We ♥ pop double page spread

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Transcript of We ♥ pop double page spread

By Hollie Gittins

We Pop Double Page spread

Image of double page


Publisher: the publisher of we love pop magazine is Egmont publishing group who are one of the UK’s largest magazine publishers for children.

Target Audience:


Age: 13-16


Interests: pop music genre, fashion and celebrity gossip.

Genre: pop music

Introduction to the magazine

The mode of address is that has been used is mainly chatty and so informal. This is most appropriate for the target audience who are 13-16 year old girls as it’s easy to read. At the start of the text there is a drop cap and these are commonly used in pop music magazines on every page. The diction used is light hearted again relating to the target audience so they don’t get bored of reading. As the diction is light hearted it reflects on the magazine as it is supposed to be fun. The interview starts with a interesting question that has nothing to do with music. ‘We know you love cats. What's your favourite thing about our furry friends?’. By starting with a fun and interesting question It makes the reader want to read the interview.

Mode of address

The layout of the double page spread is of an interview that is split into four columns of text. The interview is a question and answer format with the answers leading onto the next question that is asked. This is to make the interview easy to read. The ratio of text to pictures is 35:65 with the majority of the double page spread including images as the whole of the left page is a picture of Katy Perry and on the right page is a picture of Rihanna and Katy Perry and another picture of Katy Perry. The image bleeds onto the next page where the interview is. The masthead appears on the left page of the magazine in the bottom left corner just above ‘Katy Perry’ showing continuity throughout the magazine. There is a title featured at the top of the magazine ‘ A brush with FAME’ followed by a subtitle ‘ thrusting the Brush of Truth at celebs everywhere’ and below this is Katy Perry’s name to show who the interview is about.


The main image is of Katy Perry who is a female pop singer, this relates to the target audience who are teenage girls as they may aspire to be like her or she may be their idol. The shot used is a medium shot that is close enough to show facial expression but also distant enough to show body language. The image is in colour showing that the magazine is aimed at a young target audience. The background that the image is on is white and due to the image being in colour it makes the artist stand out against it attracting the readers attention. Katy Perry is looking directly into the camera making the audience feel more involved with the interview. In the image Katy appears to be quite natural which challenges the stereotype however the image all together is stereotypical for the genre of pop music. Other images include a picture of Rihanna and Katy Perry which is a medium long shot showing gestures and body language. There is also another image of Katy Perry which is a mid close up showing her facial expression. The colours used are yellow to highlight words or sentences connoting warmth and energy. Purple for the questions being girly and connoting wealth and sophistication linking to the images of Katy because she’s a celebrity and is famous and wealthy. Black is used for the answers connoting boldness. The images and colours relate to the target audience as the image is of a female artist and the colours used are bright and eye-catching appealing to a teenage target audience.
