Web technology in raipur

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Web technology in raipur

Mobile Web Technology 3 Things You Need To Know

Mobile web technology - it's probably something you hear about all the time, but do you really know what it means?

And, do you know how to use it to get the most out of your business' online presence?

With mobile web technology, you get to target the more than 1 billion people worldwide who have cell phones or other mobile devices with an internet connection. Instead of letting those mobile users surf your traditional website, you can use mobile web technology to create a site that's specifically created for them - with a design that's more compatible with small screens, and a layout that offers

easy-access information for people on the go.

When it comes to using mobile web technology for your business, there are 5 things you need to know:

1: Mobile web technology makes it easy to shop online - from anywhere.

Some of the internet's biggest players - like PayPal, Amazon, and Google Checkout - all have mobile versions

for their retailers. That means you don't have to worry about finding a separate payment processor for your

mobile website.

2. Mobile web services, like click-to-call and click-to-map, are resulting in higher sales conversions.

With a mobile website, all you have to do is click on the phone number on the screen, and it automatically dials for you. Or, click on the address, and immediately see a map

of the business' location. Mobile services are making it easier than ever for people to contact or visit retail


3. Mobile web technology sets your business ahead of the pack.

While it seems like people are using the internet anywhere and everywhere, offering mobile websites is still a new

idea for many businesses. By taking advantage of this new technology, you can send a message to visitors that you're on the cutting edge. Effectively targeting mobile users can

instantly make you a leader in your industry or region.

Source: http://sjainventures.com/