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University of LimerickExternal communications & Public relations policies

This policy has been developed to act as a guideline for a strategic approach to the generation of

media publicity for the University of Limerick.

The UL communications team within the Marketing and Communications Division works with faculty

to secure proactive media coverage relating to achievements, launches, research, announcements or

events, and to develop a panel of key commentators on a wide range of issues ensuring that UL

spokespeople are called upon on a regular basis as debate contributors and to provide expert

opinions in their particular fields.

Organisations should endeavour to speak with one voice and with once cohesive message. They

speak as a sum of the parts (i.e. UL) reflecting a shared mission. They should speak to the media

effectively and professionally, hence the requirement that ALL media relations are notified to the UL

Marcomms unit.

The objective is always to protect and promote the UL reputation, with individual departments and

external partners being acknowledged also. The UL Marcomms approach is multi-media and places


maximum PR exposure and profile to the fore, and as such requires considerable cooperation from

participating UL units.


















PR SUPPORT There are a number of steps that members of faculty and staff can take before contacting

the Marketing and Communications Division to generate media coverage:

The request for public relations support should be made to the Marketing and

Communications Division no later than 15 working days prior to the event with a

briefing document or draft press release giving details of the story.

See Appendix 1 – PR Support Request Form.

The event/story will be considered by the Marketing and Communications Division

and if deemed newsworthy, a media plan will be put into place including the possible

provision of press photography.

When submitting material for consideration to Marketing and Communications the

requesting faculty/department must identify which individual faculty or staff

member is a key contact and potential spokesperson who will speak to the media if

necessary. This spokesperson should be available for comment in the run up to, on

the day of release of the story and afterwards and must provide a mobile phone

number for ease of communication at that time. No mobile phone numbers will be

given to members of the media without the spokesperson’s prior consent.

Faculty who wish to publicize an academic paper should contact Marketing and

Communications as soon as the academic paper has been accepted by a peer

reviewed journal using the PR Support Request Form.

It is important that the key contact clearly identify the practical applications of their

research or initiative and the potential impact of that story on the target audience.

NB: These policies are standard across the international university sector. The marketing

and communications resource maintained by UL is allocated based on strategic priority for

UL and the strongest reputational opportunity PR requests present.


Where a department or faculty is planning a launch or event specifically for the

purposes of securing media coverage they should seek the advice of Marketing and

Communications on days of the week and times of the day that would facilitate copy

deadlines and editorial meetings in the national and regional media.

Faculties/departments requesting PR support for a conference taking place on

campus should note that the hosting of a conference in itself does not constitute

news. Conference organisers should know what individual speakers will address in

their presentations as this will most likely be where the opportunity for news

coverage will exist. Therefore, scripts/papers/abstracts should be sought from

speakers in advance of the conference in order to allow Marketing and

Communications the opportunity to interest media in the content of the conference.

The credibility of the University of Limerick among highly influential members of

national and regional print and broadcast media, will be influenced by the

newsworthiness and presentation of press releases being issued from the UL

Marketing and Communications. It therefore reserves the right to amend draft

releases submitted by members of faculty and staff prior to circulation to the media.



In order to avoid confusion or duplication of effort and to assist the University in

building strong relationships with the press, employees are requested to notify

Marketing and Communications of contacts with or interviews by media


When staff-members are asked to comment or provide information on an

institutional question or an issue that relates to the entire institution, the reporter

should be referred to Marketing and Communications. The Marketing and

Communications Division will refer the journalist to the appropriate source for


When a member of the news media contacts a staff-member to comment on a topic

that is within an employee’s area of expertise (i.e. about a faculty member’s

academic research or area of academic specialisation), the employee may answer

questions immediately, if so desired. However, if the faculty or staff member prefers

to give some thought to the questions before answering, or if she/he has questions

about the interview and how to respond, Marketing and Communications

recommends the employee take the journalist’s contact details, inquire about the

deadline and return the call later. Faculty or staff faced with this situation may then

contact Marketing and Communications to share information about the journalist,

the angle the story is likely to take, other stories the journalist may be researching or

writing at the time and any other background information that may be helpful in

advance of the interview.

While it is optional for a staff-member to contact Marketing and Communications

prior to talking with a journalist about the employee’s area of expertise, it is very

important that Marketing and Communications be notified immediately after the

staff-member has spoken with a reporter.



Opinion editorials are essays by experts and published in the editorial sections of

newspapers. Publication of opinion editorials written by staff can call attention to the

expertise of UL staff and indirectly acknowledge the quality of the University. These articles

cast a valuable spotlight on staff expertise and their ability to articulate strong opinions held

on relevant and current topics. Marketing and Communications assists staff in placing

opinion editorial articles in local, national and international newspapers. By regularly

working with opinion editorial editors, Marketing and Communications remains up-to-date

on current trends in editorial newsrooms and has current contact information for the major

opinion editorial editors.

The written standard for Irish opinion editorials is quite high. The Press and Communications

Officers can assist by providing editing advice and information about journalistic style.

Faculty who are interested in raising their media profile or in writing an opinion editorial are

encouraged to contact the Marketing and Communications Division. An opinion article will

only be as strong as the opinion it contains.



The Marketing and Communications Division offers media training to interested members of

staff. This training is designed to give participants a fundamental understanding of what

constitutes ‘news’, how to employ PR tools to generate media coverage as well as practical

tips on how to deal with radio, TV and print media interviews. The training encourages staff

to see the coverage opportunities that are available to promote their research, achievement

or event.

The training can be tailored to suit different faculties or departments and can be in the form

of an introduction to public relations and communications techniques as well as a more

advanced training session with practical workshops.



Marketing and Communications will provide and manage press photography for stories that

are deemed to be newsworthy by the Marketing and Communications Division, budgeting


In seeking the support of Marketing and Communications for press photography, the

requesting faculty or department must adhere to the following guidelines:

Notification of the requirement should be submitted to Marketing and

Communications 15 working days in advance. A thorough briefing should be

submitted with the request.

Requesting faculty/department should also identify a contact person, who will be

coordinating and provide their mobile contact details.

This will allow for consultation with Marketing and Communications as to the type of

shots that should be taken at the event – who should be included in the shots;

whether or not props are needed, the amount of time that can be allocated to the

photo shoot; and/or the level of creativity that can be applied to the photographer’s


The priority for any press photographer who may attend an event at the request of

Marketing and Communications will be to secure press photographs. Any ‘file’ or

‘internal’ type photography can only be undertaken once the photographer and

Marketing and Communications are satisfied that newsworthy shots have been


Marketing and Communications also maintains an archive of UL photographs and campus

shots. Members of the campus community can contact Marketing and Communications to

request copies of these shots but should give approximately 5 working days notice and

should be specific about the type of photographs they require and for what purposes they

will be used.



Written permission is required for photos or videos of children under the age of 18 and for

patients in medical settings. A sample permission form/image release is available.

See Appendix 2 - Photography/Audio/Video Release Form

In situations where UL is photographing visitors to the campus under the age of 18, it is

essential that the UL organiser of the visit has confirmation in writing in advance from a

representative of the school or club that parents or guardians have given permission for

their children to be photographed.

In cases where general photography is undertaken on the campus whenever possible, UL-

commissioned photographers will identify themselves and seek verbal permission when

taking photographs. They and/or the Marketing and Communications Division /

Communications Officer inform subjects about the potential uses of the photo, such as

providing information for a story and/or creating images to more broadly describe the

campus, both now and in the future. In instances when an individual asks to not be

photographed, UL photographers comply with those wishes.



Any company or individual seeing permission to record television, radio and/ or video

broadcasts on any property owned by, or under the control of the University of Limerick

must send a written proposal in advance to the Marketing and Communications Office, UL at

least 15 working days in advance of the proposed filming.

Each request for filming/recording should outline the:

Nature of the filming/recording

Intended audiences and transmissions

Proposed locations

Equipment which will be used

Number of vehicles and personnel for which access will be required, including make,

colour and registration number of any vehicles

The duration of the filming/recording

The dates on which it is intended to film/record

Mobile contact details of the requestor

The following regulations apply to all such taping/filming:

No productions will be allowed which advertise or promote products, services or

programmes that are inconsistent with the values and traditions of UL

No productions will be allowed which contain visual images or dialogue or voice-over

inconsistent with the values and traditions of UL

No students or employees of the University can be used in such productions unless

written consent from each individual to be used is obtained before such use.

No production can interfere with the normal operations of the University. Any

taping, filming or other production can be suspended without notice in the event of

an emergency (e.g. fire, disturbance) at or near the production location.

A certificate of liability insurance, satisfactory to the University's Risk Management

Office, must be provided at least seven (7) working days prior to the actual


production, to the Insurance Administrator Buildings and Estates Office.


No University property can be relocated or otherwise disturbed to accommodate

such productions.

Any damage to University property caused by the activities of the production

company shall be paid for by the production company upon presentation of a

detailed invoice from the University.

The production will not use the University's name, logos or symbols, nor will any of

its buildings be used in the production without prior written consent.

The Marketing and Communications Division will assess all proposals and advise the

requestor of the outcome within five working days of the receipt of the request.



The Marketing and Communications Division has responsibility for the maintenance of the

Latest News and Upcoming Events section on the UL homepage www.ul.ie

NEWSItems posted to Latest News section are subject to the editorial judgment of the Communications

Team (Please see contacts). As a rule, they are based on a press release issued by the University or

one of its partners. News items posted to the university homepage must be deemed to be of interest

to the wider public. This forum is not suitable for internal University events. Exceptions are subject

to the editorial judgment of the Communications Division and include high-impact, university-wide

events, announcements or emergencies.


Items for consideration for the Latest News section, should be submitted in plain English and

clearly identify the new element to the story. They should also be submitted with

corresponding high-quality images complete with captions which identify all persons in the


All images are subject to the editorial oversight of Marketing and Communications and may

be replaced or altered as needed.

The content posted to the Latest News section of the UL website is subject to copyright. This

content cannot be republished (print or web) without permission from Marketing and


EVENTSHow to submit an Event:

1. Navigate to https://www.ul.ie/portal/staff 2. Click Submit Event – it is located below the Upcoming Events section.3. Complete the form with your Event information4. Submit.

You can submit any media associated with the event in a separate email to web@ul.ie The web team will review your submission before publication to the UL Website The Event must be related to the University of Limerick


While valuable and relevant content is vital for News and Events items, an accompanying

high quality image is compulsory for the proposal to be considered. Many photos/graphics

used are provided by professional photographers or designers and edited in dimensions

specific to the panel to ensure consistency and quality. Your accompanying image should:

be relevant and explanatory to the proposed story


Promote no other institution, i.e. should be clear it is a UL story, no other logos

should be present, etc.

be at least 1mb in size

be a jpeg

supplied in a high resolution of 300dpi

What if I don't have a suitable image?

It is advisable to accompany your story with a photo as this ensures a speedy consideration.

For stories without photos the Marketing and Communications team will work with you to

advise on commissioning a photographer or alternative graphics. All images are subject to

the editorial oversight of Marketing and Communications and may be replaced or altered as


NB: images supplied must have the appropriate copyright permissions. Where an image is

being used that is provided by an outside source, please supply the name and contact

details of the individual and details of any necessary crediting.

See Contacts for Communication Team in order to submit an item for consideration to the

Latest News section on the UL homepage.

See Appendix 4 – Feature panel policy



Faculties/departments requesting Public Relations support for a conference taking place on

campus should note that the hosting of a conference in itself does not constitute news.

The media opportunity in relation to academic conferences and/or guest lectures will

depend on identifying the significant news message from your conference in advance.

Examples of newsworthiness likely to secure media coverage would include for example, a

major announcement, new research findings, a prominent public figure making a significant

political statement – calling for change or criticizing the status quo etc.

The professional status or profile of the speakers involved does not generate media interest.

Where the conference organiser feels there is Public Relations merit to their event they

should engage with Marketing and Communications at least two months in advance of the

conference as follows:

Notify Marketing and Communications in writing no less than two months in

advance of the event. This should include information outlining why UL is

hosting this conference, the local, national /international issues which will be

discussed and the relevance of these in an Irish and global context.

Provide the Press Office with a full itinerary for the event as well as

biographies for the speakers you wish to highlight.

Supply address / speech scripts well in advance to allow the opportunity to

identify potentially newsworthy material.

Agree in advance with your speakers whether or not they are available for

interview by the media in advance of or during the conference.


Marketing and Communications will only cover the cost of photography in relation to a

conference where there to be a significant likelihood of achieving national media coverage

with a photo from the event.

See Appendix 3 – Copyright Release for Speakers/Presenters



Social media are powerful communications tools that have a significant impact on

organisational and professional reputations. Because they can involve overlaps between

personal voice and institutional voice, University of Limerick (UL) has prepared this policy on

how best to enhance and protect personal and professional reputations and UL when

participating in and using social media. Colleagues in areas of Human Resources,

Information Technology, Data Protection & Compliance and Marketing were all consulted in

the preparation of this policy.

Social media involves the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication

into interactive dialogue. Examples include, but are not limited to, LinkedIn, Twitter,

Facebook, YouTube, the UL Blog and Snapchat.

Both in professional and institutional roles, employees should follow the same behavioural

standards online as they would in any other work-related capacity. The same laws,

professional expectations and guidelines for interacting with students, parents, alumni,

donors, media, and other university constituents apply online as they do off line. You should

be aware of copyright infringement when using imagery or music, you, and not UL, will be

liable for any content that you post to any social media sites. Ensure you have reviewed this

policy carefully before interacting with any social media on behalf of, or in connections with,



Protect confidential and proprietary information: Do not post confidential or proprietary

information about UL, students, employees, alumni, customers of UL or any third parties.

Adhere to all applicable UL privacy and confidentiality policies, (a full list of applicable UL


policies are provided at the end of this document). Employees who share confidential

information do so at the risk of disciplinary action and/or personal liability.

Respect copyright and fair use: When posting, be mindful of the copyright and intellectual

property rights of others including UL. There are regulations on the usage of the internet

from the University which should be adhered to. Employees who infringe third party

intellectual property rights do so at the risk of disciplinary action and/or personal liability.

Code of Conduct: When UL staff or students are using social media accounts on behalf of

the University they are subject to a professional code of conduct as UL employees/ UL

students. Users should refrain from bullying, harassment or victimisation of any form and

are subject to the UL Dignity and Respect policy in their social media usage on behalf of UL.

Employees should be aware of whether they have identified themselves as employees of UL

on their personal social media sites and if so they subject to the above policies on their

personal sites also.

Do not use UL logos for endorsements: Do not use the UL logo or any other university

images or icons on personal social media sites. Do not use UL’s name to promote a product,

cause, or political party or candidate.

Respect university time and property: As stated in the Code of Conduct for Users of the

University of Limerick’s Computing Resources, UL computing resources are provided to

facilitate a person’s work as an employee or student of UL and/or for educational, training,

or research purposes. Computing or network resources must not be used for commercial or

personal gain. You should maintain your personal site in your own time. Ref: www.ul.ie/itd

Non-academic staff using social media in the capacity of their UL role should not do so using

personal social media channels. They should conduct work related social media activity only

on the social media channels established for their UL Division/ Department or Subdivision.

Terms of service: Obey the terms of service, privacy policy and any other terms and

conditions of use of any social media platform employed.



If you post on behalf of an official UL unit, the following policies must be adhered to:

Authority: Do not post on behalf, or purporting to be on behalf of an official UL unit without

first obtaining the appropriate authority to do so.

Notify UL: Departments or UL units that have a social media page or would like to start one

must contact Marketing and Communications to ensure all institutional social media sites

coordinate with other UL sites and their content. UL Marketing and Communications

Division has the social media expertise to advise on best practice - contact names and

details appear at the end of this document.

Dedicated Personnel: All institutional pages must have a designated employee who is

identified as being responsible for content and is the contact person for the accounts.

Acknowledge who you are: If you are representing UL when posting on a social media

platform, state this.

Have a plan: Departments should consider carefully their messages, audiences, and goals,

as well as having a strategy for keeping information on social media sites up-to-date and

adhering to best practice in social media use.

Link back to UL: Whenever possible, link back to the UL website. Ideally, posts should be

very brief, redirecting a visitor to content that resides within the UL Web environment.

Protect the institutional voice: Posts on social media sites must protect UL’s institutional

voice by remaining professional in tone. No individual UL unit should construe its social

media site as representing UL as a whole except for the Marketing and Communications

managed institutional social media accounts. Consider this when naming pages or accounts,

selecting a profile picture or icon, and selecting content to post—names, profile images, and

posts should all be clearly linked to the particular department or unit rather than to the

institution as a whole.


Never discuss or speculate on internal UL policies or operations

Photography: If posting a photograph to a social media site you must ensure that you have

permission to do so including copyright permission. Do not post photographs which include

subjects under the age of 18 without prior consent. Be area when posting photos on social

media sites that they can easily be appropriated by visitors. Images at that size are sufficient

for viewing on the Web, but not suitable for printing. Give careful consideration to the type

of photos you upload.



This section applies to those posting on behalf of an official University unit, though the

guidelines may be helpful for anyone posting on social media in any capacity.

The University of Limerick encourages staff and students to use social media but reminds

users that at any time they may be perceived as a spokesperson for UL.

Be transparent: Be honest about your identity. If you are properly authorised to represent

UL in social media, say so. Never hide your identity for the purpose of promoting UL through

social media.

Think twice before posting: Privacy is significantly diluted in the world of social media.

Consider what could happen if a post becomes widely known and how that may reflect both

on the poster and UL. Search engines can turn up posts years after they are created, and

comments can be forwarded, screenshot or copied. If you would not say it in public, for

example at a conference or to a member of the media, consider whether you should post it

online. If you are unsure about posting something or responding to a comment, ask your

line manager for input.


Be accurate: Get the facts straight before posting them on social media. It is better to verify

information with a trusted source first than to have to post a correction or retraction later.

Review content for grammatical and spelling errors. This is especially important if posting on

behalf of UL in any capacity. If you make an error, correct it quickly and visibly. This will earn

you respect in the online community.

Be respectful: Understand that content published on a social media site could encourage

comments or discussion of opposing ideas. Responses should be considered carefully in light

of how they would reflect on the poster and/or UL and its institutional voice. You are more

likely to achieve your goals or sway others to your beliefs if you are constructive and

respectful while discussing a bad experience or disagreeing with a viewpoint or person.

On personal sites, identify your views as your own: If you identify yourself as a UL staff

member online, it should be clear that the views expressed are not those of UL. You should

use a version of the following text: “The views expressed in this post are personal views and

do not in any way represent the University of Limerick.” Employees should be aware of

whether they have identified themselves as employees of UL on their personal social media

sites and if so they subject to UL’s employee code of conduct and UL’s Dignity and Respect


Healthy dialogue: A healthy dialogue with constructive criticism can be useful, but refrain

from engaging in dialogue that could disparage colleagues, competitors, students, critics or

any third parties.



Data Protection


ITD Policies and Regulations


UL Code of Conduct for Employees


Dignity and Respect Policy




Marketing and Communications Division Kerry Betts, Marketing and Communications Administrator – General Enquiries061 20 2254Kerry.betts@ul.ie

Eleanor McCormack, Marketing Manager – Brand and Marketing Enquries061 23 4241Eleanor.mccormack@ul.ie

Communications TeamSheena Doyle, Communications Manager061 20 2219 / 086 3807859 Sheena.doyle@ul.ie

Alan Owens, Communications Officer061 21 3000Alan.owens@ul.ie

Andrew Carey, Corporate Communications Officer061 23 3290Andrew.carey@ul.ie

Tony Sheridan, Social Media and Digital Content Officer061 23 4774Tony.sheridan@ul.ie

Data Protection Office



Appendix 1– University of Limerick Social Media Policy


This form has been designed to aid provision of effective PR activity for the University of Limerick. This document must be completed in full and submitted to the UL Press Officer a minimum of 15 working days in advance of a target publicity date.

On receipt of a completed form, the Marketing and Communications Division will evaluate the submission to determine whether publication is attainable.

Brief Summary of Story / Headline

Key Dates

Core News Message

Identify the key news message to be conveyed.

Identify what is new, unique or controversial about this story.

Name, Title and Brief Bio of Spokesperson for Story

Mobile Tel. No of Spokesperson

Quote from Spokesperson

Funding Organisation


Please ensure you clarify the organisations that must be listed as involved in the news item.

Photography Please note the requirement for high resolution and captioned images for consideration of any content for the online News Centre

Additional Information


Appendix 2– Photography/Audio/Video Release Form

Permission for use of media in UL publications, videos, marketing material & online activities.

By signing this release, I hereby give the University of Limerick (UL) my permission to use my image/video/audio recording (“media”) in UL’s publications, marketing material, websites, social media sites and other promotional materials. I agree that this media may be combined with other images, text and graphics, and cropped, altered or modified.

I understand that media on websites and social media can be viewed throughout the world and that some overseas countries may not provide the same level of protection to the rights of individuals as EU legislation provides.

I understand that some media may be kept permanently once they are published and be kept as an archive by UL.

UL is committed to processing information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The personal data collected on this form will be held securely and will only be used for the purposes described above and in accordance with the UL Data Protection Policy available at www.ul.ie/dataprotection.

Your Rights: You have the right to request to see a copy of the information and media we hold about you and to request corrections or deletions of the information that is no longer required. You can ask UL to stop using your media at any time, in which case it will not be used in future publications but may continue to appear in publications already in circulation or online.

If you have any questions about the use of your personal data, please contact dataprotection@ul.ie

Department/Faculty Location:

Date(s) Event/Purpose:

Participants’ Details:





(If applicable)

Year of study

(If applicable)

I have read and understand the above and consent to my images/video/audio recordings being used as described:

Signature: Date:

If the individual is under 18: I am the parent/legal guardian of the person whose media the University is capturing. I have read and understand this release form:

Signature of parent/guardian:



Appendix 3 – Copyright Release for Speakers/Presenters


This form is provided to you as a speaker in a course, seminar, lecture, or other presentation

at the University of Limerick, which we are proposing to capture in audio and/or video

format. To that end, we want to make certain that both you and the University have the

necessary rights and protections to continue to benefit from your presentation. At the end

of this process, a copyright release will be generated covering the captured presentation

(“Recording”) and use of all accompanying materials (“Materials”).

The University of Limerick will hold the copyright to the Recording and would like to have

the option to continue to use the Recording and Materials for educational and promotional


In addition to creating an archive copy for educational purposes, possible uses of the

Recording include, but are not limited to, inclusion on the University of Limerick website,

the creation of CDs or DVDs, and delivery to the public via distribution partners e.g. iTunes,

Vimeo, HEANet, and YouTube.

Please note these recordings will not be used for commercial purposes without your prior

written permission.



Title: _______________________________________________

Institution: _______________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________

Telephone: _______________________________________________






Check each of the boxes to agree to the conditions of this release:

__ I give permission to the University of Limerick to capture my presentation identified above.

__ I give the University of Limerick permission to use my name, likeness and biographic information

to use and promote the Recording or any derivative work of the Recording.

__ I understand that possible uses of the Recording by the University of Limerick include, but are not

limited to, inclusion in University of Limerick websites, the creation of CDs or DVDs, and delivery to the public via distribution partners. I understand that the recording and materials will not be used by UL without my prior written permission.

__ I understand that the University of Limerick grants me the non-exclusive right to exploit the

Recording in any manner. I understand that I have the right to ask the University of Limerick host to provide me with a copy.

___ I verify that I have authority to enter into this agreement and that I will be bound by its terms.





Please return the signed form to your University of Limerick contact for your speaking engagement or presentation.


Appendix 4 – Feature Panel Policy


The Feature Panel is be located on the UL homepage www.ul.ie . The overall responsibility

for the governance of the Features Panel on the UL Homepage resides solely with Marketing

and Communications. The UL website is an important promotional tool for the University

and an information source for those seeking information on University of Limerick key

activities. The purpose of the Feature Panel is to ensure optimal promotion of University

activities among web visitors, to provide a landing area where visitors can formally identify

stories and activities of priority at UL and which may have also been visible on other media

e.g. social media sites , newspapers etc. It is designed to highlight strategic messages of

significance to UL and its key stakeholders. It is the responsibility of Marketing and

Communications to ensure that high standards of content and presentation for the Feature

Panel reflect the academic standing and reputation of UL. The panel is not suitable for

highlighting internally focused University events.


At certain times of the academic year priority will be given to featuring messages in line with

UL or national educational events including:

- CAO deadlines, change of mind etc.

- Leaving Certificate Results

- First Round third-level offers

- Orientation Week

- Open Days

- UL Conferring’s

During these times priority will also be given to UL messages in support of advertising

campaigns aimed at student recruitment, particularly those with a ‘call to action’ strapline

or message. Marketing and Communications will determine what is most suitable for

upload during the course of these marketing campaigns.

Sheena DoyleCommunications Manager

Marketing and Communications DivisionUniversity of Limerick