Ways To Optimize Our Environmental Levy Scheme

Post on 14-May-2015

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Transcript of Ways To Optimize Our Environmental Levy Scheme

Kitty Wong Sin Ting (09422196) and Alik Lee Lik Hang (09409424)

POLS 7050POLS 7050Public Public


POLS 7050POLS 7050Public Public

AdministrationAdministrationWays to Optimize our Ways to Optimize our Environmental Levy Environmental Levy

Scheme Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bagson Plastic Shopping Bags

Ways to Optimize our Ways to Optimize our Environmental Levy Environmental Levy

Scheme Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bagson Plastic Shopping Bags


• Indiscriminate use of plastic shopping bags as a major and visible environmental problem

• > 8 billion plastic bags are disposed to our landfill yearly

• in order words, everyone of us uses three plastic bags in every single day

About the SchemeAbout the Scheme

• change the public’s habit

use of plastic shopping bags

• encourage more environmentally responsible behaviour through “direct polluter pays”

• improve the public’s environmental consciousness

As planned, the levy scheme will undergo

another phase,so, what should be


Current IssueCurrent Issue

•use of substitute increases

•consumers take even more plastic bags from those unregistered retailers

•consumers are trying to avoid such levy


• suggest supermarkets not to place their “flat bag for fruit” openly

• eliminate the issue of unfair competitiveness

• change the habit of purchasing

• strengthen understand the concept of “polluter pays”

comprehensive levy scheme for plastic bags should be introduced

Positive outcome from Ireland

Positive outcome from Ireland


• Retailer– difficulty on applying

the levy scheme– insufficient manpower

to administrate

• Plastic bag manufacturer– strike on their industry– unemployment issue

• Government– cost on staff

employment, law enforcement, researches, and administrative cost

• Consumer– lack of convenience– affect the grass-root

of the society




Evaluation• subsidize affected industry • bare-in-mind the principle of the levy

scheme :


• in short term, several challenges would be arose, like problem of market shifting, administrative cost of retailers as well as government

• levy Scheme for Plastic Bag is recommended to apply to all retailers / stores


• for long term, a positive outcome is likely to be happen, not only on the matter of misuse of plastic bags, but also the other similar products

• introducing the levy scheme, not only for our own, but also for our next generation; not only for Hong Kong, but also for the whole ecosystem


Assessment of Benefits and Effects of the Plastic Shopping Bag Charging Scheme by GHK (Hong Kong) Ltd.http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/waste/prob_solutions/files/GHK_study.pdf

Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags by Environmental Protection Departmenthttp://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/psb/en/index.html

Plastic shopping bag levy yields positive results by Environmental Protection Departmenthttp://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200911/02/P200911020245.htm

Plastic Bag : Friend or Foe?http://www.plasticbageconomics.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=26&Itemid=40

Plastic Bags by Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Governmenthttp://www.environ.ie/en/Environment/Waste/PlasticBags/