Tactical Combat Casualty Care” TCCC Guidelines Change 14-0, JSOM, 2 June 2014

3. Cap AP, Pidcoke HF, DePasquale M, et al. Blood far forward: Time to get moving! J Trauma. 2015; 78(6 Supplement 1):S2-6.

4. Auten JD, Lunceford NL, Horton JL, et al. The safety of early fresh, whole blood transfusion among severely battle injured at US Marine Corps forward surgical care facilities in Afghanistan. J Trauma. 2015; 79(5):790-796.

5. O'Reilly DJ, Morrison JJ, Jansen JO, et al. Prehospital blood transfusion in the enroute management of severe combat trauma: a matched cohort study. J Trauma. 2014; 77(3 Supplement 2):S114-120.

6. Butler, F and S. Giebner, Minutes of Committee of Tactical Combat Casualty Care Meeting Minutes, Atlanta, 7-8 Apr 2016. http://www.naemt.org/docs/default-source/education-documents/tccc/tcccmp_1708/cotccc-meeting-minutes-1609.pdf.sfvrsn=2

7. Thiels, C. A., Aho, J. M., Zietlow, S. P., & Jenkins, D. H. (2015). Use of unmanned aerial vehicles for medical product transport. Air medical journal, 34(2), 104-108.

8. Amukele, T. K., Sokoll, L. J., Pepper, D., Howard, D. P., & Street, J. (2015). Can unmanned aerial systems (drones) be used for the routine transport of chemistry, hematology, and coagulation laboratory specimens? PLoS One, 10(7), e0134020.

9. Rosen, J. W. (2017, July 19). Blood from the sky: an ambitious medical drone delivery system hits Rwanda. Retrieved October 12, 2017, from https://www.technologyreview.com/s/608034/blood-from-the-sky-ziplines-ambitious-medical-drone-delivery-in-africa/

10. “Joint Concept for Robotic and Autonomous Systems”, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 24 Oct 2016

11. “Army Concept for Robotic and Autonomous Systems” Maneuver, Aviation, and Soldier Division, Army Capabilities Integration Center, March 2017.

12. “The U.S. Army Operating Concept (AOC): Win in a Complex World”, United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), October 2014.

KEYWORDS: Medical resupply, Unmanned Aerial Systems, Whole Blood delivery, Robotic and Autonomous Systems, Prolonged Field Care

A18-124 TITLE: Open Systems Computing Hardware for Aerospace Application

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Information Systems

The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

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OBJECTIVE: Develop a Hardware Open Systems Technology (HOST) computing product (mission computer) for aerospace applications that greatly improves the life cycle sustainment by supporting Interoperability, Modularity, and Upgradeability.

DESCRIPTION: The CH-47F Cargo Helicopter, like many other platforms faces obsolescence issues associated with its mission computing systems. Addressing obsolescence is a costly process and typically results in a computing component that utilizes proprietary interfaces, limiting component affordability throughout its lifecycle.Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) has a program that seeks to solve some of the challenges faced by U.S Defense Platforms called HOST. HOST enables the development of Interoperable, Modular, and Upgradeable systems across military Platforms, and leverages Open Standards across product families to improve defense acquisition. However, HOST is a relatively new program and lacks artifacts for its component registry. This program would seek to populate the HOST component registry with a HOST conformant core mission computer, capable of hosting aircraft operational flight programs. While HOST has a primary objective of better buying power for the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Aerospace communities, its concepts and principles are applicable to the commercial aerospace sector; as well as, ground based DoD platforms (tactical vehicles), and commercial transportation, such as and autonomous transport vehicles.

PHASE I: Conduct analysis on the technical feasibility of HOST conformance and offer design recommendations that promote innovative and multi-vendor solutions. The computing component shall be capable of hosting software in a Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™). The study shall identify and recommend HOST Tier II core technology standards in addition to existing standards (Open (Versa Module Europa (VME), Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) eXtended)) (VPX), required to support an advanced mission computer. An existing reference architecture will be provided to the contractor; this phase will develop and recommend generic product performance attributes for a centralized mission computer. The study shall be delivered at the end of Phase I.

PHASE II: Develop all necessary Tier II Standards that support core technologies. Develop a Tier III Component Specification, which will derive modular component specifications, as well as, define performance, functional, test, and documentation requirements. Develop a functional prototype that can operate in a relevant environment (Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6). The prototype shall demonstrate the core HOST concepts; including cost effective scalability and upgradeability. The intended budget activity is 6.4 Advanced Component Development, this effort is focused on Research and Development, and not procurement.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Phase III will culminate in the qualification and production of the product developed in Phase II that is capable of meeting the mission computing needs of the CH-47F Cargo Helicopter. The end state product will be an open systems hardware mission computer capable of being produced by multiple vendors, while being platform agnostic and capable of supporting multiple rotary and fixed-wing air platforms. The product will be capable of being transitioned into a product line based on scalability to generically meet the computing and Space, Weight and Power (SWaP) needs of various platforms; scaled up or down.The design will be refined to reduce SWaP and survive in harsh military operating environments (Mil-Std-810). The contractor shall provide evidence of hardware qualification, along with a Plan for Hardware Aspects of Certification and Hardware Accomplishment Summary in accordance with DO-254. This phase will create a partnership with industry to cost effectively manufacture the technology, supported by government’s access to advanced manufacturing resources.

REFERENCES:1. ANSI/VITA 65.0-2017, OpenVPX System Standard, http://www.vita.com/Standards

2. Open Group Standard, Technical Standard for Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™), Edition 2.1, http://www.opengroup.org/face/information

3. RTCA, Inc., RTCA DO-178C, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, 13 December 2011,

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4. RTCA, Inc., RTCA DO-254, Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware Certification, 19 April 2000, RTCA, Inc.

5. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-160, Systems Security Engineering - Considerations for a Multidisciplinary Approach in the Engineering of Trustworthy Secure Systems, http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-160.pdf

6. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-193, (Draft) Platform Firmware Resiliency Guidelines,https://csrc.nist.gov/CSRC/media/Publications/sp/800-193/draft/documents/sp800-193-draft.pdf

7. SAE Aerospace, Aerospace Recommended Practice 4754A, Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems

8. SAE Aerospace, Aerospace Recommended Practice 4761A, Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and Equipment

9. U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, AMCOM Regulation 385-17, AMCOM Software System Safety Policy https://www.hcrq.com/uploads/2/6/9/6/26962125/amcom_reg._385-17_-_software_system_safety_policy.pdf

10. MIL-STD-881C Work Breakdown Structures for Defense Materiel Items, 03 October 2011, http://quicksearch.dla.mil/qsSearch.aspx

11. MIL-STD-810G Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests, 15 April 2014, http://quicksearch.dla.mil/qsSearch.aspx

KEYWORDS: Computer, Helicopter, Aircraft, Open Systems, Avionics, Rotary, Cyber, Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS), Electronics, Processor, Autonomous, Aerospace

A18-125 TITLE: H.265 Video Encoding Analysis

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Information Systems

The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: Investigate High Efficiency Video Codec (H.265/HEVC) as a viable compression technology for streaming Motion Imagery across tactical DoD networks.

DESCRIPTION: Currently, unmanned systems stream Motion Imagery (Full Motion Video) from the Air Vehicle to the Ground Control Station (GCS), and then distribute from the GCS to a wider network of users. While many systems currently utilize the Advanced Video Codec (H.264/AVC), the recent adoption of H.265/HEVC commercially has proven its effectiveness as a replacement technology to H.264/AVC, bringing nearly 2-to1 improvement in compression results, thereby resulting in bandwidth savings.

As compression technology matures squeezing more information into fewer bits, the upside of greater efficiency and reduced bandwidth has the corresponding downside of greater susceptibility to errors induced during transmission. With each data bit now more important, loss of several bits in delivery can substantially impact picture quality; this can greatly impact interpretability, and thus usefulness of the received imagery.

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Initial evaluations by the Motion Imagery Standards Board (MISB) have confirmed that H.265/HEVC provides far superior picture quality over H.264/AVC -- in the presence of no introduced error. Studies have shown that at least 2-to-1 compression over H.264/AVC is achievable, and at low bits overall image structural integrity is maintained far better than H.264/AVC. Thus, industry claims of 2-to-1 compression over H.264/AVC appear realistic. While such results are encouraging for the ISR community, where bandwidth constraints are tight, if the H.265/HEVC stream as transmitted is overly sensitive to errors in transmission then the technology may prove to have limited utility in tactical networks.

This analysis is intended to principally answer these two questions: Is H.265/HEVC sufficiently robust to errors to be useful in tactical networks? And at the least, no worse than current implementations of H.264/AVC in tactical networks? Should either answer be “no”, then a second phase of this analysis is to evaluate methods to reduce or eliminate such errors from affecting the compressed data. Such methods to investigate include: tools available within the H.265/HEVC standard itself, such as slices and different coding Profiles; Forward Error Correction (FEC); redundancy of data deemed most important to image decoding; detection and repair of damaged image areas within the decoder.

Answering these questions will provide invaluable information to the ISR community. As with all new technologies, many see the promise of improvement and are quick to implement. However, before too many dollars are spent placing H.265/HEVC encoders onto platforms, it is crucial to determine if -- after the money is spent – will it further or hamper our future systems and their intended cause.

PHASE I: Phase 1 will be focused on building a test environment which simulates a typical air vehicle to ground transmissions link. This environment should have tools to allow injection of signals which model different types of expected “noise” during flight. Today, almost all compressed video at the platform is encapsulated within a MPEG-2 Transport Stream (TS) container. The TS was developed for signal carriage over air to deliver television to consumers. IT is basically a packet-based structure, where each packet holds up to 188 bytes of data. While the container has proven successful, it remains susceptible to error during transmission. Typical errors are a lost number of packets, or bit errors within a packet. Since a TS is further encapsulated within User Datagram Protocol (UDP), a checksum done at the UDP level may render as many as 7 packets as questionable, and thereby discarding them all.Modeling the air-to-ground transmission of H.265/HEVC with sufficient means to repeat the experiments against H.264/AVC will provide a gauge to whether H.265/HEVC is more fragile than H.264/AVC, and whether the errors manifest themselves in the same way upon decoding. Thus, a valuable metric in Phase 1 is the comparison to H.264/AVC, since many who exploit Motion Imagery are already familiar with the quantity and effect of errors on H.264/AVC. Representative data sets and data rates as well as test equipment and analysis tools will be provided by PM UAS.

PHASE II: The results of Phase 1 will guide the path for Phase 2. There are two possible paths:

(1) H.265/HEVC is no less susceptible to errors than H.264/AVC. Given this result, which is extremely positive, the analysis should focus on improving H.265/HEVC stream resiliency beyond that of H.264/AVC. One oversight in deploying H.264/AVC was the lack of diligence in exploring tools inherent within H.264/AVC for improving stream robustness. Such tools have been available, but no effort had been put forth to evaluate the tradeoffs in applying these tools in terms of additional complexity, latency, or decoder readiness. Phase 2 would be an excellent opportunity to not make this mistake a second time. Because deployed technology lives within the infrastructure for many years, it cannot be stated strongly enough how important it is to do better, and make the effort to build more robust systems.

(2) H.265/HEVC is more susceptible to errors than H.264/AVC. Given this result, the project should examine whether compression of 2-to-1 is too extreme, and if less aggressive compression would reduce errors to an acceptable level. For instance, perhaps compression by 25% instead of 50%. While not as hoped, it would be better to gain some data efficiency. Of course, all the same tools within H.265/HEVC mentioned above should be considered. Other techniques like FEC could be evaluated. Speaking with industry providers of H.265/HEVC equipment, FEC is commonly used in error-prone environments. Finally, detection/repair at the decoder may offer enough improvement to warrant use of H.265/HEVC.

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PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: This final phase takes all lessons learned and documents the results for the community. The importance of disseminating the results cannot be stated more strongly. Often this type of analysis does not gain exposure to a wider audience; this analysis is important to nearly all using Motion Imagery in the community. The dissemination of this analysis should also assist vendors in commercialization opportunities. With the proliferation of sharing video only increases via the Internet, opportunities for improving video compression technology are applicable across a wide range of commercial markets.Army Aviation is committed to the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE). This phase should include efforts to look at integration into this framework. Any software products developed under this SBIR shall be FACE compliant. The contractor should plan to brief the resulting analysis to PM UAS and the MISB.

REFERENCES:1. Motion Imagery Standards Boardhttp://www.gwg.nga.mil/misb/

2. Motion Imagery Standards Profilehttp://www.gwg.nga.mil/misb/misp_pubs.html

3. Motion Imagery Handbookhttp://www.gwg.nga.mil/misb/docs/misp/MISP-2017.1_Motion_Imagery_Handbook.pdf

KEYWORDS: Video, Motion Imagery, Imagery, HEVC, H.265, MISB, MPEG-2, H.264, AVC

A18-126 TITLE: Novel, Localized Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for the vehicle control area network (CAN) bus

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Ground/Sea Vehicles

OBJECTIVE: Develop a novel, localized, secure overlay or intrusion detection system for the vehicle control area network (CAN) bus.

DESCRIPTION: The vehicle control area network (CAN) bus is inherently insecure. The CAN bus is used in the majority of vehicles to send broadcast messages (data, instructions, and statuses) to various engine control units (ECUs) within the vehicle. These ECUs control the brake, engine, fuel injection, tire pressure, gear-box, etc. It is designed to be used without a master computer or larger network. There is currently research being done to encrypt and secure the CAN bus, however it requires high computational power, or a constant connection to a network. The Army’s near term goal is to secure the legacy vehicles from a cyber-attack. A CAN bus overlay will allow for security, without impeding the functionality of it. Since a CAN bus is used on almost every vehicle system, this technology could be used to secure industry vehicles, as well as military vehicles

The Army is leaning towards making the CAN bus more secure, as opposed to completely redesigning it. This project focuses on designing an overlay or Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that implements stronger message (or physical ECU) authentication and authorization while allowing full functionality of the CAN bus. This overlay should be an easy addition to the CAN structure, without changing the underlying CAN system. It should also not rely on connectivity to a network or database, as vehicles will not always be connected or close to each other. An integral piece of this research is the ability to have some over-watch on the CAN network. Our ideal design will validate messages sent and received by ECUs, then using this information, creates situational awareness for the warfighter.

The system will be assessed using the following parameters: computational power, energy use, cost, algorithm used, efficiency of algorithm, data provided to algorithm, maintenance of device/software, notification type, incident handling, and false positive rate. A combination of these things will be used to evaluate the ability of the proposed system to accommodate the Army’s needs. More specific descriptions below:

• The computational power is just the time it takes the system to finish the given operation. This operation can be an

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intrusion. Example, the system will be fed with malicious input, then we calculate the time it takes the system to detect the malware activity, isolate it or report it.• Energy use is the measure of the power consumed. For the sake of simplicity, we will use multimeter to determine that.• There are different algorithms used in computer science for sorting. Some are faster than the other. Therefore, the only way we can determine the algorithm if we have get the source code.• Data provided to the algorithm is the information used to determine if system is compromised. It can be IP address, messages, MAC address etc.• Maintenance is how the system is updated if deployed to the vehicles. For example, if the system is a self-healing system, we are concerned how the developed system will obtain its patches, or whether it will develop the patches itself.• Notification is not really important at this point, due to the system not being deployed currently in a system, and also not having feedback from soldiers on their preference.• False positive rate will be calculated by us. This will be done by performing zero day attacks to determine how many times the system will fail to realize that it is under attack.The acceptable false positive rate is 0.005 for every 100 input.

PHASE I: Develop a clearly defined approach to the problem- designing and implementing a ground vehicle IDS system for the CAN bus. It should explore the intricacies of the CAN bus, and should articulate how it would interact with the CAN system and the method for security. The product should also communicate how this solution differs from others, and why this technique is preferable. A comparison of options with recommendations on changes to previous solutions and a proposed novel solution is expected.

PHASE II: Deliver a complete prototype overlay that is developed, implemented, and demonstrated on a CAN bus system (not necessarily on a military system). This should be a fully integrated system prototype that is verified and validated for accuracy and security (using a message injection test), as well as functionality on at least one brand of equipment. The false positive rate, and all other metrics used in the internal assessment should be within reasonable limits (see above parameters). The specifications and necessary hardware should be included, as well as the OEM and COTS products used.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Phase 3 military application will be an overlay that can be directly implemented in to a military vehicle network. This will allow for higher security on a military vehicle without changing the core bus system of the vehicle. A secure CAN bus could also be used in the commercial vehicle and aerospace industries. Since almost every vehicle (land, air, and sea) communicate internally using a bus system (whether CAN or another system) a technology transition partner would be likely- further the actual hardware implementation of a solution like this could be done with COTS equipment at a relatively cheap price. Part of the success of this proposed solution is to make it cheap, yet effective.

Testing in this phase would include a proof of security by use of a message injection attack, as well as proof of software assurance and boundary value analysis. The system would need to be tested on a range of CAN buses (using different OEM products) as well as have a lab test done. A maintenance test should also be performed, as any IDS without a proper way to update will be decreasingly effective as time progresses.

REFERENCES:1. Greenberg, Andy. "Tesla Responds to Chinese Hack With a Major Security Upgrade." Wired. Conde Nast, 27 Sept. 2016. Web. 30 May 2017.

2. Wolf, M., Weimerskirch, A., & Paar, C. (2006). Secure in-vehicle communication. In K. Lemke, C. Paar, & M. Wolf (Eds.), (p. 95-109). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Retrieved 30 May 2017, from http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-28428-1_6

KEYWORDS: Cybersecurity, Vehicle, CAN bus, ECU, ground system

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A18-127 TITLE: Biometric Enhancement of Army Standard Force Protection Sensors


The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: Enhancing Army Force Protection capabilities (from a identifying friend and foe perspective) via upgrading currently fielded optical sensors with advanced biometric software processing that enables individual identification.

DESCRIPTION: While sophisticated and NIST standard biometrics exist in unique software/hardware configurations, they are specific to select missions and environments. The objective is to implement P3I initiatives that provide identification capabilities via inexpensive software/firmware modules. These identification capabilities will enhance the Army’s existing sensors for the identification of individuals, and in turn, significantly improve the Army’s and Department of Defense’s operational capability within force protection. There would also be a substantial procurement and sustainment savings associated with the improvements that stems primarily from the use of inexpensive software/hardware and the standardization of modules across multiple modalities.

While individual identification via biometrics is a mature and commonly used capability around the world, the devices that carry the capability are typically customized to operate within various operational scenarios. This customization offers advantages, as well as disadvantages. The advantages are that specific identification capabilities are tailored to a specific function with high reliability and low overhead in terms of training. The disadvantage is that the respective systems are stove piped and costly to procure, maintain and can be bypassed by a determined enemy since the checkpoints are generally known. Overall, the intent is to capitalize on advantages, while mitigating the disadvantages by providing a biometric component capability to select Army sensors (the “custom” advantage), with a standard module/modules across multiple biometric modalities (the “standardization” advantage). The overall arching objective is to leverage both the spectrum and performance capabilities of existing sensors via insertion of state-of-the-practice biometric modalities.

Successful solutions shall include effective use of all sensor data (with minimal supervision by operators) and provide clear situational awareness via the Army’s Integrated Sensor Architecture (ISA) interface. Proposed systems should detect, track, and classify potential threat activity at ranges up to (and/or exceeding) 300 meters in a variety of terrain and operating environments. Successful transition requires that proposed systems leverage existing Army’s Integrated Sensor Architecture (ISA).

PHASE I: Carry out a feasibility study for a sensor array of biometrically enhanced, multi-modality sensors. This assessment should validate biometrically enhanced sensor’s operational feasibility with a demonstration that uses a limited number of biometrically enhanced sensors and multiple sensor modalities. Phase I will define factors for a Phase II sensor demonstration.

PHASE II: Develop a biometrically enhanced sensor module prototype and algorithms for optimal biometric and sensor data integration. Demonstrate sensor and processing feasibility at an Army’s Research and Development location on a provided Army Sensor platform such as the FLIR 380HD or MX20.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Develop three (3) prototypes and transition proven technology to appropriate a total of three (3) different Army Sensor platforms, TBD. At a minimum, two (2) biometric modalities should be demonstrated (i.e., facial, Iris) at ranges that exceed 300 meters, and are as close as 5 meters. Potential DoD customers/transition partners include Army program-of record Force Protection systems, Navy Installations Command units, and USAF Security force operations.Potential Commercial applications could include long range marketing, VIP protection, building / plant security, and

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employee accountability.

REFERENCES:1. High-Speed Videography Using a Dense Camera Array, Bennett Wilburn, Neel Joshi, Vaibhav Vaish, Marc Levoy, Mark Horowitz, Department of Electrical Engineering/Department of Computer Science Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, 1 November 2014, JOURNAL: Research Paper, URL: https://graphics.stanford.edu/papers/highspeedarray/highspeed.pdf

2. Automatic Calibration of Multimodal Sensor Systems using a gradient Orientation Measure, Jian Li (University of Florida), Brian Sadler (Army Research Lab), Mats Viberg (Chalmers University of Technology), 11 August 2011,JOURNAL: 2013 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5999576/

3. Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing, Zachary Taylor and Juan Nieto, University of Sydney, Australia, 3-7 November 2013, JOURNAL: 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6696516/

4. Internet of Things, J. Butzke, K. Daniilidis, A. Kushleyev, D.D. Lee, M. Likhachev, C. Phillips, M. Phillips, University of Pennsylvania, 31 July 2012, JOURNAL: FTC Staff Report, URL: https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/reports/federal-trade-commission-staff-report-november-2013-workshop-entitled-internet-things-privacy/150127iotrpt.pdf

5. Designing and control of autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicle, SI Hassan, M Alam, NA Siddiqui, 5 April 2017, JOURNAL: 2017 International Conference on Innovations in Electrical Engineering and Computational Technologies (ICIEECT), URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=7910138

6. Vehicle Sensor’s Overview, URL: https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/bitstream/handle/10919/37169/APPENDIX-B2.PDF?sequence=36

KEYWORDS: biometrics, multi-modal, sensor, local processing, biometric modality, facial recognition

A18-128 TITLE: Common Track Protocol (CTP) Adaptive Translator Module

TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Information Systems

The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: Develop a modular, embeddable software capability to correlate track data from multiple different transport protocols into a local common track database, to store track data in common format, and to route the track data based upon end user network and device driven quality and latency needs.

DESCRIPTION: The Office of the United States Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA(ALT)) has specified that Army Programs of Record (POR) no longer deliver standalone systems, and that they make use of one of the Common Operating Environment’s (COE) six Computing Environments (CE) to provide the software and hardware infrastructure for future development. To support this directive, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) is in the process of issuing a new Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) document called “Information Systems Capability Development Document (IS CDD) for the Command Post Computing Environment (CPCE)” The document identifies a number of Cross Cutting Capabilities (CCC) that will provide infrastructure capabilities to all six CEs. Common Track Protocol (CTP) as one of these capabilities. The IS CDD defines CTP as providing "the capability to track highly dynamic enemy, friendly,

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and neutral force ground, air, and sea mobile platforms within a situational display using track information exchange standards, processing services and user display components”.

New software capabilities are needed to handle large quantity of data flows utilizing differing protocols to communicate similar types of metadata. Protocol translators are high-performance application gateways that can provide connectivity among systems running differing protocols over a variety of communication media. Protocol translators can support multiple protocols simultaneously, enabling communication among equipment and networks. Track data, independent of the protocol being used, contains basic data generally consistent across all domains and types. The key technical challenge is to rapidly assess and store the common data while being able to handle protocol unique data and tag each data element for potential translation and forwarding. If the core of the common data can be identified, stored, and made available for retransmission, it is possible to provide a software application that can be scaled depending on the needs of the end user.

Because the Army contains end users with widely differing capabilities for processing, networking, and displaying data, it is necessary for the Common Track Protocol application to be flexible. It must be able to handle different devices and to be readily reconfigured by the end user depending on desired functionality. This capability must extend from Command Post level, in which processing capability and network bandwidth is fairly abundant, to hand held users with very limited bandwidth and processing power. Latency demands must be accounted for as well to ensure real time computing end users still maintain a current track database capable of supporting fire control loops.

PHASE I: Construct the core common track protocol architecture necessary to identify, store, and route data from network to network with a focus on the air and missile defense domain. To do this, the contractor will conduct a design trade study of Tactical Data Link and military messaging track information exchange standards (Link 16, Link 22, VMF …) protocols. The contractor will develop a modular and scalable software architecture capable of meeting performance metrics stated in the IS CDD. The contractor will develop software requirements to support a design for Phase II prototype demonstration. Phase I will document the architecture and requirements necessary for software coding to occur in Phase II.

PHASE II: Expand on Phase I results with development of an initial software module for integration into an existing air and missile defense node, e.g. Forward Area Air Defense Command and Control (FAAD C2). The contractor will perform software development in a spiral approach to allow for build, testing, and proof-of-concept demonstration. The contractor will provide necessary performance characterization and testing. Acceptable Phase II demonstration should include the capability to correlate data from at least one other protocol, demonstrate the capability to share the data with another site, and the display of the data on one CE common map.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Expand the initial demonstration to include at least one other protocol and one other CE common map. Demonstrate the ease of developing new interfaces for protocols and maps. Develop Army Cyber Risk Management Framework compliance package. Develop a Software Developers Toolkit for adding additional modules and provide documentation to support a transition path to Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space (PEO M&S) for integration into Army Programs of Record.


1. Extending the Wireshark Network Protocol Analyser to Decode Link 16 Tactical Data Link Messages, William Robertson and Peter Ross, Aerospace Division, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, DSTO-TN-1257, Australian Government Department of Defences, Defence Science and Technlogy Organisation.

2. MIL-STD-6017C Variable Message Format (VMF)

3. MIL-STD-6016F Tactical Data Link (TDL) 16 Message Standard

4. STANAG-5522 NATO Improved Link Eleven (Nile) - Link 22

KEYWORDS: Common Operating Environment (COE), Cross Cutting Capabilities (CCC), Common Track Protocol (CTP), scalable software, protocol translation, data routing, MIL-STD-6017C. MIL-STD-6016F,

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A18-129 TITLE: Lightweight and Compact Beam Steering System for Tactical High Energy Lasers Systems


The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: To develop a lightweight and compact Beam Steering System (BSS).

DESCRIPTION: In order to integrate HEL weapons onto SWaP constrained platforms, smaller and more lightweight beam steering systems are required. The BSS will be required to rapidly slew the HEL beam to the target and hold an aim point to microradian level precision to maintain the beam on the target. Additionally, it is required that the BSS be able to share an aperture with tracking cameras to minimize the overall size and cost of the laser system. Many modern HEL designs are not single wavelengths, and tracking illuminator lasers must operate at different wavelengths from the primary HEL through the same aperture, thus it is imperative that the proposed BSS have an acromatic response over a broad wavelength range. The proposed design should be able to eliminate or minimize effects like vibrational jitter (optical or mechanical in nature) and thermal lensing, while delivering an aberration free beam to the target over the full field of regard. Proposed designs should minimize Size, Weight and Power requirements.• Aimpoint holding accuracy: Threshold – 10 microradian; Objective – 1 microradian• Acromatic waveband: Threshold – 900 nm to 1600 nm; Objective – 700 nm to 1700 nm• Field of regard: Threshold – 20 degrees; Objective – 360 degrees• Clear aperture size: Threshold – 10 cm; Objective – 30 cm

PHASE I: The phase I effort will result in careful analysis and design of a proposed system. The phase I effort will include a final report and an optical model using ray tracing software like Zemax or equivalent to analyze system aberrations and ensure compatibility with tracking systems. The design shall include details on how the beam steering will occur mechanically, optically, and electronically.

PHASE II: During phase II, the phase I designs will be utilized to fabricate, test and evaluate a breadboard system. The designs will then be modified as necessary to produce a final prototype. The final prototype will be thoroughly tested in a laboratory environment to fully characterize the performance of the final system.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: High energy DoD laser weapons offer benefits of graduated lethality, rapid deployment to counter time-sensitive targets, and the ability to deliver significant force either at great distance or to nearby threats with high accuracy for minimal collateral damage. Future laser weapon applications will range from very high power devices used for air defense (to detect, track, and destroy incoming rockets, artillery, and mortars) to modest power devices used for counter-ISR. The phase III effort would be to design, build and integrate a compact BSS into a helicopter HEL weapon system. The US Army Space and Missile Defense Technical Center as part of its Directed Energy research would execute military funding for this Phase III effort.

REFERENCES:1. D. H. Kiel, "Scene surface light field representation for realistic lighting," Opt. Eng. 52, 21008 (2013).

2. J. Cook, "High-energy laser weapons since the early 1960s," Opt. Eng. 52, 21007 (2013).

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3. P. H. Merritt and J. R. Albertine, "Beam control for high-energy laser devices Paul," Opt. Eng. 52, 21005 (2013).

4. N. R. Smith, D. C. Abeysinghe, J. W. Haus, and J. Heikenfeld, "Agile wide-angle beam steering with electrowetting microprisms," Opt. Express 14, 6557 (2006).

5. I. Buske and A. Walther, "Setup of a beam control system for high power laser system at DLR," Proc. SPIE 9989, 99890R (2016).

6. M. Ostaszewski, S. Harford, N. Doughty, C. Hoffman, M. Sanchez, D. Gutow, and R. Pierce, "Risley prism beam pointer," Proc. SPIE 6304, 630406 (2006).

KEYWORDS: Beam director, compact beam steering system, high energy laser, beam control

A18-130 TITLE: Fine Tracking and Aimpoint Maintenance for Phased Array High Energy Lasers


The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals, their country of origin, and what tasks each would accomplish in the statement of work in accordance with section 5.4.c.(8) of the Announcement.

OBJECTIVE: To design and develop a Fine Tracking System (FTS) capable of aimpoint maintenance necessary for high energy laser engagements for phased array high energy laser systems accounting for all other beam control and adaptive optics functionality.

DESCRIPTION: Phased array High Energy Lasers (HELs) have been demonstrated in multiple configurations. Phased array lasers offer a path to coherent combination of individual lasers for higher power scaling and full piston control of the wavefront, making possible integrating adaptive optics or some beam control aspects into the HEL itself. Phased array lasers are typically designed to operate on a gimbal without a high energy beam director; however, this creates issues for the FTS. Fine tracking is achieved in a conventional HEL beam control system through the main telescope using a shared aperture with the HEL because a large aperture is required for resolution. The FTS must have a FOV greater than 100 microradians and must be able to maintain an aimpoint to microradian precision.

This solicitation in interested in FTS configurations that will work with phased array lasers. The concept shall include a system architecture that details how the fine track will work with respect to the phased array laser, adaptive optics, gimbal, and if an additional telescope is required for the concept. The design should include control loop logic as well as hardware layout. The emphasis of this effort is primarily focused on the FTS designed for a phased array laser system instead of algorithms or other general tracking capabilities, but this may include methods of achieving a phase lock in the phased array. The fine track system size, weight, and power (SWaP) shall be a primary consideration for this design concept. Because the tracking system and phased array must work closely together, the design should take into account the phased array laser but it is not required to design the actual laser. The design shall specify how the phased array will be controlled such that the laser maintains a tight beam spot on a moving target after receiving a handover from a wide field of view acquisition track sensor.• Aimpoint holding accuracy: Threshold – 10 microradian; Objective – 1 microradian• Field of View (FOV): Threshold – 100 microradians; Objective – 500 microradians• Bandwidth: Threshold – 1000 Hz, Objective – 5000 Hz

PHASE I: The phase I effort shall include analysis and concept design of the proposed system. The design shall include details of the FTS and how it will operate within a phased array system with adaptive optics. The phase I

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effort will include a final report and a concept design of the tracking system and a general overview of the phased array system that it would operate in. Specific hardware identification is not required for a phase I. The emphasis of this effort shall be on how the FTS will maintain laser focus on the target while integrated into a phased array HEL weapon system. Part of the concept design shall include a high level control loop design that drives the tracking system while maintaining laser phase locking and aimpoint on a target with adaptive optics.

PHASE II: During phase II, the phase I concept designs will be utilized to complete a full detailed FTS design and operational controls in a phased array laser weapon system. The phase II shall complete a fully detailed design of the hardware tracking architecture and a detailed design of the control loop that uses the fine track sensor to maintain high energy laser beam focus from all phased arrays on the target. The complete design shall include how the fine track sensor will be integrated into a phased array architecture in order to maintain track. The fine track sensor and control loop shall be developed under phase II.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: The phase III effort shall be to develop a phased array low power architecture around the fine track sensor and control loop developed under phase II to demonstrate fine track and aimpoint maintenance capability. The US Army Space and Missile Defense Technical Center as part of its Directed Energy research would execute military funding for this Phase III effort.

REFERENCES:1. T. Weyrauch, M. Vorontsov, J. Mangano, V. Ovchinnikov, D. Bricker, E. Polnau, and A. Rostov, "Deep turbulence effects mitigation with coherent combining of 21 laser beams over 7 km," Opt. Lett. 41, 840 (2016).

2. M. A. Vorontsov, T. Weyrauch, L. A. Beresnev, G. W. Carhart, Ling Liu, and K. Aschenbach, "Adaptive Array of Phase-Locked Fiber Collimators: Analysis and Experimental Demonstration," IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 15, 269–280 (2009).

3. A. Müller, J. Fricke, F. Bugge, O. Brox, G. Erbert, and B. Sumpf, "DBR tapered diode laser with 12.7 W output power and nearly diffraction-limited, narrowband emission at 1030 nm," Appl. Phys. B 122, 87 (2016).

4. T. Y. Fan, "Laser beam combining for high-power, high-radiance sources," IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 11, 567–577 (2005).

5. S. M. Redmond, K. J. Creedon, J. E. Kansky, S. J. Augst, L. J. Missaggia, M. K. Connors, R. K. Huang, B. Chann, T. Y. Fan, G. W. Turner, and A. Sanchez-Rubio, "Active coherent beam combining of diode lasers," Opt. Lett. 36, 999 (2011).

6. W. Liang, N. Satyan, F. Aflatouni, A. Yariv, A. Kewitsch, G. Rakuljic, and H. Hashemi, "Application of Optical Phase Lock Loops in Coherent Beam Combining," Proc. SPIE 6873, 68731Y–68731Y–12 (2008).

KEYWORDS: phased array laser, fine track sensor, aimpoint maintenance, high energy laser, beam control

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