Ways to save money on gas

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Ways to save money on gas

Ways To Save Money On Gas

I have been driving long enough to remember when I purchased gas for my car and it cost me less than a dollar.

Never thought I would say this save money on gas is important and today, gas prices are typically four time that

amount and we can only expect that over time gas prices, as with most consumers goods, will continue to increase.

Whatever the price of gas, we all would like to keep our cost as low as possible and I am going to share a few tips

with you today that will help you to do just that.

Save Money On Gas With a Fuel Efficient Vehicle

Let me start with my favorite, buy a fuel efficient vehicle.

I have been driving a hybrid vehicle since 2004.

My car gets 52 miles to the gallon, yes. you read that right.

It costs me about $50 dollars per month to put fuel in my vehicle.

If you want to save money on gas, think how much you would be saving if you were driving a vehicle that could get

you more than 50 MPG!

Here is my second favorite tip to help you save money on gas, leave your ego at home.

Driving fast, accelerating quickly, braking often because you are trying to teach the driver of the vehicle in front of you a

lesson, all lead to you visiting the gas station more frequently.

Unleashing your inner beast while behind the wheel can not only be dangerous, but can also lead you into getting a

traffic ticket, or worse, into a collision.

Slow down, enjoy the scenery, listen to comforting music and take the money that you would be paying for gas and

use your savings to take a nice vacation once a year.

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy and wise.

Purchasing fuel early in the day will also make you


Gas is cooler earlier in the day, especially during warm months, and is therefore more dense.

The denser the gas the more gas you are actually are putting into your tank.

It can also be wise to purchase gas earlier in the week.

Demand for gas rises as the weekend approaches and typically so does the price.

Buy your gas on Monday or Tuesday and you will save money on gas as a result.

Reduce Idling Time To Save Money On Gas

Here is my third tip to help you save money on gas, reduce your idling time.

I parked my car outside of a store on a crisp spring morning and walked by a car with its engine running an someone

sitting in the passenger seat.

An idling car emits more hydrocarbons into the atmosphere than a car that is traveling 60 MPH on the highway and it is

costing you money.

Save money on gas and help the environment... turn the darn thing off if you are not moving down the road.