We shine in the light of Jesus 07.07 - Silksworth | Sunderland · We shine in the light of Jesus In...

Post on 27-Jul-2018

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St Leonard’s RC Primary School Newsletter

We shine in the light of Jesus

In Pursuit of Excellence!


Class of the Week


Rec 97.50% Yr3 95.71%

Yr1 94.33% Yr4 97.33%

Yr2 98.75% Yr5 97.42%

Yr6 95.16%

Whole school a�endance for the

week 96.49% (our target is 97%+)

Fruits of the

Holy Spirit

We understand

about peace

and love

Class Liturgies

Here are the mass dates for the rest of the

term. The masses will take place in church.

Thank you to those who

were able to a�end the Yr 6 mass.

Your support and presence is valued and


Golden Assembly

Congratula3ons to all the children

who received an award this week.

Recep3on Jesse Hahn & Finley Wat-


Year 1 Riley Jackson & Jack


Year 2 Aidan Thompson & Ma3lda


Year 3 Ellis Curran & Ava Shovelin

Year 4 Ma�hew Crane & Faye


Year 5 Mai Hamilton & Ellie Curry

Year 6 Arron Davies & Amelia


Saying goodbye to Mrs Jones

Mrs Jones has been successful in ge;ng a

new job in a two form entry school nearer

to her home.

Mrs Jones has provided high quality

support to the school for 7 years. Thanks

to Mrs Jones’ skill in seeking alterna3ve

funding streams the children have

benefi�ed from a wide range of ac3vi3es

which have enhanced and enriched the


Over the last year or two we have had the

Planetarium in school. We saw chicks

hatch. Some children have had fun

learning how to play djembes. £3K came

in to the school to provide a wider

selec3on of reading books for the children

to enjoy.

We would like to thank Mrs Jones for all

her hard work and commitment. We wish

her success and happiness in her new


Date Class

July 20th School Mass

School Budget 2017 2018

In the locality there appears to be a slight decline in pupil numbers.

In September we only have 13 pupils joining the recep3on class. Our

current recep3on class has 20 children. This means we have a shorFall of

27 children.

School budgets are determined by the number of pupils in the school. As

a result of the lower pupil numbers the money coming in to the school is

significantly less.

Governors have had to make some extremely difficult decisions in order

to balance the budget.

It is with great sadness that we will be saying goodbye two members of

staff at the end of the academic year.

Mrs Killeen and Mrs Thompson have been made redundant.

Mrs Killeen has been with the school for 15 years. Over the years she has

made an amazing contribu3on to the school as a dedicated teaching

assistant. She has worked with children in all phases within the school as

well working with those children who require support because they have

addi3onal learning needs.

Mrs Killeen will be sadly missed and we thank her for her years of

kindness, hard work and commitment to our school community. On a

posi3ve note Mrs Killeen will con3nue to work as a lunch3me supervisor

and look a9er the children who a�end our Breakfast Club.

Mrs Thompson has been with us just over a year. We will be sad to say

goodbye to her too. In the main, Mrs Thompson has provided valuable

support to the children in KS2. She has also been flexible and helped

pupils elsewhere in the school. We wish Mrs Killeen and Mrs Thompson

every success for the future.

Bullying is….. ‘A persistent, deliberate

a�empt to hurt or humiliate’


Please ensure your child is in school and

ready to begin learning by 8.50am.

The best class for punctuality this week is

Year Recep3on —Well done!

Reflec3ng on PATIENCE

During our Monday assembly we reflected on

pa3ence. Pa3ence is one of the gi9s of the Holy


• Pa3ence is being able to wait un3l it’s 3me.

• Pa3ence is staying calm and not becoming


• Pa3ence is wai3ng without complaining.

• Pa3ence is being tolerant with other people.

In class the children con3nued to think about

pa3ence and had discussions around ques3ons such as:

• What does your body / mind feel like when you lose your


• How do you make other people feel

when you lose your PATIENCE?

• How will being PATIENT help your class

and our school?

Fr Michael

There will be a special mass on Friday 7th

July in St Leonard's at 7pm. This will be to

celebrate Fr Michael’s induc3on as Parish

Priest to St Leonard’s Church. All are

welcome. It would be lovely to see some of our children there.

Thank you to Fr Michael for his thoughFul words at the mass on

Thursday. The prayers and readings were led by Yr6. They

performed a liturgical dance which they learnt for the event at

the Youth Village last week. The mass was prayerful and

reflec3ve. Thank you Yr6.

Save the Date!! Summer Fair and Sports Day

18th July from 9.30 – 3pm

Our annual Sports Day will take place on 18th

July. Following the success of our Christmas

Market, we have decided to combine Sports Day

with a Summer Fair. The children will take part

in their spor3ng events over the course of the

day. At lunch 3me the children will be able to

join their families on the field for a picnic – we

are planning to have a BBQ selling burgers and

sausages for visitors. School meal children will

be receiving a lunch box from school. Our school

musicians will also have a chance to showcase

their work throughout the day. As usual we

would welcome any dona3ons of alcohol for our

tombola. Any offers of help to run the stalls

would also be very appreciated.

We have stalls available for hire. If you know

anybody who would be interested please ring

the school office for more informa3on.

Apologies to Daniel Oliver. I omi�ed

his name from the list of children who

took part in the recent CASA show at

Sunderland College. Daniel performed

with confidence and he really looked as though he

was enjoying himself. He, along with all the other

children, show cased their talent. We are very proud

of Daniel and all the children who a�end CASA.

There will be a performing arts summer school in July.

It will take place between 25th and 29th July at the

New Silksworth Academy.

Please see Mr Bianchi if

your child would like to

a�end the Summer School.

Spelling Bee

Congratula3ons to all the

children in KS2 who worked hard to prepare for the

Spelling Bee Compe33on. Par3cipa3ng in the ac3vity

really supported the development of the children’s

spelling skill. Some SUPER SPELLERS emerged and the

children really shone. Thank you to the parents and

family members who supported the event. There will

be more events like

this in the new term.

A huge thank you to

the staff for organising

Spelling Bee. Their hard

work is appreciated.


Congratula3ons to Freya, Mia H, Dylan S and Kadi H who received their

Bronze Smiley.

Eshaan K, Noelia K were awarded their Silver Smiley.

Gold Smiley was given to Charlo�e M.

Lucy Calvert has received her Ruby Cer3ficate. Ben Mulvaney has been

awarded his Emerald Cer3ficate.

More than Music Fes3val on 14th-16 July @ Silkworth Cricket Club

Beer Tent, street food, live music, lots of different street ar3sts and

circus performers, games, body art, cra9 tent. See Pam Laveri-


Ellie Strong

A past pupil of St Leonard's is heading to

America. Ellie, who is currently in Year 13 at

St Anthony’s, will be a�ending the American

Academy of Drama3c Arts in New York from

September. We would like to wish her every

success and happiness in what will be an

exci3ng journey for her.


We now have our own beau3ful copy of the book Children’s Codex 1300

Project—June 716—June 2016. Pope Frances and the Archbishop of

Canterbury have original copies. Codex commemorates the 1300th

anniversary of the departure of Abbot Ceolfrith’s Bible form Wearmouth on

June 4th 716. It will take pride of place on the focal point in the hall. If you

would like to look at it, please feel free to pop in.