WCS Batch 2009 Yearbook

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Wisdom Christian School Batch 2009 Yearbook

Transcript of WCS Batch 2009 Yearbook

CLASS PROPHECY of Batch 2009After 10 years… At another part of the earth, not far from there, other human beings experienced that time of their lives. It was a sunny day, and I, Dame Nelly Melba V. Dela Cruz, was trolling the magnificent garden of friends when suddenly, it began to rain. Sought refuge underneath a tree for shelter, when the rain stopped, I found myself staring at the rainbow. It swept me from my feet and I felt swirling masses of buildings and electrical con-nections of different shapes and colors. It glanced behind me and I saw the rainbow. Then, slowly, it disappeared. The whole new world ahead of me racked curiosity from my radical mind, I thought, why I was here? With heavy footsteps, I continued on my way until I reached a place where dozens of people were in frenzy. Construction workers carrying glittering rocks of all kinds, nails made of gold, glasses made of crystals and recycled cement made of dust came from all directions. I was bumped, jagged and tumbled down straight to a highly modernized passageway. The was down seemed to go endlessly for a time until I heard a large “thud”.

A very refreshing conference room made of bear-skin hairs, crystal windows, autumn-red mahogany desk, sapphire-laden chandeliers where many decently-clothed send pompous people of the elite class wel-comed me. There were engineers of different kinds namely, Kirt Brianne A. Andaya, Jesseniel D. Garcia and Michael Jeffrey N. Aguillon. They joined together in a big busi-ness venture supported and owned by the highly-known billionaire, a hotel and restaurant manager – Bryan Armel C. Ordiales assisted by Donna Jean G. Acilar and Kimberly Joy M. Cacho. To assist their ease, a food expert, Chef Kurt Michael Leo C. Ciervo and Chef Shaira Joy C. Apostol, and a famous businessman – Jake Robert I. Godinez, together with several of the correspondence were planning on a big complex which combines the comfort of a hotel and a convenience of a shopping center. Aside from their hectic schedule, they managed to show me around the vast conference room with a wink. It was good to see all of my batch mates all successful in their chosen métiers. The room was jammed with people I have known before. Here, I met the staff and members of the building committee. Acting as president was the best and highly-acclaimed architect in the land, Leuman Dale L. Doctor. He gave me this huge, familiar smile

…Continuation of Envisioning Tomorrow

that brought me to the nostalgia of the past years. Jeremy Jansen R. Yambao, an inventor who was the vice-president gave me a big hug. Both were elegantly dressed in their suites. After introducing me to the staff and mem-bers of the building committee, I was introduced to the set of doctors chosen from the best of the land. As surgeon – Allan Carlo R. Aguilan, cardiolo-gist – Renzo Q. Casem, Johana Clarissa D. Marimon, a pediatrician like me and Ponciano S. Felias III as orthopedist, together with them were Miguel C. Garcia, a scientist and Tristan Leonard R. Montañez who is a nurse. After my long speech before those doc-tors I bade them goodbye. Tears of joy streaked down my highly-rouged face as I walked through the exit door. A man-in-uniform caught my atten-tion, he was a well-known general of the land – General Carl Joshua R. Hermosura, behind him were men dressed in pilot uniform namely, Al-Louzhar M. Guiahal, Zoren Q. Casem, Aldrian R. Hernandez, Brian May V. Lontok and a beautiful stewardess – Myrchelle Louela N. Valdez. I walked the highly illu-minated pavement of the street. I have been walk-ing for not less that five minutes when I bumped into another batch mates. With a large bumped, I saw their faces. They were none other than, Ma. Jillian P. De Los Trinos, Patricia Anne T. Ringor and Alexa Andrea F. De Castro. They were now popular TV personalities.

The little experience I’ve encountered will forever be etched through my heart because I know deep inside me that our class batch 2008-2009 will forever be the light of this world because Wisdom Christian School produces students that are not only high in spirit but also meek in heart. So to my fellow batch mates, don’t fail me, now I know you will someday make it big. Go for it. It only takes a lot of will power and determina-tion. You can do it. Just remember that the rain is a constant part of life which leads to that majestic wonder of nature, the rainbow. There are problems which seems terrifying to break, lead to a rain-bow….. Something that will make you even more re-alize that this world is something you can be proud of and something that would someday be proud of you! And let’s always treasure these verses in our that no matter life may bring us, God’s Word will always be our guide, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understand-ing. Seek His Will in all you do and He will direct your paths … Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 … Psalm 37:4) Go for it batch mate, soar high!

Dame Nelly Melba V. Dele CruzClass Vice-President

Batch 2008-2009

Greetings, Fellow Wisdomians: Before I start with my narration about our class history, may I introduce to everybody the pupils that comprises our batch for this school year 2008-2009 under the guidance of our class adviser, Mr. Robert N. Villaflor. The boys are compose of:

1. Allan Carlo R. Aguilan 2. Michael Jeffrey N. Aguillon 3. Kirt Brianne A. Andaya 4. Renzo Q. Casem 5. Zoren Q. Casem 6. Kurt Michael Leo C. Ciervo 7. Leuman Dale L. Doctor 8. Ponciano S. Felias III 9. Jesseniel D. Garcia 10. Miguel C. Garcia 11. Jake Robert I. Godinez 12. Al-Louzhar M. Guiahal 13. Carl Joshua R. Hermosura 14. Aldrian R. Hernandez 15. Brian May V. Lontok 16. Tristan Leonard R. Montañez 17. Jeremy, Jansen R. Yambao, and 18. myself, Bryan Armel C. Ordiales

The girls are compose of:

1. Donna Jean G. Acilar 2. Shaira Joy C. Apostol 3. Kimberly Joy M. Cacho 4. Alexa Andrea F. De Castro 5. Dame Nelly Melba V. Dela Cruz 6. Ma. Jillian P. De Los Trinos

7. Johana Clarissa D. Marimon 8. Patricia Anne T. Ringor, and 9. Myrchelle Louela N. Valdez

Let us also give due recognition to our Grade VI Homeroom PTA Officers who find time and effort to diligently coordinate with our various activities and proj-ects. Comprising them are: Mrs. Cecilia N. Valdez as President Mrs. Laarni R. Aguilan as Vice President Mrs. Melinda S. Felias as Secretary Mrs. Yolanda F. De Castro as Treasurer Mrs. Ma. Ian P. De Los Trinos as Auditor Mrs. Rowena M. Guiahal as one of the PRO and my mother, Mrs. Imelda C. Ordiales who attended most of the meetings and activities in behalf of my father, Mr. Ariel C. Ordiales as the other PRO.

Likewise, we would like to acknowledge the presence of our school teachers, school staff and friends for gracing this special gathering. Our heartful thanks and warm welcome to all of you.

Now, for the start of my narration.

Let me humbly share with you a brief history of our class batch 2008-2009. What I am going to narrate are only up to as far as I can remember so please excuse me if you think there will be some sort of inconsistencies with your own recollection.

The first chapter of our class history dated back the year 2003-2004 as Grade I Section Helpful pupils’ under the supervision of Ms. Imelda Cataina who was later replaced by Ms. Rosemalie Y. Ruiz. Incidentally, this was also my first year at Wisdom Christian School having finished my pre-school at Las Piñas City when I am still living there with my family. As a newcomer, I had to adjust to a new environment. Nevertheless, it took me only sometime to make the adjustments since the people around me are friendly and accommodating and I thank God for helping me. The school activities proved to be full of fun and excitement although quite exhausting once in a while. events such as the Nutrition Month, Buwan ng

CLASS HISTORY of Batch 2009

Wika, Scouting, Foundation Week, Quiz Bee where I became the champion for the Grade I level, Educational field trip and Christmas Party somehow gave us the exposure to social interaction and personality development. At last, the day of Recognition. The day where we harvested the fruits of our labor. The Top Four Pupils in our class were Allan Carlo, myself, Dame Nelly and Ma.Jillian.

The year 2004-2005 was our second year as Grade II Section Obedient class under the helm of then Ms. Genelyn P. Estrada now married to our current Grade VI class adviser, Mr. Robert N. Villaflor. The school activities and events were practically the same as the previous year but of course with variations on the manner of presentation like the Quiz Bee Competition where the format was changed to per tri-level. Our classmate, Patricia Nicole Deparine was a member of the champion team. Likewise on this year, no educational field trip was held. On the school year ending, I, myself, Allan Carlo, Ma. Jillian and Dame were recognized as the Top Four Pupils of our class.

The third phase of our class history happened on year 2005-2006 as Grade III Section Honest pupils under Mr. Robert N. Villaflor as our class adviser. School activities were the same as in our first two years. How-ever, they were done in a way with some modifications to avoid repetition when it comes to presentation. Election of class officers were also con-ducted wherein Jhay-Ar Felias and Kurt Michael Leo Ciervo won the class presidency and vice presidency, respectively. During our scouting activities, I recalled receiving my first scouting award as Composer of the Year. The field trip was equally exciting. The itineraries going to the Avilon Zoo, Butterfly Garden, Marikina Riverbank and a shoe factory were places worth exploring. However, no Quiz Bee was held on this year. Come Recognition Day, emerging Top Five Pupils in our class were myself, Ma.Jillian, Allan Carlo, Jhay-Ar and Dame Nelly.

Enter school year 2006-2007 as Grade IV Section Generous class with Ms. Robielyn A. Tarrazona as our class adviser. We were also blessed to have other teachers like Ms. Joecel Lagulao who substituted Ms. Robielyn,

Ms. Maricris A. Tarrazona, Mr. Jerome Lawrence P. Granada and Mr. Ricky N. Orcine. Incidentally, Sir Ricky has been our computer class instructor since Grade I and for the years to come. The usual school events were held. A second time around, I received a scouting award as the Composer of the Year. First time, I was elected as the class president with Jhay-Ar as the class vice-president. Our 11th Foundation Week Celebration ushered the return of the Quiz Bee Contest where Jhay-ar was one of the champion team. The much-awaited educational field trip proved to be interest-ing what with places to go to like the Meralco Museum, the Planetarium, Villamor Air Base Museum, the SM Mall of Asia and the Dolphin Show. This year also took a big pride for us Wisdomiams when our very own Athletic Squad competed in a sports tournament here in Cavite and took home the overall Championship. Fellow classmate, Aldrian R. Hernandez was part of that squad. Garnering the Top Five Pupils in our class on Recognition Day were myself, Dame Nelly, Allan Carlo, Jesseniel and Jhay-Ar.

Another promising school year 2007-2008 awaited our Grade V Section Dili-gent class. Spearheading as class adviser was Teacher Maricris. Aside from her, Mrs. Almar C. Apostol, Ms. Mine A. Javelona, Ms. Johana J. Encontro and Sir Ricky comprised the group of educators for our class. School activities were there to give spice to our study. I was re-elected as class president with Dame as the class vice-president and Patricia as the secretary. Back-to-back victory for Jhay-Ar as member of the champion team in the Quiz Bee Competition. However, no educational field trip was held on this year. Recognized as Top Five Pupils were myself, Dame, Allan Carlo and Ma. Jillian who both tied for the third spot, Jesseniel and Jhay-Ar.

Now comes the year we cherished most, the present school year 2008-2009. This Grade VI Section Industrious class is currently under the advisorship of Mr. Robert N. Villaflor with the same group of educators we have as last year except for Teacher Almar who is assigned in another level. I was elected as our Class President while Dame as the Class Vice-President. Joining our group of officers are: Patricia Anne T. Ringor - Secretary Renzo Q. Casem - Asst. Secretary Jake Robert I. Godinez - Treasurer

Carl Joshua R. Hermosura - Asst. Treasurer Johana Clarissa D. Marimon - Auditor Ponciano S. Felias III - PRO Kirt Brianne A. Andaya - Sergeant-at-Arms Shaira Joy C. Apostol - Sergeant-at-Arms The creation of the Pupils’ Government was a remarkable event for it was the first time we have this kind of organization. The Grade VI elected PGO Officers are: Renzo Q. Casem - President Patricia Anne T. Ringor - Vice-President Leuman Dale L. Doctor - Secretary Jeremy Jansen R. Yambao - PRO

The exisitng Absolute Circle of Talents Organization (ACTO) has always been a part of our some talent-oriented classmates. The following are ACTO Ofiicers and Members: Ponciano S. Felias III - President Zoren Q. Casem - Vice-President Members: Renzo Q. Casem Alexa Andrea F. De Castro Leuman Dale L. Doctor Al-Louzhar M. Guiahal Myrchelle Louela N. Valdez Some of the school events were given added attractions. The cel-ebration of Buwan ng Wika schowcased a Parade among fellow Wisdomians in their colorful Filipino costumes. My classmate, Alexa Andrea F. De Castro won as Best in Costume for female. Equally exciting was the Poster Making Contest where I won and represented the Grade VI level. Our Scouting Week has always been an evnt worth experiencing. Many of the Grade VI pupils garnered awards like Jhay-Ar and Johana Cla-rissa who were adjudjed as Best Boy Scout and Best Girl Scout, respectively. The Champion Patrol, Tarsier included Renzo, Kurt Michael, Allan Carlo and Dame. Other awardees were myself as Most Cooperative, Aldrian, Louela and Leuman.

The opening of WCS Museum, a PGO project during the 13th Founda-tion Week Celebration provided us a trip down memory lane. The Quiz Bee Contest brought back the per level format where I became the Champion for Grade VI level.

We were amazed by the wonders brought by the recent educational field trip last December. The Pasig Rainforest Park, SM Science Discovery Center and Museo ng Katipunan were eye-popping sights while the Active Fun provided some recreational fun activities. The creation of Homeroom PTA Officers among the parents and guard-ians of the Grade VI class enabled us to implement or assist various school projects such as the following: 1. The Give-A-Gift Christmas Program, wherein gifts like groceries and goodies were given to selected deserving poor families. 2. The Clean & Green Project and the Restoration of WCS Playground, a PGO Project in cooperation with the Grade VI Class and ACTO members. 3. The Graduating Class Retreat, the first-ever retreat held last January 30-31, 2009 at the AMTI, Silang, Cavite. It’s a reflective experience that touch one’s heart and re-awaken one’s spriritual awareness with the Lord. 4. The Purchase of Sound Mixer, a project in cooperation with the entire Grade VI parents which was formally turned-over to our school. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity in behalf of batch 2008-2009 comprising of 18 good-looking boys and 9 gorgeous girls to thank all our teachers and the school staff who became part in the development and nour-ishment of ourselves as a person and for enlightening us more about our Lord. Special mention to all our schoolmates whom we considered not only as friends or ‘dabarkads’ but slso as our brothers and sisters.

Thank you so much for bearing with me. May God bless us all.

Bryan Armel C. OrdialesClass President

Batch 2008-2009