Wayne E. Sirmon HI 101 –Western Civilization · History 101 — Western Civilization to 1660 HI...

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Transcript of Wayne E. Sirmon HI 101 –Western Civilization · History 101 — Western Civilization to 1660 HI...

Wayne E. Sirmon

HI 101 – Western Civilization

History 101 — Western Civilization to 1660

HI 101 – Work to be done….

Oct. 31 – Article Three Approved

Nov. 7 – Article Three Due

Nov. 11 there will be a Veterans Day program –

11 am in front of library

Nov. 11 – Review Session TBA

Nov. 12 – Exam Three

History 101 — Western Civilization To 1660

Chapter 10 – Urban Economy

and the Consolidation of States

Cities, Trade and Commerce

Monarchies and the Development of

Representative Institutions

Government in the East

The Papacy and the Church

Learning and Literature

History 101 — Western Civilization To 1660

Chapter 10 – Cities, Trade and Commerce

Urban Government

Royal Charters


Loyalty & Taxes

Mayors & aldermen


Paris – 200,000

Venice – 120,00

London – 80,000

History 101 — Western Civilization To 1660

Chapter 10 – Cities, Trade and Commerce

Crafts and TradesEach step of production – a different home/shop

GuildsWorkers associations



mutual support

History 101 — Western Civilization To 1660

Chapter 10 – Cities, Trade and Commerce

BankingMoney Changers

Transfers (checking)



Business Practices



History 101 — Western Civilization To 1660

Chapter 10 – Cities, Trade and Commerce


Nicaea (325) > 12% apr

Lateran III (1179) = 0%

Jewish lenders

History 101 — Western Civilization To 1660

Chapter 10 – Monarchies and the Development

of Representative Institutions

England and Parliament(conversation)

Henry III (young son of John I)

Meetings with Great Council

(barons and clergy)

1341 House of Lords / Commons

History 101 — Western Civilization To 1660

Chapter 10 – Monarchies and the Development

of Representative Institutions


King Philip IV (the Fair)

Finance war with England by

confiscating Jewish property

tax the Church (Pope Bontiface “not happy”)

have Pope Clement declare Knights Templar heretics

Estates General “approve actions of king”

History 101 — Western Civilization To 1660

Chapter 10 – The Papacy and the Church

The Avignon Papacy


Pope Clement V

(7 Popes – all French)

Followed by

Great Western Schism

2 anti-Popes (1378-1423)

History 101 — Western Civilization To 1660

Chapter 10 – Learning and Literature


Roger Bacon and William of Ockham

Founders of scientific writing

(not actual science)

History 101 — Western Civilization To 1660

Chapter 10 – Learning and Literature


Roger Bacon and William of Ockham

Founders of scientific writing

(not actual science)

History 101 — Western Civilization To 1660

Chapter 10 – Learning and Literature

abundant vernacular literature

(except English)


Divine Comedy

