#WeAHPs at #CAHPO15

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of #WeAHPs at #CAHPO15

#WeAHPs: harnessing the power of digital connections@jkfillingham, @NaomiMcVey, @HelenOwen3

‘Our values haven’t changed, but our world has. So the NHS needs to adapt to take advantage of the opportunities that science and technology offer patients, carers and those who serve them’ #5YFV

Our vision: to harness the power of digital connections to promote innovation and best practice, raise the profile of AHPs, and ultimately improve services for patients, families and communities

‘An effective online presence represents position and influence in another dimension’ HSJ

‘Leadership is the expectation that you can use your voice for good’ Sheryl Sandberg

• Find your pledge cards on tables

• Keep cards with you and add to them during the day

• Discuss, learn, share• Tweet them!• Pledges in final session

‘Digital connectivity tears down walls and breaks down gates. It

takes our level of ambition for our patients, service users and delivery systems to a whole different level’

Helen Bevan