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Lesson 1Title: Structure of the Earth & Introduction to Plate Tectonics Unit

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is for students to analyze the composition and structure of the internal features of the Earth using the 5-E Learning Model. Students will be introduced to the theory of plate tectonics and the teacher will ascertain the students’ prior knowledge of the subject as a whole and gauge their interest in various related topics.

Safety Issues & Accommodations: There are no major safety concerns associated with this lesson. Slot notes will be used to accommodate for the variation of reading and ability levels in the classroom.

Relevant Virginia SOL’s:ES.1 The student will plan and conduct investigations in which

c) scales, diagrams, charts, graphs, tables, imagery, models, and profiles are constructed and interpreted;

d) maps and globes are read and interpreted, including location by latitude and longitude; ES.7 The student will investigate and understand geologic processes including plate tectonics. Key

concepts includea) geologic processes and their resulting features; and b) tectonic processes.

NSTA Standards: NSTA 1. Content. To show that they are prepared in content, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand and can successfully convey to students the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, and interrelationships of their fields of licensure and supporting fields as recommended by the National Science Teachers Association

b) understand and can successfully convey to students the unifying concepts of science delineated by the National Science Education standards

NSTA 6. Curriculum. To show that they are prepared to plan an implement an effective science curriculum, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand the curricular recommendations of the National Science Education Standards, and can identify, access, and/or create resources and activities for science education that are consistent with the standards

Materials and Resources: Computer, projector, notes sheets, pencils, ELMO, Internet access, white board and markers

Procedures for Teaching:1. Engage: The teacher will get the students to start thinking about the topic of plate tectonics and evaluate their prior knowledge by engaging the students in creating a “KWL” chart. The teacher will begin by asking the students basic questions like: “What is plate tectonics?” “What does earth’s internal structure look like?” “How do we know about this?” etc. All correct responses will be recorded under the Know section of the chart. Any questions that arise during this activity will be recorded under the Wonder section of the chart and the teacher will ask the students if they have any relevant curiosities to be added to the chart. The teacher will create the KWL chart for the entire class using the ELMO. All students can participate and this KWL will be kept and reviewed toward the end of the unit. [15 min]

2. Explore: The teacher will lead the students in an investigation of the internal structure of the earth by involving the students in a guided discussion about the different layers. The teacher will draw and label a diagram on the board with student assistance. The students will be asked to copy the diagram in their notes. [10 min]

3. Explain: The teacher will explain the internal structure of the earth to the students by using a PowerPoint and incorporating diagrams and important information. The students will be supplied with slot notes to record the information that they learn. Variations of the slot notes will be provided depending on the reading level of the student. [10 min]

4. Elaborate: The teacher will show a video about the internal structure of the earth and assign a homework assignment requesting that the students define vocabulary terms related to the topic of plate tectonics. The homework assignment will be checked for completeness in 2 days. [5 min]Plate Tectonic Rap:

5. Evaluate: The students will not receive a direct grade for this lesson, however participation and communication are a vital component of the lesson. Also, the definitions assigned for homework will be spot-checked for completeness in two days.

Definitions- 10 points for completion (Half credit for a day late)

Lesson 2Title: Plate Tectonics

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is for students to investigate the history and development of the theory of plate tectonics using the 5-E Learning Model. By engaging the students in a hands-on puzzle activity the students will gain a well-rounded view of the development of the theory of plate tectonics and understand the background information for the rest of the unit.

Safety Issues and Accommodations: Students should use scissors and glue appropriately and safely. A slot notes outline will be used to accommodate for the variation of reading and ability levels in the classroom.

Relevant Virginia SOL’s:ES.1 The student will plan and conduct investigations in which

c) scales, diagrams, charts, graphs, tables, imagery, models, and profiles are constructed and interpreted;

d) maps and globes are read and interpreted, including location by latitude and longitude; ES.2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science and scientific reasoning and

logic. Key concepts includec) observation and logic are essential for reaching a conclusion

ES.7 The student will investigate and understand geologic processes including plate tectonics. Key concepts include

c) geologic processes and their resulting features; and d) tectonic processes.

ES.10 The student will investigate and understand that oceans are complex, interactive physical, chemical, and biological systems and are subject to long- and short-term variations. Key concepts include d) features of the sea floor as reflections of tectonic processes

NSTA Standards: NSTA 1. Content. To show that they are prepared in content, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand and can successfully convey to students the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, and interrelationships of their fields of licensure and supporting fields as recommended by the National Science Teachers Association

b) understand and can successfully convey to students the unifying concepts of science delineated by the National Science Education standards

NSTA 2. Nature of Science. To show they are prepared to teach the nature of science, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

c) engage students successfully in studies of the nature of science including, when possible, the critical analysis of false or doubtful assertions made in the name of science

NSTA 3. Inquiry. To show that they are prepared to teach through inquiry, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

b) engage students successfully in developmentally appropriate inquiries that require them to develop concepts and relationships from their observations, data, and inferences in a scientific manner.

NSTA 4. Issues. To show that they are prepared to engage students in studies of issues related to science, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

b) engage students successfully in the analysis of problems, including considerations of risks, costs and benefits of alternative solutions; relating these to the knowledge, goals and values of the students.

NSTA 6. Curriculum. To show that they are prepared to plan an implement an effective science curriculum, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand the curricular recommendations of the National Science Education Standards, and can identify, access, and/or create resources and activities for science education that are consistent with the standards

NSTA 8. Assessment. To show that they are prepared to use assessment effectively, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) use multiple assessment tools and strategies to achieve important goals for instruction that are aligned with methods of instruction and the needs of students

Materials and Resources: Puzzle pieces, computer, projector, notes sheets, pencils, glue, tape, paper

Procedures for Teaching:1. Engage: The teacher will engage the students in a discussion about Pangaea and probe the students’ prior knowledge related to the development of the tectonic plate theory. The teacher will show the students a video detailing the movement of the plates over the past few million years. The students will be able to see how much the earth has changed over time. [10 min]

2. Explore: The students will put together “Alfred Wegener’s puzzling evidence.” In this activity the students will work in small groups or pairs to put together a puzzle that will form Pangaea using fossil evidence and rock formation clues. This activity will allow students to formulate their own understanding of how Alfred Wegener developed his on theory of continental drift. The students will glue their puzzle onto a sheet of paper and turn in for a grade. [15 min]

3. Explain: The teacher will explain the theory behind plate tectonics using a PowerPoint. Variations of the slot notes will be provided depending on the reading level of the student. [15 min]How the continents are moving:

4. Elaborate: Typically, students have misconceptions about what magnetic reversal is and how it relates to plate tectonics. The teacher will elaborate on the topic of magnetic reversal and seafloor spreading by showing a video on the subject an engaging in discussion if the students have any further questions to correct any misconceptions. [5 min] Bill Nye Magnetic Reversal:

5. Evaluate: The students will be evaluated on their completion of the puzzling evidence activity and given a grade based on accuracy, effort and neatness.

Puzzling Evidence ActivityPoints Criteria Evidence

2 Effort Organized, On task3 Accuracy Continents close to or in correct locations

10 Neatness Nothing falling off, easy to understand5 Comprehension of material 5 questions total: 1 pt for each correct response

Wegener’s Puzzling EvidenceAlfred Wegener proposed the hypothesis of continental drift. Wegener’s

hypothesis stated that the continents have moved slowly to their current locations. Wegener suggested that all continents were once connected as one large landmass. He called this landmass “Pangaea” meaning “all land.” Wegener’s ideas were considered controversial and were not readily accepted at the time because he was unable to explain how the continents drifted apart.

We now know that the Earth’s crust is not a solid shell. The crust and the upper portion of the mantle form the lithosphere. The lithosphere is made up of thick, interconnecting pieces called tectonic plates that fit together like a puzzle. They move atop the underlying asthenosphere, a really thick layer of hot flowing rock within the Earth’s mantle. Together, these create plate tectonics!

By examining evidence such as similar rock layers in various places, fossilized desert belts, the distribution of fossils, and the physical shapes of continents, scientists have concluded that the Earth’s continents were once all connected to form a “supercontinent” called Pangaea that was surrounded by an enormous ocean. In this activity, you will use different kinds of evidence to reconstruct how the Earth may have looked approximately 220 million years ago.

Materials: Paper, Puzzle pieces, paper, pencil

Puzzle Instructions:1. Use the legend provided to identify the symbols on each island or continent.2. Cut out the landmasses along the dotted lines.3. Look at the shapes of the continents and islands. What landmasses seem to fit

together?4. Draw a large circle on your own paper to represent the earth.5. Examine the evidence and try to match up the landmass boundaries that show

similar rock strata, fossilized desert belts and dinosaur fossils!*Not all the boundaries may touch and there might be areas of water separating

them.6. Look over your arrangement of the continents and islands. Determine if the

position of any of the landmasses should be changed. Once you are satisfied with you map of Pangaea, tape of glue it down.

Response Questions: You may use your book or notes to complete the following questions if needed. Please write in complete sentences!1. Who proposed the idea of continental drift?2. Why wasn’t his theory readily accepted?3. What evidence did you use to create Pangaea? Give 3 examples.

How does this compare to the evidence that Wegener used?4. What are the lithosphere and asthenosphere? 5. How do the lithosphere and asthenosphere interact to create continental drift?

Lesson 3Title: Plate Boundaries

Purpose:The purpose of this lab is to teach the students about the differences between the different plate boundaries using the 5-E Learning Model. By engaging the student in a kinesthetic activity using edible materials, the students will build memorable connections and gain a deeper understanding of the movement of plate boundaries.

Safety Issues & Accommodations: Food allergies and cleanliness are the main safety concerns for this lesson and will be discussed with the students prior to beginning the lab.

Relevant Virginia SOL’s:ES.1 The student will plan and conduct investigations in which

c) Scales, diagrams, charts, graphs, tables, imagery, models, and profiles are constructed and interpreted;

ES.2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science and scientific reasoning and logic. Key concepts include

a) science explains and predicts the interactions and dynamics of complex Earth systems;

c) observation and logic are essential for reaching a conclusionES.7 The student will investigate and understand geologic processes including plate tectonics. Key

concepts includee) geologic processes and their resulting features; and f) tectonic processes.

NSTA Standards: 4b, 6aNSTA 4. Issues. To show that they are prepared to engage students in studies of issues related to science, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

b) engage students successfully in the analysis of problems, including considerations of risks, costs and benefits of alternative solutions; relating these to the knowledge, goals and values of the students.

NSTA 6. Curriculum. To show that they are prepared to plan an implement an effective science curriculum, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand the curricular recommendations of the National Science Education Standards, and can identify, access, and/or create resources and activities for science education that are consistent with the standards

NSTA 8. Assessment. To show that they are prepared to use assessment effectively, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) use multiple assessment tools and strategies to achieve important goals for instruction that are aligned with methods of instruction and the needs of students

Materials and Resources: Computer, projector, Internet access, graham crackers, frosting, plastic knife, cups, water

Procedures for Teaching:1. Engage: The teacher will engage the students in a short review quiz asking the students questions related to material covered so far in the unit. After the quiz, the teacher will show the students pictures of actual plate boundaries. (ex. Himalayan Mountains, San Andreas Fault, African Rift Valley) [15 min]

2. Explore: The students will perform the Graham Cracker Plate Boundary lab. While performing this lab students will create divergent, convergent and transform plate boundaries. The students will be engaged in a hands-on exploration of the plate boundaries using graham crackers, frosting and rice crispy treats. The students will be able to see how they interact as well as the effects of their movement on the surface features. Before starting the lab, the teacher will go over rules and expectations. The teacher will lead the students through each boundary type stopping in between to go over the questions. The students will be provided an activity sheet to follow and be provided questions that they will need to answer after completion of the lab. For the applied earth science classes, the teacher will discuss the response questions and ask the students each question. Correct responses will be typed up in complete sentences and projected on the board for the students to write down. [30 min]

3. Explain: The teacher will lead the students in a discussion about plate boundaries and discuss their findings in the lab as well as provide them notes to ensure the students have the correct information. The students will draw and label diagrams in their notes of the various plate boundaries. The diagrams will be emphasized because the students will be expected to draw them on the test.[20 min]

4. Elaborate: The teacher will guide the students through a simulation of plate tectonics using an online simulator and projecting onto the board. This activity will allow the students to visualize the different plate boundaries. [10 min]

5. Evaluate: The students will be evaluated on their completion of the graham cracker lab. The students should finish the lab during the class period. They may turn in the activity sheet at the end of class or finish it for homework.

Graham Cracker Plate Boundary Lab (40 pts total)Points Criteria Evidence

34 Comprehension of material 17 discussion questions total: 2 pts for each correct response8 Participation Appropriate behavior, On task

Plate Tectonics Quiz General1. Where does new seafloor form?

a. trenches b. mid-ocean ridges c. abyssal plains d. continental shelves

2. True/False. One of the most prominent features of the ocean floor is the mid-ocean ridge

3. ____________ are formed when one of the seafloors is forced under another part.a. rift zones b. mid-ocean ridges c. ocean trenches d. seamounts

4. Which marks the true edge of a continent?a. shoreline b. continental shelf c. rift zone d. ocean trench

5. When the seafloor spreads apart, volcanoes and ridges are formed becausea. sediments are deposited where the floor spreads, building ridgesb. as the plates pull apart, magma moves to the surface, building ridges

c. ocean water pushes down on the surrounding seafloor, pushing up ridgesd. underwater earthquakes lift the seafloor into long ridges

6. Which represents the flattest part of Earth’s surface?a. deep sea trenches b. continental margins c. abyssal plains d. mid-ocean ridges

7. Name the two different crust types. (Don’t over think!)

8. What is the lithosphere? a. crust and the upper mantle b. the crust and lower mantle

c. plates d. the upper core and lower mantle

9. Alfred Wegener’s hypothesis was called _________________________.

10. Earth’s asthenosphere is found in the ________________________.a. crust b. mantle c. outer core d. inner core

11. Name two forms of evidence Alfred Wegener used to support his theory.

12. An ____________________ is a line on a map that connects points that have the same age.a. isobar b. isochron c. isotope d. isotherm

13. _________-bearing minerals found in rocks on the seafloor record the magnetic field direction when they form.

a. copper b. nickel c. iron d. silver

14. Even though the Earth’s inner core is hotter than the liquid outer core, it is still solid because of _______________________.

15. ____________ was used during WWI to map the seafloor and revealed the Atlantic mid-ocean ridge.a. laser beams b. Doppler radar c. sonar d. seismology

16. Plate motion occurs as a consequence of ____________________________________________. a. convection b. Earth’s spin c. continents plowing through the seafloor d. magnetic reversal

BONUS. What is the name of the scientist who developed the theory of Seafloor spreading?

Plate Tectonics Quiz- Applied1. Where does new seafloor form?

a. trenches b. mid-ocean ridges c. abyssal plains d. continental shelves

2. True/False. One of the most prominent features of the ocean floor is the mid-ocean ridge

3. ____________ are formed when one of the seafloors is forced under another part.a. rift zones b. mid-ocean ridges c. ocean trenches d. seamounts

4. Which marks the true edge of a continent?a. shoreline b. continental shelf c. rift zone d. ocean trench

5. When the seafloor spreads apart, volcanoes and ridges are formed becausea. sediments are deposited where the floor spreads, building ridgesb. as the plates pull apart, magma moves to the surface, building ridges

c. ocean water pushes down on the surrounding seafloor, pushing up ridgesd. underwater earthquakes lift the seafloor into long ridges

6. Which represents the flattest part of Earth’s surface?a. deep sea trenches b. continental margins c. abyssal plains d. mid-ocean ridges

7. Name the two different crust types. (Don’t over think!)

8. What is the lithosphere? a. crust and the upper mantle b. the crust and lower mantle

c. plates d. the upper core and lower mantle

9. Alfred Wegener’s hypothesis was called _________________________.a. seafloor spreading b. continental drift c. plate tectonics d. slab pull

10. Earth’s asthenosphere is found in the ________________________.a. crust b. mantle c. outer core d. inner core

11. Name one form of evidence Alfred Wegener used to support his theory.

12. An ____________________ is a line on a map that connects points that have the same age.a. isobar b. isochron c. isotope d. isotherm

13. _________-bearing minerals found in rocks on the seafloor record the magnetic field direction when they form.

a. copper b. nickel c. iron d. silver

14. Even though the Earth’s inner core is hotter than the liquid outer core, it is still solid because of _______________________.

15. ____________ was used during WWI to map the seafloor and revealed the Atlantic mid-ocean ridge.a. laser beams b. Doppler radar c. sonar d. seismology

16. Plate motion occurs as a consequence of ____________________________________________. a. convection b. Earth’s spin c. continents plowing through the seafloor d. magnetic reversal

BONUS. What is the name of the scientist who developed the theory of Seafloor spreading?

Plate Tectonics Graham Cracker Activity

Background Information: The theory of plate tectonics states that the lithosphere of the Earth is composed of 7 major plates and numerous smaller plates. These plates move on the top of the hot plastic upper mantle known as the asthenosphere. This theory also says that most of these plates are in motion, creating a variety of interactions at the plate boundaries. At the plate boundaries, plates may converge (collide), diverge (separate), or slide past each other in lateral motion. In addition, some plates may appear to be inactive. The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the interactions of plate boundaries.

Materials: 2 whole graham crackers, 1 rice crispy treat, notebook paper, cup of water, wax paper, pencil, frosting, plastic knife

Read and follow all instructions for each part, then answer the questions that follow in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper. You will be given permission to eat your tectonic plates only AFTER you have turned in your completed lab.

** Wash your hands before touching your lab materials!

Part 1. Divergent Plate BoundariesProcedure:1. Break a whole graham cracker into two square pieces.2. Using the knife, spread a thick layer of frosting in the center of the wax paper. It should be about the size of a

whole graham cracker but twice as thick.3. Lay the two pieces of graham cracker side by side on top of the frosting that they are touching. 4. To imitate the result of diverging oceanic plates, press down on the crackers as you slowly push down an apart

in opposite directions.5. Remove the graham crackers from the frosting and scrape any frosting off the crackers and return it to the wax paper. Set the crackers aside.Discussion Questions1. What happened to the frosting between the crackers?2. What do the graham crackers represent?3. What does the frosting represent?4. Name a specific location on the Earth where this kind of boundary activity takes place.5. What type of feature is produced by this movement?6. What is the process called that creates new ocean floor from diverging plates?

Part 2. Convergent Plate Boundaries (Continental and Oceanic)Procedure:1. Take one of the graham cracker squares you used in Part 1 and lay it on top of the frosting.

This represents the thin but dense oceanic plate.2. Lay the rice crispy treat next to the graham cracker so they are almost touching,

end to end. The rice crispy treat represents the thicker but less dense continental plate.

3. Push the two “plates” slowly toward each other and observe which plate rides up over the other. On the actual surface of the Earth, the lower plate is subducted.

Discussion Questions7. What happens when a tectonic plate gets subducted?8. Name a specific location on the Earth where this kind of boundary activity takes place.9. What features are formed on the continent along this boundary?10. What feature is formed in the ocean along the subduction zone?

Part 3. Convergent Plate Boundaries (Continental)Procedure:1. Break the other whole graham cracker in half, and then break each half in half again so you have 4 pieces. Use only

two of the pieces for Part 3, saving the other two for Part 4.Each piece of graham cracker represents a continental plate.

2. Dip one end of each of the two graham crackers into a cup of water (about 2 cm). Quickly remove the crackers and lay them on the frosting with the wet edges nearly touching.

3. Slowly push the two crackers together.Discussion Questions11. What happens to the wet ends of the graham crackers?12. In what way do the wet crackers act more like the real crustal plates than the dry crackers?13. What feature do the resulting ends of the wet crackers represent?14. Name a specific location on the Earth where this type of boundary activity takes place.

Part 4. Transform Plate BoundariesProcedure:1. Use the last two remaining graham cracker pieces for this part. Fit the two pieces

together side to side on top of the frosting on the wax paper.2. Place one hand on each of the graham cracker pieces and push them together by

applying steady, moderate pressure. At the same time, also push one of the pieces away from you while pulling the other toward you. If you do this correctly, the cracker should hold while you increase the push-pull pressure, but finally break from the opposite forces.

Discussion Questions15. Why is this movement often described as “horizontal” sliding?16. Name a specific location on Earth where this type of boundary activity takes place.17. Nothing happens at the beginning, but as the pressure increased, the crackers finally break. What do we call the

breaking and vibrating of the Earth’s crust?

Lesson 4Title: Faults

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to have the students investigate the movement of faults using the 5-E Learning Model. The students will engage in a hands-on activity that will allow the students to replicate fault movements. Also, completion of a concept map will aid the students in connecting topics and reviewing for their mid-unit test.

Safety Issues & Accommodations: There are no major safety concerns associated with this lesson. A slot notes outline will be used to accommodate for the variation of reading and ability levels in the classroom.

Relevant Virginia SOL’s:ES.1 The student will plan and conduct investigations in which

c) scales, diagrams, charts, graphs, tables, imagery, models, and profiles are constructed and interpreted;

ES.2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science and scientific reasoning and logic. Key concepts include

c) observation and logic are essential for reaching a conclusionES.7 The student will investigate and understand geologic processes including plate tectonics. Key concepts

includeg) geologic processes and their resulting features; and h) tectonic processes.

NSTA Standards: NSTA 1. Content. To show that they are prepared in content, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand and can successfully convey to students the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, and interrelationships of their fields of licensure and supporting fields as recommended by the National Science Teachers Association

b) understand and can successfully convey to students the unifying concepts of science delineated by the National Science Education standards

NSTA 4. Issues. To show that they are prepared to engage students in studies of issues related to science, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

b) engage students successfully in the analysis of problems, including considerations of risks, costs and benefits of alternative solutions; relating these to the knowledge, goals and values of the students.

NSTA 6. Curriculum. To show that they are prepared to plan an implement an effective science curriculum, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand the curricular recommendations of the National Science Education Standards, and can identify, access, and/or create resources and activities for science education that are consistent with the standards

NSTA 8. Assessment. To show that they are prepared to use assessment effectively, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) use multiple assessment tools and strategies to achieve important goals for instruction that are aligned with methods of instruction and the needs of students

Materials and Resources: Computer, projector, fault models, activity sheet, notes sheet, pencil

Procedures for Teaching:1. Engage: The teacher will engage the students in a discussion about “famous” faults that they may know about and investigate the students’ prior knowledge of the subject. The teacher will show pictures to peak the students’ interest on the topic. [5 min]

2. Explore: The students will explore the differences between normal, reverse and transform faults by doing the “Modeling the Faults” lab. White performing this lab, the students will model the fault movements and replicate their actions in a 3-D format. The students will work in pairs and use an instruction sheet to guide their activity and probe their understanding of fault movements. The activity sheet will call for the students to draw diagrams

of each type of fault and answer questions related to their movement. The activity will be set up at the lab stations prior to student arrival. Students will turn in individual response sheets once they complete the lab. [20 min]

3. Explain: The teacher will explain the topic of faults using a PowerPoint. The students will draw and label diagrams in their notes of the various faults. These notes will provide the students with a resource that they can study and review. Having these notes also ensures that the students have the correct information [10 min]

4. Elaborate: The students will work on a concept map activity sheet about plate boundaries and faults. The activity sheet will incorporate important vocabulary and be used to organize ideas in a cohesive manner. This activity sheet will be started in class and completed for homework if not finished. The concept map will allow student to see the connections between the topics we have covered thus far in the unit. The concept map will also serve as a method of reviewing and studying for the students. [10 min]

5. Evaluate: The students will be evaluated on the completion of the “Modeling of the Faults” lab. The lab will be graded fore correctness. The students will also be graded on the concept map. The concept map will be spot checked by the teacher the following day and the answers will be discussed as a review before the test.

Modeling the Faults Lab (40 pts total)Point Value Criteria Evidence

24 Comprehension of material 12 Questions total: 2 pts for each correct response12 Diagrams 3 Diagrams: 4 pts for each correct diagram4 Participation Appropriate behavior, On task

Concept Map (25 pts total)Point Value Criteria Evidence

22 Comprehension of material 1 pt for each correct response2 Completion Done

Modeling the FaultsBackground Information:Faults are often (but not always) found near plate boundaries. Each type of fault is often related to specific types of plate movements. Normal faults are often associated with extensional forces as a result of a divergent boundary Reverse faults are often associated with compressional forces as a result of a convergent boundary Transform faults are often associated with strike-slip forces as a result of a transform boundary

The stresses and strains in the Earth’s upper layers have many causes: thermal expansion and contraction, gravitational forces, volume changes due to mineral phase transitions, etc. Faulting is one of the methods of mechanical adjustment or release of such stress and strain.

Materials: Fault Model, Pencil, Paper

Normal fault:a. Locate points A and B on your model.b. Move point B so that it is next to Point A.c. Observe your model from the side (its cross-section).

* Draw the normal fault as represented by the model you have just constructed. Response Questions:

1. Which way did point B move relative to point A?2. What happened to rock layers X, Y and Z?3. Are the rock layers still continuous?4. What likely happened to the river? The road? The railroad tracks? Explain your answer.

Reverse fault:a. Locate points C and D on your model.b. Move point C next to point D.c. Observe the cross-section of your model.

* Draw the reverse fault as represented by the model you have just constructed. Response Questions:

5. Which way did point D move relative to point C?6. What happened to rock layers X, Y and Z?7. Are the rock layers still continuous?8. What likely happened to the river? The road? The railroad tracks? Explain your answer.

Transform fault:a. Locate points F and G on your model.b. Move the pieces of the model so that point F is next to point G.

* Draw an overhead view of the surface as it looks after movement along the fault. Response Questions:

9. If you were standing at point F and looking across the fault, which way did the block on the opposite side move?

10. What happened to rock layers X, Y and Z?11. Are the rock layers still continuous?

12. What likely happened to the river? The road? The railroad tracks? Explain your answer.

Name: ___________________________ Modeling the FaultsNormal Fault

1. Which way did point B move relative to point A? ________________________________________________________________________2. What happened to rock layers X, Y and Z? ______________________________________________________________________________3. Are the rock layers still continuous? __________________________4. What likely happened to the river? The road? The railroad tracks? Explain your answer. _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Reverse Fault5. Which way did point D move relative to point C?_________________________________________________________________________6. What happened to rock layers X, Y and Z?______________________________________________________________________________7. Are the rock layers still continuous?__________________________8. What likely happened to the river? The road? The railroad tracks? Explain your answer._________________________________________________________________________________________________


Transform9. If you were standing at point F and looking across the fault, which way did the block on the opposite side move? _____________________________________________________________________________10. What happened to rock layers X, Y and Z?____________________ _________________________________________________________11. Are the rock layers still continuous? _________________________12. What likely happened to the river? The road? The railroad tracks? Explain your answer. _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Lesson 5

Title: Review Day!

Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to engage the students in a fun yet educational review game during which the students will be asked important questions from the unit.

Safety Issues & Accommodations: There are no major safety concerns associated with this lesson. A slot notes outline will be used to accommodate for the variation of reading and ability levels in the classroom.

Relevant Virginia SOL’s:ES.7 The student will investigate and understand geologic processes including plate tectonics. Key concepts

includei) geologic processes and their resulting features; and j) tectonic processes.

NSTA Standards: 1a, 6a, 6bNSTA 1. Content To show that they are prepared in content, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand and can successfully convey to students the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, and interrelationships of their fields of licensure and supporting fields as recommended by the National Science Teachers Association

NSTA 6. Curriculum. To show that they are prepared to plan an implement an effective science curriculum, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand the curricular recommendations of the National Science Education Standards, and can identify, access, and/or create resources and activities for science education that are consistent with the standards

b) plan and implement internally consistent units of study that address the diverse needs and abilities of students

Materials and Resources: computer, projector, Internet access, game card, white board, markers

Procedures for Teaching:1. Engage: The teacher will play a video that encompasses all of the topics the class has covered thus far in the unit. This video will serve as a short review. [5 min]Bill Nye Intro to Plate Tectonics:

2-3. Explore & Explain: The students will play the game of “Fate.” This game engages the students in a fun and exciting way that will allow the students to review plate tectonics while interacting with their peers. While the students are playing the game, any questions that the students have difficultly with or need help answering will be discussed to allow for complete understanding of the subject. [35 min]

4. Elaborate: The students will be allowed to look over their work from the past week and ask questions related to the test. This will also serve as a form of studying for the students. [5 min]

5. Evaluate: The students will have an informal evaluation based on participation in the activity.1-4. Label the layers of the Earth.

Multiple Choice:

5. What is the lithosphere?a. the crust and upper mantle c. platesb. the crust and lower mantle d. the upper core and lower mantle

6. What was Alfred Wegener’s hypothesis called? a. seafloor spreading c. continental driftb. plate tectonics d. slab pull

7. Mid-Ocean Ridges are an example of a _____________________ plate boundary.

Plate Tectonics

a. convergent b. divergent c. transform

8. Continental crust is ____________________ than oceanic crust. (circle all that may apply)a. denser b. thicker c. older

9. How does an Isochron map support the theory of seafloor spreading?a. oldest near ocean ridges c. youngest near ocean ridgesb. youngest at deep-sea trenches d. thinnest in subduction zones

10. The fluid, plastic-like layer of the Earth’s mantle on which the plates are thought to move is known as thea. lithosphere b. asthenosphere c. outer core d. mantle

11. Even though the Earth’s inner core is hotter than the liquid outer core, it is still solid becausea. the heat rising from the inner core is melting the outer coreb. there is more water in the outer core and it dilutes the materialsc. the outer core is farther from the center and there is less gravity holding it togetherd. the pressure from all of the Earth’s layers keeps it in a solid state

12. Which of the following features forms along a continental-continental convergent boundary? a. mid-ocean ridges b. island arcs c. folded mountains d. continental volcanoes

13. Which of the following features forms along a oceanic-continental convergent boundary? a. mid-ocean ridges b. island arcs c. folded mountains d. continental volcanoes

14. Which of the following features forms along a oceanic-continental convergent boundary? a. mid-ocean ridges b. island arcs c. folded mountains d. continental volcanoes

15. Earth’s asthenosphere is found in the _____________________.a. crust b. mantle c. outer core d. inner core

16. ____________ of iron in rocks supports the theory of seafloor spreading.a. plate movement b. subduction c. magnetic alignment d. weathering

17. Many early mapmakers thought Earth’s continents have moved based ona. plate boundary locations b. fossil evidence c. climatic data d. matching coastlines

Fill in the Blank:

18. Old Crust is __________________________ at Convergent boundaries. (created, destroyed, deformed)

19. New Crust is ___________________________ at Divergent boundaries. (created, destroyed, deformed)

20. Crust is _______________________ at Transform boundaries. (created, destroyed, deformed)

21. The oldest rocks on the seafloor are found at ___________________________.

22. The Great Rift Valley in Africa is a ___________________________ boundary.

23. Earth’s ____________________________ is divided into plates that move on top of the asthenosphere.

24. Plate motion occurs as a consequence of _____________________________ in the Earth’s mantle.

25. The inner core is composed of the elements _______________ and __________________.

Short Answer:

26. Why was Wegener’s hypothesis rejected at first?

27. What evidence did Wegener use to support his hypothesis? (be specific)

28. Name the scientist who developed the theory of seafloor spreading.

29. What evidence was used to develop the theory of seafloor spreading?

Name the type of fault:

30. 31. 32.


33. _______ Strike-Slip faults cause an offset of surface features.

34. _______ Reverse faults are fractures caused by horizontal shear.

35. _______ Normal faults are fractures that form as a result of horizontal compression.

36. _______ Normal faults extend the crust.

37. _______ Strike-Slip faults are fractures caused a result of compression.

38._______ Reverse faults cause a shortening of the crust.

Diagrams: (8pts each)

Diagrams: (8pts each) Identify each type of boundary. Be specific.

BONUS: Name one of the two landmasses that formed when Pangaea first split. (2pts)

1-4. Label the layers of the Earth.

Multiple Choice:

5. What is the lithosphere?a. the crust and upper mantle c. platesb. the crust and lower mantle d. the upper core and lower mantle

6. What was Alfred Wegener’s hypothesis called? a. seafloor spreading c. continental driftb. plate tectonics d. slab pull

7. Mid-Ocean Ridges are an example of a _____________________ plate boundary.a. convergent b. divergent c. transform

8. Continental crust is ____________________ than oceanic crust. (circle all that may apply)a. denser b. thicker c. older

9. How does an Isochron map support the theory of seafloor spreading?a. oldest near ocean ridges c. youngest near ocean ridgesb. youngest at deep-sea trenches d. thinnest in subduction zones

10. The fluid, plastic-like layer of the Earth’s mantle on which the plates are thought to move is known as thea. lithosphere b. asthenosphere c. outer core d. mantle

11. Even though the Earth’s inner core is hotter than the liquid outer core, it is still solid becausea. the heat rising from the inner core is melting the outer coreb. there is more water in the outer core and it dilutes the materialsc. the outer core is farther from the center and there is less gravity holding it togetherd. the pressure from all of the Earth’s layers keeps it in a solid state

12. Which of the following features forms along a continental-continental convergent boundary? a. mid-ocean ridges b. island arcs c. folded mountains d. continental volcanoes

13. Which of the following features forms along a oceanic-continental convergent boundary? a. mid-ocean ridges b. island arcs c. folded mountains d. continental volcanoes

14. Which of the following features forms along a oceanic-continental convergent boundary? a. mid-ocean ridges b. island arcs c. folded mountains d. continental volcanoes

15. Earth’s asthenosphere is found in the _____________________.a. crust b. mantle c. outer core d. inner core

16. ____________ of iron in rocks supports the theory of seafloor spreading.a. plate movement b. subduction c. magnetic alignment d. weathering

17. Many early mapmakers thought Earth’s continents have moved based ona. plate boundary locations b. fossil evidence c. climatic data d. matching coastlines

18. What evidence did Wegener use to support his hypothesis?

a. rock types and ages b. plate tectonics c. ocean plants

19. What evidence was used to develop the theory of seafloor spreading? (circle all that may apply)

a. sonar evidence b. fossils b. magnetic evidence d. rock formations

Fill in the Blank:

20. The inner core is composed of ___________________________.

Plate Tectonics

Mid-Unit Test

21. The oldest rocks are found at ___________________________.

22. The Great Rift Valley in Africa is a ___________________________ boundary.

23. Earth’s ____________________________ is divided into plates that move on top of the asthenosphere.

24. Plate motion occurs as a consequence of _____________________________ in the Earth’s mantle.

25. Crust is _______________________ at Transform boundaries.

26. Old Crust is __________________________ at Convergent boundaries.

27. New Crust is ___________________________ at Divergent boundaries.

Short Answer:28. Name the scientist who developed the theory of seafloor spreading29. Why was Wegener’s hypothesis rejected at first?

Name the type of fault:

30. 31. 32.


33. _______ Strike-Slip faults cause an offset of surface features.

34. _______ Reverse faults are fractures caused by horizontal shear.

35. _______ Normal faults are fractures that form as a result of horizontal compression.

36. _______ Normal faults extend the crust.

37. _______ Strike-Slip faults are fractures caused a result of compression.

38._______ Reverse faults cause a shortening of the crust.

Diagrams: (8pts each) Identify each type of boundary. Be specific.

BONUS: Name one of the two landmasses that formed when Pangaea first split. (2pts)

Word BankDestroyed TrenchesConvection DivergentDeformed LithosphereIron & Nickel Formed

Lesson 6

Title: Earthquakes

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to have the students investigate earthquakes using the 5-E Learning Model. The students will investigate the procedure used to triangulate the epicenter of an earthquake.

Safety Issues & Accommodations: There are no major safety concerns associated with this lesson. A slot notes outline will be used to accommodate for the variation of reading and ability levels in the classroom.

Relevant Virginia SOL’s:ES.1 The student will plan and conduct investigations in which

c) scales, diagrams, charts, graphs, tables, imagery, models, and profiles are constructed and interpreted;

d) maps and globes are read and interpreted, including location by latitude and longitude; f) current applications are used to reinforce Earth science concepts.

ES.2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science and scientific reasoning and logic. Key concepts include

a) science explains and predicts the interactions and dynamics of complex Earth systems;ES.7 The student will investigate and understand geologic processes including plate tectonics. Key concepts

includea) geologic processes and their resulting features; and b) tectonic processes.

NSTA Standards:NSTA 1. Content. To show that they are prepared in content, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand and can successfully convey to students the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, and interrelationships of their fields of licensure and supporting fields as recommended by the National Science Teachers Association

b) understand and can successfully convey to students the unifying concepts of science delineated by the National Science Education standards

NSTA 4. Issues. To show that they are prepared to engage students in studies of issues related to science, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

b) engage students successfully in the analysis of problems, including considerations of risks, costs and benefits of alternative solutions; relating these to the knowledge, goals and values of the students.

NSTA 6. Curriculum. To show that they are prepared to plan an implement an effective science curriculum, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand the curricular recommendations of the National Science Education Standards, and can identify, access, and/or create resources and activities for science education that are consistent with the standards

NSTA 8. Assessment. To show that they are prepared to use assessment effectively, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) use multiple assessment tools and strategies to achieve important goals for instruction that are aligned with methods of instruction and the needs of students

Materials and Resources: computer, projector, Internet access, compasses, pencil, activity sheet

Procedures for Teaching:1. Engage: The teacher will engage the students by showing a short video about earthquakes. [5 min]

2. Explore: Students will explore how scientists find the epicenter of earthquakes by completing an activity sheet. The teacher will guide the students through the activity. During this activity, students will evaluate seismographs, a travel-time graph, and use compasses to determine the epicenter of an earthquake. [20 min]

3. Explain: The teacher will explain the internal structure of the earth to the students by using a PowerPoint and incorporating diagrams and important information. The students will be supplied with slot notes to record the information that they learn. Variations of the slot notes will be provided depending on the reading level of the student. [10 min]

4. Elaborate: The teacher will elaborate on the topic of earthquakes by having the students complete the virtual earthquake activity where the students will find the epicenter of an earthquake and become more aquatinted with earthquake terminology. [10 min]

5. Evaluate: The students will be evaluated on completion of the epicenter activity sheet and definitions for homework.

EarthquakesPoint Value Criteria Evidence

30 Epicenter Activity 14 questions, 2 pts each2 pts for completion

10 Definitions Spot Check, completion grade15 Computer Lab Activity Participation, On Task

Locating an Earthquake EpicenterThe three basic types of seismic waves generated by an earthquake at its focus are: P-waves, S-waves and Surface waves. P and S-waves are body waves that travel through the interior of the earth. P-waves have the greatest velocity and reach the seismic station first. S-waves arrive at the seismic station second. The amount of time that passes between the P-wave arrival and the S-wave arrival is important in helping seismologists determine the epicenter of the earthquake.

Today we will be using a travel-time graph, where the vertical separation between the P and S curves is equal to the difference in the arrival times between the P-wave and S-wave. To accurately locate and earthquake epicenter, record from three seismograms are necessary.

Epicenter Activity Sheet Name: ________________________________________Using a travel-time graph1. From the seismogram in Figure 1, the differences in arrival times between the first P-wave and the first S-waves equals ____________ minutes.

2. Use Figure 2 to determine the difference in arrival times (in minutes) between the first P-wave and first S-wave for stations that are the following distances from an epicenter.

a. 700 miles: ______________ min. difference b. 450 miles: ______________ min. differencec. 2500 miles: ______________ min. difference d. 1000 miles: ______________ min. difference

3. Refer to the travel-time graph (Figure 2). What is the distance from the epicenter to the station that recorded the earthquake in Figure 1? ______________________ miles

Determining an Earthquake Epicenter Directions:Figure 3 illustrates seismograms from the same earthquake recoded at Los Angeles, Ca, St. Louis, MO and Houston, TX. Use this information to answer the following questions.1. Use the travel-time graph, Figure 2, to determine the distance

that each station in Figure 4 is from the epicenter. Write your answers in the epicenter data table.

2. After you have determined the distance that each station is from the epicenter, use the drawing compass provided to draw a circle around each of the three stations with a radius, in miles, equal to its distance from the epicenter. Use the map of the United States.(Note: Use the distance scale provided on the map to set the distance on the drawing compass for each station)

1. Did all three of the circles drawn with the compass overlap in one spot?

2. This earthquake occurred closest to which city, in which state?

Virtual Earthquake Name:__________________ Pd:____Go to the website:

1. Why do earthquakes occur? ____________________________________________________________________________2. What is the focus? ____________________________________________________________________________________3. What are Seismic Waves? ______________________________________________________________________________

a. Define P waves: _______________________________________________________________________________b. Define S waves: _______________________________________________________________________________

4. What's a Seismogram? ________________________________________________________________________________5. What is the minimum number of seismograms needed to locate the epicenter of an earthquake?_____________________

Choose a region to generate a set of seismograms for an earthquake: ___________________Click Submit Choice. Look at the map and read the information about measuring the S-P interval. Then click View Seismograms.

Look at the seismograms and determine the S-P time interval for each of the recording stations.

Click Convert S-P IntervalRead the information about ‘Determining the Earthquake Distance.6. What does the graph represent? ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Use the S-P graph to estimate the Epicenter Distance. Record your measurements on the table below

Click Find Epicenter

If all of your work was accurate, the screen will say “Excellent work your estimate is the actual!”If your measurements were off then you may need to re-measure the S-P interval. If the option to “View True Epicenter” is available, click on it and record the Actual Data in your charts above.

7. Where did the earthquake originate? _____________________________________________________________________8. What factors might affect the speed of earthquake waves? ___________________________________________________

9. Should we always expect the method of triangulation to result in an exact point? __________Click Compute Richter Magnitude10. What does the Richter scale measure? ____________________________________________________________________11. Define magnitude: ____________________________________________________________________________________12. What 2 measurements are needed to determine the Richter magnitude? ________________________________________

Click Go To Next Page13. What is a nomogram used to estimate? ___________________________________________________________________Click on Go To Next PageEstimate the magnitude for each seismogram Record your data in the table.

Click Submit to Nomogram14. What is your estimate for magnitude? _________Click Confirm Magnitude15.What earthquake were you actually simulating? What damage did it cause? _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

*If there is time, go to the website read the information about volcanoes and complete the activities found on the left-hand side of the pages*If there is time after you have done this go to and learn about the types of volcanoes

Station Name S-P Interval Estimate Actual S-P Interval1.2.3.

Station Name Epicenter Distance Estimate

Actual Epicenter Distance


Station Name Amplitude Estimate

Lesson 7Title: Volcanoes & Mountain Building

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to have the students investigate volcanoes and mountain building using the 5-E Learning Model. The students will investigate the difference between composite, cinder-cone and shield volcanoes by completing a computer lab activity. The students further their understanding of volcanoes by completing a lab about magma viscosity. Next, the students will differentiate between the different mountain types by creating 3-D models.

Safety Issues & Accommodations: There are no major safety concerns associated with this lesson. A slot notes outline will be used to accommodate for the variation of reading and ability levels in the classroom.

Relevant Virginia SOL’s:ES.2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science and scientific reasoning and

logic. Key concepts includec) observation and logic are essential for reaching a conclusion

ES.7 The student will investigate and understand geologic processes including plate tectonics. Key concepts include

k) geologic processes and their resulting features; and l) tectonic processes.

NSTA Standards:NSTA 1. Content. To show that they are prepared in content, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand and can successfully convey to students the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, and interrelationships of their fields of licensure and supporting fields as recommended by the National Science Teachers Association

b) understand and can successfully convey to students the unifying concepts of science delineated by the National Science Education standards

NSTA 2. Nature of Science. To show they are prepared to teach the nature of science, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

c) engage students successfully in studies of the nature of science including, when possible, the critical analysis of false or doubtful assertions made in the name of science

NSTA 3. Inquiry. To show that they are prepared to teach through inquiry, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

b) engage students successfully in developmentally appropriate inquiries that require them to develop concepts and relationships from their observations, data, and inferences in a scientific manner.

NSTA 4. Issues. To show that they are prepared to engage students in studies of issues related to science, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

b) engage students successfully in the analysis of problems, including considerations of risks, costs and benefits of alternative solutions; relating these to the knowledge, goals and values of the students.

NSTA 6. Curriculum. To show that they are prepared to plan an implement an effective science curriculum, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand the curricular recommendations of the National Science Education Standards, and can identify, access, and/or create resources and activities for science education that are consistent with the standards

NSTA 8. Assessment. To show that they are prepared to use assessment effectively, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) use multiple assessment tools and strategies to achieve important goals for instruction that are aligned with methods of instruction and the needs of students

Materials and Resources: computer, projector, Internet access, pencil, computer lab activity sheet, magma lab activity sheet, scissors, tape/glue

Procedures for Teaching:

1. Engage: The teacher will engage the students in learning about volcanoes by having the students investigate how the silica content of a liquid can affect the viscosity. The students will use liquid soap and sand to investigate. The students will relate their findings to the viscosity of the different types of magma (Basaltic, Andesitic, Rhyolitic). The students will be supplied with an activity sheet and the response questions will be completed and turned in at the end of class. [45 min]

2. Explore: The teacher will review how igneous rocks are formed and discuss the various characteristics we can observe to identify the many different types of igneous rocks. The students will explore the differences between igneous rocks in a rock identification lab. The students will be supplied with 7 rocks labeled A-G. The students will be asked to fill in a chart describing the rocks and then use an identification guide to name each sample. The teacher will circulate to ensure the students are correctly identifying the samples. By introducing igneous rocks at this time, students will associate igneous rocks with magma. [45 min]

3. Explain: The teacher will explain the topic of volcanoes and mountain building using a PowerPoint. The students will draw and label diagrams in their notes of the various volcanoes. These notes will provide the students with a resource that they can study and review. Having these notes also ensures that the students have the correct information [20 min]

4. Elaborate: The teacher will provide the students will a review activity sheet to guide the students through their studying and help prepare them for the “Quest” (Quiz/Test)

5. Evaluate:

Point Value Criteria Evidence

25 Magma Lab Activity Sheet 12 questions, 3 pts each4 pts for staying on task

30 Igneous Rock Lab15 Review Sheet 15 points for completion

half credit for a day late

How Does Silica Affect Viscosity? Name: ___________________________

The viscosity of magma largely controls the character of volcanic eruptions. The viscosity of a liquid is its resistance to flow. The higher the viscosity of a liquid, the more it resists flowing, and the harder it is for gas to escape from it. High viscosity lavas flow slowly and typically cover small areas. Gas pressures can build up in high viscosity magmas, resulting in violent eruptions! In contrast, low viscosity magmas flow more rapidly and form lava flows that cover thousands of square kilometers and allow gases to escape easily.

In this activity, you will experiment with silica and liquid to determine how the silica content of a substance affects its viscosity.

Procedure: Read the directions carefully. Put on your safety goggles. Measure 40 mL of liquid soap into three beakers. Label the beakers A, B and C. (This will be done for you!) Use the graduated cylinder to measure out 15 mL of fine sand. Add the sand to beaker B, and stir the mixture thoroughly. Then, add 30 mL of fine sand to beaker C and stir the mixture thoroughly.

Given that sand is made almost entirely our of silica (quartz grains), predict which of the liquids will flow most quickly. Explain your reasoning. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Place a straw into beaker A. Blow into the straw for exactly 5 seconds. Record how long it takes for the bubbles to completely reach the surface and observe what the bubbles look like as the air escapes. Record your results and observations in the table below.

Repeat Step 5 for the other two beakers. Blow with the same pressure into each straw as you did for beaker A. **Only one person should blow the bubbles for each sample! Germs!

Remove a tablespoon of liquid from beaker A. Hold the spoon to allow the liquid to flow from the spoon onto a plate. Use a stopwatch to time how long it takes the liquid to stop flowing off of the spoon. Record your findings in the table below.

Observe how the liquid spreads on the plate. For example, does it spread out over a large area or stay confined to a small area where it flowed off of the spoon? Record your observations in the table below.

Repeat steps 7 and 8 with liquid from the other two beakers. Make sure you measure out the same amount of each liquid, and try to pour the liquid onto the plate the same way for each sample.

Silica Content and ViscositySample A(no sand)

Sample B(15 mL of sand)

Sample C(30 mL of sand)

Time for bubbles to reach surface seconds seconds seconds

Description of bubbles

Time for liquid to stop flowing off spoon seconds seconds seconds

Description of surface area covered by liquid

Analysis and Conclusions: Answer the following questions based on your findings from the experiment. Write in Complete Sentences!

1. By adding sand to the liquid soap, you increased its silica content. How did the silica content of each liquid affect the time it took to spread off of the spoon? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Which liquid had the highest viscosity?_____________________________________________________________

3. What type of magma would we associate with high viscosity? (look in your notes) _________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Which liquid had the lowest viscosity? _____________________________________________________________

5. What type of magma would we associate with low viscosity? (look in your notes) __________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

6. What process were you modeling when you blew into the samples? _____________________________________

7. From which sample did gas escape most quickly?____________________________________________________

8. From which sample did it take the longest time to escape? ____________________________________________

9. How was this model like real magma? _____________________________________________________________

10. How was this model unlike real magma? (Why couldn’t we just experiment using magma?) _________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

IGNEOUS ROCK IDENTIFICATION LABIgneous rocks are formed from the crystallization of magma. Igneous rocks can be classified in two different categories based on the location of their formation. Formation:

Intrusive Igneous Rock - Igneous rock formed inside the earth. This type of igneous rock cools very slowly and is produced by magma. It has large grains, contains gas pockets, and usually lots of silicate minerals.

Extrusive Igneous Rock - Igneous rock formed on the surface of the earth. This type of igneous rock cools very fast and is produced by lava. It has small grains and contains little to no gas.

Composition: Felsic - Felsic igneous rocks are light in color and have a low density. Intermediate - Intermediate are between light and dark colored. Mafic - Mafic igneous rocks are dark colored and have a high density.

Lab Procedures:1. Identify the texture of the rock as either glassy, course and fine-grained. Record your findings on the data

table.2. Determine if the rock formation is either intrusive or extrusive. Record your findings on the data table.3. Look at the composition of the rock and determine if the rock composition is either felsic, intermediate or

mafic. Look at the information above as a reminder of what these terms mean. Record your findings on the data table.

4. After you have filled in this information, use the Igneous Rock Identification diagram below or the rock identification guide handout to name each rock.

Igneous Rock Lab Response Sheet Name: ____________________ Pd: ______


Rock #


Coarse Grained/Fine Grained

Formation:Intrusive /Extrusive



Name of Rock








Conclusions: Write in complete sentences!1. Which rock do you think would cool more rapidly, one that cools underground, or one that cools on the surface?

Explain your answer. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Think about the cooling rates of magma and the definitions for intrusive and extrusive. Would you expect an intrusive rock to have large or small crystals? Explain your answer.__________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Would you expect an extrusive rock to have large or small crystals? Why? Explain your answer.__________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Which rocks in this lab do you think are intrusive? List them.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Which rocks in this lab do you think are extrusive? List them.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Which rock cooled the slowest? Why? Explain your answer.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Which rock cooled the fastest? Why? Explain your answer.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Explain why understanding the property of texture for igneous rocks is so important when you are trying to identify these samples. What kind of clues does texture give you?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Mountain Building Review Name: ____________________________________Earthquakes1. Earthquake occur due to a sudden release of ______________________ in the earth’s crust or upper mantle2. Label the focus and epicenter on the diagram 3. Label the P-wave, the S-wave and the surface wave

on the diagram below.

4. _______-waves are the first to arrive and squeeze & pull rocks in the same direction along which the waves are travelling5. _______-waves are the second to arrive and cause the rocks to move at right angles in relation to the direction of the waves.6. Surface waves move in ______ directions, up and down and side to side. These waves are what you feel when there is an earthquake7. Which travels faster, a P-wave or an S-wave? ____________________________________8. Define Richter Scale: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. Define Modified Mercalli Scale: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10. What is the fewest number of seismic stations that must record the arrival time of P and S waves in order for the epicenter of an earthquake to be located? ________________11. Draw an X over the epicenter of the earthquake in the diagram below.Volcanoes12. Plutons are intrusive __________________________ rock bodies.There are many different types of plutons, an example is ________________________. 13. When a volcano is dormant, this means that _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________14. Igneous rocks are formed by: _______________________________________________________15. There are 2 different types of igneous rocks. a. _______________________________: fine-grained, cool quickly on the Earth’s surface b. Intrusive: _______________-grained igneous rocks, cool _____________________ beneath the earth’s surface.16. What determines how explosive a volcano will be? _________________________________________________________________17. What type of magma is typically explosive due to its high silica content? _________________________________________18. When magma has low viscosity, how explosive will it be? _________________________________________________________

Name the type of magma that has low viscosity. ____________________________19. What type of magma has intermediate viscosity and intermediate explosiveness? _______________________________20. A ___________________________ volcano is the greatest and most explosive.21. What type of volcano has broad, gently sloping sides? ______________________________________________________________22 What is the smallest type of volcano? __________________________________________________________________________________23. The Ring of Fire has formed due to plate ______________________________________.24. ______________% of the world’s volcanoes occur at the Ring of Fire25. ___________________ form over unusually hot regions of Earth’s. An example of this occurrence would be __________________________.Mountain Building26. Define Isostasy: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________27. Folded mountains form when ________________________________________________________________________________________.28. Draw an Anticline 29. Draw and Syncline

30. ___________________________________ mountains form at convergent boundaries.

31. Up-warped mountains form when ___________________________________________________________________________________.32. Define Fault-block Mountain: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Diaster Test- General1. The scale used to measure the strength of an earthquake is the

a. focus scale b. Milne scale c. Richter scale d. San Andreas scale

2. What is isostasy?a. a convergent-boundary mountain b. a condition of equilibriumc. a fault-block mountain d. a difference in crustal density

3. What is the fewest number of seismic stations that must record the arrival time of P and S waves in order for the epicenter of an earthquake to be located?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 5 d. 10

4. The point on earth’s surface directly above where an earthquake originates.a. focus b. epicenter c. fault line d. shock wave

5. The most common cause of earthquakes isa. tsunamis b. fault movement c. seismic waves d. magma

6. What is the order in which seismic waves are recorded by a seismometer?a. S-wave, P-wave, surface wave b. surface wave, P-wave, S-wavec. P-wave, S-wave, surface wave d. S-wave, surface wave, P-wave

7. The point from which an earthquake originates under the ground is called thea. focus b. epicenter c. fault line d. shock wave

8. The Hawaiian volcanoes formed as a result of which of the following?a. divergence b. subduction c. a hot spot d. subsidence

For the next four questions, identify the following as a characteristic of:a. cinder-cone volcano b. composite volcano c. shield volcano

(Each choice can be used once, more than once, or not at all)

9. Has broad, gently sloping sides and a nearly circular base.

10. Olympus Mons on Mars is an extraterrestrial example of this type of example.

11. Forms when ash and rock is ejected into the air and then fall back to Earth and pile up around a vent, they are small

12. These volcanoes usually have basaltic lavas. Some examples: Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea in Hawaii.

For the next three questions, identify the following as a characteristic of:a. primary wave b. secondary wave c. surface waves

(Each choice can be used once, more than once, or not at all)

13. This wave can travel through liquids and solids and can penetrate through the outer core

14. This wave is a compression wave that pushes and pulls rocks in the same direction as the wave moves

15.This wave causes the most destruction

For the next four questions, identify the following as a characteristic of:a. fault-block mountain b. folded mountain c. volcanic mountain d. up-warped mountain

(Each choice can be used once, more than once, or not at all)

16. Form when large pieces of crust are pushed up by forces inside the Earth.

17. Form when rock layers are squeezed from opposite sides.

18. Oceanic-continental convergent boundaries form large mountain ranges of this mountain type.

19. Huge, tilted blocks of rock that are separated by faults.

For the next three questions, identify the following as a characteristic of: a. Basaltic b. Andesitic c. Rhyolitic

(Each choice can be used once, more than once, or not at all)

22. Very explosive du to high silica content and large volume of trapped gas.

23. Commonly develops over hot spots, low viscosity.

24. Found along subduction zones and has intermediate viscosity.

20. After 9 minutes, how far are the S-waves from the epicenter?

21. It takes P-waves 2 minutes to travel about 500 miles.How long does it take S-waves to travel the same distance?

22. If the difference in arrival time between P and S waves is 4 minutes, what is the distance from the epicenter?

a. 1000 b. 1500

23. The instrument that detects and records earthquakes is the _____________________________ .

24. The _________________________ is a zone of volcanic activity that surrounds the Pacific Ocean.

25. The diagram represents a(n) anticline or a syncline?

BONUS: Name the 3 different types of plate boundaries

Disaster- Applied1. The scale used to measure the strength of an earthquake is the

a. focus scale b. Milne scale c. Richter scale d. San Andreas scale

2. What is isostasy?a. a convergent-boundary mountain b. a condition of equilibriumc. a fault-block mountain d. a difference in crustal density

3. What is the fewest number of seismic stations that must record the arrival time of P and S waves in order for the epicenter of an earthquake to be located?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 5 d. 10

4. The point on earth’s surface directly above where an earthquake originates.a. focus b. epicenter c. fault line d. shock wave

5. The most common cause of earthquakes isa. tsunamis b. fault movement c. seismic waves d. magma

6. What is the order in which seismic waves are recorded by a seismometer?a. S-wave, P-wave, surface wave b. surface wave, P-wave, S-waveb. P-wave, S-wave, surface wave d. S-wave, surface wave, P-wave

7. The point from which an earthquake originates under the ground is called thea. focus b. epicenter c. fault line d. shock wave

8. The Hawaiian volcanoes formed as a result of which of the following?a. divergence b. subduction c. a hot spot d. subsidence

9. The instrument that detects and records earthquakes is the _____________________________ . a. seismogram b. seismic waves c. seismometer d. Richter scale

10. The _________________________ is a zone of volcanic activity that surrounds the Pacific Ocean.a. Hot Spots b. Ring of Fire c. Circle of Volcanoes d. Ring of Flames

For the next four questions, identify the following as a characteristic of:a. cinder-cone volcano b. composite volcano c. shield volcano

(Each choice can be used once, more than once, or not at all)

11. Forms when ash and rock is ejected into the air and then fall back to Earth and pile up around a vent, they are small

12. These volcanoes usually have basaltic lavas. Some examples: Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea in Hawaii.

13. Has broad, gently sloping sides and a nearly circular base.

14. Olympus Mons on Mars is an extraterrestrial example of this type of example.

For the next three questions, identify the following as a characteristic of:a. primary wave b. secondary wave c. surface waves

(Each choice can be used once, more than once, or not at all)

15. This wave can travel through liquids and solids and can penetrate through the outer core

16. This wave is a compression wave that pushes and pulls rocks in the same direction as the wave moves

17.This wave causes the most destruction

For the next three questions, identify the following as a characteristic of:a. fault-block mountain b. folded mountain c. volcanic mountain d. up-warped mountain

(Each choice can be used once, more than once, or not at all)

18. Form when large pieces of crust are pushed up by forces inside the Earth.

19. Form when rock layers are squeezed from opposite sides.

20. Oceanic-continental convergent boundaries form large mountain ranges of this mountain type.

21. Huge, tilted blocks of rock that are separated by faults.

For the next three questions, identify the following as a characteristic of: a. Basaltic b. Andesitic c. Rhyolitic

(Each choice can be used once, more than once, or not at all)

22. Very explosive du to high silica content and large volume of trapped gas.

23. Commonly develops over hot spots, low viscosity.

24. Found along subduction zones and has intermediate viscosity.

25. After 9 minutes, how far are the S-waves from the epicenter?a. 3000 b. 1500 c. 1000

26. It takes P-waves 2 minutes to travel about 500 miles.How long does it take S-waves to travel the same distance?a. 2 b. 1000 c. 3.5

27. If the difference in arrival time between P and S waves is 4 minutes, what is the distance from the epicenter?a. 1000 b. 1500 c. 2000

28. The diagram represents a(n) anticline or a syncline?

BONUS: Name the 3 different types of plate boundaries

Lesson 9Title: Virginia Physiographic Provinces

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to have the students investigate the five physiographic provinces of Virginia using the 5-E Learning Model. Students will be engaged creatively as well as given the responsibility of becoming an expert on a topic. Students will work collaboratively to create an interesting collage about their assigned province and will present their project and information to the class.

Safety Issues & Accommodations: Students should use scissors and glue appropriately and safely. A slot notes outline will be used to accommodate for the variation of reading and ability levels in the classroom.

Relevant Virginia SOL’s:ES.6 The student will investigate and understand the differences between renewable and nonrenewable

resources. Key concepts include c) resources found in Virginia

ES.7 The student will investigate and understand geologic processes including plate tectonics. Key concepts include

a) geologic processes and their resulting features; and b) tectonic processes.

NSTA Standards:NSTA 1. Content To show that they are prepared in content, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand and can successfully convey to students the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, and interrelationships of their fields of licensure and supporting fields as recommended by the National Science Teachers Association

NSTA 3. Inquiry. To show that they are prepared to teach through inquiry, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

b) engage students successfully in developmentally appropriate inquiries that require them to develop concepts and relationships from their observations, data, and inferences in a scientific manner.

NSTA 6. Curriculum. To show that they are prepared to plan an implement an effective science curriculum, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) understand the curricular recommendations of the National Science Education Standards, and can identify, access, and/or create resources and activities for science education that are consistent with the standards

NSTA 8. Assessment. To show that they are prepared to use assessment effectively, teachers of science must demonstrate that they:

a) use multiple assessment tools and strategies to achieve important goals for instruction that are aligned with methods of instruction and the needs of students

Materials and Resources: computer, projector, Internet access

Procedures for Teaching:1. Engage: The teacher will engage the students in a discussion about Virginia. The teacher will ask probing questions about what the provinces are and how they a different from each other. [5 min]

2. Explore: The students will explore the Virginia physiographic provinces by participating in a group project. The class will be divided into 5 different groups for each physiographic province. The teacher will prepare packets of information for each group detailing the various features of the different physiographic provinces. The students will become experts on their province and create a collage using drawings, magazine pictures, words, etc. All of the collages created in each class will be compiled to create a large Virginia. The collages will be shaped to fit into the province it was created about. Once the collage is finished the students will be able to look at the completed Virginia and be able to differentiate between the different provinces of Virginia. [40 min]

3. Explain: Each group of students will present their collage to the class in a 5-minute presentation. The students will be required to give reasoning for each component included in the collage. The students will be

required to include information related to geology, topography, key information, resources and the process of formation. [30 min]

4. Elaborate: The students will be given a notes sheet to write down the information that they learn from the presentations of their peers. The teacher will spot check the notes sheet after the presentations are completed to ensure the students are paying attention. The following day a quiz will be given about the Virginia provinces. [20 min]

5. Evaluate: The students will be given a rubric to use while completing the group project and will be used for grading.

Virginia Physiographic Provinces Rubric (120 pts total)Points Criteria Evidence

5 Creativity & Neatness Effort, Clean, nothing hanging off, follows directions5 Presentation 5 minutes, Informative, All group members present

10 Quality of Information Follows directions, correct, accurate 5 Participation All group members contribute to the project5 Notes Check All spaces filled in correctly

Virginia Physiographic Provinces Project Guide

There are 5 Virginia physiographic provinces that divide the state. These provinces from east to west include: Coastal Plain, Piedmont, Blue Ridge, Valley and Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau. Each province is unique and distinct in their formation, topography, geology and resources. While completing this project, each of you will become an expert about a specific province and will teach the rest of the class about your findings.

Project InstructionsThe class will be divided into 5 groups to represent each province. A packet of information

detailing the background information about the province will be provided to each group and that packet should be used to learn about and become an expert on the region.

Each group will create a collage using magazines, pictures, drawings, words, etc. to represent the important details about the province. All of the collages will be compiled to create a big Virginia map divided by provinces. Everything that is put on the collage should have an explanation and reasoning as to why it is included. Once everyone has become an expert on his/her province and the collage is completed, each group will give a 5-minute presentation to the class about their collage to educate to your peers. During the presentation, every group member should present.

All of the collages created in each class will be compiled to create a large Virginia Map!

The following information should be presented and represented on your collage1. Major resource(s) found in province2. Geology3. Key features/interesting facts4. Topography5. Process of formation

Project RubricPoints Criteria Evidence

5 Creativity & Neatness Effort, nothing falling off, appropriate materials used15 Quality of Information All information presented/represented accurately5 Presentation 5 minutes, all members present5 Participation All group members contribute to the project

Name: __________________________________________ Virginia Physiographic ProvincesFill out the information for each category as your peers present the information about their province.

1. Coastal Plain:1. Major resource(s) found in province: _________________________________________________________2. Geology: _________________________________________________________________________________________3. Key features/interesting facts: ________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Topography: ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Process of formation: ___________________________________________________________________________


2. Piedmont:1. Major resource(s) found in province: _________________________________________________________2. Geology: _________________________________________________________________________________________3. Key features/interesting facts: ________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Topography: ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Process of formation: ___________________________________________________________________________


3. Blue Ridge:1. Major resource(s) found in province: _________________________________________________________2. Geology: _________________________________________________________________________________________3. Key features/interesting facts: ________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Topography: ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Process of formation: ___________________________________________________________________________


4.Valley and Ridge:1. Major resource(s) found in province: _________________________________________________________2. Geology: _________________________________________________________________________________________3. Key features/interesting facts: ________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Topography: ____________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Process of formation: ___________________________________________________________________________


5. Appalachian Plateau: 1. Major resource(s) found in province: _________________________________________________________2. Geology: _________________________________________________________________________________________3. Key features/interesting facts: ________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Topography: ____________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Process of formation: ___________________________________________________________________________

Up to the Mid-Unit TestAssignment Total Points

Definitions- Plate Tectonics 10Puzzle Activity 15HW Questions 5

Quiz 50Drawings 10

Boundary Lab 20Fault Lab 30

Concept Map 15Mid-Unit Test 100


Assignment Total PointsDefinitions- Volcanoes 10

Definitions - Earthquakes 10Disaster Quiz 70Epicenter Lab 30

Magma Lab 25Igneous Lab 30

Computer Lab 15Review Sheet 15

VA Project 30235