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ProRate: A Modern Electricity Rate Design

Myron Katz, Ph.D.Energy, Moisture & Building Science Consultant

Building Science Innovators, LLC.302 Walnut St

New Orleans, La 70118, USA504-343-1243 cell / office

Myron.Katz@EnergyRater.com,www.BuildingScienceInnovators.com, or


Brendan James Moore, MS, MA, MPSSchool of Professional Advancement

800 E Commerce Rd., Tulane University Elmwood, 70123, Louisiana, United States

(504) 865-5555bmoore9@tulane.edu

Dr. Syed Adeel AhmedXavier University of Louisiana

1 Drexel Drive New Orleans, 70125, Louisiana, United States

504-520-7505 sahmed1@xula.edu

Richard TroyChief Scientist, Science Tools Corporation

1345 Wicklow Lane, Ormond Beach FL 32174-2808510-717-6942

RTroy@ScienceTools.com or Richard@ProRate.energy

2ProRate: A Modern Electricity Rate Design

Introduction to ProRate

A century-old problem of electricity rate design is cost-shifting between ratepayers (Wellinghoff & Tong, 2015). A much newer cost-shifting example of great and increasing importance happens whenever ratepayer-generated

“renewable energy” is sold to the grid — all too often, this is accused of being unfairly-rewarded (Ritchie, 2016). ProRate resolves both these concerns and ProRate can actually be derived simply from the premise of avoiding “all”

cost-shifts between ratepayers (Katz, CLEPm Rewards to Arrest Demand Cost-Shifting, 2019) (Katz, CLEP5Rewards to Arrest Energy Cost-Shifting, 2019). Another major problem with the Old Utility Model1

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3ProRate: A Modern Electricity Rate Design

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1 The Old Utility Model is more thoroughly discussed in a later section of this article, but a simple understanding is a system where electricity is sold at one, time-independent price. Since the model has been replaced in roughly one-third of the US’s electric utilities, it can be referred to in both the present and past tense. Since it has not been mostly supplanted in the US, this article uses the present tense when referring to the old utility model.