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English Jss2.

TOPIC: Adverbial PhrasesRemember that an adverb is a word that modifies a verb.

It can also modify adjectives and other adverbs.

Adverbs that modify verbs tell us the manner, time and

And the place. Most adverbs are formed by adding – ing.

There are other types of adverbs such as frequency adverbs

That answer the question “How often?” and adverb of

reason that answer the question “Why?”


He walked quickly. (adverb of manner) Put the food away. (adverb of place) Mrs. Bimbo left yesterday. (adverb of time) Venessa always goes to school. (adverb of frequency)

Some phrases do the work of adverbs. These phrases are

Called adverbial phrases.


The old man died at exactly twelve midnight.

(adverbial phrase of time)

The students put the books on the table.

(adverbial phrase of place)

She did her homework very well.

(adverbial phrase of manner)


Analyse the sentences below by identifying the adverbial

Phrase, the type of adverbial phrase and the function of

the adverbial phrase. The first one has been done for


The vendor came in the morning.

Adverbial Phrases: in the morning

Type: time

Function: it modifies the verb “came”.

The man fought with great courage. The children go to the stream quite often. We learn English at 9:00 a.m every day. The students put their books in the cupboard. He bought the present from the supermarket

Submit your assignment via: kikachrisdele@gmail.com

Civic Education J s.s 2


Meaning of Democracy

Democracy is one of the ways of governing a country. It is based on the idea that everyone in the country should have a say about how the country is run. But because it is not possible for everyone to be in legislature. People choose other people to represent them in the legislature and to make decisions for them the people are chosen during an election when people elect who they believe would best represent them.

Main Features of Democracy

1 There are elections

2 Political Parties operate in them

3 The Mass Media is Free

4 There is respect for the rule of law

5 There is separation of power

6 There is universal adults suffrage

Institution of Democracy

1 Three arms of government

2 Political Parties

3 Pressure groups

4 Electoral body


1 Explain four main Features of Democracy

2 Explain Five benefits of Democracy

3 Explain Five duties and obligations of government that you know




In the scripture Zechariah 13:7 foretold that Jesus followers would desert him but Peter protested he would never desert Jesus.

At Gethsemane, Jesus said an agonizing prayer saying “Father, please take this cup of suffering away from me…not my will, but yours”.

The Jewish authorities which includes the high priest, scribes and the elders were jealous and afraid of Jesus' growing popularity as a result of his teachings and miracles. Planned for a secret opportunity to arrest, try, condemn and kill Jesus.

Judas Iscariot being possessed with a bad spirit agreed to betray Jesus by taking them to the place where Jesus was alone with his disciples and showed them who Jesus is with a kiss.

The mob arrested Jesus and Peter cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant and immediately Jesus rebuked Peter saying “if he wanted he has would ask his Father in heaven to send him twelve legions of angels to rescue him, that his arrest was to fulfill the scripture.

The Jewish authorities were afraid of touching Jesus in public because they were afraid of themasses that was why they arrested him at night.

The disciples all deserted Jesus because he was not in support of any resistance from the disciples.

THE TRIAL OF JESUS (mt14:53-65)

After the arrest of Jesus, they led Jesus to Caiaphas, the high priest to be tried. The whole council sought witnesses to incriminate Jesus and false witnesses gave conflicting testimony, yet Jesus refused to defend himself.

Two people came forward and said that Jesus said he could destroy the temple and rebuilt it in three days, yet Jesus did not defend himself.

Caiaphas questioned if he were the Messiah, the son of God. Jesus responded “you have said so”. This implies that Jesus accepted that he is the son of God.

Jesus continued saying that he will see the son of Man sitting at God’s right hand in glory and also see him coming back on the clouds of heaven.

Caiaphas and the council condemned Jesus to death on the charges of blasphemy, some of the Jews spat at Jesus, blindfolded and hit him.


1. Jesus said take this cup of suffering from me. This cup of sufferings means what?2. How much did the Jews pay Judas for handing Jesus over to them?3. What is the name of the servant whose ear was cut off by Peter?4. Why is Judas Iscariot blamed for betraying Jesus when it was already predicted he would be


Keep submitting to me through this email migueljoe988@gmail.com



Heat energy can be transferred through such methods as conduction, convection and radiation.

CONDUCTION: Conduction is a process of net energy transfer through a substance without movement of the substance itself.


1. Defined conduction

b. Give five (5) examples of good conductor

c. Give five example of poor conductor

d. State and explain three(3) applications of conduction in our homes

Please submit your work to this email address ngoziegbuaba@gmail.com


Parler de la mode dans la cemmaunite´

Des vȇtements


1. Une chemise2. Un pantalon3. Une blouse4. Une jupe5. Un pagne6. Une robe7. Une culotte8. Un costume9. Des chaussettes10. Un tricos/ jacket


a shirta trousera blousea skirta wrappera gowna shorta suitstocksa jacket

Des chanssures

Francais Anglais

1. Les baskets Canvas

2. Les souliers shoes

3. Les sandals sandals

4. Les pantoufle slippers

5. Les bottes butte

6. Les sandalettes high sandals

Les accessories





Spectacles/eye len








1. Les collier

2. Les bracelet

3. Les boucle d’ oreille

4. Des lunettes

5. La montre

6. Ls ceinture

7. La crawate

8. La foulard

9. Le chapean

10. Le gant


Make a sentence with these word.

1. Un pantalon

2. Les souliers

3. La montre

4. Une robe

5. La cravat

6. Un pagne

7. Les sandales

8. La bague

9. Le foulard

10. Une chemise


Creating an e-mail account.Before you settle actually down to send an email, you need to have an e-mail account which allows you to send and receive email messages. Some of the sites where you can create an email account are ꓽ

1. www.yahoo.com 2. www.gmail.com 3. www.rediff.com 4. www.hotmail.com 5. www.indiatimes.com 6. www.mail.com , etc

steps in creating an e-mail account.

The following steps are to be taken in creating an email account ꓽ

1. Open internet browser e.g internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, google chrome, etc.

2. Login into any internet e-mail service provider’s site such as www.yahoo.com, www.gmail.com, etc.

3. Click on ‘sign up’ in the home page.4. After filling the form, click on ‘I agree’. Instantly, a new page appears which

confirms your registration.

You can now start using your new email account.

Samples of e-mail addresses

e-mail addresses have set arrangement. There are generally three parts of an email address ꓽ 1. The user name 2. The @ sign and 3. The domain

examples a. bekkysony @ yahoo.com , b. info @ olagirlscollegeakw.org c. otuka @ longman.org.ng .

1. User name ꓽ ‘bekkysony’ identifies whose email account it is.2. The ‘@’ sign tells you the user is ‘at’ the domain.3. domain ꓽ example ‘yahoo.com’; the part after the @ sign and before the

dot (i.e yahoo) tell you which service provider the user’s email account is from. The part after the dot (i.e com, net, org, co, etc) tells you the type of service provided e.g Commercial service use com, Network net, organizations use org, and companies use co.

Sometimes, a country code is found at the end of an email address, e.g ‘uk’ , ‘fr’, ‘ng’, which stand for United Kingdom, France and Nigeria respectively.


1. you can use the following email provider’s websites to create email account ꓽ www.yahoo.com,www.gmail.com,www.rediff.com, www.hotmail.com, etc

2. you create an email account by opening the internet browser. Then login into any of the email service provider’s website e.g www.gmail.com, and click on ‘sign up’. After filling the form, click on ‘I agree’ and instantly, a new page appears which confirm your registration.

3. A Sample of an email account has three parts ꓽ 1. The user name 2. The @ sign and 3. The domain


1. What are the steps in opening email account (to check messages).2. Write steps you can use to email messages.

Note ꓽ to be submitted via my email ꓽ ioryaasa@gmail.com

P.H.E. JSS 2


Child abuse is an intentional act that result in physical or emotional harm to children the word or term child abuse covers a wide range of behaviors from actual physical assault by parents guardian etc.

types of child abuse

1. Physical abuse

2. Emotional abuse

3. sexual abuse others include

4. Neglect

5. Deprivation

Physical abuse: This include deliberate act of violence that inflict injury or even kill a child or unexplained bruses, broken bones, burn marks on a child.

Emotional abuse: This destroys a child self-esteem such abuse commonly includes repeated verbal abuse of a child in form of shouting, threats and degrading or humiliating and criticism.

Sexual Abuse: these occur when adults use children for sexual gratification or expose them to sexual activities

Neglect: This involves parent failure to provide adequate clothing and shelter.

Deprivation: This occurs when parent or guardian fail to meet a child basic needs for affection and comfort.


1. Intergenerational transmission of violence


3. Social isolation and low community interactions


1. Discuss the effects of child abuse in Nigeria and the way forward.

Please submit your work to this E- mail address uzahson@gmail.com



When somebody has no secure income and not sure of his or her next meal, he or she may be

described as being afflicted by poverty.

Poverty can be defined as the economic condition of lacking predictable and stable means of

meeting basic life needs.

Types of poverty

There are two types of poverty and the are:

1) Chronic or structural poverty

2) Temporary or conjectural poverty

Chronic or structural poverty

This is a long term condition whose causes are permanent and may not be remove within a

short time. The causes of structural poverty include lack of skills for gainful employment and

socio-cultural behavior.

Temporary or conjectural poverty

This is caused by factors that are temporary.

They are usually more reversible than structural poverty. These include environmental factors

such as natural disasters like drought, flood and very strong winds as hurricane and typhoon. It

may also be caused by man-made disasters such as war, increased unemployment and

environmental destructor.

Causes of poverty

1. Extended Family System: In African and other less developed countries, the extended family

system is practiced, when somebody has a very large family size and also takes care of the

extended family; he or she is likely to be poor unless he has a lot of means of making money.

2. Spending habits: The spending habits of some people have made them poor .They spend

their resources on less important things and wastefully too. They also do not save, and without

savings, one cannot invest on things that would bring in more Income or money.

3: Level of literacy/Education: some people cannot read and write and cannot be trained or

educated to such level that would take them out of poverty in other causes; the level of

education is such that they cannot find jobs that would enable them earn enough to get them

out of poverty.

4: Environmental/Natural Resource: Other causes of poverty are due to the environment. These

Include war, natural disaster, political corruption, famine, flood and a general downturn in

business activities. Other are natural. E.g. a mental illness or physical disability.

Consequence of poverty

Poor people do not have the means to give adequate education to their children. This could be

a great loss to the society.

2: The poem also says: poverty is no state for any mortal man, It makes him a beast to be fed

on grass” poverty makes a man to behave like beasts. It forces people to


3: Poverty leads to consequences that are not in the interest of any society. Some of the

consequences are poor quality of life, Illiteracy or not having access to education, violence such

as Imagery, and area boys syndrome, drug abuse, prostitution, human trafficking and armed


Poverty control or alleviation measures

It is dangerous for a lot of people to be poor in any society. This situation will not make those

who are rich to enjoy their riches. This is why government has put in place a number of poverty

alleviation programs

1: Government establishes NAPEP-a National Poverty Alleviation and Eradication programmed

to help address the Issue of poverty. NAPED assist people to acquire various skills. They help

with loan to start business. people pay small interest on the loan.

2: In the area of education, the UBE was designed to provide a universal, free and compulsory

education for the child beginning from the primary school to the secondary school.

3: Government can also embark upon a man education programmed and train more teachers,

train and retrain youths and other unemployed people. At present the Nigeria has embark on

some poverty alleviation schemes through the Universal Basic Education [U B E].


1: What is poverty?

2: State the two types of poverty and explain one?

3: What should the government do to control poverty in Nigeria?

Summit To anaagushakab@gmail.com

SUBJECT: Cultural and Creative Art

CLASS: Jss 2

THEME: Drama Production

TOPIC: Rehearsals



Rehearsal is a trial performance of a play, music or other literary form for later public performance.

It can also be defined as a period or time set apart for practice or preparation for a play or music which will be presented to an audience or the public at a particular time.

It could also be regarded as a period or session during which the director of a play, music or movie works with the cast and the crew preparing for production and presentation before an audience.

Rehearsal processes include: Recitation, Narration, repetition with timing being the focus of perfection before presentation of the play or music before the audience. It is important for the actors/actresses to go play their parts through practice until they know what they are going to say and how they are going to say it.

Actors rehearse their lines so that they will not forget them.


There are two main types of rehearsals, they are:

I. MAINTENANCE REHEARSAL: This involves continuously repeating the to-be remembered material. This method is effective in maintaining information over the short term. Maintenance rehearsal typically involves continual repetition which is effective for short term memory retention.

ii. ELABORATIVE REHEARSAL: This involves relating new material or knowledge with information that already exists in long-term memory in order to retain information for longer periods. Here study groups provide a context for elaborative rehearsal. Discussions or arguments about various topics will enrich the subject matter and add to its meaning fullness.

Trying to explain a concept to a friend is a good way to have a better understanding of such concept and engages one into a form of elaborate rehearsal.


Activities involved in Rehearsal include:

(i) Reading/Studying

(ii) Acting

(iii) Expression/ Communication or voice production

(iv) Prompting

(v) Cues

(vi) Movement

1. READING/STUDYING: This is the process of reading through the written scripts or words for a play by the actors/actresses with the guidance of the director in order to perfect the presentation of such words in the way the words should be pronounced and demonstrated before the audience in the final production. Here, characters which the actors/actresses are representing are imitated as much as they could reach perfection both in voicing and demonstration (gesture)

2. ACTING: This simply refers to the activities of actors and actresses as they perform their roles in a play, film or movie presentation before an audience after they have duly prepared themselves in rehearsals for such performance. As a result, acting is the duty of actors/actresses in a drama production and presentation.


This refers to the totality of methods used by actors/actresses to educate and inform the audience to have adequate understanding; they intend to pass across to the audience. These methods include:

(a) Vocal variety making your voice louder, softer, higher or lower, slower or faster to be interesting and heard.

(b) Gesture hand, head and arm movement including facial expressions such as sad, calm, laughing, crying faces etc.

4. PROMPTING: This is the process of following the text or script of a play usually done by the prompter for the actor and actresses in order to remind them what the words of the play are if they forget their lines, especially during rehearsals. The book used by the prompter to give actors their lines during rehearsals in order to put them to their appropriate actions is called PROMPT BOOK.

5. CUES: These are words or actions at which an actor/actress is given a signal for another actor/actress to do something in a play. The signal could be verbal or physical which could indicate a line of dialogue or an entrance, is to happen

6. MOVEMENT/ACTION: This refers to how the actors move, what they do. The actors/actresses are expected to move on stage the way the characters they portray would move. For example: an eight year old grandmother will not move or walk the same way her ten year old grand-daughter will move or walk.


The stages of Rehearsals include:

(i) Reading

(ii) Blocking which includes reading and movement at the same time

(iii) Polishing (run-throughs)

(iv) Dress Rehearsal

(v) Technical Rehearsal


Reading, being the first stage in rehearsals has been explained under activities involved in rehearsals. It simply refers to the process of going through the written scripts for a play by the actors/actresses with the guidance of the director of the play so that the actors/actresses would master how the words, speeches and actions expected for them to demonstrate and present them before the audience in a drama production.


This simply refers to the process or plan of determining the placement or location of actors/actresses on stage with regard to their movement on stage based on the role they are playing at a given time. Their movement on stage has to agree or be in line with the dialogue they are involved in.


This is a stage in rehearsals whereby the play is started from the beginning to the end without stopping for any corrections or notes. The entire play or act is rehearsed without interruption. This is usually done towards the conclusive part of the rehearsal programme whereby the director must have worked closely and conclusively with the actors.


This is rehearsal done just before the actual performance or presentation of a play in which lighting, costumes, make-up, costume changes, set changes, properties, sound and special effects are used. Dress rehearsal is also called “Full Dress Rehearsal”


The technical rehearsal also called tech rehearsal that focuses on the technological aspects of the performance of actors/actresses in play, music or video entertainment. It is a period of full test for lighting, sound, machinery, special effects etc, to find out the suitability of such gadgets and prevent mistakes from occurring during the actual performance.

N.B The dress and technical rehearsals give the designers the opportunity to see how their design will be suitable to each other i.e. how colour of light might affect the appearance of a costume in the eyes of the audience.

This also grants the designers, the opportunity to make necessary corrections and final changes in order to perfect the play for final presentation to the audience.


1. What is the meaning of Rehearsal?

2. List and explain the two types of rehearsals briefly

3. State the five (5) stages of rehearsals

4. Explain “Blocking” as a stage of rehearsal

Submit to this email – chrissimondung@gmail.com or chrissimondung55@gmail.com



Sub Topic: Viral Diseases

Viral Diseases

These are diseases caused by viruses. Viruses are extremely small micro – organisms which can survive only inside living cells. They are much smaller than bacteria.

Examples of Viral Diseases includes;

1. Foot and mouth disease2. Ebola disease/ mad cow3. Tinder pest4. Newcastle disease5. Fowl pox6. Chronic respiratory disease7. Gumboro8. Rabies9. Swine fever


Disease name

Animals Affected

Causal organism

Symptoms Mode of Transmission

Prevention and control

1 Foot and mouth

Cattle, sheep, goat and pigs

Virus High fever

Loss of appetite

Loss of weight


Inhalation of the virus from the air

Contaminated feed and water

Isolate the infected animals


tion of teat and udder

Sore on the feet

Reduction in milk production

Lameness (damaged foot)

Contacting and ingesting the virus through faeces, saliva, milk, urine of infected animals

ter the Affected animals and burn them

Maintain good hygienic practices

Vaccinate the animals twice a year

2 Rinder pest

Cattle, sheep and goat

Virus Severe fever

Blood stained diarrhea

Discharge from the eyes, nose, mouth and anus

Inflammation of the stomach and intestine


Physical contact between infected and non-infected animals

Through contaminated feed and water

Inhalation of polluted air

Through contaminated

Affected animals should be killed and buried

Disinfect livestock building and equipment of

s Death

within ten days of appearance of symptoms in infected animals

faeces and urine

affected farms

3 Newcastle

Poultry birds ( fowl, Guinea fowl, duck, pigeon, turkey etc)

Virus Twisting of the neck and head

Loss of weight

Coughing Sneezing

in infected birds

Cycling movement

Diarrhea (watery and greenish faeces)

Low egg production

Direct contact with affected birds

Direct contact with dead body of infected birds

Inhalation of the virus from the air

Direct contact with contaminated feeds, water and tools

Good sanitation

Burn and bury the infected poultry birds

Isolate the infected


Discuss Gumboro disease on the following headings;

1. Animals Affected2. Causal organism3. Symptoms4. Mode of Transmission5. Prevention and control

Please submit your work to this email address: cletuschima139@gmail.com





During the reign of Mansa Musa, Mali Empire reached her greatest territorial extent and peak of its glory in West Africa. However, the emergence of Mansa Maghan (1337-1341) marked the beginning of the decline of the empire. Both internal and external factors were responsible for the decline and eventually collapse of the Mali Empire.

Internal Factors responsible for the fall of Mali Empire includes:

1. Vastness of the Empire.2. Ascension of weak Emperors.3. Succession disputes.4. Inadequate Means of communication.5. Lack of Natural Frontiers.

External Factors responsible For the fall of Mali Empire includes:

1. The Attack of the Tauregs.2. The Attack of the Mossi.3. The Attack of Sonni- Ali.


1. Read further and explain both the external and internal factors responsible for the fall of Mali Empire.(NB: SUBMIT YOUR ASSIGNMENT TO THIS E-MAIL ADDRESS; bennyuyoo@gmail.com)




1. Concerto : The word Concerto means a musical competition for one or more solo instruments playing with an Orchestra. Example, a Piano/keyboard Concerto and a concerto for two violins.

2. Sonata : Sonata means a piece of music composed for one instrument or two. One which is usually the piano. The sonata originated in Italy but spread to Germany, England and France during the 17th century.

3. Symphony : This is a musical form that has 3 sometimes 4 movements. The beginning is moderately fast, next section is slow followed by a minuet and then a very fast conclusion.

4. Cantata : cantata is defined as a short musical work often on a religious hymn written to be sung by a soloist usually with a choir and accompanied by an orchestra or smaller musical ensemble.


Define the following musical forms

1. Oratorio 2. Opera3. Mass

NOTE: All assignment must be submitted to this Email: blissjames20@gmail.com




After hearing how to type for a year, you can now be able to type simple sentences without looking at the keyboard. It is very essential to keep your eyes on the book and also ensure that you type in a regular rhythm without pausing.

One of the commonest causes of typing errors is the desire of students to type too quickly. The beginner must give the brain the chance to form a mental picture of the position of the key required before striking it. The most essential skill at this stage is the ability to concentrate and consolidate keyboard mastery.

Type the following sentences

Margin------- pica 11 and 70. Elite 20 and 79.

Type three lines of each sentence twice to each line using a single line spacing.

1. Quite the Zoo and ask for more2. See the woman for more of this3. Sign the list and give his share4. Work to rule is not done there.


Marking out tools are hand tools used for marking lines on metal surfaces, or checking alignment, or indicating points or position on a work piece.

There are several tools for marking out in the art of metalworking. They are: surface plate, surface plate, surface table, scriber, odd-leg calipers, divider, punches, and the try square.

1. Surface plate: The surface plate is a precision piece of equipment with a flat surface of high grade finish, on which work piece are place for marking out. It is also used for testing the flatness of surfaces.

Surface plate2. Surface table: The surface table is larger than surface plate. It is used for

supporting bigger work pieces, so that marking out can be carried out with ease and accuracy.

Surface table

3. Scriber: The scriber is the metalworker’s pencil. It is used for marking out lines by hand, and together with straight edges like steel rules, try squares or box rules.

Scriber4. Dividers: dividers are two-legged steel instruments, used for scribing arcs,

circles, curves and for setting off distances.

Dividers5. Punches: Punches of two types: The dot punch is 60 at its conical end,

while the Centre punch is 90.i. Dot punch: The dot punch is used for denting scribed lines.