Web deploy

Post on 29-Aug-2014

1.036 views 5 download



A presentation on what WebDeploy is, how to configure it, to ease your next deployment.

Transcript of Web deploy


What is WebDeploy?

The one-click webapp deployment solutionThe one few-click webapp deployment solution

The Players

On the Server...


Download / Install on IIS

Install on IIS (take 2)

dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:IIS-WebServerRoledism /online /enable-feature /featurename:IIS-WebServerManagementToolsdism /online /enable-feature /featurename:IIS-ManagementServiceReg Add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WebManagement\Server /V EnableRemoteManagement /T REG_DWORD /D 1net start wmsvcsc config wmsvc start= auto


Installed to: %programfiles%\IIS\Microsoft Web



New IIS functionality...

New Services…//Stop the Services• net stop msdepsvc• net stop WMSvc

//Change the Service Start Mode from Manual to Auto• sc config msdepsvc start=auto• Sc config wmsvc start=auto

//Restart the Services• net start msdepsvc• net start wmsvc

Check whether svc listening...SET %PATH%=%PATH + ‘c:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy’msdeploy -verbose -debug -verb:dump -source:apphostconfig,wmsvc=xacts0 ,authtype=Basic ,userName=XACT\Sky ,password=passw0rd

Back at the ranch...

...on your trusty dev station...

Create a WebSite to Deploy

Web.Config Transformations


MSBuild {ProjName}.csproj /t:TransformWebConfig /p:Configuration=Release

Package the website

The Resulting Package

...Back at the Server...

Import Package into IIS

The Installed Website

...back at your dev station...

Installing Remotely

How the heck did it get thru?!

Setting up Permissions

Observations (Q1 2011)

Benefits: Continuous Integration “The Future” (Built in, etc.)

Considerations: OOTB, only available to WebSites Requires asking for IIS configuration… Can’t do configSource=“…” WCT done at Package Time, not Install Time

Do I need Visual Studio?

http://ctt.codeplex.com/configSource = #@!!!

configSource = deal breaker?


So: your next deployment…



WebDeploy on IIS 6 ??

A little research helps: How do I setup WebDeploy on Windows

2003 / IIS6? - Stack Overflow http://bit.ly/eYHj6j