Weather and Its Idioms Today, we're going to talk about the weather.

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Weather and Its Idioms Today, we're going to talk about the weather.

Weather and Its IdiomsToday, we're going to talk about the


WeatherWhat are the four seasons?

Which season is your favorite?


Lets brainstorm some weather words.

I will show a word and you tell me which season it belongs to.

Spring Summer Autumn (Fall) Winter


hot coldwarm mild cool

Weather Words

• Sunny

Weather Words

• Sunny

• Cold/Freezing

Weather Words

• Sunny

• Cold/Freezing

• Humid/sticky

Weather Words

• Sunny

• Cold/Freezing

• Humid/sticky

• Windy

Weather Words

• Sunny

• Cold/Freezing

• Humid/sticky

• Windy

• Freezing Rain

Weather Words

• Sunny

• Cold/Freezing

• Humid/sticky

• Windy

• Freezing Rain

• Blizzard


sunny hot cool cold/freezing

rainy rainy rainy freezing rain

windy humid/sticky sunny blizzard

mild sunny windy snowing


Spring Summer Autumn (Fall) Winter

Weather Patterns

For example:

– Hurricanes

– Tornadoes

– Thunder and lightning

– Storms (thunderstorms, rainstorms, snowstorms [blizzards], hailstorms)


• Very big storms that are shaped like a circle.

• They are very dangerous to people and things.


• Nature's most violent (terrifying) storms.

• They have a round and narrow shape.


Thunder and Lightning

• Lightning is a line of electricity that strikes the ground.

• Thunder is the sound that comes after lightning.

• When lightning hits a person, it can be very serious.


• A storm is a lot of wind, rain or snow that happens at the same time.

• Storms are very strong. They can create a lot of damage. For example, too much rain can cause flooding that can carry away houses.

• They are very common in the winter and spring.

A breezeA light or soft wind.Idiom: Very easy.

This English class is a breeze!

Did you finish your new computer game? Yes it was a breeze!

Under the weather

Idiom: Feeling sick.

She is feeling under the weather.

He is not at school today because he is under the weather.

Head in the clouds

Idiom: Someone who always daydreams.

She never listens. She always has her head in the clouds!

Rain cats and dogs

Idiom: Lots of rain.

Its raining cats and dogs outside! I'm soaked.

Full of hot air

Idiom: Someone who lies often or speaks a lot of garbage.

Don't listen to him— he’s full of hot air!

Save for a rainy day

Idiom: Wait until later to enjoy something.

I got some money! Really? You should save it for a rainy day. You will enjoy it more!

Come rain or shine

Idiom: Always available. You can always come.

We need to go to school rain or shine. We never get a break, it sucks!