€¦ · Web view2020/06/15  · Primary 4 Weekly Home...

Post on 17-Jun-2020

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Transcript of€¦ · Web view2020/06/15  · Primary 4 Weekly Home...

Reading-L.I: To read for understanding (LIT 1-17a).

We will be reading extracts from plays over the last few weeks of term, checking our understanding of what is happening and using our previous learning from the weekly comprehensions we have completed in class.

Read the extract from the play titled ‘Staying together’

Answer the questions in your language jotter or on paper.

Writing-L.I To structure a story successfully (LIT 1-20a).

Over the last few weeks, we have revisited planning out a story by looking at developing a character, setting the scene and plotting it out. As this is our last learning grid for P4, you are going to complete your story – continuing by writing your middle and final paragraph(s).

Watch the clip here to remind yourself of How to create a story structure

Remember to include the following:

1. Capital letters and punctuation – full stops, commas, exclamation marks or question marks. Maybe you will have some speech in there.

2. Ambitious vocabulary – think of WOW words – try to up-level your language.

3. Be descriptive – remember you want the reader to imagine what is in your head – you have to give lots of details.

4. Check over your writing as you go. Sometimes what is in your head is not always what ends up on the page and then it can easily not make sense.

V.C.O.P - (pick one) or for a Challenge complete both

Image 1 Image 2

LI: To up-level the sentences using ambitious language and including more detail.

Image 1

1. Peter stood on the lake.

2. It was a starry night.

3. There were stars everywhere.

4. Peter looked through his telescope.

Or image 2

1. When the family were out, something happened.

2. Little people came out.

3. They filled the sink.

4. They played in the sink.

5. They sat by the sink.

6. They had a great time.

Spelling-L.I: To construct words used with – u-e- (LIT 1-21a)

□ Look at the new spelling list

□ Check the meaning of any words you don’t know

□ Select 10 words of your choice

□ Read your spelling list to an adult

□ Look, say, cover, write, check

□ Write 5 sentences using these words

□ Challenge – up-level your sentences using VCOP

Talking and Listening-L.I: To identify and discuss the main ideas of what I watch and listen to, using this for a specific purpose (LIT 1-04a).

This week we would like you to create your own MOVIE REVIEW!

You can record it or just present it to someone in your household. Have a look at this one and see if you can do even better > Movie review

Choose your favourite movie or one that you have recently watched. Remember not to give too much away and have fun!

Modern Languages-L.I: To share information about myself using familiar vocabulary and basic language structures (MLAN 1-02b).

This week we would like you to complete the ‘All about me’ booklet or cube in French. This is mostly a revision of the topics we have covered this year, but you may need to explore some new vocabulary for hobbies and subjects you enjoy. You can leave out the section ‘what you are looking forward to’.


I like swimming - j’aime nager

I like to play football – j'aime jouer au foot

I like to dance – j'aime danser

I like to draw – j'aime dessiner

I like to read - j’aime lire

I like watching tv - j’aime regarder la télévision

I like listening to music – j'aime écouter de la musique


English – l'anglais

Maths – les maths

French – le français

Science – les sciences

Art – le dessin

Drama – l'art dramatique

Music – la musique

Geography – la géographie

RME – la réligion

ICT – l'informatique

PE – l'education physique

History – l'histoire

Numeracy and Maths-L.I: To solve written problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication or division

For our final learning grid, we are working on practising the 4 main operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have given you word problems to complete. There is also a competition challenge on SUMDOG - Good Luck!

Remember there are plenty of games to practise your skills on:





Division-Millionaire ( quite a tricky game)

** The more you complete on Sumdog the harder the questions become – if you feel you would like more practise on any area of maths then try it out. If you have forgotten your log-on then please get in touch.

· Complete a Beat That

· Complete a CLIC sheet.

Health and Wellbeing-L.I: To experience a sense of enjoyment and achievement when preparing foods (HWB 1-30b).

To round off the year, we would love for you all to take part in our Primary 4 Bake Off Challenge!

Your challenge is to create a pull-apart cupcake cake. It can be any theme you like and can be as big or small

as you want! Have a look at some of the examples we’ve given you above! Remember to have fun and why

not get the whole family involved! We would love you to send us a picture of your cakes too. Mrs McKie

and I are going to have a go as well! Good luck everyone!

Social Studies-L.I: To understand what the ‘Black Lives Matter Movement’ is.

Lots of you will be aware and have seen the news about the death of a man named George Floyd in America. We would like you to watch this episode of Newsround - George Floyd

Create a poster to show what we can do as a community to end racism.

Think about – 1. Respect. 2. Kindness. 3. Responsibility. 4. Empathy 5. Friendship 6. Perseverance.

Think about all the things that make you different from your friends? Why do you think this is important?

If you could give a message to the world, what would it be?

Expressive Art (Drama/Music/Art)-L.I. To identify the members of the woodwind section of an orchestra. S.C. I can recognise some of the sounds of the Woodwind Family.


Following on from the String section, we are going to look at members of the Woodwind section.

1. Google DSOkids (Dallas Symphony Orchestra)

2. Open tab “ Listen and Learn”

3. Pick Instruments – Woodwind

4. Listen to the examples of each instrument in this section.

5. Click on tab – “Visit The Symphony”

6. Click the seating plan and look at where the string players sit in the orchestra.

Google: BBC Bitesize Scotland, Expressive Arts, 2nd Level, Music, Woodwind

1. Listen to the 5 Class Clips


Clarinet playing performance

Didgeridoo beatboxing

Sounds made from instruments

The woodwind section

Play the games on New York Philharmonic Kids - click on instrument games.

RME/Science/Technology- L.I: To understand how wind is used to create sustainable energy.

Following on from last week’s work I thought you might like to try your hand at flying the Space X

Dragon spaceship and docking it with the International Space Station with the simulator from

Space. (it’s not as easy as it looks!)

Please follow the following link below and look at Activity 2 – Harvesting Wind Power

This week we are looking at another kind of weather. We get quite a lot of wind in Scotland and we are

using this to help us produce energy in a sustainable way. Read over the information given, you may also

want to have a go at making the windmill or just do the colouring.

Dundee Science Centre -Earth Week

The STEM challenge this week – Kite Making

This is the last challenge I will be setting you for this term. I really hope you have enjoyed the challenges. I

have loved seeing your results, thank you for sharing them with me.

This week’s challenge is to make a kite using a plastic bag. Follow the link for instructions (Activity 2).

Try using what you have around the house, not all of us will have the wood they suggest, I’m going to use

tightly rolled paper. When trying to fly your kite REMEMBER to follow the safety advice. Now all we need

is a windy day!

A Message from my Teacher

Hi all,

This is the last grid that Mrs Young and I have made for you. It has been a tricky few months, but I think in some shape or form we have done it. Thank you P4!! I don’t think Mrs Young nor myself could have chosen a better year group to have had in these very strange times.

We certainly won’t forget the classes we had in 2020.

We miss you all! Take care. Stay happy and Stay Safe. We hope that, in the not too distant future, we will be able to see you all soon – and Mrs Young with her wee bundle of joy.

Mrs McKie and Mrs Young xx

Contact us – or

Send photos of your work and successes to to be loaded onto our school website and post work onto your class Team/Nursery, P1 Learning Journal

Primary 4 Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B 15.06.20.

Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS







































Mild and spicy + and – sheet

HOT + and – worksheet