We Went For A Walk

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Transcript of We Went For A Walk

We went for a walk: a search for Art in Hanley

29 Februarary 2008Being a very successful and pleasant walk by two art students

in search of a joint project on a cold, damp day.

We saw it in the paper: it looks like Art.

We like Art.

But we’re not exactly sure what Art is.

Could this be Art?

or this?

Art is spotted.

This must be it,

and this,

and this?

Art can be jolly…

or sometimes a little sad.

Art is recorded.

Here the imagination of the child is unfettered. There will be no externally imposed bounds or stereotyping. Range free child; run with the stars, gambol in the universe, investigate the inner being of the atom. Oh blossoming human mind. This must be Art.

The Artful use of a window (the oaties are fab). We like this sort of Art.

Not actually Art; but it has Art potential.

Good Ceramic Art - always enhances the environment.

Magnificent! Impressive! Functional? The view from the top is fine. A venue for performance – perfect; declaiming from its

walkways is demanded. The pedestrian will get to the other side much faster by just crossing the road (though at slight personal

risk). Clearly this is Art.