Wealth and Abundance Hypnosis Script Manual realize that you always become what you think about...

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Transcript of Wealth and Abundance Hypnosis Script Manual realize that you always become what you think about...

Wealth and Abundance Hypnosis Script Manual 1

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Wealth & Abundance

Hypnosis Script Manual

-Royalty Free-

Compiled by

Rene A. Bastarache, CI Founder, American School of Hypnosis

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This manual contains hypnotherapy scripts that have been created by the American

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Abundance - Planting the Seed 5

Attracting Abundance 7

Attracting Wealth Affirmations 8

A Wealth Mindset 10

Creating Wealth through Gratitude 12

Debt Managing 14

Fear of Failure 16

Fear of Success 17

Financial Abundance 20

Financial Prosperity 21

Millionaire Mentality 22

Money Magnet 23

Sanctuary of Abundance 25

Self-Sabotage 27

Success Motivation 28

Positive Mental Attitude 29

Prosperous You 30

Thinking Big 31

Wealth and Prosperity 32

Winning Attitude 33

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Abundance - Planting the Seed

By Stephen Haight, CHP

In a moment... we’re going to plant a certain kind of seed...a seed of greatness...a

seed that will change your whole financial world forever! But before we plant this

seed, we must prepare to the soil to make sure that the seed will grow tall and very


In your past too many negative things had poisoned and hardened the soil to the

point that the seed could not grow. Take some time to Forgive the ground as well

as yourself for unwise decisions you may have made which was disturbing to new

growth and just allow yourself to remove the old stones and contaminations...

Washing away all the impurities, leaving only the freshest fertile organic soil

which is you...

Now for the precious seed that has been guarded by the wealthiest of men

throughout the ages! Prepare yourself to receive it... The seed is this... "You must

spend less money than you make."... That's right... simple and very powerful... less

is more now just allow yourself to take in this precious seed to your most fertile

soil… as you imagine tending to its every need.

Using fresh pure water to encourage the seedling. You protect the seedling from all

negativity, because as you protect the seedling, it protects you! Watch how quickly

and powerfully it grows! Growing... growing... growing tall and strong… into a

mighty… expanding tree.

Now it provides shade and protection and comfort. It provides all the fruit you

need to thrive! You and all your family! Watch as the tree grows so much larger...

as it shares it fruit and produces new trees from its fruit... yes even more

abundance! Watch as those trees quickly grow... and they also cause even more

trees to grow so tall and strong and abundant.

Faster and faster the process grows… A forest of mighty trees… More and more

abundance now!

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Imagine yourself enjoying all of the fruits of your labors. Now the trees take care

of themselves.

You are abundant and doing so much better than before…

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Attracting Abundance

By Rene Bastarache, CI

You are successful in all things… you attract all that you need in surplus…

Abundance surrounds you and you know that you will always have plenty… It’s

because of your conviction that this is so...

You always imagine yourself with abundance… Success follows you… and is

attracted to you like a magnet... Because you project positive thoughts, you find

that whatever it is that you desire comes to you... You know that positive always

attracts positive… and you are a positive, magnetic machine…

You are abundant… You now act and think as someone who already has

abundance… You live abundance… Positive opportunities always come to you…

You deserved to be abundant… it is your birthright… You have earned it and now

is your time… It is OK to be secure… You are prepared for your new abundant

lifestyle… and it is attracted to you…

Good times are here… You’re physically, emotionally and financially secure…

You walk with your head held high… proud of your success, which is reflected to

others by your actions… Successful people are attracted to you because of the way

you carry yourself… You accept this with gratitude… you enjoy being with and

learning from other successful people… You are open minded... and always

willing to learn…

You realize that you always become what you think about repeatedly… whatever

your dominant thoughts are focused on... it’s the nature of your subconscious

mind… so you are continually focused on what you want… Outside distractions do

not exist as you have a laser like focus on your goals and desire… That’s all that

matters to you and you know that you’ll always succeed… You’re a winner.

When you go to sleep at night, your last thoughts before dozing off are of

abundance… this in turn attracts more of what you desire while in your sleep

state… attracting more of anything that’s in tune with your frequency… to you…

More abundance… happiness… plenty… wealth… opportunity… an overflowing

of your desires… and when you awaken in the morning, your first thought are also

of abundance… you’re excited, knowing that you’re attracting abundance with

your every thought…

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Attracting Wealth Affirmations

Self-Hypnosis Affirmations

By Rene Bastarache, CI

NOTE to Practitioner: This can be used as a script for clients; given to them to use

as a self-hypnosis script to bring home with them and conduct on the days between

your sessions or even for a self-hypnosis script for yourself.

If used in a session you’d tell your client to repeat the affirmations / suggestions to

themselves quietly being sure to imagine each of them as they do.

I’d like you to repeat the following words to yourself quietly in your mind as I say

them… and as you do I want you to imagine yourself in each situation… doing

what they say… with as much detail as you can…

So let’s begin…

I’m a money magnet… (pause after each to give time to use their imagination)

Opportunity is attracted to me wherever I go…

Every day I’m adding to my financial wealth...

Every dollar I spend comes back to me tenfold…

Each month I have more money than I need and then some…

I’m an excellent money manager…

I appreciate the quality of life that money offers…

I am grateful for my wealth…

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I believe in my financial future…

I am building my wealth daily…

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A Wealth Mindset

By Rene Bastarache, CI

I’d like you to use your imagination... Imagine your own mind as a garden. You

are the gardener and you are planting seeds… The seeds are your thoughts; all day

long you are planting thoughts or seeds in your subconscious mind based on the

way that you normally think... The way that you think, and you sow the seeds in

your subconscious mind are the same way that you will reap the reward in your

body and your surroundings.

You must begin to sow new seeds. You must plant seeds of peace, happiness, right

action, prosperity, and wealth. Think quietly right now on the qualities that you’d

like to sow in your garden… in your mind… and accept them fully in your

conscious, reasoning mind. Continue to plant these wonderful seeds in the garden

of your mind and as they grow you will reap the benefits of your deepest desires.

Change the way that you think from now on. You will no longer end a negative

statement... When you find yourself saying something negative immediately stop

yourself and finish it positively… From now on you want only positive statements

such as “I can afford it” or “I can do this”.

The law of life is the law of belief… A belief is a thought that’s continually in

your mind… Don’t believe in things that can harm you or drag you down...

Believe in the power of your subconscious mind to heal, strengthen and cause you

to succeed…

You’re always on the look-out for good, positive opportunities… New

opportunities easily and frequently come your way… You’re on top of your game

and recognize all opportunities as they occur… You always seem to be at the right

place at the right time…

Change your thoughts and you change your destiny... See yourself the way you

want to be... Imagine yourself right now as the prosperous person you’d like to be,

realizing that you have a right to be this person… You deserve prosperity…

Prosperity, health and happiness are natural… Therefore imagine the natural you,

as that healthy, happy and prosperous person… Get it clearly in your mind...

What are you wearing?

What are you doing?

Focus on how you are feeling emotionally and physically as this healthy, happy

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and prosperous person… You now have more than enough money to pay bills…

invest in your business… your future and even plenty for vacation and travel...

You now have more than enough…

This person that you are imagining right now is you, accept it as you... Allow it to

become you... As you accept it and acknowledge yourselves as this healthy, happy

and prosperous person, so will it become... Commit everything about this person

to memory, how you look, how feel and how you are acting… so you can

remember and see yourself as this person as often as possible... As long as you can

keep these positive thoughts and memories alive, they will become your reality...

You keep moving forward… You’re always keeping yourself positive ... You keep

on pushing onward and moving upward...

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Creating Wealth through Gratitude

By Rene Bastarache, CI

Gratitude is the most powerful of all emotions where it comes to attracting

wealth… You always get more of what you’re grateful for... Being grateful for

wealth creates more wealth… Knowing and understanding this great secret is a

huge game changer in the way you think…

Your inner mind always gives you more of whatever you focus on… That’s one of

the main traits of the inner mind… If you focus on happiness you’ll become

happier... but if you focus on something negative you’ll also attract that negative

thing to you as well…

One more thing before we move on… If you want something in your life that you

don’t presently have you can imagine that you “do have it already”… focus on it

… and even be grateful for it as if you already had it… and it will come to you so

much faster than ever… So now that you understand that secret… let’s practice

attracting your desired abundance right now…

I am going to begin a statement that I want you to finish in your own mind. Then I

want you to focus on your answer for a short while and imagine it with as much

detail as possible as if you were actually experiencing it.

Ready? Here we go… “I am grateful for…” _________________________ now

you fill in the rest of that statement and imagine it until you hear me speak again…

If you understand me, nod your head… (Watch for their response) Good..

Remember even if you don’t already have it you can be grateful for it…


Now let’s do it with something different… Ready? “I am grateful for…” ________


You’re doing great… and now one more time… “I am grateful for…” ________

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Great… you’ve now begun your strong attracting process for three things you

desire. Continue focusing on these three things by using your imagination as much

as possible each day until they come to you…

Remember that this process is a trait of your own inner mind so it’s not a matter of

“if” it will happen… It’s a matter of “when” it will happen… no be vigilant and

continue your practice until you attain your desires…

You are successful… you are an attractor of abundance… you are a creator…

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Debt, Managing

By Verilyn Downing, CHP

You have come to this deep relaxed state because you’ve decided to

learn to take smart money moves … to reduce your debt. You have realized you

must act on your financial matters in a way that puts you back in control of the

money going out. Yes, life has challenges, trials, and situations you must confront

head on … on life's terms staying in control of finances.

You have decided to set up a plan of action to restructure payments of bills in and

out of collections, maintain one's place of shelter, get educated regarding money

matters … and acquire assistance if need be from a professional with budget and

assistance to make ends meet in 6 months.

So you are going to begin today to downsize in areas that allow your necessities to

be met in an adequate and comfortable manner. You will write down and review

weekly each items you spend money on or for and ask yourself is this a need or a


You will give more importance and thought regarding each item purchased. You

will lower grocery bills by using foods already in the home, saving money you

spend eating out too frequently.

You will eliminate breakfast costs by eating at home … you will practice the noble

art of sacrifice -- scaling down phone bills and features on the phone, cable costs,

entertainment expenditures to increase savings.

You will build emergency fund or a savings fund rather frequently using a credit

card. You will begin to sock away $XXXX monthly or more as your budget allows

until you can bank 10% of your salary per payday.

You will keep track of what you owe. Money can be a source of great

encouragement, but if mishandled a source of great stress. You will stick to a

monthly spending plan … this will allow you to prioritize your expenses, allocate

money effectively and see where you can cut costs creatively.

You will review your finances each pay date … pick a specific time during the

week to review your check/debit register to ensure you are living within your

means, paying down debts. YOU CAN DO IT!

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You will move ahead with confidence that you can manage your debt, you are in

control, you have positive cash flow. You will operate on a cash basis more often.

You will separate monies for groceries, gasoline, eating out to ensure you stay

within spending limits and save money. You will feel calmer, confident and looking

toward the future with a renewed hope. You are in Control. You have a positive

plan … you have positive cash flow.

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Fear of Failure

By Rene Bastarache, CI

You’re filled with expectations … Expecting to be successful … Expecting to

accomplish whatever you put your mind on…

You realize that there is no such thing as failure. You may find ways that things

don’t work out but that simply steers you in the right direction. Look at is as a

process of elimination. Failure only exists to those who quit… and you are a

winner so it doesn’t pertain to you… Winners win!

You now follow-through in finishing whatever you start. You know that you‘ll

succeed ... You look at all of your tasks as NEW tasks … new experiences that you

approach with excitement … That you can focus 100% of your attention on …

accomplishing to completion … doing this gives you great satisfaction...

Whenever you take on a new project or even an old or existing one you look at it

with the eyes of a child … with curiosity … with excitement … anxious to get to it

and do it …

Children have no fear of failure … they’re curious … excited ... and give their all

in everything they do … They play hard … they work hard … they enjoy new

challenges … and now you find yourself looking at things the same way…

You too are developing this childlike quality in your life … You’re doing this

because you want to … You’re excited to attempt things for the first time … you’re

excited to succeed … You expect to succeed... And therefore you do…

You now approach success with curiosity, excitement and willingness … You’re

happy to succeed … and welcome it with open arms…

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Fear of Success

By Csaba Szeles, CHP

As you enjoy these wonderful feelings of calm and relaxation, your mind begins to

open up to new possibilities in life... You deserve to be successful, you work hard

for what you do, and it's only natural that you should be rewarded by achieving

recognition in the way that is most important to you.

In a way it's like climbing a ladder and being afraid to take that very last step, the

step to financial and, or, emotional freedom, whichever is most appropriate to your

desire. Now, you know that you have to move onward and forward.

I’d like you to imagine now a spiral staircase made out of stainless steel that

seems to go up and around forever, it’s an open staircase but you have your feet

placed firmly upon each rung and as you begin to climb up you can take any

position that you want because you trust in your subconscious mind and you know

it will not let you down.

And as you go further and further up this staircase, you may see people you love,

either at the bottom, or halfway or even already at the top, it doesn't really matter

where they are, the only important thing is that you know they are there, and

always will be.

You know that you have a goal to reach, sometimes you may stop climbing and

take a rest, and a brief moment in hypnosis time can last just as long as you like, or

you can keep on going, higher and higher.

There's something special awaiting you at the top of the staircase... you don't yet

know what... you do know that it's worth it to keep going up... you have three

choices. You can stay where you are... you can fall or climb back down to the

bottom... or you can keep on, pursuing your dream... Which do you want to do?

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You already decided to ascend, and as you get higher you realize that nothing can

hold you back, nothing can bring you down, because you're already well on your


And the higher you go, the easier it becomes, and the easier it is, the higher you go,

there's no stopping you now, you're not far from where you want to go, and

nothing in the world could make you stop now.

You go higher and higher, until suddenly... even though it seemed at the time to

take so long to reach your destination... you find that you're there... you're at the

top of the staircase and you still have your feet placed firmly on the rung of the

step... You can hear people cheering you on... these are your inspirations and your

motivations... they've been here with you all the time.

Now, you come to a plateau... and you have to leave this spiral staircase to explore

all the new opportunities that are awaiting you... You ease yourself up... up from

the staircase... looking around for a firm grip to hold onto... and there it is...

waiting for you... So you literally push yourself up from the last rung of the

staircase and onto the new level that you've just reached... You made it... and it

feels good?

Now, whatever your idea of success is... find it here... waiting for you... explore

it.... enjoy it.... experience it now... for you worked hard to climb up and you truly

deserve to benefit the rewards of your efforts.

Now there's far more time to enjoy what you do because you're doing what you

really want to do... This is your new life... the gift that has been bestowed upon you

for working so hard to achieve your goal.

So just enjoy, and experience... as I'm quiet for a moment or two, this new way of


(Pause for a short while)

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Good, and now that your mind has accepted that you can reach your goal it will be

so easy for you... because the neural pathways in your brain have been laid down

making it so much easier in the future to travel that path...

You are a success... you deserve your success...

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Financial Abundance

Stephen Decker, CHP

You create strong and powerful relationships… Your greatest YOU becomes

clearer and clearer day by day... Your contribution to the world becomes greater

and greater each and every day... You are from this moment forward the person

you always knew that you were put here to be...

You now have nothing but pure 100% passion in your life…. You are fully

engaged every day… You have unlimited energy... You have unlimited financial


You’re a people magnet people love you… They are attracted to you because of

what you have to offer… Not for what you take, but for what you give… What you

give unconditionally… The reason for this is your understanding that the more you

give the more you get… You give in pure abundance… You expect nothing in

return… only the joy of sharing your talents…

You are now enjoying a life where you and the ones you love are living

abundantly… You are successful in every aspect of your life…

Because of who you have now become you attract wealth… financially,

emotionally and spiritually… From this day forward you deserve all of the

rewards… all the joys… all the blessings… and all the abundance that life has to


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Financial Prosperity

By ASH Graduate

Congratulations, you now feel very wealthy… You’re so prosperous that you can

go anywhere and do anything that you desire.

You’re now aware that all your income sources are expanding and compounding at

a steady speed as you expand your comfort zone to encompass all that is. That’s

right! You feel really good and realize that you are able to travel, fix up your

property, help friends, and easily put money into projects that matter to you as you

embrace your abundance.

Because you have easily exceeded your financial goals of doubling your income

through multiple sources, you realize that you’re now able to give generously and

are setting a regular schedule for contributions to your favorite charities.

In fact, the more you give, the more you receive and that feels really good. You

become aware that you are generating much more income than you are using and

are now able to leverage money into other investments.

You now have more of the things that are important to you than ever before in your

life. You are helping others to achieve their goals. You have opened up to

unlimited possibilities.

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Millionaire Mentality

By Kim Nagle, CHP

Imagine you are a millionaire… you’re in an elite group of people who understand

wealth and wealth management… You ‘re relaxing more and more as you sink into

the feeling of accepting the rewards of your great ideas and your taking advantages

of opportunities when they come your way. You’re reaping all the benefits now

from using your knowledge of the laws of attraction and abundance.

You can see the properties you own, the cars you specially selected to fit your

specifications, the trips you are taking around the world, and all the opportunities

you have to help others with your wealth.

Take a deep breath and exhale as you give gratitude to the universe for all the gifts

that are given to you daily. You open your heart and you open your arms to

continue to receive all that you desire.

As the millions you have in the bank earn even more each day for you…you are

thankful to the universe as you will use your wealth for your highest good, for the

highest good of the universe and for the highest good of all others concerned. You

feel deep gratitude that you are persistent and patient … You understand that all

things happen in divine time and you ALWAYS get what you want so you’re

careful about clearly defining what it is you do want…

With financial security and millions of dollars in a variety of investments… you’re

free to travel the world and spread positive energy everywhere you go…you’re

continually looking for new opportunities and they keep coming your way.

Everything you touch turns to gold. You’re excited about the abundance and

prosperity in your life… you’re able to help and share with family, friends and

many others you know and some you don’t know through charitable giving.

You give back to life at every turn… you’re aware daily that you’re privileged and

are continually expressing your gratitude in various ways… You are perpetually

positive. You’re a generous person on every level, you share your abundance and

prosperity with others… you’re generous of heart, mind and soul… as a millionaire

you are proud, confident and always sharing your wealth.

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Money Magnet

By Rene Bastarache, CI

The law of life is the law of belief… Believe in the power of your subconscious

mind to cause you to succeed… What the mind can conceive, the mind can

achieve… You believe in yourself… You believe in your success... You expect

success… there is no time limit to success… You can be successful now or late …

but you choose to be successful NOW!

NOW is the time… Now is your time… So give yourself the OK… Give

yourself the permission… right NOW… to be successful…

You deserve prosperity... You expect prosperity… Prosperity, health and

happiness are natural... You have a right to be happy, to be natural, to be successful

and to have plenty of money…

You are a money magnet…

Money, success, and opportunity seem to be drawn too you constantl… They

find you wherever you are…

You’re now aware of opportunities around you and are able to take advantage

of them… You are successful... Money is always circulating in your life... You

release it with joy, and it returns to you multiplied in a wonderful way...

Money flows to you in abundance... You use it for good purposes, and are

grateful for the riches of your mind...

You are a money magnet...

You’re always on the lookout for good, positive opportunities... New

opportunities easily and frequently come your way... You’re on top of your game

and recognize all opportunities as they occur... You always seem to be at the right

place at the right time...

Change your thoughts and you change your destiny... See yourself as having

“more” than enough money to pay bills, invest in your life, your future, and even

plenty for vacation, travel, fun and savings... You now have more than enough!

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You are a money magnet...

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Sanctuary of Abundance

By Jane Nelson, CHP

I’d like you to imagine that you’re in a place of abundance… This is your

sanctuary… a beautiful field… a field with shiny yellow grass as fine as silk...

Imagine this place in detail… The grass is as soft as cashmere and everything

around it such as the wind, flowers and all the other plants flow freely and


This is your field of infinite possibilities… You can come here at any time and take

all of the abundance that you need... It’s given freely and without agenda. You can

hear a gentle breeze sing its song of abundance… and feel your hair being softly

tussled around your face.

You feel lighter and happier than you have ever felt before…You feel relief…You

breathe a long, slow, deep sigh of relief… Your entire being is filled with joyous

laughter... You feel a flutter of excitement about your future starting from right

now standing in this field this very second you feel safe you feel confident with

abundant confidence and happiness you realize that you are loved and cared for

and that you have all that you need.

Abundance is your divine right it is yours in every way… embrace it… feel it…

imagine it... You smile big and bright realizing that abundance has found you…

The wisdom is in your new found confidence that you now live a life that is filled

with all that you desire and more…

You feel the golden soft grass sway against your bare legs… You touch the gentle

grass with the palm of your hand and it tickles, it feels so soft, clean, pure, silky …

it’s so relaxing and soothing to the touch, it mesmerizes you… you slowly and

gently pluck a long blade of grass… and as you lift the golden thread of grass a

scroll silently flows out of the bottom and the golden blade disintegrates into dust

and effortlessly floats away in the breeze…

Wealth and Abundance Hypnosis Script Manual 26

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With great anticipation you slowly unroll the fragile scroll… The calligraphy is

stunningly perfect… Each golden letter, so perfect… you read “Abundance has

ALWAYS been yours”… All you needed was a reminder how to receive it, with

great joy your eyes begin to tear...

You now understand it’s absolute... Abundance is all yours, health all yours, love

it’s all yours, security, wealth and all abundance it’s yours for the taking… it’s

yours to share... Whatever you desire in this field you can freely take with you...

Breathe in the abundance that is yours… Fill your lungs with abundance, take one

more, slow, long, deep breath of all the abundance that belongs to you...

Abundance is in all that you do… You raise your head and your face to the clear

blue heavens… Your eyes gently close and you feel the warmth of the sun on your

cheeks as you whisper…thank you… Thank you for my abundance.

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By Rene Bastarache, CI

You’re a self-confident, successful winner who accomplishes your goals... You’re

your own best friend and can accomplish anything you wish... Your only limitation

is your imagination and now you let your imagination go free...

From now on nothing stands in your way…. You’re a winner… your life is a

series of successes... You allow only positive thoughts to run through your mind...

You have a strong drive to be successful, to be a winner... any task that you take

on you’re confident and have a strong sense of follow-through... You finish all

your task in a positive manner and never have any doubt that you’ll succeed…

You’re going to find that beginning right now you’re success oriented and there’s

nothing and no one who can keep you from becoming the success that you desire

... You expect to succeed in everything. You feel enthusiasm and confidence in all

that you do... You feel a sense of urgency to complete all that needs to be done...

Your new motto is do it now...! You feel a sense of satisfaction as you accomplish

more and more each day... Every day your work gets easier to accomplish, to


You find confidence and satisfaction in taking action right now... You’re a doer...

You know that you always do your best, and your best becomes better and better

each day... You do it now..! By leaving procrastination behind you’re going to

find that you have more time to do the things that you enjoy... You’ll feel more

organized, more in control, more confident... You’ll find that your free time is

indeed just that, your free time!

You’re now highly motivated... You exude confidence in all that you do... Self-

doubt and fear are things of the past and you now replace them with confidence

and conviction ... You trust your abilities and know that you can do anything that

you set your mind on ... You’re successful in all that you do... Other people enjoy

being around you because of your confidence and ability... You have a very open

mind and are creative…

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Success Motivation

By Rene Bastarache, CI

You’re thankful for your success… You’re positive minded… You affect all those

around you in positive ways… You are happy… You smile often… Each morning

you begin your day peaceful happy and with a smile… You greet people with a

smile, enthusiasm and interest… You encourage and inspire others…

You are positive at all times, and in control… You think good thoughts… You fill

your mind with only good thoughts and good feelings… helping you to feel

happy… You realize that things are as they are… Events unfold and happen… and

you now realize that… and accept things as they come… You practice

awareness… being open to your surroundings… and are aware of opportunities as

they arise.

You welcome success with joy, happiness and open arms… Things are going your

way… Good things have a way of finding you… You attract positive people and

success to yourself... You enjoy and are comfortable being around positive,

successful people…

You network as often as possible with successful people… You are a success

magnet that keeps attracting good and abundance to you.

You re successful … You now act and think as someone who already is

successful… Positive opportunities come to you… You deserved to be

successful… it’s your divine right to be successful… You’ve earned it and now it’s

your time …

It is OK to be successful… You’re prepared for success… and success is attracted

to you… Good times are here… You’re physically, emotionally and financially

secure… You walk with your head held high, proud of your success which is

reflected to others by your actions.

You’re relaxed and calm… You’re able to rejuvenate and refresh yourself very

easily… It’s natural for you to feel good… It’s natural for you to be healthy and

strong… You feel terrific… physically… and mentally fit… Your mind is keen and

creative… Your memory continually improves and is open to new experiences…

You learn everyday…

Wealth and Abundance Hypnosis Script Manual 29

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Positive Mental Attitude

By Rene Bastarache, CI

You’re changing your way of thinking and becoming a more positive person

because you want to... When someone asks you how you are, you’ll say,

“Wonderful”... You know that if you think you’re wonderful, then you are


You’re able to replace every negative thought with one that’s positive... You feel

empowered with this new ability... You use words that describe the positive power

and energy like happy… thoughtful… kind… gracious… independent… helpful …

honest… dependable… and intelligent…

Being positive helps you to look at the world in a different light... You’re now

positive in all things... You want to be positive… Things seem to go your way

more often… and you attract positive to you when you’re being positive... Positive

people like to be around other positive people helping you to attract what you

really want in your life...

You see yourself as a person who has the ability to change a negative thought into

a positive thought, without hesitation... Positive feelings increase health, happiness

and strength.

Being positive helps you to see the good side of things… The glass is half full

rather than empty... All events whether favorable or not have a positive side to

them and therefore are easier to deal with...

You find the positive in all people you deal with... Everyone has positive qualities

in them… You now take the time to find them… You now take time to list the

things in your life that you are thankful for... Take the time to list them one by one

and you’ll find that you have much to be positive for...

Rather than dwelling on what you can’t do or what you don’t want you now only

dwell on what you can do and what you do want…You’re positive in all you do.

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The Prosperous You

By Andrea Mitchell, CHP

Relax and let go of any negative thoughts… There’s only positive, welcome

thoughts and feelings here... You’ve come to this place in your mind to make

positive changes and become the prosperous person that you deserve and you

know you can be…

In a moment you’re going to take 3 deep breaths and with each breath imagine

you’re breathing in new abundance and prosperity and exhaling the past...

Now take your first deep breath… … and as you exhale you realize that… you

now have a new truth…

Take another deep breath… You are ONE with the abundant universe...

And exhale… …

And on your third deep breath you realize that there’s no lack in the universe... and

now exhale… and breathe normally…

The universe is an unlimited source of supply...

Imagine yourself being prosperous... You are successful... You’re open and ready

to receive abundance... You look at life with an open mind… You seize

opportunity and create wealth for yourself... You draw abundance to you... Money

flows freely to you...

You understand the laws of the universe... Money is a circulatory system... You

give freely and you received freely... It now comes as natural to your as

breathing… You expect it… You deserve it… You see yourself as wealthy and

allow yourself to walk in that path... Your divine self knows the path and creates

abundance in your life…

Wealth and Abundance Hypnosis Script Manual 31

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Thinking Big

By Rene Bastarache, CI

You think big in all that you do... In setting your personal and business goals you

reach for the sky... You realize that if you don’t stretch, you can’t grow... therefore

you stretch and reach for more with each and every decision you make... In order

to grow you must step out of your comfort zone... You must do something

different than you’re currently doing...

In anything that you do you take a moment to think if there is a way you can

“super-size it”... You think about how you can make anything you do better...

How can it be fantastic?

You go for the gold... In all that you do you have a winning attitude... Rather than

being competitive you’re creative... The only person that you need to compete

with is yourself... You’re always doing your best... You give 100% in all that you

do... and you do it with a smile...

In every area of your life you reach for more... In your work, goals, relationships,

personal life and even recreation... you make it spectacular... By thinking big in all

that you do, not only will you obtain greater success but more opportunity will

come your way...

You know that you’re the best you that you can be... No one else has your abilities

in quite the way that you do... You put a different, unique twist on everything that

you do... You think big.

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Wealth and Prosperity

By Rhonda Armbrust, CHP

Take a deep breath and as you let it out, imagine that you’re now free to achieve

the goals you set for yourself... You can now move beyond any and all obstacles

and create the lifestyle that you desire… This will give you a great sense of peace

and accomplishment…

Now you’ll be able to provide for those you’re responsible for and provide for your

own needs… as you recognize that you live in an abundant world where there’s

enough for everyone...

Imagine yourself doing all of those fun things you have desired to do…. Feel the

excitement of having many choices and the thrill of seeing how much you’ve

accomplished…. Imagine yourself traveling to exotic places, if that is what you

would like to do...

Look around you at the new, unexplored scenery waiting for you... Imagine

yourself living in your new home or succeeding at your desired business... See

yourself in these places as the highly successful person you are...

Now you know that when you decide on a course of action you’ll be able to take

the necessary steps to bring it to fruition... You’re confident in your ability to

create the life you desire…

You’re now living the life of your dreams, carefree and happy...

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Winning Attitude

By Rene Bastarache, CI

From this point on, the only thoughts that you’ll have are positive thoughts...

You’ll rid your mind of negative words like can’t, won’t, should-have, would-have

and could-have... From now on, your mind will only think in terms of “I can”, “I

am” and I do”... You’re a winner!

You truly feel that the world is out to help you... Opportunities open up to you at

every turn... You are a winner... You believe that only positive things happen to

you and that everything happens for a reason... You know that you’re a piece that

fits into a wonderful puzzle and you’re so happy to be part of it all...

You know the future’s full of many exciting and amazing moments just waiting to

happen... Your hopefulness fills every room you enter and makes others around

you energized and renewed..

You’re an impressively strong person with an unwavering view of yourself...

You’re a confident and energetic person regardless of the circumstances... You’re

proud of who you are... You’re as solidly rooted as a giant, ancient oak tree…

never will you fall or sway...

You don’t know what the future holds, but you’re certain that you’ll be prepared

and persevere through anything... Being a survivor is natural to you. Others

marvel at your calmness regardless of the situation... You thrive on the uncertainty

of the future … Each day you’re becoming more and more confident. You’re a
