WordPress.com  · Web view2019-08-08 · The Salvation Army . 1234. North . Main Street. Monday...

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Transcript of WordPress.com  · Web view2019-08-08 · The Salvation Army . 1234. North . Main Street. Monday...

What Is Pathway of Hope? The Pathway of Hope is an approach to providing targeted case management services to families with a desire to take action to increase stability.

Who is eligible? Families with at least one child under the age of 18 AND the desire to work collaboratively with The Salvation Army to better their circumstances.

What is expected? Participation is voluntary but participants must be willing to commit to regular contact with a trained case manager in order to:

Assess the holistic needs of the family and identify barriers to stability.

Provide connection to pastoral care and spiritual services, as desired.

Identify strengths in the family and connect with resources in the community and within The Salvation Army*.

Partner with The Salvation Army team to help establish an action plan and track progress.

Celebrate success and receive encouragement and support as the family works toward their goals.

*Dependent on eligibility and availability.

Potential Family Outcomes? As part of participation in Pathway of Hope families will be regularly assessed to identify progress towards:

Increased stability Reduction in barriers to sufficiency Increased hope Reduced need for emergency or supportive services

Current Impact – Wisconsin & Upper Michigan Division 508 households have enrolled in Pathway of Hope. Increased Stability: 82% of actively engaged households report an

increase in stability Reduced barriers: 76% of households experience barrier reduction Increased hope: 66% of actively engaged households report an

increase in hope.

The Salvation Army 1234 North Main Street

Monday – Friday 9 am to 4 pm(123) 456-7890

What Is Pathway of Hope? The Pathway of Hope is an approach to providing targeted case management services to families with a desire to take action to increase stability.

Who is eligible? Families with at least one child under the age of 18 AND the desire to work collaboratively with The Salvation Army to better their circumstances.

What is expected? Participation is voluntary but participants must be willing to commit to regular contact with a trained case manager in order to:

Assess the holistic needs of the family and identify barriers to stability.

Provide connection to pastoral care and spiritual services, as desired.

Identify strengths in the family and connect with resources in the community and within The Salvation Army*.

Partner with The Salvation Army team to help establish an action plan and track progress.

Celebrate success and receive encouragement and support as the family works toward their goals.

*Dependent on eligibility and availability.

Potential Family Outcomes? As part of participation in Pathway of Hope families will be regularly assessed to identify progress towards:

Increased stability Reduction in barriers to sufficiency Increased hope Reduced need for emergency or supportive services

Current Impact – Wisconsin & Upper Michigan Division 508 households have enrolled in Pathway of Hope. Increased Stability: 82% of actively engaged households report an

increase in stability. Reduced barriers: 76% of households experience barrier reduction Increased hope: 66% of actively engaged households report an

increase in hope.

The Salvation Army 1234 North Main Street

Monday – Friday 9 am to 4 pm(123) 456-7890