Watoto Newsletter CA

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Watoto Newsletter - October 2014

Transcript of Watoto Newsletter CA



Watoto is thrilled to bring you

a brand new production, Oh What Love, beginning January

2015. Through this dynamic

worship experience, the Watoto

Children’s Choir, who were once

orphans, share their journeys to

redemption and demonstrate

that God desires to be a loving

father to all mankind.

“After losing my parents I

felt lonely, with no one to love

me. Now I know that God is

my father. He loves and cares

for me. In the choir, I am going

to show people that God loves

them too,” says six-year-old

Jackie Nakku.

Based on the bible verse, 1

John 3:1; “See what kind of love

the father has given us, that

we should be called children of

God, and so we are”, prepare for

a unique worship experience,

underscored with the sounds

and rhythms of Africa, that

blends traditional and modern

dance with original music. Oh What Love celebrates the urban

African landscape and brings

out the unique personalities of

the children.

Since 1994, Watoto children’s

choirs have traveled all over

the world sharing the plight

of Africa’s orphaned and

vulnerable, making an appeal to

help raise these children so that

they can rebuild their nation.

Each of the children in the choir

has suffered the loss of one or

both of their parents and they

have been rescued and now live

in a Watoto village.

Book the choir in your region

now. Email us at


Newsletter_Oct_CA.indd 1 10/27/14 3:04 PM

A FUTURE SO BRIGHTJuliet ran her fingers over the

wheel of her tailoring machine,

admiring its contours. She shifted

the weight of her feet over the

pedal and listened to them

falling into rhythm. The machine

was a gift from her husband’s

grandmother on the day she

gave birth to her first child. It

became one of her most valuable

possessions. She stared at the

machine with a faint ache in her

heart, wishing she had the skills

to use it.

When Juliet met her husband,

she was searching for a home. Her

father had stopped supporting

her and she was forced to drop

out of school. When she tried to

move in with her mother, she was

rejected. She saw marriage as an


Juliet was twenty-one when she

sat at a maternity ward holding

the results of her routine HIV test.

She was pregnant with her first

child. She was shocked when she

read that she was positive, but

her husband seemed unfazed.

Juliet wondered if he’d always

known, but she didn’t ask him any


We often say, “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child”, and that’s true not only within our Watoto villages, but also in our global village (that means you). We would like to invite you to be a Watoto Ambassador in Canada. As a Watoto Ambassador, you’ll have the opportunity to use your skills and creative ideas to raise awareness/support on behalf of the orphaned children and vulnerable women in Africa.

Act Aware by fundraising - As a Watoto ambassador, you will have an opportunity to do something to mark World AIDS Day and Christmas. Fancy organizing a movie night? We have a short film and material for you to host a movie night. This December, we will rely on your fantastic fundraising to raise vital funds on behalf of Watoto. For more information, suggestions and ideas, email:


If you have a desire to serve with Baby Watoto in Uganda, there is an opportunity to volunteer in our 3 Baby Watoto facilities. We will be taking a team comprised of Canadians from July 13th - 27th 2015. You will also have a chance to visit the many Watoto projects on the ground which include Living Hope, Watoto farms and the Watoto Villages. The team volunteer activities will

include baby care from feeding to changing diapers and most importantly to love our precious babies. At the end of your time in Uganda, you will have an optional 3 day/2 night safari where you will truly experience The Pearl of Africa! For more information: Email visitafrica@watoto.ca or call our Visit Africa Coordinator at 1-250-920-8597



When Maria Roth decided

to partner with Watoto by

sponsoring 2 children, she

had no idea that one day she

This past quarter, a number of our Baby Watoto Suubi toddlers graduated into our villages. Many of these abandoned babies joined the Watoto family severely malnourished, premature, abused, and/or neglected. They are now cherished, active, creative toddlers filled with hope and joy. It is amazing to watch their transformation and we celebrate this exciting milestone in their lives.

SPECIAL MOVE For a number of years, we have been praying about and discussing the best long term plans for our children with significant special needs.

Over the past few months, we established a partnership with a new Christian organization, The Gem Foundation, in Kampala. They specifically care for children with significant special needs, into their adulthood.

We are excited by what this organization is doing and believe that this is the best option for

questions. She couldn’t afford to

lose another home.

Seven years later, he abandoned

her and she was left to look after

their two children on her own.

She managed to support herself

by helping her sister braid hair,

would see firsthand the impact

that her monthly support would

have. Maria, a supporter of

Watoto for 6 years and sponsor

of Sharon Nanyobi (18) and Frank

Ssekubulwa (16), was excited to

sign up as a sponsor with the

intention of making a positive

difference. As the years have gone

by Maria has built relationships

with both Sharon and Frank

through letter writing. After

6 years of sponsorship, Maria

decided to pursue the possibility

of meeting her sponsor children in

person in Uganda. With the help

of some of Watoto staff members,

she was able travel to Uganda and

have a life changing meeting with

Sharon and Frank, “I actually think

that God has something really

big planned as a result of our

meeting” Maria stated after her

return from Uganda.

”Sharon and Frank are both

wonderful examples of the

benefits of child sponsorship.

Sharon wants to be a doctor

and Frank wants to be an

engineer and both are lovely

young people”. After seeing

and experiencing the impact

that her monthly support has

had on her sponsor children,

Maria wholeheartedly spreads

word of the value of the Watoto

sponsorship program. We

encourage you to prayerfully

consider sponsoring a Watoto

child today. For $38 per month,

you can become a Watoto

sponsor and contribute to

rebuilding the continent of Africa.

Each sponsorship has the ability

to transform lives and change

a continent for Christ. For more

information, please contact our

Watoto Canada office by phone

(toll free) 1.888.9.WATOTO or

by email sponsorship@watoto.ca. If you are interested in joining

a sponsorship Visit Africa Team

that will travel to Uganda in 2015,

please contact our Visit Africa

coordinator at 250.920.8597 or

by email at visitafrica@watoto.ca.

Thank you to all of our past,

present and future Watoto

supporters, without your faithful

support we would not be able to

do what we do.

some of our children with special needs who have outgrown Baby Watoto. The first group of children were moved from Baby Watoto Kampala to The Gem Foundation in August. We believe that this is a great opportunity for our children and are excited to continue to watch them grow and develop.

Partner with us by sponsoring Baby Watoto at www.watoto.com/sponsorship today.

but work was irregular and she

never had enough. She worried

when a child showed any sign of

sickness because she couldn’t buy

medicine. She knew that soon her

eldest would be old enough to

start school, but she wouldn’t be

able to afford it.

Juliet heard of Living Hope

from other women in the

community. “I knew that if I was

given the chance, I could also

become an empowered woman,”

she said.

Last month Juliet and five other

women were called to be trained

in tailoring at our workshop in

Kampala. In just three weeks,

she went from learning to run

the machine and making basic

stitches, to learning how to

make a dress. “I hope to be

a tailor and to grow so that I

don’t need to depend on my

family,” she said.

Empower other women

like Juliet by partnering with

us. Email us at livinghope@watoto.com.

Newsletter_Oct_CA.indd 2-3 10/27/14 3:04 PM

A FUTURE SO BRIGHTJuliet ran her fingers over the

wheel of her tailoring machine,

admiring its contours. She shifted

the weight of her feet over the

pedal and listened to them

falling into rhythm. The machine

was a gift from her husband’s

grandmother on the day she

gave birth to her first child. It

became one of her most valuable

possessions. She stared at the

machine with a faint ache in her

heart, wishing she had the skills

to use it.

When Juliet met her husband,

she was searching for a home. Her

father had stopped supporting

her and she was forced to drop

out of school. When she tried to

move in with her mother, she was

rejected. She saw marriage as an


Juliet was twenty-one when she

sat at a maternity ward holding

the results of her routine HIV test.

She was pregnant with her first

child. She was shocked when she

read that she was positive, but

her husband seemed unfazed.

Juliet wondered if he’d always

known, but she didn’t ask him any


We often say, “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child”, and that’s true not only within our Watoto villages, but also in our global village (that means you). We would like to invite you to be a Watoto Ambassador in Canada. As a Watoto Ambassador, you’ll have the opportunity to use your skills and creative ideas to raise awareness/support on behalf of the orphaned children and vulnerable women in Africa.

Act Aware by fundraising - As a Watoto ambassador, you will have an opportunity to do something to mark World AIDS Day and Christmas. Fancy organizing a movie night? We have a short film and material for you to host a movie night. This December, we will rely on your fantastic fundraising to raise vital funds on behalf of Watoto. For more information, suggestions and ideas, email:


If you have a desire to serve with Baby Watoto in Uganda, there is an opportunity to volunteer in our 3 Baby Watoto facilities. We will be taking a team comprised of Canadians from July 13th - 27th 2015. You will also have a chance to visit the many Watoto projects on the ground which include Living Hope, Watoto farms and the Watoto Villages. The team volunteer activities will

include baby care from feeding to changing diapers and most importantly to love our precious babies. At the end of your time in Uganda, you will have an optional 3 day/2 night safari where you will truly experience The Pearl of Africa! For more information: Email visitafrica@watoto.ca or call our Visit Africa Coordinator at 1-250-920-8597



When Maria Roth decided

to partner with Watoto by

sponsoring 2 children, she

had no idea that one day she

This past quarter, a number of our Baby Watoto Suubi toddlers graduated into our villages. Many of these abandoned babies joined the Watoto family severely malnourished, premature, abused, and/or neglected. They are now cherished, active, creative toddlers filled with hope and joy. It is amazing to watch their transformation and we celebrate this exciting milestone in their lives.

SPECIAL MOVE For a number of years, we have been praying about and discussing the best long term plans for our children with significant special needs.

Over the past few months, we established a partnership with a new Christian organization, The Gem Foundation, in Kampala. They specifically care for children with significant special needs, into their adulthood.

We are excited by what this organization is doing and believe that this is the best option for

questions. She couldn’t afford to

lose another home.

Seven years later, he abandoned

her and she was left to look after

their two children on her own.

She managed to support herself

by helping her sister braid hair,

would see firsthand the impact

that her monthly support would

have. Maria, a supporter of

Watoto for 6 years and sponsor

of Sharon Nanyobi (18) and Frank

Ssekubulwa (16), was excited to

sign up as a sponsor with the

intention of making a positive

difference. As the years have gone

by Maria has built relationships

with both Sharon and Frank

through letter writing. After

6 years of sponsorship, Maria

decided to pursue the possibility

of meeting her sponsor children in

person in Uganda. With the help

of some of Watoto staff members,

she was able travel to Uganda and

have a life changing meeting with

Sharon and Frank, “I actually think

that God has something really

big planned as a result of our

meeting” Maria stated after her

return from Uganda.

”Sharon and Frank are both

wonderful examples of the

benefits of child sponsorship.

Sharon wants to be a doctor

and Frank wants to be an

engineer and both are lovely

young people”. After seeing

and experiencing the impact

that her monthly support has

had on her sponsor children,

Maria wholeheartedly spreads

word of the value of the Watoto

sponsorship program. We

encourage you to prayerfully

consider sponsoring a Watoto

child today. For $38 per month,

you can become a Watoto

sponsor and contribute to

rebuilding the continent of Africa.

Each sponsorship has the ability

to transform lives and change

a continent for Christ. For more

information, please contact our

Watoto Canada office by phone

(toll free) 1.888.9.WATOTO or

by email sponsorship@watoto.ca. If you are interested in joining

a sponsorship Visit Africa Team

that will travel to Uganda in 2015,

please contact our Visit Africa

coordinator at 250.920.8597 or

by email at visitafrica@watoto.ca.

Thank you to all of our past,

present and future Watoto

supporters, without your faithful

support we would not be able to

do what we do.

some of our children with special needs who have outgrown Baby Watoto. The first group of children were moved from Baby Watoto Kampala to The Gem Foundation in August. We believe that this is a great opportunity for our children and are excited to continue to watch them grow and develop.

Partner with us by sponsoring Baby Watoto at www.watoto.com/sponsorship today.

but work was irregular and she

never had enough. She worried

when a child showed any sign of

sickness because she couldn’t buy

medicine. She knew that soon her

eldest would be old enough to

start school, but she wouldn’t be

able to afford it.

Juliet heard of Living Hope

from other women in the

community. “I knew that if I was

given the chance, I could also

become an empowered woman,”

she said.

Last month Juliet and five other

women were called to be trained

in tailoring at our workshop in

Kampala. In just three weeks,

she went from learning to run

the machine and making basic

stitches, to learning how to

make a dress. “I hope to be

a tailor and to grow so that I

don’t need to depend on my

family,” she said.

Empower other women

like Juliet by partnering with

us. Email us at livinghope@watoto.com.

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Curled ribbons and shiny bows on top

of wrapped packages are what millions of

children will wake up to see at Christmas.

The anticipation of what’s waiting to be

unwrapped can be seen in the smiles on the

faces of every child. Giving a financial donation

to the gift fund or donating a gift allows you

to be a part of putting that same excitement

on thousands of faces in our Watoto villages.

Call (toll free) 1.888.9.WATOTO to make your

tax-deductible gift or you can mail your

donation to Watoto P.O. Box 98 Victoria, BC V8W 2M1 and simply write Gift Fund in the


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