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held on Wednesday 4 July 2012 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.10pm

Present :- Bryan Webster (Chairman), Mike Parker, Angela Prior Cooper, Will Fake and John Adcock

Apologies :- Simon Hickling , Ben Howlett, Cllr. Janet Murphy, Cllr Jim Moriarty and PCSO Debbie Pearson In attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and one parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman welcomed John Adcock to his first Council meeting..Council then discussed making an application to increase the number of Parish Councillors. It was agreed that the Clerk should make application to increase the number by two taking the Council members to nine.

3 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

4 The minutes of the Council meetings of the16 May 2012 and 7 June 2012 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

5 Matters arising from the Council meetings of 16 May 2012 and 7 June 2012 16 May 2012 Item 5 - 4 - 12c - Dangerous fence on the footpath near bus shelter – Will Fake reported that he could find no such problem. Item 5 - Cost of electricity for the village hall. – The Clerk has been advised that the rental hire for the Hall has been increase to remedy the position. Item 5 – 14c – Japanese Knot Weed – Clerk has been advised that it is in hand with the County Council and will be sprayed in September. Item 14 – 4x4 and motor bike on bridle way – Simon Hickling to report at next meeting Item 14 – Overgrown brambles outside Falgate Farm have been cut back as have the overhanging walnut tree branches in Pentney Lane. No items from 7 June 2012

6 No issues raised from members of the Parish

7 Planning Applications Council noted Borough Council decisions 12/00482/F - Erection of 4 bed bungalow on land east of Villa Park, Narborough Road – Withdrawn 12/00664/EXO – Extension of time for planning permission on land north of The Bungalow, Narborough Road – Refused 12/00489/F – Single storey extension at Old Station, Narborough Road – Granted8 Finance MINUTE BOOK PAGES 522

a) Balance of accounts 28 June 2012 26 June 2011 General Current Account £1,108.01 £556.18 Business Premier Account £10,639.54 £8.336.67 Playing Field account £2,445.81 £1.767.93

Churchyard Account £3,566.57 £3,564.80 Footpath Account £7,004.87 £5.501.82 b) Council approved the following Payments E-on Street Lighting March 2006 – May 2012. £164.40 Running Imp (Jubilee Mugs) £349.50 Clerks Sal and Expenses (May 2012) £188.00 Clerks Sal and Expenses (June 2012) £174.90 Clerks Tax (Apr – Jun 2012) £111.00 Internal Auditor’s Gift Voucher £100.00 c) Footpath to Playing Field Council considered the Clerks recommendation that the £12,500 should be funded from the £7000 reserve for the footpath and £5,500 from the premier account. Council approved this.

9 No reports from County and Borough Councillors. Chairman read report from PCSO Pearson. There have been no reported crimes or incidents of anti-social behavior within the Parish. There is now a twitter page for King’s Lynn Police with up to date information on incidents occurring in the area. Norfolk Constabulary are looking for nomination from the Parish of anyone who does substantial voluntary work to help the community. Please let the PCSO know if you know of anyone.

10 Allotments. There is still one tenant outstanding on payment for the 31 March 2012. Clerk has written and awaiting response. Simon Hickling to report at next meeting on the renewal of the Tenancy Agreement with the Norwich Diocesan Board

11 Playing Field Wally Oliver represented the Playing Field Committee during the following discussions. Bryan Webster and Mike Parker had met with a representative of the East Winch football team who had agreed to undertake the grass cutting of the field. Unfortunately he then resigned from the club before undertaking the role. Since then Bryan has approached CGM to do a one off cut which was required urgently whilst still trying to negotiate a firm contract to ensure cutting takes place on a regular basis. Wally Oliver agreed to Pentney Football Club making a contribution of £100 towards the costs. Clerk to raise the necessary paper work. Will Fake asked if a cricket square could be cut somewhere on the field for the youngsters to have somewhere to play in the summer. Wally agreed to look at the position and thought it was possible.

12 Correspondence MINUTE BOOK PAGES 523

a) Tapping House Charity Golf Day (Chair) b) NPFA (Playing Field) AGM papers (Chair) c) Norfolk RCC Signpost (Chair) d) Following e-mails :- The new Standards Regime The Bee Cause meeting Visit to Waste Services site 19/10/12 Funding re Waste Services

NALC Code of Conduct – Council discussed the papers and agreed to adopt the proposed Borough Council format. Those present completed the necessary documentation. Clerk to supply those not present with copies. Local Policing Plan for Norfolk Borough Council Code of Conduct papers Norfolk RCC E - Newsletter QE II Fields Challenge

13 Village Matters Recycling issues. Council agreed that some form of notice board should be made available on the site to display the amount of monies raised. They then discussed how that money should be used. It was agreed that Angela Prior Cooper would include a request to the parishioners in the What’s on In Pentney newsletter of what ideas they may have. Bryan Webster will do the same in the Nar Valley News. One idea was to provide a bench on the Church Green and an application to the Pentney Charities for assistance should be made. Angela Prior Cooper and John Adcock will research companies which specialize in recycling glass. Notification of Road Closures. Will Fake raised the issue of Road Closed signs being erected but there being no activity or work being done. Clerk to raise the point with Highways. Jubilee Tree Planting Council agreed that two trees should be planted at either side of the entrance to the Playing field and will take place in September. Mike Parker will arrange.

14 Any Other Business Angela Prior Cooper reported that Jo Orsi had completed the repair of th Kissing Gate as far as possible but had discovered that a part was missing. Angela to establish costs of providing the missing part and report back.

Right of Way paths. An agenda item at the next meeting for discussion.

Highways Rangers visits. Angela Prior Cooper and John Adcock will endeavor to bring the incident log book up to date for a report to the Rangers at the appropriate visit time. There is, however, a hole in the pavement outside 19/20 Church Close. Clerk to report

Speeding in the Village. Clerk to establish the availability of the mobile “speed activated warning sign” from County Highways.

14 Any Other Business continued. MINUTE BOOK PAGES 524

SNAP. Council were advised that a meeting is to be held at Dersingham Primary School on 12 July 2012 commencing at 7.30pm. Council are concerned about cars being parked on verges and gardens in the village. Angela Prior Cooper will advise Will Fake who will follow the matter up with the appropriate authorities.

A hole has developed in the Narborough Road on the left hand side, about 300 metres from the junction with Low Road heading towards the village centre. Clerk to report matter to Highways.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 15 August 2012 in

Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for attending and closed the meeting at 9.10pm.

Chairman:- Mr Bryan Webster, Pentney Park, Main Road, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1HU Telephone:- 01760 337479Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 15 August 2012 at Little Abbey Farm, courtesy

of Cllr. Ben Howlett, opened at 7.45pm closed at 9.25pm

Present :- Bryan Webster (Chairman), Mike Parker, Angela Prior Cooper, Ben Howlett , Simon Hickling and John Adcock

Apologies :- Cllr. Janet Murphy. No apologies registered from Will Fake In attendance:- Cllr Jim Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and three parishioners.

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.45pm and welcomed all those present and apologised for the change of venue due to the non availability of the Village Hall key.

2 The Clerk reported that in discussions with the Electoral Officer he was advised that Pentney Parish were permitted to increase the number of councillors to 8. Council agreed that the application to increase to 8 should stand and accepted that it would take effect from the elections in 2015.

3 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

4 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 4 July 2012 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

5 Matters arising from the Council meeting of 4 July 2012Item 14 (16 May 2012) – There has been no further issue of 4X4 and motor bike on bridle way. Item 14 – Cars parked on verges and gardens – This has been reported to the PCSO. Chair also reported that speed checks had been carried out in the village with a number of drivers being warned about their future conduct.

6 Meeting adjourned at 8.00pm for public representation.Mr Stevens advised Council that parking in gardens was a violation of planning rules and removal of same could be obtain with an enforcement order. Clerk to follow up with the authorities.Mr Edwards expressed concerns about overhanging hedges etc. Mr Hickling will follow up the issue in Pentney Lane and Mr Parker the ivy clad tree by the Station crossing.Council meeting resumed at 8.07pm

7 Planning Applications 12/01126/F – Accommodation block for waterski club members Pentney Lakes. Council, after discussion, felt that this was an inappropriate application to consider more accommodation on the site and were concerned about the noise level particularly at night. They OBJECTED to the application.

7 Planning Applications continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 526

12/01272/F – Revised scheme single storey side ext and rear flat roof extSovereign House Main Road PentneyAfter discussion Council APPROVED the application.

8 Finance. a) Balance of accounts 31 July 2012 31 July 2011 General Current Account £13,525.08 £194.67 Business Premier Account £4,139.54 £8,336.67 Playing Field account £2,445.81 £1.767.93 Churchyard Account £3,566.57 £3,564.80 Footpath Account £0 £5.501.82 b) Payments for approval CGM (Grass cutting Churchyard – 9 cuts Mar – June 2012) £810.00 CGM (Grass cutting Playing Field – 1 cut – July 2012) £44.40 Clerks Sal and Exp (July 2012) £151.50 c) Kissing Gate repair Angela Prior Cooper presented an estimate of costs involved to do this, £780 plus fitting costs. Council agreed to carry this forward to the next meeting for discussion.

9 Reports from County and Borough Councillors and PCSO

There were no reports from the County Councillor and the PCSO.Mr Moriarty gave his support to clearing away unsightly cars which appear to be abandoned.He also reported that when Certificates of Lawful Occupation were applied for they were not copied to the Parish Council as they were a purely legal issue.

10 Allotments Simon Hickling advised that as the lease was shortly due for renewal, would Council consider releasing the lease or alternatively part of it. Any changes would require consultation with the tenants and once released there was no likelihood of getting it back. Should it be decided to take one of the options there would be a year’s transition period before it became effective.Council, after discussion, held the view that it would best serve the village to retain the lease.

11 Playing FieldBen Howlett reported the following:-A sponsored cycle ride had taken place as a fund raising event.There was a Rounders Match planned before the end of the summer holidays.The new porta cabin had been installed and painted ready for the football seasonThe Chair reported that an agreement had been reached with CGM to cut the grass on a biweekly term for the rest of the season at £37 + VAT a cut and to include striming. A new combination lock has been fitted to the gate.Confirmed that Pentney Football Club would pay £100 and East Winch £200 for the season, half now and the balance in January 2013. Clerk to raise necessary invoices and forward to Wally Oliver. Meeting adjourned at 8.45pm for Chair to take a telephone call. Resumed at 8.48pm

12 Correspondence MINUTE BOOK PAGE 527

Following e-mails had been received :-Family Advice and Guidance paperPublic Rights of WayCouncil Payment method.Motor Bike Riders safety advertE-Funding update.Request for a donation from Vitalise was declined.

13 Village MattersRecycling issues - The new textile collection point is operational.Council will establish method for receiving payment for glass collection.Currently Borough council receive the income. Angela Prior Cooper will provide information for the Clerk.Footpath – Council agreed that it had been well constructed. However it was now being parked on by people using the Playing Field. Bryan Webster will discuss with Wally Oliver first to try and resolve the problem. If this is unsuccessful then he will raise the matter with the PCSORight Of Ways – Angela Prior Cooper agreed to compile a list of paths within the village. She suggested that the Councillors should then walk the paths to make a record of issues which may require attention. A follow up would be to look for volunteers who would “adopt” a path to maintain the records etc.Dog Waste Bins – Council to review the position at the next meeting

14 Any Other Businessa) State of footpath between Church Close and Back Road has been reported to

Freebridge by Angela Prior Cooper and she will monitor the situation and report back.

b) The Clerk will reporter to the Rangers the concerns regarding pot holes in the village before their next visit

c) Simon Hickling reported that ragwort along the Narborough Road was encroaching on the bordering field. Clerk will report the matter to Highways Authority. Mike Parker to advise on contacts with Natural England.

d) Simon Hickling expressed concern about the way lime trees had been pruned opposite Narborough House which had damaged the trees. Clerk to advise Highways and copy Janet Murphy.

e) Clerk to remind Janet Murphy of the Japanese Knot weed problem re spraying time.f) Clerk raised the issue of Parish Records and the storage of same To be discussed

as an agenda item at the next meeting.g) Borough Council representative, Hayley Kurt, will attend meeting on 12/12/12

re refuse collections from April 2013

15 The next Council meeting will be Wednesday 19 September 2012 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.25pm, thanking all for attendance and Couincillor Ben Howlett for the use of his home.


held on Wednesday 12 September 2012 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.02pm

Present :- Mike Parker, Angela Prior Cooper and John Adcock

Apologies :- Bryan Webster, Will Fake, Simon Hickling and Ben Howlett In attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 In the absence of the Chairman, Cllr Michael Parker was nominated and accepted the position of Chairman for the meeting. He welcomed the other councillors to the meeting.

2 Planning Ap[lication 12/01348/F – Access bridge over existing ditch, Pentney Bowls Club After discussion Council OBJECTED to the application on the following grounds :- Caravans have already been seen using the field when the application clearly indicates that it is to be used for livestock. Council are concerned that it will eventually lead to an increase in traffic volumes on a road they already consider dangerous to pedestrians and village traffic.

3 Any Other Business The Clerk explain the position when planning applications were not referred to the Council for comment. There was a recent application regarding a Non Material Amendment which had not been referred to Council. The Borough Planning Office considered it as a technical matter and did not have an effect on the original agreement to proceed.

4 The next Council meeting will be Wednesday 19 September 2012 in the Village

Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8.02pm.

Chairman:- Mr Bryan Webster, Pentney Park, Main Road, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1HU Telephone:- 01760 337479Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 19 September 2012 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.30pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Mike Parker, Angela Prior Cooper, John Adcock and Ben HowlettApologies :- Bryan Webster, Will Fake, In attendance:-Cllr Janet Murphy, Cllr James Moriarty the PCSO and Bob Pannell(Clerk)

1 The Deputy Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Deputy Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 15 August and 12 September 2012 were approved as a true record and signed by the Deputy Chairman.

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of 15 August and 12 September 201215 August 2012 Item 6 – Overhanging hedges in Pentney Lane and at Station Crossing have been cleared.However, the situation remains at Folgate Hill Farm and needs to be clarified.Council agreed to request a Planning Enforcement Order at 11 Church Close.Clerk to make the application.Item 8c – Repair to Kissing Gate. After discussion Council agreed not to proceed with this at the present time but just to replace the side rails. Angela Prior Cooper to advise Jo Orsi. To reconsider when the inspection of the Right of Ways has been completed.Item 14a – Footpath between Church Close and Back Road is now OK.Items 14 c, d and e – Clerk reported that the loan of the Flashing Speed sign will not be made available to the village until Autumn 2013. Janet Murphy reported that the

Knotweed spraying was taking place today. A second spray will take place after the first frost. Simon Hickling will keep under review.There was nothing from the 12 September 2012

Council agreed to take a report from the PCSO at this stage.There have been no reported crimes in the last period under review.She explained the benefits and disadvantages of the Homewatch scheme and Council decided to make it an agenda Item for discussion at the next meeting.Mike Parker raised the issue of off road motor bikes. He provided information to the PCSO.The PCSO then left the meeting.

5 There was no representation from members of the public.6 Planning Application MINUTE BOOK PAGE 530

12/00664/EXO Council noted the Appeal being made in respect of extension of time at The Bungalow, Narborough Road.

7 Financial Report a) Balance of accounts 31 August 2012 31 August 2011 General Current Account £345.22 £172.50 Business Premier Account £4,140.13 £7,537.69 Playing Field account £2,446.11 £2,018.15 Churchyard Account £3,567.00 £3,565.24 Footpath Account £0.29 £5.502.51

The Clerk advised that providing no unexpected expense occurred between now and the end of the financial year it would not be necessary to move money from the Church Fund into the general account

b) Council approved the following payment. Clerks Sal and Exp (August 2012) £166.00

8 Reports from County and Borough CouncillorsJanet Murphy advised Council of current funding opportunities where she believed the Village Hall could be a possible beneficiary. There will be funding rounds in October 2012, March and September 2013.Clerk to advise Village Hall Committee.Jim Moriarty outlined the position regarding the Incinerator project being called in by Central Government and the delays which would occur before a final decision was taken.

9 AllotmentsSimon Hickling reported that he had been in discussions with the Diocesan Board who had confirm a new two year tenancy agreement will be set up with an increase in the rent to £2500 paAngela Prior Cooper expressed concerns that were the allotments of benefit to the village as a whole and the amount of work for the Clerk in controlling them. After discussion Council decided to stay with the original decision

10 Playing FieldBen Howlett reported that the application for a grant from the Lottery had failed. His committee were now progressing an application with Peoples Patch for £2000.The sponsored Bike Ride had made a profit of some £200The Clerk advised that to-date he had received no payment from East Winch

Football Club for the use of the playing field. Ben Howlett agreed to follow this up with Wally Oliver.

11 Correspondence Playing Field papers

Confirmation that Mazars will continue to be the External Auditors until 2016/17

11 Correspondence continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 531

River Nar Restoration Drop in session - 27 September 2012 2.30 to 6.30pm, Castle Acre Village Hall e-mails

Pentney issues re Ragwort, Knotweed and Lime trees Pentney Highways issues Incinerator update of information Play Area Inspection Course RAF Marham Freedom Parade

12 Village MattersCollection from the new textile bank is taking place and the Clerk has been advised of two collections ( July and September) with credits of £1.80 and £7.70 being earned.Regarding changing the Glass collectors needs more work to establish the financial viability of changing at this time. The Clerk will continue to make enquiries.Dog Waste Bins. Council discussed increasing the number of bins within the village and it was proposed by Angela Prior Cooper and seconded by Mike Parker to increase the number by two. One to be sited near to the church and the other within the Pentney Lakes site. Clerk to arrange.The footpath to the playing field now appears not to be used as a car park. Matter to be kept under review.Angela Prior Cooper has now obtain maps of the Right of Way paths. To remain as an agenda item for the next meeting.Issues raised as a result of revisiting the Village Plan are:-Establish if the bus companies have any form of survey forms to assess village needs.Road markings on Low Road and Pentney Abbey area are wearing out and need to be repainted. Clerk to follow up.Janet Murphy agreed to follow up having “Children at Play” signs for around the playing field area.Better advertising of the Village Annual Review (Try Large Posters)Better village signs when entering and leaving the village area. Janet Murphy will follow up.Promoting Village Car Boot Sales etc. Concern that there was a lack of general support. Angela Prior Cooper agreed to try and get the Village Plan Committee to re-meet to discuss progress.

13 ArchivesArchives were discussed in general terms and Jim Moriarty agreed to establish how long Borough Planning Application details were retained.Clerk to establish exactly what is currently being stored. Remain as an agenda item.

14 Any Other BusinessJohn Adcock reported that he considered that the hedge at Station Crossing could be taken further.

Simon Hickling will follow up.

14 Any Other Business continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 532

Mike Parker advised that it was time to plant the trees in the Playing Field area. Simon Hickling and Ben Howlett agreed to meet with Mike and plan the locations of the trees. John Adcock offered his assistance to plant them.Ben Howlett will raise the issue of a cricket strip on the field for next season with the Committee.Footpaths 11 (Low Road to the middle ditch) and 8 and 9 (Bus shelter to Abbey Farm) were overgrown. Clerk to report to the Rangers Team, but advised that it was probably too close to the planned visit for it to be actioned this time.

15 The next Council meeting will be Wednesday 31 October 2012 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Deputy Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.30pm.

Chairman:- Mr Bryan Webster, Pentney Park, Main Road, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1HU Telephone:- 01760 337479Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTE BOOK PAGES 533 – 535 held on Tuesday 23 October 2012 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.15pm

Present :- Bryan Webster, Simon Hickling, Mike Parker, Angela Prior Cooper, John Adcock and Ben HowlettApologies :- Cllr Janet Murphy and Will Fake

In attendance:- Cllr James Moriarty, Bob Pannell(Clerk) and three parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present and explained that the meeting had been brought forward to avoid having to have a separate planning meeting. Concern was expressed by members of Council at the poor attendance record of Will Fake. The Clerk was asked to write and request an improvement

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 19 September 2012 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of 19 September 2012 Item 4 – Folgate Hill Farm re overgrowing vegetation – Simon Hickling reported that this matter was in hand and would update at the next meeting. Item 4 – Enforcement Planning Order for 11 Church Close. – Clerk reported that an inspection had been made by the planning authorities and it was considered acceptable at the moment. Council remained concerned over the white Iveco Recovery vehicle which had not moved for some considerable time and was parked on the opposite verge. The Clerk was asked to raise the issue with planning again.

Item 14 – Hedge at Station Crossing cut back – Simon Hickling reported on investigation the problem was not all with one owner but shared with what was believed to be Charity land. Simon Hickling would progress with the owner and Mike Parker would follow up with the Charity Trustees. Item 14 – Tree planting on the Playing Field – Ben Howlett reported that the Playing Field committee were concerned that the trees did not encroach onto the playing area but be within the current hedgerow. It is estimated that some

15 trees will be needed plus 2 to replace the old chestnut trees at the entrance, which will leave a surplus of trees which will need “a home”. Sue Richardson will discuss with the owner of Folgate House on exact siting. Trees to be planted within the next six weeks. Matter to be kept under review.

5 The meeting adjourned at 7.52pm to take report from representatives of the Village Plan committee. An update on the progress of the plan is attached to these minutes. The meeting resumed at 8.17pm after the Chair thanked the representatives for their presentation and attendance.

6 Planning Applications MINUTE BOOK PAGES 534

12/01556/F – Installation of ground mounted solar PV Array, Ashwood Lodge Farm, Abbey Road, Pentney After discussion Council Approved the application PP/C/2/2012/2021 – Pentney Quarry – 6mth extension to allow work on Phase 7 to continue and bring forward work on Phase 8 while tests are carried out

regarding chalk contamination. After discussion Council Approved the application

Council Noted the Borough Council decisions on 12/01126/F – Accommodation Block Pentney Lakes Ski Club - Approved 12/01272/F – Ext to bungalow at Sovereign House, Main Road, Pentney Approved

7 Financial report Accounts reconciliation to 30 September 2012 are attached to these minutes and were approved by the Council

Council Approved the following Payments Chq No 100668 – Diocesan Board Glebe Rent £750.00 Chq No 100669 – Clerks Sal and Exp (Sept 12) £177.00 Chq No 100670 – Clerks Income Tax (Jul-Sept 12) £111.00 Chq No 100671 – Earth Anchors Dog Waste Bins £320.34 Chq No 100672 – Mazars Audit Fees £162.00

8 County, Borough Councillor and PCSO reports Councillor Moriarty reported on the following :- It had been intended to remove the directional brown caravan signs on the A47 to Pentney Lakes but they were now to remain as a result of the accommodation block for jet ski visitors being approved. The review of the Incinerator planning application will be heard in February 2013 and will last for some 20 days. A report is expected around September 2013 The Clerk reported that he had been advised by the PCSO that there had been no reported crimes over the period under review.

9 Allotments The new leases are currently being drawn up to take effect from September 2013 and will be for a two year period. Simon Hickling will advise the Clerk of details in order for the necessary letters etc to be prepared by the Clerk for the Allotment Holders.

10 Playing Field Ben Howlett advised that there was no report to make at this time. He agreed to follow up with Wally Oliver the football ground rent from East Winch Simon Hickling advised that the Planning Application regarding the Porta Cabin on the Playing Field was in hand and a fee of £170 would be required.

11 Correspondence NALC Annual Report and other papers Request for donation Magpas – Council agreed not to contribute. MINUTE BOOK 535

Request for donation 4x4 Response Network – Council agreed not to contribute Nar Valley News request for info from Stuart Nairn – The Chair advised that he had prepared a report for the next issue Breach of Planning Complaint papers – Covered under Item 4 Recycling Posters e-mails circulated Incinerator Campaign Notices NALC AGM Notices and covers Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner candidates meeting

NALC Autumn Seminar at Sandringham – Advise Clerk if interested Public Rights of Way Information Change of Service from Waste Management KL&WN Boro’ Council meetings Norfolk Mineral and Waste Site DPD – focused changes Mayors Civic Awards Notice of Incinerator Planning Application being called in by Sec. of State

12 Village Matters Dog Waste Bins – Council agreed that one new one should be placed on the grass triangle near the Village Hall by the litter bin. The Chair to agree with Pentney Lakes residents the siting of the other one. Bottle Bank – Following on from further investigations the clerk reported that a probable income could result from switching agents. He to action. Right of Ways – Angela Prior Cooper will distribute plans to Council. Agenda item for the next meeting. Council agreed that the Clerk should make enquiries regarding the issue of a questionnaire on the bus service currently being offered. It is the Freestone Bus Service and Angela Prior Cooper to provide contact details. Highways – Clerk to request that Highways consider having SLOW and 30MPH road painted signs through the village but particularly covering the area between Pentney Lane and Chapel Yard Cottages (covering Playing Field area) and between Golden Gym turning and the Village Hall On the Narborough Road and the junction of Low Road the existing white line markings are wearing away. Clerk to report. Neighbourhood Watch – request that the PCSO gives an update on the progress of the initial problem Clerk to keep the Archive position under review.

13 Any Other Business Angela Prior Cooper resigned from the Council with immediate effect. The Chairman thanked Angela for the valued contribution she had made to the Village since joining the Council in August 2008. John Adcock reported seeing a farm hand of Will Fake drive a tractor and trailer along the new footpath. Clerk to write to Will asking him to caution his staff

14 The next Council meeting will be Wednesday 12 December 2012 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.15pm.

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTE BOOK PAGES 536 - 537 held on Wednesday14 November 2012 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.20pm

Present :- Bryan Webster, Mike Parker and John Adcock Apologies :- Simon Hickling and Ben Howlett

In attendance:- Cllr James Moriarty, Bob Pannell(Clerk) and eight parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding

Declaration of Interest.

3 Planning Applications12/01691/CU – Change of use of land to site Yurts for rental at The Old Stables, Pentney LaneCouncil considered the comments made by a number of the parishioners present, before making a decision on the application. The Council concluded that for the following reasons they would REJECT the application.Pentney Lane not suitable for an increased traffic flow and the junction with the A47 for both incoming and exiting traffic, was dangerous.The current property owners would be subjected to unacceptable noise and privacy issues.Insufficient sanitary provision included in the plan for the number of expected visitors.Threat to the natural habitat.

12/12699/F – Conversion of barn to treatment rooms, reception, juice bar and seating area at Great Ketlam Farm Council after discussion and taking into account wriiten submissions the application was REJECTED for the following reasons. The property is sited off Low Road, which is a single width country lane and totally unsuitable for a further increase in traffic flow. Council are also concerned that speeding along this road will get worse.

12/01560/F – Retrospective application for amended design to garage/boat shed with extended exterior staircase and door in gable end.After discussion Council had NO OBJECTION to the application.

Council noted the decisions of the Borough Council for12/01348/F – Access bridge over existing ditch at the Bowls Club,Narborough Road has been APPROVED

4 Any Other BusinessThe Clerk advised Councillors of the legislation changes which had occurred as a result of the recent Localism Act, regarding the setting of the Annual Precept. Effectively, as each Councillor is required to disclose any Pecuniary Interests they have within the parish they would be unable to participate in the

4 Any Other Business continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 537 budget setting process. However, Councillors may request a dispensation, through the Clerk, which will resolve the issue. Council agreed to recommend this course of action.

Concern was expressed that there were no toilet facilities on the Playing Field. Council to consider this at the next full meeting.

A number of Highways issues were raised :- The occupier of the house at the corner of Narborough Road and Pentney Lane have installed a pipe from the rain water downpipe directly onto Pentney Lane. Could result in vehicles skidding, particularly in icy conditions. Council still concerned about the hedges around the Folgate Hill Farm. Chair will discuss both issues with Simon Hickling

The footpaths (nos 8 and 9) running from Stone Cross via Low Road to the bus shelter appears to have been blocked by work undertaken by Abbey Farm. Clerk to write to Ben Howlett asking him to re-establish access, if this is the case, over the footpath.

The footpath joining Church Close and Back Road is being obstructed by an over growing hedge. Chair will follow this up.

5 The next Council meeting will be Wednesday 12 December 2012 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm. .

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8.20pm.

Chairman:- Mr Bryan Webster, Pentney Park, Main Road, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1HU Telephone:- 01760 337479Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTE BOOK PAGES 538 - 541 held on Wednesday 12 December 2012 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.20pm

Present :- Bryan Webster, Mike Parker, John Adcock, Simon Hickling, Ben Howlett Will Fake and Richard Stevens Apologies :- Janet Murphy

In attendance:- Cllr James Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and four parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meetings of the 23 October and 14 November 2012 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

4 Matters Arising from the 23 October and 14 November 2012 23 October 2012 Item 4 – Folgate Hill Farm re overgrowing vegetation – Will Fake agreed to resolve Item 4 – Enforcement Planning Order for 11 Church Close. – Clerk reported that

the enforcement officer would revisit. Clerk to arrange for two councilors to be present when this occurs. Item 4/14 – Hedge at Station Crossing cut back – Item to be carried forward to the next meeting Item 4/14 – Tree planting on the Playing Field – Item to be carried forward to the next meeting but Mike Parker agreed to continue to hold trees until final decision taken 14 November 2012 Item 4 – House on corner of Pentney Lane and Narborough Road - Rain water downpipe onto Pentney Lane. Simon Hickling will follow this up. Blocked footpaths 8 and 9 (Stone Cross to bus shelter) – Ben Howlett advised Council that a water main was being installed and any blockage of the paths would be removed once the work was completed. Simon Hickling will follow up on overgrowing vegetation in the other fields. Footpath joining Back Road and Church Close, overgrown hedge – Chair has visited the area and arranged with the owner for it to be trimmed.

5 Meeting adjourned at 7.48pm for public to make representation Concern was express about the condition of Low Road and Gym Lane. During harvesting the road surface had been covered with mud which had not been cleared up by the contractors. Together with the potholes a health and safety issue has now developed. It has been reported to the highways who have issued a reference number of the complaint. It was agreed to advise the Chair of this number. Simon Hickling agreed to speak with the contractor to see what they could do to clear the surface. It was also suggested that a mirror should be considered for the corner to enable early siting of oncoming traffic.5 continued MINUTE BOOK PAGES 539

There was also concern at the speed of the traffic on the road. The Parish Council had made representation to the Highways Authority on a number of occasions to have the speed limit reduced from the current 60mph, but had been unsucessful in bringing about any changes. There was also water retention on the road surface at Oak Trees, Low Road which will be reported for a future Rangers visit It was suggested that a “welcome pack” for new residents coming into the village, giving general information about contact names and services, would be a helpful and friendly gesture. Council to consider at a future meeting. The full meeting resumed at 8.02pm.

6 Planning Applications. 12/01881/F – Construction one dwelling in connection with equine business at Lower Abbey Farm, Abbey Road. After discussions Council APPROVED the application. Council noted that application 12/01691/CU to build Yurts at the Old Stables, Pentney Lane, had been withdrawn

7 Financial Report.a) Balance of Accounts 30 November 2012 30 November 2011

General Current Account £1,780.07 £734.51 Business Premier Account £2,140.51 £6,437.69 Playing Field account £2,746.44 £2,144.95

Churchyard Account £3,567.44 £3,565.24Footpath Account £0.29 £5.502.51

b) Payments

Chq No 100674 – Clerks Sal and Exp (Oct 12) £191.36 Chq No 100675 – Clerks Sal and Exp (Nov 12) £191.00 Chq No 100676 – CGM grass cutting Church and Playing Fld £1,075.20

c) Precept 2013/2014Clerk provided an initial outline for this and the Chair explained the new rulings for how the Precept can effect Council Tax levies. Item to be fully discussed and set at the January meeting.

8 County, Borough Councillor and PCSO reports Councillor Moriarty reported on the following :- The new Waste Collection service will commence in April 2013 which will see changes in the collection times of waste containers. (Green and Black boxes every alternative week but food waste boxes on a weekly basis) It is hoped that some 90% of the black box contents will be recycled thus reducing the amount sent to landfill or the incinerator (if it is approved) The initial meeting regarding the Incinerator, by the Government appointed Inspecter, has taken place. Cllr. Moriarty considered him to be a fair man who will conduct the inspection without bias. He also suggested that Pentney Parish Council should consider joining up with other Parish Councils as a united body speaking at the hearing. He will supply contact details to the Chair There were no reports from the County Councillor or the PCSO.9 Allotments MINUTE BOOK PAGE 540

Simon Hickling has prepared the Heads of Lease for the new contracts which were signed by the Chair and Clerk. He will keep Clerk updated with progress.

10 Playing Field The Clerk reported that East Winch Football Club had paid their rent for the first half of the season. Toilet facilities for the Playing Field was discussed by Council. It was agreed that Ben Howlett and John Adcock would progress details and report back. Cllr Moriarty reminded Council that there was also possible funding through the Borough Council which should be considered. He would provide details to the Clerk. Ben Howlett reported that the grass cutting had been well maintained by CGM but he was concerned about the adjoining ditch which had been backfilled being piped. Simon Hickling will follow this up. Council approved the continuation of the contract for grass cutting of the Playing Field ( £37/cut) and the Churchyard ( £75/cut) to CGM for the next three years. The planning application for the original Porta Cabin requires more detailed plans than was originally anticipated. Mr Tony Howe Smith volunteered to work with Simon Hickling to produce them

11 Correspondence Gritting Routes - (Chair) Consultation by Police and Crimes Commissioner 2013/2014 Precept (17 January 2013) – (Chair) Home Start request for donation – Council agreed No Donation NSPCC request for donation – Council agreed No Donation AGE UK request for donation and other papers – Council agreed No Donation e-mails circulated Fields in Trust case studies etc Electric Blanket Testing Precept Dispensation Papers

Planning Systems Training event 7,8/1/2013 Rangers visit 27/12/12 Incinerator Planning Application update Norfolk RCC Young people, Food and us Play Youth Shelters Norfolk Scams Awareness workshops. The Chair had received an e-mail regarding waste water overflow in Back Lane. It was very wet at the time of the complaint but since the drier spell it now appears to be OK. He will keep it under review He had also received an e mail regarding the whereabouts of a Vera Henda. No one on Council could help. He had also received information regarding a robbery ploy. A child car seat and blanket are left at the roadside, usually in a remote location, to entice people to stop. If you see this do not stop but contact the police and allow them to deal with it Councillors are requested to advise friends and families of this latest ploy.

12 Village Matters MINUTE BOOK PAGE 541

Re-cycling issues Waste Paper – Clerk was concerned that he had only received two credit slips this financial year when it appeared that the collection box was being emptied more often than that. Suggested that he requests a report from the collector (Whites) Richard Stevens offered to keep the box under observation. Glass – Clerk reported that he had been in discussions with SBC Environment at Thetford who had recommended not to transfer to them until after the Christmas / New Year period. They were providing contract details. Cllr Jim Moriarty recommended taking no action until after the new Waste Collection Service had been implemented as it has been suggested that the green box may be able to take glass products. This would undoubtedly have an effect on the size of a central village collection. Council agreed to hold action on this for now. Textiles – A further credit slip has been received amounting to some £7 bringing the total to-date to £10 Dog Waste Bins The Chair will discuss with Mr Howe Smith the location of the additional bin for Pentney Lakes. He will advise the Clerk so that collection of this and the one planned for the grass triangle at the Church can be arranged with the Council. Right of Way Paths No further action at this time. Neighbourhood Watch The Chair reported that in discussions with the PCSO he was advised that crime level in the Pentney area was very low. Council agreed that they would support a “Watch Scheme” but at this time would not be prepared to lead it.

13 Any Other Business Parish Council meeting dates for 2013 Wednesday 16 January, 6 March, 10 April, 15 May, 19 June, 31 July, 11 September, 16 October and 4 December

14 The next Council meeting will be Wednesday 16 January 2013 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.20pm.

Chairman:- Mr Bryan Webster, Pentney Park, Main Road, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1HU Telephone:- 01760 337479Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTE BOOK PAGES 542 – 544 held on Wednesday 16 January 2013 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.36pm

Present :- Bryan Webster, John Adcock, Simon Hickling, Ben Howlett and Richard Stevens Apologies :- Mike Parker and Cllr Janet Murphy In attendance:- Cllr James Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and one parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 12 December 2012 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

4 Matters Arising from the 12 December 2012 Item 4 – Enforcement Planning Order for 11 Church Close. – Clerk reported that the Enforcement Officer would report back after making a visit to assess if it was necessary to meet with Councillors Item 4/14 – Hedge at Station Crossing cut back – Simon Hickling reported that this has now been cut back Item 4/14 – Tree planting on the Playing Field – Keep as an Agenda item 14/11 item 4 – House on corner of Narborough Road and Pentney Lane rain water piped onto lane. Simon Hickling reported that the matter has been resolved. Overgrown vegetation footpaths 8 and 9 (Stone Cross to bus shelter) – Simon Hickling advised that he had arranged a meeting with the owners to discuss.

Item 5 – Council members to report on items raised during the Public Representation. Chair reported that he had not been provided with the reference number of the original complaint to Highways. Conditions have not improved on Low Road and Gym Lane but with the current weather it was difficult to take any meaningful action. Simon Hickling and Ben Howlett will keep under review. Welcome Pack – Richard Stevens agreed to draw up a draft document for consideration. Council considered disclosure of individual Councillor’s telephone numbers etc within the Pack but felt that as both the Chair and Clerk’s details were published it was not necessary to provide any other details.

5 Meeting adjourned at 7.45pm for public to make representation Representative from Pentney Lakes thanked Council for providing an additional Dog Waste Bin (yet to be installed) Meeting resumed at 7.46pm

6 Planning Applications 12/02051/F – Variation of Condition 2 on 12/00489/F. Removal of conservatory erect single storey extension Old Station, Narborough Road. After discussion Council Approved the application6 Planning Applications. MINUTE BOOK PAGES 543

Council noted Planning Appeal Extension of time limit on Site of Land north of the Bungalow, Narborough Road. The Appeal was Dismissed.

Council noted Borough Council decisions 12/01560/F – Amended design garage/boatshed and external staircase 21 Pentney Lakes. Approved 12/12699/F – Conversion of barn to treatment rooms, reception, juice bar and seating area at Great Ketlam Farm. Approved with condition that two passing bays be constructed on Low Road prior to starting the work.

7 Financial Report

a) Balance of Accounts 31 December 2012 30 December 2011 General Current Account £422.51 £620.26 Business Premier Account £2,140.51 £5,138.53 Playing Field account £2,746.44 £2,345.21

Churchyard Account £3,567.44 £3,565.68Footpath Account £0.29 £5.503.20

b) Payments Chq No 100677 – Clerks Sal and Exp (Dec 12) £162.50 Chq No 100678 – Clerks Tax (Oct-Dec 12) £111.00 Chq No 100679 – Porta Cabin on Playing Field planning app. Fee £192.50

c) Set Precept for 2013/2014. The Clerk presented a draft budget for discussion (copy attached to these minutes) Council agreed to set the Precept request at £11,500.00.

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO Cllr Moriarty advised that the Borough Council can always be approached for help in funding projects, on a loan type basis. They are, at the moment, particularly responsive to assist in sports type projects. Cllr Murphy had provided written information on County Construction Grants. PCSO Pearson had advised by e-mail that there had been no reported crime in the last period. The Chair agreed to include an item on Neighbourhood Watch in the Parish News.

9 Allotments Simon Hickling reported that work on the new allotment contracts were near completion and expected them to ready to issue shortly. Council would examine the state of drainage and hedges re maintenance in the


10 Playing Field Ben Howlett reported that for a recent Youth Café event only six turned up. Simon Hickling commented that some of the village was unaware that it was going on as it appears that the rain had washed the chalk off the notice board. 10 Playing Field continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 544

A disco was being arranged for Valentines Night. Ben Howlett agreed to get Sue Richardson to keep the Chair advised of events so that he could include them in the Parish News report. Council then reviewed progress on the Toilet facilities study. The mains water supply runs across the front of the entrance to the car park. A cost estimate in 2009 was £1090 which it is anticipated to rise to £1500 currently. Ben Howlett and John Adcock agreed to follow this up with Anglia Water for an updated price. Simon Hickling will follow up the issue of piping the backfilled ditch at the edge of the Playing field. Simon Hickling thanked Tony Howe Smith for providing the elevation drawings of the Porta Cabin, which is now being submitted to the Planning Office for approval.

11 Correspondence Norfolk Link (Chair) e-mails Mineral and Waste Site Specifications Info Unwanted Electricals Disposal Fields in Trust Info PCSO Report Community Construction Fund Level 2 Youth Work Award

12 Village Matters Dog Waste Bins – These will be installed once agreement has been reached on the site at Pentney Lakes as it needs to be positioned at a point of easy access for the collecting service. Chair will follow up.

13 Any Other Business Concern was raised at what appeared to be an increase of dogs being left to run on the Playing Field. The Chair agreed to see if the sign prohibiting this could be moved from the fence to the gate making it clear to the public.

14 The next Council meeting will be Wednesday 6 March 2013 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8.36pm.

Chairman:- Mr Bryan Webster, Pentney Park, Main Road, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1HU Telephone:- 01760 337479Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTE BOOK PAGES 546 - 549 held on Wednesday 6 March 2013 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.08pm

Present :- Bryan Webster, Simon Hickling, Ben Howlett, Will Fake and Richard Stevens Apologies :- Mike Parker, John Adcock and Cllr Janet Murphy In attendance:- Cllr James Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and four parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meetings of the 16 January and 6 February 2013 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

4 Matters Arising 16 January 2013 Item 4 – Enforcement Planning Order for 11 Church Close. – Clerk had been advised by Enforcement Officers that they considered no action required. Richard Stevens will follow this up. Will Fake will follow up with neighbours to write and object. Item 4/14 – Tree planting on the Playing Field – Ben Howlett will discuss an action plan with Mike Parker to get it done. 14/11 item 4 – Overgrown vegetation footpaths 8 and 9 (Stone Cross to bus shelter) – Simon Hickling to follow up Item 5 – Council members to consider suggestion of Welcome Pack – Richard Stevens provided a draft proposal which Council will consider and discuss at the next meeting. Chair will include an item in the Narborough News asking parishioners to provide information on new comers to the village. Clerk has received a complaint regarding the general state of the roads in the village and in particular slurry running off the fields onto Narborough Road. Council members had met out with the meeting and established that the land in question was owned by Peter Wells. Will Fake had discussed this with him and there have been no further incidents since then. He also reported that the land had been contracted out for potato growing this coming season. Clerk to write to Peter Wells requesting that the roads be kept clear of mud in the future. Item 13 – Dogs running free on the Playing Field – Chair reported that he was still to move the sign

6 February 2013 Item 5 – “Passing Place” Sign on Pentney Lane – Richard Stevens will establish costs of doing this as it would need to be funded by Council. Barbed wire encroaching on footpath Narborough Road to Low Road – It has been established that this has been caused by horses leaning over the fence. The owners have erected an electric fence as a temporary measure while the problem is resolved. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 547

5 Meeting adjourned at 7.55pm for public to make representation. The question of speeding in the village was raised again by Mr Cooper, who was concerned, that it was only a matter of time before a serious accident occurred. The Chair advised that it was an ongoing dialogue with the PCSO and the Highways Authority to try and improve the situation. After general discussion it was agreed that a constant campaign of reminding the authorities should continue as well as a follow up letter to the police requesting them to carry out more frequent speed checks in the village. Mr Cooper would provide registration numbers of cars, considered to be exceeding the limit, after his next check, to the Chair. The Clerk will continue to follow up speed signs etc. Meeting resumed at 8.14pm

6 Planning Applications 13/00167/F – First floor extension to garage to match existing dwelling, Old Station House, Narborough Road. The applicant advised, in person, that the original building plans had been rejected and provided copies of the new proposal which had been submitted. Council agreed to Support the new proposal when revised documents had been issued. Council noted 12/02100/LF – Building works at Abbey Farm had been withdrawn.

7 Financial Reporta) Balance of Accounts 28 February 2013 17 February 2012

General Current Account £456.51 £403.15 Business Premier Account £1,640.51 £3,638.53 Playing Field account £2,746.44 £2,345.21

Churchyard Account £3,567.44 £3,565.68Footpath Account £0.29 £7,003.20

b) Payments Chq No 100680 – Clerks Sal and Exp (Jan 13) £164.00 Chq No 100681 - Clerks Sal and Exp (Feb 13) £164.88

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO Cllr. Moriarty confirmed that the new household waste disposal scheme was now in place to commence from April. The public enquiry into the Incinerator application was now underway with an expected completion date at end April He requested a copy of the correspondence regarding 11 Church Close. Chair gave a verbal report from PCSO Debbie Pearson. No reported crimes or anti-social behavior. Putting cones out as road markers for events must have the approval of the County Council before doing so.

9 Allotments It would appear that much of the allotment area is down to grass and that only three to four acres were being cultivated. Simon Hickling will follow up and report.

10 Playing Field MINUTE BOOK PAGE 548

Sue Richardson gave Council an update on the latest position regarding the Children’s Play Area development. To totally renovate the area has an estimated cost of £50,000. There have been two unsuccessful bids to the National Lottery and it was felt that the approach should be modified to tackle items on a one at a

time basis. This reduces the costs and enables the children to at least get something new in the foreseeable future. There has been a distinct lack of parental support for the project but there is an estimated 50 children who could benefit. A “Zip Wire” was the most popular item and costs to provide range from some £8,250 to £15,600. The favoured supplier is Monster Play System with a cost of £8,250. The committee have secured a donation of £5,000 from the Pentney Charity Trust and with the £2,750 in the Playing Field account would be about £500 short of the total required. Sue asked if the Council would be prepared to cover this. After discussion Council agreed that this would be in order. The committee are still exploring other areas for financial support and of cheaper ways of expanding the play equipment. The Chair thanked Sue for the work that she and the committee had done and congratulated them on the success to date. Simon Hickling advised that he expected the result of the Planning Application for the Porta Cabin by 15 March 2013. Ben Howlett and John Adcock are getting costs for the installation of toilets on the site. Water is available and the cost of this is in the order of £1,500.

11 Correspondence NALC – Norfolk Link and Flood risk Papers (Chair) Heating and Insulation Papers ( Chair) Donation request – Norfolk Accident Rescue Service. Council will not support Risk Assessment and Inspections Playground papers e-mails Climate Change week Highways and Community Rangers visit WREN Funding opportunities Delivering Local Highways improvements info Norfol RCC Healthwatch Norfolk RCC Newslatter Waste Bin update Older Drivers Campaign – Chair will include this in the Narborough News, Winter Warming info from Insurers Came and Co. Seminar on Composting

12 Village Matters Recycling. It would appear that waste is being “dumped” on the site from outside the village. John Adcock has cleared this away. It would appear to be from the Swaffham area and it was suggested that a letter could be written to the Environmental Agency providing them with details. Two new Dog Waste bins have been installed. One is on the triangular area of grass in front of the church and the second on the Pentney Lakes site.12 Village Matters continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 549

Narborough School. There is a proposal to implement a Federation of Schools with Castle Acre, Sporle and Narborough. Council discussed and agreed that it was, in the main, a sensible proposal and felt that it should be supported in the best long term interests of the village children. Clerk to advise the head of the School.

13 Any Other Business Will Fake reported that part of the Kissing Gate on the Low Road to Narborough Road footpath had been found in the fields. He has collected it and delivered it to

Joe Orsi In response to a question the Chair outlined the purpose of the Churchyard Account. In 2004 the church indicated that an additional area of land would be required for use as a cemetery in approximately 20 years’ time as the existing would be full. Council decided to start making provisions for that event by setting up an account to cover the expected costs. A recent review by the church appears to indicate that the requirement is still 20 years away.

14 The next Council meeting will be Wednesday 10 April 2013 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.08pm.

Chairman:- Mr Bryan Webster, Pentney Park, Main Road, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1HU Telephone:- 01760 337479Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTE BOOK PAGES 550 held on Wednesday 3 April 2013 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.34pm closed at 8.07pm

Present :- Bryan Webster, Ben Howlett, Mike Parker, John Adcock and Richard Stevens Apologies :- Cllr Janet Murphy and Cllr Jim Moriarty In attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.34pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 To receive and consider Planning Applications 13/00281/F – 2 Storey Log Cabin and detached Boat House, 56 Pentney Lakes. After discussion Council agreed to Support the application. 13/00338/F – 4 Bed Bungalow at Villa Park, Narborough Road. After discussion Council agreed to Support the application but noted reservations about the size of the construction in relationship to the size of the plot. They also would like to see the brickwork and tiles blending with other properties in the locality. 13/00236/F – Sun Room Extension, Great Ketlam Farm, Low Road. Whilst Council were prepared to Support this application they expressed concern that a previous application from the same source (12/01699/F) had a condition of installing passing places on Low Road prior to the commencement of building. This has yet to be done.

4 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 10 April 2013 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8.07pm.

Chairman:- Mr Bryan Webster, Pentney Park, Main Road, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1HU Telephone:- 01760 337479Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTE BOOK PAGES 551 to 553 held on Wednesday 10 April 2013 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.32pm closed at 9.15pm

Present :- Bryan Webster, Mike Parker, John Adcock, Simon Hickling and Richard Stevens Apologies :- Cllr Janet Murphy, Cllr Jim Moriarty, Ben Howlett and PCSO Debbie Pearson Absent :- Will FakeIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.32pm and welcomed all those present. He also read out a letter from Cllr Janet Murphy advising that she was not contesting the local elections and wished to thank council members for their support and help during her time of office. She also provided a box of chocolates for the Council. The Chair thanked her for her help and support during the same period.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meetings on the 6 March and 3 April 2013 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

4 Matters arising from the Council meetings of the 6 March 2013 and 3 April 2013 6 March 2013 Item 4 – Enforcement Planning Order for 11 Church Close. – Richard Stevens has written a letter and is awaiting a respopnse Item 4/14 – Tree planting on the Playing Field – Mike Parker reported that nine trees had been planted in the existing hedgerows and two on the car park area. This leaves approximately a dozen trees for disposal. Mike Parker and Simon Hickling will control this and it was suggested that a donation of £10 per tree could apply when advertising them as available. 14/11 item 4 – Overgrown vegetation footpaths 8 and 9 (Stone Cross to bus shelter) – Simon Hickling has written to the owner and will follow up with a visit. Item 5 – Council members discussed the draft Welcome Pack prepared by Richard Stevens. Was agreed that Bryan Webster would include details in a future Nar Valley News and that it was available for newcomers to the village. Richard would follow up on bus timetables etc. Item 13 – Dogs running free on the Playing Field – Chair reported that the sign is now on the gate to the Playing Field enabling dog owners to be challenged if they have dogs on the playing field. Council members to keep it under review and report to the PCSO if necessary. There appears to be an increase in loose dogs roaming the village. Item 5 – Cost of “Passing Place” Sign on Pentney Lane – Richard Stevens advised that cost could be up to £200. He will discuss the position with Highways. 3 April 2013 No matters arising.

5 No public were in attendance to make representation. MINUTE BOOK PAGES 552

6 To receive and consider Planning Applications 13/00167/F – First floor extension to garage, Old Station House, Narborough Road. Council to ratify agreement taken at the meeting 6 March 2013 to support this application, which they did. 13/00259/MD – Modification to Sect. 106 Agreement at Pentney Lakes, Common Road. The Chair had discussed this issue with the Planning Officer who was unsure of what action was being asked for and requested time to make enquiries. Council decided to make a No Observation response bur reserved the right to object should a resumption of building work occur as a result of this application. Council noted that 12/01881/F – Construction of one dwelling in connection to Equine business, Lower Farm, Abbey Road – Approved by BCKLWN

7 Financial Report .a) Balance of Accounts 31 March 2013 31 March 2012

General Current Account £327.63 £792.02 Business Premier Account £1,540.75 £3,639.08 Playing Field account £2,746.78 £2,445.50

Churchyard Account £3,567.88 £3,566.12Footpath Account £0.29 £7,003.98

b) Payments

Chq No 100682 – Clerks Tax (Jan – March 13) £111.00 Chq No 100684 - Clerks Sal and Exp (Mar 13) £196.77 Chq No 100685 – E-ON Street Lighting (Apr 12 – Mar 13) £22.86 Chq No 100686 – Village Hall Hire (Apr 12 – Mar 13) £136.00 Chq No 100687 – Dog Bin Waste collection (Apr 12 – Mar 13) £319.68 Chq No 100688 – Glebe Rent (Oct 12 – Mar 13) £1125.00 Chq No 100689 – Norfolk Ass. of Local Coun. Subs (2013/14) £117.41 Chq No 100690 – Norfolk Rural Comm Coun Subs (2013/14) £20.00 Chq No 100691 – Fields in Trust Subs (2013/14) £25.00

8 There were no reports from the County and Borough Councillors. The Chair reported that the PCSO had advised no report of crime or antisocial behaviour.

9 Allotment issues Simon Hickling was concerned that so little of the allotment area was being cultivated. His concern was that there could be a failure to comply with the Agreement. He would progress and write a suitable letter if necessary.

10 Playing Field The Clerk advised that the order for the Zip Wire has been placed and was hopeful that it would be installed by the late May Bank Holiday. John Adcock reported on latest position re Toilets for the Playing Field. A Portaloo type construction would cost in the range £4000 - £6000 depending on how it is equipped. There would also need to be a septic tank installed. He felt the 10 Playing Field continued MINUTE BOOK PAGES 553

overall costs could be in the order of £10,000. Council agreed that he should continue to agree actual costs and report back.

11 Correspondence Norfolk RCC Signpost (Chair) Business Startup Service BCKLWN papers (Chair) Parish Matters newsletter from our insurers Came and Co. (Chair) Audit papers for 2012/13 (Clerk) e-mails NALC Weekly Update 15/3/13 NALC Weekly Update 22/3/13 NALC Weekly Update 29/3/13. Local bus services. Council were concerned that a number of parishioners were reliant on this service and how good an “on demand service” would be. They asked to be kept informed on how this issue is progressed. Local Stakeholders meeting re roads around King’s Lynn

12 To consider issues relating to village matters with specific discussions on Narborough School proposal to implement a Federation of Schools with Castle Acre and Sporle. Nothing further to report Speed, Parking on footpaths and Parking on crossroads are issues within the Village which Council need to consider within future plans. Bryan Webster agreed to follow up the Road Safety Officer position. 13 Any Other Business Council were concerned that horses were breaking down the fences next to the

footpath making it both dangerous and difficult for the public to use. Clerk to write to the horse owners asking them to take action. Concern was also noted of cars being parked on the path between Chapel Yard Cottages and the Old Post Office even though there are parking places available off road. Mike Parker to supply information for the Clerk to advise the PCSO

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 15 May 2013 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm and will follow on from the Parish Assembly which will commence at 7.00pm.

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.15pm.

Chairman:- Mr Bryan Webster, Pentney Park, Main Road, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1HU Telephone:- 01760 337479Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTE BOOK PAGES 554 to 556 held on Wednesday 15 May 2013 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.54pm

Present :- Bryan Webster, Mike Parker, John Adcock, Simon Hickling, Ben Howlett, Richard Stevens and Will Fake Apologies :- Cllr Richard Coke, Cllr Jim Moriarty, and PCSO Debbie Pearson In attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and three parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 2013/2014 Bryan Webster nominated Simon Hickling as Chair and this was seconded by Mike Parker. Council unanimously supported the proposition and Simon accepted the position and took the Chair. He thanked Council for their support and expressed his thanks to Bryan Webster for the excellent work he had done for the Parish over the many years that he had served as Chair. John Adcock proposed Richard Stevens as Vice Chair which was seconded by Will Fake and unanimously supported by Council. Richard thanked Council and accepted the position.

3 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

4 The minutes of the Council meetings on the 10 April 2013 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

5 Matters arising from the Council meetings of the 10 April 2013 Item 4 – Enforcement Planning Order for 11 Church Close. – Richard Stevens Reported that he had received an acknowledgement of his letter on the 29 April

2013 but had heard nothing since then. Formal letter to be written to occupier. A local resident was concerned and was asked to write to the Council.. Item 4/14 – Tree planting on the Playing Field - disposal of surplus trees – This will be completed by this coming weekend. 14/11 item 4 – Overgrown vegetation footpaths 8 and 9 (Stone Cross to bus shelter) – Simon Hickling will follow up Item 5 – Cost of “Passing Place” Sign on Pentney Lane – Richard Stevens reported that he was waiting for a reply to his letter. Agenda item for next meeting

6 Meeting adjourned to receive representation from the public. Those present were concerned at the possible removal of the No. 32 bus service through the village. They expressed a view that it would disadvantage those who made extensive use of the service and lead to an isolation of the village. An alternative dial a bus service is expensive and prohibits the use of the bus pass as well as not running to a standard timetable. The other existing possible services of the X1 and Connect bus both pass through Narborough but not through Pentney and Is routed via the A47. Was agreed that the parishioners present would supply a list of those that use the existing service on a regular basis and the Council would follow up by writing to MINUTE BOOK PAGES 555

6 Meeting adjourned to receive representation from the public. Cont. the authorities. The Chair agreed to write to the Local MP, Henry Bellingham. The parishioners felt that a “village sign” on the entry road from Narborough would help to distinguish the feeling of a complete village. Agenda item for the next meeting.

7 Planning Applications 13/00581/F – Variation of Planning consent 2 10/01737/F – construction of 2 dwellings following demolition of Folgate Hill Farm. After discussion Council Approved the Application Council noted the Withdrawal of applications 13/00338/F- 4 Bed bungalow at Villa Park, Narbporough Road 13/00236/F- Sun room at Great Ketlam Farm

8 Financea) Balance of Accounts 30 April 2013 31 April 2012

General Current Account £12,302.91 £8,884.83 Business Premier Account £303.28 £3,639.08 Playing Field account £2,746.78 £2,445.50

Churchyard Account £3,567.88 £3,566.12Footpath Account £0.29 £7,003.98

b) Payments Chq No 100692 - Clerks Sal and Exp (Apr 13) £182.50 Chq No 100693 – Came and Co – Council Insurance £314.37

c) Annual Return for 2012/2013. Council approved the accounts and they were signed by the Chair as a true record.

d) Council agreed that the internal auditor, Mrs C Ward, could receive £100 of gift vouchers for the work required.

e) The clerk to check that the current insurance policy covered the use of the Zip Wire.

Also to provide a copy of the outstanding invoice for the Zip Wire to Emma Greenco of the Pentney Charity Trustees.

9 There was no report from the County Councillor Borough Councillor Jim Moriarty had given a verbal report to Bryan Webster who advised Council that under the Draft Core Strategy there would be a re- organization of the Planning Application procedures. Within the Strategy document Pentney was a no development area. The PCSO Debbie Pearson sent in a report that there had been no incidents in the period since the last meeting. 10 Allotments The Chair asked to defer his report on the cultivation, or not, of the allotments until the next meeting. He would also complete the revised Tenancy Agreements.

11 Playing Field MINUTE BOOK PAGES 556

Ben Howlett reported that the installation of the Zip Wire would be completed and ready for use this coming weekend. Sue Richardson was completing the application for WREN funding to install both a climbing frame and a shelter for the youngsters. John Adcock reported that he was still examining the alternatives for the installation of toilets on the playing field. He would update Council at the next meeting on progress. Richard Stevens has concerns regarding the frequency of waste bin emptying at the playing field, bus shelter and church. He will keep a check and report at the next meeting. Parking on the footpath appears to be on going. Ben Howlett to talk to Wally Oliver about the football teams and the Clerk to inform the PCSO.

12 To receive matters of correspondence Business start up schemes (Papers with Chair) Breckland Community Infrastructure Levy (Papers with Chair) Mazars Audit (Papers with Clerk) Various e-mails re Speed signs

13 Village Matters The clerk updated Council on the application for funding to support speed indicating signs for the village. Bryan Webster and Richard Stevens both agreed that they would be willing to be part of a four person team to administer the signs should they be installed as the final decision rest with County authorities. There appears to be children playing on Back Road and a parishioner asked if a request to have a “children at play” sign installed. Clerk to follow up. Clerk will check with Jim Moriarty regarding developments on Bottle Bank collections.

14 Any Other Business Complaints have been received about tractors spreading mud on the public footpath between Narborough and Low Roads when entrance to the field was further down the Narborough Road. The Chair agreed to discuss with Mr P Wells. The horticultural business in Pentney Lane said they would be using smaller lorries but in fact they are larger. The Chair will follow up.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 19 June 2013 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8.54pm.

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1 JF Telephone :- 01760 337203Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTE BOOK PAGES 557 to 560 held on Wednesday 19 June 2013 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.32pm closed at 9.01pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Mike Parker, John Adcock, Ben Howlett, Richard Stevens and Will Fake Apologies :- PCSO Debbie Pearson In attendance:- Cllr Jim Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and six parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meetings of the 15 May and 11 June 2013 were approved as true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meetings of the 15 May and 11 June 2013 Item 4 – Enforcement Planning Order for 11 Church Close. – Richard Stevens reported that he was waiting for a response from Geoff Hall, to whom he had . written Item 4/14 – Tree planting on the Playing Field - disposal of surplus trees – Michael Parker reported that there were three trees left. Bryan Webster agreed to have them. 14/11 item 4 – Overgrown vegetation on footpaths 8 and 9 (Stone Cross to bus shelter) – Simon Hickling reported that these were now passable but he would keep them under review. Item 5 – Cost of “Passing Place” Sign on Pentney Lane – Richard Stevens reported that the cost would be in the order of £130 plus VAT. Council approved the expenditure. Item 6 – Update on latest position of No 32 bus service. The NCC have issued a set of proposed timetables which have been forwarded to Mr Cooper, who has agreed to consult with the bus users for comments. Mr Bellingham (MP) has written to the NCC. Item 13 – Children at Play sign for Back Road. Agenda Item for the next meeting. Bottle Bank – Clerk reported that as no change had been made to the Borough collecting service re glass with Councils agreement he would progress having an independent collecting service. Council agreed. Item 14 – Mud on public footpath between Narborough and Low Roads – This issue has now been resolved. Horticultural business Pentney Lane size of lorries being used – Chair reported

There was little traffic movement currently and the matter should be kept under review. 5 Meeting adjourned to receive representation from the public at 7.48pm. Mr Cooper reported that a number of issues had been raised by the bus users following on from the proposed timetables which had been issued. It was agreed that a full list would be provided to the Clerk who would respond to the NCC. Sue Richards gave an update on the Zip Wire, advising that it had been very well 5 Meeting adjourned cont. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 558

received by the children and was being used on a regular basis. The application for additional WREN funding was being held until later this year. The Fun Day went reasonably well with a profit beoing made of some £300. A representative from Pentney Lakes advised that a 60’s evening had been arranged at the Village Hall for the 14 September 2013, 7.30 to 11.45pm, and hoped that it would be supported by the village. Tickets would be £5. The Chair suggested the a note should be put into the Nar Valley News. Meeting resumed at 8.12pm

6 Planning Applications 13/00726/F – New Mobile Home for Manager. Pentney Bowls Club. After discussions Council agreed to support the application 13/00837/F – Redesign of 1st floor extension to main dwelling Great Ketlam Farm, Low Road. The Chair declared an interest and withdrew from the discussion. Vice Chair Richard Stevens took the Chair. After discussions Council approved the application. Simon Hickling resumed the Chair. Council noted the following. 13/00581/F – Borough approved Variation of condition 2 of Planning consent (10/01737/F) - Folgate Hill Farm 13/00281/F – Borough Council refused construction of 2 storey log cabin 56 Pentney Lakes.

7 Financea) Balance of Accounts 31 May 2013 28 June 2012

General Current Account £12,302.34 £1,108.01 Business Premier Account £1540.94 £10,639.54 Playing Field account £303.41 £2,445.81

Churchyard Account £3,568.32 £3,566.57Footpath Account £0.29 £7,004.87

b) Payments Chq No 100697 - Clerks Sal and Exp (May 13) £140.50 Chq No 100698 Renewal to National Playing Fields Association £20.00

c) The Bank Mandate to add Simon Hickling as a cheque signatory and remove Barbara Cartwright was approved by Council.

8 Reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO There was no report from the County Councillor. Concillor Moriarty reported on the following. Incinerator – The County Council are taking independent advice on exactly what the penalty charge will be if the planning application is not approved. At the moment it may be anywhere between £30 and £90 million. The result of the recent consultation may not be known until June 2014

Core Strategy - After the initial consultation Pentney would not be allowed to approve new build applications. The allocation is now being reconsidered and a further consultation is likely to take place around August/September.


8 Reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO cont. Councillor Moriarty urged the Parish Council to debate and comment on this. The PCSO gave a written report. 28 May 2013 – Church Close – Burglary Dwelling 29 May 2013 – Pentney Caravan Park – Theft 30 May 2013 – Narborough Road – Theft from motor vehicle Narborough Road – Attempted Burglary. No reports of Anti-Social Behaviour

9 Allotments Will Fake advised Council that all but one of the allotments is being cultivated. Chair to complete the revised Tenancy Agreements.

10 Playing Field The recent Fun Day raised £218.52 Future events which the Committee hope to participate in is the Narborough Fete Scarecrow Weekend, Little Abbey Farm, Sponsored Camping in the Park and the WI Yard Sales. There will be a Rounders and Picnic on 28 August 2013 at a cost of £4 They also hope to have a joint Barn Dance Night with the Village Hall Committee with an expected cost of £10/ticket. Clerk was asked to establish if the Council Insurance would cover a demonstration by the local Model Flying Club. Cost of toilets – John Adcock to give an update on this at the next meeting. Jim Moriarty will advise if there are currently any grants which might be available for playing field type developments

11 Correspondence NALC Link (Papers with Chair) Playing Field equipment (Papers with Chair) e-mails Houghton Hall Tickets Various NALC UpdatesNorfolk RCC E-newsletter Highways Info Custody visiting Annual Report Development planning Norfolk RCC Funding update Caddy Stock and Pricing – Bryan Webster agreed to be a stockist for this and would do so at cost price. Village Screen Event at Thetford

12 Village Matters with specific discussions on Speeding – Clerk reported that he was hopeful of having full details on this project by the next meeting Recycling – Bottle Bank – Council agreed for the Clerk to make the necessary arrangements to withdraw from the Borough Council Scheme and use an independent collecting agent.

13 Any Other Business MINUTE BOOK PAGE 560

The Chair reported that the footpath between Back Lane and Chapel Yard was so overgrown that it was down to about half width.Clerk to advise Rangers of this when they make their next village visit.

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 31 July 2013 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.01pm.

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1 JF Telephone :- 01760 337203Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTE BOOK PAGES 561 to 563 held on Wednesday 31 July 2013 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.08pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Mike Parker, John Adcock, , Richard Stevens Apologies :- Ben Howlett, Will Fake, Cllr Jim Moriarty and PCSO Debbie Pearson In attendance:-Cllr Toby Coke, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and four parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meetings of the 19 June 2013 were approved as true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meetings of the 19 June 2013 Item 4 – Enforcement Planning Order for 11 Church Close. – Richard Stevens updated Council that after discussing the situation with Geoff Hall a Planning Officer had visited the site today and he was awaiting the outcome. Item 5 – “Passing Place” Sign on Pentney Lane – Richard Stevens informed Council that one sign was in position but he had been unable to erect the second due to the length of the pole. Bryan Webster, John Adcock and Mike Parker volunteered to help The Chair adjourned the meeting to discuss item 6, No 32 Bus service at 7.40pm. The Chair outlined the current position for the benefit of Councillor Coke who acknowledged that Pentney was one of the heavier users of the service. He advised that there was a meeting planned in Swaffham on either the 7 or 8 of August 2013 and felt that it could be arranged for the transport officers to attend a further meeting in Pentney to discuss, with representatives of the parishioners, the service. He would advise the Clerk of the plans. (Subsequent to this a meeting was arranged for the 8/8/13) Meeting resumed at 7.58pm Item 13 – Children at Play sign for Back Road – Council agreed that it would be sensible to have this done and estimated a cost of £200 to achieve it. Richards Stevens agreed to progress the matter. Item 13 - Bottle Bank – Clerk reported that he had discussed the collection service with the collecting agent who had expressed surprise at the current estimates of usage. It was agreed to monitor the position until the next Council meeting and the Chair agreed to do this.

5 Meeting adjourned to allow members of the public to make representation 8.10pm A representative from Pentney Lakes reminded Council that a 60’s evening had been arranged at the Village Hall for the 14 September 2013, 7.30 to 11.45pm, and hoped that it would be supported by the village. Tickets would be £5. Meeting resumed at 8.12pm.

6 Planning Applications MINUTE BOOK PAGES 562

Council noted 13/00726/F – New mobile home for manager at Pentney Bowls Club had been refused by the Borough Council Council noted the Policies and Site Plans consultation document showing that Pentney has no rating. The document can be viewed at the Council Website

7 Financea) Balance of Accounts 25 July 2013 31 July 2012

General Current Account £6,800.28 £13,525.08 Business Premier Account £1540.94 £4,13945 Playing Field account £603.41 £2,445.81

Churchyard Account £3,568.32 £3,566.57Footpath Account £0.29 £0

b) Payments Chq No 100699 - CGM ( Grass Cutting) £313.20 Chq No 100700 - IRS Ltd (Road Signs) £145.16

Chq No 100701 - Clerks Sal and Exp (June 13) £126.00 Chq No 100702 - Clerks Sal and Exp (July 13) £139.38 Chq No 100703 - Clerks Tax (Apr/May/Jun 13) £222.00

The Clerk advised Council that with the increase in the Precept and the return of some of the footpath cost there was a substantial fund available for other projects which Council might like to consider. Agreed that it should be an agenda item for the next meeting.

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO Cllr Coke updated the meeting with the latest information on the Incinerator issue. County Council were trying to establish what the penalty costs would be if planning agreement were refused. At the moment costs have been stated as anything between £80m and £320m. Investigation is ongoing. There was no report from Cllr Moriarty. The PCSO had given a written report advising that there were no incidents to report.

9 Allotments Simon Hickling reported that there were CAP reforms being issued which he would take into account when preparing the Revised Tenancy Agreements. He hoped to present them at the next meeting. The Clerk reported that there was one payment still outstanding for March 2013. Council instructed him to write to the tenant informing him that the tenancies are shortly to be reviewed and this failure to pay would be taken into account when offering future tenancies.

10 Playing Field MINUTE BOOK PAGES 563

John Adcock updated Council regarding progress on the installation of toilets on the site. He expected a water supply charge of some £1200. He had received a quote for the installation of an onion septic tank at £4360 (incl VAT). Bryan Webster agreed to get another quote for comparison purposes. The alternative may be to have a toilet unit which would cost in the order of a few hundred pounds. Keep as an agenda item for next meeting. A £50 donation had been received from the WI

11 Correspondence Playing Field Certificate of Membership e-mails Various NALC Updates. The Chair raised an item from the reports regarding the

Clerks salary. It was agreed that the Clerk would keep a detailed record of the time spent on Council business and report back at the end of the year. Norfolk RCC E-newsletter

12 Village Matters Speed Indicating Signs. Council agreed that the Chair should sign the agreement forms to progress this project. The actual site locations will be agreed with the Highways Authority. 13 Any Other Business The following Highways issues were raised. 30mph sign was being blocked from view by trees outside Timber Tops. Chair would discuss with owner. Coucil agreed not to take up enforcement issue re vans opposite Church Close for the moment. Overgrown hedge by the old railway crossing to Narborough House causing a highways safety issue. Clerk to write to the owners. Cars parking on the pavement outside No1 Harvestile Cottages. Chair will discuss with Will Fake. Footpath at the Narborough Road – Back Road crossing needs cutting back. Potholes on Low Road, Pentney Lane and Narborough Road need attention. Footpath between Low Road and Narborough is overgrown. Clerk to report to Rangers where appropriate.

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 11 September 2013 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.08pm.

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTE BOOK PAGES 564 to 566 held on Wednesday 11 September 2013 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.58pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Mike Parker, John Adcock and Richard Stevens Apologies :- Ben Howlett, Will Fake, and Bryan Webster.In attendance:- Cllr Jim Moriarty, PCSO Debbie Pearson, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and five parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present. 2 The Chair invited PCSO Debbie Pearson to report to allow her to attend another Meeting. She reported that there were no incidents logged in this period. Should the need to follow up on a Safer Neighbourhood Scheme then telephone 101 for information. When questioned about what action the police would take about cars parked on footpaths she informed Council that they could issue a ticket. However,

she recommended that a word with those responsible was the best way to approach the problem in the first instance before reporting to the police. The Chair thanked her and she left the meeting.

3 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

4 The minutes of the Council meetings of the 31 July 2013 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

5 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 31 July 2013 Item 4 – Enforcement Planning Order for 11 Church Close. – Richard Stevens reported that the Enforcement Officer was going to see the owner and advise him on the number of vehicles which can be kept on the property and will follow up if this is not complied with. Item 5 – “Passing Place” Sign on Pentney Lane – This is being installed this coming Friday Item 6 – Update on latest position of No 32 bus service. Richard Stevens provided Council with a report of a meeting with NCC Transport Department, Cllr Richard Coke, representatives of Pentney passengers and himself. (Copy of the report included with these minutes in the Minute Book.) In essence a shuttle bus service from Pentney to Narborough crossroads and return to meet up with the X1 service to Swaffham and King’s Lynn was now in place and would be free of charge. A request was made to install seating at the Narborough stops which Richard Stevens will follow up. Item 13 – Children at Play sign for Back Road – Richard Stevens reported that two suitable signs would cost £50 +VAT. Council agreed that he should go ahead and purchase and will be installed as soon as possible. Bottle Bank – The Chair confirmed that he had observed the volume of use of the bins and felt that the equivalent of one bin a week was probable. Clerk to follow up and action.

6 There were no items raised by members of the public to discuss.7 Planning Applications MINUTE BOOK PAGES 565

13/01205/F – Single storey rear garden room extension, Marham Lodge, Back Road, Pentney After discussion Council Approved the application. Council to consider making comments on the following Appeals 13/00281/F – Construction of two storey log cabin and boat house, 56 Pentney Lakes, Common Road, Pentney Council decided to make no comment. 13/00736/F – New Mobile Home for manager, Pentney Bowls Club, Narborough Road, Pentney Council decided to make no comment Council noted Borough Council Approval of 13/00837/F – Ground floor extension to main dwelling incorporating bedroom and dayroom, Great Ketlam Farm, Low Road, Pentney

Council discussed the Policies and Site Plan Consultation Documents again. Council were concerned that as a “small village”, other than social housing, no further development would be allowed. Infill plots which had been approved but the time limits had been allowed to elapsed, were now being refused. Councillor Jim Moriarty gave an update on the background of the current position. Under rule POAW3 infill development will be strictly controlled but it is possible that permission to fill in small areas may be given. Parishioners gave examples where outline planning permissions had been granted but due to time elapse conditions had now been refused.

The Chair agreed to consult with Cllr. Moriarty in drafting a response from the Council. He also recommended that individuals should also make their own written representation.

8 Financial Reporta) Balance of Accounts 31 August 2013 31 August 2012

General Current Account £6,028.22 £345.22 Business Premier Account £1541.13 £4,140.13 Playing Field account £653.47 £2,446.11

Churchyard Account £3,568.76 £3,567.00Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

Council noted that the £5000 donation towards the Zip Wire from Pentney Trustees was still outstanding. Mike Parker will follow this up.

b) Payments Chq No 100705 - Clerks Sal and Exp (August 13) £126.00 Chq No 100706 – Internal Auditor Gift Voucher £100.00

Council to note advance notice of consultation by County Council on the 2014/15 budget and savings for 2014/2017 Council to consider allocation of surplus funds, which were returned from the footpath investment, at the next full meeting of the Council.

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors Cllr Jim Moriarty updated Council on the latest position of the Incinerator review, the result of which will probably be announced in January 2014

10 To consider Allotment issues MINUTE BOOK PAGES 566

Revised Tenancy Agreements – Chair to implement this All payments for March 2013 have now been received

11 Playing Field No report at this time Cost of Toilets update – John Adcock reported that the additional quotation for a septic tank, supplied by Bryan Webster, of £3,450 (excl VAT and removal of surplus soil) was little different from the £4,360 already received. The cost of Anglia sewerage charge was still awaited. It was agreed that John should explore the cost of installing a Portaloo from Carters for an interim period. Costs to the football teams to be reviewed then. Fields in Trust – The Chair will have the deeds for the playing field registered with the land registry agency.

12 Correspondence NALC August Papers (Chair) e-mail Various NALC Updates for August Fast Local Broadband. Collective Energy Purchasing and Switching Live Life and Live Well events.

13 Village Matters Speed Indicating Signs – Meeting has been arranged with Highways Safety

Engineer to agree positions for the signs. Council agreed to review the Village Plan early in 2014 Richard Stevens to research the possibility of having “Village Gates”, similar to those in Fincham, at the entrances to the village with the Highways engineer

14 Any Other Business It was reported that there is a feral cat problem around the Pentney Lane area. The Chair agreed to investigate this and report back. There is an overgrown hedge encroaching onto the new footpath. Chair will discuss with Will Fake to see if he can Chair will include in his next report to the Narborough News the issue of dog fouling, particularly around the playing field area. Problems of drain sinking etc around the grass verge by the playing field. Chair will establish land ownership and report back. Chair has discussed with Will Fake the parking outside Harvestile Cottage. The Churchyard grass cutting issue of damage has been resolved with CGM 15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 16 October 2013 in the Pentey Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8.58pm.

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTE BOOK PAGE 567 held on Wednesday 26 September 2013 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.02pm closed at 7.25pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Richard Stevens and Ben Howlett Apologies :- Will Fake, John Adcock and Mike ParkerIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.02pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 Planning 13/01313/F – Proposed Extension and alterations to 21 Pentney Lakes After discussions Council Approved the application. Council noted Borough Council Approval of 13/01205/F – Garden Room at Marham Lodge 4 Any Other Business

a) Notification of consultation on Norfolk Putting People First. 19 September to 12 December 2013.

Website Meeting in Swaffham on 22 October 2013 Town Hall 7 to 8.30pm (Please advise Clerk if you wish to attend as booking is necessary)

b) Locations for siting the Variable Speed Signs has been agreed with the Highways Safety Engineer

c) Council agreed to hold football rents on the Playing Field at last season’s rates.d) Bryan Webster agreed to follow up costs on the Playing Field toilet facilities.

5 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 16 October 2013 in the Pentey Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 7.25pm.

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTE BOOK PAGES 568 to 570 held on Wednesday 16 October 2013 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.43pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, John Adcock and Richard Stevens Apologies :- Ben Howlett, Will Fake, and Mike ParkerIn attendance:- Cllr Jim Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and one parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meetings on the 11 and 26 September 2013 wereapproved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 11 September 2013 Item 5 – “Passing Place” Sign on Pentney Lane – Richard Stevens confirmed that this had been installed Item 5 – No 32 bus service. Richard Stevens confirmed that Narborough Parish Council would pay for seats to be installed at the Narborough stops. Richard also agreed to arrange for a new timetable to be put in the Bus Shelter. Item 5 – Children at Play sign for Back Road – Richard Stevens advised Council that the proposed sign had been sent to Andrew Wallace, Highways Engineer for approval. Bottle Bank – The Clerk advised Council that the necessary paperwork was nearing completion and hoped to implement the changeover shortly. Item 14 – Feral Cats around Pentney Lane – The Chair reported that he had been in communication with the Cat Protection League who were unable to help at this time because they were full to capacity. Richard Stevens will keep under review. Overgrown hedge on new footpath to Playing Field – Chair to follow up. Sinking drain on Playing Field grass verge – Clerk to raise the issue with Highways There were no matters arising from 26 September 2013 5 Meeting adjourned at 7.40pm to allow members of the public to make

representation Concern was expressed at what appears to be an uncertainty in how long the service will allow bus passes to be used. Clerk to seek clarification on this point. The new service appears to be working well with the shuttle bus drivers being very helpful. Meeting resumed at 7.45pm

6 Planning Applications Council noted Planning Appeal by Pentney Lakes to Allow Discharge of Section 106 Agreement which has been refused by Borough Council Appeal Reference APP/V2635/Q/13/2204016

6 Planning Applications cont. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 569

Policies and Site Plan Consultation Documents – Chair advised that his response to the Authorities asked them to reconsider their decision to refuse planning approval on plots, which had been agreed before the proposed new legislation, but over run on time limits, and allow them to be reactivated.

7 Finance a) Payments

Chq No 100707 – Mazars Audit Fee £120.00 Chq No 100708 – CGM Grass cutting (August 13) £268.80 Chq No 100709 – CGM Grass cutting (September 13) £224.40 Chq No 100710 – Glebe Rent (April to October 13) £1125.00

Chq No 100711 - Clerks Sal and Exp (August 13) £168.00 Chq No 100712 – Clerks Tax (Jul/Aug/Sept) £222.00

b) Council to consider allocation of surplus funds which were returned from the footpath investment . This item to be carried forward to the next meeting

c) The Clerk reported that he still awaited the £5000 donation towards the Zip Wire fromthe Pentney Trustees. The Chair agreed to follow this up.

d) Council to give consideration to an update of the Assets Register at the next meeting.

e) The financial position as at 30 September 2013 are included in the minute book

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO Cllr Moriarty indicated that the County Council were still reviewing spending cuts for the next three years. The Borough Council were reviewing their recycling policies and changes are planned to be introduced in August 2014 There was no report from the PCSO

9 Allotments Revised Tenancy Agreements – The Chair reported that he was ready to issue the new Contracts. The Clerk advised that the September 2013 rents and Drainage Rates had been issued

10 There was no Playing Field Committee Report Cost of Toilets update – John Adcock and Bryan Webster provided details of Toilet Cabinet rentals and Council agreed, after discussions, to hire one from Carter Cabin Hire. The set up costs were delivery costs of £30 with an ongoing rental of £20/week +VAT. The contract may be terminated at 72 hours notice although Council would expect to review on a month by month basis.

Meanwhile Council will consider the costs of building a more permanent structure. Richard Stevens will investigate the planning implications.

Fields in Trust – The Clerk advised Council that he was still awaiting an update regarding Queen Elizabeth II Status.

Chair reported that he had received a quotation for registering the Playing Field with the Land Registry from a local solicitor of some £650. He considered this expensive and would look for alternatives.

11 Correspondence MINUTE BOOK PAGE 570

NALC Papers (Chair) e-mails Various NALC Updates for 20/9,27/9,4/10 and 11/10 Buy Early Campaign – Thinking Fuel Parish Partnership Schemes for 2014 (Bids Deadline 30/1/14) The Chair asked Councillors to consider possible projects for the next meeting. Norfolk Putting People First Consultation Polling Districts and Places Review Mayor’s Civic Awards Norfolk RCC E-newsletter Norfolk 9 Chalk Rivers

12 Village Matters The Speed Sign has been received and training given to the volunteers. Expect it to be operational shortly. “Village Gates” project – Richard Stevens will obtain costs and follow up with Highways engineer It is expected that the number of vehicles being kept at 11 Church Close will be reduced by the end of the year. Cllr Moriarty reported that a caravan had been stolen from the Pentney Bowls Club area.

13 Any Other Business It had been reported to Bryan Webster that there were concerns that the e trading company off Pentney Lane were looking to develop a gateway onto the A47 direct. Clerk to advise the Highways Engineer

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 4 December 2013 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 30 October 2013 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 7.41pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Ben Howlett and Richard StevensApologies :- Will Fake, John Adcock and Mike ParkerIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and one parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 Planning 13/01484/F – Change of use to Heritage and Visitor Centre, Pentney Abbey After discussions and noting the support of English Heritage for the project, Council unanimously supported the application. 13/01529/LDE – Lawful Development Certificate for Charolois, Low Road. The Chair Declared an Interest and withdrew from the discussions. Vice Chair Richard Stevens took the Chair. After discussions Council agreed to support the application. Simon Hickling resumed the Chair

4 Any Other Business Richard Stevens has agreed with the Planning Authorities that it would not be necessary to have planning permission regarding toilets on the Playing Field, although Building Regs would still be required. The caution signs for Children at Play for Back Road have been approved by Highways. Fields in Trust documents were signed off by the Chair and Playing Field Chair Ben Howlett. Chair reported that he has requested Fraser Dawbarns to register the Playing Field with the Land Registry Office

5 Date of next meeting will be Wednesday 4 December 2013 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed themeeting at 7.41pm


Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 4 December 2013 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.58pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, John Adcock and Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, Will Fake, and Mike ParkerApologies :- PCSO Debbie PearsonIn attendance:- Cllr Jim Moriarty and Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meeting on the 16 October 2013 was approved as a true record and signed by the Chair. The minutes of the meeting for the 30 October 2013 were amended as shown under matters arising for that date and the original minutes were signed by the Chair.

a) Council to consider allocation of surplus funds which were returned from the footpath investment . This item to be carried forward to the next meeting

b) The Clerk reported that he still awaited the £5000 donation towards the Zip Wire fromthe Pentney Trustees. The Chair agreed to follow this up.

c) Council to give consideration to an update of the Assets Register at the next meeting.

d) The financial position as at 30 September 2013 are included in the minute book

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO Cllr Moriarty indicated that the County Council were still reviewing spending cuts for the next three years. The Borough Council were reviewing their recycling policies and changes are planned to be introduced in August 2014 There was no report from the PCSO

9 Allotments Revised Tenancy Agreements – The Chair reported that he was ready to issue the new Contracts. The Clerk advised that the September 2013 rents and Drainage Rates had been issued

10 There was no Playing Field Committee Report Cost of Toilets update – John Adcock and Bryan Webster provided details of Toilet Cabinet rentals and Council agreed, after discussions, to hire one from Carter Cabin Hire. The set up costs were delivery costs of £30 with an ongoing rental of £20/week +VAT. The contract may be terminated at 72 hours notice although Council would expect to review on a month by month basis. Meanwhile Council will consider the costs of building a more permanent structure. Richard Stevens will investigate the planning implications.

Fields in Trust – The Clerk advised Council that he was still awaiting an update regarding Queen Elizabeth II Status.

Chair reported that he had received a quotation for registering the Playing Field with the Land Registry from a local solicitor of some £650. He considered this expensive and

would look for alternatives.

11 Correspondence MINUTE BOOK PAGE 570

NALC Papers (Chair) e-mails Various NALC Updates for 20/9,27/9,4/10 and 11/10 Buy Early Campaign – Thinking Fuel Parish Partnership Schemes for 2014 (Bids Deadline 30/1/14) The Chair asked Councillors to consider possible projects for the next meeting. Norfolk Putting People First Consultation Polling Districts and Places Review Mayor’s Civic Awards Norfolk RCC E-newsletter Norfolk 9 Chalk Rivers

12 Village Matters The Speed Sign has been received and training given to the volunteers. Expect it to be operational shortly. “Village Gates” project – Richard Stevens will obtain costs and follow up with Highways engineer It is expected that the number of vehicles being kept at 11 Church Close will be reduced by the end of the year. Cllr Moriarty reported that a caravan had been stolen from the Pentney Bowls Club area.

13 Any Other Business It had been reported to Bryan Webster that there were concerns that the e trading company off Pentney Lane were looking to develop a gateway onto the A47 direct. Clerk to advise the Highways Engineer

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 4 December 2013 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 30 October 2013 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 7.41pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Ben Howlett and Richard Stevens

Apologies :- Will Fake, John Adcock and Mike ParkerIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and one parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 Planning 13/01484/F – Change of use to Heritage and Visitor Centre, Pentney Abbey After discussions and noting the support of English Heritage for the project, Council unanimously supported the application. 13/01529/LDE – Lawful Development Certificate for Charolois, Low Road. The Chair Declared an Interest and withdrew from the discussions. Vice Chair Richard Stevens took the Chair. After discussions Council agreed to support the application. Simon Hickling resumed the Chair

4 Any Other Business Richard Stevens has agreed with the Planning Authorities that it would not be necessary to have planning permission regarding toilets on the Playing Field, although Building Regs would still be required. The caution signs for Children at Play for Back Road have been approved by Highways. Fields in Trust documents were signed off by the Chair and Playing Field Chair Ben Howlett. Chair reported that he has requested Fraser Dawbarns to register the Playing Field with the Land Registry Office

5 Date of next meeting will be Wednesday 4 December 2013 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed themeeting at 7.41pm


Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 4 December 2013 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.58pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, John Adcock and Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, Will Fake, and Mike ParkerApologies :- PCSO Debbie PearsonIn attendance:- Cllr Jim Moriarty and Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of


3 The minutes of the Council meeting on the 16 October 2013 was approved as a true record and signed by the Chair. The minutes of the meeting for the 30 October 2013 were amended as shown under matters arising for that date and the original minutes were signed by the Chair.

a) Council to consider allocation of surplus funds which were returned from the footpath investment . This item to be carried forward to the next meeting

b) The Clerk reported that he still awaited the £5000 donation towards the Zip Wire fromthe Pentney Trustees. The Chair agreed to follow this up.

c) Council to give consideration to an update of the Assets Register at the next meeting.

d) The financial position as at 30 September 2013 are included in the minute book

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO Cllr Moriarty indicated that the County Council were still reviewing spending cuts for the next three years. The Borough Council were reviewing their recycling policies and changes are planned to be introduced in August 2014 There was no report from the PCSO

9 Allotments Revised Tenancy Agreements – The Chair reported that he was ready to issue the new Contracts. The Clerk advised that the September 2013 rents and Drainage Rates had been issued

10 There was no Playing Field Committee Report Cost of Toilets update – John Adcock and Bryan Webster provided details of Toilet Cabinet rentals and Council agreed, after discussions, to hire one from Carter Cabin Hire. The set up costs were delivery costs of £30 with an ongoing rental of £20/week +VAT. The contract may be terminated at 72 hours notice although Council would expect to review on a month by month basis. Meanwhile Council will consider the costs of building a more permanent structure. Richard Stevens will investigate the planning implications.

Fields in Trust – The Clerk advised Council that he was still awaiting an update regarding Queen Elizabeth II Status.

Chair reported that he had received a quotation for registering the Playing Field with the Land Registry from a local solicitor of some £650. He considered this expensive and would look for alternatives.

11 Correspondence MINUTE BOOK PAGE 570

NALC Papers (Chair) e-mails Various NALC Updates for 20/9,27/9,4/10 and 11/10 Buy Early Campaign – Thinking Fuel Parish Partnership Schemes for 2014 (Bids Deadline 30/1/14) The Chair asked Councillors to consider possible projects for the next meeting. Norfolk Putting People First Consultation Polling Districts and Places Review Mayor’s Civic Awards Norfolk RCC E-newsletter

Norfolk 9 Chalk Rivers

12 Village Matters The Speed Sign has been received and training given to the volunteers. Expect it to be operational shortly. “Village Gates” project – Richard Stevens will obtain costs and follow up with Highways engineer It is expected that the number of vehicles being kept at 11 Church Close will be reduced by the end of the year. Cllr Moriarty reported that a caravan had been stolen from the Pentney Bowls Club area.

13 Any Other Business It had been reported to Bryan Webster that there were concerns that the e trading company off Pentney Lane were looking to develop a gateway onto the A47 direct. Clerk to advise the Highways Engineer

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 4 December 2013 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 30 October 2013 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 7.41pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Ben Howlett and Richard StevensApologies :- Will Fake, John Adcock and Mike ParkerIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and one parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 Planning 13/01484/F – Change of use to Heritage and Visitor Centre, Pentney Abbey After discussions and noting the support of English Heritage for the project, Council unanimously supported the application. 13/01529/LDE – Lawful Development Certificate for Charolois, Low Road. The Chair Declared an Interest and withdrew from the discussions. Vice Chair Richard Stevens took the Chair. After discussions Council agreed to

support the application. Simon Hickling resumed the Chair

4 Any Other Business Richard Stevens has agreed with the Planning Authorities that it would not be necessary to have planning permission regarding toilets on the Playing Field, although Building Regs would still be required. The caution signs for Children at Play for Back Road have been approved by Highways. Fields in Trust documents were signed off by the Chair and Playing Field Chair Ben Howlett. Chair reported that he has requested Fraser Dawbarns to register the Playing Field with the Land Registry Office

5 Date of next meeting will be Wednesday 4 December 2013 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed themeeting at 7.41pm


Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 15 January 2014 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.08pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, John Adcock and Richard Stevens, and Ben Howlett

Apologies :- Will Fake, and Mike Parker

In attendance:- Cllr Jim Moriarty and Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meeting on the 4 December 2013 was approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 To consider matters arising from the Council meeting of the 4 December 2013 4 Item 5 – No 32 bus service time table in bus shelter – Richard Stevens reported that this was now in place 4 Item 14 – Sinking drain on Playing Field grass verge and pothole opposite swings – Clerk reported that this issue had been advised to Highways but no action to date 4 Item 13 Concern at possible exit onto the A47 by Oakland Garden Supplies – Clerk

reported that the Highways Agency had investigated and could find no cause for concern 11 – War Memorials Trust – Chair will follow up as there is some £42,000 available in grants. 13 – Pentney Lane and Low Road passing places need clearing of debris. Serious potholes developing in Pentney Lane – Clerk to report to Rangers Team for action. Council representative on Trustees Board not being notified of meetings – Clerk reported that the Trustee Chair had advised that the problem had been resolved.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation. No members of the public present

6 To receive Planning Applications Council to note Borough Council Planning Permission on – 13/01484/F – Change of use to Heritage and Visitor Centre, Pentney Abbey Council to note Borough Council issue of Certificate of Lawful Use 13/01529/DE – Charolois, Low Road, Pentney

7 Financea) Balance of Accounts 31 December 2013 31 December 2012

General Current Account £1,491.71 £422.51 Business Premier Account £17,541.59 £2,140.51 Playing Field account £903.55 £2,746.44

Churchyard Account £3,569.20 £3,567.44 Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

7 Finance continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 577

b) PaymentsChq No 100718 – CGM Landscapes PF & Churchyard grass cutting £1,388.40Chq No 100719 – FCC Recycling ref Bottle Bank (Nov 13) £34.90Chq No 100720 – Cartercabin Hire (PF Toilet) £164.40Chq No 100721 – Clerks Salary and Expenses (Dec 2013) £112.50Chq No 100722 – Clerks Tax (Oct/Nov/Dec 2013) £222.00Chq No 100723 – FCC Recycling ref Bottle Bank (Dec 13) £34.90

c) Precept for 2014/2015Council considered the current financial position and agreed to take the following action.

The Chair would discuss the possibility of land purchase, specifically that currently held by Pentney Trustees, with them and the land agent. The Church have two projects which they would like Council to consider. A repair to one of the windows and a footpath from the gate to the church to be improved by a tarmac surface. Ben Howlett agreed to research cost etc for the path. Playing Field toilet to be progressed by getting drawings etc in place so that more detailed costs could be established. Bryan Webster agreed to progress the drawings. Also explore what funding is available from outside sources. Increase the football rents. Suggested they increase by 15% next season. After discussions Council set the precept at £12,500.

d) Update to the Assets Register - Clerk provided an updated analysis which indicateda value of £35,877. A copy of the detailed calculation is attached to these minutes.

e) The Clerk had been requested to keep a record of his work hours for the second half of2013. This had averaged out at 22 hours per month (currently being paid for 20 hours).Council agreed that with immediate effect the Clerk to be paid for 22 hours per month.

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO

Cllr Moriarty indicated that the Development Plan would not be finalized until the end of 2014. Final announcement regarding the Incinerator is currently unknown. A company will be seeking planning approval within the next three months to process all Black Bin Waste. There were no reports from the County Councillor or PCSO

9 Allotments Revised Tenancy Agreements – Chair reported that he has one returned and a promise of one shortly. The remaining two will have until the next meeting to return them, failure to do so will result in a letter asking them if they wish to continue with their tenancy.

10 Playing Field Progress on Toilets project – covered under Precept discussions. In addition John Adcock will follow up details on the Shouldham project.. Dogs on the Playing Field – none have been seen of late East Winch football team – rent has now been received Ben Howlett reported on general matters as follows A Barn Dance has been arranged in the Village Hall for 12 April 2014 The Fun Day will be held in June date to be agreed. The committee will also “man” a stall at the Narborough Fair.10 Playing Field continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 578

An incident occurred on New Years Day when someone broke the lock on the Playing Field gate and proceeded to drive all over the field. Two members of the Parish, Mr Hoddy and Mr Hancock went out to try and identify those responsible but were unable to do so. Council asked the Clerk to formally write and thank them for their help. Both the gate and post had been damaged and Ben Howlett and Wally Oliver were carrying out safety checks. A new lock had been installed.

11 Correspondence Norfolk Link (To Chair) Gritting Routes (To Chair) Smoking Campaign (To Chair) e-mails Norfolk RCC November Newsletter NALC Weekly Updates 6/12,13/12, 20/12 and 8/01 Government - Chancellors Autumn Report Police and Crime Commissioners meeting dates Norfolk Green takeover Winter advice from Insurers Came and Co 2014/2015 Precept papers

12 Village Matters. A second, more advanced Speed Indicating Sign has been ordered which will have the facility to record data and should be available by the end of the month. In general cars are being observed with drivers slowing their speed. An incident was reported of a BMW being driven at excessive speed. The data recording device may supply more relevant information on incidents such as this. “Village Gates” project – Richard Stevens reported that he anticipated a cost of some £600 but would confirm at the next meeting. Highways have no objections to such a scheme.

13 Any Other Business Council discussed the lack of Council Business being published in the Nar Valley News. Richard Stevens agreed to undertake the duty of supplying information to the ten issues

per year and Bryan Webster agreed to brief him. Richard Stevens reported that he had contacted the Enforcement Officer ref. the cars at 11 Church Close. He was advise that the position was shortly to be reviewed. Bryan Webster will assess the light problem in Church Close with ref to being off.

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 5 March 2014 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed themeeting at 9.08pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 5 March 2014 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.31pm closed at 8.41pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Richard Stevens, and Will Fake

Apologies :- Ben Howlett, John Adcock and Mike Parker

In attendance:- Cllr Jim Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and one parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.31pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meeting on the 15 January 2014 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 15 January 2014 4 Item 14 – Sinking drain on Playing Field grass verge and pothole opposite swings – Clerk reported that this issue had been advised to Highways but no action to date 11 – War Memorials Trust – Chair reported that he had decided not to progress this matter as on investigation he found that funding was for events not refurbishment. He proposed a “tidy up” of the memorial which was endorsed by Council. He would contact a local stonemason to get a quotation for repairs. 13 – Pentney Lane and Low Road passing places need clearing of debris. Serious potholes developing in Pentney Lane – Clerk to report to Rangers Team for action and it was reported that some work had been done but some had been left. (probable reason was insufficient time to complete all work) Light in Church close has been repaired.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation. No matters raised.

6 Planning Applications 14/00256/F – Retention of existing caravan for use as offices/mess room for security

guard/caravan park warden. Bowls Club, Pentney was approved by Council 14/00178/F – Replace existing toilet/shower blockwith new at Ski Club, Pentney Lakes Council to note following planning appeals was approved by Council Original Application 13/00281/F - 56 Pentney Lakes, two storey log cabin and boat house. Appeal allowed subject to conditions. Original Application 13/00726/F – Pentney Bowls Club, New mobile home for manager. Appeal dismissed. Original Application 13/00259/MD – Discharge of Section 106 agreement. Appeal dismissed

7 Finance MINUTE BOOK PAGE 580

a) Balance of Accounts 28 February 2014 28 February 2013 General Current Account £1,548.86 £456.51 Business Premier Account £16,500.59 £1,640.51 Playing Field account £903.55 £2,746.44

Churchyard Account £3,569.20 £3,567.44 Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) PaymentsChq No 100724 – FCC Recycling ref Bottle Bank (Jan 14) £34.90Chq No 100725 – Cartercabin Hire (PF Toilet Jan 14) £110.40Chq No 100726 – Clerks Salary and Expenses (Jan 2014) £140.59Chq No 100727 – Clerks Salary and Expenses (Feb 2014) £137.69Chq No 100728 – Pentney Park Speed Sign Clamps £81.59Chq No 100729 – DC Engineering Speed Sign Brackets £101.04Chq No 100730 - FCC Recycling ref Bottle Bank (Feb 14) £34.90Chq No 100725 – Cartercabin Hire (PF Toilet Feb 14) £96.00

c) Allocation of surplus funds.Council considered two areas for improvements namely the Church and thePlaying Field.The Church has a number of potential projects which will require some financialassistance :-Land for an extension to the Churchyard. Bryan Webster will discuss with The Rev.Stuart Nairn the likely timescale. The Chair will continue to look into possible sites.Bryan Webster reported that he had received two quotes for an improved ChurchFootpath both in the order of £4,500 (VAT incl) and was awaiting a third. This projectwould be under Church Management control.Council agreed that a reserve of £8,500 should be made and the Clerk to arrangea transfer of this from the Premier Account into the Churchyard AccountThe major issue for the Playing Field is the provision of a suitable Toilet. Afterdiscussion Council agreed to transfer £5,000 from the Premier Account to thePlaying Field Account specifically to assist towards the Toilet costs.

8 Reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSOThere was no report from the County Councillor.Borough Councillor J Moriarty reported on the following :-The Borough Council Leisure Services are being organized by a Trust.Cllr Moriarty asked to be kept informed if any difficulties occurred with the operation.

The general level of Council Tax being applied by both County and Borough will not be increased for 2014/15. However, and increase in Police Funding together with thePrecepts, will be applied.Pest Control is now being run by a private contractor.The issues related to Rubbish Collection are not being progressed with any urgency. Generally not a satisfactory situation. However an expansion of recycling materialsis expected to commence around August this year.Charging for using recycling center is being considered by the County There were no further details regarding a decision on the Incinerator by the Secretary of State


8 Reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO cont. PCSO Debbie Pearson had supplied a written report indicating that there has been 1 matter of theft reported in the last period. We have also been advised that a general area newsletter is to be introduced shortly updating matters of police action

9 Allotments Revised Tenancy Agreements – The Chair reported that he was awaiting the final Agreement to be returned, which he expected shortly.

10 Playing Field - There was no report available.

11 Correspondence e-mails NALC Weekly Updates 17/1, 24/1, 31/1, 7/2, 14/2 and 21/2 UK Power Network severe weather preparation Progress on restored power lines Planning Decisions notification switching to e-mail UK Power Network – Power to your Voice Community Transport Fields in Trust Update Managing Flood Risk advice from Insurers Came and Co Road Closure Notification (Golden Gym) Village Games

12 Village Matters Speed Signs. The second Speed Sign which has data recording capabilities is currently undergoing trials. Bryan Webster provided examples of statistics which have been collected. He will continue to provide details at future meetings. Brackets have now been installed on all post locations which will make movements of the signs much easier. The batteries appear to be lasting for four weeks which also aids the commitment of the volunteers. Village Gates. Richards Stevens reported that his quotation for 4 gates and village signs was £1,700. Council agreed that the project should continue but Will Fake will attempt to get them at a lower price. As well as the village sign 30mph signs will also be included on the gates.

13 Any Other Business Cllr Moriarty agreed to provide Richard Stevens with a copy of the Enforcement Notice Re 11 Church Close. Cars/vans parked on the opposite verge are being reported to the County. The RSPCA had collected the feral cats on Pentney Lane. Chair will advise Clerk if any action is required.

Chair advised that the spare Jubilee mugs would go to the Village Hall for use.

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 9 April 2014 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

The Chair thanked all for attending and closed the meeting at 8.41pm


held on Wednesday 9 April 2014 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.31pm closed at 8.45pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, John Adcock, Mike Parker and Will Fake

In attendance:- Cllr Jim Moriarty, PCSO Debbie Pearson, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 2 parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.31pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 PCSO Report Two items to report :- Damage at Pentney Lakes and also a stolen wheel off a horse box. Bryan Webster updated the Officer with data from the Speed Sign recorder indicating that there had been a reduction in speed over the last two months. He will e-mail results to her. She indicated that she was now able to use a speed gun and issue warnings. The next SNAP Meeting will be 15 May 2014 at Gayton First School.

4 The minutes of the Council meeting on the 5 March 2014 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

5 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 5 March 2014 4 Item 14 – Sinking drain on Playing Field grass verge and pothole opposite swings – Clerk reported that this issue had been advised to Highways again but no action taken. He was requested to copy Toby Coke at County Hall. 11 – War Memorials Trust – Chair reported that he had contacted Holmans of King’s Lynn for a quotation to repair the stone. 13 – Enforcement Notice for 11 Church Close has been issued for action by 16/4/14 with six months to comply.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation. No matters raised.

6 Planning Applications 11/00826/S257 – Diversion and stopping up of Footpath 10 by Church Farm to be actioned. This has been approved by Council on 8 June 2011 and they wish to make no further comment

7 Financea) Balance of Accounts 31 March 2014 31 March 2013

General Current Account £943.75 £327.63 Business Premier Account £3,002.70 £1,540.75 Playing Field account £5,903.65 £2,746.78

Churchyard Account £12,069.64 £3,567.88 Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

7 Finance cont. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 583

b) PaymentsChq No 100732 – Glebe rent (11/10/13 to 5/4/14) £1125.00Chq No 100733 – Pentney Village Hall (2013/2014) £126.00Chq No 100734 - FCC Recycling ref Bottle Bank (Feb 14) £34.90Chq No 100735 – Norfolk Assoc of Local Councils (Subs 2014/15) £119.52Chq No 100736 – Fields in Trust (Subs 2014/15) £25.00Chq No 100737 – Clerks Salary and Expenses (Mar 2014) £141.21Chq No 100738 – Clerks Tax (Jan/Feb/Mar 2014) £246.40Chq No 100739 – E-On Street Lights ( April 13 to March 14) £24.00

c) Requests for DonationsEACHAge Concern

Council declined to support these requests

8 Reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors (Pentney Lakes report) Councillor Moriarty reported on the following. The Incinerator Project has been cancelled as being no longer financially viable (There was a cancellation cost of £30m but savings of more than that were expected) Ongoing discussions are taking place regarding recycling in west Norfolk and also at County Hall. There is nothing to report on the Local Development Plan The current position of the Pentney Lakes discussion with the Borough Council were given to Council by two of the residents. There were 63 plots listed for development in the original planning application of which 40 have been completed. What was not appreciated at the original planning approval stage was that there were time limits associated with that approval. Hence the current position has led to the discussions to resolve the remaining 23 plots. The owners of these plots consider that it would be financially beneficial to the Borough Council to allowing building to proceed. They seek to have a single approval covering all or at least up to 20 of these plots. They accept that this would be the last and final approval and there would be no further development. This is supported by the Residents Association as the undeveloped plots are overgrown and in a generally poor state. They are seeking a common sense resolution and have requested the Borough to stipulate what action has to be taken to resolve the matter. They ask the Parish Council to be supportive of their application. Chairman Simon Hickling responded by recommending that it be included as an agenda item for discussion at the May Council meeting.

9 Allotments Chair advised that he expected all Revised Tenancy Agreements to be completed by the next meeting.

10 Playing Field Council rejected any help from the Shouldham toilet project on the basis that it was a much larger scheme. They agreed that Bryan Webster, with the assistance of a parishioner, would arrange for drawings to be made for a unisex two cubicle facility, one of which would be also for disabled use. Also agreed that it would not require electrics and should also consider the harvesting of rain water for flushing purposes. Any further requests for Play Equipment to be discussed at the next meeting.11 Correspondence MINUTE BOOK PAGE 584

e-mails NALC Weekly Updates 7/3, 14/3, 21/3, 28/3 and 4/4 Norfolk Constabulary – Safer Neighbourhood Team Newsletter Can you help your neighbours to connect – Streetlife Mobile Library update April Fields in Trust Update

12 Village Matters. Bryan Webster provided further statistics recovered from the Speed Indicating Signs. He considered that some training and help from Westcotec would be beneficial and it was agreed that he should arrange for this to take place. “Village Gates” – Richard Stevens gave the costs for the project of some £875 plus VAT and installation costs. Council agreed this and Richard was asked to proceed. Church Path – Estimates had now been received and the specifications were with the PCC to seek permission from the Diocesan Board. The Chair indicated that Planning Permission might be required if the church is a listed building. Bryan Webster would check with the architect. He will also provide the Clerk with the estimates which are in the order of £4000. The Clerk to try an establish what the position is on grant funding by contacting the County Councillor. Churchyard land. The Chair recommended reviewing this at the June meeting when further information could be available. Agreed.

13 Any Other Business Richard Stevens requested agreement to attend a Training Session at a cost of £45 Agreed and Richard to arrange. The Clerk to check with NALC the recent publication from the Insurers re “Dishonest Parish Clerks” and report back. The Pentney Lakes Residents Association offered to give a tour of the Lakes site to any Councillors.

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 14 May 2014 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm following on from the Parish Assembly which will commence at 7.00pm

The Chair thanked all for attending and closed the meeting at 8.45pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 30 April 2014 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.31pm closed at 7.45pm

Present :- Bryan Webster, Richard Stevens, John Adcock and Mike Parker

Apologies ;- Simon Hickling, Ben Howlett and Will Fake

In attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Vice Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 Planning Application 14/00516/F – Single storey front extension at 14 Church Close After discussions Council Approved the application. Council noted Borough Approval of 14/00256/F – Retention of existing caravan for use as office/mess room for Security guard/ caravan park warden.

4 Finance. Approval of payments Chq No 100740 – Carter cabin hire (PF toilet 1/3/14 to 31/3/14) £100.80 Chq No 100741 – Training Course Cllr R Stevens £45.00 Chq No 100742 – Borough Council Dog Waste Bin collections (1/4/13 to 31/3/14) £468.00 Chq No 100743 – FCC Recycling (Bottle Bank (30/4/14) £34.90

5 Any Other Business An overgrowing hedge starting to block the footpath at 26 Narborough Road was reported Clerk to write to the occupier requesting that it be cut.

6 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 14 May 2014 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm following on from the Parish Assembly which will commence at 7.00pm

The Vice Chair thanked all for attending and closed the meeting at 7.45pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCILMinutes of the Annual Parish Assembly

held on Wednesday 15 May 2013 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.08pm closed at 7.20pm

Present :- Bryan Webster, Mike Parker, John Adcock, Simon Hickling, Ben Howlett,

Richard Stevens and Will FakeApologies :- Cllr Richard Coke, Cllr Jim Moriarty, and PCSO Debbie PearsonIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and three parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.08pm and welcomed all those present.

2 Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on 16 May 2012 were agreed and signed by the Chairman

3 There were No Matters Arising

4 Chairman’s Annual Report is appended to these minutes.

5 Chairman read a report from the Village Hall Committee

There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.20pm

Chairman:- Mr Bryan Webster, Pentney Park, Main Road, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1HU Telephone:- 01760 337479Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 14 May 2014 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.45pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, John Adcock, and Will FakeApologies :- Mike Parker

In attendance:- Cllr Jim Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 2 parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chair called for nominations for Chair and Vice Chair to serve for 2014/2015 Bryan Webster proposed that Simon Hickling continue as Chair and Richard Stevens as Vice Chair which was seconded by John Adcock. Those present supported this proposal. Simon and Richard thanked the councilors and accepted the positions. The Chair signed the Appointment Document.

3 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

4 The Council minutes of on the 9 and 30 April 2014 were approved as a true record And signed by the Chair

5 Matters arising from the Council meetings of the 9 and 30 April 2014 9 April 2014 4 - Item 14 – Sinking drain on Playing Field grass verge and pothole opposite swings – Clerk reported that this had been accepted by Highways and was now in their work schedule. 11 – War Memorials Trust – Chair was still awaiting stonemason quote. 30 April 2014 Item 5 - Overgrown Hedge 26 Narborough Road – Clerk has written to the owner requesting the hedge to be cut.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation There were no matters

7 Planning Applications 14/00644/F – Log Cabin and garage at Pentney Lakes After discussions Council rejected the application on the grounds that it was considered too large and out of keeping for a holiday home on that site. Council noted the approval by the Borough Council 14/00516/F – 14 Church Close single storey front extension

Council discussed the letter relating to preservation of the River Nar Bone Mill, After consideration Council agreed to support the project, in respect of applying for a Grant, and the Clerk was asked to confirm this to the applicant, Joe Orsi. MINUTE BOOK PAGES 587

8 To accept the Annual Accounts for 2013/2014 of the Council and to approve payments. Balance of Accounts 30 April 2014 30 April 2013 General Current Account £12,800.12 £12,302.91 Business Premier Account £3,002.70 £303.28 Playing Field account £5,903.65 £2,746.78 Churchyard Account £12,069.64 £3,567.88 Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29 Payments Chq No 100744 - FCC Recycling ref Bottle Bank (April 14) £34.90 Chq No 100745 – Carter Cabin Hire £105.60 Chq No 100746 – Clerks Salary and Expenses (April 2014) £141.89 Chq No 100747 – Environment Agency £22.70 Chq No 100748 – Parish Insurance 2014/2015 £376.36

Council approved the Annual Return information for External Auditors. (Copy

attached to these minutes) Council also approved an increase to £120 gift token for Mrs Ward, our Internal Auditor.

Council approved that the Parish Insurance should remain with Came and Co

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors (Pentney Lakes Discussion) and PCSO There was no report from the County Councillor. Councillor James Moriarty reported :- The Borough Council are considering the purchase of the incinerator site for further development. The LDF is still under consideration and the “task group” have recommended that some in-fill housing be permitted, which should include some of those applications that had failed to start development within the time frame. The Pentney Lakes further development issues were discussed by representatives of The Lakes and Council. Council agreed that Councillor Moriarty could advise the Borough Council that the Parish Council are supportive of the overall plans currently under discussion with the proviso that any future building work should be restricted to Holiday Type Accommodation size ie Not permanent dwelling size. The Lakes representatives will update Parish Council on progress at the next meeting.

10 Allotments Revised Tenancy Agreements – Chair reported that he expected to receive the outstanding agreement shortly. Letters for rents due 31 March 2014 have been sent out with two payments having been received.

11 Playing Field Ben Howlett reported that Sue Richardson has resigned from the Playing Field Committee. There will be a meeting at the end of the week to discuss the implications of having no secretary and what action to take. Ben will make arrangements to return any “float” money to the Clerk for adding to the Playing Field Account .The planned Knockout event for 8 June 2014 will need to be resolved.11 Playing Field continued MINUTE BOOK PAGES 588

Progress on Toilets project. Council discussed the options available and agreed that a stand alone facility, which could serve as a combined mens, ladies and disabled unit should be designed which parishioner Tony agreed to do with input from Bryan Webster. Equipment – Ben Howlett agreed to present any plans to Council when discussions were complete.

12 Correspondence e-mails NALC Weekly Updates 11/4, 18/4, 25/4 and 9/5 Norfolk Constabulary – Safer Neighbourhood Team Newsletter March 14 Borough Council Planning Approvals 11/4 Borough Council Opportunity Awards Letters Fields In Trust AGM information Fields in Trust on-line members access

13 Village Matters.

Update on Speed Indicating Signs - Bryan Webster reported that he had received further instructions on the use of the recorded information and presented Council with a comparison report between 10/3/14 and 5/5/14 which indicated a slight reduction in speeds. He also advised that data could be e-mailed direct to the PCSO “Village Gates” project – Richard Stevens reported that the gates were being painted and that the sign was being made. Council agreed that Bryan Webster, John Adcock Simon Hickling and Richard Stevens would arrange to install them when the work was completed.. Church Path – This was progressing slowly with care being needed as the church Is a listed building. Churchyard land – Chair will report on this at the next meeting. Bus Service – The Chair will progress a review on this matter which has been suggested by the service providers, should it be necessary.

14 Any Other Business Bryan Webster asked that thanks be formally recorded to Simon Hickling and Richard Stevens for the work they had done on behalf of the Village. The problem street light in Church Close was more difficult to fix than was originally expected. Bryan Webster and the Clerk to discuss solution options.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 18 June 2014 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed the meeting at 8.45pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 18 June 2014 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.30pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, John Adcock, and Mike ParkerApologies :- Will Fake and PCSO Debbie Pearson

In attendance:- Cllr Jim Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 2 parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The Council minutes of on the 14 May 2014 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 14 May 2014

11 – War Memorials Trust – Chair reported that to remove, repair and clean would cost £1200 + VAT. To carry out the work on site would be £1500 + VAT. After discussion it was agreed that the Clerk write to the Charity Trustees to see if they would consider a donation and John Adcock agreed to establish the costs for a similar repair at Barton Bendish. 14 - Street Light in Church Close – Bryan Webster has contacted Westcotec to have them repair the current problem and the Clerk has requested a quote to have a maintenance contract with the same company.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation Council were updated on progress of the Pentney Lakes situation. The Borough Council Planners have now requested that a pre-planning application be made for all the remaining plots. This obviously is a serious problem as getting some 23 different parties together will be very difficult. Some renegotiation with the Council is proposed. Planning application has been submitted for Plot 53 and the results of this are awaited. Council to receive an update along with a single pre application for comment at the next meeting.

6 Planning Appeal 13/00352/S215 – 11 Church Close. The Chair will check with the Inspector on what if any additional comments are necessary. Richard Stevens will make comment in the Nar Valley news on the matter.

7 Finance MINUTE BOOK PAGE 590

a) Balance of Accounts 31 May 2014 31 May 2013

General Current Account £12,379.55 £12,302.34 Business Premier Account £3,003.48 £1,540.94 Playing Field account £5,904.24 £303.41

Churchyard Account £12,070.89 £3,568.32 Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) PaymentsChq No 100749 – Village Gates painting (R Stevens) £240.00Chq No 100750 - FCC Recycling ref Bottle Bank (May 14) £34.90Chq No 100751 – Norfolk RCC Subs 2014/15 £20.00Chq No 100752 – Norfolk Playing Field Assoc Subs 2014/15 £20.00Chq No 100753 – Carter Cabin Hire (May 14) £105.60Chq No 100754 – Clerks Salary and Expenses (May 2014) £138.94Chq No 100755 - Internal Audit Gift Voucher £120.00

c) Chair signed Annual Return Form for External Auditors.

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO Councillor Moriarty had nothing to report on this occasion. PCSO Debbie Pearson gave her apologies as she was on leave but submitted the following information. Since the last meeting there has been 2 burglaries in the area. A holiday home at Pentney Lakes where 2 wallets and a rear door key were taken and

separately 2 sheds were entered and various items taken. There will be a SNAPS Meeting on 10 July 2014.

9 Allotment issues The Chair reported that there was still one Revised Tenancy Agreement to be returned. The Clerk advised that there were still two outstanding rents due for 30 March 2014 and he would be issuing reminder letters.

10 Playing Field Ben Howlett reported that an approach has been made to the Pentney Trustees regarding refurbishment of swing seats and to assist in the purchase of a “birds nest” swing. Ben advised Council that he would like to “stand down” as Chair of the committee, having done over 10 years in the position. Council discussed and Ben agreed to continue until the next meeting when the issue will be raised again. Progress on Toilets project – Council reviewed the plans drawn up by Tony Howsmith. An estimated cost to complete the work as a block/brick construction would be approx. £15000 (cesspit £2500, fitments £2000, building £5000 and water connections £1500 being the main costs) Tony will redraw on a studwork/timber basis. Bryan Webster will progress to the pre planning stage with the Boro. Planners. New Equipment update – to be reviewed at a later stage.

11 To receive matters of correspondence MINUTE BOOK PAGE 591

e-mails NALC Weekly Updates 23/5, 30/5, 6/6 and 13/6 Norfolk Constabulary – Safer Neighbourhood Team Newsletter April 14 Norfolk RCC – NHS Complaints Advocacy paper NALC Summer Conference Fields in Trust June News Letter NRCC Spring Newsletter NRCC Signpost

12 To consider issues relating to village matters. “Village Gates” project – Richard Stevens reported that gates and posts have been painted and he is following up on the signs. He will contact Bryan Webster, John Adcock and Mike Parker to assist with the installation work when all is ready. Church footpath update – Bryan Webster has discussed the matter with Rev. S Nairne and been advised that Church approval would be required. Estimated costs in the order of £8000 could be expected and Bryan has indicated that the Parish Council would be willing to make a contribution. Speed Signs – Bryan Webster provided the latest statistics which indicated an average speed of just over 30mph but this appears to be caused by the few who well exceed the limit. Parishioners have indicated that they now consciously think about their speed. Agreed that Bryan will keep the PCSO informed, provide the councillors with an e-mail update and a hard copy to the clerk for the minutes.

13 Any Other Business Concern was raised regarding the Middleton Aggregate lorries failing to stop or recognize the white lines at the Common Road/Abbey Lane junction. Bryan Webster agreed to investigate the matter.

Bryan also reported that he had cleared up waste which had been dumped on the church grass triangle. The sunken drain by the playing field has been repaired. However, areas of Back Road need repair work carried out. (Schedule into the next Rangers visit)

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 30 July 2014 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for attending and closed themeeting at 8.30pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 30 July 2014 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.28pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Richard Stevens and Mike ParkerApologies :- Will Fake, Bryan Webster, Ben Howlett, John Adcock, Cllr Jim Moriarty and PCSO Debbie Pearson

In attendance:-, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 2 parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The Council minutes of on the 18 June 2014 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 18 June 2014 11 – War Memorials Trust – The Clerk referred to the letter received from the Rev. S Nairn. Trustees are unable to help with funding but indicated other routes which might be beneficial. He also indicated that the PCC would have to approve any work as the Memorial was within church grounds. He also suggested that it was important to add any additional names which should reflect a full list of names who have sacrificed their life for others. Chair agreed to discuss in detail with Rev Nairn. 14 - Street Light in Church Close – Clerk reported that he was awaiting quote but did not

expect the cost to exceed £200pa.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation 13 – Bryan Webster to report on Middleton Aggregate lorries failing to stop or recognize the white lines at the Common Road/Abbey Lane junction at next meeting.

6 Planning Applications 14/01010/F – 20x20foot single storey holiday lodge 60, Pentney Lakes After discussions Council agreed that the application fitted the description of a holiday home and approved the application. 14/00938/F – Having rejected this application on 27/7/14 Council agreed to re discuss with the applicant in attendance. Having been given assurances by the applicant Council agreed to withdraw their objection but asked that the following conditions be applied :- The buildings will only be used in conjunction with the current business. It is not anticipated that there will be an increase in the traffic flow. The site will not be used for public retail. if the application is approved by the Borough Council. Council noted the withdraw of 14/00644/F Plot 53 Pentney Lakes.7 Finance MINUTE BOOK PAGE 593

a) Balance of Accounts 25 July 2014 25 July 2013

General Current Account £1,857.13 £6,800.28 Business Premier Account £13,003.48 £1,540.94 Playing Field account £5,904.24 £603.41

Churchyard Account £12,070.89 £3,568.32Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) PaymentsChq No 100756 – Village Gates signs IRS Ltd £402.62Chq No 100757 - FCC Recycling ref Bottle Bank (June 14) £34.90Chq No 100758 – CGM Landscapes PF and Churchyard grass cutting £1,255.20Chq No 100759 – Carter Cabin Hire (June 14) £100.80Chq No 100760 – Clerks Salary and Expenses (June 2014) £140.11Chq No 100761 – Clerks Tax (Apr/May/June 2014) £246.40Chq No 100762 – Clerks Salary and Expenses (July 2014) £136.72

8 There were no reports from the County and Borough Councillors The PCSO supplied the following report. 19 - 20 July 2014 – Theft of sheep and lamb at Abbey Road 10 - 11 July 2014 – Theft of chicken at Back Road. No reports of anti-social behavior. Following a series of burglaries at Pentney Lakes a person has been arrested and charged with the offences.

9 Allotment issues Revised Tenancy Agreements – Remain as agenda item for next meeting

10 Playing Field Committee – Keep as agenda item for next meeting Playing Field report – Ben Howlett Progress on Toilets project To discuss Parish Council Representative

11 To receive matters of correspondence e-mails NALC Weekly Updates 20/6, 27/6, 5/7, 12/7, 18/7 and 25/7 Norfolk Constabulary – Newsletter June 14

Norfolk RCC – June and July Newsletters Fields in Trust July News Norfolk Playing Fields Membership Certificate Legislation ref Public attending Council mee3tings will have the right to record proceedings. Letter Reply from Rev S Nairn re War Memorial (Available at the meeting) Electoral Registration (Available at the meeting)

12 To consider issues relating to village matters. “Village Gates” project – Richard Stevens to re-arrange date for instalation Church footpath update – Report at next meeting Speed Signs – Nothing to report13 Any Other Business MINUTE BOOK PAGE 594

Richard Stevens reported that he had attended a training course for councillors. He felt that it had been poorly controlled and became a problem solving session. However, overall he had found it useful. The issues at 11 Church Close continue to cause concern. There are now at least two cars which appear to be abandoned, a van not taxed or insured and a transit van no MOT or tax. Richard Stevens will follow up. List of items for Rangers Visit Pentney Lane – potholes east of chapel Repairs outside New Ketlam House are breaking down. Overgrown hedge onto footpath in Abbey Road Broken inspection cover outside Holland House on the grass verge. Clerk will report. The Chair had attended a meeting regarding an update on the village bus service. The County Council were satisfied that the service was being used and wish to keep it in operation. They also intend to have one of the buses go directly into Swaffham.

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 10 September 2014 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for attending and closed themeeting at 8.28pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Tuesday 2 September 2014 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 7.51pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Bryan Webster and Mike ParkerApologies :- Simon Hickling

In attendance:- Cllr Jim Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 3 parishioners

1 The Vice Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Vice Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest

3 Planning Application 14/01201/F – Detached dwelling at site to rear of 10/11 Church Close. Council discussed the application and were concerned about road width (Back Road) size of the structure and the speed and volume of traffic. They were also aware that in 2006 the Council had approved a previous application but for a smaller building. Council agreed to approve the application but would wish to ensure that access to and from the site gives regard to a clear visual view in both directions.

4 Any Other Business Bryan Webster had been approached by Marion Storey, representing the Village Hall

Committee regarding using the Village SportsTrophies as part of the 80th Village Hall celebrations. Council agreed to the request and Marion will collect and return theTrophies to Bryan Webster.Two overgrown hedges were reported. One by the playing field and the other oppositethe King William. The Clerk to report to Highways.The Clerk explained that he had been requested by the external Auditors to account for a cheque raised in the year but not presented in a different form which required the AuditReturn to be amended. The Vice Chair initialled the changes with the Clerk.

5 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 10 September 2014 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for attending and closed themeeting at 7.51pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 10 September 2014 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.29pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Richard Stevens. Bryan Webster and John AdcockApologies :- Will Fake, Ben Howlett, Mike Parke, Cllr Jim Moriarty and PCSO Debbie Pearson

In attendance:-, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 2 parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The Council minutes of on the 30 July 2014 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair. After amending the minutes of the 2 September 2014 to show John Adcock present and Mike Parker as an apology they were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 18 June 2014 11 – War Memorials Trust – The Chair agreed to discuss in detail with Rev Nairn and report as soon as possible. 14 - Street Light in Church Close – Clerk reported that he was still awaiting a quote. 5 – 13 Bryan Webster reported that he had discussed lorries failing to stop at Common Road /Abbey Lane with the weigh bridge operator who would remind drivers to do so. Keep under review.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation A parishioner reported that the bottle bank was overflowing. Clerk had reported this several days ago and agreed to follow up the next morning. It was also suggested that it would be sensible to turn the bank sideways so that the entry holes would be available on both sides. Hedge on the Trust Field needed cutting. Chair agreed to discuss with Will Fake Council discussed the flow of heavy transport through the village. The Chair confirmed that there was no restrictions in force to stop them doing so, The meeting resumed.

6 There were no Planning Applications.

7 Finance.a) Balance of Accounts 31 August 2014 31 August 2013

General Current Account £1,757.38 £6,028.22 Business Premier Account £12,003.48 £1,541.13 Playing Field account £5,904.24 £653.47

Churchyard Account £12,070.89 £3,568.76Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

7 Finance continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 598

b) PaymentsChq No 100763 - FCC Recycling ref Bottle Bank (August 14) £34.90Chq No 100764 - FCC Recycling ref Bottle Bank (September 14) £34.90Chq No 100765 – Carter Cabin Hire (July 14) £110.40Chq No 100766 – Clerks Salary and Expenses (August 2014) £140.30

Chq No 100767 - Carter Cabin Hire (August 14) £100.80

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO (apologies and report submitted) Criminal damage to an electricity box at Pentney Park Caravan Site. There was no anti-social behavior No reports from County or Borough Councillors To include update on Pentney Lakes developments – no one present to report.

9 Allotment issues Revised Tenancy Agreements – Chair reported that he was preparing new agreements which he expected to issue shortly. He also indicated that he was expecting a rent review from the Diocesan Board.

10 Playing Field Committee There appears to be an increasing problem with the rabbits on the field. Chair will discuss with Simon Tucker. Progress on Toilets project – Bryan Webster reported that he has spoken with the Planning Officer and he will discuss with the Clerk the way to proceed. To discuss Parish Council Representative - to remain on the agenda until Ben Howlett is present Dogs are still being taken onto the field for exercise. Richard Stevens agreed to arrange for a further sign to be displayed

11 Correspondence e-mails NALC Weekly Updates 1/8, 8/8, 15/8 and 22/8 Norfolk RCC – August Newsletter Fields in Trust August News SNAP Meeting 18/9/2014 Thinking Fuel – Buy Early Campaign – The Chair agreed to explore this further Hazardous Waste Amnesty Donation request from Tapping house – Council agreed not to make a donation New recycling arrangements on doorstep collections Came and Co – Autumn Newsletter

12 To consider issues relating to village matters. “Village Gates” project – Richard Stevens still trying to co-ordinate a date to install these. The Chair agreed to discuss alternatives to having this work done Church footpath update – awaiting a meeting with Rev Nairn Speed Signs - Bryan Webster reported that the average speed past the sign was below 30mph for August. There was however, one “speeder” believed to be a Corsa and John Adcock will endeavor to get the registration number. Richard Stevens offered to assist Bryan Webster with the signs. 200-300 cars / day pass sign.13 Any Other Business MINUTE BOOK PAGE 599

Bryan Webster reported that the trophies on loan to the Village Hall have been returned. Richard Stevens had a parishioner complain about the “country smells” in the village. Council agreed that no action could be taken.

The Clerk requested permission to destroy planning application document greater than a year old. In view of the on-line records available through the Borough Council system Council agreed to this request.

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 15 October 2014 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for attending and closed themeeting at 8.29pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 214 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 77572


held on Tuesday 30 September 2014 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 7.49pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Richard Stevens. Bryan Webster, Ben Howlett and John Adcock

In attendance:-, Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 Planning Applications 14/01313/F – Erection of 4 bed bungalow at Villa Park, Narborough Road Council considered this application and after discussion Objected for the following reasons. In principle they are not opposed to development of the site but are concerned with the tight boundary lines and the general size of the structure. They would welcome a rethink on the design. 14/01352/F – Extension and alterations re-submission of application 13/01313/F at 21 Pentney Lakes. After considering this application Council have no Objections to it proceeding.

4 Urgent Any Other Business Ben Howlett reported that the Rev. Nairn was waiting for an update on the Church Path project. The Chair will make contact with him. Rabbits on the Playing Field – The Chair to talk to Simon Tucker Council agreed to accept the quotation from Westcotec to maintain the Street Lights. Council agreed that it should be for a 3 year period at an annual cost of £70.40 pa Correspondence was issued as follows :- Norfolk RCC Signpost Newsletter to Chair. NALC Norfolk Link to Councillors Norfolk County Council Budget and Priorities for 2015-2018 to Chair

5 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 15 October 2014 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for attending and closed themeeting at 7.49pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 15 October 2014 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.40pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Richard Stevens. Bryan Webster and John Adcock

Apologies :- Ben Howlett, Will Fake and The PCSO

In attendance:-Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and one parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meetings of the 10 and 30 September 2014. were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 10 and 30 September 2014. 10 September 2014 11 – War Memorials Trust – Chair reported that he had been unable to progress this item and it would be carried forward to the next meeting

6 – Overgrown hedge on Trust Field – Hedge has now been cut. 8 – Pentney Lakes developments update. Mr Berry updated Council on progress.

The last application for planning approval had been rejected by the Borough Council.on the grounds of lack of on-site management and facilities. Mr Berry was consideringan appeal.

11 – Thinking Fuel – The Chair reported that there was now a Community Scheme in place. It has been advertised and there have been two requests for application forms. The Chair will co-ordinate the project.

30 September 2014– Rabbits on the Playing field – Chair reported that he had been unable to contact Simon Tucker. Bryan Webster offered his assistance to

contact him.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation. There were no comments.

6 Planning Applications14/01313/F – 4 Bed bungalow at Villa Park, Narborough Road. Amended detailssubmitted but Borough Council “site” not accessible. Council agreed to leaveoriginal rejection standing.Council to note14/01010/F – 60 Pentney Lakes application for single storey holiday lodge refused

7 Finance . Clerk presented the accounts from 1 April to 30 September 2014. (Copy attached to these minutes) Council agreed that at the next meeting a spending review for the War Memorial and Church Path should be undertaken. The following payments were authorized.

7 Finance continued. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 602

Council to note late requested Chq No 100768 issued but not recorded in minutes of 10/9/14 Payee John Smith Pest Control £80.00 Chq No 100769 – Glebe Rent £1125.00 Chq No 100770 – Clerks Salary and Expenses (September 2014) £163.78

Chq No 100771 – Clerk’s Tax (Jul/Aug/Sept 14) £246.80 Chq No 100772 – Carter Cabin Hire ( Sept 14) £105.60

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSOCllr Moriarty updated Council on the following :-It is unlikely that the LDF will be adopted until after the election next year but thereare indications that there is an opening up for small villages.Norfolk County Council is leading a study to determine and evaluate options forimproving the A47 Hardwick Interchange in light of the planned growth in bothhousing and employment sites in King’s Lynn.UK Power Networks “Power of Giving Fund” grants to support innovative projects.Closing date for applications 27/10/2014.

Welfare Benefits Advice and Advocacy help with issues to those who are currentlyaffected by their own or someone else’s drug, alcohol or gambling problems.Social Housing rules are being relaxed to allow permission on plans which had not been taken within 3 years to now proceed.PCSO gave written report which indicated that there had been no crimes or AntiSocial Behavior for this last period.

9 Allotment issues Chair reported that the current agreement with the Diocesan Board ends on 10/10/14 A new 3 year agreement will raise the rent from £2250 to £2600 for which the Chair recommended acceptance. Council agreed but suggested trying to delay the start date for 6 months. A rent review for the allotment holders and a new agreement will need to be actioned.

10 Playing Field The Chair recommended that no discussions on future of the Playing Field Council Representative be made until Ben Howlett was present. He indicated that a closer relationship with the Parish Council may be necessary. It was also decided not to discuss the Toilet issues until next meeting. Bryan Webster will follow up contact with Wally Oliver re Footbal.l

11 To receive matters of correspondence e-mails NALC Weekly Updates 5/9, 19/9, 26/9, 3/9(10) and 10/10 Fields in Trust SNAP Meeting 13/11/2014 Changes to the kerbside recycling process August Police newsletter Came and Co – Autumn Matters

12 Village Matters. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 603

Village Gates project – The Chair agreed to contact Will Fake to see if he could assist in digging suitable holes for the gate posts. Church footpath update. - Bryan Webster reported that Stuart Nairn was reviewing the quotations and specifications and would report back. Speed Signs - Bryan Webster reported that there had been a slight increase in the average speed of traffic. Some 300 vehicles each day are passing the sign. There is also one vehicle between 4 and 5am speeding between 50 – 60 mph on a regular basis. He would advise the PCSO. Waste collection boxes speed signs – Richard Stevens reported that the signs would cost £0.89 and would require some 300 stickers. He would follow up details and report back. Dogs on the Playing Field – Richards Stevens has a quotation for a sign at a cost of £28. Council agreed and Richard will arrange.

13 Any Other BusinessThere appears to be no road signs at the junction of Abbey Lane and Common RoadBryan Webster will follow up.There are moles on the playing field. John Adcock will follow up.Will Fake has agreed to cut the verge from his field to the bus stop.It was reported that a commercial van was causing a potential hazard by overnight

parking on Narborough Road. Clerk will report to PCSO.

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 3 December 2014 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Tuesday 4 November 2014 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 7.50pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Richard Stevens. Bryan Webster, Ben Howlett and John Adcock

Apologies :- None

In attendance:-Bob Pannell (Clerk) and two parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 Planning Applications 14/01313/F – Amendments to plans for the Erection of 4 bed bungalow at Villa Park, Narborough Road. Council reviewed the amendments to the plans and agreed to Withdraw their objections to the application 14/01495/F – Boat House at 60 Pentney Lakes. The applicant explain the current position to Council and the reasons for now adopting this approach in an attempt to resolve the issues. After discussions Council Approved the application. Appeal re enforcement notice (13/00352/S215) on 11 Church Close was successful and

the enforcement notice was quashed. However, taking into consideration the comments made by the inspector in his ruling, a revised enforcement notice has been issued.

4 Any Other Business Concerns have been raised with the Council regarding the pathway between Back Road and Church Close. It was to report overgrown hedging. Since the concern was raised a Council representative has inspected the path and there are indications that the hedging has been trimmed. It is their opinion that no further action needs to be taken. Bryan Webster reported that there was ample road signage at the junction of Abbey Lane and Common Road. However, he was concerned about the white line road markings which need to be repainted. Clerk to report to Highways. Council were generally concerned about mud on the roads throughout the village. Being in a farming area it was to be expected to a degree but asked the Clerk to write to the farming community to ask them to be vigilant in doing their best to keep the roads clear.

5 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 3 December 2014 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for their attendance and closedthe meeting at 7.50pm.

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 3 December 2014 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.40pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Richard Stevens. Bryan Webster, Ben Howlett, Will Fake and John AdcockApologies :- Mike ParkerIn attendance:-Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and four parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meetings of the 15 October and 4 November 2014. were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 15 October and 4 November 2014. 15 October 2014 11 – War Memorials Trust – To be covered under Finance

31 September 2014–4- Rabbits on the Playing field – Bryan Webster reported that he had

spoken with Simon Tucker who was now working on reducing the problem. 13 – John Adcock reported that he had set traps for the moles on the playing field. The Clerk had reported the commercial van parking overnight on the Narborough Road to the PCSO. Unfortunately the PCSO was on temporary relief duty in King’s Lynn and no action has been taken to date. Clerk to “chase up”

as van now parking partly on the pavement. 4 November 2014 Council were still concerned about the amount of mud on the village roads. The Chair had discussed this with contractors and farm owners who had given assurances that a “clean up” would be implemented. Ben Howlett indicated that some road sweeping had taken place.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation. Derek Berry, the Applicant for a boat house at 60 Pentney Lakes, advised Council that he expected the application to be heard on the 12 December 2014. and wished to thank Council for their support. Concern was also expressed that speeding still continues to cause concerns. The Chair responded by saying that whilst the speed signs alone would not cure the problem it had significantly reduced the problem. Council would continue to keep the police informed by copies of the statistics provided by the signs.

6 Planning Applications 14/01641/O – Outline application. New dwelling to replace coffin store at barn and land SE of Ketlam View, Low Road. The Chair declared an interest and Vice Chair assumed control. After discussion Council supported the application on the grounds it was utilizing what was a derelict building which would be in keeping with surrounding properties.6 Planning continued. MINUTE BOOK PAGES 606

The Chair resumed control of the meeting. 14/00027/CUPD – Change of use. Agricultural to dwelling house a barn S of Little Abbey Farm, Low Road. After discussions Council agreed to support the application based on the following points. It falls within the admitted use of converting redundant agricultural properties to residential use. It does not infringe on any other properties. The village is in need or other accommodation. The design is using carbon emission reduction techniques. Cllr Moriarty agreed that he would “call it in” if Planners rejected the application. 14/01195/F – Retrospective application for construction of shed for storage of heavy valves and actuators at Dutch House, Pentney Lane After discussion Council were pleased to support the application considering there is no impact on local surroundings and the owner is a good and conscientious landowner. Council to note 14/01201/F – Site to rear of 10 & 11 Church Close Pentney, detached dwelling - Refused by Borough Planners Breckland Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation 17 November 2014 to January 2015 (Details already issued)

7 Financea) Balance of Accounts 30 November 2014 30 November 2013

General Current Account £2,003.09 £1,576.49 Business Premier Account £10,500.00 £17,541.13 Playing Field account £5,905.03 £903.47

Churchyard Account £12,072.51 £3,568.76Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) Payments approved by CouncilChq No 100773 – Mazars Audit Fee £270.00Chq No 100774 – RCC Recycling – Glass bank (Oct 14) £34.90Chq No 100775 – Carter Cabin Hire – PF Toilet £110.40Chq No 100776 – Clerks Sal/Exp October 2014 £150.78Chq No 100777 – Clerks Sal/Exp November 2014 £156.05

Chq No 100778 – Westcotec Annual Street Lighting Maintenance £84.48Chq No 100779 – IRS Ltd – Dog Sign for the Playing Field £65.04Chq No 100780 – R Stevens – Planning Course £40.00Chq No 100781 – RCC Recycling – Glass bank (Nov 14) £34.90

Council requested the Clerk to monitor the Glass Bank revenue in light of the new Borough Council waste policies of collecting glass from home properties.

c) Spending review re War Memorial and Churchyard FootpathWar Memorial – Chair will discuss with Rev. Nairn spending up to £1500 on

restoration work. Church Footpath – Two quotations have been received for this project. It is unfortunate that they are not to the same specification. The first is £3500 and of a much lower spec. than the second at £6900. (both are exclusive of VAT) which is from Creative Driveways. This is the Church’s preferred option. It is understood that the Church would be willing to contribute £1000 with a further £2000 coming from the Pentney Trust leaving the Council to contribute £3900 plus the VAT. An access to allow equipment to enter the Churchyard for grave digging and grass7 Finance continued MINUTE BOOK PAGES 607

cutting without causing damage to the path. An option would be to consider an additional gate into the Churchyard and it was agreed that Bryan Webster would follow this up with Rev.Nairn.

d) Donation Request – Norfolk Accident Rescue Service Age Concern Council decided to maintain their position of not making donations

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO Cllr Moriarty reported that there are no issues of consequence at this time.

9 To consider Allotment issues Revised Tenancy Agreements will be available for issue shortly. Council approved new rent agreements.

10 Playing Field Committee There was nothing to report at this time. The Chair confirmed that Ben Howlett would retire as the Council representative on the Committee and thanked him for the many years he had spent in the role. As an interim Council would assume control. However the Chair indicated that as elections for existing and new councillors would be taking place in 2015 a condition for any new councillor would be to be the representative on the Playing Field committee. Progress on Toilets project Agreed that the Chair, Bryan Webster and the Clerk would discuss how the project should progress and to take account of the current expenditure on the toilet cabin currently in use. Bryan Webster to discuss usage of same with Wally Oliver. New equipment update – None at this time.

11 To receive matters of correspondence E mails received Police Newsletters for September and October NALC News updates for 17/10, 22/10, 24/10, 31/10, 14/11 and 21/11 Appeal decision on 11 Church Close Community Rangers Visit w/c 8/12/14 Centenary Fields 2 notices

Choose me not A & E (Use of other medical agencies as alternatives)

12 Village Matters. “Village Gates” project – It was agreed that Richard Stevens would mark the gate post positions and that Will Fake will dig the holes and install the posts. Church footpath update – Covered under Finance earlier Waste collection boxes speed signs – Richard Stevens is still investigating costs Speed Signs statistics indicated an average speed of below 30mph during the last period under review. There were however, a small group, who were consistently exceeding the speed limit. Statistics were being passed to the police for follow up. Heating Fuel Scheme – Chair reported that 4 parishioners have signed up for the scheme. He agreed to include another write up in the Parish Magazine and requested that all Councillors promote the scheme.12 Village Matters continued MINUTE BOOK PAGES 608

Dog Warning Signs have now been attached to the playing field gates

13 Any Other Business Council approved Meeting dates for 2015 Wednesday 14 January Wednesday 4 March Wednesday 8 April Wednesday 13 May Wednesday 17 June Wednesday 29 July Wednesday 9 September Wednesday 14 October Wednesday 2 December

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 14 January 2015 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for attending and closed themeeting at 8.40pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 14 January 2015 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.00pm

Present :- Simon Hickling and John AdcockApologies :- Mike Parker, Richard Stevens. Bryan Webster, Ben Howlett and Will FakeIn Attendance :- Cllr R Coke, Cllr J Moriarty and Bob Pannell (Clerk)

No Parish Council Business processed as meeting not quorate.

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 4 March 2015 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.02pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Richard Stevens. Bryan Webster, Ben Howlett, Mike Parker and John AdcockApologies :- Will FakeIn attendance:-Cllr T Coke, Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and four parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meetings of the 3 December 2014 and 14 January 2015. were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 The Chair invited Councillor Coke to address the meeting.. Councillor Coke outlined the position regarding the various Highways issues. In the Government’s recent Autumn Statement there were no immediate plans for major works in West Norfolk with only some minor work around the Hardwick roundabout.. Norfolk County Council have agreed that the first major highways project, when funds are made available, will be the Acle Straight. Number 2 project will be the A47 bypass from Tilney through to East Winch but not until 2020/21 Councillor Coke then outlined developments regarding waste disposal. New technologies were being investigated and current thinking was to develop a number of specialist sites throughout the County to support the landfill operation which is expected to continue up to 2020. There was no instant solution to the problems regarding waste disposal. Finally Councillor Coke reaffirmed that there would be no Council Tax rise for 2015/16 but indicated that there was to be a reduction in the Development Support Grant by a further £209m up to 2020. The Chair thanked the Councillor for attending the meeting and clarifying a number of issues.

5 To consider matters arising from the Council meeting of the 3 December 2014. 13 – Overnight parking by van on Narborough Road creating a potential hazard. – Clerk reported that the lack of a PCSO in the area had delayed any progress on the matter. The issue of a partnership with Norfolk Constabulary of 50/50 funding for PCSO Service was then discussed. It was decided to attempt to see if any local parishes would be interested in sharing funding. Clerk to follow up. Nothing from 14 January meeting which was not quorate.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation A parishioner was deeply concerned with the number of vehicles being stored at 11 Church Close. Richard Stevens explained the current position and the action which had been taken by the Parish Council. There were two prime issues :-

Cars stored in the garden February 2013 First raised with Planning Enforcement


6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation cont. March 2013 Planning closed case as they determined there was no breach as the storage of 14 vehicles did not adversely affect the neighbours. April 2013 Wrote to insist the decision was reviewed. May 2013 Planning again declined to take it further. June 2013 Wrote to Director Geoff Hall who agreed to review the decision. Sept. 2013 Visit by Planning Enforcement reached agreement with owner that he would reduce the number of vehicles by Christmas. This did not happen April 2014 An enforcement notice was issued to take effect on 29 April. Owner appealed And, due to a technical issue, the appeal was allowed and the notice quashed in October 2014 Dec. 2014 A new notice served Jan. 2015 Appealed again. Unlikely to get a decision for 6 months. Cars on land opposite 11 Church Close Currently 3 cars and 3 vans are on Highway verge with two of them having been there for some years. Since most have no tax or MOT both Planning Enforcement and Highways Authority have been asked to get them moved without success so far. Highways have indicated that they have no powers to remove abandoned vehicles but neither have they said that the land is not theirs. E-mail to Planning Enforcement on 10 Feb. 2015 following another car being left there demanding action be taken. Advised that the e-mailed had been passed to County Council but not which department. Councillor Moriarty has taken the matter up with County Councillor Coke. Awaiting outcome. Derek Berry of Pentney Lakes thanked Council again for the help and support during his recent planning applications saga.

7 Planning Applications Application 15/00147?F – Addition of second storey to existing 3 bed bungalow to create a 3 bed chalet – 57 Pentney Lakes. After discussion Council declined to support this Application as this was originally designated holiday accommodation and adding a second storey would turn it into a large residential property. 15/00319/O – Outline application for dwelling at Land North of The Bungalow, Back Road, Pentney. After discussions Council agreed to support the application on the basis that it is for an infill plot along a continuous built up frontage. It is also in keeping with current emerging policy for smaller villages and hamlets. Council to note Council have approved the following applications 15/00051/F – improvements to Abbey Farm, Pentney Abbey. 15/00093/F – Amended previous application for boathouse – 60 Pentney Lakes Council have made “no comment” on 15/00082/F – 2 storey log cabin and boathouse – 56 Pentney Lakes Borough Council 14/01941/O – Building to replace coffin store- Ketlam View, Low Road, Pentney. Application Refused

8 Finance MINUTE BOOK PAGE 612

a) Balance of Accounts 28 February 2015 28 February 2014 General Current Account £718.20 £1,548.86 Business Premier Account £10,501.43 £16,500.59 Playing Field account £5,905.77 £903.55

Churchyard Account £12,074.01 £3,569.20Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) PaymentsChq No 100789 – Norfolk Playing Fields Association (15/16) £20.00Chq No 100790 – Norfolk Parish Training Partnership (Election training) £15.00Chq No 100791 – Carter Cabin Hire – PF Toilet £105.60Chq No 100792 – Clerks Sal/Exp January 15 £140.83Chq No 100793 – Clerks Sal/Exp (Feb 15) £226.21

Chq No 100794 – FCC Recycling (Jan 15) £34.90 Chq No 100795 – FCC Recycling (Frb 15) £34.90

c) Update on progress re War Memorial The Chair reported that he was working withRev Stuart Nairn to get approval from the Diocesan Board. Richard Stevens advisedthe Chair of the name of another stonemason who may be able to do the work fora lower fee. Chair will follow upChurchyard Footpath. Bryan Webster advised Council that permission to proceedwith the project was awaited from the Diocesan Board..

d) To note Precept set for 2015/16 at £12500

e) To consider Clerks National Salary Award 2014-2016Council agreed to adopt the hourly rate recommended which is raised to £9.551from £9.345.

f) Council to consider a new notice board outside village hall. Agenda for next meeting.Councillor Moriarty to have details sent of Boards researched by Castle Risingto the Clerk

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO Councillor Moriarty confirmed that there would be no increase in the Borough Council’s element of the Council Tax for 2015/16 The recent planning application to convert a disused coffin store to residential use was not processed for legal issues. Finally the Councillor thanked the Parish Council for the way in which he had been allowed to contribute and assist in village matters. The Chair thanked Councillor Moriarty for the help and assistance he had provided during his term of this Council.

10 To consider Allotment issues The Chair confirmed that the Revised Tenancy Agreements would be issued shortly.

11 Playing Field Council decided to delay any final decision on the Toilets project until after the elections. Bryan Webster will discuss the future use of the football pitch with Wally Oliver. To consider enhancing facilities for the public. Keep as an agenda item for review. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 613

Fields in Trust signage – Bryan Webster agreed to install the sign on the Playing field.

12 To receive matters of correspondence E mails received NALC News updates for 16/1, 23/1, 6/2, 13/2 and 20/2

National Playing Field newsletter Notice of merger of Norfolk RCC and West Norfolk Voluntary and Community Action Group. February Fields in Trust News update. Fit Together Walks.

13 To consider issues relating to village matters. “Village Gates” project – Richard Stevens reported gates still to be installed. Chair will discuss with Will Fake and Andy Smith Waste collection boxes speed signs – Richard Stevens reported costs to be in the order of £200 plus VAT. Council agreed to proceed with implementation. Speed Signs (if anything to report) Heating Fuel Scheme – The Chair reported little feedback on the scheme but thought there were about a dozen who had made enquiries. The current low cost levels of oil have also probably effected the uptake of the scheme. Keeping the Village tidy – To be an agenda item for the next meeting

14 To consider any other business Parish Council elections to be held 7 May 2015. Existing Councillors resign on 11 May 2015 when new Council is formed. Need to agree the date of the first meeting of new council

Council agreed to the suggested date of Wednesday 13 May 2015 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm The Parish Assembly can be held prior to this first meeting at 7.00pm

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting tol be Wednesday 8 April 2015 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for attending and closed themeeting at 9.02pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 16 April 2015 at Pentney Parish Church opened at 7.34pm closed at 8.52pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Richard Stevens. Bryan Webster, Ben Howlett, Mike Parker Will Fake and John AdcockApologies :- Cllr J MoriartyIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and four parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.34pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 4 March 2015 were approved as a true . record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters Arising from 4 March 2015 Joint funding of PCSO Service with Norfolk Constabulary – Bryan Webster suggested that Cllr Moriarty be consulted on take up of the idea with other Parish Councils, Chair agreed to speak with him. 11 Church Close – Richard Stevens advise Council that he had attended a meeting with Highways, Borough Council surveyor and police to try and resolve the issue. There is a hope that the decision on the latest appeal will be available by July regarding the storage on house property. On the parking opposite the position was less clear regarding land ownership and Richard will continue to monitor and work with the authorities to resolve the matter.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation Concern was expressed regarding the commercial van being parked overnight close to Chapel Yard Cottages on the Narborough Road. In the light of having no PVSO available the Clerk to contact the police to express Council’s concern. A parishioner reported the theft of some fence panels, which had been reported to the police but because there was no evidence were unable to help. Could the incident be reported in the local newsletter as a warning. Richard Stevens to action. It was also asked if there was a Home Watch Scheme. The Chair advised that it had been discussed but at the time felt that it was not necessary but it could be raised again in the newsletter. The state of the cleanliness of the roads and drainage was raised again. The Chair advised that most of the issues could be resolved during the next Rangers visit.. Dog mess on the footpaths appears to be on the increase with owners not clearing up after the dogs. Again a reminder to be included in the newsletter. Are there any notices on where ir was possible to walk dogs. The Chair advised on the notice board on the grass triangle opposite the Church. Chair agreed to have an item on the next meeting’s agenda to discuss litter in the village and explained that there had been several attempts to have “litter picks” but had not been supported by the parishioners . Finally who should be contacted regarding playing field issues. The answer was the Parish Council or the police if it is a dangerous situation. There being no other comments the Council meeting was resumed.6 Planning Application MINUTE BOOK PAGE 615

Council to note 14/01201/F – Site to rear of 10 and 11 Church Close – Permission was refused by the Borough Council after Pentney PC supported the application. The applicant has now appealed the refusal Borough Council have approved the following applications 15/00051/F – Abbey Farm, Pentney Abbey. Replacement of front door and surround 15/00085/LB – Listed building consent for front door and surround at Abbey Farm, Pentney Abbey. 15/00093/F – Proposed boat house at 60 Pentney Lakes 15/00082/F – Construction of 2 storey log cabin and boat house at 56 Pentney Lakes

7 Accountsa) Balance of Accounts to 31 March 2015 (see separate paper included with these

Minutes) were discussed, approved and signed by the Chair.

b) Payments Chq No 100796 – FCC Recycling (Mar 15) £34.90

Chq No 100797 – Pentney Village Hall £216.00 Chq No 100798 – Fields in Trust Subs £50.00 Chq No 100799 – Westcotec Street Lighting Maintenance (Feb/Mar 2015) £122.65 Chq No 100800 – BCKLWN Dog waste collection £432.00 Chq No 100801 – Norfolk Assoc. of Local Councils £123.13 Chq No 100802 – Norwich Diocesan Board (Glebe rent) £1,300.00 Chq No 100803 – Carter Cabin Hire – PF Toilet (Dec 14 & Feb 15) £206.40 Chq No 100804 – Clerks Sal/Exp (Mar 15) £154.77 Chq No 100805 – HM Revenue and Customs (Clerks Tax J/F/M 15) £248.40

Chq No 100806 – Anglia Labels (Bin 30mph signs) £306.00 Chq No 100807 – Carter Cabin Hire – PF Toilet (Mar 15) £105.60 Chq No 100808 – E-ON Street Lighting (1/4/14 to 31/3/15) £24.00

8 There were no reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO

9 Allotments New Tenancy agreements have been issued of which two have been signed and returned. It was reported that the ditch has been cleaned out.

10 Playing Field Toilets project – to be discussed at the first new Parish Council meeting Future use of the football pitch - Bryan Webster reported that he had discussed the future of the team with Wally Oliver who indicated that the players were not keen to play on the pitch because of the damaged caused by crows scratching for leather jackets. (Will Fake agreed to find out the cost of treatment). Wally also indicated that he felt it unlikely that the team will continue for much longer. Bryan will remain in touch with Wally Enhanced facilities for the public – Agenda item for the new Parish Council

11 Correspondence MINUTE BOOK PAGE 616

e-mails NALC Reports 6/3, 20/3, 27/3 and 3/4 Fields in Trust Funding information Came and Co Spring Newsletter April Fields in Trust update Post BT Adopt a Kiosk – Agenda item for next meeting. Centenary Fields Light Pollution Survey Results CAN Signpost Magazine for Spring Fields in Trust Newsletter

12 To consider issues relating to village matters. “Village Gates” project – Will Fake agreed to complete the work within the next two weeks Waste collection boxes speed signs – Richard Stevens reported that he was distributing

them to residents in Church Close and Narborough Road. Update on progress re War Memorial- Chair to report that he was awaiting the final quote for the work. Richard Stevens suggested that an item in the newsletter should be made to try and ensure that all relevant names were on the stone. Update on progress re Churchyard Footpath - Bryan Webster reported that we were still waiting for permission from the diocese Speed Signs – Agreement has been reached with the insurance company for the damaged sign to be repaired. Bryan Webster provided recent statistics which shows average speeds below 30mph. Keeping the Village tidy to be covered at the next meeting.

13 Any Other Business Serious pot hole outside Charity Farm Cottage in Narborough Road (Opposite to the playing field. A vacancy exists on the Pentney Trust. which it has been suggested that the Council might like to propose a candidate. Clerk to write to Reverend Nairn proposing Richard Stevens.

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting to be Wednesday 13 May 2015 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm. The Parish Assembly to be held prior to this meeting at 7.00pm

There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for attending and closed themeeting at 8.52pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on Wednesday 14 May 2014 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.04pm closed at 7.10pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Richard Stevens. Bryan Webster and Ben HowlettApologies :- NoneIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Chair opened the meeting at 7.04 and welcomed those present.

2 Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on the 15 May 2013 were agreed and signed by the Chair.

3 There were no matters arising

4 The Chair’s Annual Report is appended to these minutes. Paragraph 5 of the

Report should read “As a result of extra funds coming in from the footpath” not “following the purchase of the playing field zip wire”

5 There were no other reports

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 7.10pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 13 May 2015 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.25pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Ben Howlett, Mike Parker and John AdcockApologies :- Richard Stevens.In attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and two parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 Election of Chair and Vice Chair Bryan Webster proposed that Simon Hickling should remain as Chair for the next year which was seconded by John Adcock and approved by those present. Bryan Webster proposed that Richard Stevens should remain as Vice-Chair for the next year which was seconded by John Adcock and approved by those present. The Chair advised Council that as a result of the recent election there were now three vacancies on the Council. Mike Parker had asked to be considered for co-option, which Council discussed and agreed that he should be so co-opted. Mike joined Council. Bryan Webster gave a vote of thanks for the work undertaken by Simon and Richard during the last year.

3 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

4 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 16 April 2015 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair

5 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 16 April 2015 Joint funding of PCSO Services with Norfolk Constabulary – Clerk advised that he had approached surrounding Parishes and had received a negative reaction to this. He had also been in touch with the police who recommended that problems should be reported to them and they would take action wherever possible. Council decided not to follow this up. Commercial van parked on Narborough Road overnight – Clerk reported that the police are making enquiries. State of cleanliness and drainage of the village roads – Clerks has reported this to the Ranger team for their visit in early June Serious pothole outside Charity Farm Cottage – Clerks has reported this. No action todate

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation Council were asked if they had considered mains drainage for the village. The Chair responded that no action had been requested or taken on the matter. He agreed that he would raise the matter with Anglia Water and Henry Bellingham and report back. Concern was also expressed about speeding, damage to verges and footpaths. The Chair stressed that in the main the speed signs were bringing a greater attention to the dangers of speeding but there are those few that no matter what is done they will continue to exceed the limit. Council were already giving attention to the state of the verges. Chairman will follow up the situation of the footpath with Ben Howlett.

7 Planning Application MINUTE BOOK PAGE 618

Council to note 15/00319/O – Land north of the Bungalow, Back Row, Outline Planning for construction of dwelling Permitted

8 Financea) Accounts 30 April 2015 30 April 2014

General Current Account £13,782.56 £12,800.12Business Premier Account £7,002.64 £3,002.70Playing Field Accouint £5,906.45 £5,903.65

Churchyard Account £12,075.40 £12,069.64Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) Insurance quotation for 2015/2016 – Council considered the quotation fromCame and Co and agreed to accept this.

c) Payments Chq No 100810 – FCC Recycling (April 15) £34.90

Chq No 100811 – Carter Cabin Hire – PF Toilet (April 15) £105.60 Chq No 100812 – Clerks Sal/Exp (April 15) £171.06 Chq No 100813 – Broker Network Ltd (Insurance for 2015/16) £386.68 Chq No 100814 – Westcotec repair of speed sign £906.00 Chq No 100815 – Environment Agency Drainage Charges Allotments £22.43

d) Council approved the Annual Governance Statement for the Accounts to31 March 2015 Audit Report

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO

Councillor Jim Moriaty reported that the police were investigating the situation of the cars/vans at 10 Church Close. He also advised Council of the planning application for developing an area within the Pentney Lakes complex for 20 caravans/camper vans which came within the East Winch Parish boundaries.

10 Allotments The Chair advised Council that there were still new Tenancy Agreements to be signed. The Clerk reported that he was still waiting for three rents for 31 March 2015 to be paid.

11 Playing Field Toilets project – Bryan Webster suggested that no further action should be taken until the position regarding the football team’s future has been resolved. Then it can be considered along with the current portable toilet hire. Council agreed. Treatment of leatherjackets Will Fake to report at next meeting. Enhanced facilities for the public – Ben Howlett to provide the Chair with details of what had been investigated by the previous committee.

12 Correspondence e-mails NALC Reports 14/4 and 1/5 Freebridge Grant Fund12 Correspondence continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 619

April Norfolk Matters Fields in Trust AGM King’s Lynn Local Plan Came and Co Insurance Quotation Highways Rangers Visit NCC Your views on Managing Flood Risks May Fields in Trust update Borough Council Events Post Fields in Trust “Thanks for Renewal of Subscription” King’s Lynn Festival

13 Village Matters. “Village Gates” project – Chair reported that he had found a web site which provided Information on the location of water pipes under verges. He would follow up and discuss the installation of the gates with Will Fake. Council were concerned at the time taken to install the gates. Waste collection boxes speed signs – Richard Stevens has reported that other parts of the village would like to use them. Council agreed that Richard should determine the number required and purchase them. Update on progress re War Memorial - Chair to report back at the next meeting. Update on progress re Churchyard Footpath - Bryan Webster reported that the 28 day notices would be displayed soon. Speed Sign has been repaired by Westcotec, who had given good service. However Bryan was concerned that the set-up of the repaired unit may not be quite right and he would follow it up with Westcotec.The average speed for the last period had increased to slightly over 30mph with one exception at the weekend who continues to speed. Keeping the Village tidy- Tha Chair made comment that two previous attempts to have a litter pick had been poorly supported by the parishioners. However he suggested that another attempt be made in October and Mike Parker agreed to discuss with some

of the parishioners to try and get some support. Adopt a Telephone Kiosk – Chair will consider and report at the next meeting. It was suggested that it might be possible to use it for parish notices.

14 Any Other Business The Chair encouraged parishioners to write to the police regarding highway issues with particular reference ro rhe parked commercial van on Narborough Road. Mike Parker had a set of bowls which he would like to donate to the bowls club if it was still running. Clerk to follow up. John Adcock reported that he had been advised that Pentney village would be offered Places at the Marham Airbase Christmas party. He will keep Council informed when he has more details.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting to be Wednesday 17 June 2015 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed at 8.25pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:01553 775724


held on Wednesday 17 June 2015 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.45pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Ben Howlett, Mike Parker, Richard Stevens, John Adcock and Will FakeApologies :- Cllr J MoriartyIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and three parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 Co-option of parishioner to Council It was proposed by Simon Hickling and seconded by Bryan Webster that Will Fake be co-opted to the Council. This was approved by those present and Will accepted the position and took his seat. The Chair enquired if the Councillors present were aware of any other candidates. There being none Council agreed that a notice be included in the Parish Newsletter and that a notice be displayed asking those parishioners who may have an interest to make contact with the Clerk

3 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

4 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 13 May 2015 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair

5 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 13 May 2015 Item 6 – Mains drainage – Chair reported that he had e-mailed both Anglia Water and Henry Bellingham regarding this and was awaiting a reply. He had yet to speak with Andy Smith Overgrown and blocked footpath – Ben Howlett reported that the path from the Narborough Road bus shelter towards Little Abbey Farm had no obstructions which was supported by a recent NCC Survey reporting no issues. There was long grass but this does not constitute a blockage Commercial van parked on Narborough Road overnight – Clerk awaiting a report from the police Serious pothole outside Charity Farm Cottage – Clerks has reported this. Item 14 – Set of Bowls. Village no longer has a Club. Clerk to advise Mike Parker re Narborough Parish Clerk’s contact details.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation The parishioner again expressed her concerns at the tidiness of the village. Council noted that the Borough Council appeared to assign “litter pickers”. Clerk to follow up this item with Councillor Moriarty and Chair to mention to Henry Bellingham. Concern was expressed about the condition of the post box. Clerk to make enquiries with Royal Mail regarding maintenance of same. Clerk was asked to include Village Tidyness as an agenda item for the next meeting. Councillor B Webster expressed his concerns at the lack of help from the parishioners on previous occasions when efforts were made to implement a scheme to improve things..7 To receive Planning Application MINUTE BOOK PAGE 621

15/00844/LDP – Certificate of lawfulness construction of boat house at 2 Pentney Lakes, Common Road. The applicant explained the purpose of the application which was to obtain planning permission prior to completing a sale of the property. After discussion Council agreed that as surrounding properties had garages and that the proposed materials were in keeping with those already existing they supported the application.

8 Financea) Accounts 31 May 2015 31 May 2014

General Current Account £13,133.61 £12,379.55Business Premier Account £7,002.64 £3,003.48Playing Field Account £5,906.45 £5,904.24

Churchyard Account £12,075.40 £12,070.89Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) Payments Chq No 100816 – FCC Recycling (May 15) £34.90

Chq No 100817 – Carter Cabin Hire – PF Toilet (May 15) £100.80Chq No 100818 – Clerks Sal/Exp (May 15) £142.36

c) 2014/2015 Accounts – Internal Audit reportCouncil approved the accounts be submitted to the external auditor.

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO There were no reports.

10 Allotments There was one outstanding tenancy Agreement requiring a signature. Chair will follow up. Two rent s are outstanding for payment for March 2015. Clerk will write follow up letter.

11 Playing Field Toilets project – Bryan Webster reported that he had been informed by Wally Oliver that a football team would like to play on the field next season. Clerk to write to Mr Oliver requesting some help towards paying the cost of the toilet facilities. Treatment of leatherjackets on Playing field – Will Fake to e-mail costs to Chair Enhanced facilities for the public – Bryan Webster agreed to take on responsibilities for Playing Field matters. He would work with the Chair in preparing a paper to put to Council. Ben Howlett agreed to assist It was reported that there was a dip in the playing field car park surface. Will Fake agreed to redistribute the gravel and level the surface out.

12 Correspondence e-mails

Community Action Norfolk Funding News. The Clerk had carried out initial work on Funding for war memorials which the Chair agreed to follow up.

13 Village Matters. “Village Gates” project – Will Fake agreed to have these install within the next ten days. John Adcock and Richard Stevens agreed to assist

13 Village Matters.continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 622

Waste collection boxes speed signs – Richard Stevens advised that other parishioners had requested signs and there had also been a request to supply some to Narborough. Council agreed that a further 250 be purchased (150 for Narborough and 100 for Pentney). It was also suggested that mention be made in the Parish Magazine that some households were not using the signs. Update on progress re War Memorial- Chair reported that information was still being collected and he would further report at the next meeting. Update on progress re Churchyard Footpath – Still awaiting go ahead from the Diocese. Speed Signs – Update on set up of repaired unit at next meeting. The average speed over the last four weeks indicated that speeds were generally below 30mph. Keeping the Village tidy – Covered in item 6 Adopt a Telephone Kiosk – Council discussed this potential project and it was generally felt that it would be an asset to the village. The Chair agreed to follow this up and report at the next meeting.

14 Any Other Business Richard Stevens updated Council on the current situation of the cars and vans associated with the property on Church Close. Vehicles in the garden are subject to an Appeal Hearing which is expected by the end of next month. It has been established that the verge is the property of the Highways. Richard agreed to continue monitoring the issue. Potholes are appearing along Pentney Lane again. Will Fake agreed to remove the mud from the manhole which was causing flooding issues at times on the Narborough Road. Richard Stevens agreed to explore replacement of some notice boards in the village.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting to be Wednesday 29 July 2015 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed at 8.45pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 29 July 2015 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.40pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Richard Stevens and John AdcockApologies :- Ben HowlettIn attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty and Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 Candidates for Co-option to Council The Chair will follow this up.

4 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 17 June 2015 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair

5 To consider matters arising from the Council meeting of the 17 June 2015 Item 6 – Mains drainage – Chair has been in contact with Anglia Water who advise that they have no plans to extend the network. However, some of the old council houses in Church Close are connected to a drainage system and there remains an opportunity for addition properties to be connected within the Close. Council agreed that this should be included in the Parish Magazine and the Chair will apply for an application form. Commercial van parked on Narborough Road overnight – Clerk reported that a local PCSO has visited the village but the van was not parked up at the time. Plans to make a further visit at a different time. Borough Council “litter pickers” – The Borough Council do not arrange to clear litter but will provide equipment, bags and gloves etc. for the village to use. Parish Council deferred until the Autumn making a decision on organizing a “litter pick”. Condition of Post Boxes.- Clerk reported that he has written to the Royal Mail asking when the village could expect to see the letter boxes painted. A response is awaited. Update on Cars and Vans at Church Close – Richards Stevens reported the vans opposite the property are on Highways owned land. He has written to them requesting that an enforcement order be served. Regarding the vehicles on the property the outcome of the appeal is expected shortly. Clearing mud from manhole Narborough Road – Work appears to have been done. Chair to confirm. Village Notice Boards – Richard Stevens outlined the type of boards that are available and the relevant prices. A lockable board which would allow for 8 X A4 sheets would cost £219 with a further £150 for the supporting posts. Richard was asked to progress the matter. Council agreed that Richard Stevens would also look to appoint a contractor to erect the village gates and signs. Council approved a budget up to £400

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation No parishioners present6 Continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 624

Richard Stevens gave a report on his visit to RAF Marham.

Commencing in September 2015 is a four year refurbishment program for the Base to accommodate the new Lightning aircraft. It is understood that these will be considerably more noisy than the existing Tornados. A system of “hold lorries” system is expected during the refurbishment and Narborough Council were concern at where they might be located with the associated dirt and noise. Richard indicated that he had offered to assist if these concerns were not met. It is planned that the base will stay in operation at least until 2050.

7 Planning Application To report on action re 15/01018/F – Timber built stable block.The Old stables, Pentney Lane. The Clerk reported that following consultation with Councillors he had advised the Planning Department that Council approved the application but recommended that the stable block should only be used for the owners horses and not hired out

8 Financea) Accounts 25 July 2015 25 July 2014

General Current Account £1,817.96 £1,857.13Business Premier Account £19.003.77 £13,003.48Playing Field Account £5,907.24 £5,904.24

Churchyard Account £12,077.02 £12,070.89Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) Council approved the following PaymentsChq No 100819 – Carter Cabin Hire – PF Toilet (June 15) £105.60Chq No 100820 – CKW Accounting (Internal Audit) £120.00Chq No 100821 – Anglia Labels 30 mph speed limit £288.00Chq No 100822 – East Winch PC half planning course cost £12.50Chq No 100823 – CGM Landscapes grass cutting PF and Churchyard £807.60

Chq No 100823 – FCC Recycling (June 15) £34.90 Chq No 100825 – Clerks Sal/Exp (June 15) £141.82 Chq No 100826 – Clerks Sal/Exp (July 15) £180.54 Chq No 100827 – HM Revenue and Customs Clerks Tax(Apr/May/June 15) £252.00 Chq No 100828 – FCC Recycling (July 15) £34.90

c) RecyclingTextiles – Between October 2014 and May 2015 collections raised £61.82 There were no costsGlass – Between November 2014 and April 2015 collections raised £79.13 Costs for this service was £209.60.Council agreed that this service would be continued and reviewed as and whennecessary subject to the level of use.

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO Cllr Moriarty had been advised by Cllr Coke that consideration was being given to having a revisit to Unitary Status for the County. This has been prompted by the current financial funding issues . The situation of the Local Development Plan being implemented has been delayed by an appeal which has led to the Council’s 5 year land supply being challenged.

9 Continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 625

Central Government are pressing for an increase in house build programs and it Is thought that planning applications may well be more sympathetically consider while the available land issue is resolved.

10 Allotments

One rent remains outstanding which the clerk is following up.

11 Playing Field Toilets project update – Bryan Webster reported that after discussions with Wally Oliver who had advised there would be no football team this coming season recommended the toilet cabin hire be cancelled. (This has now been done) Enhanced facilities for the public – Council had a general discussion on this and Bryan Webster agreed that he would look at a range of facilities and report on this at the next meeting. This will also include the picnic table which requires attention or replacement. The leatherjack issue has been resolved for this year as they have gone. Uneven car park surface – The Chair will discuss with Will Fake

12 To receive matters of correspondence e-mails Norfolk ALC newsletters 19/6 and 13/7 Bacon and Co Website and Newsletter Appeal decision at 10/11 Church Close – Failed Corido – Commemorative Benches July Fields in Trust update Parish Rangers Visit- work done Fields in Trust Field Day Norfolk Playing Fields Association Summer Newsletter Came and Co (Insurers) Merger

13 To consider issues relating to village matters. “Village Gates” project – Council agreed that a contractor be employed to get the job completed. Richard Stevens will progress (see item 5) Waste collection boxes speed signs – Richard Stevens reported job complete. Update on progress re War Memorial- Chair reported that the grant application form has been completed and is awaiting a final costing before submission. Update on progress re Churchyard Footpath - Bryan Webster reported that Council were still awaiting approval to continue from the Church. Speed Signs – Bryan Webster supplied a report which still indicted speeding in the early morning period. He would endeavor to do a weekly check for the next few weeks.. Keeping the Village tidy – Council will look to arrange for an October “Litter Pick” Adopt a Telephone Kiosk – Chair reported that this was progressing. Council briefly discussed how best to use the kiosk. A suggestion was made that it could house a defibrillator and it was also recognized that it would be necessary to have a number of trained volunteers to be available. (BT have advised that they would supply free paint for the kiosk if it was used in this way)

14 There was No Other Business MINUTE BOOK PAGE 626

15 Council agreed the Date of the next Parish Council Meeting as Wednesday 23 September 2015 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed at 8.40pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724



held on Wednesday 23 September 2015 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.45pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett and John AdcockApologies :- NoneIn attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 2 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 Candidates for Co-option to Council Was agreed that the Clerk would write to those parishioners who had expressed an interest in serving on the Parish Council to confirm that they wished their name to go forward for consideration for co-option.

4 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 29 July 2015 were amended at item 11 to read “….this will also include the picnic table which requires attention…” and they were then approved as a true record and signed by the Chair

5 To consider matters arising from the Council meeting of the 17 June 2015 Item 6 – Mains drainage – The Chair has an application form which he will now complete and submit for approval. Commercial van parked on Narborough Road overnight – Clerk reported that a local PCSO has visited the village but the van was not parked up at the time. Plans to make a further visit at a different time. However, confirmation that this has happened is still awaited. Condition of Post Boxes.- Clerk reported that he has written to the Royal Mail asking when the village could expect to see the letter boxes painted. It was confirmed that the painting had now taken place. Update on Cars and Vans at Church Close – Richards Stevens reported the vans

opposite the property are on Highways owned land. He has written to them requesting that an enforcement order be served. A file has now been opened on this. Regarding the vehicles on the property the appeal has been dismissed and that removal should be actioned by 7 October 2015.. Clearing mud from manhole Narborough Road – Work appears to have been done. Chair confirmed that this was the case.. Village Notice Boards – Richard Stevens confirmed that a new board had been received and would be installed shortly at the Playing Field site.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation Telephone kiosk – two possible uses for the kiosk have been suggested namely as a site for a defibrillator or as a information center. Councillors to canvas opinions for discussion at the next meeting Bio Fuel site Paws Lane. Council are given to understand that this site will not be used in future as the operation is being transferred to Swaffham. Concern was raised about

6 Continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 628

re-instatement of the verges. It was explained that this came under the jurisdiction of East Winch Parish Council. General concern was expressed about erosion of verges within the village and it was explained that wherever possible Council took action to have them repaired but were not always successful. Concern was expressed about speeding within the village, Council agreed that there were still cases of this but generally the introduction of the speed signs had reduced the average speed from 40 to 30 mph. They were, however, not complacent with this issue and would continue to monitor and re[port to the police where appropriate.

7 Planning 15/01368/F – Replacement dwelling at Pentney Lodge. Council considered this application and agreed that the proposal would blend with the existing properties and approved it. 15/01371/F – 2 new dwellings at Pentney Lodge. After considering this application Council object for the following reasons Increased traffic flow onto a narrow part of Pentney Lane Not in keeping with the form and character of surrounding properties and an inappropriate use of space available.

8 Finance Council approved the Accounts up to 23 September 2015

a) Accounts 23 September 2015 30 September 2014General Current Account £981.28 £1,290.98Business Premier Account £18,005.85 £12.004.78Playing Field Accouint £5,907.98 £5,905.03

Churchyard Account £12,078.53 £12,072.51Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) Council approved the following PaymentsChq No 100829 – Mazars external audit 2014/15 £120.00Chq No 100830 – Graphic Pavement Signs Ltd Notice Board £393.54

Chq No 100831 – FCC Recycling (August 15) £34.90Chq No 100832 – CGM Landscapes grass cutting PF and Churchyard £178.80Chq No 100833 – Carter Cabin Hire (Final Payment) £75.60

Chq No 100834 – Clerks Sal/Exp (August 15) £129.36 Chq No 100835 – Clerks Sal/Exp (September 15) £154.28 Chq No 100836 – HM Revenue and Customs Clerks Tax(Jul/Aug/Sept 15) £252.00

Chq No 100837 – Diocesan Board Norwich – Glebe Rent 6/4 to 10/10/15 £1,300.00

c) Donation requestsCouncil considered the following and decided not to donateTapping HouseEACH


9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO There were no reports from the County Councillor and PCSO Borough Councillor Moriarty reported on the following Waiting for information on devolution of money/powers from County to a “Super Panel” Pentney Abbey developments. It is agreed that the Abbey will be open for public viewing during August each year.

10 To consider Allotment issues One rent still outstanding for March 2015. Chair agreed that he will speak with the the defaulter and failing a satisfactory outcome the Clerk will seek legal help.

11 Playing Field Enhanced facilities for the public – Bryan Webster reported that he had made enquiries as to cost of replacing the picnic table and providing some form of sheltered area. Council considered four different types of table/seats ranging from four to eight seaters. Cost ranged from a four seat basic model at £120 (incl VAT) to an eight seat recycled materials model at £540 (excl VAT). After discussion Council agreed to purchase the £540 eight seat model and Bryan Webster will progress the matter. Regarding the sheltered area Council considered three options ranging from £1700 to £2800 and they all would require some form of base.(Council estimated some £500) Council agreed not to proceed with this at the present time but to review the situation early in the new year Uneven car park surface – Chair agreed to discuss with Will Fake

12 To receive matters of correspondence e-mails Norfolk ALC newsletters 4/9 Bacon and Co Website Borough Council Small Grants Scheme Fields in Trust – Be Active and September Newsletter Community Action Norfolk September Communication NALC Autumn Conference NALC Funding News Borough Council letter ref. Threshold for Affordable Housing

13 Village matters. “Village Gates” project – Richard Stevens reported that Fenceright had agreed to do the work for £240 and hoped to start within the next two to three weeks. Update on progress re War Memorial- Chair reported that he had approached two other stonemasons who were both unable to help. Council agreed that the Chair

discuss having the work done by Bretts at a cost of £1800 with Rev. Stuart Nairn. Update on progress re Churchyard Footpath - Bryan Webster reported no further Progress. Speed Signs – Bryan Webster provided detailed weekly reports for August which Indicated average speeds of under 30 mph. (A copy of the reports are attached to the minutes) Keeping the Village tidy – October Litter Pick. Council agreed that it was now too late to advertise for October. Chair will speak with Mike Parker to see if he is in a position13 Village matters continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 630

to assist in setting something up for early November. Telephone Kiosk – Council agreed that the BT power supply should remain. Other related issues were covered under item 6

14 To consider any other business Additional roadside name for Pentney Lane. As traffic approach from Swaffham along the A47 Pentney Lane is signed. This is not the case when approaching from King’s Lynn. The Clerk will follow this up with the Borough. “No Throughway” sign for Marham contractors traffic for Pentney and Paws Lanes. Richard Stevens will follow this up Blocked footpath opposite telephone kiosk. The Chair has discussed this with the landowner and has been assured that this is clear. The Chair announced that he would be taking up a position as Deputy Agent at the Sandringham Estate and would be leaving the village in early December. As a result of this he will resign from the Parish Council at the next meeting. All present congratulated him on this appointment and wished him well. As a result of this announcement Council will need to elect a new Chair at the next meeting

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 28 October 2015 In the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Tuesday 3 November 2015 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.31pm closed at 8.45pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett and John AdcockApologies :- Mike ParkerIn attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 6 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.31pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests.

3 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 23 September 2015 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 23 September 2015 Item 6 – Mains drainage – Application form will now be submitted for approval. Commercial van parked on Narborough Road overnight – PCSO plans to make a further visit. However, confirmation that this has happened is still awaited. Update on Cars and Vans at Church Close – Vans opposite the property no change since the last report. Regarding the vehicles on the property we await to see what action Enforcement Officers will take.. Village Notice Boards – Confirmed that the new board is in use. Telephone kiosk – Clerk will follow up Road signs for Paws Lane and Pentney Lane to be actioned by Richard Stevens and the Clerk.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation Two parishioners ask the opinion of Council regarding a proposed planning application at the garden centre off Pentney Lane. After discussions Council agreed they could see no reason to oppose it when ir was submitted. A parishioner questioned why the “Village Gates” to the east of the village were not positioned on the edge of the parish boundary. Council agreed to reconsider the position. Concern was expressed at the condition of some of the verges within the village. It was explained that it was the responsibility of the land owner and Council could only ask for them to be kept in a good state of repair (which they frequently did) The road sign at Low Road had been knocked over. Clerk to report to Highways.

6 To receive Planning Applications C/2/1994/2015 – Coated Stone Plant, Abbey Road – Variation of time limit condition to extend to 31 December 2024. After discussion Council approved the application as the site had been in operation for some 20 years without a problem.

7 Financea) Accounts

Council to approve the accounts from 1/4/15 to 30/9/15. These were examinedand approved by Council

7 Finance continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 632

b) Payments . Council approved the following Chq No 100838 – Fencerite Village Gates Project £288.00 Chq No 100839 – CGM Landscapes grass cutting PF and Churchyard £358.80 Chq No 100840 – FCC Recycling (bottle bank September 15) £34.90 Chq No 100841 – Clerks Sal/Exp (October 15) £159.68 Chq No 100842 - FCC Recycling (bottle bank October 15) £34.90 Chq No 100843 – Pentney Park Bench/table for Playing Field £654.00

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO Councillor Moriarty updated Council on the position re 11 Church Close. If the order is not complied with then the Borough Council can take court action. They are currently considering the position. Within the Local Development Plan more “in fill” housing is being allowed because of not having a 5 year sustainability option in place. Devolution with regard to a unitary status is now at a stage where talks are underway between Norfolk and Suffolk involving some eleven bodies.. There were no reports from the County Councillor of PCSO.

9 Allotment issues. Two rents are outstanding for September which the clerk will follow up.

10 Playing Field The Picnic Table/Bench has now been purchased and will be installed shortly Uneven car park surface – The Chair will talk to Will Fake to see what action is could be made available Lanpro Housing Development sites and sports related and community benefits, Council agreed that they should meet with the developers to gain an understanding of their proposals before calling for a public meeting. Clerk to make the arrangements.

11 Correspondence e-mails Sale of Bawsey Lakes Pentney Village Hall Officer Vacancies – Council understand that there has been some progress in this area. Clerk to discuss with Marion Storey and update council. Inspirations ( Bacon and Co) 5/17 October and 15/24 October Norfolk Mineral Site Specific Allocation Plan Results of last Rangers visit Letter re playing field development – Covered under item 10 Fields in Trust “Best OK Park” RAF Marham Christmas Lunch – John Adcock agreed to progress this. Council agreed to provide the transport if necessary. Hard copy of Fields in Trust Newsletter Funding Avenues Various papers on PF Equipment

12 Village matters. “Village Gates” project – Gates are now installed Update on progress re War Memorial – Chair passed this issue onto the Vice chair.

12 Village matters continued. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 633

Update on progress re Churchyard Footpath - Bryan Webster confirmed that planning permission would be required. He also agreed to get an update on likely current costs as it was now over a year since the original quotation Speed Signs – Bryan Webster provided a report showing average speeds still within the 30 mph band with a traffic flow of 200/day (In one direction. He would try and adjust the sign showing incorrect derails. Report attached in the minute book. Keeping the Village tidy – Council to reconsider this issue Telephone Kiosk – See item 4

13 Any Other Business Simon Hickling formally resigned from the Council due to his moving from the village. Bryan Webster thanked Simon for the excellent work he had done for the village during his Chairmanship. This was endorsed by all the other councillors present. Nominations were then requested for the position of Chair. John Adcock proposed Richard Stevens which was seconded by Bryan Webster. There being no other nominations Richard was offered the position which he accepted. Nominations for the position of Vice Chair were requested. Bryan Webster proposed John Adcock and this was seconded by Ben Howlett. Again there being no other nominations John was offered the position which he accepted. Council then considered the current Councillor vacancy and offered the position to Mandy Desborough which she accepted Local Council Transparency Code – The Clerk explained what this required from the Council and whilst most of the requirements were already in place the lack of a village website was restricting further progress. Council agreed that the Clerk should progress this matter and report back in due course.

14 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 2 December 2015 in the Village Hallcommencing at 7.30 pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 2 December 2015 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.32pm closed at 8.40pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Bryan Webster, Mandy Desborough, John Adcock and Will FakeApologies :- Mike Parker and Ben HowlettIn attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 2 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.32pm and welcomed all those present.

2 Pentney Councillor Vacancy The Clerk reported that there had been no request to hold and election and that Council was now free to co-opt a new member. Clerk to contact those parishioners who have shown an interest and arrange times to conduct interviews on Wednesday 6 January 2016.

3 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests.

4 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 3 November 2015 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman

5 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 3 November 2015 Item 6 – Mains drainage – Chair unable to report as papers not yet transferred from Simon Hickling Commercial van parked on Narborough Road overnight – Clerk following up with police. Update on Cars and Vans at Church Close – Jim Moriarty reported that the occupier will be prosecuted for failing to respond to the order. Await to see the results. Road signs at Pentney Lane and Paws Lane – Clerk advised that a request has been made regarding Pentney Lane and he will progress Paws Lane through other avenues. Village Hall – Clerk reported that the Hall Committee have planned to hold an open meeting for the parishioners on Thursday 21 January 2016 to discuss what action to take.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation Concern was expressed regarding the entrance to the lane by 21 Narborough Road. The entrance was trying to accommodate large vehicles which in turn were causing damage to the surrounding area. Will Fake agreed to discuss the situation with the parties involved and report back. A question regarding the Telephone Kiosk held over until the necessary paperwork was available from Simon Hickling..7 Planning Applications Council to note C/2/1994/2015 – Coated Stone Plant, Abbey Road – Variation of time limit condition to extend to 31 December 2024 No Objections to this Application


To accepted and approved the Accounts up to 30 November 2015a) Accounts 30 November 2015 30 November 2014

General Current Account £587.11 £2,003.09Business Premier Account £15,505.85 £10,500.00Playing Field Accouint £5,907.98 £5,905.03

Churchyard Account £12,078.53 £12,072.51Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) Payments approvedChq No 100846 – FCC Recycling (bottle bank Nov 15 ) £34.90Chq No 100847 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (November 15) £166.20

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors and PCSO Councillor Moriarty gave a brief update on the position regarding planning.

10 Allotment issues There are still two payments outstanding for 29 September 2015 which the Clerk is progressing.

11 Playing Field Bryan Webster reported that the new bench was now installed on the playing field. He then outlined the various options and costs involved in providing some form of shelter. These ranged in price from £3000 to £9000 with delivery and installation cost added to this. It was agreed that Will Fake would seek alternative costs from Anglia Farms. Uneven car park surface. Will Fake reported that a ton of hardcore was necessary to resolve the problem which would cost in the order of £40. Council approved the expenditure and Will Fake will organize. Lanpro Housing Development.- Council understand that the developer will discuss their proposals with the Borough Council prior to making a decision on submitting an application. Council at this stage would make arrangements for an open meeting for the parishioners to comment on the proposals.

12 To receive matters of correspondence e-mails Housing development papers Inspirations newsletters 19-28 November and 26 November – 5 December 2015 Hunstanton SNAP Notes Norfolk Fire and Rescue papers

13 Village Matters. “Village Gates” project – Gates are now installed but request has been made to change position of one set. Council approved the cost of doing this (£140) Update on progress re War Memorial- Chair awaiting detailed papers Update on progress re Churchyard Footpath – It has been established that planning permission will not be required. Bryan Webster will seek confirmation that the price remains at £6,960 from the contractor

13 Village Matters cont MINUTE BOOK PAGES 636

Speed Signs – Repaired unit now appears to be set up correctly. Bryan Webster provided two weeks of analysis which shows the average speed well within the limit. Keeping the Village tidy – Council agreed to review the position for the next meeting, The Chair and Mandy Desborough to report. Telephone Kiosk – Clerk to progress when papers become available, The footpath up to the playing field is becoming overgrown with grass. Clerk to report to Rangers.

14 Any Other Business Bryan Webster reported that he had received an offer from a parishioner to set up and maintain a village web site. Bryan to refer the parishioner to the Clerk Council confirmed that their names, addresses and telephone numbers should

be displayed on the notice board. Mandy Desborough raised the problem on farm vehicles parking on the verges. Will Fake accepted that he was partly responsible and would try and do something about it. The condition of Back Road, Abbey Road and Narborough Road are giving concern over the amount of mud being deposited by farm traffic. Was agreed rhat the Clerk should write to those considered responsible reminding them that it is their duty to remove any deposited mud left by their vehicles. John Adcock reported rhat 14 parishioners had attended the RAF Marham Christmas Lunch.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 13 January 2016 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed rheMeeting at 8.40pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood. Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 13 January 2016 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.15pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Bryan Webster, Mandy Desborough, John Adcock Mike Parker, Ben Howlett and Rob WiltonApologies :- Will FakeIn attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 3 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 New Pentney Councillor The Chair welcomed Rob Wilton to his first meeting

3 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests.

4 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 2 December 2015 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman

5 The Chair brought forward a report from Cllr Jim Moriarty, who needed to leave the meeting early. Cllr Moriarty reported that the court case involving 11 Church Close had been moved back to 24 February 2016. The Borough Council still do not have a 5 year supply of suitable development land and as a result are using national guide lines on planning applications as opposed to the LDP If the public enquiry into a specific Heacham application rules in favour of the WNBC, due to be given in May 2016, then the situation will give the BC back its original five year supply status.

6 Planning Application 16/00015/O – Outline planning for 3 dwellings along Pentney Lane adding to the three that have already been approved. After discussion Council considered this a totally inappropriate site to develop which is on a sharp bend on a single track lane subject to heavy transport usage. The level of domestic vehicles would increase the traffic flow to an unacceptable level. Council rejected the application.

7 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 2 December 2015 Item 6 – Mains drainage – Update from Chair – Still awaiting papers from S Hickling Commercial van parked on Narborough Road overnight – Clerk reported that the police had visited the site and did not consider it a dangerous situation. Update on Cars and Vans at Church Close – Covered in item 5 Road signs at Pentney Lane and Paws Lane – Clerk advised that the situation had been reported. Village Hall – Hall Committee Open Meeting Thursday 21 January 2016 – several Councillors agreed to attend. Entrance to lane by 21 Narborough Road – Will Fake to report at next meeting Over growth on footpath leading to the Playing Field – Clerk has reported this. Deposits of mud on Narborough Road, Back Road and Abbey Road – Roads had been swept but it still remains a problem due mainly to the current weather conditions. Ben Howlett would take action re Golden Gym. The Chair will follow up the situation7 Matters Arising continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 638

on Folgate corner on the Narborough Road around playing field area. Farm vehicles parking on verges – Mandy Desborough reported not much change.

8 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation Derek Berry updated Council on the development plans for Pentney Lakes. A number of plot holders had combined their efforts and appointed a consultant to progress the various issues. He will keep Council appraised of developments. Council then further discussed the position of blocked drains and dykes along Low Road. It was agreed that the Chair and Ben Howlett would conduct a site visit and report back. Passing places along Back Road were poorly identified and signed. The Chair will take this up with Highways

9 To accept and approve the Accounts up to 31 December 2015 and to approve paymentsa) Accounts 31 December 2015 31 December 2014

General Current Account £2,005.68 £2,227.97Business Premier Account £15,507.84 £10,501.43Playing Field Accouint £5,908.72 £5,905.77

Churchyard Account £12,080.04 £12,074.01Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) To confirm Payments made 6/1/16Chq No 100848 – FCC Recycling (bottle bank Dec 15 ) £34.90Chq No 100849 – CGM Playing Field grass cutting 27/10/15 £44.40Chq No 100850 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (December 15) £140.88Chq No 100851 – Clerks Tax HM Revenue and Customs (Oct/Nov/Dec15) £252.40Chq No 100852 – CGM PF and Churchyard grass cutting (July 15) £224.40Chq No 100853 - FCC Recycling (bottle bank Dec 15 ) £34.90Chq No 100854 - Village Hall Hire 2015 £128.00

c) To discuss, set and Approve Precept for 2016/2017After discussing papers presented by the Clerk, Council agreed to set the Preceptat the same level as this year, that is £12500.

d) Donations Council agreed that they would not make any donations this year.

10 Allotment issues All payments up to date

11Playing Field Enhanced facilities for the public – Alternative costings for equipment – Will Fake to report re “shelter” cost alternatives at next meeting Uneven car park surface – Will Fake has resurfaced this. Lanpro Housing Development sites and sports related and community benefits. Council have arranged for a Parish Open Meeting on 30 January 2016 from 10.00am to 1.00pm. Mike Parker will ask WI if they would do refreshments which the Council will pay for. Also agreed to have some councillors available to collect “survey” type information

12 To receive matters of correspondence MINUTE BOOK PAGE 639

e-mails Events in North Norfolk – Bacon and Co. 10-19/12, 17-26/12 Precept papers Norfolk Matters – December Christmas Greetings from Came and Co (Parish Insurers)

13 To consider issues relating to village matters. “Village Gates” project – Gates are now installed but request has been made to change position of one set. Chair reported that arrangements to do this are in hand. Update on progress re War Memorial - Chair still awaiting paper work from Simon Hickling to progress this issue. Update on progress re Churchyard Footpath - Bryan Webster reported that he was expecting to hear of a start date shortly. Speed Signs – Update - Bryan Webster reported that the latest figures indicated that some 75% of vehicles travelling at 30mph or less, 90% less than 35mph with about 14 incidents where the vehicles were traveling in excess of 35mph. Keeping the Village tidy – In an effort to assist with this Council will consider forming a contract with the Rangers Team to do additional work. They also considered using the “clean up for the Queen’s” birthday celebrations as a starting point. To be discussed fully at the next meeting. Project for 2016 to improve the general appearance of the village. Early reporting in the local newsletter of the plans essential. Telephone Kiosk – Clerk awaiting paperwork from Simon Hickling New Village Notice Board – Chair recommended a new board in the village hall area.

Council agreed this and Chair will arrange. Village Web Site. – Bryan Webster will follow this up as there has been no contact with the Clerk

14 There was no other business

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 2 March 2016 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 2nd March 2016 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm

Present: - R. Stevens (Chairman), B. Howlett, W Fake, M. Parker. R. Wilton, J. Adcock, B. Webster

Apologies: - Bob Pannell (Clerk) Jim Moriarty

In attendance: - 8 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present. BW agreed to take minutes in absence of the Clerk

2 Apologies accepted from those absent.

3. Chairman announced receipt of resignation from Mandy Desborough.

4. Chairman reminded Council members to record declarations of interest on any item during the meeting.

5 Minutes of previous meetings, 13th January and 25th January were agreed as true representation and signed by the Chairman.

6 Matters arising from meeting 13/1/16

Item 6 -Mains drainage. Decided to be an agenda item next meeting as insufficient information to hand.

Cars and vans at Church Close. Decision by Borough Council deferred to March for vehicles in the garden as home owner comments, he hadn’t had time to make other arrangements. The vehicles on the opposite verge is being pursued as a separate issue.

Overgrowth over footpath to playing field is to be cut by Rob Wilton.

and 25/1/16.

Village Hall Open meeting 21/1/16. Very well attended with good response for volunteers. Parish Council is awaiting a full report of the outcome.

7. The meeting was adjourned to allow members of the public to make representation. None declared


16/00325/O Outline for 8 dwellings on Narborough Road. Ben Howlett declared an interest, signed the Register, and left the meeting room. Discussion that followed, centered on the fact, that this represents another significant development in the village. Pentney is designated a” Hamlet” by the Borough Council, due to lack of amenities and infrastructure. Recently held meetings with parishioners, identified that there is no support for the volume of growth. Parish Council decided to reject the application. Ben Howlett rejoined the meeting after the decision.

16/00249/O Outline for dwelling to replace old coffin store. Council supported application for a single dwelling, to regenerate a derelict area.

15/00093/-1 Boat House 60 Pentney Lakes. Council noted the amendments.

16/00274/F- Side extension to Great Ketlam House, Low Road- Parish Council support application.

16/00007/TPO Council noted approval to fell unstable beech tree adjacent to The Old Bakehouse, Narborough Rd.

Council informed of Petition giving Parish Councils the Right to appeal Planning decisions, and agreed that the Clerk should add Pentney to the petition. A question was raised about any subsequent costs, as to who would pay.

9.Accept and approval of accounts

a) Accounts 29 February 2016 28 February 2015General Current Account £1,612.27 £718.20Business Premier Account £15,507.84 £10,501.43Playing Field Account £5,908.72 £5,905.77

Churchyard Account £12,080.04 £12,074.01Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) To confirm Payments made 2/3/16Chq No 100855 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (January 16) £155.26Chq No 100856 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (February 16) £152.12Chq No 100857 – Village Open Day and 30mph signs £86.38Chq No 100858 – BCKLWN Dog Waste Collection (2015) £482.98Chq No 100859 – FCC Recycling Ltd Bottle Bank (Feb 16) £34.90

b) To confirm payments 2/3/16

c) the precept of £12,500 will be paid to Parish funds, excluding the top-up amount that the Borough Council paid last


d) bank charges. Details to follow

e) Pension Regulation. Nothing for the Clerk or Council to do at the moment.

10. There were no reports from either County or Borough Councilors

11. Allotments. There were no items to be considered, but the Chairman thanked Ben Howlett for showing him around the area.

12. Playing Field

Will Fake to provide quotations for “shelter” at the next meeting

The Open meeting organized at the village hall on the 26/1/16 for Lanpro Housing to present their proposal for a development of 30 homes was attended by 80 + parishioners. Of the attendees, 59 filled in a response form. The result indicated 89% were against the proposal. Lanpro have requested a follow-up meeting. To be arranged

13. To receive matters of correspondence.

14. Village matters

Repositioning of Village Gates at east end of Narborough Rd is hoped to take place with -in the next few days.

War memorial refurbishing. Chair is to investigate, and report at the next meeting.

Work commenced on 2/3/16 to the Parish Church footpath, and is anticipated to take 2 weeks’ weather permitting.

Speeding signs report. Although there was no print out, due to a hardware problem Bryan Webster commented that the readings were within their normal parameters.

Keeping the Village tidy. Suggestion to paint the bus shelter, provide flower boxes, adopt an area scheme e.g. 100metres per person/ organization. Litter collection

Telephone kiosk – update at the next meeting

Village Pathway Map – on grass area adjacent to the village sign. Chairman proposed to have it renewed as the current map, produced in 1986 is faded. Cost of £250.00. approved.

Footpath opposite telephone box, the condition will be considered/discussed by Ben Howlett and Parishioner Mr. Cooper. At a meeting in April.

New Village Notice board- location, outside the Village Hall, has been ordered.

Request for additional dog waste bin in Back Lane. Approved. Clerk to organize.

15 A.O.B

Website for the village. Clerk to liaise with website volunteer. Agenda item

Try to find deeds for the playing field. Possibly deposited at Bank, or solicitor.

Discussed requirement of signs on passing places in Low Road. Will they serve a purpose or detract from the street scene? Agenda item.

Possible re-route of path near Pentney Abbey. R.W. to follow up

E- consultations on planning imminent. The need for Councils own lap-top/ projector/ screen. Grants available. Agenda item.

Possibility of creating a planning sub-committee, to advise council on parishioners’ opinions, create neighborhood/ community plan that covers development/employment/protect heritage.

J A reported that work to commence at RAF Marham in April. First aircraft to arrive in 2018

Poor land drainage, particularly in Low Road, suggestion to investigate culvert near Energize Health Club.

16. Date of the next proposed meeting 6th April 2016. Meeting closed at 8.53 pm


held on Wednesday 16 March 2016 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.30pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Bryan Webster, John Adcock Ben Howlett and Rob WiltonApologies :- Will Fake and Cllr J Moriarty,In attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 14 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests.

3 Planning Planning Application 16/00398/F – Proposed new brick boundary walls and black metal access gates to existing vehicular access Pentney Lakes, Common Road Following discussions Council agreed that this application was completely out of keeping with the surrounding countryside and was unsuitable in a woodland area. Application Refused.

4 To make final comments regarding a proposal to construct a new estate on Narborough Road. Council took this opportunity to review the whole position that Council should adopt for future planning applications which were of a multiple number of dwellings type. Under the Local Development Plan Pentney had been classed as a “hamlet” with no further building development envisaged. The collapse of a suitable 5 year development scheme for the Borough Council had opened the door for a number of multiple schemes to be submitted for the village. Council agreed that the following issues were relevant when considering these multiple type of application. Drainage

Highway access with many single track roads (particularly onto the A47) Current lack of suitable footpaths Resistance of parishioners Current infrastructure with a lack of medical surgeries and village school. Effect on neighbouring villages by “tapping” into their services. Poor public transport. Justification for new housing. Noise and light pollution Regarding the housing development on the Narborough Road, Mr Riley, a representative of the land owner and developer, put forward a modified scheme of 15 dwellings consisting of 10 small and 5 large properties to Council and the parishioners present. After discussions Council advised Mr Riley that after considering the concerns raised by the parishioner and adopting the criteria listed above, they would not feel able to support such an application were it to be put forward.

5 Any Other Business MINUTE BOOK PAGE 647

Village Hall – Response type lighting outside of the hall. Was agreed that Bryan Webster would follow this up and report back. Litter Picking The Chair reported that he had been approached by a parishioner, who was forming a team from the village to do litter picking and generally to keep the village tidy, for some financial help in buying equipment. Council agreed to this and would finance the equipment needed. Chair to notify parishioner. Additional Dog Waste Bin Council agreed that this should be positioned in Back Road near to Jubilee Close. Clerk to arrange.

6 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 6 April 2016 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed theMeeting at 8.30pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 6 April 2016 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.25pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Bryan Webster, John Adcock Mike Parker, Ben Howlett and Rob WiltonApologies :- Will FakeIn attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty, Alan Gomm, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 20 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman changed the order of the Agenda to accommodate Cllr Moriarty who needed to leave the meeting early. Cllr Moriarty informed Council of the following – Consultations are taking place to consider the appointment of a Mayor for the area. There are funding issues regarding progressing planning applications to an electronic structure. Community Infrastructure Levy where it is proposed that Borough Council will share tax raised on development of new land with the parish councils. If a parish has a Neighbourhood Plan in place it is suggested that 25% would apply, without one then 15% is the expected figure. Report is expected about mid year.

3 Neighbourhood Plan The Chair invited Mr Alan Gomm to give Council an overview on this. A summary of Mr Gomm’s presentation is attached to these minutes. The Chair thanked Mr Gomm and indicated that Council would have the subject as an agenda item at the next meeting for discussion.

4 New Pentney Councillor The Council agreed to keep advertising the position as there have been no applicants to-date

5 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests

6 The minutes of the Council meetings of the 2 and 16 March 2016 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman

7 Matters arising from the Council meetings of the 2 and 16 March 2016 2/3/16 Item 6 – Mains drainage – The Chair informed Council that he had been advised that funds were to be made available in 2020 and he would submit an application

shortly for consideration.. Update on Cars and Vans at Church Close – Chair had nothing to report Over growth on footpath leading to the Playing Field – Rob Wilton reported path cleared. Village Hall – No change in the position Web Site – Chair is following up on a free service offered by the NCC and will report back. Deeds for Playing Field – The Clerk was asked to follow up with the Bank and Kenneth Bush who were believed to be the solicitors at the time.


7 Matters arising from the Council meetings of the 2 and 16 March 2016 continued Passing place signs for Low Road – A parishioner has agreed to keep the passing places tidy so the requirement for signs not needed. Keep under review. Possible re-route of path near Pentney Abbey – Rob Wilton reported that there is no obvious path and what signs there are, are of a negative nature. Clerk to seek guidance from NCC e-consultation on planning applications – It was estimated that suitable equipment would cost some £650. Council decided that they would like to continue with paper copies. Clerk to arrange. Land drainage issues – After discussion with all those present it was agreed that Parishioner Joe Orsi would approach the college to see if they would arrange a project of mapping the drainage system of the Pentney area. Mr Orsi to report back. Planning sub-committee – Council agreed to keep this on hold. 16/3/16 Response type lighting outside village hall – Bryan Webster reported that he had received a quotation of £255 for a two light system. Council approved the expenditure but it was agreed not to proceed until after the Village Hall AGM when the future of the Hall will be discussed. Additional Dog waste Bin – Clerk to confirm order

8 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation Request for new Dog Waste Signs.

9 To receive Planning Applications No Applications

10 To accept and approve the Accounts up to 31 March 2016 and to approve paymentsa) Accounts

Separate paper issued and one included with a copy to these minutes.

b) To confirm PaymentsChq No 100860 – Graphic Pavement Signs (Notice Board) £393.54Chq No 100861 – Creative Driveways (Church Footpath) £8,568.00Chq No 100862 – Norwich Diocesan Board (Glebe Rent) £1,300.00Chq No 100863 – Norfolk Playing Fields Assoc. £20.00Chq No 100864 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (March 16) £179.74Chq No 100865 – HM Revenue and Customs (Clerks Tax Jan/Feb/Mar 16) £252.00Chq No 100866 – Fencerite (Moving Village Gate to new location) £108.00Chq No 100867 – E ON (Street Lighting (2016) £32.52Chq No 100868 – WI Donation (Help with Village Open Meeting) £30.00

c) Bank Charges – Clerk advised that the bank would be charging for the accountsat the rate of £96 per annum from April 2016

d) Highway Rangers contractThis would be at the rate of £300/half day. Some Councillors were concerned at

the cost and questioned what type of equipment would be involved. The Chair agreedto make enquiries and report at the next meeting.

11 Allotment issues MINUTE BOOK PAGE 650

Clerk would shortly be sending out the invoices for March 2016

12 Playing Field Enhanced facilities for the public – Alternative costings for equipment – Will Fake to report re “shelter” at the next meeting

13 To receive matters of correspondence e-mails Community Infrastructure Levy SNAP Agenda Change of Bottle Bank supplier to Berrymans(Indigo) from FCC Environment RAF Marham “drop in day” Funding for Community Green Spaces (Tesco) Pentney Abbey – New Premises Licence Application Planning Changes Consultation Electronic Consultation for Planning Applications UK Power Networks- Restoring Power Supplies

14 Village Matters. Repositioning of Village Gates at east end of Narborough Road- Chair reported work completed. Update on progress re War Memorial- Chair reported that the original quote was for £1200.(Over a year ago) The latest position was £1600 plus £1 per letter. Council agreed to discuss at the next meeting. Churchyard Footpath - Bryan Webster reported that the work was completed. Speed Signs – Bryan Webster reported that due to a software problem the electronic records had been lost although paper copies were available. New software has been installed and is now operational. Keeping the Village tidy – Self help village group now in place and Council await the cost of equipment charges. Telephone Kiosk – Clerk will make the application for this to proceed. Village Pathway Map – Bryan Webster will organize the Village Pathway Map replacement. State of Footpath opposite Pentney telephone kiosk – Ben Howlett reported that the pathway had been used without a problem. New Village Notice Board – Chair agreed with Bryan Webster to install this. Additional Dog Waste Bin Request for Back Lane/Narborough Road area. – Clerk to arrange.

15 To consider any other business Reported that some dogs were running loose in the Village. Rob Wilton will check out.

16 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 11 May 2016 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm following on from the Parish Assembly which will commence at 7.00pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone: 01553 775724


Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on Wednesday 13 May 2015 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.00pm closed at 7.08pm

Present :- Simon Hickling, Bryan Webster, John Adcock, Ben Howlett and Mike ParkerApologies :- Richard Stevens and Cllr J Moriarty,In attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Chair opened the meeting at 7.00pm and welcomed all those present.

2 Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on the 14 May 2014 were agreed and signed by the Chair.

3 There were no matters arising

4 The Chair then gave his report to the meeting for the 2014/2015 year

5 There were no other reports

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 7.08pm

Chairman:- Mr Simon Hickling, Lower Ketlam, Pentney King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JF Telephone:- 01760 337203

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 11 May 2016 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.52pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Bryan Webster, John Adcock, Will Fake

Ben Howlett and Rob WiltonApologies :- Mike Parker and Cllr MoriartyIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 9 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair for 2016/2017 Bryan Webster proposed that Richard Stevens continue as Chair. Rob Wilton was pleased to second this proposal. Council approved this unanimously and Richard Stevens thanked Council. Bryan Webster proposed John Adcock continue as Vice Chair. Ben Howlett was pleased to second this proposal. Council approved this unanimously and John Adcock thanked Council. Council agreed to continue the search for another councilor to fill the vacancy.

3 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests

4 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 6 April 2016 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

5 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 6 April 2016 Update on Cars and Vans at Church Close – Chair reported that a court case was being heard in August regarding the cars on the property and that he was still awaiting the outcome of the vans parked opposite after discussions with Cllr Moriarty. Village Hall – A meeting has been arranged for 1 June 2016 to discuss with the village the role for volunteers. Councillors have been invited to attend. Web Site – Chair reported that a system has been prepared by the NCC and that he and the clerk would be given training later in May in its use. Deeds for Playing field – The Clerk had obtained papers from Kenneth Bush (Solicitors) which he passed to the Chair. Possible re-route of path near Pentney Abbey – Rob Wilton provided information on the existing pathway and signage for Council to consider. e-consultation on planning applications – Clerk reported that he was currently still receiving hard copy of the plans. Land drainage issues – Mr Orsi gave a comprehensive overview of the drainage problems associated with Low Road. He was currently in communication with the Inland Drainage Board and the NCC in trying to resolve some of the problems. There appeared to be a reluctance to consider an issue of any enforcement orders but he would continue to work with the Chair in an attempt to improve the current situation. Additional Dog waste Bin – Clerk reported that the bin had been ordered and Bryan Webster confirmed that he had received it and would install as soon as time permitted. Dogs running loose in the village – Rob Wilton reported that he had spoken to the owner and hoped the problem had been resolved. A parishioner said it had not and Rob would follow this up by speaking to the owner again. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 652

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation There were no matters raised.

7 Planning Applications 16/00603/O – Outline planning for single dwelling at land north of of Pentney Baptist Church, Pentney Lane. Council considered this and agreed that it could be considered as an infill site and approved the application. 16/00752/F – Conversion of existing stone barn to dwelling house at Falgate Farm,

Narborough Road. Council considered that this would cause no change to the street scene and would restore and preserve the current structure. Providing Highways had no concerns regarding access then Council were prepared to approve the application. 16/00727O – Outline planning for 5 new dwellings at land south of West View, Narborough Road. This application is outside the planning envelope for the village. Council were concerned to preserve the rural aspect in this part of the village and lack of local services were also an issue. Council decided to object to this application. Council to note 16/00386/F – Proposed new brick boundary wall at Pentney Lakes, Common Road Refused by Borough Planning 14/01313/NMA_1 – Non Material Amendment to erection of 4 bed bungalow at Villa Park, Narborough Road Refused by Borough Planning. The Chair reported that he had received a request from Mr Wells to reopen discussions regarding development on his land. Council agreed that this matter had already been discussed and that they would only consider a formal planning application.

8 Finance a) Accounts 30 April 2016 30 April 2015

General Current Account £18,030.51 £13,782.56Business Premier Account £4,509.77 £7,002.64Playing Field Accouint £5,909.46 £5,906.45

Churchyard Account £12,081.55 £12,075.40Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) Insurance for 2016/2017 – Came and Company Council approved the payment

c) Payments Chq No 100881 – Environment Agency £22.40 Chq No 100882 – Came and Company Council Insurance £403.44 Chq No 100883 – Fields in Trust £50.00 Chq No 100884 – Berryman (Textile Bank) £34.90 Chq No 100885 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (April 16) £159.47

Chq No 100886 – Kennerh Bush Playing Field papers £3.00 Chq No 100887 – Chair miscellaneous expenses £46.74

d) Highways Rangers Contract – Chair reported that mechanical equipment would be used by the Highways Rangers and was covered in their £300 fee.

9 There were no reports from the County and Borough Councillors

10 Allotment issues MINUTE BOOK PAGE 653

Rent letters for 31 March 2016 sent to allotment holders Council to receive report on the drainage culvert at the next meeting – Ben Howlett

11 Playing Field Enhanced facilities for the public – Will Fake to supply details including cost of “shelter” at the next meeting.

12 Correspondence e-mails Came and Co Insurance quotation papers Borough Council 5 year supply of housing sites Market Fair scheme

13 Village matters. Update on progress re War Memorial- Chair advised Council that the quotation for cleaning, replacing WW1 tablet and names and repairing WW2 names was £2375+VAT (Hoped that a grant up to 75% would be available) Chair to provide relevant paperwork to Clerk. Approval from the Diocesan Board would be required. Speed Signs – Bryan Webster provided Council with reports covering two separate weeks showing that the traffic passing the sign averaged below 30mph. Keeping the Village tidy – Chair reported that he was obtaining a quote for the refurbishment of the bus shelter. Bryan Webster had a name of someone who could do the work if required. Will Fake offered to cut verges. Telephone Kiosk – Clerk reported that the planning application had been submitted. Village Pathway Map – Bryan Webster reported that he had restored the sign by polishing the Perspex cover and the map was in good condition. New Village Notice Board – Waiting to be installed

14 Neighbourhood PlanChair reported that he had made enquiries of several parishes who had alreadycarried out the exercise. They confirmed that it was a big task and one not to be rushed.The Borough Council would like to have Pentney in the scheme. Time scale could be up to 4 years although 18 months to 2 years would not be unrealistic.Bryan Webster outlined the work that would be required in bullet pointsWork required would be the same irrespective of size of parish.Parish boundaries would need to be confirmed.Establish key issues.Write plan.Consult on plan and keep parish informed.Have plan approved by Borough CouncilVillage referendum.Involvement of parishioner as well as councilors giving a diversity of views.Joe Orsi felt that the plan need not be over complex and that funding will be available.Borough Council are looking for a “planning specialist” to assist with the workof the parishes. He was prepared to compile a note which could be e-mailed to thoseon Rob Wilton’s list and also some form of leaflet drop to each house in the village.Council would assess the likely support at the next meeting and make a decisionat the June meeting on what action to take.

15 Any Other Business MINUTE BOOK PAGE 654

It was noted that the road sign in Low Road required a new post.John Adcock and Rob Wilton confirmed that they would be cutting the playingHedge this weekend.

16 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 15 June 2016 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed theMeeting at 8.52pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE

Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone: 01553 775724



held on Wednesday 15 June 2016 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.10pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Bryan Webster, John Adcock and Mike ParkerApologies :- Will Fake, Ben Howlett and Rob WiltonIn attendance:- Cllr Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 4 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 Council Vacancy Council agreed to continue the search for another councilor to fill the vacancy.

3 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests

4 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 11 May 2016 had omitted reference to anti- social behavior in Freebridge rented property in Church Close. Chair to follow up with Freebridge their policy regarding such issues. (John Adcock to provide house

number ) The minutes were then approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

5 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 11 May 2016 Update on Cars and Vans at Church Close – Chair reported that a court case was being heard in August regarding the cars on the property. Regarding the vans parked opposite Cllr Moriarty reported that the Borough Council were requesting the County Council to take action and that he would continue to monitor the situation. Village Hall – At the meeting held on 1 June 2016 a number of volunteers agreed to help and there is now a full committee in place. As a result Council agreed to install the safety and security lights and Bryan Webster will implement the work. Web Site – Clerk reported that after the training received he was now commencing work to use the system. Possible re-route of path near Pentney Abbey – Suggested that it may be beneficial to discuss the position with the the Public Right of Way Officer at NCC Norwich (David Hawes) Chair to follow up. Footpath by the bus shelter on Narborough Road to be walked by Mr Cooper, Ben Howlett and others to ascertain its usability. Land drainage issues – Since Mr Orsi comprehensive overview of the drainage problems associated with Low Road, it has now been examines to identify the major issues. There are issues of culverts being blocked and the difficulties of having all privately owned drains. Once past Golden Gym the ditches are acceptable. It was agreed that the local residents would follow this issue up in the autumn. Additional Dog waste Bin – Bryan Webster advised that this was now in place. Dogs running loose in the village – Issues such as this to be considered for input to the Web page.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation Concern was expressed about light pollution from private properties illuminating the night skies. Council considered there was no action that they could take and it was a neighbourhood issue.6 Continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 656

Mr Coopper agreed that he would arrange for a “butterfly walk”. Details later.

7 Planning Application 16/00962F – New brick built boundary columns, 1200m timber rail fencing and green metal gates to existing vehicular access at Pentney Lakes, Common Road. Council had no issues with the post and rail fencing but considered that the brick columns were out of keeping in a rural environment. Application not supported. Council to note 16/00603/O – outline application for dwelling on plot adjacent to The Old Chapel – Refused by Borough Planning

8 Financea) Accounts 31 May 2016 31 May 2015

General Current Account £18,494.02 £13,133.61Business Premier Account £4,510.80 £7,002.64Playing Field Accouint £5,910.20 £5,906.45

Churchyard Account £12,083.06 £12,075.40Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) PaymentsChq No 100869 – Norfolk ALC (website training) £65.00Chq No 100870 – URM Bottle Bank (May 16) £34.90

Chq No 100871 – URM Bottle Bank (June 16) £34.90Chq No 100872 – CGM Grass cutting (May 16) £268.80Chq No 100873 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (May 16) £155.42

c) Clerks Salary (2016/2017) Council agreed to the changes with immediate effect.Increase from £9.551 to £9.647/hour and (2017/2018) to 9.743/hour.

d) Approve 2015/2016 Audited Accounts These were formally approved and signedby the Chair.

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors Councillor Moriarty commented on the unsocial behavior issues. His experience with another parish council indicated an extended time period to resolve with full records of every event being maintained. He was also able to supply information on Broadband issues for Pentney. Currently there are 289 properties with 288 being served from the Narborough cabinet, 1 of which was fibre enabled as part of the first roll out but very wide speed ranges with only 11 having access to superfast speeds (24Mbps +)

3 new fibre cabinets are planned for autumn 2018 which will serve 198 properties.3 different FTTP solutions are planned for spring 2020 which will serve a further 58properties.This will leave a further 21 properties without a solution.

The remaining property is serviced from the Middleton local exchange where a FTTP solution is planned for summer 2020

10 To consider Allotment issues MINUTE BOOK PAGE 657

Rents for 31 March 2016 – Council noted that two March payments were outstanding. Drainage culvert – This appears to have been crushed by some form of heavy transport. It is estimated that a suitable repair cost would be somewhere between £1200 and £2000. Clerk to follow up.

11 Playing Field Enhanced facilities for the public – “Shelter” costs and details – Will Fake to report. As Will Fake has been unable to report Council agreed that Bryan Webster would follow this up with a report for the next meeting.

12 Correspondence e-mails NALC Newsletter 19/5, 27/5, 3/6 and 10/6 NHS West Norfolk CCG Newsletter Parish Partnership Scheme Post Various Playing Field and Street Equipment information sheets.

13 Village Matters. Update on progress re War Memorial- Chair reported application to proceed had been submitted to Rev.Stuart Nairn for submission to the Diocesan Board. The Chair was also following up on a grant application. Speed Signs – Bryan Webster supplied a report indicating that the average speed through the village was under 30mph. However, there were some motorist who continued to speed and he urged parishioners to note registration number and advise Council

who could then follow up with the police. Keeping the Village tidy – Will Fake has cut the grass verges where possible. Hedges along the Narborough Road from Pentney Lane to the “Ship” at Narborough require attention.(Council to review this in September as hedges can only be cut between September and March) Telephone Kiosk – Planning application submitted New Village Notice Board – Has now been installed at Village Hall site, Additional Dog Waste Bin Request for Back Lane/Narborough Road area. – Now in place. Village Web Site – Clerk is now in the process of setting this up.

14 Neighbourhood Plan Chair has been seeking information from parishes that have already considered this and is concerned about what action to take. Bryan Webster suggested that the matter be deferred until after the summer and look to find volunteers from across the Parish to consider what, if any, action to take. Review in September. Meanwhile the Chair offered to speak with Pentney Lakes representatives to appraise them of the issues. Chair will also draw outline proposals for a mail shot to the village. Cllr. Moriarty outlined the type of things which should be considered.

15 Any Other Business Bus Shelter. This is in a poor state of repair and needs to be reconstructed. A quotation to do the work required of £936 + VAT has been received, Bryan Webster will obtain a second quote and to take action on the lower of the two quotations. 15 Any Other Business continued. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 658

A request for Council to give an opinion on a building plan submitted by Mr Webb of Oakland Gardens, Pentney Lane was discussed by Council. The general concern was that it would be increasing more traffic onto Pentney Lane and that Mr Webb would find that getting entry onto the A47, via another roadway, difficult. Council recommended that Mr Webb should seek pre application advice from the Borough Planners. In its current outline Council did not feel able to support the project should it be submitted. Council approved the cost of a training course for the Chair of £70. Chair to make the necessary arrangements. Council expressed their concerns for the health of Stuart Nairn and were pleased to note that there had been some improvement. Council agreed that the Chair should communicate this to him.

16 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 26 July 2016 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm.

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed theMeeting at 9.10pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone: 01553 775724


held on Tuesday 26 July 2016 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.31pm closed at 8.20pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, John Adcock, Mike Parker and Rob WiltonApologies :- Will Fake, Bryan Webster and Cllr MoriartyIn attendance:-Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 4 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.31pm and welcomed all those present

2 Council Vacancy Council agreed to continue the search for another councilor to fill the vacancy.

3 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests

4 The minutes of the Council meeting of the 15 June 2016 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

5 Matters arising from the Council meeting of the 15 June 2016 Update on security and safety light at village hall.- Bryan Webster to report at next meeting Re-route of footpath near Pentney Abbey – Chair to report at next meeting Footpath by the bus shelter on Narborough Road – Agreed that a walk will take place in September Bus shelter – Update re restoration work – Bryan Webster sent a report that the work was in hand with the original quotation tender.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation. Was reported that the new dog waste bin was in use but currently not being emptied. Clerk thanked the parishioner for pointing this out and confirmed that he would action it. It was noted that the textile waste bin were not being emptied. Clerk to follow up.

7 Planning Applications Application 16/01133/F – Construction of cattle shed at land south of Abbey Road. After discussion

Council agreed that this application fell within a rural setting and approved it. Council to note 15/01929/F – Construction of storage and distribution building – Oaklands, Pentney Lane – Permitted 16/00727/O – Erection of five new dwellings - Land south of West View, Narborough Road – Refused 16/00752/F – Conversion of existing stone barn to dwelling house – Falgate Farm, Narborough Road – Permitted 16/00829/F – Single storey extension to form new bedroom and farm office – Twin Oaks, Abbey Road – Permitted

8 Finance MINUTE BOOK PAGE 660

a) Accounts 20 July 2016 25 July 2015General Current Account £2,925.48 £1,817.96Business Premier Account £19,510.80 £19,003.77Playing Field Account £5,910.20 £5,907.24

Churchyard Account £12,083.06 £12,077.02Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

b) PaymentsChq No 100874 – URM Bottle Bank (June 16) £34.90Chq No 100875 – Earth Anchors Ltd (Dog Waste Bin) £184.74Chq No 100876 – CGM Grass cutting (June 16) £268.80Chq No 100877 – HM Revenue & Customs (Clerks tax Apr/May/June 16) £252.80Chq No 100878 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (June 16) £157.69

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors There were no reports

10 Allotment issues Drainage culvert – Ben Howlett advised Council that he had carried out repair work on the culvert. It was agreed that he would meet with the Chair to inspect the work. Two March payments are outstanding and the necessary letters have been written.

11 Playing Field Enhanced facilities for the public – “Shelter” costs and details – It was agreed to hold reports from Will Fake and Bryan Webster over to the next meeting. Bryan Webster has requested a quotation from CGM to spray the field to minimize the problems of birds digging up grubs and damaging the grass surface. Care to be taken on what spray to use and the Chair will follow this up.

12 Correspondence e-mails NALC Newsletter 21/6, 24/6, 1/7, 8/7 and 15/7 NHS West Norfolk Clinical Community Group AGM CPRE Norfolk Alert Advice Services in West Norfolk Private Pumping Stations Fields in Trust Working in Partnership Standards Committee Recruitment Letter

Recycling Award Scheme Heacham Appeal Decision and 5 year building land supply. Post Playing Field Equipment

13 Village Matters. Update on progress re War Memorial- Chair reported that we were still awaiting the go ahead to proceed from the Diocesan Board. He felt that the work would probably not proceed until Spring 2017 as the restoration specialist did not work past September because of concerns regarding adverse weather conditions. Council felt that as well as the names, rank and regiment (where known) should be also shown.13 Village Matters continued. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 661

Speed Signs – Bryan Webster sent report that the statistics were within the norm. Keeping the Village tidy – Chair reported that there had been no uptake on financing equipment from the volunteer group. The Rangers had also not responded to the request to do additional paid work. Clerk to follow up on the silted road drain between Wilford House and Charity Farm, on the Narborough Road, with the normal Rangers visit. Telephone Kiosk – Planning application submitted Village Web Site – Clerk advised that he was updating information to the site and would like its availability to the parishioners to be advertised. The Chair will put an item in the Parish Newsletter and Rob Wilton will advise those parishioners on the e-mail list. Update on Cars and Vans at Church Close – There are still issues regarding this and the Chair will discuss with the Borough Councillor Mr Moriarty.

14 Neighbourhood Plan Was confirmed that this will be an agenda item for the September meeting. The Chair will prepare a draft survey paper to try and gauge the level of interest from the parishioners.

15 East Anglia Devolution Central Government is offering Norfolk and Suffolk a devolution deal – this means that decisions affecting people in this area could be made here, instead of being made by the Government in Whitehall. Norfolk County Council, Broadland District Council, The Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk, South Norfolk Council and all the local authorities in Suffolk have endorsed the proposed deal so that we can go out to consultation. Your views can be given by on-line at a paper copy from your local library e-mail telephone 0345 6031842

16 Any Other Business Fly Tipping – 2 recent reports have been received from parishioners. This has been reported to the local Environment Officer who advises that the public should endeavor to pass details of offenders if known to the authorities. Council will clear from public areas but not from private properties when it becomes the responsibility of the landowner. Concern expressed that the road sign at the junction of Pentney Lane and the A47 is a give way not a stop sign. The Chair will take this up with the Highways authorities. During a litter bin collection on Narborough Road the bin liner fell out and was lost in the lorry. The Chair will arrange to purchase a new liner. A street light is reported out in the alley between Church Close and Back Road. Clerk to ask Bryan Webster if he could inspect the lamp and rectify if possible.

16 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 7 September 2016 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed theMeeting at 8.20pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 77572


held on Tuesday 16 August 2016 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.22pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, John Adcock and Mike ParkerApologies :- Ben Howlett, Bryan Webster and Rob WiltonIn attendance:-Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 3 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests

3 Planning Applications 16/01330/CU – Change of use of field to an extension of existing touring caravan park at Pentney Village Leisure and Bowls Club, Narborough Road. After discussions Council agreed that they had No Objections to the application.

4 Urgent Any Other Business Devolution – Sir Henry Bellingham’s letter. Council discussed this issue and agreed that in principle they were opposed to supporting the introduction of a Metro Mayor for Norfolk and Suffolk. Their major concern was a further tier of authority in the operation and management of the counties affairs and the resulting cost implications. Rather than devolving decision making downwards towards the Parish Council level it was elevating it upwards to a higher authority. The Clerk was asked to communicate these views to Sir Henry. A parishioner raise the issue of anti-social behavior from a resident in one of the Freebridge properties. There had been a number of incidents some of which had been reported to the police. The Chair expressed his concerns and agreed that he would make contact with Freebridge to discuss the matter. Dog Waste collection bin. The Clerk explained the latest position with the requirement to have a license to include this bin in the existing contract. Also required agreement from nearby residents which would be actioned. A parishioner was concerned at the group of garages associated with Church Close which were rapidly falling into a bad state of repair. The matter had been reported to Freebridge but no action has been taken. Chair agreed to follow this up. Concerns were also expressed regarding speeding, rubbish in the village and the annual walking of the village pathways. It was agreed that these issues would be on the agenda for the next main meeting. A request was made to have more details of Council activities in the Parish News

5 Parish Council vacancy. Sarah Allen, who had expressed an interest in joining, and had discussed with the Vice Chair was offered the positioned which she accepted and was duly co-opted.

6 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 7 September 2016 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no O B the Chair thanked all for attending and closed the Meeting at 8.22pm


held on Wednesday 7 September 2016 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.20pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, John Adcock, Mike Parker, Rob Wilton Will Fake, Bryan Webster and Sarah AllenApologies :- All presentIn attendance:- Cllr Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 4 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests

3 The minutes of the Council meetings of Tuesday 26 July and Tuesday 16 August 2016 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair

4 Matters arising from the Council meetings of Tuesday 26 July and Tuesday 16 August 2016 26 July Update on security and safety light at village hall.- Bryan Webster confirmed that the instalation would be within the next week. Re-route of footpath near Pentney Abbey – Chair to report at the next meeting Footpath by the bus shelter on Narborough road – Confirmed that the pathway had been cut and Mr Cooper planned to walk it. Bus shelter – Update re restoration work – Bryan Webster reported that a second quotation had been obtained (£1686) which was considerably more expensive that the first (£936) and had given instruction for the first to proceed with the work. Should commence in the next week. Road sign at junction of Pentney Lane and A47 – give way not stop –Chair to follow up. Purchase of new bin liner on Narborough Road – Chair reported that this had been ordered with an estimated cost of £40 Street light out in alley between Church Close and Back Road has been reported to Westcotec for repair. 16 August Anti- social behavior – Chair reported that he had discussed the matter with Freebridge who had spoken to the resident and the situation was now being monitored. New Dog Waste Bin – Clerk thanked Bryan Webster for emptying the bin. Still awaiting the license from NCC Garages associated with Church Close – state of repair. Chair has discussed with Freebridge and the matter has been referred to the surveyor. Council discussed Speeding issues. Bryan Webster reported that there were indications that the average speed was on an upward trend moving towards 35mph. When discussing the possible use of speed check equipment by volunteers, concerns were expressed that other communities had failed because of the abuse and intimidation that the volunteers had received and the subsequent failure to retain the volunteer teams. The Clerk advised that he had written to the Police Commissioner asking for a higher police presence in the village.


4 Matters arising from the Council meetings of Tuesday 16 August continued Rubbish. There has been an increase of late in fly tipping in various places but noticeably in Low Road and on the playing field car park. (A recent clear up operation cost £150) Council to consider a CCTV system on the playing field to reduce rubbish dumping, deter “joy riders” on the playing field and give reassurance to parents for the children using the play equipment. The Chair agreed to explore costs of doing so. Village Pathways Mr Cooper agreed to arrange for an annual walk of the pathways and to produce a Report.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation Mr Orsi updated Council on progress with two culverts that he was trying to repair. He had obtained permission on one but was encountering difficulties in getting agreement on the second because of causing damage to tree roots. He was working with Highways and Environment Departments but currently failing to make progress. Councillor Moriarty recommended that he should make contact with Councty Councillor Toby Coke for assistance.

6 To receive Planning Applications Application 16/01410/F – Construction of decking around property with a covered veranda, a porch canopy and steps to the front door and canopy over kitchen patio doors at 21 Pentney Lakes, Common Road. After discussions Council agreed they had No Objections. Council to note 15/01133/F – Land south of Abbey Road, construction of cattle shed. Application permitted.

7 Financea) Accounts 31 August 2016 25 July 2015

General Current Account £2,018.69 £1,817.96Business Premier Account £19,510.80 £19,003.77Playing Field Account £5,910.20 £5,907.24

Churchyard Account £12,083.06 £12,077.02Footpath Account £0.29 £0.29

Council agreed to move £4000 from the Business Premier A/c to the Churchyard A/c

b) PaymentsChq No 100879 – NPFA (Subs to 31/3/17) £20.00Chq No 100880 – Playing field fly tipping clearance £150.00Chq No 100888 – CGM Grass cutting (June 16) £268.80Chq No 100889 – CGM Grass cutting (July 16) £268.80Chq No 100890 – URM Bottle Bank (July 16) £34.90Chq No 100891 – Norfolk Parish Training & Support (Course for Chair) £70.00Chq No 100892 – NALC Subscription 2016/2017 £126.38Chq No 100893 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (July 16) £157.69Chq No 100894 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (Aug 16) £168.63


8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors Councillor Moriarty commented on the following :- When dealing with antisocial behavior, it was important to keep a diary of events as

evidence, should it be necessary to progress the matters to a higher level. As the Borough Council were successful in the challenge regarding housing levels the original building program is now reinstated and an infill policy only for the village will apply Regarding the problems of 11 Church Close the court case has been suspended again. The Borough are doing all they can to resolve the issue but it falls within the remit of the County and agreed with the PC Chair that Direct Action should be strongly considered. The Clerk was asked to invite Toby Clerk to attend the next Parish Council meeting. When necessary the Duty Officer was available to discuss planning issues prior to a meeting for advice and was normally available most weekday mornings. The Devolution issue is scheduled for discussion at the October council meeting.

9 Allotment issues Drainage culvert – Chair reported that Ben Howlett was looking to see if there was an easy way of rectifying the situation. If this was not possible then the recommendation would be to employ a professional to carry out the work (cost estimate £2000) All outstanding rents had now been paid Diocesan proposed rent increase. Clerk was asked to progress this matter and report back.

10 Playing Field Enhanced facilities for the public – “Shelter” costs and details – Will Fake reported that a 9x12x8 feet structure would cost £1095 +VAT. Bryan Webster suggested that some form of seating would be beneficial. Council agreed and asked Will Fake to get cost. Spraying of field with suitable chemical to deter birds digging up surface in search of shaffer beetles and leather jackets – Bryan Webster has requested a quote from CGM Rob Wilton agreed to get details of the work done at Shouldham Football Club ground. Concern was expressed at the state of the parking area. It was agreed that some serious tidying up was required and Bryan Webster agreed to see if CGM would be interested in taking on the upkeep of this area as well as grass cutting the playing field. Council agreed up to £1500 was available for restoration of the field itself.

11 To receive matters of correspondence e-mails NALC Newsletter 29/7, 5/8, 12/8, 19/8, 26/8 and 2/9 June Rangers visit report Rangers next visit (wc 5/9/16) NPFA Newsletter and subscription papers The future of health and social care in Norfolk.

12 Village matters. Update on progress re War Memorial- Chair reported that an application had been made for a grant some six weeks ago with an estimated ten weeks required to process it. He felt that the restoration work would now have to wait until next spring as the stonemason would not undertake the work in autumn/winter months. Speed Signs – Already covered in item 4 Keeping the Village tidy – Covered in item 412 Village matters continued MINUTE BOOK PAGES 666

Telephone Kiosk – Planning application has been approved and Chair signed off the purchase agreement. Chair agreed to get a quote to have the kiosk painted Village Web Site – Council discussed uses for the site and the following was suggested. Place notice on boards asking for suggestions from the parishioners. Advertising Job vacancies Update on Cars and Vans at Church Close – Covered under item 8

13 Neighbourhood Plan The Chair suggested that the exiting Village Plan could be used as the format for a new report, He agreed to work on a proposal for the next meeting.

14 Any Other Business John Adcock has compiled a list of landowners of hedges along the Narborborough Road for future use. Serious subsidence on road surface at Paws Lane by the bridge. There are a number of pot holes in Back Road. Clerk to report both issues to Highways

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 12 October 2016 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed the Meeting at 9.20pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 21 September 2016 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.10pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, John Adcock, Rob Wilton and Sarah AllenApologies :- Bryan WebsterIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 1 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests

4 Planning Applications 16/01449/F – Retention of fencing and gated access at land north east of the Pines, Abbey Road. After discussion Council decided that they would have objected to this for the following reasons. Planning policy states that the countryside should be protected for its intrinsic character and beauty and that development will be resisted unless essential for agricultural or forestry needs. The landscaping along with the removal of hedging along Abbey Road has eroded the rural character of Abbey Road with no justification and is, therefore, contrary to the provisions of the NPPF and the King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Core Strategy 2011. Council consider that at the very least a hedge inside the fencing should be planted in order to restore the character of the road.

16/01575/LB – Listed Building; Creation of additional openings in structure, extension of rear section of barn, change of use to kitchen from guests lounge and enlargement of approach terrace at Pentney Abbey, Abbey Road. After discussion Council agreed they had no objection to the application

16/01591/F - Listed Building; Creation of additional openings in structure, extension of rear section of barn, change of use to kitchen from guests lounge and enlargement of approach terrace at Pentney Abbey, Abbey Road. After discussion Council agreed to support this application because the proposed work will be to the benefit to the Abbey by opening up the opportunity to generate additional income. It also gives potential benefits to the village by increasing the possible creation of additional work placements.

5 Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan – review and comment on modifications to Silica Sand Review. Council have no objections to the proposed boundary changes.

6 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Reference new housing targets. After discussion Council agreed that the comments made in the papers could be supported and the Chair signed the Pledge Support form.

7 Urgent Any Other Business Collapsed culvert to allotments. Ben Howlett has carried out an inspection and agrees that it needs professional work to resolve the situation. Council agreed that the Chair should instruct Paul Harvey to carry out the work

7 Urgent Any Other Business continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 668

Council agreed that it was essential to restore the playing field surface as soon as possible (reference the damage done by the birds searching for the Shaffer beetle) Rob Wilton to get quote from the company that carried out the work on the Shouldham Football Ground and progress the matter. He was asked to keep Bryan Webster informed

The parishioner present reported that he had seen the police operating a speed gun on the Narborough Road. The antisocial behavior also seems to have stopped.

8 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 12 October 2016 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed the Meeting at 8.10pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026


lerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 12 October 2016 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.00pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, John Adcock, Rob Wilton, Bryan Webster and Mike ParkerApologies :- Sarah AllenIn attendance:- Cllr Coke. Cllr Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 1 Parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests

3 Current situation of Cars and Vans parked at or around 11 Church Close Cllr Moriarty gave an update. A new hearing date for the case of vehicles in the garden has been scheduled for 16/11/16

As a result of communications with the DLVA and police it has been agreed to issue a Section 149 to remove vehicles from the highway. Should they not be moved within 21 days then action to be moved will take place. The owner will then be required to make any shortfall in costs, should they occur. Cllr Coke updated Council on the latest Devolution proposals. NCC will meet on 21/11/16 to discuss. His view was that there should be very much a bottom up approach and that structures need to be in place before any implementation is considered. The introduction of a Metro Mayor creates another level of expense which is unnecessary and takes the decision making away from where it should be.

4 The minutes of the Council meetings of Wednesday 7 September and Wednesday 21 September 2016 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

5 Matters arising from the Council meetings of Wednesday 7 September and Wednesday 21 September 2016 7/9/16 Update on security and safety light at village hall.- Confirm that light is now installed but not working correctly. Bryan Webster agreed to meet with the electrician and resolve problem. Re-route of footpath near Pentney Abbey – Chair reported that the matter had been referred to David Hawes and he was still waiting for a reply. Footpath by the bus shelter on Narborough Road – Waiting for Mr Cooper to report Bus shelter – Update re restoration work – Bryan Webster reported that the work has been completed satisfactory. Road sign at junction of Pentney Lane and A47 – give way not stop – Chair reported that the matter was with Andy Wallace of Highways. Purchase of new bin liner on Narborough Road – Chair still waiting for delivery Street light out in alley between Church Close and Back Road has been reported to Westcotec for repair. – Rob Wilton reported that he thought all was well but would check New Dog Waste Bin – Clerk reported that he was still waiting for the license. Bryan Webster agreed to empty if necessary Garages associated with Church Close – state of repair. Chair awaiting on Freebridge.

5 Matters Arising continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 670

Rubbish – Chair to report on possible CCTV system on Playing Field area. Various options are being investigated. 21/9/16 Collapsed culvert to allotments – Chair confirmed that the expert had been authorized to carry out the work and he would do this asap. Playing field surface restoration – Rob Wilton reported the spraying of the beetle would cost £800 and it was agreed that this should go ahead. Reseeding to take place in April 2017 which will need to be arranged and costed. Bryan Webster to advise CGM that they were unsuccessful with their quote.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation. There were no issues raised

7 Planning Applications 16/01520/F – Alterations to design of dwellings and garages for plots 1 and 2 at Land at Church Farm Barns, Back Road, Pentney After discussions Council agreed there were no problems and raised No Objections. Council to note 15/01410/F – Construction of decking around property – 21 Pentney Lakes, Common Road. Application permitted.

8 Financea) Accounts to 30 September 2016

Council received and approved the report. Copy included with the minutesb) Payments

Chq No 100895 – URM Bottle Bank (August 16) £34.90Chq No 100896 – Glebe Rent (Diocesan Board) £1300.00Chq No 100897 – VoidChq No 100898 – CGM Group (Grass cutting (August/September 16) £358.80Chq No 100899 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (September 16) £173.18

Chq No 100900 – Clerks Tax (Jul/Aug/Sept 16) £254.80 Chq No 100901 – Mazars External Audit (2015/2016) £120.00 Chq No 100902 – SIT Services Bus Shelter Refurbishment £936.00 Chq No 100903 – LD Electrical VH Security Lights £249.08

c) Transfer between accountsCouncil agreed to transfer £4000 from the premier account to the Churchyard Fund

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors Cllr Moriarty commented on the following- Pentney Lakes – Planning application for the final stages of the development is now being considered by the Borough Council who are being particularly careful in their approach hence the delay in finalising the response. The LDP was adopted on 29/9/16 but there is now a six week “challenge period” being allowed before implementation. Neighbourhood Plans – Despite the general political turmoil, Borough Council still see this as a good initiative. Without a plan in place any levy available will be restricted to 15% but with one it will be increase ro 25% for the PC involved and will be adopted at the beginning of January 2017 MINUTE BOOK PAGE 671

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors cont. Regarding the Grass Cutting Survey, Cllr Moriarty agreed to feed back some basic information regarding current frequency of cutting in Pentney as Council dispute Borough Council claims.

10 To consider Allotment issues Drainage culvert – Covered under item 5 Diocesan rent increase – These were discussed by Council and it was agreed that, although having to accept the Diocesan increase at this time, they would not implement any changes to the allotment holders rent for now.

11 Playing Field Enhanced facilities for the public – “Shelter” costs and details – Held over for Will Fake to report Spraying of field with suitable chemical to deter birds digging up surface – covered in item 5

12 To receive matters of correspondence e-mails NALC Newsletter 9/9, 16/9 and 20/9 Future of parks and playing fields Letter from Planning Minister Talk on “Essential Benefits of Trees” Problem solving for traffic in your village documents ***Council to discuss*** see item 13 NCC Road Safety Campaign

Grass cutting survey NHS West Norfolk Patients and Stakeholders Newsletter “In Good Health” Social care services in Norfolk and Waveney

13 To consider issues relating to village matters. War Memorial – Chair reported that he was still awaiting outcome of grant application. He also reported that Rev Nairn had researched the military rank and names of those who were lost, ready for the work to be done. Speed Signs – Bryan Webster provided recent information from the recording speed sign, which indicated an average hourly speed over a week, with two exceptions, of less than 30mph Keeping the Village tidy – covered under item 5 (Rubbish) Telephone Kiosk – Chair reported that he had received a quotation for painting of £285. Agreed that this should be considered in the Spring of 2017 Village Web Site – In use but re-advise parishioners of it’s availability Update on Cars and Vans at Church Close – covered under item 3

14 Neighbourhood Plan – Chair advised that a further survey should be made along the lines of the original village plan to establish what response there would be to assist. It was suggested by Rob Wilton that there should be an on-line version for those who wished to use it. Chair would try and produce a draft survey for the next meeting with a target to do the survey in January 2017

15 Any Other Business MINUTE BOOK PAGE 672

The situation of drainage in Low Road was discussed again. The Chair reported that whist ditches have been dug out, there remains the problem of flooding which appears to be caused by a blocked drain (near to the stables site). The Clerk will make contact with Andy Wallace (Highways) to see if it can be checked out. Parishioners of the village have again been invited to attend the Marham RAF base for Christmas Lunch. Cllr Bryan Webster and the Clerk, Bob Pannell, and wives have agreed to represent the Parish Council.

16 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 7 December 2016 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed the Meeting at 9.00pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 7 December 2016 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.05pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Bryan Webster and Sarah Allen

Apologies :- Ben Howlett, John Adcock, Rob Wilton and Mike ParkerIn attendance:- Cllr Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 3 Parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests

3 The minutes of the Council meeting of Wednesday 12 October 2016 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of Wednesday 12 October 2016 Update on security and safety light at village hall.- Confirmed that light is now installed and working correctly by Bryan Webster Re-route of footpath near Pentney Abbey – Chair reported that the matter had been referred to David Hawes and he was still waiting for a reply. However, it can be part of Mr Cooper’s planned annual walk of the village footpaths for comment. Footpath by the bus shelter on Narborough Road – Mr Cooper has agreed the path is generally OK. The footpath sign at Golden Gym needs to be replaced. Chair will discuss with Ben Howlett. Road sign at junction of Pentney Lane and A47 – give way not stop – Clerk will take up with highways. Purchase of new bin liner on Narborough Road – Chair advised liner installed. New Dog Waste Bin – License now issued and bin on collection schedule Garages associated with Church Close – state of repair. with Freebridge – Chair advised that the matter was still under consideration.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation. No matters were raised.

6 Planning Applications Planning consultation Oakland, Pentney Lane. The applicant outlined the progress that had been made since the first consultation with the Council. In order to progress the project within a reasonable timescale for financial funding reasons it was necessary to sell the three outline plots. This would facilitate the planned new entrance/exit into the business site on the A47 thus relieving heavy transport from Pentney Lane. It would also generate additional employment opportunities for the village as the site expanded. Although the site is outside the village designated areas of development Council would give due consideration to both the advantages and disadvantages to the village when a formal application was received.

6 Planning Applications continued MINUTE BOOK PAGES 674

Council to note 16/01520/F – Land at Church Farm Barns – alterations to design for approved semi-detached dwellings – Application permitted by Borough Council

7 Financea) Accounts to 30 November 2016

Bank balance 30/9/16 £39,307.80

Bank int etc -------“---------- £ 2.94 £39,922.93

Payments 1/10/16 to 30/11/16 £ 3,426.76Bank charges £ 19.55 £ 3,446.31

Ledger balance 30/11/.16 £36,476.62

2016 2015Current account £ 1,468.49 £ 587.11Premier account £ 9,012.33 £15,505.85Churchyard a/c £20,084.57 £12,072.53Playing field a/c £ 5,910.94 £ 5,907.98Pathway a/c £ 0.29 £ 09 £36,476.62 £34,073.76

b) PaymentsChq No 100906 – Chair’s expenses for course and CCTV at PF £148.00Chq No 100907 – VoidChq No 100908 – Narborough w Narford PCC (Remembrance wreath) £20.00

Chq No 100909 – URM Bottle Bank (September 16) £34.90 Chq No 100910 – URM Bottle Bank (October 16) £34.90 Chq No 100911 – CGM Group (Grass cutting (September 16) £44.40 Chq No 100912 – CGM Group (Grass cutting (October 16) £134.40 Chq No 100913 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (October 16) £159.58 Chq No 100914 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (November 16) £142.08 Chq No 100915 – CKW Accounting (Internal Audit 2015/16) £125.00 Chq No 100916 – Glasdon – Bin Liner replacement £30.18 Chq No 100917 – URM Bottle Bank (November 16) £34.90

8 Reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors Councillor Moriarty updated Council on Pentney Lakes planning application final stages. Approval has been given in general terms for the development subject to the satisfactory implementation of Section 106. This has to be done within a short time scale or permission will be withdrawn. 2026 will see the final implementation of definitive maps for footpaths set. Councillor Moriarty will supply details to the Clerk. It is understood that Highways, Councillor Coke and Mr Orsi have met on site regarding discussions on the problems of flooding in Low Road.


8 Reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors continued Further work is being done on the Local Development Plan and indications are that there will be no change to the status of the village. Borough Council’s position, regarding the removal of cars at 10 Church Close, is as follows. Planning Enforcement will seek permission from the Planning committee to take Direct Action and arrange removal of vehicles off his land in order to recover the costs of the legal processes. Regarding the recent Grass Cutting Survey there was a wide variation in requirements from those who responded. It would appear that 6 to 8 cuts would be planned but there is a view to devolve where possible to the parishes. As always it will depend on financing.

9 Allotments Drainage culvert – Substantial work has been completed successfully on this project. September 2016 rents – two still outstanding for the September payment date. The Clerk has issued final warning letters.

10 Playing Field Enhanced facilities for the public – “Shelter” costs and details – Awaiting Will Fake’s Report. Spraying of field with suitable chemical to deter birds digging up surface – Rob Wilton to update what action has been taken. The Chair raised the issue of Grass Cutting and felt that for the time being it should be suspended. Those present agreed and Bryan Webster will advise CGM. General discussion then followed regarding the response from CGM on various matters that had been raised with them. It was felt that the matter should be reviewed when there were more Councillors present.

11 Correspondence e-mails Police and Crime Commissioner ref. speeding and the Community Engagement Officer PC Emily Carter. Council Matters Came and Co Insurers Call for Site and Policy Suggestions Consultation – Council to Note reason for non- meeting- As Council had no available land to develop a meeting was not necessary. Rangers visit Several e-mails ref. Local Government Settlement Consultation (Effect on Precepts) Council to note – Central Government has decided not to proceed with the matter for the present Mayor’s Civic Awards Oaklands, Pentney Lane, Planning Consultation (covered agenda item 6)

12 Village Matters.

War Memorial – The Chair reported that the pre grant application had been rejected by the War Graves Office on several points and he would seek advice from Rev. Stuart Nairn on how to proceed. Speed Signs – Bryan Webster reported that the latest information indicated a slight increase in the average speed to between 30 and 35mph. He felt that the signs needed recalibrating and he would contact the supplier. 12 Village Matters continued MINUTE BOOK PAGES 676

He also briefly reported on “Speeding in your village” papers and felt that it would be better to wait until more Councillors were present. Those present agreed. Keeping the Village tidy – (Rubbish) CCTV coverage on Playing Field area has been installed. Village Web Site – Clerk had nothing to report. PC Oil Buying Group – held over until next meeting.

13 Neighbourhood Plan – No further action on this at the moment.

14 Any Other Business Meeting dates for 2017 confirmed as – Wednesday 11 January Wednesday 1 March Wednesday 5 April Wednesday 10 May Wednesday 14 June Wednesday 2 August Wednesday 13 September Wednesday 18 October Wednesday 6 December

Question was raised regarding “Horse Riding “ road signs. Chair explained that the County were trying to restrict the number of road signs but asked the Clerk to follow up. Regarding potholes etc please keep Clerk informed by e-mail if you have any to report.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 11 January 2017 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed the Meeting at 9.05pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 11 January 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.25pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, John Adcock, Rob Wilton. Will Fake and Sarah Allen

Apologies :- Bryan Webster and Mike ParkerIn attendance:- Cllr Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 4 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests

3 The minutes of the Council meeting of Wednesday 7 December 2016 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meetings of Wednesday 7 December 2016 Re-route of footpath near Pentney Abbey – Council agreed to postpone action until Spring 2017 Footpath sign at Golden Gym – Chair will follow up with Footpath Officer at County Hall Road sign at junction of Pentney Lane and A47 – give way not stop – Clerk has reported this to Highways and is awaiting a response. Garages associated with Church Close – state of repair. With Freebridge and Chair is awaiting a response.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation. Concern was expressed about car that was parked on lay by near village hall. Chair agreed to follow up. There was also concern regarding the state of water works at Golden Gym. Will Fake agreed to follow this issue up as well as the large puddle that has developed.

6 Planning Application 16/02185/RM – Construction of dwelling at Pentney Lane. After discussion Council agreed to Object to this application on two points. The size of the proposed dwelling in relation to the size of the plot. The construction appears not to be in keeping with surrounding properties.

7 Financea) Precept for 2017/2018

Council considered the Proposal papers supplied by the Clerk and decided to requesta £500 increase over the 2016/2017 figure making it £13000 for 2017/2018.(Proposed John Adcock and seconded by Ben Howlett. All Agreed)A copy of the paper is included with these minutes.

7 Finance continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 678

b) Payments - Council approved the followingChq No 100918 – NALC Transparency Training Clerk £7.50Chq No 100919 – Fen Ditching Co. (Allotment Culvert) £2,562.00Chq No 100920 – Fen Ditching Co. (Allotment Culvert) £468.00

Chq No 100921 – URM Bottle Bank (December 16) £34.90 Chq No 100922 – Westcotec Ltd. (Street Light Maint. Oct 15 to Sept 17) £168.96 Chq No 100923 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (December 16) £142.08 Chq No 100924 - URM Bottle Bank (January 17) £34.90 Chq No 100925 – C K Ward (Internal Audit 2015/16 re-issued chq) £125.00 Chq No 100926 – Village Hall hire for 2016 £208.00 Authorisation for On-line Payment to HM Rev. & Customs for Clerk’s PAYE Tax (Oct/Nov/Dec 16) £254.40

c) Accounts to 31 December 2016 2016 2015Bank balance 30/11/16 £36,476.62 Current a/c £ 2,242.67 £ 2,005.68Receipts 1/12/16 to 31/12/16 £ 1,136.09 Premier a/c £ 9,013.92 £15,507.84Bank int etc -------“---------- £ 6.28 Churchyard a/c £20,086.74 £12,080.04 £37,618.99 Playing field a/c £ 5,911.68 £ 5,908.72 Pathway a/c £ 0.29 £ 0.29Payments 1/12/16 to 31/12/16 £ 351.84Bank charges £ 11.85 £37,255.30 £35,502.57 £ 363.69

Ledger balance 31/12/.16 £37,255.30

Council accepted these

d) Donation – Council decided not to make any donations.

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors Regarding the enforcement notice on the Church Close property nothing has been discussed yet at Borough Council meetings

9 Allotments September 2016 rents – the one still outstanding for payment has now been paid

10 Playing Field Council agreed that the immediate problem with the destruction of the grass surface should be resolved before taking action on any enhanced facilities. This was in hand with Bryan Webster. Therefore at this stage no action to be taken on enhanced facilities for the public re “Shelter”. Will Fake indicated that he would reposition the textile bank in the next few days.

11 Correspondence e-mails NALC Newsletter 15/12, 22/12 and 5/1 Consultation on video conferencing Norfolk Single Issue Silica Sand review11 Correspondence continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 679

Precept papers Display of Pentney Brooches at King’s Lynn Museum Grass Cutting 2017/18

12 Village Matters. War Memorial – It was agreed that at the appropriate time Council would pay for this and apply to the Church for a contribution at a later time. Plan to complete the work in the spring. Speed Signs – Nothing to report Keeping the Village tidy – report as necessary. Telephone Kiosk – Review painting Spring 2017 Village Web Site – Agreed that the Chair would put an announcement that the site was now in use in the Nar Valley News PC Oil Buying Group – Rob Wilton agreed to be the new contact Councillor. Chair will arrange for the necessary new signs and posters. Drainage of Low Road – The ditch has now been “dug out” to aid drainage as a soakaway.

13 Neighbourhood Plan The Chair suggested that a 3/4 page questionnaire should be developed, for circulation throughout the village, to gauge the level of interest in helping to produce such a plan.. Council felt that this was an approach worth trying and the Chair agreed to produce a draft paper for the next meeting.

14 Any Other Business Council discussed a Notice Board for Pentney Lakes. Agreed that this was a sensible approach and the Chair agreed to examine what was required.. Council also considered the possibility of purchasing land now for the extension of the churchyard. However, after establishing that the current going rate for land is some £10000 to £12000 / acre plus legal costs, agreed to look again next year. RAF Marham have advised that they will shortly be closing the main runway to update it for the new lightning jets. This means that the current secondary runway will come into force which will direct the current aircraft to take off and land over the village.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 1 March 2017 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed the Meeting at 8.25pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 1 March 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.05pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Rob Wilton. Sarah Allen, Bryan Webster and Mike ParkerApologies :- Ben Howlett, John Adcock and Cllr MoriartyIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 2 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests

3 The minutes of the Council meetings of Wednesday 11 January and Monday 6 February 2017 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meetings of Wednesday 11 January and Monday 6 February 2017 Re-route of footpath near Pentney Abbey – After the 2017 pathway walk. Footpath sign at Golden Gym – Chair awaiting a reply from NCC Road sign at A47 and Pentney Lane has been reported to Highways to resolve Garages associated with Church Close – With Freebridge to resolve Car parked on Village Hall lay by – Matter resolved Notice Board for Pentney Lakes – Chair reported unable to progress as no person available to discuss. Will keep trying.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation. Rubbish being tipped outside 10 Church Close is a health hazard. Sarah Allen will follow up

6 Planning Applications 17/00289/LB – LB Application : Revision to approved scheme comprising relocation of commercial kitchen and provision of 5 guest suites at Pentney Abbey, Abbey Road. After discussion Council had No Objections to the application 17/00202/F – Mobile with no foundations for use as an indoor off water training facility, Pentney Lakes After discussion Council had No Objections to the application 17/00319/F – Wrap around single and two storey extension at Oak Trees, Low Road, Pentney Whist Council were concerned about the scale of the proposed building they could see no reason to object to the application. Regarding the application from Breckland (Ref 3PL/2017/0181/VAR) at Pentney Leisure and Bowls Club, Council agreed that there was no action required.

7 Accounts.a) Payments

Chq No 100927 – URM Bottle Bank (February 2017) £34.90 Chq No 100928 – Various expenses for Chair £113.19 Chq No 100929 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (January 2017) £157.43 Chq No 100930 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (February 2017) £140.43

7 Accounts continued. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 682

b) Accounts to 28 February 2017Bank balance 1/10/16 £39,307.80Receipts 1/10/16 to 28/02/17 £ 4,211.37

Bank int etc -------“---------- £ 4.50 £43,523.67

Payments 1/10/16 to 28/02/17 £ 8,259.64

Ledger balance 28/02/17 £35,264.03

2017 2016

Current account £ 1,251.40 £ 1,612.27Premier account £ 8,013.92 £15,507.84Churchyard account £20,086.74 £12,080.04Playing field account £ 5,911.68 £ 5,908.72Pathway account £ 0.29 £ 0.29

£35,264.03 £35,109.16

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors There were no reports

9 Allotments Clerk advised that the 31 March 2017 payments letters would be issued shortly.

10 Playing Field The question of keys for the cabins on the field was discussed as no one on Council have a set. Bryan Webster agreed to follow up with the previous users to the cabins and issue to be resolved at the next meeting. BryanWebster then updated Council on proposals for restoration of the playing surface and quotations for various tasks on both playing field and churchyard for the next year. (Copy of correspondence attached to these minutes and in principle Council accepted the revised costs) Council resolved to have Bryan take the following action :- Renew the contract for the churchyard (Council approved the new rates) Set up a one off action for the car park to be sprayed and the bushes etc cut back asap, To arrange for the roadside verge, between Golden Gym crossroad and the bus shelter, to be cut on a monthly basis during April to October. To establish exactly how CGM would propose to chemically spray the field (how much of the area) and what would they propose to do with the unsprayed area and the associated costs of this and reseeding when appropriate. The Chair agreed to establish if a grant was possible to assist with the cost (WREN)

11 Correspondence e-mails NALC Newsletter 19/1, 26/1, 2/2, 9/2 and 15/2 Temporary Road Closure East Walton Statement of Community Involvement Consultation New Community Infrastructure Levy Fields in Trust11 Correspondence continued. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 683

NALC Planning for all Conference Community Biodiversity Awards 2017 Storm Doris Information ref Electricity Supply

12 To consider issues relating to village matters. War Memorial – The total cost for the project is £2,185 + VAT with no grant available through War Memorial Trusts. Council agreed to action the work and apply to the Parish Charity to see if some help towards the cost could be given. Speed Signs – Bryan Webster reported that the recording sign was currently out of action and was undergoing inspection. Copy of the latest record kept with these minutes Keeping the Village tidy – Chair agreed to approach the Rangers Team again to see If they are available to gives some paid help. Telephone Kiosk – Get a revised quote for paint for painting to take place in Spring 2017 Village Web Site – Now in regular use

PC Oil Buying Group – Rob Wilton to action the necessary signs and posters when they become available.

13 Neighbourhood Plan The Chair distributed a draft questionnaire and it was agreed that Councillors would make comment to him before the next meeting on its suitability. The plan would be to distribute to all households in the parish with a suitable letter explaining the reasons for doing the exercise and a return envelope. Agreed that a collecting box would be placed in the Church, Pentney Park shop and to return to any Councillor’s home.

14 Any Other Business Bus Shelter – Council considered the provision of a seat within the shelter. It was agreed to construct one along the back wall. Bryan Webster will head the project. Estimated cost of £250. Church Footpath – The Clerk advised that the supplier was waiting for the weather to warm up before doing the repairs. He agreed to speak to them about the surface weeds. Chair reported that the WI had found it necessary to purchase a PA system for their Village Hall meetings at a cost of £360. Council felt that some help should be given to them as it could prove useful to other users. The Chair to make contact and offer £100.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 5 April 2017 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Monday 20 March 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.00pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Rob Wilton. Sarah Allen, Ben Howlett, John Adcockand Mike ParkerApologies :- Bryan Webster and Cllr MoriartyIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests

4 Planning Applications 17/00127/F – New gated entrance to field at Farm Buildings, Narborough Road, Pentney. After discussions Council agreed unanimously to support the application. 17/00342/F – Change of use from guest lounge into 5 additional guest bedrooms at Pentney Abbey, Abbey Road, Pentney After discussions Council have no objections to this

application. 17/00405/RM – Reserved Matters - construction of dwelling and car port at land north of The Bungalow, Narborough Road, Pentney After discussions Council agreed unanimously to support the application. Council informally reviewed Application 17/00474/RM in preparation for the formal review at the next meeting.

5 Urgent A O B Council took a written report from Bryan Webster regarding speed cameras. The faulty Camera has been inspected with the following options available. Leave as is with no data recording capabilities (cost £80) Second hand refurbishment to install recording capabilities and 6 months warrantee (£350) Full refurbished camera and 12 months warrantee (£650) Bryan recommended the second hand version which Council approved. The Chair advised Council that the CGM contract for grass cutting for the next three years met the agreed criteria and he had therefore signed it in agreement. Highway matters mentioned in the e-mail received from a parishioner will be actioned by the Chair. Sarah Allen reported that she had written to Freebridge reference “fly tipping” with no response to date.

6 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 5 April 2017 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed the Meeting at 8.00pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on Wednesday 11 May 2016 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.00pm closed at 7.20pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Bryan Webster, John Adcock and Rob WiltonApologies :- Ben Howlett, Mike Parker and Cllr J Moriarty,In attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 8 Parishioners

1 The Chair opened the meeting at 7.00pm and welcomed all those present.

2 Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on the 13 May 2015 were agreed and signed by the Chair.

3 There were no matters arising,

4 The Chair then gave his report to the meeting for the 2015/2016 year

5 There were no other reports

6 The meeting then discussed the increase in planning applications. The Chair explained that because of the relaxation of planning rules, more people were taking the opportunity to apply whist this was in force. The relaxation was caused by central Government deciding that the Borough Council had insufficient land allocated to have a clear 5 years supply available for housing.

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 7.20pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 5 April 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.00pm

Present :- Richard Stevens,. Sarah Allen, Bryan Webster John Adcock and Mike ParkerApologies :- Ben Howlett, Rob Wilton and Cllr MoriartyIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 5 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interests

3 The minutes of the Council meetings of Wednesday 1 March and Monday 20 March 2017 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meetings of Wednesday 1 March and Monday 20 March 2017 John Cooper will organize the path walk for June/July 2017 and will advised the planned date nearer the time. Footpath sign at Golden Gym – Norfolk footpaths will arrange for this to be done. Notice Board for Pentney Lakes – Still to be actioned. Rubbish being tipped outside 10 Church Close, Sarah Allen reported that Freebridge had responded that it was not their problem and it should be referred to the Borough Council. She would follow this up with particular reference to “land registry” issues.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation. A parishioner raised the problem of fly tipping on a passing place on Low Road. He was clearing the rubbish as Borough Council’s response time was 3 days and he was

concerned that the longer the rubbish was left the greater the chance of it becoming a permanent feature. At the moment it appeared to be, in the main, tyres which cost some £4 each to dispose of legally. After discussion Council felt that some form of CCTV cover of the area was worth consideration but were concerned about the legal issue. The Clerk was asked to follow this point up Concerns were also raised over what appears to be road surface compression at both sides of the Paws L:ane bridge with a major contributing factor being heavy transport using the road. Request made to have a weight limit put on the lane. Clerk to report to Highways. It was suggested, that a complaint being made about dog barking should be taken up with the environment agency The restoration of a hedge in Abbey Road has still not been resolved and is with the Borough Council. In response to a question regarding the state of the Playing Field surface, the Chair updated the meeting with the latest position. Test were being done to establish the type of beetle that was the cause of the problem before any treatment could be recommended.

6 Planning Applications MINUTE BOOK PAGE 686

17/00474/RM – Proposed dwelling at land adjacent Pentney Lane Council remain concerned about the size of the building in relationship to the size of plot. Council recomend the retention of the existing hedge for screening purposes. They also requested that limitations be imposed on when building work could take place. ie Monday to Friday 8.00 to 18.00 and Saturday 8.00 to 13.00 No Sunday work. 17/00405/RM – Reserved Matters - construction of dwelling and car port at land north of The Bungalow, Narborough Road, Pentney . As this was a CIL issue Council make no response to this application. 17/00533/F – Extension to visitors car park including second access point and lighting at Abbey Farm, Pentney Abbey. Council have No Objections to this application.

7 Accountsa) Payments

Chq No 100931 – Pentney,Narborough WI – contribution to PA system £100.00 Chq No 100932 – BCKLWN Dog Waste collection 27/2/16 to 26/2 17 £513.24 Chq No 100933 – URM Bottle Bank (March 2017) £34.90 Chq No 100934 – Norwich Diocesan Board – Glebe Rent Oct 16 – Apr 17) £1463.00 Chq No 100929 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (March 2017) £664.07 (includes tax refund)

b) Accounts to 31 March 2017 2017 2016Bank balance 31/3/16 £34,201.70 Current account £ 797.48 £ 700.63Receipts 1/04/16 to 31/03/17 £23,382.44 Premier account £8,013.92 £15,509.77Bank int etc -------“---------- £ 11.56 Churchyard a/c £20,086.74 £12,081.55 £57,595.70 Playing field a/c £ 5,911.68 £ 5,909.46 Pathway a/c £ 0.29 £ 0.29Payments 1/04/16 to 31/03/17 £22,787.59 £34,810.11 £34,201.70

Ledger balance 31/03/17 £34,808.11

Ledger adjustmentChq No 100892 issued as £126.38 should be £128.38 £2.00

Adjusted balance 31/03/17 £34,810.11

c) NALC Precept letter 10/3/17 Council noted the contents regarding future Preceptand the need for absolute transparency on financial matters.

d) Council reviewed the Annual Governance Audit statement and approved the contents.Council also reviewed and approved the Accounting statements for 2016/2017.The Chair signed the appropriate documents.

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors.The Chair read a prepared statement from Councillor Moriarty regarding theLocal Government Boundary Commission review of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk.Effectively the exercise is to balance the number of electors by councilor and wards.


8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors continued It is expected that it will be completed in this year ready for implementation at the next elections in 2019. A copy of the full paper is included with the minute book.

9 To consider Allotment issues Clerk reported that the March 2017 invoices have been sent.

10 Playing Field Council discussed resurfacing of this area once the hedges etc had been tidied up Bryan Webster agreed to look at what options were available and the associated costs.

11 To receive matters of correspondence e-mails NALC Newsletter 13/3, 20/3 and 28/3 Fields in Trust Planning committee notification Highways Maintenance Teams Local Plan Review

12 To consider issues relating to village matters. War Memorial – Quote now with Rev. Stuart Nairn for consideration to proceed. Speed Signs – Due to a technical problem there were no statistics available. Keeping the Village tidy – Awaiting a response from the Rangers Team to see what they can offer as a paid contractor. Telephone Kiosk – A revised quote of £285 for painting in Spring 2017 plus the cost of materials has been received and Council approved. Chair to accept and make arrangements for the work to done. PC Oil Buying Group – Rob Wilton to report at next meeting.

13 Neighbourhood Plan With minor modifications Council approved the Questionnaire and agreed to distribute to the village. (Councillors to assist in the distribution). The inclusion of the question “Do you see any need or advantage in having a Neighbourhood Plan ?* was felt necessary considering the cost and effort required to produce a plan.

14 Any Other Business Clerk to follow up repair work to the Church footpath. Considering the number of Dog Waste Bins that are available throughout the village dog fouling appears to be on the increase. Chair to raise the issue in the next Nar Valley News. Sarah Allen raised the issue of spraying overgrowing stinging nettles on the footpaths. The Chair agreed to discuss with Ben Howlett and Will Fake.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 10 May 2017 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm and please NOTE Parish Assembly commencing at 7.00

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed theMeeting at 9.00pm


PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on Wednesday 10 May 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.00pm closed at 7.10pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Bryan Webster, John Adcock, Ben Howlett, Rob Wilton and Sarah Allen

Apologies :- Mike ParkerIn attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty, Cllr G Middleton, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 5 Parishioners

1 The Chair opened the meeting at 7.00pm and welcomed all those present.

2 Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on the 11 May 2016 were agreed and signed by the Chair.

3 There were no matters arising,

4 The Chair then gave his report to the meeting for the 2016/2017 year.

5 The report from the Chair of the Village Hall Management Committee was read.

6 There was No Other Business

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 7.10pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 10 May 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.30pm

Present :- Richard Stevens,. Sarah Allen, Bryan Webster John Adcock, Ben Howlett, Rob Wilton, Mike Parker and Will FakeApologies :-In attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty, Cllr G Middleton, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 5 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest

3 Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair for 2017/18 Bryan Webster proposed that Richard Stevens and John Adcock be reappointed which was seconded by Will Fake and approved by the remainder of the Council members. Both Richard and John accepted the positions.

4 The minutes of the Council meeting of Wednesday 5 April 2017 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

5 Matters arising from the Council meeting of Wednesday 5 April 2017 Footpaths will be walked on 10 and 14 June 2017 and reported at the June Council meeting. Notice Board for Pentney Lakes – Chair had been advised that there was a notice board at the lakes which it might be available for PC use. He would progress this. “Fly Tipping” – Sarah Allen reported that she had obtain a land registry document showing that the land was under Freebridge control, who have accepted this. In the main the litter has now been removed. Paws Lane Bridge road surface compression reported to Highways Increase in dog fouling – Suggested that signs be erected to deter this and Bryan Webster agreed to follow up. Spraying overgrowing nettles on footpaths – Ben Howlett to action. Estate Agents Signs – Chair to provide Clerk with details.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation None made.

7 Planning Applications 17/00808/F – Removal of conditions 6, 7, 8 and 9 from Application No 17/00032/O – Oaklands, Pentney Lane - 3 dwellings and access directly from the A47. Council have no objection in principle but would advise that the adjacent land was once a coal storage yard which could, therefore, be a source of contamination. 17/00798/RM – 3 Proposed dwellings at Oaklands, Pentney Lane Council have no objections to this application. 17/00533/F – Amendment details for extension of visitor car park at Abbey Farm, Pentney Abbey. Council feel unable to comment on this application as it is a specialist subject area.

7 Planning Application continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 689

Council to note 17/00342/F – Change of use and alterations to storage and cloak room at Pentney Abbey – Application Permitted 17/00319/F – Wrap around single and two storey extension – OakTrees, Low Road – Application Permitted 17/00405/RM – Construction of dwelling and car port at land north of The Bungalow, Narborough Road – Application Permitted

8 Accounts up to 30 April 2017 and approve payments.a) Payments

Chq No 100936 – NALC Subscription (2017/2018) £133.72 Chq No 100937 – URM Bottle Bank (April 17) £ 34.90 Chq No 100938 – E-ON Street lighting (2016/2017) £ 37.23 Chq No 100939 – CGM Group (Invs. 205118/204805/205004) £264.00 Chq No 100940 – Fields in Trust Subscription (2017/2018) £ 50.00

Chq No 100941 – Environment Agency (Allotments 2017/2018) £ 22.31 Chq No 100942 – Clerk Salary/expenses (April 2017) £174.35 Chq No 100943 – Pentney Park (Seat for bus shelter) £144.00 Chq No 100944 – Westcotec (repair to speed sign recorder) £420.00 Chq No 100945 – Came and Co (Council Insurance) £435.64

b) Accounts to 30 April 2017 2017 2016 Current account £15,135.72 £18,030.51 Premier account £ 5,013.92 £ 4,509.77 Churchyard account £20,086.74 £12,081.55

Playing field account £ 5,911.68 £ 5,909.46 Pathway account £ 0.29 £ 0.29

£46,148.35 £40,531.58

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors Update on Boundary Commissioners review from Cllr Moriarty indicated that there has been a recommendation to reduce the current councilors from 62 to 54. This is now being assessed to see if it is practical. (Would give some 2500 parishioners to each councilor if achievable) Regarding the Neighbourhood Plan - a white paper has been submitted which would give protection to the plan should a higher authority for some reason have their powers changed. The recent situation with the Borough Council, who found that they were deemed not to have sufficient land available to meet needs, had planning applications revert to the central government rules rather than the LDP, thus effecting the Parishes, as an example. Council congratulated Cllr Moriarty on his appointment as Deputy Mayor for the next year. Councillor Middleton outlined his position as the County Councillor indicating that eleven parishes had been assigned to him and it would not be practical to attend every meeting of every council. He did intend to attempt to get to meetings, however, on a meeting every 3 months or so. He would also do his best to come, if an urgent matter came up for review, on request. He intended to issue a regular monthly report to parishes on matters of interest.

9 continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 690

Cllr Moriarty updated Council on the latest position of the car clearance at 11 Church Close The enforcement notice was discussed at a recent planning meeting and it was agreed to defer action for a further month as some movement of cars away from the site had been registered. If the work is not completed at that time then the notice will be actioned.

10 Allotment issues March 2017 invoices sent and payment has been received from one allotment holder.

11 Playing Field Council agreed to delegate the resurfacing of car park area to Bryan Webster and Ben Howlett The Chair advised that a report was still awaited from BASF on the analysis of the beetle type. Will Fake offered to firm up the surface by rolling it and hopefully crushing the beetles in the process. He hoped to be able to do this work within the next ten days Council agreed that the Clerk should arrange for an inspection and report on the play equipment.

12 To receive matters of correspondence e-mails Fields in Trust AGM notice

Spring Council Matters SNAP Meeting Notice Norfolk ALC Newsletter 26/4 West Norfolk Recycling Rewards Borough Council Boundary Review procedures Briefing NHS West Norfolk report NPFA Members Newsletter

13 To consider issues relating to village matters. War Memorial – Council are still waiting for permission to start from the Diocesan Council Speed Signs – Now fully operational and results for the last week indicated speeds on the 30mph level. Sarah Allen reported that she was witnessing a fast moving car through the village on a regular basis. To liaise with Bryan Webster. Keeping the Village tidy – Rangers Team update Telephone Kiosk – Use of Kiosk as a Defibrillator base – Rob Wilton will collect more details on this and report back at the next meeting PC Oil Buying Group – Rob Wilton had nothing to report.

14 Neighbourhood Plan Progress on Questionnaire Papers. The Chair will provide more details at the next meeting.

15 To consider any other business Horse muck in alleyway – Church close bungalows area. Suggested that maybe some suitable sign could be erected. Clerk to follow up with Highways. Two thank you letters have been received. First from the PCC thanking Council for the continuing support of cutting the grass in the churchyard. The second from the WI for the donation of £100 towards the PA System. Car parking on the Narborough Road between Chapel Yard Cottages and Pentney Lane is becoming a safety issue. Clerk to report to police. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 691

16 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 21 June 2017 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.30pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

The Parish Council have been informed of the death of Alan Taylor, a pastParish Councillor for many years. The Council would like to formally record their sadness at Alan’s passing and to express their condolences to the Taylor family.


held on Wednesday 21 June 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.20pm

Present :- Richard Stevens,. Sarah Allen, Bryan Webster John Adcock, Ben Howlett, and Rob WiltonApologies :-In attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 1 Parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest

3 The minutes of the Council meeting of Wednesday 10 May 2017 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of Wednesday 10 May 2017 Re-route of footpath near Pentney Abbey – Report on walks on 10 and 14 June 2017 is being prepared and it is hoped to be presented at the next meeting. The Chair will provide a list to Mr Cooper of paths to be walked in future. There was, therefore, no details for the re-route of footpath near Pentney Abbey. Notice Board for Pentney Lakes – Chair reported that he had met with Mr Berry and agreed that Council could use the “Lakes” notice board. Paws Lane Bridge road surface compression reported – no further change. Increase in dog fouling – Bryan Webster reported further signs had been put up. Spraying overgrowing nettles on footpaths – Ben Howlett report that nettles had been cut back. Update on Car Clearance Church Close – Cars have been cleared from the back garden and there will be a visit from the Enforcement Officer shortly to ensure that the order has been applied correctly.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation No comments.

6 Planning Applications 17/01110/F – Variation of condition 2 of planning application 15/02068/CU reference office accommodation changed to restautant/reception. Pentney Lakes. Clerk had been advised that there was no requirement for a planning application. Council to note 17/00808/F – Oaklands, Pentney Lane – Removal of conditions – Application Withdrawn. Council agreed that the late arrival of Application 17/01032/F – Relocation of agricultural access on Narborough Road should be considered at a meeting to be confirmed.

7 Finance To approve the Accounts up to 31 May 2017 and approve payments.

a) PaymentsChq No 100946 – CGM Group Grass Cutting (April 17) £134.40

Chq No 100947 – CGM Group Grass Cutting (May 17) £377.407 Finance continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 693

Chq No 100948 – CGM Group Rolling PF (June 17) £156.00 Chq No 100949 – URM (Bottle Bank May 17) £ 35.34 Chq No 100950 – Clerk Salary/expenses (May 2017) £189.03 Chq No 100951 – Internal Audit (C Ward) £120.00 Chq No 100952 – Telephone Kiosk Paint (R Stevens) £52.81

b) Accounts to 31 May 2017 2017 2016 Current account £ 3,467.21 £18,494.02 Premier account £16,013.92 £ 4,510.80 Churchyard account £20,086.74 £12,083.06

Playing field account £ 5,911.68 £ 5,910.20 Pathway account £ 0.29 £ 0.29

£45,499.84 £40,998.37

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors Cllr Moriarty advised it would be announced shortly that food waste bins would allow non bio degradable bags to be used Regarding the review of silica sand deposits, the inspector had written to NCC indicating that it would wise to remove the West Bilney Woods area from the development proposals. It is expected that the final decision would be known in September 2017 The Borough Council are reviewing the planning application procedures in an attempt to speed up the process. One area of change is that if the Planning Officer disagrees with the Parish Council’s view it will not automatically be referred to the Planning Committee. However, the local Borough Councillor will still retain the right to “call the application in” thus giving the Parish Council some form of recourse if it felt necessary.

9 Allotment issues One payment outstanding for March 2017 – Request for payment been made.

10 Playing Field Resurfacing of car park area – Bryan Webster/Ben Howlett reported that the surface had been levelled with the pot holes removed. It does now need to be dressed with some fine granite chippings (5 mil). Estimate some 15 ton required. BASF Report on beetles.- Chair confirmed that the report stated that it was the Welsh

Chafer beetle and they were now researching on how best to treat them. Playing Field play equipment inspection –Clerk reported that the inspection is booked but could be up to 12 weeks before it is be done.

11 Matters of correspondence e-mails Defibrillator for Communities Awareness Campaign Was agreed that Rob Wilton would report at next meeting on this. Sarah Allen had met a lady parishioner who was trained as a first responder who might be interested in becoming involved. Norfolk Police re “Terror Attacks” information Property new address information for :- Oakland Cottages, Pentney Lane Oakland Gardens, Pentney Lane11 Matters of correspondence continued MINUTE BOOK PAGES 694

Ruddlands, Pentney Lane Meadowview, Pentney Lane Abbey Lakes Close, Abbey Lakes Norfolk ALC Newsletter 17/5. 23/5, 30/5 and 8/6 Borough Council Vigil of Remembrance for Manchester SNAP Meeting dates Police Newsletter

12 Village Matters. War Memorial – The PCC have now approved this work and the project has now been sent to the Norwich Diocesan Board for final approval. It is still hoped that this work can be completed this year. Speed Signs – Regarding the fast moving car through village Sarah Allen reported that she had not witnessed since the initial report. She agreed to keep it under review. Bryan Webster gave his apologies for no speed reports as he had a technical issue with the camera and his computer system. He asked if anyone would be prepared to take the system on and Rob Wilton agreed to do so. Bryan to brief Rob. Keeping the Village tidy – Await next Rangers visit –request to have footpaths swept and grass trimmed back where necessary to be part of the requested list of work. Telephone Kiosk – Use of Kiosk as a Defibrillator base – see item 11 correspondence PC Oil Buying Group – Rob Wilton will report as necessary The Clerk to follow up on the Church Path repair work – establish exactly what had been done

13 Neighbourhood Plan Progress on Questionnaire Papers – The Chair provided a list of necessary work that was required before distribution could take place and Council agreed to set aside time for a group effort. Clerk suggested hiring the village hall for a Saturday morning. Council agreed to hold back to September when the holiday period was over

14 To consider any other business Horse muck in alleyway – Church close bungalows area Car parking between Chapel Yard Cottages and Pentney Lane along Narborough Road – Safety issues. Clerk reported that both issues had been raised with the police who advised that these matters now came under the control of the Borough Council. He would progress the matter with them. Ben Howlett explained the event regarding path signs at Golden Gym to Council. The Chair will follow up to have the position rectified. At this stage of the meeting Bryan Webster, with great regrets, gave his resignation to

the Chair. He explained that Hilary and himself had made the decision to retire and the Park had now been taken over and as he was leaving the village, with immediate effect, he longer qualified to be a councillor. He thank everyone for their help and kindness during his period of some 15 years on Council and wished the councillors and village well for the future. In response the Chair thanked Bryan for his loyalty and commitment to both the Council and village and for the work that he had undertaken. He wished Bryan and Hilary a successful and happy retirement.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 2 August 2017 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm


There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.20pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 3 July 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.28pm closed at 7.50pm

Present :- Richard Stevens,. Sarah Allen, Bryan Webster John Adcock, Ben Howlett, Mike Parker and Rob WiltonApologies :-In attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 1 Parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.28pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest

3 Planning Applications 17/01032/F – Relocation of agricultural access with loading bay and gate 12m from road at Land to the East of Tiptree Cottage, Narborough Road, Pentney. After discussions Council agreed there were no issues with this application and therefore had No Objections. Council to note 17/00127/F – Create a new gated entrance to field –Farm Buildings, Narborough Road Application Permitted 17/00798/TM – Reserved matters 3 Proposed dwellings – Oaklands, Penrney Lane Application Permitted

4 Urgent A O B Chq No 100953 – CGM Chemical treatment to Playing Field Car Park £17.40 Chq No 100954 – URM Bottle Bank (June 17) £34.20

Having inspected the notice board at Pentney Lakes the Chair felt it was too small for combined use with the Council and recommended the purchase of another board which Council approved. Chair to make arrangements.

Telephone Kiosk – Defibrillator. There are two trained First Responders in the village. The Chair having spoken to the Area co-ordinator felt that it would be beneficial to have 2 Defibrillators within the village. In principle council approved expenditure for up to 2. The Chair indicated that some financial support might be available through the Pentney Charity. Update at the next meeting.

Council to consider the role of a “Village Handyman” at the next meeting.

5 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 2 August 2017 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 7.50pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 2 August 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.20pm

Present :- Richard Stevens,. Sarah Allen, John Adcock, Mike Parker and Rob WiltonApologies :- Ben Howlett, Cllr J MoriartyIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 2 Parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest

3 Council noted that the vacancy for a new Councillor could now be by co-option

4 The minutes of the Council meetings of Wednesday 21 June and Monday 3 July 2017 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

5 Matters arising from the Council meetings of Wednesday 21 June and Monday 3 July 2017 21 June 2017 Re-route of footpath near Pentney Abbey – Report on walks on 10 and 14 June 2017 are awaited and two new walks have been arranged for August 2017 Paws Lane Bridge area has recently been resurfaced. Update on Car Clearance Church Close – Matter now considered closed. Car Parking between Chapel Yard Cottages and Pentney Lane – Clerk meeting with Highways shortly to discuss what if anything can be done. Path Signs at Golden Gym – Chair advised Council that he was awaiting response from County. 3 July 2017 Notice Board for Pentney Lakes – Chair reported that a board has been delivered and he was making arrangements to install. Update on latest position regarding Defibrillator – Chair reported that contact has been made with First Responders and initially there are three Responders covering Marham and Pentney. (two are in Pentney) The plan is to provide one Defibrillator set to be held with the Responders in Pentney. Cost of the equipment is £1229.The operation is being controlled by East Ambulance Service.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation. No matters raised

7 Planning Application 17/01274/F – Construction of agricultural building (hay barn) at land east of Woodside, Narborough Road, Pentney. After discussion Council were unable to support this application for the following reasons It is a commercial enterprise which will require public access from what is a busy road That traffic will be increased with large commercial vehicles requiring access onto the site where there is already a restricted view of the road. Council understand that the removal of hedges from the proposed entrance area will need to be implemented to improve the view of the road. The size of the structure is considered out of keeping  and inappropriate for such a rural setting and is too large to justify being called just an agricultural hay barn.8 Finance MINUTE BOOK PAGE 698

Approve the Accounts up to 31 July 2017 and approve payments.

a) Payments Chq No 100955 – CGM Group Grass Cutting (June 17) £377.40 Chq No 100956 – Graphic Pavement Signs ltd (Notice board Pentney Lakes) £430.74 Chq No 100957 – Play Inspection Group (PF Equipment) £ 78.00 Chq No 100958 – Clerk Salary/expenses (June 2017) £226.33 Chq No 100959 – Clerk Salary/expenses (July 2017) £198.67 Chq No 100960 – URM Bottle bank (July 2017) £ 35.34

b) Accounts to 31 July 2017 2017 2016 Current account £ 2,211.77 £ 2,925.48 Premier account £16,013.92 £19,510.80 Churchyard account £20,086.74 £12,083.06 Playing field account £ 5,911.68 £ 5,910.20 Pathway account £ 0.29 £ 0.29

£44,224.40 £40,429.83

Opening balance 01/04/2017 £34,810.11 Receipts 01/04/17 to 31/07/17 £15,061.98 £49,872.09 Payments 01/04/17 to 31/07/17 £ 5,647.69

Balance 31/07 2017 £44,224.40

9 Reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors Nothing to report

10 Allotment issues One payment outstanding for March 2017 – Council instructed the Clerk to write asking for immediate payment.

11 Playing Field Resurfacing of car park area – John Adcock agreed to establish costs for supply and laying BASF Report on beetles – Agreed to keep under review Playing Field play equipment inspection – Chair will follow this up regarding replacement Swings, bench painting and check on Zip Wire (Clerk to inform supplier information) Condition of Cabins on Field - Cabin 1 in poor condition and John Adcock and Rob Wilton will make arrangements to secure door for safety reasons. Cabin 2 in better condition. Consider action to be taken over this issue at the next meeting.

12 Correspondence e-mails Norfolk ALC Newsletter 28/6, 5/7, 11/7, 20/7 and 27/7 Electoral Review of KLWN Warding Arrangements X 2 Parish Partnership Scheme 2018/2019 Norfolk Single Issue Silica Sand Review Playing field Annual Equipment Inspection Swaffham Visual Arts Festival Community Action Norfolk Funding News

13 Village Matters. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 699

War Memorial – Chair reported that agreement with the Diocesan Board is imminent. (Subsequent to the meeting authorization was received to commence work) Speed Signs – Rob Wilton expected to have statistics for the next meeting. Keeping the Village tidy – Range Visits – Clerk was asked to follow this item up.

Telephone Kiosk – The exterior of the kiosk has now been completed. Council agreed to consider some form of competition for the young people of the village to suggest how best to use the kiosk going forward. Village Handyman -Council considered the type of work that might be the remit for such a position. Suggestions ranged from clearing footpaths and gulleys, cleaning signs and village gates the upkeep and provision of flower boxes and ad hoc maintenance type work. To be considered further at the next meeting.

14 Neighbourhood Plan Chair to advise when help required.

15 Any Other BusinessBT box problem outside 2 Church Close – Chair to inspect and adviseBlocked Drain outside Wilford House Narborough RoadOvergrown hedges at Folgate Farm, Harvestile Farm and opposite Chapel Yard Cottages.Mike Parker to advise on contact names.John Adcock to make enquiries re use of footpath entrance onto Haygate Farm landinstead of actual field entrance.Ash tree near three new properties in Pentney Lane is overgrowing road

16 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 13 September 2017 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 31 August 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 7.33pm

Present :- John Adcock and Rob WiltonApologies :- Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, Mike ParkerIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Vice Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 There being insufficient members of Council present to be quorate he declared the meeting closed at 7.33 pm and no business was transacted.

3 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 13 September 2017 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 13 September 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.37pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Sarah Allen, John Adcock, Ben Howlett and Rob WiltonApologies :- Mike ParkerIn attendance:- Cllr G Middleton, Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 2 Parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest

3 Council noted that the vacancy for a new Councillor could now be by co-option

4 KLWN Boundary Review Councillor Moriarty updated Council on progress to date. The Council have submitted their recommendations to the Commissioner with a view to reduce Councillors from the current 62 to 54. This would give each Councillor some 2500 electors as a norm. Pentney would join up with Marham, Fincham, Stradsett, Crimplesham, Wormegay, Runcton Holme, Shouldham and Shouldham Thorpe as part of the Airfield Ward. Should this view be supported then it would come into effect for the 2019 elections.

5 The minutes of the Council meetings of Wednesday 2 and 30 August 2017 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

6 Matters arising from the Council meetings of Wednesday 2 and 30 August 2017 Re-route of footpath near Pentney Abbey – Following the Path Walks, recently arranged by Mr Cooper, it was agreed to leave this issue until Spring 2018, when further information would be available. Generally the walks had proved successful with, in most cases, satisfactory reports. However, the pathway from the bus shelter to Little Abbey Farm was found to be severely blocked. Council will take up the issue with the landowner and report back. The Chair agreed that he would prepare an analysis of the walks. Car Parking between Chapel Yard Cottages and Pentney Lane – Clerk reported that the police had now responded and he was awaiting contact from a Neighbourhood Support person. Path Signs at Golden Gym – Chair reported that he had contact with David Mills who will replace the signs and they will be installed correctly later. Notice Board for Pentney Lakes – John Adcock will make arrangements for this work to be done. Update on latest position regarding Defibrillator – Chair reported that we had received an invoice but were awaiting contact from the First Responders before going ahead and purchasing the equipment. Councillor Middleton understood that grants were available to assist with this type of project and will supply the Chair with details. BT Box problem outside 2 Church Close – Chair reported – Issue resolved. Blocked Drain outside Wilford House – Clerk has reported Overgrown hedges outside Folgate Farm, Harvestile Farm and opposite Chapel Yard Cottages – Await to see what, if any, action is take . Use of footpath entrance onto Haygate Farm land – John Adcock reported that the owners had agreed to use the proper gate. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 702

7 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation. Nothing raised.

8 Planning Applications None

9 To accept and approve the Accounts up to 31 July 2017 and approve payments.a) Payments

Chq No 100962 – D S Traylor – Telephone box painting £285.00 Chq No 100963 – CGM Group Grass Cutting (Churchyard April 2017) £ 94.54 Chq No 100964 – CGM Group Grass Cutting (Cy/pf/verges July 2017) £377.40 Chq No 100965 – URM Bottle bank (August 2017) £ 35.34 Chq No 100966 – Mazars LLP External Audit 2016/17 £150.00 Chq No 100967 – Clerk Salary/expenses (August 2017) £201.39

b) Accounts to 31 August 2017 2017 2016

Current account £ 3,582.59 £ 2,018.69

Premier account £12,013.92 £19,510.80 Churchyard account £20,086.74 £12,083.06

Playing field account £ 5,911.68 £ 5,910.20 Pathway account £ 0.29 £ 0.29 £41,595.22 £39,523.04

Opening balance 01/04/2017 £34,810.11 Receipts 01/04/17 to 31/08/17 £15,101.55 £49,911.66 Payments 01/04/17 to 31/08/17 £ 8,316.44 Balance 31/08/2017 £41,595.22

10 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors Councillor Middleton reminded Council that the Parish Partnership Scheme was open to help with special financial projects. He also advised that all County Councillors were being allocated £6000 from Highways for road improvement. As he has 12 Parish Councils to support his current thinking is that he will allocate to 2/3 projects from bids received from Councils. He intends to publish details in due course. Councillor Moriarty mentioned the formation of a Local Plan Task Group who would specifically be looking at boundary lines to limit how much building work could be assigned to an area. More details to follow.

11 Allotment issues None to report at this time.

12 Playing Field Resurfacing of car park area – John Adcock reported that he had been advised that 20 tons of gravel would be required at a cost of some £500. Council approved John to arrange for it to be done assisted by Rob Wilton.

12 Playing Field continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 703

Playing Field play equipment and general use of the field. Council expressed concerns that the use of the playing field was underutilized and a decision on its future needed to be considered . Rob Wilton agreed to undertake a review and issue a report for the next meeting. Condition of Cabins on Field – Having met prior to the meeting at the playing field and examined the cabins Council agreed that one was in such a poor condition that it should be removed. Ben Howlett and Rob Wilton to advise on how best to carry out this task. The second of the two cabins (the one furthest from the road) should be retained.

13 To receive matters of correspondence e-mails Norfolk ALC Newsletter 3/8, 9/8, 16/8 and 5/9 Norfolk Strategic Framework Consultation NHS West Norfolk CCG newsletter Highways England – Better Journeys on Better Roads Community Action Norfolk Funding News Vision for Norfolk Boundary Review of BCKLWN Conclusion of annual audit

14 To consider issues relating to village matters. War Memorial – The Chair advised that this restoration work would commence in

October 2017. Speed Signs – Ron Wilton will have the recording unit in place this coming weekend. Keeping the Village tidy – Council felt that the verge cutting along the Narborough Road was a start to improving this. Other initiatives need to be considered at the next meeting. Telephone Kiosk – Following on from information re grants for defibrillators from Cllr Middleton (item 6 of these minutes) Council will relook at using the kiosk for this purpose. Village Handyman – Councillors to consider the type of work that could be undertaken by such a post and advise the Clerk who would summaries them for the next Council meeting.

15 Neighbourhood Plan Distribution of Survey – Council agreed that this should be carried out late September with a target to have them returned by mid October 2017. The necessary papers are being prepared for distribution.

16 To consider any other business

17 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 18 October 2017 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 4 October 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.43pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Sarah Allen, John Adcock, Ben Howlett, Rob Wilton Mike Parker and Will FakeIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and Elle Cass (representing Darwin Alternatives)

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest

3 Planning The Chair invited Elle Cass to give an outline of the plans for Pentney Park’s new owners Darwin Alternatives. The plan is to convert the park into a delux 120 static unit operation. There will be a completely new services area constructed with a new swimming and toddlers pool, fitness suite, shop and restaurant. They plan to hire out some 2/3 thirds of the units with the remainder being sold. They plan for a permanent full time staff of some 35 with contract cleaners filling a further 15 positions rising to up to 65 during peak trading times. They hope to retain existing staff although not necessarily in the same positions. As far as possible trees on site will be protected and they hope to increase trees to give extra sound screening from the A47 trunk road and improve the environment of the site. The investment is estimated at between £8 to 10 million and is seen as a long term

commitment. They expect an initial local spend in the area of some £1.5m rising to £2.25m over time. Time scale for the development is initial planning application within the next two months with necessary consent by May 2018. Target is to complete by Spring 2019. They expect to retain a shop presence during this time

17/01714/O – Outline application to construct 3 dwellings following demolition of exiting dwelling at Kairouan, Back Road, Pentney. After discussion Council agreed unanimously to OBJECT to the application for the following reasons – As the village is classified as a Hamlet a development such as proposed is totally inappropriate for the location The site being close to the green burial site and village church is out of keeping for this area. There has already been planning consent given to other developments along this part of Back Road and this will only add to the traffic flow and change the nature of a quiet area. This will also add pressure to other surrounding village services which Pentney lack.

17/01769/F – Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 14/01313/F – 4 Bed Bungalow to east of Villa Park, Narborough Road, Pentney. After discussions the Council have No Comments to make on this application

4 Urgent Any Other Business. MINUTE BOOK PAGES 705

Payments Chq No 100968 – Clerk Salary/expenses (September 2017) £260.62 Chq No 100969 – Norwich Diocesan Board (Glebe Rent 6/4–10/10/17) £1,463.00 Authorization for on-line payment to HM Rev. & Customs for Clerks PAYE Tax (Jul/Aug/Sept 2017) £3.60 Chq No 100970 – Frimstone Ltd Gravel for Playing Field Car Park £546.06 Chq No 100971 – Expenses for survey of Village Neighbourhood plan £362.22

5 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 18 October 2017 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 18 October 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.30pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Sarah Allen, John Adcock, Ben Howlett and Mike ParkerApologies :- Rob WiltonIn attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 1 Parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest

3 Councillor Vacancy There are two parishioners who have indicated an interest. The Clerk will make arrangements to hold a selection meeting as soon as possible where Councillors will have an opportunity to discuss the role with the candidates and make a selection.

4 The minutes of the Council meetings of Wednesday 13 September and 4 October 2017 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

5 Matters arising from the Council meetings of Wednesday 13 September and 4 October 2017 Summary of footpath walks held in June and August 2017 – Chair is collating a report which will be presented at the next meeting Blocked pathway from bus shelter to Little Abbey Farm – Ben Howlett reported all OK Car Parking between Chapel Yard Cottages and Pentney Lane – Clerk still waiting to be contacted by local Neighbourhood Watch. Path Signs at Golden Gym – Chair reported work done. Chair would follow up on missing sign in Pentney Lane. Notice Board for Pentney Lakes – Mr Adcock and Chair’s son will install shortly. Update on latest position regarding Defibrillator – Chair reported that a lady “first responder” would shortly be in place and he would then give clearance to raise

a cheque. (see Village Matters for more information Item 13) Overgrown hedges outside Folgate Farm, Harvestile Farm and opposite Chapel Yard Cottages – Clerk to discuss with Andy Wallace (Highways) if they are able to take action.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation The parishioner raised the problem of stinging nettles obscuring a road sign in Low Road. Mike Parker agreed to spray with killer now and in the spring.

7 There were no Planning Applications


8 To accept and approve the Accounts up to 30 September 2017 and approve payments.a) Payments – Cleared at the 4/10/2017 meeting

b) Accounts to 30 September 2017 2017 2016 Current account £ 3,743.14 £ 1,799.67 Premier account £12,013.92 £15,512.33 Churchyard account £20,086.74 £16,084.57 Playing field account £ 5,911.68 £ 5,910.94 Pathway account £ 0.29 £ 0.29

£41,755.77 £39,307.80

Opening balance 01/04/2017 £34,810.11 Receipts 01/04/17 to 30/09/17 £16,415.37

£51,225.48 Payments 01/04/17 to 30/09/17 £ 9,469.71 Balance 30/09/2017 £41,755.77

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors Councillor Moriarty up dated Council on the initial response from the Boundary Review Body which was to support the Borough Council’s recommendation of 54 Councillors. He advised Council that Central Government was upping pressure regarding housing targets. Whilst the current Borough Council achievement of 500 – 600 houses pa appeared acceptable the position could change.

10 Allotment s. All payments for September 2017 invoices have been received.

11 Playing Field Resurfacing of car park area – 20 tons of Gravel has been laid, which is insufficient. An estimated 4 tons more is required. John Adcock will make the necessary arrangements and contact the Clerk for a cheque to cover the costs. Fuller use of the Playing Field – Report from Mr Wilton put back until the next meeting. Removal of oldest Cabin on Field – Mr Howlett advised that he would not require this. Mr Adcock to discuss with Mr Wilton how the cabin can be disposed of.

12 Correspondence e-mails

Norfolk ALC Newsletter 13/9, 21/9 and 4/10 Norplay September newsletter Police Crime Update August Community Action Norfolk Funding News Council Tax Support Scheme Consultation “Come Dine With the Mayor” Gourmet Dinner Property address change – Pentney Cottage to The Cottage A47 Saddlebow works by Highways.

13 Village Matters. MINUTE BOOK PAGE 708

War Memorial – This work will be done on 30/10/2017 in the church yard. Speed Signs – Mr Wilton to update at the next meeting. Keeping the Village tidy – There is a general feeling that the work being done along Narborough Road and the playing field car park area is giving an appearance of Improvement. Keep under review and consider extending work to other parts of the village. Telephone Kiosk – Defibrillator project – There is a strong feeling with some Councillors that the Kiosk should be adapted to facilitate a defibrillator. The Chair has obtained some costings for an additional unit but feels that further exploration is required. He will discuss with the Chair of Narborough Parish Council a shared scheme with the use of the First Responder and also sources of funding. Village Handyman – The general feeling of Council is that this is a sound idea but needs to be carefully considered before making any steps to attract someone for the role. To be further explored at the next meeting.

14 Neighbourhood Plan Distribution of Survey has taken place and results are now being received. Chair hopes to be able to produce a report at the next meeting. Cllr Moriarty agreed to provide contact details for the person responsible in Castle Acre for doing the same work to the Chair.

15 Any Other Business The Chair asked Cllr Moriarty if CIL would be applicable to the proposals at Pentney Park. Cllr Moriarty felt it was unlikely but would seek advice and inform the Chair of the position. The Chair also asked about Section 106 where Cllr Moriarty was able to state that it would not apply to the Parish Council

16 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 6 December 2017 in the villagehall commencing at 7.30 pm

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.30pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724



held on Wednesday 6 December 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.00pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Sarah Allen, John Adcock, Rob Wilton and Mike ParkerApologies :- Ben Howlett and Cllr J MoriartyIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 3 Parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest. The Chair at this time spoke to Council on maintaining etiquette at Council meetings and making timely responses to e-mail requests Clerk.

3 Councillor Vacancy Prior to the meeting, two parishioners were invited to attend a selection interview for the position. Both candidates were asked a similar set of questions, which included what qualities and skills they could bring to Council. They were also invited to give their reasons for seeking appointment to the Council. Council would like to thank both of them for attending the meeting and being open in responding to the questions. Both were worthy candidates but it was decided to offer the position to Claire Dallas, the Chair to communicate with both on the following day. Subsequently Claire accepted the offer and will join Council at the March 2018 meeting.

4 The minutes of the Council meetings of Wednesday 18 October 2017 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

5 Matters arising from the Council meetings of Wednesday 18 October 2017 Summary of footpath walks held in June and August 2017 – Chair gave Clerk a copy which will be distributed with the minutes of this meeting. Car Parking between Chapel Yard Cottages and Pentney Lane – Council will keep under review. Missing sign in Pentney Lane has been replaced.. Notice Board for Pentney Lakes – Mr Adcock will install shortly. Update on latest position regarding Defibrillator – Chair covered under Item 13 Overgrown hedges outside Folgate Farm, Harvestile Farm and opposite Chapel Yard Cottages – Clerk to discuss with Andy Wallace (Highways) State of road at Golden Gym, due to contractors failing to clear up mud etc, is appalling. Clerk to discuss with Highways. It is a health and safety problem.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation The parishioner raised the problem of discarded batteries in the woods close to the A 47 and the Marham and Narborough Road. He agreed that he would dispose of them. Raised the problem again of speeding in the village.

7 Planning Applications 17/02120/F – Retention of existing cattle shed & proposed extension. Little Abbey Farm.

After discussion Council approved the application unanimously.

7 Planning Applications continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 710

Council to note 17/01714/O – Construction of 3 dwelling houses following demolition of exiting dwelling. Kairouan, Back Road. – Application Withdrawn 17/01769/F – New dwelling to the east of Villa Park, Narborough Road – Variation of Condition 2 – Application Permitted 11/00826/S257 – Diversion and Stopping Up of Footpath 10 Pentney has been actioned. A47 Road sign for Pentney Bowls Club - A request had been made for the views of the Parish Council on the matter of a road sign being placed on the A47 advertising the Bowls Club. After discussions Council were not opposed to the idea – Clerk to advise.

8 To accept and approve the Accounts up to 30 November 2017 and approve payments.a) Payments

Chq No 100974 – A F Holman & Sons War Memorial restoration £ 1,311.00Chq No 100975 – URM Bottle Bank (Sept 2017) £34.20Chq No 100976 – URM Bottle Bank (Oct 2017) £35.34Chq No 100977 – Clerks salary and expenses (Oct 2017) £200.91

Chq No 100978 – Clerks salary and expenses (Nov 2017) £200.91 Chq No 100979 – URM Bottle Bank (Nov 2017) £34.20

b) Accounts to 30 November 2017 2017 2016 Current account £ 1,905.28 £ 1,468.49 Premier Account £12,013.92 £ 9,012.33 Churchyard account £20,086.74 £20.084.57

Playing field account £ 5,911.68 £ 5,910.94 Pathway account £ 0.29 £ 0.29 £39,917.91 £36,476.62

Opening balance 01/04/2017 £34,810.11 Receipts 01/04/17 to 30/11/17 £17,414.23

£52,224.34 Payments 01/04/17 to 30/11/17 £12,306.43 Balance 30/11/2017 £39,917.91

c) Discussion re Precept setting at January 2018 meeting – Council noted the requirementsto consider at the Precept meeting.

d) Church Roof Appeal - Council agreed that no action could be taken until a full briefing paper was presented. To be raised at a later meeting.

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors Nothing to report at this time.

10 Allotments – Nothing to report.

11 Playing Field Resurfacing of car park area – Mr Adcock reported that there was a requirement to hand rake the gravel and he agreed to coordinate the exercise. Fuller use of the Playing Field – Mr Wilton would consolidate the various pricings for equipment and make recommendations at the next meeting. Removal of dilapidated Cabin on Field – Chair agreed to follow this issue up12 To receive matters of correspondence MINUTE BOOK PAGE 711

e-mails Norfolk ALC Newsletter 10/10, 23/10, 2/11, 7/11, 14/11, 16/11, 23/11 and 29/11 Data Protection Bill 2020 Police Structure Review Community Action Norfolk Funding November News ALC Norfolk AGM Notice x2 Meet the Leader of NCC Came and Co (Insurers) Newsletter Highway Rangers. Police SNAP Notice Consultation – Over the counter medicines UK Power Networks – Be Winter Ready Children Services – Early Help Community Capacity Team Police November Newsletter Free support during a power cut Tesco Bags of Help Funding A47 Roadworks 4/12 to 20/12 Closure information A47 East Winch to Dereham Road Swaffham 27/11 to 1/12 Closure information CPRE Norfolk Voice newsletter Road Sign for Pentney Bowls Club KL to Hunstanton Railway Project Open Day 2/12 Change of External Auditors information 2017/2018

13 To consider issues relating to village matters. War Memorial – Work has now been completed Speed Signs – Mr Wilton would reposition the signs shortly and check that they were operating correctly. Keeping the Village tidy – The Chair agreed to approach CGM for a quote to do further work along the Narborough Road. Telephone Kiosk – Council agreed to progress the use of the Kiosk as a site for a Defibrillator project. He has been receiving information from the Community Heart Beat Charity and with the Clerk will look at funding through the National Lottery scheme. Village Handyman – Await outcome of the CGM quotation.

14 Neighbourhood Plan Results of Survey. Council agreed that the results indicated that this project was worth following up. Chair will look at having a Village Open Meeting with a professional expert to explain the process which will need to be undertaken and then progress the matter.

15 To consider any other business Dates for Next Year issued by the clerk for consideration. Finalised at January 2018 meeting.

Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 10 January 2017 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 27 December 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 7.47pm

Present :- John Adcock, Rob Wilton, Sarah Allen and Mike ParkerApologies :- Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett and Will FakeIn attendance:- Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Vice-Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Vice-Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 Planning Applications 17/02228/FM - Demolition of all site buildings and construction of 119 Holiday Lodges – Pentney Park, Main Road. After discussion Council agreed that they had No Objections to this application. 17/02352/DM – Demolition of all existing buildings for redevelopment of existing caravan park- Pentney Park, Main Road. Council again agreed they had No Objections to this application.

4 Urgent A O B No items raised under this.

5 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 10 January 2018 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Vice-Chair closed the meeting at 7.47pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 27 December 2017 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.48pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Sarah Allen, John Adcock, Rob Wilton, Mike Parker and Ben HowlettIn attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 3 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meetings of Wednesday 6 December and 27 December 2017 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meetings of Wednesday 6 December and 27 December 2017 Notice Board for Pentney Lakes – Mr Adcock had started work on installation. State of road at Golden Gym – Clerk has reported to Highways as a safety issue and was still waiting for a response. He was asked to report the matter again.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation In an attempt to improve the road conditions in Low Road some parishioners have been clearing dykes and ditches. Discussions have taken place with the landowner to also try and improve things with a culvert between Little Abbey Farm and the corner of Low Road. The Chair said he would take the matter up. Concern was also expressed about the condition of Pentney Lane. The Chair agreed but added as part of the new developments the passing place was going to be tarmacked and generally tidied up. The grass triangle outside of the Church roadside is also being badly eroded by the traffic but it is difficult to see what action the Council can take.

6 To receive Planning Applications 17/02404/RM – Reserved Matters Application for residential development (Plot 8) Narborough Road. The point was raised by a parishioner that the development was on Church Close not Narborough Road and he was in discussion with the Borough Council. That said, Council could see no reason for objecting to the application. 17/02416/O – Proposed residential development Dutch House, Pentney Lane. The Chair declared an interest and the Vice Chair took the discussion After discussion, Council were concerned on two fronts. Firstly this was yet another increase in the flow of traffic and secondly that the residential development was being planned on a commercial site. Council Objected to the application. 17/01985/F – Cabin Style Summer House in front of property 2 Abbey Lakes Close, Pentney Council found no reason why the application could not proceed. No Objection.

7 Finance To approve Accounts up to 31 December 2017 and approve payments.

a) PaymentsChq No 100980 – Clerks salary and expenses (Dec 2017) £144.55

Authorization of direct payment to HMRC Clerks Tax (Oct/Nov/Dec 17) £171.20

7 Finance continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 714

b) Accounts to 31 December 2017 2017 2016

Current account £ 1,684.27 £ 2,242.67 Premier account £12,016.03 £ 9,013.92 Churchyard account £20,090.26 £20.086.74

Playing field account £ 5,912.72 £ 5,911.68 Pathway account £ 0.29 £ 0.29 £39,703.57 £37,255.30

Opening balance 01/04/2017 £34,810.11 Receipts 01/04/17 to 31/12/17 £19,025.75

£53,835.86 Payments 01/04/17 to 31/12/17 £14,132.29

Balance 31/12/17 £39,703.57

c) Precept settingCouncil considered the proposals put forward by the Clerk and accepted that issues ofexpenditure for the year had been accommodated Council agreed to the recommendedPrecept of £12500

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough CouncillorsCllr Moriarty updated Council on progress regarding the Boundary Review for King’s Lynn

and West Norfolk and that the consultation period ends on 15 January 2018. It is expected that the final recommendations are published in the spring of 2018. He will keep under review.

Regarding changes to the Borough Planning Application procedures he gave his apologies for the poor manner in which this had been communicated and for the lack of consideration by the Borough. He urged Council to have a matter “called in” to him as soon as they felt that there was a possible conflict so that there was an access to the Planning Committee.

9 There were no Allotment issues

10 Playing Field Resurfacing of car park area – Mr Adcock will co-ordinate a final hand raking on the gravel. Fuller use of the Playing Field – Mr Wilton agreed to publish a report, including price information, on the type of equipment that could be considered, for the next meeting. To be circulated to all before the next meeting so that Councillors could prepare for discussions. The Chair suggested that an approach, for the old play equipment on Pentney Park could be made to the new owners. Council felt this was a good idea and Chair agreed to make contact. Removal of oldest Cabin on Field – Mr Adcock had found a contact who was prepared to undertake the task. He then declared an interest and took no part in the discussion. The price quoted to do the work is £1050 and Council agreed to accept this. Mr Adcock was asked to make the necessary arrangements.

11 Correspondence MINUTE BOOK PAGE 715

e-mails Norfolk ALC Newsletter 13/12 Grants and other funding sources Norfolk County Council Budget Consultation Police December Newsletter Norfolk Minerals Site Specific Allocations – Silica Sand Adoption Christmas Greetings from the Borough Mayor Precept papers.

12 To consider issues relating to village matters. Speed Signs – Mr Wilton apologized, that for personal commitments he had been unable to do the necessary work on the speed equipment but hoped to do so shortly Keeping the Village tidy – The Chair advised Council that he had received a quotation from CGM to clear and clean roadside debris along the Narborough Road from the Playing Field to the Church. The work to be done 4 times per year (February/ May/September/November) at a cost of £191.60 per visit. Council agreed and Chair

will make the necessary arrangements Telephone Kiosk – Use of Kiosk as a defibrillator site – Chair advised that an application to the National Lottery for funding was being prepared. Time scale approximately 12 weeks. Village Handyman – Council agreed to retain this item on the agenda but take no action other than to keep under review until the results of the CGM exercise were seen Clerk to advise Highways that there had been no response to hedge cutting in the village and to ask them to implement a cutting operation.

13 Neighbourhood Plan Chair reported that he had been in contact with a professional company (Planning Direct) and they had advised that a grant of up to £9000 was available to help with the work. They suggested that an application be made for an initial grant of £2750 which would allow them to commence the preliminary work of setting up meetings etc. to progress the plan. Council agreed to this proposal and the Chair will make the necessary application.

14 Any Other Business The meeting dates for 2018 are confirmed as

21 February 4 April 9 May 13 June

1 August5 September16 October

5 December

The Chair has received a letter from Parishioner Mr Orsi asking Council’s views on having a Residence Association for Low Road. The idea would be to undertaking duties through volunteers to help with improvements to immediate area. They would wish to work with Council and have a link person to the Council. Council felt this was an excellent idea and Ben Howlett agreed to be the link man.


15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 21 February 2018 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.48pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 21 February 2018 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 8.55pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Sarah Allen, Ben Howlett and Claire DallasApologies :- Mike Parker and John AdcockIn attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 9 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meeting of Wednesday 10 January 2018 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of Wednesday 10 January 2018 Notice Board for Pentney Lakes – Mr Adcock has started work on installation but requires completion. State of road at Golden Gym and Low Road – The Chair asked parishioner Mr Orsi to update the Meeting on the action taken to-date. Mr Orsi had spoken with Mr Wells regarding the problems and had agreed that Mr Wells would create a new verge and he had given Mr Orsi permission to have access to his land to carry out any future remedial work. With reference to pot holes he confirmed that Highways had repair work in their work list. He was concerned that there were areas of land which required work to assist with the

dispersion of water to which he had no access. The Chair thanked Mr Orsi for his work to date and agreed to meet with him to explore the issues raised and discuss the possibility of another land survey.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation A resident close to the Playing Field expressed concern regarding the siting of the recently acquired play equipment. Mr Orsi, who is overseeing the installation, agreed to discuss with the parishioner the best alternatives. A parishioner was concerned about developments on Mr Fakes farm entrance which was causing heavy transport to encroach on land on the other side of the road. The Chair agreed to discuss with the parishioner and follow up the issue.

6 Planning Applications 16/01449/F – Retention of fencing, gated access at track, at land north east of The Pines, Abbey Road, Pentney. The applicant brief Council on the situation regarding both the length of time the application had taken to be processed by the Borough Council and the reasons for the same to still have to go before the Planning Committee. Council advised that they were reviewing this application “out of time” and was there as a reminder to Councillors that they could make comment as parishioners if so minded to do. However they agreed to make a No Comment return outside of time limit. Council to note 17/02248/F – The Old Bakehouse, Narborough Road – Variation of Condition 13 of Planning permission on 07/01884/F. Application Permitted 17/02404/RM – Land at Narborough Road – Reserved Matters Application for residential development (Plot 8) Application Permitted MINUTE BOOK PAGE 718

7 To accept and approve the Accounts up to 31 January 2018 and approve payments.a) Payments

Chq No 100981 – Clerks salary and expenses (Jan 2018) £142.31Chq No 100982 – URM (Bottle Bank Dec 2017) £35.34Chq No 100983 – K Rix (Removal of PF Portacabin) £1050.00Chq No 100984 – Pentney Village Hall Hire (2017) £192.00Chq No 100985 – CGM Clean paths from PF to Church (Jan 18) £229.92Chq No 100986 – Cheque VoidChq No 100987 – CGM invoices for grass cutting and weed treatment £1,433.70

Chq No 100988 – URM (Bottle Bank Jan 2018) £35.34 Chq No 100989 – Chairs general expenses and Neighbourhood Plan £165.53

b) Accounts to 31 January 2018 2018 2017 Current account £ 1,527.18 £ 1,462.17 Premier account £12,016.03 £ 9,013.92 Churchyard account £20,090.26 £20.086.74

Playing field account £ 5,912.72 £ 5,911.68 Pathway account £ 0.29 £ 0.29 £39,546.48 £36,474.80

Opening balance 01/04/2017 £34,810.11Receipts 01/04/17 to 31/01/18 £19,025.75 £53,835.86

Payments 01/04/17 to 31/01/18 £14,132.29Balance 31/01/18 £39,546.48

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors Councillor Moriarty, in light of comments made during the Planning Applications Discussion, reiterated his previous explanations of the change of procedures that

the Borough Council had implemented. The Chair thanked him for reminding Council of how they could proceed if necessary.

9 Allotment issues None at this time.

10 Playing Field Resurfacing of car park area – Update from Mr Adcock re final raking to be given at the next meeting. Fuller use of the Playing Field – Report from Mr Wilton at the next meeting required. Old play equipment from Pentney Park – The equipment had been moved onto site and it was planned to install shortly. A full inspection by qualified engineers to be made thereafter. Removal of oldest Cabin on Field – The Chair reported that this had now been disposed of.

11 Correspondence since the last meeting e-mails Norfolk ALC Newsletter 18/1, 25/1, 30/1, 8/2 and 15/2 Temporary road Closure at West Bilney New property address – Kerwell, Narborough Road11 Correspondence since the last meeting continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 719

Police December Newsletter January Community Action Norfolk’s Jobs Newsletter Highways and Community Rangers Visit Saddlebow Bridge work update. Invite to the “In good company summit” Norwich Western Link NALC Information Update Norfolk Playing Field Newsletter (January) Funding Source for Residents of Rural Norfolk Community Action Norfolk Funding Newsletter

12 Village Matters. Speed Signs – Update from Mr Wilton required at the next meeting as it was noted that only one is erected and not working and the other is not on display. Keeping the Village tidy – Chair reported that CGM had done the clearance work from the Playing Field to the Church which seems to have given an improved appearance. Telephone Kiosk – Use of Kiosk as a defibrillator site – Awaiting outcome of application for a grant Village Handyman – Keep under review Hedge Cutting in village – Some work seems to have been carried out. Would all Councillors be prepared to give notification of areas which still seem overgrown for the next meeting. The Clerk to make contact with Mr Hickling regarding hedge in Low Road.

13 Neighbourhood Plan Chair reported that Designation of Pentney Parish as a Neighbourhood Area was agreed. He had been unable to apply for grant within the last time slot but would look to put in an application within the next one. (April for £2000) Hoped to have a Steering Committee meeting on the 16 March 2018 where allocation of tasks required could be considered. The Chair asked if Council would allow him a small operational budget (say £1000) until grants could be finalized. Council agreed to the request, Clerk to set up. He was currently gaining advice from Castle Acre, Runcton and West Winch.

14 Any Other Business

Council noted that there were No cuts to Bus Subsidies This item, Japanese Knotweed, to be reviewed at the next meeting. The Chair had been advised by RAF Marham that the arrival of the Lightning aircraft were expected in June 2018 and would be giving a presentation shortly. Weeds were still causing a concern on the new church path. Clerk to follow up.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 4 April 2018 in the village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.55pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 4 April 2018 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.00pmPresent :- Richard Stevens, Sarah Allen, Mike Parker, John Adcock and Claire DallasApologies :- Ben Howlett and Cllr J MoriartyIn attendance:-, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 4 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present and advised the Council of the resignation of Rob Wilton.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The minutes of the Council meeting of Wednesday 21 February 2018 had correction to name spelling and were then approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of Wednesday 10 January 2018 Notice Board for Pentney Lakes – It has been agreed that an outside agent will erect the notice board shortly. State of road at Golden Gym and Low Road – The landowner has agreed to landscape the corner of Golden Gym but due to the poor weather has been unable to commence the work which means that the state of the road has not improved. Andrew Wallace the Highways Engineer needs to be appraised of the position (Clerk) as with reference to pot holes he has confirmed that Highways had repair work in their work list. The Chair yet to meet with Mr Orsi to explore the possibility of a further land survey of the area. The Clerk was still trying to make contact with the company who installed the church footpath to discuss the weed problem. Will Fake has confirmed that he will be cutting the hedge at Mr Hikling’s property in Low Road

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation. A parishioner lodged a strong complaint about the dangerous road conditions at Golden Gym and demanded that Council take action to rectify the situation. It was pointed out that Highways were already aware of the problem and have work included in their schedule. It was also stated that discussion were ongoing with the landowner with him committed to also do work to improve the position. A parishioner advised that he was aware of the Parish Partnership Scheme and enquired if it could be used to help install a hard standing outside Gray’s Cottages to avoid parking on the grass verge. It was understood that the Highways Engineer was aware of the situation and Council agreed that the Clerk would make further enquiries. Mention was also made regarding a TROD for use along Low Road which Clerk will follow up. There was general concern that because the verges outside properties were being damaged by passing traffic the residents had resorted to putting out logs on the verges to prevent this happening. The Chair agreed to follow this up advising that should an accident occur because of the logs the owner would become liable for damages caused.

6 To receive Planning Applications 18/00588/CM – Variation of condition 1 and 3 of retention of coated road store plant until 30/10/2020 by Tarmac. After discussion Council felt there was no comment to make.


7 To accept and approve the Accounts up to 31 March 2018 and approve payments.a) Payments

Chq No 100990 – Glebe Rent for Allotments (11/10/17 to 5/4/18) £1463.00Chq No 100991 – BCKLWN Dog Waste Collection (27/2/17 to 25/2/18) £576.58Chq No 100992 – URM (Bottle Bank February 2018)) £31.92Chq No 100993 – Karl Rix (Leveling gravel in playing field carpark) £40.00Chq No 100994 – Clerks salary and expenses (Feb 2018) £143.99Chq No 100995 – Clerks salary and expenses (Mar 2018) £185.91

Chq No 100996 – NALC Subs for 2018/2019 £168.44 Chq No 100997 – Neighbourhood Plan Expenses (Chair) £157.50 Authorization of on-line payment to HMRC in respect of Clerk’s PAYE Tax £256.80

b) Accounts to 31 March 2018 2018 2017 Current account £ 745.53 £ 797.48 Premier account £ 9,521.88 £ 8,013.92

Churchyard account £20,100.28 £20.086.74 Playing field account £ 5,915.67 £ 5,911.68 Pathway account £ 0.29 £ 0.29

£36,283.65 £34,810.11

Opening balance 01/04/2017 £34,810.11 Receipts 01/04/17 to 31/03/18 £19,206.13 Bank Interest 01/04/17 to 31/03/18 £ 25.49

£54,041.73 Payments 01/04/17 to 31/03/18 £17,758.08 Balance 31/03/18 £36,283.65

c) Yearend Accounts 2017/18 Council approved these to go to Internal Audit

8 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors There were no reports.

9 To consider Allotment issues March 2018 invoices have been issued

10 Playing Field Resurfacing of car park area – A final raking has been carried out by a contractor Fuller use of the Playing Field – The Chair will contact Rob Wilton for information that he was working on prior to his resignation. He will then discuss with Ben Howlett. Old play equipment from Pentney Park – The Chair was advised that some repair work was required to the feet of the structure which was expected to be in the order of £500. Council approved this. The Clerk to make enquiries re type of surface required for this to stand on. Help will be required from Will Fake to move the equipment into its final position which is still to be agreed with residents near to the site.

11 To receive matters of correspondence MINUTE BOOK PAGE 722

e-mails Norfolk ALC Newsletter 22/2, 12/3, 15/3 and 23/3 Police December Newsletter (March) Community Action Norfolk’s Jobs Newsletter (Feb/Mar) Highways and Community Rangers Update on work carried out Saddlebow Bridge work update. (Feb and Mar) West Norfolk Early Help Bulletin (Mar) Public Tree Strategy Consultation (response by 1/4/18) SNAP Agenda for meeting (14/3/18) and notes from 10/1/18 meeting. Review of Bus Services Community Action Norfolk Funding Newsletter West Norfolk Parish Council Networking Meeting 10/4/18 Consultaion – Draft Norfolk Access Improvement Plan 2018-2028. (Footpaths, Right of Ways etc) Parish Council Public Transport Brief (Stagecoach Withdrawal) Mobile Visitor Centre Information

12 To consider issues relating to village matters. Speed Signs – The Chair will arrange with Rob Wilton for the return of charging equipment etc and Council will then need to find a volunteer to undertake the work of controlling the system. Keeping the Village tidy – Keep under review

Telephone Kiosk – Use of Kiosk as a defibrillator site – The application for funding from the Lottery has been refused. Council need to consider who could take the lead for this project before finalizing a reapplication or seeking alternative funding. John Adcock will also establish with Barton Bendish from where they received their grant. Village Handyman – Keep under review

13 Neighbourhood Plan Chair reported that a number of meetings have been arranged to progress the project. The first will be on Tuesday 10 April 2018 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.00pm to which all Councillors are invited to attend. This will take the form of meeting the volunteers and having a briefing from BCKLWN staff. Further meeting with a consultancy will take place on Friday 20 April 2018 to establish if funding is required and to what extent. There are some 10 parishioners who have volunteered to help. Dates to note are 23/10/18 (Admin Meeting), 1/5/18 (Planning Questionaire), 9/6/18 (Village Open Meeting) and 12/6/18 (Discuss results of questionnaire and Open Meeting)

14 To consider any other business Fly Tipping – There has been another incident of this which has been cleared up. It is, however, an ongoing problem and likely to get worse. Japanese Knotweed – The thoughts are that this is not a problem but will keep under review.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 9 May 2018 in the village hall following the Parish Assembly which will commence at 7.00pm

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.00pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

PENTNEY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on Wednesday 9 May 2018 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.07pm closed at 7.15pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, Mike Parker and Sarah AllenApologies :- John AdcockIn attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 1 Parishioners

1 The Chair opened the meeting at 7.07pm and welcomed all those present.

2 Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on the 10 May 2017 were agreed and

signed by the Chair.

3 There were no matters arising,

4 The Chair then gave his report to the meeting for the 2017/2018 year.

5 The report from the Chair of the Village Hall Management Committee was read.

6 There was No Other Business

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 7.15pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


held on Wednesday 9 May 2018 at Pentney Village Hall opened at 7.20pm closed at 8.50pmPresent :- Richard Stevens, Sarah Allen, Mike Parker, John Adcock and Ben HowlettApologies :- Claire DallasIn attendance:- Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 4 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.20pm following the Annual Parish Assembly and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The Chair then advised Council that nominations for the position of Chair were

required at this meeting and that he was willing to stand again if it was thought appropriate. Mike Parker proposed that Richard Stevens should continue as Chair, seconded by Sarah Allen and unanimously agreed by those present.

4 The minutes of the Council meeting of Wednesday 4 April 2018 were then approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

5 Matters arising from the Council meeting of Wednesday 4 April 2018 Notice Board for Pentney Lakes still to be installed. Possibility of further land survey on land around Low Road and Golden Gym – Chair reported that this matter was still to be progressed Weeds on Church Footpath – The Clerk reported that from observations made by Sarah Allen there appears to be a level of surface weeds, not penetration from under the surface. Council discussed the possibility of spraying the path with weed killer. Chair to discuss with the Reverend Nairn and report back. Hard standing outside Gray’s Cottages – The Clerk was still awaiting response from the Highways Engineer and asked if Councillor Moriarty would object if he was copied on a further e-mail to the Engineer. Councillor Moriarty agreed. TROD for Low Road – Again response awaited from the Highways but the general view was there was little chance of anything being achieved Logs on verges – The Chair had put a note through the door of the property concerned but it was known to be a rental property. A parishioner had discussed it with the current caretaker but had received little response. Councillor Moriarty agreed to discuss with the Highways Engineer to further progress the matter.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation A parishioner expressed concerns at incidents of a casual visitor seeking hay but behaving in a suspicious manner. Other members of Council expressed their concerns over “travelers” visiting the village. The parishioner proposed that Council should consider setting up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme. Clerk to make contact with the police and seek advice. A parishioner thanked Councillor Parker for his work in spraying the nettles around signs in Low Road.

7 Planning Applications MINUTE BOOK PAGE 724

18/00518/F – Proposed annexe to side of property at New Ketlam House, Low Road, Pentney Council discussed the issues relating to this application and were assured that the request was for a genuine need. Council had No Objections. Council to note 18/00397/PACU3 – Building and land N of Charolios and NE of Grays Cottages, Low Road – change of use from rabbit meat production unit to a dwelling house – Prior approval REFUSED

8 To accept and approve the Accounts up to 30 April 2018 and approve payments.a) Payments

Chq No 100998 – Environment Agency (2018/2019) £22.38Chq No 100999 – Fields in Trust (Subs for 2018/2019) £50.00Chq No 101000 – URM (Bottle Bank March 2018) £35.34Chq No 101001 – E – ON (Street Lighting 2017/2018) £42.19

Chq No 101002 – Clerks salary and expenses (April 2018) £159.23Chq No 101003 – CGM Grass cutting within the village (April 2018) £282.90Chq No 101004 – Cicero Comms (Neighbourhood Plan Grant App.) £594.00Chq No 101005 – Came and Company (Council Insurance 2018/2019) £503.07Chq No 101006 – Mrs C K Ward (Internal Audit 2017/2018) £120.00

b) Accounts to 30 April 2018 2018 2017 Current account £15,235.06 £15,135.72 Premier account £ 5,521.88 £ 5,013.92 Churchyard account £20,100.28 £20.086.74

Playing field account £ 5,915.67 £ 5,911.68 Pathway account £ 0.29 £ 0.29 £46,773.18 £46,148.35

Opening balance 01/04/2018 £36,283.65 Receipts 01/04/18 to 30/04/18 £13,524.22

£49,807.87Payments 01/04/18 to 30/04/18 £ 3,034.69Balance 30/04/18 £46,773.18

c) Clerk’s SalaryAfter discussion Council unanimously agreed to change the Clerk’s Salary Scaleto SCP 22 - £10.953/Hour with immediate effect. The Clerk expressed his thanks.

d) Council to approve 2017/2018 yearend accounts to go to External AuditCouncil approved the internal auditor’s inspection of the accounts and the Chair signedThe Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statement Balance.


9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors Councillor Moriarty explained the new estimated costing system to be adopted by the Borough Council for elections and appointment of councillors to a Parish Council. Should at commencement of the PC’s four year term it be necessary for a ballot to be held an £800 charge will be applied. If the number of candidates are equal or less than required number then £200 charge will be applied For a casual vacancy if 10 or more parishioners call for a ballot, which is subsequently held, then £800 charge will be applied. For a casual vacancy without requirement for a ballot then a £200 charge will be made

10 To consider Allotment issues Two March half year payments have been received

11 Playing Field Fuller use of the Playing Field – Council agreed that it was necessary to reopen the planning of this project and John Adcock agreed to do the initial fact finding exercise. Old play equipment from Pentney Park – Council agreed initial cost to make the equipment safe to use (new feet and legs) at some £350 plus raw material costs. Mr Orsi will make the arrangements. He also agreed to take photographs and measurements of the equipment for the Clerk to establish what type of surface should be considered.

12 To receive matters of correspondence e-mails Norfolk ALC Newsletter 4/4, 13/4, 19/4 and 26/4 Police Newsletter (April) Saddlebow Bridge work update. (April/May) War Memorial listed building status Upcoming work on the A47 Annual Parish Assembly Notice Norfolk Playing Fields Newsletter (April) Notice of new property address By letter – War Memorial Grade II Listed Building documents.

13 To consider issues relating to village matters. Speed Signs – A resident has volunteered to manage the signs. War Memorial – This has been formally been designated a grade two listed site Keeping the Village tidy – Keep under review Telephone Kiosk – Use of Kiosk as a defibrillator site – The Clerk has identified someone from the Ambulance Service who is prepared to meet with the Council to discuss the benefits. Clerk was asked to make the arrangements. Village Handyman – Keep under review Village Hall – Disabled access – Recently a parishioner has pointed out that it was not possible to to get their mobility scooter up the gravel entrance to the hall. Chair to brief the Village Hall committee to see if an entrance from Narborough Road could be considered.

14 Neighbourhood Plan MINUTE BOOK PAGE 726

Chair updated Council. A number of meetings have been held with the volunteer team who have spread the investigation work, to develop a comprehensive set of questions to put to the village, between themselves. This will also form the basis for the Village Open Day (Saturday 9 June 2018) display boards and discussion points. A consultation meeting has also been arranged to discuss the appropriate way to submit a request for grant aid.

15 To consider any other business The Clerk advise the meeting on the various steps he was arranging to cover the General Data Protection Regulations which come into force on 25 May 2018.

16 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 13 June 2018 in the village hall.

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.50pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


Held on Wednesday 30 May 2018 at Pentney Village hall commenced 7.36 pm andclosed 8.03 pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, Sarah Allen and Claire DallasApologies :- Mike ParkerIn Attendance :- Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Chair opened the meeting at 7.36pm and welcomed those present.

2 The Chair reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 Planning Applications 18/00828/O – Construction of 3 dwelling houses following demolition of existing dwelling at Kairouan, Back Road, Pentney.

After discussions and checking back to the first application (which was withdrawn) Council considered that their previous objections to the first application still remained for this re-application namely :- The Village is classified as a Hamlet and development such as proposed is totally inappropriate for the location. The site being immediately adjacent to the green burial site and village church is out of keeping for this area. There has already been planning consent given to other developments along this part of Back Road and this will only add to the traffic flow and change the nature of a quiet area. This will also add pressure to other surrounding village services which Pentney lack.

4 Bus Passenger Consultation Council were concerned that this matter had been raised by Councillor Allen, who had been approached by a number of concerned parishioners, with no contact being made with the Parish Council by the bus company. Clerk to establish why this was the case. Fears had been expressed by current bus passengers at the loss of flexibility that was currently being given by the Flexibus service. The proposals, in the new scheme, offered an increase in the number of buses but no certainty that the buses would run to time and make connections with other services. To be reviewed at next meeting (even though this is beyond the response date of 8 June 2018)

5 Urgent A O B Payments Chq No 101007 – CGM weed kill spray at Playing Field Car Park £17.40 Reference to the recent problems with mud and water on Golden Gym and Low Road the Chair requested the Clerk to make contact with the Parish Clerk of West Acre to discuss their approach to an agricultural contractor who appeared responsible for a similar situation in their Parish. Clerk to follow up moving of a post box located outside Oaktrees (PE32 1JF)

6 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting will be Wednesday 13 June 2018 in the Pentney Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.03pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 33902Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


Held on Wednesday 13 June 2018 at Pentney Village hall commenced 7.35 pm andclosed 8.45 pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, Sarah Allen, John Adcock and Claire DallasApologies :- Mike ParkerIn Attendance :- Cllr J Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 4 Parishioners

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.35pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 The Chair then advised Council that nominations for the position of Vice Chair were required at this meeting. The Chair proposed John Adcock was seconded by

Sarah Allen and unanimously agreed by those present.

4 To approve the minutes of the Council meetings of Wednesday 9 and 30 May 2018

5 To consider matters arising from the Council meetings of Wednesday 9 and 30 May 2018 Notice Board for Pentney Lakes – The Chair advised Council that this was now installed Possibility of further land survey on land around Low Road and Golden Gym – It was reported the said land was up for sale. Council then went on to discuss the work that was necessary to help eliminate the flooding aspect which occurred during this last winter. The Chair then requested that Parishioner Joe Orsi provide details of the equipment and supplier and costs necessary to action the work. Any work undertaken would probably be in stages as one bottleneck was cleared waiting to see the effect on the next stretch of land. Hard standing outside Gray’s Cottages – Clerk had received a response from Highways Engineer indicating that it may be possible to use the Parish Partnership scheme and that he would provide cost details shortly. TROD for Low Road – Council felt that this should come under the Neighbourhood Plan Project and was referred to them. Weeds on Church Footpath.- Chair report on his discussions with Rev Nairn who agreed that in the main it was top weed showing and not coming through the coating surface. Was agreed that the Clerk should write to the suppliers advising them that should a problem occur in the future that they would be held responsible for addressing the situation. Logs on Verges – Cllr Moriarty reported progress with the Highways Engineer who has advised that they should not be there and is making plans to remove them. The current owner is aware that they should not be there but refuses to take any action. Neighbourhood Watch – Clerk reported that the local Police were aware that Council were interested in the scheme and would be in touch once their staff were suitably trained.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation A parishioner raised the issue of the consultation document regarding the bus service for the Village. Council were also made aware of a letter which had been received on the same subject. It was agreed that the Clerk should communicate the concerns of those parishioners who use the bus service to the consultation team. The major concerns relate to the unpredictability of the various services being linked together resulting in unacceptable long waits for connections and the loss of helpful driving staff of the current suppliers.

7 Planning Applications MINUTE BOOK PAGE 729

18/00989/F - Construction of a cattle shed and associated agricultural access Lower Farm Agricultural Out Buildings and Stores on land south of Abbey Road, Pentney After discussions Council agreed there were No Objections in principle. However, they questioned the need for an additional access quoted as Abbey Road when in fact it appears to be Narborough Road. The application also asserts that it is not visible to the public when it is clearly visible from both the road and public footpath.

8 To accept and approve the Accounts up to 31 May 2018 and approve payments.a) Payments

Chq No 101008 – R Stevens Neighbourhood Plan Expenses £227.95Chq No 101009 – URM (Bottle Bank May 2018) £35.34Chq No 101010 – CGM Grass cutting within the village (May 2018) £651.90Chq No 101011 – Clerk Salary/Expenses (May 2018) £205.04Chq No 101012 – CGM Chemical spray to the PF Carpark (May 2018) £17.40

b) Accounts to 31 May 2018 2018 2017 Current account £ 2,580.83 £ 3,467.21 £36,283.65 Premier account £17,521.88 £16,013.92 Churchyard account £20,100.28 £20.086.74

Playing field account £ 5,915.67 £ 5,911.68 Pathway account £ 0.29 £ 0.29 £46,126.45 £45,499.84

Opening balance 01/04/2018 £36,283.65 Receipts 01/04/18 to 31/05/18 £14,577.25 £50,860.90 Payments 01/04/18 to 31/05/18 £ 4,734.45 Balance 31/05/18 £46,126.45

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors There was nothing to report.

10 Allotment issues Three March half year rents have been received and the Clerk has contacted the remaining Allotment Holder. Ben Howlett indicated concern of land drainage issues on part of the allotment area. Council asked the Clerk to contact The Glebe and ask them to make contact with Ben Howlett to discuss the issues.

11 Playing Field Fuller use of the Playing Field – Council discussed the issues and gained the impression from the recent Neighbourhood Plan Open Day session that some form of outdoor adult keep fit equipment would be worth considering. John Adcock agreed to explore this and report back. Old play equipment from Pentney Park – Was agreed that a site meeting should be held with Mr Orsi and members of the Council to fix the location and resolve any outstanding issues. Date agreed as 18/6/19 at 5.30pm.

12 Correspondence – e-mails Norfolk ALC Newsletter 17/5, 23/5 and 7/6 Police Newsletter (May) Notice of new property address – The Limes, Pentney Lane Growing Communities Project – Volunteer Master Gardeners12 Correspondence continued MINUTE BOOK PAGE 730

Highways Rangers Visit General Data Protection Regulations Emergency Road Closure Norwich western Link Consultation Bid Letter Reference Parish Partnership 2019/20

13 Village Matters. Speed Signs – Chair advised Council that one of the signs required a new battery which had been ordered and expected both signs to be operating once this had been actioned. Speeding in Low Road and in the main appeared to be customers of the Gym. Clerk to write to the Gym Owners asking them to remind their members to keep their speed within the limits. War Memorial- This item can now be removed from the agenda Keeping the Village tidy – This item can now be removed from the agenda

Telephone Kiosk – Use of Kiosk as a defibrillator site – Experts expected to attend the next meeting on the 1 August 2018 to answer questions. Village Handyman – This item can now be removed from the agenda Village Hall – Disabled access. Chair to report on progress with Village Hall Committee Letter from Village Hall Committee reference help with maintenance and a Notice Board. Clerk to seek clarification on exactly what the request is for before progressing this further.

14 Neighbourhood Plan The Chair reported that the Open Saturday had proved very beneficial, with over 100 attending and 66 forms returned, and a number of comments complementing the efforts on behalf of the village. The next stage of the process is the analysis of the forms to provide feedback and planning information to the consultants. The Chair congratulated the team who have worked well together.

15 Any Other Business The Chair made comment to a recent letter regarding one footpath which had been reported as blocked. It was confirmed that this was no longer the case and the Chair would respond accordingly. The Chair requested that Ben Howlett should confirm in an e-mail the comments he had made regarding Golden Gym. Council discussed the grass verge cutting and agreed that it looked better on a half cut basis.

16 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 1 August 2018 in the village hall commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for their attendance and closed themeeting at 8.45pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


Held on Wednesday 18 July 2018 at Pentney Village hall commenced 7.35 pm andclosed 8.45 pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Sarah Allen and John AdcockApologies :- Mike Parker and Claire DallasIn Attendance :- Bob Pannell (Clerk)

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.35pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

3 Planning Applications 18/01150/RM – Three proposed dwellings at 1 Oakland Cottages, Pentney Lane

After discussions Council raised No Objections 18/01152/RM – Single dwelling (plot 1) at land S of 1-8 W of Foxes Lair, Narborough Road. After discussions Council raised No Objections

4 Any Other Urgent Business Payments following were approved Chq No 101015 – CGM grass cutting PF/CY/Roadside edges (June 18) £467.40 Chq No 101016 – CGM Clearing pavement of leaves and cherry stones £229.92 Chq No 101017 – Westcotec new battery for speed sign £96.00 Chq No 101018 – URM Bottle bank (June 18 ) £34.20

Blocked footpath – Clerk confirmed that it was the responsibility of Norfolk CC and had reported the matter to them and was awaiting a response. Clerk agreed to seek urgent action.

Play Hut at Playing field – Site had been agreed and work needed to be coordinated to have it installed. John Adcock agreed to do this with Joe Orsi and Will Fake

5 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 1 August 2018 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for their attendance and closed themeeting at 8.00pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724


Held on Wednesday 1 August 2018 at Pentney Village hall commenced 7.05 pm andclosed 9.00 pm

Present :- Richard Stevens, Ben Howlett, Sarah Allen, John Adcock, Mike Parker and Claire DallasApologies :- Cllr J MoriartyIn Attendance :- Bob Pannell (Clerk), 4 Parishioners, 3 visitors from East Winch including the Chair and Vice Chair of the Parish Council (Mrs Nell Steele and Mr Keith Harrod) and 2 guests speakers on the subject of Defibrillators (Andrew Barlow Community Collaboration Manager for Norfolk and North Cambs. and Barbara Knott Lead Resuscitation Officer QE Hospital)

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.05pm and welcomed all those present.

2 The Chair then introduced the guest speakers and handed the meeting to them for their

presentation and question and answer on Defibrillators. Facts and figures were given and a practical demonstration of the actual use of a defibrillator. Numerous questions were asked and answered and the session concluded with the Chair giving thanks to the speakers. They in return volunteered to provide practical and training help if the respective Councils required it. Visitors left the meeting at 7.55pm and the meeting returned to the Agenda.

3 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of Interest.

4 The minutes of the Council meetings of Wednesday 13 June and 18 July 2018 were then approved and duly signed by the Chair

5 Matters arising from the Council meetings of Wednesday 13 June and 18 July 2018 Possibility of further land survey on land around Low Road and Golden Gym – The Chair and Parishioner Mr Orsi agreed to set a date for this to be discussed in detail.. Hard standing outside Gray’s Cottages – Clerk has asked for an update from Highways Engineer and is still awaiting an answer. Weeds on Church Footpath.- Clerk has written to suppliers re responsibility Logs on Verges – Clerk has asked Highways engineer for update and awaits an answer Neighbourhood Watch – Clerk has requested an update from Lee Anderton the local Police Engagement Officer on when this item can be actioned.

6 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation A parishioner raised further issues with regards to the Bus Passenger Consultation. A set of questions had been prepared by another parishioner. The clerk explained that he had been in contact and communicated the previous concerns to the officer concerned and agreed to pass on the further information. Parishioner Joe Orsi raised the point about moving a post office box. Sarah Allen advised that she was now researching the issue

7 Planning Applications 18/01290/F - Construction of garage / stables at Sovereign House, Main Road, Narborough After discussion Council agreed that they had No Objections to the application


8 To accept and approve the Accounts up to 31 May 2018 and approve payments.a) Payments

Chq No 101019 – CGM Grass cutting (CY and Verges July 18) £184.50Chq No 101020 – Clerk Salary/Expenses (June 2018) £159.09Chq No 101021 – Clerk Salary/Expenses (July 2018) £186.77Authorisation for on-line payment of Clerks Tax (Apr/May/Jun 2018) £277.60Chq No 101022 – R J Marriott for work on Play House £126.24Chq No 101023 – Adam Stromanis for work on Play House £300.00

b) Accounts to 31 July 2018 2018 2017 Current account £ 6,140.31 £ 2,211.77 Premier account £17,525.66 £16,013.92 Churchyard account £20,110.30 £20.086.74

Playing field account £ 5,918.62 £ 5,911.68 Pathway account £ 0.29 £ 0.29 £49,695.18 £44,224.40

Opening balance 01/04/2018 £36,283.65 Receipts 01/04/18 to 31/07/18 £23,893.37

£60,177.02Payments 01/04/18 to 31/07/18 £10,481.84Balance 31/07/18 £49,695.18

9 To accept reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors None were presented

10 To consider Allotment issues All March half year rents have been received. The Clerk had reported the drainage issue raised by Ben Howlett to the Diocesan Board but has received no response. Will follow up.

11 Playing Field Fuller use of the Playing Field – John Adcock reported that he had explored and identified different types of suitable equipment but felt he required assistance in coming to a recommendation. The Chair agreed to discuss the issue with John and report back to Council. Old play equipment from Pentney Park – John Adcock and Joe Orsi explained the current position and explained the work required. They requested that the type of ground protection cover was needed before moving onto the installation. The Clerk agreed to chase this up. Ben Howlett had agreed to assist with the work.

12 To receive matters of correspondence – e-mails Norfolk ALC Newsletter 21/6, 18/7 and 26/7 Police Newsletter (July) Dog Fouling and Litter survey Community action Norfolk’s Job Newsletter Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan review Fields in Trust Bulletin Tesco Bags for help Funding RAF Marham Flying activities Sandi Starfish Posters Children Activities and services in West Norfolk

12 To receive matters of correspondence – e-mails continued MINUTE BOOK PAGES 734

UK Power Networks – Thunderstorms warning New House Name Information – 62 Pentney Lakes

13 To consider issues relating to village matters. Speed Signs – The Chair agreed to discuss where the second speed sign was being positioned with the volunteer who was looking after the project when Councillors could only remember seeing one in use. Telephone Kiosk – Use of Kiosk as a defibrillator site – See item 2 of these minutes. Council to discuss at the full meeting on 5 September 2018 Village Hall – Disabled access. Chair to report on progress with Village Hall Committee. The Chair indicated that he had not received any information on the subject but would follow the matter up. Village Hall Committee reference help with maintenance. – Clerk reported that he had discussed the letter received from the Village Hall Committee with the Chair and Clerk and established that the Hall was accepted as a standalone body with its own Trustees. They believed that there were some

issues with the structure of the Hall and were making enquiries into what was needed in the way of help. They would discuss at the next meeting and keep the Clerk informed.

14 Neighbourhood Plan Chair reported that the questionnaire has been agreed by the Committee who have submitted it to Planning Direct for comment. No response yet. The Committee are unsure of a number of issues and feel that some form of briefing or workshop is required from Planning Direct to allow them to progress. The Chair agreed to speak with them to try and set up something.

15 Any Other Business A broken drain cover was reported at Golden Gym close to the entrance of Little Abbey Farm. Clerk to report. Low Road- road sign – currently this is lopsided and requires to be placed upright. Clerk to report The Chair thanked Joe Orsi for the work he was doing for the benefit of the village. The Chair agreed to follow up the issue raised regarding Charitable Housing.

16 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 5 September 2018 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for their attendance and closed themeeting at 9.00pm

Chairman:- Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE Telephone:- 01760 339026Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL Telephone:- 01553 775724

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