We are Called, We are Chosen: A Reflection on Ministry in the Church St. Mary Magdalen Parish.

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Transcript of We are Called, We are Chosen: A Reflection on Ministry in the Church St. Mary Magdalen Parish.

We are Called, We are Chosen: A Reflection on Ministry in the Church

St. Mary Magdalen Parish

Some thoughts

• The word vocation comes from the Latin word ‘vocare,’ which means to be called out.

• A call to ministry reflects the journey of following God that is never fully realized.

• A Reading from St. Paul: One Body many parts.We Rejoice in our gifts and the gifts of others.

• Ministry effectiveness is ultimately about God’s using us in a particular time and place and has little to do with financial security, demographics, or other similar factors.

• We are called to be good stewards of the gifts given to us.

• We are Baptized in the name of the Trinity.• We are sealed with the Holy Spirit.• We are brothers and sisters in Christ.• At baptism we were given gifts to be shared to

build the Kingdom out of a vocation to serve God and His people. [SDA]

• Jesus is present in each of us within the community gathered as He is present in the Bread and Wine transformed into His Body and Blood.


• The Eucharist then is the source and summit of all these realities.– Presence of Christ in the Four areas.– Holy Thursday and Jesus’ example.– This is what we do and are which is our best.– Equipped to go out into “mission territory.”

Some Conclusions Thus Far

1. We have been called to this ministry.2. We serve God with the gifts He gave us, to then

serve our brothers and sisters so they too can serve him.

3. We rely on the Holy Spirit to enable us to share our gifts with one another.

4. All of Jesus’ disciples are called to share the Gospel with God’s heart because God desires us to be fully one with Him [John-Last Supper Discourse]

The Essential Four Pillars of the Spiritual Life.

• Private Prayer and Private Morality‘Praying and doing things in secret.’

Social JusticeIdentifying the poor and the outcast.

Community as a constitutive reality of Worship.We need Church to live a real faith.

Mellowness of Heart and Spirit.Having a grateful heart. What is the agenda?

We are Ambassadors of Christ

1. We proclaim God’s living word to affect change with those we come in contact with, either brothers in sisters in Christ or those God wants.

2. We are honored to share and be active members of the Body of Christ.

3. We never know how what we say and how we say it or do it affect those who come in contact with us.


• The need for a balanced life is essential for our ministry.

• Our understanding of God does affect our ministry.

• The Incarnation and our understanding of the Eucharist aids us in our ministry to God and others.

• This all is a life long process.